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A representative paleoenvironmental reconstruction of continental middle latitude from ca. 2 my to the upper part of Middle Pleistocene (279 ± 77 ky) was obtained from the carbon and oxygen stable isotopes analyzed in ostracode shells (Cyprideis torosa) recovered in the Guadix-Baza Basin (SE Spain), an intramontaneous closed depression filled by alluvial and lacustrine sediments. This study was performed along a 356-m-thick composite section, dated previously by paleomagnetism and the amino acid racemization method. δ13C and δ18O profiles reflected changes in temperature, the evaporation/infill ratio in the water bodies and the amount of rain. δ13C is also affected by changes in plant biomass: periods with high δ13C and δ18O values are associated with warm and dry regimes, and with less vegetation, which, in some cases, coincide with the development of displacive gypsum crystals, whereas low δ13C and δ18O values correlate with cold and humid episodes, which cause more vegetation biomass and, therefore, increasing the input of isotopically light carbon. Intermediate δ18O values are linked to temperate dry or humid episodes when they coincide with high or low δ13C values, respectively. 86 paleoclimatic events were distinguished in the Pleistocene record from the δ13C and δ18O profiles. From both the statistical analysis of the geochemical data and the geological observations, four Cold and Humid Long Periods (low δ18O) and four Warm and Dry Long Periods (high δ18O) were defined. This differs with respect to the paleoclimatological behavior established for the Northern Hemisphere where during cold periods (glacial), no water was available while permafrost conditions persisted, whereas in warm episodes (interglacial), higher precipitation rates occurred. Good correspondences between the Guadix-Baza Basin paleoclimatic record and a marine oxygen-isotope sequence, two continental cores and other long Mediterranean paleoenvironmental records (pollen sequences from Israel) were found, which suggested that climate changes in the Guadix-Baza Basin were in tune with global climatic changes.  相似文献   

Carbon ((13)C/(12)C) and nitrogen ((15)N/(14)N) stable isotope ratios were longitudinally measured in fingernail and hair samples from mother-infant pairs where infants were exclusively breastfed (n = 5), breast- and formula-fed (n = 2), or exclusively formula-fed (n = 1) from birth. All exclusively breastfed infants had a dual enrichment in carbon ( approximately 1 per thousand) and nitrogen ( approximately 2-3 per thousand) when compared to maternal values. In contrast, breast- and formula-fed subjects had reduced enrichments compared to exclusively breastfed subjects, and the exclusively formula-fed infant showed no increase in delta(13)C or delta(15)N values. This finding of a carbon trophic level effect in breastfeeding infants suggests that (13)C-enrichments of approximately 1 per thousand in archaeological populations are not necessarily the result of the consumption of C(4)-based weaning foods such as maize or millet. During the weaning process, the delta(13)C results for breastfed infants declined to maternal levels more rapidly than the delta(15)N results. This suggests that delta(13)C values have the potential to track the introduction of solid foods into the diet, whereas delta(15)N values monitor the length of time of breast milk consumption. These findings can be used to refine the isotopic analysis of breastfeeding and weaning patterns in past and modern populations.  相似文献   

During two intensive field campaigns in summer and autumn 2004 nitrogen (N2O, NO/NO2) and carbon (CO2, CH4) trace gas exchange between soil and the atmosphere was measured in a sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) forest in Hungary. The climate can be described as continental temperate. Fluxes were measured with a fully automatic measuring system allowing for high temporal resolution. Mean N2O emission rates were 1.5 μg N m−2 h−1 in summer and 3.4 μg N m−2 h−1 in autumn, respectively. Also mean NO emission rates were higher in autumn (8.4 μg N m−2 h−1) as compared to summer (6.0 μg N m−2 h−1). However, as NO2 deposition rates continuously exceeded NO emission rates (−9.7 μg N m−2 h−1 in summer and −18.3 μg N m−2 h−1 in autumn), the forest soil always acted as a net NO x sink. The mean value of CO2 fluxes showed only little seasonal differences between summer (81.1 mg C m−2 h−1) and autumn (74.2 mg C m−2 h−1) measurements, likewise CH4uptake (summer: −52.6 μg C m−2 h−1; autumn: −56.5 μg C m−2 h−1). In addition, the microbial soil processes net/gross N mineralization, net/gross nitrification and heterotrophic soil respiration as well as inorganic soil nitrogen concentrations and N2O/CH4 soil air concentrations in different soil depths were determined. The respiratory quotient (ΔCO2 resp ΔO2 resp−1) for the uppermost mineral soil, which is needed for the calculation of gross nitrification via the Barometric Process Separation (BaPS) technique, was 0.8978 ± 0.008. The mean value of gross nitrification rates showed only little seasonal differences between summer (0.99 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1) and autumn measurements (0.89 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1). Gross rates of N mineralization were highest in the organic layer (20.1–137.9 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1) and significantly lower in the uppermost mineral layer (1.3–2.9 μg N kg−1 SDW d−1). Only for the organic layer seasonality in gross N mineralization rates could be demonstrated, with highest mean values in autumn, most likely caused by fresh litter decomposition. Gross mineralization rates of the organic layer were positively correlated with N2O emissions and negatively correlated with CH4 uptake, whereas soil CO2 emissions were positively correlated with heterotrophic respiration in the uppermost mineral soil layer. The most important abiotic factor influencing C and N trace gas fluxes was soil moisture, while the influence of soil temperature on trace gas exchange rates was high only in autumn.  相似文献   

Combined δ(13) C and δ(18) O analyses of water-soluble leaf and twig phloem material were used to determine intrinsic water-use efficiency (iWUE) and variability of stomatal conductance at different crown positions in adult European beech (Fagus sylvatica) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii) trees. Simultaneous gas exchange measurements allowed evaluation of the differences in calculating iWUE from leaf or phloem water-soluble compounds, and comparison with a semi-quantitative dual isotope model to infer variability of net photosynthesis (A(n) ) between the investigated crown positions. Estimates of iWUE from δ(13) C of leaf water-soluble organic matter (WSOM) outperformed the estimates from phloem compounds. In the beech crown, δ(13) C of leaf WSOM coincided clearly with gas exchange measurements. The relationship was not as reliable in the Douglas-fir. The differences in δ(18) O between leaf and phloem material were found to correlate with stomatal conductance. The semi-quantitative model approach was applicable for comparisons of daily average A(n) between different crown positions and trees. Intracanopy gradients were more pronounced in the beech than in the Douglas-fir, which reached higher values of iWUE at the respective positions, particularly under dry air conditions.  相似文献   

In the present study, the high‐resolution stable carbon (13C/12C) and oxygen (18O/16O) isotope ratio profiles in the wood of the mangrove Rhizophora mucronata Lam., a tropical tree species lacking distinct growth rings, were investigated. Variations of both isotope ratios revealed a remarkable annual cyclicity with lowest values occurring at the latewood/earlywood boundary (April–May) and highest values during the transition from earlywood to latewood (October–November). Based on the current knowledge of the physiology of this mangrove species, as well as on the current literature available on high‐resolution profiles of stable isotope ratios in tree rings, possible driving forces responsible for this seasonal pattern are discussed. The annual cyclicity, together with a conspicuous isotope pattern appearing in the El‐Niño year 1997, promises great potential for tropical dendrochronology.  相似文献   

The nuclear genetic variation within and among 21 populations of sessile oak was estimated at 31 RAPD loci in conjunction with previous estimates of variation at eight allozyme loci. The aim of the study was to assess the relative role of isolation-by-distance and postglacial history on patterns of nuclear variation. Because of its small effective population size and maternal transmission, the chloroplast genome is a good marker of population history. Both kinds of nuclear variation (RAPD and allozyme) were therefore compared, first, to the geographical distances among populations and, secondly, to chloroplast DNA restriction polymorphism in the same populations. Multiple Mantel tests were used for this purpose. Although RAPDs revealed less genetic diversity than allozymes, levels of genetic differentiation ( G ST) were identical. The standard genetic distance calculated at all RAPD loci was correlated with geographical distances but not with the genetic distance calculated from chloroplast DNA data. Conversely, allozyme variation was correlated with chloroplast DNA variation, but not with geography. Possibly, divergent selection at two allozyme loci during the glacial period could explain this pattern. Because of its greater number of loci assayed, RAPDs probably provided a less biased picture of the relative role of geography and history.  相似文献   

We investigated whether stand structure modulates the long-term physiological performance and growth of Pinus halepensis Mill. in a semiarid Mediterranean ecosystem. Tree radial growth and carbon and oxygen stable isotope composition of latewood (δ(13)C(LW) and δ(18)O(LW), respectively) from 1967 to 2007 were measured in P. halepensis trees from two sharply contrasting stand types: open woodlands with widely scattered trees versus dense afforested stands. In both stand types, tree radial growth, δ(13)C(LW) and δ(18)O(LW) were strongly correlated with annual rainfall, thus indicating that tree performance in this semiarid environment is largely determined by inter-annual changes in water availability. However, trees in dense afforested stands showed consistently higher δ(18)O(LW) and similar δ(13)C(LW) values compared with those in neighbouring open woodlands, indicating lower stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rates in the former, but little difference in water use efficiency between stand types. Trees in dense afforested stands were more water stressed and showed lower radial growth, overall suggesting greater vulnerability to drought and climate aridification compared with trees in open woodlands. In this semiarid ecosystem, the negative impacts of intense inter-tree competition for water on P. halepensis performance clearly outweigh potential benefits derived from enhanced infiltration and reduced run-off losses in dense afforested stands.  相似文献   

Accurate estimates of the δ13C value of CO2 respired from roots (δ13CR_root) and leaves (δ13CR_leaf) are important for tracing and understanding changes in C fluxes at the ecosystem scale. Yet the mechanisms underlying temporal variation in these isotopic signals are not fully resolved. We measured δ13CR_leaf, δ13CR_root, and the δ13C values and concentrations of glucose and sucrose in leaves and roots in the C4 grass Sporobolus wrightii and the C3 tree Prosopis velutina in a savanna ecosystem in southeastern Arizona, USA. Night‐time variation in δ13CR_leaf of up to 4.6 ± 0.6‰ in S. wrightii and 3.0 ± 0.6‰ in P. velutina were correlated with shifts in leaf sucrose concentration, but not with changes in δ13C values of these respiratory substrates. Strong positive correlations between δ13CR_root and root glucose δ13C values in P. velutina suggest large diel changes in δ13CR_root (were up to 3.9‰) influenced by short‐term changes in δ13C of leaf‐derived phloem C. No diel variation in δ13CR_root was observed in S. wrightii. Our findings show that short‐term changes in δ13CR_leaf and δ13CR_root were both related to substrate isotope composition and concentration. Changes in substrate limitation or demand for biosynthesis may largely control short‐term variation in the δ13C of respired CO2 in these species.  相似文献   

Understanding environmental and physiological controls of the variations in δ(13) C of CO(2) respired (δ(13) C(R)) from different compartments of an ecosystem is important for separation of CO(2) fluxes and to assess coupling between assimilation and respiration. In a wheat field, over 3 days we characterised the temporal dynamics of δ(13) C(R) from shoots and roots, from the soil and from the whole agroecosystem. To evaluate the basis of potential variations in δ(13) C(R), we also measured δ(13) C in different organic matter pools, as well as meteorological and gas exchange parameters. We observed strong diel variations up to ca. 6% in shoot, root and soil δ(13) C(R), but not in δ(13) C of the putative organic substrates for respiration, which varied by not more than ca. 1% within 24 h. Whole ecosystem-respired CO(2) was least depleted in (13) C in the afternoon and most negative in the early morning. We assume that temporally variable respiratory carbon isotope fractionation and changes in fluxes through metabolic pathways, rather than photosynthetic carbon isotope fractionation, governs the δ(13) C of respired CO(2) at the diel scale, and thus provides insights into the metabolic processes related to respiration under field conditions.  相似文献   

We report on the measurements of carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes of both bone and teeth from a single site and population (Medieval Wharram Percy), undertaken to explore variations due to weaning in a past population. There have been a number of recent studies of weaning using delta(15)N values of ribs, and we indicate a number of assumptions that must be met before the results of such studies can be correctly interpreted. We found that rib collagen delta(15)N values decrease to adult levels after age 2 years, indicating that weaning occurred at or before this age. Rib collagen delta(13)C values are also more enriched than adult delta(13)C values before age 2 years, and we argue that this is due to the so-called "carnivore" effect in delta(13)C. We measured teeth and rib delta(15)N values from the same individuals and found that for individuals up to age 11 years, tooth dentine delta(15)N is higher than adult rib delta(15)N values, indicating that the dentine was formed during breast-feeding and that there was almost no turnover of dentine since. We observed some decrease in delta(13)C and delta(15)N rib values, compared to adult rib and teeth values, for the few years after weaning that may relate to a theoretically predicted physiological nitrogen imbalance during this period of rapid growth, but this is more likely due to a childhood diet (up to age 9) which was isotopically different from later diet, possibly consisting of a greater proportion of plant foods.  相似文献   

At eight different dates during the 2000 growing season, δ13C and δ18O were determined in the phloem of adult beech trees growing in natural beech stands in south‐west Germany differing in stand density and local climate. In addition, stand transpiration, precipitation, photosynthetic active radiation, relative air humidity, water pressure deficit of the air, air and soil temperature, soil water potential, and sugar concentration of the phloem sap were determined directly and evaporation and canopy stomatal conductance were modelled. All parameters were related to δ13C. The study aimed to identify the time integral within which the δ13C of organic compounds transported in the phloem is an indicative measure of these environmental influences. δ13C of soluble carbon transported in the phloem was well correlated with mean stomatal conductance in a two‐day integral prior to phloem sampling but did not depend on either light intensity or soil water availability. A strong positive relationship between δ13C and δ18O pointed to observed variation in δ13C of phloem sap being a result of variation in stomatal conductance. Bulk leaf δ13C was a poor indicator of changes in environmental conditions during the growing season. From these results we conclude that the analysis of δ13C in soluble carbon transported in the phloem is a reliable indicator of short‐term changes in Ci/Ca. In contrast, the δ13C of structural carbon in beech foliage represents an integration of a range of factors that mask short‐term influences responsible for Ci/Ca.  相似文献   

The phytochemistry and biological activity of Scutellaria lateriflora L. (American skullcap) which has been traditionally used as a sedative and to treat various nervous disorders such as anxiety was studied. In vivo animal behaviour trials were performed to test anxiolytic effects in rats orally administered S. laterifolia extracts. Significant increases in the number of entries into the center of an "open-field arena"; number of unprotected head dips, number of entries and the length of time spent on the open arms of the Elevated Plus-Maze were found. The identification and quantification of the flavonoid, baicalin in a 50% EtOH extract (40 mg/g) and its aglycone baicalein in a 95% EtOH extract (33 mg/g), as well as the amino acids GABA in H2O and EtOH extracts (approximately 1.6 mg/g) and glutamine in a H2O extract (31 mg/g), was performed using HPLC. These compounds may play a role in anxiolytic activity since baicalin and baicalein are known to bind to the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor and since GABA is the main inhibitory neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Paternity analysis was used to determine the spatial distribution of male parents of 984 offspring collected from 13 identified mother trees in a natural stand of 5.76 ha and comprising 296 adult trees of Quercus petraea and Q . robur . For seven of the 13 maternal progeny arrays sampled, we found an excess of nearby matings and a preferential direction of pollination. For the remaining progeny arrays, no departure from random distribution of male parents was detected. A common trend among all families was a high percentage (averaging 65% for Q. robur and 69% for Q. petraea ) of offspring that were pollinated by male parents from outside the study site. By pooling the data over all families, the average pollen dispersal curve within the stand was inferred and fitted to a negative exponential distribution. This model extrapolated for distances over the spatial scale of the study stand was insufficient to explain the high level of gene flow detected by the paternity analysis, suggesting a substantial level of long-distance pollination events. The genetic composition of the pollen pools received by each maternal tree was compared and showed significant differentiation that could be attributed to differences in male reproductive success. By contrast, no significant differentiation between the pollen clouds from outside and inside the study stand was detected, suggesting genetic homogeneity between the surrounding forest and the study stand.  相似文献   

A high‐resolution chemostratigraphical (coupled δ13Ccarb and δ18Ocarb) study of the topmost Floian through the middle Darriwilian (Ordovician) succession at the Hällekis quarry, Kinnekulle, southern Sweden, shows relatively steady isotopic values with overall minor changes, although some notable short‐ and long‐term shifts are discernible. A pronounced positive shift in δ13C in the uppermost part of the study succession is identified as the Middle Darriwilian Isotopic Carbon Excursion (MDICE), representing the only named global isotopic excursion in the data set. Regional and global comparisons suggest that few details in the different carbon and oxygen isotope curves can be confidently correlated, but longer‐term patterns appear quite consistent. Trends in the isotope data are in agreement with palaeogeographical reconstructions. Differences in stratigraphical patterns of both carbon and oxygen isotopes between localities suggest strong secular development at several spatiotemporal scales; any global signal involving relatively minor isotopic shifts is often masked/subdued by local and regional overprinting and care should be taken not to overinterpret data sets. Collectively, the data suggest rising sea levels and cooling climates through the studied time interval, but detailed interpretations remain problematic.  相似文献   

植物水的稳定同位素分馏过程是水在土壤-植物-大气连续体中循环的重要环节。以往研究由于叶片水18O同位素比值(δ18O l,b)和氘(D)同位素比值(δDl,b)(合称δl,b)实测数量少只能作为模型验证数据, 导致δl,b富集机制研究多集中于模型研究, 缺乏基于野外试验条件的δl,b富集的控制机制研究。叶片水δDl,bδ18O l,b的富集程度(ΔDl,bΔ18O l,b, 合称Δl,b)通常表示为δl,b与茎秆水D同位素比值(δDx)和18O同位素比值(δ18Ox) (合称δx)之差, 即Δl,b = δl,b - δx。该研究以黑河中游沙漠绿洲春玉米(Zea mays)生态系统为研究对象, 重点采集和分析了季节和日尺度δl,bδx数据, 配套开展了大气水汽δ18O和δD (合称δv)等辅助变量的原位连续观测, 探讨了季节和日尺度上的δl,b富集特征及其影响因素。结果表明: 叶片水δl,bΔl,b的季节变化趋势不明显, 而受蒸腾作用影响表现出白天富集夜间贫化的单峰日变化特征。对于D来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 大气水汽δv和相对湿度是δDl,bΔDl,b的主要环境控制因素; 而对于18O来说, 无论季节尺度上还是日尺度上, 相对湿度是δ18O l,bΔ18O l,b的主要环境控制因素。由于D和18O在热力学平衡分馏上有约8倍差异, 直接分析叶片水ΔDl,bΔ18Ol,b与影响因素的差异性, 有助于理解叶片水δD和δ18O富集过程以及对模型发展有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

Stable isotope natural abundance measurements integrate across several biogeochemical processes in ecosystem N and C dynamics. Here, we report trends in natural isotope abundance (δ13C and δ15N in plant and soil) along a climosequence of 33 Nothofagus forest stands located within Patagonia, Southern Argentina. We measured 28 different abiotic variables (both climatic variables and soil properties) to characterize environmental conditions at each of the 33 sites. Foliar δ13C values ranged from ?35.4‰ to ?27.7‰, and correlated positively with foliar δ15N values, ranging from ?3.7‰ to 5.2‰. Soil δ13C and δ15N values reflected the isotopic trends of the foliar tissues and ranged from ?29.8‰ to ?25.3‰, and ?4.8‰ to 6.4‰, respectively, with no significant differences between Nothofagus species (Nothofagus pumilio, Nothofagus antarctica, Nothofagus betuloides). Principal component analysis and multiple regressions suggested that mainly water availability variables (mean annual precipitation), but not soil properties, explained between 42% and 79% of the variations in foliar and soil δ13C and δ15N natural abundance, which declined with increased moisture supply. We conclude that a decline in water use efficiency at wetter sites promotes both the depletion of heavy C and N isotopes in soil and plant biomass. Soil δ13C values were higher than those of the plant tissues and this difference increased as annual precipitation increased. No such differences were apparent when δ15N values in soil and plant were compared, which indicates that climatic differences contributed more to the overall C balance than to the overall N balance in these forest ecosystems.  相似文献   

A combination of dietary guild analysis and nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) stable‐isotope analysis was used to assess the trophic structure of the fish community in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds, an area off southern New England identified for offshore wind energy development. In the autumn of 2009, 2010 and 2011, stomach and tissue samples were taken from 20 fish and invertebrate species for analysis of diet composition and δ15N and δ13C signatures. The food chain in Rhode Island and Block Island Sounds comprises approximately four trophic levels within which the fish community is divided into distinct dietary guilds, including planktivores, benthivores, crustacivores and piscivores. Within these guilds, inter‐species isotopic and dietary overlap is high, suggesting that resource partitioning or competitive interactions play a major role in structuring the fish community. Carbon isotopes indicate that most fishes are supported by pelagic phytoplankton, although there is evidence that benthic production also plays a role, particularly for obligate benthivores such as skates Leucoraja spp. This type of analysis is useful for developing an ecosystem‐based approach to management, as it identifies species that act as direct links to basal resources as well as species groups that share trophic roles.  相似文献   

Stable carbon isotope analysis has become a key tool in functional ecology, yet considerable natural variability often limits the interpretations. In this study we document the spatial, taxonomic, temporal and tissue-specific δ13C variability in 10 tree species of a temperate European forest. The Swiss Canopy Crane provided access to the three dimensional space within 55 trees 30–35 m high representing the genera Acer, Carpinus, Fagus, Prunus, Quercus, Tilia, Abies, Larix, Picea and Pinus. The results from six broad-leaved and four conifer species (seven deciduous, three evergreen) documented that the species effect was not significant in contrast to tissue-specific and spatial differences in the canopy. Year-to-year differences were not large but still significant.

Our analysis confirmed a significant difference between δ13C of foliage collected in the upper and lower canopy, but revealed no systematic differences with respect to azimuthal directions in tree crowns of the broad-leaved trees, as opposed to the conifers, which show clear differences between the sun-exposed and the shaded side. Tissue-specific differences were significant, despite surprisingly similar mean values for most tissue types. Such tissue effect was largely due to young branch xylem, which exhibited a systematic less negative deviation from the other tissue types. These findings were consistent across the species tested and provided some guidelines towards a representative sampling strategy for 13C analysis.  相似文献   

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