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The removal of the clathrin coat is essential for vesicle fusion with acceptor membranes. Disassembly of the coat involves hsc70, which is specifically recruited by members of the auxilin protein family to clathrin lattices. In vitro, this function of auxilin does not require the globular amino-terminal domain of the clathrin heavy chain, which is known to play a prominent role in the interaction of clathrin with adaptors and numerous endocytic accessory proteins. Here we report the unexpected finding that the neuron-specific form of auxilin (auxilin 1) can also associate with the clathrin amino-terminal domain. This interaction is mediated through tandemly arranged sites within the auxilin 1 carboxyl-terminal segment 547-910. The overlapping auxilin 1 fragments 547-714 and 619-738 bind the clathrin terminal domain with high affinity, whereas auxilin 1-(715-901) interacts only poorly with it. All three fragments also associate with the clathrin distal domain and the alpha-appendage domain of AP-2. Moreover, they support efficient assembly of clathrin triskelia into regular cages. A novel uncoating assay was developed to demonstrate that auxilin 1-(715-901) functions efficiently as a cofactor for hsc70 in the uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles. The multiple protein-protein interactions of auxilin 1 suggest that its function in endocytic trafficking may be more complex than previously anticipated.  相似文献   

Clathrin adaptor protein AP-1 complex is thought to function in forming clathrin-coated vesicles at the trans -Golgi network (TGN) and mediating transport of cargo between the TGN and endosomes. To study trafficking of AP-1 in living cells, yellow fluorescent protein (YFP) was inserted in the middle of µ1 A subunit of AP-1. When expressed in a tetracycline-dependent manner in HeLa cells, YFP-µ1 was efficiently incorporated into the AP-1 complex, replacing endogenous µ1 in most of cellular AP-1. Time-lapse imaging revealed that YFP-µ1/AP-1 departs from TGN as isolated vesicles and spherical structures, or varicosities, associated with fine tubular processes. Typically, several vesicles or varicosities were seen moving sequentially along the same 'tracks' from TGN to cell periphery. These data suggest that AP-1 may function after formation of Golgi transport intermediates in facilitating their intracellular movement. Mutagenesis of YFP-µ1 determined that the structural requirements for its binding to tyrosine-containing sequence motifs are similar to those previously defined in µ2 subunit of AP-2. Moreover, the carboxyl-terminal half of µ2 could replace the corresponding fragment of µ1 without loss of the ability of the resulting µ1-YFP-µ2 chimeric protein to incorporate into AP-1 and bind tyrosine-containing motifs. Mutations that abolish binding capacity for tyrosine motifs did not mistarget AP-1 in the cell, suggesting that AP-1 interactions with this type of sorting signals are not essential for membrane docking of AP-1 at the TGN. Altogether, this study demonstrates that YFP-tagged µ1 protein can serve as a useful tool for visualizing the dynamics of AP-1 in living cells and for the structure-function analysis of µ1–cargo interactions.  相似文献   

Arf1 regulates membrane trafficking at several membrane sites by interacting with at least seven different vesicle coat proteins. Here, we test the hypothesis that Arf1-dependent coats are independently regulated by specific interaction with Arf GAPs. We find that the Arf GAP AGAP1 directly associates with and colocalizes with AP-3, a coat protein complex involved in trafficking in the endosomal-lysosomal system. Binding is mediated by the PH domain of AGAP1 and the delta and sigma3 subunits of AP-3. Overexpression of AGAP1 changes the cellular distribution of AP-3, and reduced expression of AGAP1 renders AP-3 resistant to brefeldin A. AGAP1 overexpression does not affect the distribution of other coat proteins, and AP-3 distribution is not affected by overexpression of other Arf GAPs. Cells overexpressing AGAP1 also exhibit increased LAMP1 trafficking via the plasma membrane. Taken together, these results support the hypothesis that AGAP1 directly and specifically regulates AP-3-dependent trafficking.  相似文献   

Previously, we reported that the hetero-tetrameric adaptor complex AP-2 co-localizes with the static population of clathrin spots, whereas it is excluded from clathrin spots that disappear from the plasma membrane (forming clathrin-coated vesicles). More recently however, another group provided evidence that AP-2 markers could be observed coincident with disappearing clathrin spots. Thus, we tested several possible explanations for the apparent discrepancies in these two studies. We evaluated the potential contribution of nonred emission of clathrin-dsRed (used in both studies) in the simultaneous measurement of AP-2 and clathrin at various times. Additionally, we directly compared two different green fluorescent protein-tagged AP-2 constructs (similar to those used in the previous reports). These studies demonstrated that the duration of expression time greatly influences the subcellular localization of the AP-2 markers. Furthermore, we quantitatively evaluated the AP-2 fluorescence at the sites of numerous static and disappearing clathrin spots (at least 80 per group) and confirmed our initial observation that while AP-2 is present in nearly all static clathrin spots, it is excluded from the disappearing population of clathrin spots. Finally, in order to verify that clathrin spot disappearance represents clathrin-coated vesicle internalization, we simultaneously imaged clathrin and the cargo molecule transferrin at the cell surface.  相似文献   

Retroviral assembly is driven by Gag, and nascent viral particles escape cells by recruiting the machinery that forms intralumenal vesicles of multivesicular bodies. In this study, we show that the clathrin adaptor complex AP-1 is involved in retroviral release. The absence of AP-1mu obtained by genetic knock-out or by RNA interference reduces budding of murine leukemia virus (MLV) and HIV-1, leading to a delay of viral propagation in cell culture. In contrast, overexpression of AP-1mu enhances release of HIV-1 Gag. We show that the AP-1 complex facilitates retroviral budding through a direct interaction between the matrix and AP-1mu. Less MLV Gag is found associated with late endosomes in cells lacking AP-1, and our results suggest that AP-1 and AP-3 could function on the same pathway that leads to Gag release. In addition, we find that AP-1 interacts with Tsg101 and Nedd4.1, two cellular proteins known to be involved in HIV-1 and MLV budding. We propose that AP-1 promotes Gag release by transporting it to intracellular sites of active budding, and/or by facilitating its interactions with other cellular partners.  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric adaptor protein (AP) complexes AP-1, AP-2, AP-3, and AP-4 play key roles in transport vesicle formation and cargo sorting in post-Golgi trafficking pathways. Studies on cultured mammalian cells have shown that AP-2 mediates rapid endocytosis of a subset of plasma membrane receptors. To determine whether this function is essential in the context of a whole mammalian organism, we carried out targeted disruption of the gene encoding the mu2 subunit of AP-2 in the mouse. We found that mu2 heterozygous mutant mice were viable and had an apparently normal phenotype. In contrast, no mu2 homozygous mutant embryos were identified among blastocysts from intercrossed heterozygotes, indicating that mu2-deficient embryos die before day 3.5 postcoitus (E3.5). These results indicate that AP-2 is indispensable for early embryonic development, which might be due to its requirement for cell viability.  相似文献   

The protozoan parasite Giardia lamblia acquires cholesterol from the environment since it is unable to synthesise cholesterol de novo and this is vital for trophozoite growth. Conversely, the lack of cholesterol was described as an essential event to trigger encystation, the differentiation of trophozoites to mature cysts. During the G. lamblia cell cycle, cholesterol is acquired as a free molecule as well as through receptor-mediated endocytosis (RME) of lipoproteins. In this work, we describe the involvement of RME in the cell differentiation process of G. lamblia. We found that a reduction in the expression of the medium subunit (Glµ2) of the giardial adaptin protein GlAP2 impaired RME, triggering the process of encystation in growing cells. Contrary to expectations, decreasing Glµ2 expression produced a cohort of trophozoites that yielded significantly less mature cysts when cells were induced to encyst. Analysis of the subcellular localization of Glµ2 and the cyst wall protein 1 (CWP1) during encystation was later performed, to dissect the process. Our results showed, on one hand, that blocking RME by inhibiting Glµ2 expression, and probably cholesterol entry, is sufficient to induce cell differentiation but not to complete the process of encystation. On the other hand, we observed that GlAP2 is necessary to accomplish the final steps of encystation by sorting CWP1 to the plasma membrane for cyst wall formation. The understanding of the mechanisms involved in cyst formation should provide novel insights into the control of giardiasis, an endemic worldwide neglected disease.  相似文献   

Subcellular trafficking is required for a multitude of functions in eukaryotic cells. It involves regulation of cargo sorting, vesicle formation, trafficking and fusion processes at multiple levels. Adaptor protein (AP) complexes are key regulators of cargo sorting into vesicles in yeast and mammals but their existence and function in plants have not been demonstrated. Here we report the identification of the protein-affected trafficking 4 (pat4) mutant defective in the putative δ subunit of the AP-3 complex. pat4 and pat2, a mutant isolated from the same GFP imaging-based forward genetic screen that lacks a functional putative AP-3 β, as well as dominant negative AP-3 μ transgenic lines display undistinguishable phenotypes characterized by largely normal morphology and development, but strong intracellular accumulation of membrane proteins in aberrant vacuolar structures. All mutants are defective in morphology and function of lytic and protein storage vacuoles (PSVs) but show normal sorting of reserve proteins to PSVs. Immunoprecipitation experiments and genetic studies revealed tight functional and physical associations of putative AP-3 β and AP-3 δ subunits. Furthermore, both proteins are closely linked with putative AP-3 μ and σ subunits and several components of the clathrin and dynamin machineries. Taken together, these results demonstrate that AP complexes, similar to those in other eukaryotes, exist in plants, and that AP-3 plays a specific role in the regulation of biogenesis and function of vacuoles in plant cells.  相似文献   

In neuronal cells the neurotransmitter acetylcholine is transferred from the cytoplasm into synaptic vesicles by the vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT). The cytoplasmic tail of VAChT has been shown to contain signals that direct its sorting and trafficking. The role of clathrin-associated protein complexes in VAChT sorting to synaptic vesicles has been examined. A fusion protein between the VAChT cytoplasmic tail and glutathione S-transferase was used to identify VAChT-clathrin-associated protein adaptor protein 1, adaptor protein 2 and adaptor protein 180 complexes from a rat brain extract. In vivo coimmunoprecipitation confirmed adaptin alpha and adaptin gamma complexes, but adaptor protein 180 complexes were not detected by this technique. Deletion and site directed mutagenesis show that the VAChT cytoplasmic tail contains multiple trafficking signals. These include a non-classical tyrosine motif that serves as the signal for adaptin alpha and a dileucine motif that serves as the signal for adaptin gamma. A classical tyrosine motif is also involved in VAChT trafficking, but does not interact with any known adaptor proteins. There appear to be two endocytosis motifs, one involving the adaptor protein 1 binding site and the other involving the adaptor protein 2 binding site. These results suggest a complex trafficking pathway for VAChT.  相似文献   

The medium (mu) chains of the adaptor protein (AP) complexes AP-1, AP-2, and AP-3 recognize distinct subsets of tyrosine-based (YXXphi) sorting signals found within the cytoplasmic domains of integral membrane proteins. Here, we describe the signal-binding specificity and affinity of the medium subunit mu4 of the recently described adaptor protein complex AP-4. To elucidate the determinants of specificity, we screened a two-hybrid combinatorial peptide library using mu4 as a selector protein. Statistical analyses of the results revealed that mu4 prefers aspartic acid at position Y+1, proline or arginine at Y+2, and phenylalanine at Y-1 and Y+3 (phi). In addition, we examined the interaction of mu4 with naturally occurring YXXphi signals by both two-hybrid and in vitro binding analyses. These experiments showed that mu4 recognized the tyrosine signal from the human lysosomal protein LAMP-2, HTGYEQF. Using surface plasmon resonance measurements, we determined the apparent dissociation constant for the mu4-YXXphi interaction to be in the micromolar range. To gain insight into a possible role of AP-4 in intracellular trafficking, we constructed a Tac chimera bearing a mu4-specific YXXphi signal. This chimera was targeted to the endosomal-lysosomal system without being internalized from the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Clathrin and the epithelial-specific clathrin adaptor AP-1B mediate basolateral trafficking in epithelia. However, several epithelia lack AP-1B, and mice knocked out for AP-1B are viable, suggesting the existence of additional mechanisms that control basolateral polarity. Here, we demonstrate a distinct role of the ubiquitous clathrin adaptor AP-1A in basolateral protein sorting. Knockdown of AP-1A causes missorting of basolateral proteins in MDCK cells, but only after knockdown of AP-1B, suggesting that AP-1B can compensate for lack of AP-1A. AP-1A localizes predominantly to the TGN, and its knockdown promotes spillover of basolateral proteins into common recycling endosomes, the site of function of AP-1B, suggesting complementary roles of both adaptors in basolateral sorting. Yeast two-hybrid assays detect interactions between the basolateral signal of transferrin receptor and the medium subunits of both AP-1A and AP-1B. The basolateral sorting function of AP-1A reported here establishes AP-1 as a major regulator of epithelial polarity.  相似文献   

The GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) initiates clathrin-coat assembly at the trans-Goli network (TGN) by generating high-affinity membrane-binding sites for the AP-1 adaptor complex. Both transmembrane proteins, which are sorted into the assembling coated bud, and novel docking proteins have been suggested to be partners with GTP-bound ARF in generating the AP-1-docking sites. The best characterized, and probably the major transmembrane molecules sorted into the clathrin-coated vesicles that form on the TGN, are the mannose 6-phosphate receptors (MPRs). Here, we have examined the role of the MPRs in the AP-1 recruitment process by comparing fibroblasts derived from embryos of either normal or MPR-negative animals. Despite major alterations to the lysosome compartment in the MPR-deficient cells, the steady-state distribution of AP-1 at the TGN is comparable to that of normal cells. Golgi-enriched membranes prepared from the receptor-negative cells also display an apparently normal capacity to recruit AP-1 in vitro in the presence of ARF and either GTP or GTPgammaS. The AP-1 adaptor is recruited specifically onto the TGN and not onto the numerous abnormal membrane elements that accumulate within the MPR-negative fibroblasts. AP-1 bound to TGN membranes from either normal or MPR-negative fibroblasts is fully resistant to chemical extraction with 1 M Tris-HCl, pH 7, indicating that the adaptor binds to both membrane types with high affinity. The only difference we do note between the Golgi prepared from the MPR-deficient cells and the normal cells is that AP-1 recruited onto the receptor-lacking membranes in the presence of ARF1.GTP is consistently more resistant to extraction with Tris. Because sensitivity to Tris extraction correlates well with nucleotide hydrolysis, this finding might suggest a possible link between MPR sorting and ARF GAP regulation. We conclude that the MPRs are not essential determinants in the initial steps of AP-1 binding to the TGN but, instead, they may play a regulatory role in clathrin-coated vesicle formation by affecting ARF.GTP hydrolysis.  相似文献   

Most epithelial cells contain two AP-1 clathrin adaptor complexes. AP-1A is ubiquitously expressed and involved in transport between the TGN and endosomes. AP-1B is expressed only in epithelia and mediates the polarized targeting of membrane proteins to the basolateral surface. Both AP-1 complexes are heterotetramers and differ only in their 50-kD mu1A or mu1B subunits. Here, we show that AP-1A and AP-1B, together with their respective cargoes, define physically and functionally distinct membrane domains in the perinuclear region. Expression of AP-1B (but not AP-1A) enhanced the recruitment of at least two subunits of the exocyst complex (Sec8 and Exo70) required for basolateral transport. By immunofluorescence and cell fractionation, the exocyst subunits were found to selectively associate with AP-1B-containing membranes that were both distinct from AP-1A-positive TGN elements and more closely apposed to transferrin receptor-positive recycling endosomes. Thus, despite the similarity of the two AP-1 complexes, AP-1A and AP-1B exhibit great specificity for endosomal transport versus cell polarity.  相似文献   

CD63 is a lysosomal membrane protein that belongs to the tetraspanin family. Its carboxyterminal cytoplasmic tail sequence contains the lysosomal targeting motif GYEVM. Strong, tyrosine-dependent interaction of the wild-type carboxyterminal tail of CD63 with the AP-3 adaptor subunit mu 3 was observed using a yeast two-hybrid system. The strength of interaction of mutated tail sequences with mu 3 correlated with the degree of lysosomal localization of similarly mutated human CD63 molecules in stably transfected normal rat kidney cells. Mutated CD63 containing the cytosolic tail sequence GYEVI, which interacted strongly with mu 3 but not at all with mu 2 in the yeast two-hybrid system, localized to lysosomes in transfected normal rat kidney and NIH-3T3 cells. In contrast, it localized to the cell surface in transfected cells of pearl and mocha mice, which have genetic defects in genes encoding subunits of AP-3, but to lysosomes in functionally rescued mocha cells expressing the delta subunit of AP-3. Thus, AP-3 is absolutely required for the delivery of this mutated CD63 to lysosomes. Using this AP-3-dependent mutant of CD63, we have shown that AP-3 functions in membrane traffic from the trans-Golgi network to lysosomes via an intracellular route that appears to bypass early endosomes.  相似文献   

Expression of the epithelial cell-specific heterotetrameric adaptor complex AP-1B is required for the polarized distribution of many membrane proteins to the basolateral surface of LLC-PK1 kidney cells. AP-1B is distinguished from the ubiquitously expressed AP-1A by exchange of its single 50-kD mu subunit, mu1A, being replaced by the closely related mu1B. Here we show that this substitution is sufficient to couple basolateral plasma membrane proteins, such as a low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR), to the AP-1B complex and to clathrin. The interaction between LDLR and AP-1B is likely to occur in the trans-Golgi network (TGN), as was suggested by the localization of functional, epitope-tagged mu1 by immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy. Tagged AP-1A and AP-1B complexes were found in the perinuclear region close to the Golgi complex and recycling endosomes, often in clathrin-coated buds and vesicles. Yet, AP-1A and AP-1B localized to different subdomains of the TGN, with only AP-1A colocalizing with furin, a membrane protein that uses AP-1 to recycle between the TGN and endosomes. We conclude that AP-1B functions by interacting with its cargo molecules and clathrin in the TGN, where it acts to sort basolateral proteins from proteins destined for the apical surface and from those selected by AP-1A for transport to endosomes and lysosomes.  相似文献   

The small GTP-binding protein ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (Arf6) is involved in plasma membrane/endosomes trafficking. However, precisely how the activation of Arf6 regulates vesicular transport is still unclear. Here, we show that, in vitro, recombinant Arf6GTP recruits purified clathrin-adaptor complex AP-2 (but not AP-1) onto phospholipid liposomes in the absence of phosphoinositides. We also show that phosphoinositides and Arf6 tightly cooperate to translocate AP-2 to the membrane. In vivo, Arf6GTP (but not Arf6GDP) was found associated to AP-2. The expression of the GTP-locked mutant of Arf6 leads to the plasma membrane redistribution of AP-2 in Arf6GTP-enriched areas. Finally, we demonstrated that the expression of the GTP-locked mutant of Arf6 inhibits transferrin receptor internalization without affecting its recycling. Altogether, our results demonstrated that Arf6GTP interacts specifically with AP-2 and promotes its membrane recruitment. These findings strongly suggest that Arf6 plays a major role in clathrin-mediated endocytosis by directly controlling the assembly of the AP-2/clathrin coat.  相似文献   

The clathrin adaptor protein complex-1 (AP-1) is a central player in cell physiology and human health. It is best known for its role in linking clathrin to its cargo at the trans-Golgi network and endosomes. It participates in traffic important for the correct function of a large number of organelles, including the trans-Golgi network, endosomes, lysosomes, lysosome-related organelles, and plasma membrane. Although it was one of the first clathrin adaptors identified, new discoveries about cargo and pathways that depend on AP-1 continue to emerge. This review summarizes new research into AP-1 that further illuminates its roles in the traffic of plasma membrane proteins, in maintaining TGN content, and in human disease.  相似文献   

The nef gene of human and simian immunodeficiency viruses is critical for AIDS pathogenesis. Its function in vivo is unknown, but in vitro natural isolates of Nef down-regulate expression of the cell surface CD4 molecule, a component of the T cell antigen receptor and the viral receptor, by accelerating its endocytosis. We have used chimeric proteins comprised of the natural HIV-1 NA7 Nef fused to a strongly fluorescing mutant of green fluorescent protein (GFP) to correlate Nef function with intracellular localization in human CD4-positive Jurkat T cells. The NA7-GFP fusion protein co-localizes with components of the clathrin coat, including clathrin and the beta-subunit of the AP-2 adaptor protein complex, at discrete locations that are consistent with the normal cellular distribution of clathrin coats at the plasma membrane. The NA7-GFP protein is also found in the perinuclear region of the cell, which is likely to reflect the Golgi apparatus. Evidence from a CD4-negative fibroblast cell line indicates that co-localization of NA7-GFP with components of the clathrin coat does not require expression of the CD4 molecule. Analysis of a large panel of chimeric molecules containing mutant Nef moieties demonstrated that the N-terminal membrane targeting signal cooperates with additional element(s) in the disordered loops in the Nef molecule to co-localize the Nef protein with AP-2 adaptor complexes at the cell margin. This localization of NA7-GFP correlates with, but is not sufficient for, down-regulation of surface CD4 and at least one additional function of Nef is required. In T cells co-expressing CD4 and NA7-GFP, CD4 at the cell surface is redistributed into a discrete pattern that co-localizes with that of NA7-GFP. Our observations place NA7-GFP in physical proximity to AP-2-containing clathrin coat at the plasma membrane and imply that Nef interacts, either directly or indirectly, with a component of the AP-2-containing coat at this location. This evidence supports a model whereby Nef recruits CD4 to the endocytic machinery via AP-2-containing clathrin coats at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

To evade the anti-human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) immune response, the HIV Nef protein disrupts major histocompatibility complex class I (MHC-I) trafficking by recruiting the clathrin adaptor protein 1 (AP-1) to the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail. Under normal conditions AP-1 binds dileucine and tyrosine signals (YXX phi motifs) via physically separate binding sites. In the case of the Nef-MHC-I complex, a tyrosine in the human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A2 cytoplasmic tail ((320)YSQA) and a methionine in Nef (Met(20)) are absolutely required for AP-1 binding. Also present in Nef is a dileucine motif, which does not normally affect MHC-I trafficking and is not needed to recruit AP-1 to the Nef-MHC-I-complex. However, evidence is presented here that this dileucine motif can be activated by fusing Nef to the HLA-A2 tail in cis. Thus, the inability of this motif to function in trans likely results from a structural change that occurs when Nef binds to the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail. The physiologically relevant tyrosine-dependent recruitment of AP-1 to MHC-I, which occurs whether Nef is present in cis or trans, was stabilized by the acidic and polyproline domains within Nef. Additionally, amino acids Ala(324) and Asp(327) in the cytoplasmic tails of HLA-A and (but not HLA-C and HLA-E) molecules also stabilized AP-1 binding. Finally, mutation of the tyrosine binding pocket in the mu subunit of AP-1 created a dominant negative inhibitor of Nef-induced down-modulation of HLA-A2 that disrupted binding of wild type AP-1 to the Nef-MHC-I complex. Thus, these data provide evidence that Nef binding to the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail stabilizes the interaction of a tyrosine in the MHC-I cytoplasmic tail with the natural tyrosine binding pocket in AP-1.  相似文献   

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