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Recent advances in T cell repertoire (TCR) sequencing allow for the characterization of repertoire properties, as well as the frequency and sharing of specific TCR. However, there is no efficient measure for the local density of a given TCR. TCRs are often described either through their Complementary Determining region 3 (CDR3) sequences, or theirV/J usage, or their clone size. We here show that the local repertoire density can be estimated using a combined representation of these components through distance conserving autoencoders and Kernel Density Estimates (KDE). We present ELATE–an Encoder-based LocAl Tcr dEnsity and show that the resulting density of a sample can be used as a novel measure to study repertoire properties. The cross-density between two samples can be used as a similarity matrix to fully characterize samples from the same host. Finally, the same projection in combination with machine learning algorithms can be used to predict TCR-peptide binding through the local density of known TCRs binding a specific target.  相似文献   

T cell repertoire alterations of vascularized xenografts   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The role of T cells in the rejection of vascularized xenografts has been little explored. Because of the high potential diversity of xenoantigens, it has been suggested that xenotransplantation could induce a strong cellular response that could contribute to delayed rejection. Alternatively, alterations in molecular interactions could impair the T cell response. Because the analysis of TCR repertoire in vivo indirectly reflects the nature and the magnitude of T cell xenorecognition, we took advantage of the possibility of obtaining long term survival of hamster heart xenografts in rat recipients treated with a combination of cobra venom factor and cyclosporin A (CsA), to analyze T cell infiltration and, for the first time, V beta TCR usage, at the complementarity-determining region 3 level, in accommodated and rejected xenografts, compared with allografts. After withdrawal of CsA (on day 40), the analysis of V beta family expression and corresponding complementarity-determining region 3 lengths in rejected xenografts revealed a Gaussian pattern, in contrast to a much more restricted pattern in rejected allografts (p = 0.002), suggesting that, after withdrawal of CsA, all the underrepresented T cell clones are rapidly expanded in xenografts. These results correlate with the rapid kinetics of rejection (4 +/- 1 days), the high number of T cells, the rapid expression of markers of activation (IL-2 receptor alpha-chain and class II receptor), and the strong deposit of IgG Abs in rejected xenografts. Taken together, these results suggest that the intensity and diversity of the T cell response to xenografts could be stronger than the response to allografts in vivo.  相似文献   

The T cell repertoire is shaped in the thymus through positive and negative selection. Thus, data about the mature repertoire may be used to infer information on how TCR generation and selection operate. Assuming that T cell selection is affinity driven, we derive the quantitative constraints that the parameters driving these processes must fulfill to account for the experimentally observed levels of alloreactivity, self MHC restriction and the frequency of cells recognizing a given foreign Ag. We find that affinity-driven selection is compatible with experimental estimates of these latter quantities only if 1) TCRs see more peptide residues than MHC polymorphic residues, 2) the majority of positively selected clones are deleted by negative selection, 3) between 1 and 3.6 clonal divisions occur on average in the thymus after completion of TCR rearrangement, and 4) selection is driven by 103-105 self peptides.  相似文献   

T cell receptor (TCR) nucleotide sequences are often generated during analyses of T cell responses to pathogens or autoantigens. The most important region of the TCR is the third complementarity-determining region (CDR3) whose nucleotide sequence is unique to each T cell clone. The CDR3 interacts with the peptide and thus is important for recognizing pathogen or autoantigen epitopes. While conventions exist for identifying the various TCR chains, there is a lack of a concise nomenclature that would identify both the amino acid translation and nucleotide sequence of the CDR3. This deficiency makes the comparison of published TCR genetic and proteomic information difficult. To enhance information sharing among different databases and to facilitate computational assessment of clonotypic T cell repertoires, we propose a clonotype nomenclature. The rules for generating a clonotype identifier are simple and easy to follow, and have a built-in error-checking system. The identifier includes the V and J region, the CDR3 length as well as its human or mouse origin. The framework of this naming system could also be expanded to the B cell receptor. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

It is still a matter of debate, whether tolerance toward self-non-MHC antigens is due to intrathymic deletion or to regulatory processes in the periphery. To further pursue this question, responsiveness toward TNP and an anti-TNP monoclonal antibody (Sp6) carrying a recurrent idiotype was evaluated in prenatally trinitrobenzenesulfonic acid (TNBS)-treated mice. In prenatally untreated as well as in TNBS-treated mice, thymocytes proliferating in the absence of nominal antigen were double negative (L3T4-/Lyt2-), but antigen-specific thymocytes were single positive (L3T4+/Lyt2- or L3T4-/Lyt2+). TNBS-treated mice differed from controls inasmuch as in their first week of life T cells proliferating in response to TNP were found in the thymus and detected at increased frequencies in the spleen. The frequency of TNP-specific thymocytes and spleen cells declined rapidly, finally reaching in the spleen a level of 20-30% of controls. Furthermore, after antigenic stimulation, the frequency of thymocytes and spleen cells proliferating in response to TNP was found to be increased in control mice, but TNP-specific T cell were no more recovered in the thymus or the spleen of tolerized mice. The same accounted for thymic and splenic T cells proliferating in response to Sp6. They were expanded in control mice after antigenic stimulation, but were undetectable in TNBS-treated mice. Thus, T cells with specificity for an internal (Sp6) and an external (TNP) antigen, provided the latter was present during ontogeny, were detected in the thymus of control and, transiently, in the thymus of tolerized mice. But, the fate of antigen-specific thymocytes was different in prenatally untreated and TNBS-treated mice. The data are interpreted in the sense that tolerance toward non-MHC antigens may be acquired subsequently to tolerance toward self-MHC antigens and possibly after imprinting of antigen specificity.  相似文献   

T cells bearing alphabeta T cell receptors (TCRs) recognize antigens in the form of peptides bound to class I or class II major histocompatibility proteins (MHC). TCRs on mature T cells are usually very specific for both peptide and MHC class and allele. They are picked out from a precursor population in the thymus by MHC-driven positive and negative selection. Here we show that the pool of T cells initially positively selected in the thymus contains many T cells that are very crossreactive for peptide and MHC and that subsequent negative selection establishes the MHC-restriction and peptide specificity of peripheral T cells. Our results also suggest that germline-encoded TCR variable elements have an inherent predisposition to react with features shared by all MHC proteins.  相似文献   

Given the flexible nature of TCR specificity, deletion or permanent disabling of all T cells with the capacity to recognize self peptides would severely limit the diversity of the repertoire and the capacity to recognize foreign Ags. To address this, we have investigated the patterns of CD8+ CTL reactivity to a naturally H-2Kb-presented self peptide derived from the elongation factor 1alpha (EF1alpha). EF1alpha occurs as two differentially expressed isoforms differing at one position of the relevant peptide. Low avidity CTLs could be raised against both variants of the EF1alpha peptide. These CTLs required 100-fold more peptide-H-2Kb complexes on the target cell compared with CTLs against a viral peptide, and did not recognize the naturally expressed levels of EF1alpha peptides. Thus, low avidity T cells specific for these self peptides escape tolerance by deletion, despite expression of both EF1alpha isoforms in dendritic cells known to mediate negative selection in the thymus. The low avidity in CTL recognition of these peptides correlated with low TCR affinity. However, self peptide-specific CTLs expressed elevated levels of CD8. Furthermore, CTLs generated against altered self peptide variants displayed intermediate avidity, indicating cross-reactivity in induction of tolerance. We interpret these data, together with results previously published by others, in an avidity pit model based on avidity thresholds for maintenance of both maximal diversity and optimal self tolerance in the CD8+ T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Upon antigenic stimulation with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages, the mouse T cell hybridoma 231F1 produced glycosylation inhibiting factor (GIF) having affinity for OVA and IgE-suppressive factors, whereas another T cell hybridoma, 12H5, cells produced OVA-binding glycosylation enhancing factor (GEF) and IgE-potentiating factor. The OVA-binding GIF from the 231F1 cells is an Ag-specific Ts cell factor, whereas OVA-binding GEF from the 12H5 cells is an Ag-specific augmenting factor. Both hybridomas express CD3 complex and functional TCR-alpha beta. Cross-linking of TCR-alpha beta or CD3 molecules on the hybridomas by anti-TCR-alpha beta mAb or anti-CD3 mAb and protein A resulted in the formation of the same factors as those obtained by the stimulation of the cells with OVA-pulsed syngeneic macrophages. It was also found that both the 231F1 cells and 12H5 cells formed IgE-binding factors upon incubation with H-2d and H-2b APC, respectively, with a synthetic peptide corresponding to residues 307-317 in the OVA molecules (P307-317). Six other synthetic peptides, including those containing the major immunogenic epitope, i.e., P323-339, failed to stimulate the hybridomas in the presence of APC. Indeed, all of the 10 T cell hybridoma clones, which could produce either OVA-binding GIF or OVA-binding GEF, responded to P307-317 and APC for the formation of IgE-binding factors. In contrast, GIF/GEF derived from six other hybridoma clones, whose TCR recognized P323-339 in the context of a MHC product, failed to bind to OVA-coupled Sepharose. The results indicate the correlation between the fine specificity of TCR and the affinity of GIF/GEF to the nominal Ag. The amino acid sequence of P307-317 suggested that TCR on the cell sources of Ag-binding factors are specific for an external structure of the Ag molecules.  相似文献   

Data are presented from a comparative research on expression of epidermal growth factor (EGF) receptors and response to EGF of six independently established cell lines derived from human hepatoma. These lines differ in terms of the degree of differentiation, presence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) DNA copies in integrated form and expression of HBV genes. Our results indicate differential expression of membrane EGF receptors and differential response to EGF under serum- and hormone-free culture conditions. Furthermore, a significant difference in affinity could be detected between EGF receptors of the two highly dedifferentiated cell lines (HA22T/VGH and Li7A) whose replication is inhibited by EGF concentrations capable of stimulating more differentiated phenotypes.  相似文献   

Antigen processing and the human T cell receptor repertoire for insulin   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Three human T cell lines specific for the A loop of beef insulin were studied to determine the requirements for Ag processing. The data show that the conformation of the A loop of insulin is required for recognition and that the B chain of insulin per se is not necessary for this response. Processing of native insulin was required for responses of all three T cell lines; however, each displayed a different pattern of sensitivity to inhibition of processing and aldehyde fixation of APC. A peptide comprised of two disulfide-linked A chains was partially stimulatory when presented by fixed APC whereas A chain monomers and disulfide-linked A and B chain peptides were not. The response to native insulin, peptides, and A chain dimers was sensitive to chloroquine suggesting that none of these moieties is the terminal processed peptide recognized by insulin immune T cells. The unique patterns of fine specificity, processing requirements, and recognition of aldehyde-fixed antigen-MHC for each T cell line suggest the hypothesis that Ag processing leads to heterogeneity of the T cell repertoire for a single epitope of insulin.  相似文献   

The influence of T cell genotype and T cell maturation environment on the generation of the T cell alloreactive repertoire was evaluated in the H-2b cytotoxic T lymphocyte response to Kb mutant determinants expressed by the strain B6-H-2bm6. Specifically, by constructing radiation bone marrow chimeras with B6 or B10 (H-2b) donor cells and B10.BR, B10.A(4R), B10.MBR, and B6.C-H-2bm1 irradiated mice as recipients, it was possible to investigate the major histocompatibility complex (MHC)-encoded gene products of the host environment required for the generation of a bm6-specific H-2b CTL response. The results of such experiments confirmed the previous finding that the alloreactive T cell repertoire is influenced both by T cell MHC genotype and by the MHC gene products of the T cell maturation environment. In addition, the results of the present study further demonstrated that in the chimeric donor and host genetic combinations used, it was both necessary and sufficient that there be a homology of K region-encoded determinants for the generation of a bm6-specific CTL response. Experiments utilizing a mixed responder population of unresponsive B6----B10.D2 spleen cells and responsive Lyt-2 congenic B6.Lyt-2.1 spleen cell suggested that the cellular defect(s) underlying the unresponsiveness of the chimeric cells to bm6-encoded determinants was at the level of the CTL precursor. Together, these findings indicate that an interaction of the K region-encoded gene products of the T cell and its maturation environment play a critical role in the generation of the CTL repertoire specific for bm6 mutant determinants. We discuss here the possibility that this interaction may reflect a requirement that T cells recognize such mutant allodeterminants in association with self restriction elements present on the same mutant K region-encoded molecule.  相似文献   

The reliability of the immune response to pathogenic challenge depends critically on the size and diversity of the T cell repertoire. We study naïve T cell repertoire diversity maintenance by a stochastic model that incorporates the concept of competition between T cells for survival stimuli emanating from self-antigen presenting cells (APCs). In the mean field approximation we show that clonotype extinction is certain and compute mean extinction times. We introduce the concept of mean niche overlap and show that clones with a mean niche overlap greater than one have a short repertoire lifespan. This selection differential induces minimal recognition commonality between T cell receptors (TCRs) resulting in a diverse T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Effects of taurine and THIP were studied on the development of cultured cerebellar granule cells with regard to GABA receptor expression and morphological development. Culturing in the presence of taurine or THIP led to the formation of low affinity GABA receptors as revealed from Scatchard analysis of [3H]GABA binding. This formation of receptors was susceptible to inhibition upon culturing in the simultaneous presence of taurine and bicuculline demonstrating the involvement of the high affinity GABA receptors which are present on the cells regardless of the culture condition. Superfusion experiments on cells cultured under the different conditions demonstrated that the low affinity GABA receptors expressed after culturing in the presence of THIP or taurine mediated an inhibition by GABA of evoked transmitter release from the granule cells. Cells cultured in either plain culture media or in the presence of taurine were indistinguishable with respect to the number of neurite extending cells observed after 4 days in culture. In contrast, culturing in the presence of THIP increased the number of neurite extending cells by 8% relative to the controls.Special issue dedicated to Dr. Paola S. Timiras  相似文献   

After initiation of antiretroviral therapy (ART), HIV loads and frequencies of HIV epitope-specific immune responses decrease. A diverse virus-specific T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire allows the host to respond to viral epitope diversity, but the effect of antigen reduction as a result of ART on the TCR repertoire of epitope-specific CD8(+) T cell populations has not been well defined. We determined the TCR repertoires of 14 HIV-specific CD8(+) T cell responses from 8 HIV-positive individuals before and after initiation of ART. We used multiparameter flow cytometry to measure the distribution of memory T cell subsets and the surface expression of PD-1 on T cell populations and T cell clonotypes within epitope-specific responses from these individuals. Post-ART, we noted decreases in the frequency of circulating epitope-specific T cells (P = 0.02), decreases in the number of T-cell clonotypes found within epitope-specific T cell receptor repertoires (P = 0.024), and an overall reduction in the amino acid diversity within these responses (P < 0.0001). Despite this narrowing of the T cell response to HIV, the overall hierarchy of dominant T cell receptor clonotypes remained stable compared to that pre-ART. CD8(+) T cells underwent redistributions in memory phenotypes and a reduction in CD38 and PD-1 expression post-ART. Despite extensive remodeling at the structural and phenotypic levels, PD-1 was expressed at higher levels on dominant clonotypes within epitope-specific responses before and after initiation of ART. These data suggest that the antigen burden may maintain TCR diversity and that dominant clonotypes are sensitive to antigen even after dramatic reductions after initiation of ART.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic activity and T cell receptor (TCR) V repertoire in tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TIL) of three primary adrenal cell carcinomas were analyzed. Fresh, non-cultured TIL from two of the three tumors showed low but significant lysis of the autologous tumor, and for one of the patients this activity was strongly enhanced upon culture in interleukin-2. An allogeneic adrenal cell carcinoma line and the K562 or Daudi targets included as controls were not killed. Phenotypic analysis of freshly isolated TIL demonstrated that the cells from the two patients that demonstrated cytolytic capacity mainly consisted of CD45RO+ T cells. In vitro cultured TIL lines from these patients demonstrated a high percentage of CD8+ cells expressing either the V6 gene or the V8 gene product, as measured with a panel of mAb specific for TCR V and V gene products. Analysis of the TCR V gene mRNA expression in freshly isolated non-cultured TIL, using a polymerase-chain-reaction-assisted cDNA-amplification assay, confirmed the strong expression of the genes coding for the TCR V6 or the V8. This assay also demonstrated a more restricted TCR V gene usage in the TIL as compared to peripheral blood lymphocytes from the same patient.This study was supported by the Swedish Cancer Society and by the Cancer Society in Stockholm  相似文献   

Activated T cells and their naive precursors display different functional avidities for peptide/MHC, but are thought to have identical antigenic repertoires. We show that, following activation with a cognate mimotope (NRP), diabetogenic CD8(+) T cells expressing a single TCR (8.3) respond vigorously to numerous peptide analogs of NRP that were unable to elicit any responses from naive 8.3-CD8(+) T cells, even at high concentrations. The NRP-reactive, in vivo activated CD8(+) cells arising in pancreatic islets of nonobese diabetic mice are similarly promiscuous for peptide/MHC, and paradoxically this promiscuity expands as the aviditiy of the T cell population for NRP/MHC increases with age. Thus, activation and avidity maturation of T lymphocyte populations can lead to dramatic expansions in the range of peptides that elicit functional T cell responses.  相似文献   

An altered T cell repertoire in MECL-1-deficient mice   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Immunoproteasome subunits low-molecular mass polypeptide (LMP)2 and LMP7 affect Ag presentation by MHC class I molecules. In the present study, we investigated the function of the third immunosubunit LMP10/multicatalytic endopeptidase complex-like (MECL)-1 (beta2i) in MECL-1 gene-targeted mice. The number of CD8+ splenocytes in MECL-1-/- mice was 20% lower than in wild-type mice. Infection with lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) elicited a markedly reduced cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response to the LCMV epitopes GP276-286/Db and NP205-212/Kb in MECL-1-/- mice. The weak CTL response to GP276-286/Db was not due to an impaired generation of this epitope but was attributed to a decreased precursor frequency of GP276-286/Db-specific T cells. The expansion of TCR-Vbeta10+ T cells, which contain GP276-286/Db-specific cells, was reduced in LCMV-infected MECL-1-/- mice. Taken together, our data reveal an in vivo function of MECL-1 in codetermining the T cell repertoire for an antiviral CTL response.  相似文献   

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