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We examined the relationship between thermal preference (selected body temperature or “Tsel") and microhabitat temperature of a nocturnal, alpine weta Hemideina maori (Orthoptera: Anostostomatidae), in the southern part of New Zealand. To examine diel variation in thermal preference, we measured Tsel five times over a 24‐h period in the laboratory and compared these temperatures to weta microhabitat temperatures in the wild. Tsel ranged from 4.3 to 29.3°C, but the distribution of temperatures was skewed, towards the cooler end of the thermal gradient, with an overall median and mean of c. 13°C. The frequency of Tsel values was bimodal, with peaks at a relatively narrow range of cool temperatures between 5 and 8°C (33%) and at a slightly broader range of warmer temperatures between 13 and 21 °C (52%). Tsel values did not vary with time of day, but differed significantly between individuals. Comparisons with microhabitat temperature showed that weta at 1250 m a.s.l. on the Rock and Pillar Range, Otago, had only limited opportunity to achieve Tsel and this was only possible during daylight hours, when weta are normally inactive.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Tree weta are a group of large, flightless orthopterans with pronounced sexual dimorphism. Males have enlarged heads that are used in fighting for possession of cavities in trees or under rocks where females shelter during the day.
2. The fieldwork reported here examined the relationship between male head size and mating success in Hemideina maori , an alpine tree weta that shelters under rock slabs that have broken off isolated outcrops or tors.
3. The relationship between male head size and harem size in H. maori is not as clear-cut as thought previously. First, overall body size is a better predictor of male mating success than head size per se . Second, both body size and head size explained a relatively low percentage (19.8%) of the overall variation in mating success. Third, despite the intensity of directional selection being estimated to move the frequency distribution of head size and femur size 0.49 and 0.54 standard deviations from the mean, male heads and femurs were ≈ 2 mm smaller at the main study site than at a second site 100 m higher in elevation. A similar pattern was found for adult females. Additional surveys have indicated that body size in H. maori decreases with decreasing altitude, which is correlated with increasing night-time temperature.
4. Although there are reasons why natural selection might favour weta maturing earlier and at smaller body sizes in warmer environments, relatively large males would still have a mating advantage over smaller males under such conditions. This sexually dimorphic alpine insect might be a good example of the trade-offs and conflicting demands that sexual selection versus natural selection can place on organisms.  相似文献   

Abstract.The alpine tree weta Hemidiena maori Pictet et Saussure (Orthoptera: Stenopelmatidae) is a large, flightless insect found above the treeline on many of the mountain ranges of the South Island of New Zealand. The population found on the Rock and Pillar Range, Central Otago has been identified as freezing tolerant with a haemolymph ice nucleating agent. The ability of H. maori to survive freezing is compared to the lowland weta Hemideina thoracica Walker and H. crassidens Blanchard, both of which are able to survive the formation of some ice in their bodies. Mortality is associated with time spent frozen in H. thoracica , and it is hypothesized that this species is killed when a critical proportion of its body water is frozen. All five subalpine and alpine populations of H. maori surveyed were found to be freezing tolerant.
Comparison of temperatures of first nucleation and mean supercooling point of haemolymph droplets suggest that haemolymph ice nucleating activity varies between populations of H. maori. Hemideina maori collected from the Mt Cook region appear to lack a haemolymph ice nucleator. This population is nevertheless freezing tolerant, suggesting that the haemolymph ice nucleating agent described in H. maori is not essential for freezing tolerance. Hemideina crassidens and H. ricta Hutton, both of which are found in lowland habitats, also had high mean supercooling point and temperatures of first nucleation of haemolymph droplets, suggesting that these species also have a haemolymph ice nucleator.
Comparison of ice nucleation characteristics of haemolymph and faecal material (representing gut contents) suggests that gut nucleators in H. maori may be at least as efficient as the haemolymph nucleator. It is concluded that freezing tolerance is probably not an adaptation to the alpine environment. This highlights the need for inter- and intraspecific comparative studies if physiological data are to be used to draw evolutionary conclusions.  相似文献   

We assessed the effects of long-term habitat fragmentation on genetic (random amplified polymorphic DNA) diversity in 11 Peromyscus maniculatus populations in the Lake Superior watershed. We analysed genetic structure at two spatial scales and the effect of island size and isolation on genetic diversity. At the regional scale, island populations differed from mainland populations (FST = 0.36), but mainland populations did not differ from each other (FST = 0.01). At the local scale, populations of the main island of Isle Royale differed from adjacent islet populations (P < 0.001; Monte Carlo approximation of Fisher's exact test), but not from each other (combined P = 0.63). Although geographical distance and genetic distance were positively correlated (P < 0.01; Mantel test), cluster analysis revealed some inconsistencies. Finally, genetic diversity was inversely related to isolation (P = 0.01), but had an unexpectedly negative relationship with island area (P = 0.03). The genetic structure of P. maniculatus populations in portions of the Lake Superior watershed appears to have been affected by long-term habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

Zhu L  Zhang S  Gu X  Wei F 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(6):1122-1132
Understanding population history and genetic structure are key drivers of ecological research. Here, we studied two highly fragmented and isolated populations (Xiaoxiangling and Daxiangling) of giant pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) at the extreme southwestern edge of their distribution. This area also contains the Dadu River, national road 108 and various human infrastructure and development, providing an ideal region in which we can identify the effects of different barriers on animal movements. We used partial mitochondrial control region (mtDNA) and nine microsatellite loci (nuclear DNA) data derived from 192 faecal and one blood sample collected from the wild. We found 136 genotypes corresponding to 53 unique multilocus genotypes and eight unique control region haplotypes (653 bp). Significant genetic boundaries correlated spatially with the Dadu River (K = 2). We estimate that a major divergence took place between these populations 26,000 years bp, at around the similar time the rock surface of valley bottom formed in Dadu River. The national road has resulted in further recent population differentiation (Pairwise F(S) on mtDNA and nuclear DNA) so that in effect, four smaller sub-populations now exist. Promisingly, we identified two possible first-generation migrants and their migration paths, and recommended the immediate construction of a number of corridors. Fortunately, the Chinese government has accepted our advice and is now planning corridor construction.  相似文献   

Aims It is known that taxonomic diversity can be predicted by the spatial configuration of the habitat, in particular by its area and degree of isolation. However, taxonomic diversity is a poor predictor of ecosystem functioning. While functional diversity is strongly linked to the functionality and stability of ecosystems, little is known about how changes in the spatial configuration of the habitat affect functional diversity. In this study, we evaluated whether the spatial configuration of forest patches predicts the functional diversity of plants in a fragmented forest.Methods Five functional leaf traits (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force, specific leaf area, leaf size and leaf thickness) were measured for 23 dominant plant species in 20 forest patches in a naturally fragmented forest on the Yucatan Peninsula. Abundance-weighted multivariate and individual trait metrics of functional diversity were calculated and correlated with size, degree of isolation and the shape of forest patches.Important findings Patch shape was negatively correlated with multivariate and individual trait (leaf dry matter content and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. Patch isolation measures were also negatively correlated with individual trait (leaf dry matter content, leaf punch force and leaf size) metrics of functional diversity. In other words, greater patch shape irregularity and isolation degree impoverish plant functional variability. This is the first report of the negative effects of patch shape irregularity and isolation on the functional diversity of plant communities in a forest that has been fragmented for a long time.  相似文献   

集合种群动态对生境毁坏空间异质性的响应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘会玉  林振山  梁仁君  温腾 《生态学报》2007,27(8):3286-3293
首次将分形几何(Fractal geometry)与元胞自动机(Cellular automata)相结合,研究了破碎化生境中集合种群的空间分布格局动态,以及集合种群动态对生境毁坏空间异质性的响应。研究发现:(1)各个物种种群在生境中的分布具有很好的分形特征,物种的计盒维数(Box dimension)不仅可以很好地反映种群的空间分布结构,也能很好地反映种群动态。(2)如果将空间因素考虑进来的话,生境毁坏的灭绝债务(Time debt)将大于空间隐含模式所模拟的结果。(3)物种灭绝同时存在强物种灭绝和弱物种灭绝。并且只有在生境随机毁坏下,才与空间隐含的模拟结果比较接近,即强物种中将是最强物种率先灭绝。而在边缘毁坏这种比较集中成块的开发方式下,将是较强的物种灭绝。(4)边缘毁坏相对随机毁坏有利于物种,尤其是弱物种的长期续存。  相似文献   

Landscape features of anthropogenic or natural origin can influence organisms' dispersal patterns and the connectivity of populations. Understanding these relationships is of broad interest in ecology and evolutionary biology and provides key insights for habitat conservation planning at the landscape scale. This knowledge is germane to restoration efforts for the New England cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis), an early successional habitat specialist of conservation concern. We evaluated local population structure and measures of genetic diversity of a geographically isolated population of cottontails in the northeastern United States. We also conducted a multiscale landscape genetic analysis, in which we assessed genetic discontinuities relative to the landscape and developed several resistance models to test hypotheses about landscape features that promote or inhibit cottontail dispersal within and across the local populations. Bayesian clustering identified four genetically distinct populations, with very little migration among them, and additional substructure within one of those populations. These populations had private alleles, low genetic diversity, critically low effective population sizes (3.2–36.7), and evidence of recent genetic bottlenecks. Major highways and a river were found to limit cottontail dispersal and to separate populations. The habitat along roadsides, railroad beds, and utility corridors, on the other hand, was found to facilitate cottontail movement among patches. The relative importance of dispersal barriers and facilitators on gene flow varied among populations in relation to landscape composition, demonstrating the complexity and context dependency of factors influencing gene flow and highlighting the importance of replication and scale in landscape genetic studies. Our findings provide information for the design of restoration landscapes for the New England cottontail and also highlight the dual influence of roads, as both barriers and facilitators of dispersal for an early successional habitat specialist in a fragmented landscape.  相似文献   

苏敏 《生态学报》2011,31(12):3265-3269
景观破碎化和扩散是空间种群模型的重要因素,对生物入侵存在着深远的影响。本章将基于偶对近似模型,探讨由局部和全局宿主-寄生相互作用共同决定的扩散模式对破坏性景观上疾病入侵与传播的影响。其中,生境破坏由生境丧失量与生境破碎化程度来描述。模拟结果显示,宿主和病毒的全局扩散对疾病的入侵与种群密度产生不对称效应:病毒的全局扩散对系统产生的影响较宿主的全局扩散更为显著。不同扩散模式下,生境丧失越高或破碎化程度越低,均将越有害于寄生病毒的入侵;同时,生境的破坏程度也显著地影响了入侵阈值对扩散模式的响应机制。本文研究结果暗示,景观破碎化的空间分布格局以及病毒扩散的限制均可作为物种保护与管理中有效的疾病控制策略。该研究结果在一定意义上丰富和发展了寄生感染理论,为物种保护提供了生态学理论依据。  相似文献   

The effects of isolation-related and vegetational parameters on presence and relative abundance of snakes in patchy forested fragments of Mediterranean central Italy are studied. The most abundant species was Coluber viridiflavus (accounting for 47.7% of the total snake sample observed) followed by Vipera aspis (22%), Elaphe longissima (21.5%), Natrix natrix (7.7%), and Coronella austriaca (1.1%). There was a clear trend for bigger species to be less distributed among the various forest fragments than the smaller species. Presence of Coluber viridiflavus, Coronella austriaca and Natrix natrix was not influenced by woodland area, whereas that of Vipera aspis and Elaphe longissima was positively influenced by woodland area. Woodland isolation parameters did not influence the presence of Coluber viridiflavus, Coronella austriaca and Natrix natrix, but of Vipera aspis and Elaphe longissima. Discriminant stepwise analysis suggested that specific environmental features influenced the occurrence and abundance of the various snake species, Vipera aspis being the taxon more affected by isolation-related parameters. Some conservation implications of our observations are also discussed.  相似文献   

Artificial nest experiments (ANEs) are widely used to obtain proxies of natural nest predation for testing a variety of hypotheses, from those dealing with variation in life-history strategies to those assessing the effects of habitat fragmentation on the persistence of bird populations. However, their applicability to real-world scenarios has been criticized owing to the many potential biases in comparing predation rates of artificial and natural nests. Here, we aimed to test the validity of estimates of ANEs using a novel approach. We related predation rates on artificial nests to population viability analyses in a songbird metapopulation as a way of predicting the real impact of predation events on the local populations studied. Predation intensity on artificial nests was negatively related to the species' annual population growth rate in small local populations, whereas the viability of large local populations did not seem to be influenced, even by high nest predation rates. The potential of extrapolation from ANEs to real-world scenarios is discussed, as these results suggest that artificial nest predation estimates may predict demographic processes in small structured populations.  相似文献   

Aim To contrast floristic spatial patterns and the importance of habitat fragmentation in two plant communities (grassland and scrubland) in the context of ecological succession. We ask whether plant assemblages are affected by habitat fragmentation and, if so, at what spatial scale? Does the relative importance of the niche differentiation and dispersal‐limitation mechanisms change throughout secondary succession? Is the dispersal‐limitation mechanism related to plant functional traits? Location A Mediterranean region, the massif of Albera (Spain). Methods Using a SPOT satellite image to describe the landscape, we tested the effect of habitat fragmentation on species composition, determining the spatial scale of the assemblage response. We then assessed the relative importance of dispersal‐related factors (habitat fragmentation and geographical distance) and environmental constraints (climate‐related variables) influencing species similarity. We tested the association between dispersal‐related factors and plant traits (dispersal mode and life form). Results In both community types, plant composition was partially affected by the surrounding vegetation. In scrublands, animal‐dispersed and woody plants were abundant in landscapes dominated by closed forests, whereas wind‐dispersed annual herbs were poorly represented in those landscapes. Scrubby assemblages were more dependent on geographical distance, habitat fragmentation and climate conditions (temperature, rainfall and solar radiation); grasslands were described only by habitat fragmentation and rainfall. Plant traits did not explain variation in spatial structuring of assemblages. Main conclusions Plant establishment in early Mediterranean communities may be driven primarily by migration from neighbouring established communities, whereas the importance of habitat specialization and community drift increases over time. Plant life forms and dispersal modes did not explain the spatial variation of species distribution, but species richness within the community with differing plant traits was affected by habitat patchiness.  相似文献   

Possible effects of habitat fragmentation on the population genetics of a species of wolf spider (Lycosidae) from remnant Callitris woodland in the wheat belt of central western New South Wales in Australia are examined. Single-strand conformational analysis of mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase (subunit 1) was used to characterize the haplotypes of 295 spiders in six blocks each of four woodland sites. DNA sequences were collected from 119 of these spiders to confirm haplotype scoring, allow phylogeny estimation and permit calculation of sequence-based statistics. Intra-block tests do not suggest widespread effects of fragmentation. Genetic diversity is high in all blocks, with 25 haplotypes being identified. Nucleotide diversity is relatively low, as all of the haplotypes are closely related. One block had a significantly low value for the Ewens/Watterson test of neutrality and one block's value was nearly significantly high. Two blocks had nearly significant values of the Harpending Raggedness Index testing for recent population bottlenecks. No other intrablock tests approach significance. Interpopulation comparisons show significant nonhomogeneity of haplotype frequencies globally and in all pairwise comparisons. Relationships between woodland blocks based on haplotype frequencies are discordant with geographical proximity. Haplotype distribution patterns suggest that population structuring existed prior to fragmentation. We develop two measures of genetic distinctiveness to identify subpopulations of interest for conserving evolutionary processes in a species' regional population. One is based on the sum of pairwise FST values and one on the spatial distribution of genetic variation. High values of the measure suggest a subpopulation might have been recently perturbed and low values that it is relatively undisturbed. The two measures identify different blocks as being of particular interest.  相似文献   


Background and Aims

Hygrochasy is a capsule-opening mechanism predominantly associated with plants in arid habitats, where it facilitates spatially and temporally restricted dispersal. Recently, hygrochastic capsules were described in detail for the first time in alpine Veronica in New Zealand. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether hygrochastic capsules are an adaptation of alpine Veronica to achieve directed dispersal to safe sites. We expect that by limiting dispersal to rainfall events, distances travelled by seeds are short and confine them to small habitat patches where both seedlings and adults have a greater chance of survival.


Dispersal distances of five hygrochastic Veronica were measured under laboratory and field conditions and the seed shadow was analysed. Habitat patch size of hygrochastic Veronica and related non-hygrochastic species were estimated and compared.

Key Results

Dispersal distances achieved by dispersal with raindrops did not exceed 1 m but weather conditions could influence the even distribution of seeds around the parent plant. Compared with related Veronica species, hygrochastic Veronica mostly grow in small, restricted habitat patches surrounded by distinctly different habitats. These habitat patches provide safe sites for seeds due to their microtopography and occurrence of adult cushion plants. Non-hygrochastic Veronica can be predominantly found in large habitats without clearly defined borders and can be spread over long distances along rivers.


The results suggest that hygrochasy is a very effective mechanism of restricting seed dispersal to rainfall events and ensuring short-distance dispersal within a small habitat patch. It appears that it is an adaptation for directed dispersal to safe sites that only exist within the parent habitat.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation/alteration has been proposed as a distinct process threatening the viability of populations of many organisms. One expression of its impact may be the disruption of core population processes such as inbreeding avoidance. Using the experimental design outlined in our companion paper, we report on the impact of habitat alteration (deforestation) on inbreeding in the rock-dwelling Australian lizard Egernia cunninghami. Ten microsatellite loci were used to calculate relatedness coefficients of potential and actual breeding pairs, and to examine mate-choice and heterozygosity. Despite significantly less dispersal and higher within-group relatedness between potential mates in deforested than in natural habitats, this did not result in significantly more inbred matings. Average relatedness amongst breeding pairs was low, with no significant difference between natural and fragmented populations in relatedness between breeding pairs, or individual heterozygosity. Active avoidance of close kin as mates was indicated by the substantially and significantly lower relatedness in actual breeding pairs than potential ones. These facts, and heterozygote excesses in all groups of immature lizards from both habitats, show that E. cunninghami maintained outbreeding in the face of increased accumulation of relatives.  相似文献   

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