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Lipid chemotaxis and signal transduction in Myxococcus xanthus   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The lipid phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) is the first chemoattractant to be described for a surface-motile bacterium. In Myxococcus xanthus, the specific activity of PE is determined by its fatty acid components. Two active species have been identified: dilauroyl PE and dioleoyl PE. Excitation to dilauroyl PE requires fibril appendages and the presence of two cytoplasmic chemotaxis systems, of which one (Dif) appears to mediate excitation and the other (Frz) appears to mediate adaptation. A possible mechanism for fibril-mediated signal transduction is discussed, along with the potential roles for PE chemotaxis in the context of the M. xanthus life cycle.  相似文献   

L Plamann  Y Li  B Cantwell    J Mayor 《Journal of bacteriology》1995,177(8):2014-2020
The Myxococcus xanthus asgA gene is one of three known genes necessary for the production of extracellular A-signal, a cell density signal required early in fruiting body development. We determined the DNA sequence of asgA. The deduced 385-amino-acid sequence of AsgA was found to contain two domains: one homologous to the receiver domain of response regulators and the other homologous to the transmitter domain of histidine protein kinases. A kanamycin resistance (Kmr) gene was inserted at various positions within or near the asgA gene to determine the null phenotype. Those strains with the Kmr gene inserted upstream or downstream of asgA are able to form fruiting bodies, while strains containing the Kmr gene inserted within asgA fail to develop. The nature and location of the asgA476 mutation were determined. This mutation causes a leucine-to-proline substitution within a conserved stretch of hydrophobic residues in the N-terminal receiver domain. Cells containing the insertion within asgA and cells containing the asgA476 substitution have similar phenotypes with respect to development, colony color, and expression of an asg-dependent gene. An analysis of expression of a translational asgA-lacZ fusion confirms that asgA is expressed during growth and early development. Finally, we propose that AsgA functions within a signal transduction pathway that is required to sense starvation and to respond with the production of extracellular A-signal.  相似文献   

We have cloned a two-component regulatory system (phoR2-phoP2) of Myxococcus xanthus while searching for genes that encode proteins with phosphatase activity, where phoR2 encodes the histidine kinase and phoP2 encodes the response regulator. A second system, phoR3-phoP3, was identified and isolated by using phoP2 as a probe. These two systems are quite similar, sharing identities along the full-length proteins of 52% on the histidine kinases and 64% on the response regulators. The predicted structures of both kinases suggest that they are anchored to the membrane, with the sensor domains being located in the periplasmic space and the kinase domains in the cytoplasm. The response regulators (PhoP2 and PhoP3) exhibit a helix-loop-helix motif typical of DNA-binding proteins in the effector domains located in the C-terminal region. Studies on two single-deletion mutants and one double-deletion mutant have revealed that these systems are involved in development. Mutant fruiting bodies are not well packed, originating loose and flat aggregates where some myxospores do not reshape properly, and they remain as elongated cells. These systems are also involved in the expression of Mg-independent acid and neutral phosphatases, which are expressed during development. The neutral phosphatase gene is especially dependent on PhoP3. Neither PhoP2 nor PhoP3 regulates the expression of alkaline phosphatases and the pph1 gene.  相似文献   

Myxococcus xanthus has a complex life cycle that includes fruiting body formation. One of the first stages in development has been called A-signalling. The asg (A-signalling) mutants have been proposed to be deficient in producing A-signal, resulting in development arresting at an early stage. In this paper, we report the identification of a new asg locus asgD. This locus appears to be involved in both environmental sensing and intercellular signalling. Expression of asgD was undetected during vegetative growth, but increased dramatically within 1 h of starvation. The AsgD protein is predicted to contain 773 amino acids and to be part of a two-component regulatory system because it has a receiver domain located at the N-terminus and a histidine protein kinase at the C-terminus. An asgD null mutant was defective in fruiting body formation and sporulation on CF medium. However, the defects of the mutant were complemented extracellularly when cells were mixed with wild-type strains or with bsgA, csgA, dsgA or esgA mutants, but were not complemented extracellularly by asgA, asgB or asgC mutants. In addition, the mutant was rescued by a subset of A-factor amino acids. Surprisingly, when the mutant was plated on stringent starvation medium rather than CF, cells were able to form fruiting bodies. Thus, it appears that AsgD is directly or indirectly involved in sensing nutritionally limiting conditions. The discovery of the asgD locus provides an important sensory transduction component of early development in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

The complex life cycle of Myxococcus xanthus includes predation, swarming, fruiting-body formation and sporulation. The genome of M. xanthus is large and comprises an estimated 7,400 open reading frames, of which approximately 605 code for regulatory genes. These include eight clusters of chemotaxis-like genes that define eight chemosensory pathways, most of which have dedicated functions. Although many of these chemosensory pathways have a role in controlling motility, at least two of these pathways control gene expression during development.  相似文献   

One of the signals that has been reported to be important in stimulating fruiting body formation of Myxococcus xanthus is starvation for phosphate. We therefore chose to study phosphatase activity during M. xanthus development. Many phosphatases can cleave the substrate p-nitrophenol phosphate. Using this substrate in buffers at various pHs, we obtained a profile of phosphatase activities during development and germination of M. xanthus. These experiments indicated that there are five patterns of phosphatase activity in M. xanthus: two vegetative and three developmental. The two uniquely vegetative activities have pH optima at 7.2 and 8.5. Both require magnesium and both are inhibited by the reducing agent dithiothreitol. The developmental (spores) patterns of activity have pH optima of 5.2, 7.2, and 8.5. All three activities are Mg independent. Only the alkaline phosphatase activity is inhibited by dithiothreitol. The acid phosphatase activity is induced very early in development, within the first 2 to 4 h. Both the neutral and alkaline phosphatase Mg-independent activities are induced much later, about the time that myxospores become evident (24 to 30 h). The three activities are greatly diminished upon germination; however, the kinetics of loss differ for all three. The acid phosphatase activity declines very rapidly, the neutral activity begins to decline only after spores begin to convert to rods, and the alkaline phosphatase activity remains high until the time the cells begin to divide. All three developmental activities were measured in the developmental signalling mutants carrying asg, csg, and dsg. The pattern of expression obtained in the mutants was consistent with that of other developmentally regulated genes which exhibit similar patterns of expression during development. The ease with which phosphatases can be assayed should make the activities described in this report useful biochemical markers of stages of both fruiting body formation and germination.  相似文献   

In prokaryotes, the principal signal transduction systems operating at the level of protein phosphorylation are the two-component systems. A number of hybrid histidine protein kinases in these systems contain several receiver domains, however, the function of these receiver domains is unknown. The RodK kinase in Myxococcus xanthus has an unconventional domain composition with a putative N-terminal sensor domain followed by a histidine kinase domain and three receiver domains. RodK is essential for the spatial coupling of the two morphogenetic events underlying fruiting body formation in M. xanthus, aggregation of cells into nascent fruiting bodies and the subsequent sporulation of these cells. RodK kinase activity is indispensable for RodK activity. By systematically substituting the conserved, phosphorylatable aspartate residues in the three receiver domains, genetic evidence is provided that each receiver domain is important for RodK function and that each receiver domain has a distinct function, which depends on phosphorylation. Biochemical analyses provided indirect evidence for phosphotransfer from the RodK kinase domain to the third receiver domain. This is the first example of a hybrid histidine protein kinase in which four signalling domains have been shown to be required for full activity.  相似文献   

CsgA mutants of Myxococcus xanthus appear to be defective in producing an extracellular molecule essential for the developmental behaviors of this bacterium. The csgA gene encodes a 17.7-kilodalton polypeptide whose function and cellular location were investigated with immunological probes. Large quantities of the CsgA gene product were obtained from a lacZ-csgA translational gene fusion expressed in Escherichia coli. The chimeric 21-kilodalton protein was purified by preparative sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Affinity-purified polyclonal antibodies raised against the fusion protein were used to determine the cellular location of the native CsgA protein by colloidal gold labeling and transmission electron microscopy. Between 1,100 and 2,200 extracellular molecules of CsgA per developing M. xanthus cell were detected, most of which were associated with the extracellular matrix. The anti-CsgA antibodies inhibited wild-type development unless they were first neutralized with the fusion protein. Together these results suggest that the CsgA gene product has an essential, extracellular function during development, possibly as a pheromone.  相似文献   

A great deal of progress has been made in the studies of fruiting body development and social gliding in Myxocococcus xanthus in the past few years. This includes identification of the bone fide C-signal and a receptor for type IV pili, and development of a model for the mechanism of adventurous gliding motility. It is anticipated that the next few years will see even more progress as the complete genome sequence is available and genomic and proteomic tools are applied to the study of M. xanthus social behaviors.  相似文献   

The pair PhoR1-PhoP1 is the third two-component system of the family PhoRP reported in M. xanthus. PhoR1 is a histidine kinase anchored to the membrane through a transmembrane domain located in the amino-terminal portion of the protein. As a result, 93% of the protein is located in the cytoplasm. This topology is unusual in the PhoR-type histidine kinases. PhoP1 is a response regulator with a helix-loop-helix motif typical of the DNA-binding proteins. Although the operon phoPR1 is expressed during vegetative growth, it peaks during development. The expression levels of this operon are higher in phosphate-containing media than in those in which the nutrient is absent. A deletion mutant in this system exhibits a delay in aggregation and the formation of fruiting bodies larger than those of the wild-type strain. The expression of the operon is autoregulated. This system is also partially responsible for the expression of Mg-independent acid and neutral phosphatases, but it is not required for the expression of alkaline phosphatases.  相似文献   

After coliphage P1-mediated transfer of Tn5-containing plasmid DNA from Escherichia coli to Myxococcus xanthus, transductants were identified which contained plasmid sequences integrated at many sites on the bacterial chromosome. The unaltered plasmid DNA sequences in these transductants were apparently flanked by intact Tn5 or IS50 sequences. These results suggest that Tn5-mediated transposition has occurred and provide a method for integrating plasmid DNA into the M. xanthus chromosome without the requirement for homologous recombination.  相似文献   

The mlpA gene encoding a 236-residue polypeptide has been identified immediately downstream of the oar gene of Myxococcus xanthus (M. Martinez-Canamero, J. Munoz-Dorado, E. Farez-Vidal, M. Inouye, and S. Inouye, J. Bacteriol. 175:4756-4763, 1993). The amino-terminal 21 residues of MlpA encode a typical prokaryotic signal sequence with a putative lipoprotein cleavage site. When expressed in Escherichia coli in the presence of [2-3H]glycerol, 3H-labeled MlpA had a molecular mass of 33 kDa and was found to be associated with the membrane fraction. Globomycin, an inhibitor of signal peptidase II, caused a shift in the mobility of E. coli-expressed MlpA to 35 kDa. Subsequently, a mlpA disruption strain (oar+) was constructed and found to have delayed fruiting body formation (by approximately 36 h), with significantly larger fruiting bodies being produced compared with those of the wild-type strain. Nevertheless, spore yields for the two strains were identical after 120 h of development. These data indicate that MlpA, the lipoprotein identified in M. xanthus, is required for normal fruiting body formation.  相似文献   

PhoP-PhoQ是调控沙门菌毒力的重要双组分信号转导系统,由组氨酸蛋白激酶PhoQ和反应调节蛋白PhoP组成。PhoP-PhoQ可调节沙门菌对Mg2+及其他周质环境的适应性,并调控沙门菌感染中毒力基因的转录和表达。PhoP-PhoQ调控的毒力基因参与沙门菌对上皮细胞的侵袭、胞内生存、对抗菌肽的抵抗反应、脂质A的修饰、Ⅲ型分泌系统效应蛋白的分泌等环节。PhoP-PhoQ还可与其他双组分信号转导系统或调节子合作,调控沙门菌的毒力。因此,PhoP-PhoQ双组分信号转导系统在沙门菌的毒力调控中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

Myxococous xanthus cells can glide both as individual cells, dependent on A dventurous motility (A motility), and as groups of cells, dependent upon S ocial motility (S motility), Tn5-lac mutagenesis was used to generate 16 new A- and nine new S- mutations. In contrast with previous results, we find that subsets of A- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis and/or myxospore differentiation. All S- mutants are defective in fruiting body morphogenesis, consistent with previous results. Whereas some S- mutants produce a wild-type complement of spores, others are defective in the differentiation of myxospores. Therefore, a subset of the A genes and all of the S genes are critical for fruiting body morphogenesis. Subsets of both A and S genes are essential for sporulation. Three S::Tn5–lac insertions result in surprising phenotypes. Colonies of two S- mutants glide on ‘swim’ (0.35% agar) plates to form fractal patterns. These S- mutants are the first examples of a bacterium in which mutations result in fractal patterns of colonial spreading. An otherwise wild-type strain with one S- insertion resembles the frz- sglA1- mutants upon development, suggesting that this S- gene defines a new chemotaxis component in M. xanthus.  相似文献   

An insertion in the rasA gene entirely blocked developmental aggregation and sporulation in Myxococcus xanthus while also reducing swarm expansion on a 0.3% agar surface. Data presented here demonstrate that rasA is required for extracellular fibril formation and social gliding motility.  相似文献   

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