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Myosin from rabbit stomach was highly purified by ammonium sulfate fractionation in the presence of ATP and MgCl2, ultracentrifugation and Sepharose 4B chromatography. The myosin composed of one heavy and two light chains as determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis. The molecular weights of the light chains were the same as those of gizzard myosin, about 20,000 and 17,000, respectively. The pH-activity curve and the KCl concentration dependency of Ca-ATPase of the stomach myosin were similar to those of other smooth muscle myosins. The stomach myosin was more resistant to pepsin digestion than skeletal myosin. Other proteolytic enzymes, trypsin, chymotrypsin, papain, and nagarse, digested the myosin in the same way as skeletal myosin.  相似文献   

Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase (D-fructose-1,6-bisphosphate D-glyceraldehyde-3-phyosphate-lyase, EC was isolated from buffalo muscle by fractionation with ammonium sulphate and subsequent purification by phosphocellulose column chromatography using a linear salt gradient. As judged by gel filtration and electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gel, the enzyme was homogeneous with respect to size and charge. The molecular weight and Stokes radius of the enzyme were determined from its elution profile on a calibrated Sephadex column and the respective values were 162000 and 4.55 nm. The diffusion coefficient and frictional ratio were computed to be 4.8-10(7) cm2-s-1 and 1.27, respectively. The molecular weight of the polypeptide chain as measured by aodium dodecyl sulphate polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis was 40750. This taken together with the native molecular weight suggested a four-subunit model for the protein. The N- AND C-terminal residues of polypeptide chains were identified to be proline and tyrosine, respectively. At pH 8.0 the Michaelis-Menten constant and maximum attainable velocity were found to be 8.1 muM and 27 muM Fru-1,6-P2 split/min per mg, respectively. The buffalo muscle aldolase was found to be similar to rabbit muscle aldolase in physico-chemical properties. However, the two enzymes differ significantly in pH optimum; the p optima of the buffalo and rabbit enzymes were determined under identical conditions to be 8.0 and 8.6, respectively.  相似文献   

Gels have been prepared from aqueous solutions of anthracyclines by addition of salts. The gels are thixotropic and thermally reversible. They are stable for several months in the refrigerator and for long times even at room temperature. The gel-solution transition (melting) temperature depends on the concentration of the anthracycline and on the concentration and nature of the added salt. The melting has been followed by 1H-NMR. Only weak intermolecular interactions (stacking and hydrogen bonds) originate the drug network, within which the solvent is entrapped. 1H-NMR and polarimetric data suggest a stacked helical arrangement of the anthracycline molecules. The gelation process is cooperative.  相似文献   

Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase was purified from rabbit skeletal muscle by a method involving DEAE-Sephacel chromatography, affinity chromatography on organomercurial–Sepharose and gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 and Sephadex G-150. The SDS (sodium dodecyl sulphate)/polyacrylamide-gel-electrophoresis data show that the purified enzyme contains only one polypeptide chain of mol.wt. 73000. The purification procedure used allowed us to eliminate a contaminant containing two components of mol.wt. about 30000 each. Whole casein or α1-casein were hydrolysed with a maximum rate at 30°C, pH7.5, and with 5mm-CaCl2, but myofibrils were found to be a very susceptible substrate for this proteinase. This activity is associated with the destruction of the Z-discs, which is caused by the solubilization of the Z-line proteins. The activity of the proteinase in vitro is not limited to the removal of Z-line. SDS/polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis on larger plates showed the ability of the proteinase to degrade myofibrils more extensively than previously supposed. This proteolysis resulted in the production of a 30000-dalton component as well as in various other higher- and lower-molecular-weight peptide fragments. Troponin T, troponin I, α-tropomyosin, some high-molecular-weight proteins (M protein, heavy chain of myosin) and three unidentified proteins are degraded. Thus the number of proteinase-sensitive regions in the myofibrils is greater than as previously reported by Dayton, Goll, Zeece, Robson & Reville [(1976) Biochemistry 15, 2150–2158]. The Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase is not a chymotrypsin- or trypsin-like enzyme, but it reacted with all the classic thiol-proteinase inhibitors for cathepsin B, papain, bromelain and ficin. Thus the proteinase was proved to have an essential thiol group. Antipain and leupeptin are also inhibitors of the Ca2+-activated neutral proteinase.  相似文献   

Small high density lipoproteins (SHDL) contribute to the protection from atherosclerosis, but detailed information about their properties is not available yet. We isolated four of the smallest HDL subclasses that contain apoA-I alone, the small lipoprotein A-I (SLpAI), by their separation on gradient polyacrylamide gel followed by electroelution. Their physico-chemical properties were calculated from their displacement in non-denaturing gradient polyacrylamide gel under the effect of electrical potential. The properties are: Stokes' radii 2.96-3.56 nm; molecular masses 42-70 kDa; net negative charge 7.2-13.5; surface charge densities 3139-4069 -esu.cm(-2); surface potentials 10.6-15.7 -mV; coefficients of friction 5.74-6.90 x 10(-8) g.s(-1); and diffusion coefficients 5.76-6.94 7times; 10(-7) cm(2).s(-1). We found that these particles were of low stability as they underwent molecular transformation into larger particles on storage. The estimated dimensions of these particles do not support ellipsoidal shape, therefore, the most probable shape is spherical; consequently, their hydrated characteristics were estimated. We conclude that these particles have high values of negative surface charge and diffusion coefficients, and are of low stability. Their small Stokes' radii were similar to each other and they are spherical and highly hydrated.  相似文献   

A new and simple method for the preparation of L-canaline for use in biological studies is described. This material, an analogue of ornithine, was prepared by enzymatic hydrolysis of L-canavanine followed by fractionation under physiological conditions by gel filtration on Sephadex G10. The behaviour in thin-layer chromatography of the separated material is identical with that of canaline prepared by two different routes of organic synthesis. Further physico-chemical characterisation gave data compatible with the molecular structure proposed for canaline (2-amino-4-aminoxybutyric acid). Addition of L-canaline results in a change in the absorption spectrum of pyridoxal phosphate, maximum effect being observed in the presence of equimolar amounts. Under these conditions, a single addition product is detected in thin-layer chromatography. Each of the canaline preparations tested is identical in this respect. The biological significance of this reaction is discussed.  相似文献   

Crystal structures of (Z)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine, 3',5'-di-O-acetyl-(E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine and 3',5'-di-O-p-chlorobenzoyl-5-(2-dibromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine are compared with each other and with that of the most potent antiviral agent (E)-5-(2-bromovinyl)-2'-deoxyuridine (E-BVDU) reported earlier. A comparison of the conformation of 3',5'-di-O-acetyl-pyrimidine nucleoside structures in which intermolecular hydrogen bond network formation is minimized, with those of their parent compounds has shown that the greatest change in rotation about the glycosyl bond and in the sugar ring pucker is exhibited by E-BVDU. Upon acylation this molecule changes from C2'-endo/C3'-exo conformation to C3'-endo/C4'-exo conformation. The relevance of these structures upon the biological activity of the nucleosides and in particular to their ability to be a substrate for thymidine kinase is discussed.  相似文献   

The rabbit complement components C3, Factor B, and Factor H were isolated and characterized and were compared to the corresponding proteins of human serum. Chromatographic behavior, chemical properties, and functional interactions show great similarities between the components in both species. By SDS polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the m.w. were estimated to be 195,000 for C3, 86,000 for Factor B, and 155,000 for Factor H. The amino acid compositions of the rabbit proteins resembled those of the human analog. The total carbohydrate content of rabbit C3 and Factor H was approximately one-half that of the human proteins. In addition, a qualitative difference in the carbohydrate moieties of the C3 proteins was observed. The serum concentration of the rabbit proteins was markedly lower than that of the human proteins. The rabbit C3b,Bb enzyme resembled the human analog with respect to half-life, control by Factor H, and stabilization by nickel ions.  相似文献   

The dissolved humic substances of seven Venezuelan blackwater rivers, belonging to different tropical biogeographical regions, were analyzed. Fractionation using Sephadex gel together with an analysis of their fluorescence, absorbance and infrared spectral properties, showed differences between their humic substances. These differences were related to their biological sources and humification environment. Statistical analysis of the properties of these humic substances allowed us to separate the rivers into three groups. These groups were directly related to the geological features and vegetation of the terrestrial ecosystems into which they drain:
  1. The Autana, Atabapo, Chola, Negro which belong to the Amazon basin on the Guayana Shield, each with typical blackwater riverine forest.
  2. The Caroni, belonging to the Orinoco basin on the Guayana Shield and with tropical humid forest and rainforest.
  3. The Morichal Largo which draines the Mesa Formation from the eastern Llanos and has gallery forest of Mauritia flexuosa.

alpha-Actinin purified from chicken gizzard smooth muscle was characterized in comparison with alpha-actinins from chicken striated muscles, or fast-skeletal muscle, slow-skeletal muscle, and cardiac muscle. The gizzard alpha-actinin molecule consisted of two apparently identical subunits with a molecular weight of 100,000 on SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, as do striated-muscle alpha-actinins. Its isoelectric points in the presence of urea were similar to the striated-muscle counterparts. Despite these similarities, distinctive amino acid sequences between smooth-muscle alpha-actinin and striated-muscle alpha-actinins were revealed by peptide mapping using limited proteolysis in SDS. Gizzard alpha-actinin was immunologically distinguished from striated-muscle alpha-actinins. Gizzard alpha-actinin formed bundles of gizzard F-actin as well as of skeletal-muscle F-actin, but could not form any cross-bridges between adjacent actin filaments under conditions where skeletal-muscle alpha-actinin could. Temperature-dependent competition between gizzard alpha-actinin and tropomyosin on binding to gizzard thin filaments was demonstrated by electron microscopic observations. Gizzard alpha-actinin promoted Mg2+-ATPase activity of reconstituted skeletal actomyosin, gizzard acto-skeletal myosin, and gizzard actomyosin. This promoting effect was depressed by the addition of gizzard tropomyosin. These findings imply that, despite structural differences between gizzard and striated-muscle alpha-actinin molecules, they function similarly in vitro, and that gizzard alpha-actinin can interact not only with smooth-muscle actin (gamma- and beta-actin) but also with skeletal-muscle actin (alpha-actin).  相似文献   

J P Sine  B Colas 《Biochimie》1987,69(1):75-80
A soluble form of acetylcholinesterase was shown to be present in rabbit enterocytes. The enzyme was obtained from a high-speed supernatant (105,000 X g centrifugation) after homogenization of intestinal mucosa without detergent. It was shown to possess no obvious hydrophobic character and could be classified as a low-salt-soluble (LSS) acetylcholinesterase. Sucrose gradient centrifugation revealed a single enzyme species with a sedimentation coefficient of 3.9 +/- 0.2S. By gel filtration performed in HPLC the enzyme was eluted as a protein corresponding to an Mr of 72,000 +/- 3,000. It could be precipitated with concanavalin A by affinoelectrophoresis, but the catalytic activity was not affected by the lectin. Our results are consistent with a G1 globular form for this soluble acetylcholinesterase which differs very clearly from detergent-soluble forms also found recently in the plasma membranes of rabbit enterocytes.  相似文献   

A series of alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chlorides have been synthesized with n-alkyl chain lengths of C1 leads to C18. Octanol/water partition coefficients were determined and the antimicrobial activity assessed as the minimum growth inhibitory concentrations towards twelve strains of micro-organisms, representative of Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, yeasts and fungi. The data were subjected to a numerical analysis. Antimicrobial activity of the compounds was found to be a parabolic function of their lipophilicity and maximized with n-alkyl chain lengths of between C12 and C16. The data fit to quadratic functions estimated for low (C1-C7) and high (C8-C16) alkyl chain length compounds was better than for a single quadratic describing the activity of the complete series (C1-C18). These maximized at log P values corresponding to alkyl-chain lengths of approximately C7 and C14 respectively, and were suggestive of low and high affinity binding sites upon the cell surface. The data analysis allowed the chain lengths of compounds with optimal activity towards the various groups of organisms to be determined. Generally yeasts and fungi were most sensitive towards C12, Gram-positive bacteria towards C14, and the Gram-negative bacteria towards C16. Gram-negative cells were the most resistant towards all the compounds and Gram-positive cells the least.  相似文献   

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