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Transport of the viral genome into the nucleus required phosphorylation of components in the preintegration complex by virion-associated host cellular kinases. In this study, we showed that ERK-2/MAPK is associated with simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) virions and regulated the nuclear transport of Vpx and virus replication in non-proliferating target cells by phosphorylating Vpx. Suppression of the virion-associated ERK-2 activity by MAPK pathway inhibitors impaired both Vpx nuclear import and viral infectivity without affecting virus particle maturation and release. In addition, mutation analysis indicated that the inactivation of Vpx phosphorylation precluded nuclear import and reduced virus replication in macrophage cultures, even when functional integrase and Gag matrix proteins implicated in viral preintegration complex nuclear import are present. In this study, we also showed that co-localization of Vpx with Gag precursor in the cytoplasm is a prerequisite for Vpx incorporation into virus particles. Substitution of hydrophobic Leu-74 and Ile-75 with serines in the helical domain abrogated Vpx nuclear import, and its incorporation into virus particles, despite its localization in the cytoplasm, suggested that the structural integrity of helical domains is critical for Vpx functions. Taken together, these studies demonstrated that the host cell MAPK signal transduction pathway regulated an early step in SIV infection.  相似文献   

Lentiviruses, human immunodeficiency viruses (HIVs), and simian immunodeficiency viruses (SIVs) are distinguished from oncoretroviruses by their ability to infect nondividing cells such as macrophages. Retroviruses must gain access to the host cell nucleus for replication and propagation. HIV and SIV preintegration complexes (PIC) enter nuclei after traversing the central aqueous channel of the limiting nuclear pore complex without membrane breakdown. Among the nucleophilic proteins, namely, matrix, integrase, Vpx, and Vpr, present in HIV type 2/SIV PIC, Vpx is implicated in nuclear targeting and is also available for incorporation into budding virions at the plasma membrane. The mechanisms of these two opposite functions are not known. We demonstrate that Vpx is a nucleocytoplasmic shuttling protein and contains two novel noncanonical nuclear import signals and a leptomycin B-sensitive nuclear export signal. In addition, Vpx interacts with the cellular tyrosine kinase Fyn through its C-terminal proline-rich motif. Furthermore, our data indicate that Fyn kinase phosphorylates Vpx and regulates its export from nucleus. Replacement of conserved tryptophan residues within domain 41 to 63 and tyrosine residues at positions 66, 69, and 71 in Vpx impairs its nuclear export, virion incorporation, and SIV replication in macrophages. Nuclear export is essential to ensure the availability of Vpx in the cytoplasm for incorporation into virions, leading to efficient viral replication within nondividing cells.  相似文献   

Replication of the RNAs of influenza virus occurs in the nucleus of infected cells. The nucleoprotein (NP) has been shown to be important for the import of the viral RNA into the nucleus and has been proposed to contain at least three different nuclear localization signals (NLSs). Here, an import assay in digitonin-permeabilized cells was used to further define the contribution of these NLSs. Mutation of the unconventional NLS impaired the nuclear import of the NP. A peptide bearing the unconventional NLS could inhibit the nuclear import of the NP in this import assay and prevent the NP-karyopherin alpha interaction in a binding assay confirming the crucial role of this signal. Interestingly, a peptide containing the SV40 T antigen NLS was unable to inhibit the nuclear import of NP or the NP-karyopherin alpha interaction, suggesting that the NP and the SV40 T antigen do not share a common binding site on karyopherin alpha. We also investigated the question of which NLS(s) is/are necessary for the viral ribonucleoprotein complex to enter the nucleus. We found that the peptide containing the unconventional NLS efficiently inhibited the nuclear import of the ribonucleoprotein complexes. This finding suggests that the unconventional NLS is the major signal necessary not only for the nuclear transport of free NP but also for the import of the ribonucleoprotein complexes. Finally, viral replication could be specifically inhibited by a membrane-permeable peptide containing the unconventional NLS, confirming the crucial role of this signal during the replicative cycle of the virus.  相似文献   

Herein, we employed a combined approach of molecular modeling and site-directed mutagenesis to address the role of tyrosine phosphorylation in transport of atypical protein kinase C (aPKC) into the nucleus. Computer modeling of the three-dimensional structure of the aPKC catalytic core, reveals that tyrosine 256 (Tyr256) is located at the lip of the activation loop and is conserved among members of the aPKC family, iota/lambda and zeta. Based on these findings, we examined whether tyrosine phosphorylation of aPKC on the activation lip may facilitate nuclear import. An antiserum was generated that selectively recognizes the phosphorylated Tyr256 residue in aPKC. By isolating nuclei of PC12 cells and immunoprecipitating aPKC with Ab-PY256, we observed that Tyr256 is rapidly phosphorylated upon NGF treatment prior to entry of aPKC into the nucleus. aPKC was observed to exclusively bind to importin-beta. The interaction between importin-beta and aPKC was enhanced upon tyrosine phosphorylation of aPKC and binding was abrogated when Tyr256 was mutated to phenylalanine. We propose that phosphorylation of aPKC at Tyr256 induces a conformation, whereby, the arginine-rich NLS is exposed, which then binds importin-beta leading to import of aPKC into the nucleus. Altogether, these findings document a novel role for the tyrosine phosphorylation in regulating import of atypical PKC into the nucleus.  相似文献   

Ribosomal protein L5 is a shuttling protein that, in Xenopus oocytes, is involved in the nucleocytoplasmic transport of 5S rRNA. As demonstrated earlier, L5 contains three independent nuclear import signals (NLSs), which function in oocytes as well as in somatic cells. Upon physical separation, these NLSs differ in respect to their capacity to bind to nuclear import factors in vitro and to mediate the nuclear import of a heterologous RNP in vivo. As reported in this communication, analysis of the in vitro nuclear import activity of these three NLSs reveals that they also differ in respect to their requirements for cytosolic import factors and Ran. Nuclear import mediated by the N-terminal and the central NLS depends on cytosolic import factor(s) and Ran, whereas import via the C-terminal NLS occurs independently from these factors. Thus, the presence of multiple NLSs in ribosomal protein L5 appears to allow for efficient nuclear transport via utilisation of multiple, mechanistically different import pathways.  相似文献   

In spite of recent efforts to elucidate the nuclear import pathway of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) integrase protein (IN), its exact route as well as the domains that mediate its import are still unknown. Here, we show that a synthetic peptide bearing the amino acid residues 161-173 of the HIV-1 IN is able to mediate active import of covalently attached bovine serum albumin molecules into nuclei of permeabilized cells and therefore was designated as nuclear localization signal-IN (NLS(IN)). A peptide bearing residues 161-173 in the reversed order showed low karyophilic properties. Active nuclear import was demonstrated by using fluorescence microscopy and a quantitative ELISA-based assay system. Nuclear import was blocked by addition of the NLS(IN) peptide, as well as by a peptide bearing the NLS of the simian virus 40 T-antigen (NLS-SV40). The NLS(IN) peptide partially inhibited nuclear import mediated by the full-length recombinant HIV-1 IN protein, indicating that the sequence of the NLS(IN) is involved in mediating nuclear import of the IN protein. The NLS(IN) as well as the full-length IN protein interacted specifically with importin alpha, binding of which was blocked by the NLS(IN) peptide itself as well as by the NLS-SV40.  相似文献   

Identifying the cells that can be infected with HIV in vivo and thus potentially persist as latent reservoirs is of high priority. Here, we report the major infected cells in a chronically simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV)‐infected macaque that developed AIDS and encephalitis. A majority of the infected cells were detected as non‐proliferating resting cells. SIV‐infected non‐proliferating resting cells were found to be playing an important role in viral pathogenesis, persistence, or reservoir formation.  相似文献   

The vpx gene products of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and of the closely related simian immunodeficiency viruses from sooty mangabeys (SIVsm) and macaques (SIVmac) comprise a 112-amino-acid virion-associated protein that is critical for efficient virus replication in nondividing cells such as macrophages. When expressed in the absence of other viral proteins, Vpx localizes to the nuclear membrane as well as to the nucleus; however, in the context of virus replication Vpx is packaged into virions via interaction with the p6 domain of the Gag precursor polyprotein (p55(gag)). To identify the domains essential for virion incorporation and nuclear localization, site-directed mutations were introduced into the vpx gene of SIVsmPBj1.9 and functionally analyzed. Our results show that (i) mutation of two highly conserved L74 and I75 residues impaired both virion incorporation and nuclear localization of Vpx; (ii) substitution of conserved H82, G86, C87, P103, and P106 residues impaired Vpx nuclear localization but not virion incorporation; (iii) mutations of conserved Y66, Y69, and Y71 residues impaired virion incorporation but not the translocation of Vpx to the nucleus; and (iv) a mutation at E30 (predicted to disrupt an N-terminal alpha-helix) had no effect on either virion incorporation or nuclear localization of Vpx. Importantly, mutations in Vpx which impaired nuclear localization also reduced virus replication in macaque macrophages, suggesting an important role of the carboxyl terminus of Vpx in nuclear translocation of the viral preintegration complex. Analyzing this domain in greater detail, we identified a 26-amino-acid (aa 60 to 85) fragment that was sufficient to mediate the transport of a heterologous protein (green fluorescent protein [GFP]) to the nucleus. Taken together, these results indicate that virion incorporation and nuclear localization are encoded by two partially overlapping domains in the C-terminus of Vpx (aa 60 to 112). The identification of a novel 26-amino-acid nuclear targeting domain provides a new tool to investigate the nuclear import of the HIV-2/SIV preintegration complex.  相似文献   

Adenoviruses target their double-stranded DNA genome and its associated core proteins to the interphase nucleus; this core structure then enters through the nuclear pore complex. We have used digitonin permeabilized cell import assays to study the cellular import factors involved in nuclear entry of virus DNA and the core proteins, protein V and protein VII. We show that inhibition of transportin results in aberrant localization of protein V and that transportin is necessary for protein V to accumulate in the nucleolus. Furthermore, inhibition of transportin results in inhibition of protein VII and DNA import, whereas disruption of the classical importin alpha-importin beta import pathway has little effect. We show that mature protein VII has different import preferences from the precursor protein, preVII from which it is derived by proteolytic processing. While bacterially expressed glutathione S-transferase (GST)-preVII primarily utilizes the pathway mediated by importin alpha-importin beta, bacterially expressed GST-VII favours the transportin pathway. This is significant because while preVII is important during viral replication and assembly only mature VII is available during viral DNA import to a newly infected cell. Our results implicate transportin as a key import receptor for the nuclear localization of adenovirus core.  相似文献   

KPNB1和Ran蛋白共同介导新城疫病毒基质蛋白的入核转运   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
【目的】鉴定与新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus,NDV)基质蛋白(matrix protein,M)入核相关的细胞蛋白,以阐明NDV M蛋白细胞核定位的分子机制。【方法】从鸡胚成纤维细胞中分别克隆核转运受体蛋白KPNA1–KPNA6和KPNB1基因,将其构建到真核表达载体,并与表达NDV M蛋白的重组真核表达载体分别共转染HEK-293T细胞,通过免疫共沉淀方法鉴定与NDV M蛋白相互作用的核转运受体蛋白。另外,将M蛋白与Ran蛋白突变体或与M蛋白互作的核转运受体蛋白缺失体分别共表达,通过荧光共定位确定M蛋白入核转运相关的细胞蛋白。【结果】构建的重组真核表达载体在HEK-293T细胞中能够正确表达;通过间接免疫荧光观察发现,重组蛋白中除Myc-KPNA2蛋白定位在细胞质外,其它核转运受体蛋白均与M蛋白表现出相同的细胞核定位。免疫共沉淀试验结果表明,M蛋白与KPNA1蛋白和KPNB1蛋白均存在相互作用。进一步通过荧光共定位观察发现,M蛋白与KPNA1蛋白缺失体(DN-KPNA1)共表达不改变M蛋白的细胞核定位,而与KPNB1蛋白缺失体(DN-KPNB1)共表达后导致M蛋白变为细胞质定位,说明M蛋白入核转运需要KPNB1蛋白的参与。另外,将M蛋白与Ran蛋白突变体Ran-Q69L共表达,荧光观察发现M蛋白同样由细胞核定位变为细胞质定位,说明M蛋白入核转运还需要Ran蛋白的辅助。【结论】KPNB1和Ran蛋白共同介导NDV M蛋白的入核转运,其过程是KPNB1蛋白首先和M蛋白发生相互作用并形成复合物,然后通过Ran蛋白的辅助作用完成入核转运。  相似文献   

NUAK1 is a serine/threonine kinase member of the AMPK-α family. NUAK1 regulates several processes in tumorigenesis; however, its regulation and molecular targets are still poorly understood. Bioinformatics analysis predicted that the majority of NUAK1 localizes in the nucleus. However, there are no studies about the regulation of NUAK1 subcellular distribution. Here, we analyzed NUAK1 localization in several human cell lines, mouse embryo fibroblasts, and normal mouse tissues. We found that NUAK1 is located in the nucleus and also in the cytoplasm. Through bioinformatics analysis and studies comparing subcellular localization of wild type and NUAK1 mutants, we identified a conserved bipartite nuclear localization signal at the N-terminal domain of NUAK1. Based on mass spectrometry analysis, we found that NUAK1 interacts with importin-β members including importin-β1 (KPNB1), importin-7 (IPO7), and importin-9 (IPO9). We confirmed that importin-β members are responsible for NUAK1 nuclear import through the inhibition of importin-β by Importazole and the knockdown of either IPO7 or IPO9. In addition, we found that oxidative stress induces NUAK1 cytoplasmic accumulation, indicating that oxidative stress affects NUAK1 nuclear transport. Thus, our study is the first evidence of an active nuclear transport mechanism regulating NUAK1 subcellular localization. These data will lead to investigations of the molecular targets of NUAK1 according to its subcellular distribution, which could be new biomarkers or targets for cancer therapies.  相似文献   

核定位信号介导的蛋白入核是细胞内信号传递网络中核内外物质信息交流的重要一环,绝大多数病毒蛋白进入细胞核均需要核质转运受体识别和结合入核蛋白携带的核定位信号序列.病毒蛋白的入核转运机制在病毒感染过程中起着至关重要的作用,对于病毒的复制、毒力具有重要意义,针对该机制的研究有利于新的抗病毒靶点的发现.本文对核定位信号的分类信...  相似文献   

Nuclear protein import is dependent on specific targeting signals within cargo proteins recognized by importins (IMPs) that mediate translocation through the nuclear pore. Recent evidence, however, implicates a role for the microtubule (MT) network in facilitating nuclear import of the cancer regulatory proteins parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and p53 tumor suppressor. Here we assess the extent to which MT and actin integrity may be generally required for nuclear protein import for the first time. We examine 10 nuclear-localizing proteins with diverse IMP-dependent nuclear import pathways, our results indicating that the cytoskeleton does not have a general mechanistic role in nuclear localization sequence-dependent nuclear protein import. Of the proteins examined, only the p110(Rb) tumor suppressor protein Rb, together with p53 and PTHrP, was found to require MT integrity for optimal nuclear import. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments indicated that the MT-dependent nuclear transport pathway increases both the rate and extent of Rb nuclear import but does not affect Rb nuclear export. Dynamitin overexpression experiments implicate the MT motor dynein in the import process. The results indicate that, additional to IMP/diffusion-dependent processes, certain cancer regulatory proteins utilize an MT-enhanced pathway for accelerated nuclear import that is presumably required for their nuclear functions.  相似文献   

A new role for nuclear transport factor 2 and Ran: nuclear import of CapG   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The small GTPase Ran plays a central role in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Nuclear transport of Ran itself depends on nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2). Here, we report that NTF2 and Ran control nuclear import of the filamentous actin capping protein CapG. In digitonin-permeabilized cells, neither GTPγS nor the GTP hydrolysis-deficient Ran mutant RanQ69L affect transit of CapG to the nucleus in the presence of cytosol. Obstruction of nucleoporins prevents nuclear transport of CapG, and we show that CapG binds to nucleoporin62. In addition, CapG interacts with NTF2, associates with Ran and is furthermore able to bind the NTF2–Ran complex. NTF2–Ran interaction is required for CapG nuclear import. This is corroborated by a NTF2 mutant with reduced affinity for Ran and a Ran mutant that does not bind NTF2, both of which prevent CapG import. Thus, a ubiquitously expressed protein shuttles to the nucleus through direct association with NTF2 and Ran. The role of NTF2 may therefore not be solely confined to sustaining the Ran gradient in cells.  相似文献   

The once accepted idea that LEF-1 transports beta-catenin into nuclei has recently been challenged by experiments using exogenous beta-catenin. Here, we investigated the effects of beta-catenin and LEF-1 on nuclear import of beta-catenin using different combinations of exogenous and endogenous molecules over longer lengths of time than previously studied. Nuclear beta-catenin is not detectable in corneal fibroblasts and epithelia or NIH 3T3 and MDCK cells. In LEF-1 transfections, we show that the B-box of LEF-1 is required to move cytoplasmic endogenous beta-catenin into the nuclei of such cells, proving that LEF-1 does transport endogenous beta-catenin into nuclei. Moreover, transfection of uveal melanoma cells with B-box deficient LEF-1 inhibits nuclear import of beta-catenin by endogenous LEF-1. However, the movement of overexpressed exogenous beta-catenin into nuclei is unaffected by the presence or absence of LEF-1 and forms abnormal nuclear aggregates that are a prelude to subsequent apoptosis. We conclude that nuclear transport of exogenous beta-catenin independently of LEF-1 has questionable physiological significance.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the transport of some small protein cargoes through the nuclear pore complex (NPC) can occur in vitro in the absence of nucleoside triphosphate hydrolysis. We now demonstrate that in the importin alpha/beta and transportin import pathways, efficient in vitro transport of large proteins, in contrast to smaller proteins, requires hydrolyzable GTP and the small GTPase Ran. Morphological and biochemical analysis indicates that the presence of Ran and GTP allows large cargo to efficiently cross central regions of the NPC. We further demonstrate that this function of RanGTP at least partly involves its direct binding to importin beta and transportin. We suggest that RanGTP functions in these pathways to promote the transport of large cargo by enhancing the ability of import complexes to traverse diffusionally restricted areas of the NPC.  相似文献   

The nuclear import of proteins typically requires the presence of a nuclear localization sequence (NLS). Some proteins have more than one NLS, but the significance of having multiple NLSs is unclear. The enzyme 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) has three NLSs that, unlike the tight cluster of basic residues of the classical SV40 large T antigen NLS, contain dispersed basic residues. When attached to green fluorescent protein (GFP), individual 5-LO NLSs caused quantitatively and statistically less import than the SV40 NLS. Combined 5-LO NLSs produced nuclear import that was comparable to that of the SV40 NLS. As expected, GFP/NLS proteins displayed relatively uniform import in all cells. However, a fusion protein of GFP plus the 5-LO protein, modified to contain only one functional NLS, produced some cells with import and some cells without import. A GFP/5-LO fusion protein containing two functional NLSs produced four identifiable levels of nuclear import. Quantitative and visual analysis of a population of cells expressing the intact GFP/5-LO protein, with three intact NLSs, indicated five levels of nuclear import. This suggested that the subcellular distribution of 5-LO may vary widely in normal cells of the body. Consistent with this, immunohistochemical staining of lung sections found that individual macrophages, in situ, displayed cell-specific levels of import of 5-LO. Since nuclear accumulation is known to affect 5-LO activity, multiple NLSs may allow graded regulation of activity via controlled import. Multiple NLSs on other proteins may likewise allow fine control of protein action through modulation of the level of import.  相似文献   

Localization of virion-associated protein x (Vpx) of SIVmac251 was studied in lymph nodes and liver of six SIVmac-infected monkeys. Vpx was found associated with the network of follicular dendritic cells and macrophages in lymph nodes and/or livers from five out of six animals by immunohistochemistry. Although the humoral response to Vpx occurs in only 50% of the animals, the presence of Vpx in target cell or antibodies to Vpx in all the monkeys studied, suggests that Vpx may be necessary for viral replication in vivo.  相似文献   

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