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Succinate:menaquinone oxidoreductase from Corynebacterium glutamicum, a high-G+C, Gram-positive bacterium, was purified to homogeneity. The enzyme contained two heme B molecules and three polypeptides with apparent molecular masses of 67, 29 and 23 kDa, which corresponded to SdhA (flavoprotein), SdhB (iron–sulfur protein), and SdhC (membrane anchor protein), respectively. In non-denaturating polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, the enzyme migrated as a single band with an apparent molecular mass of 410 kDa, suggesting that it existed as a trimer. The succinate dehydrogenase activity assayed using 2,3-dimethoxy-5-methyl-6-decyl-1,4-benzoquinone and 2,6-dichloroindophenol as the electron acceptor was inhibited by 2-n-heptyl-4-hydroxyquinoline N-oxide (HQNO), and the Dixon plots were biphasic. In contrast, the succinate dehydrogenase activity assayed using phenazine methosulfate and 2,6-dichloroindophenol was inhibited by p-benzoquinone and not by HQNO. These findings suggested that the C. glutamicum succinate:menaquinone oxidoreductase had two quinone binding sites. In the phylogenetic tree of SdhA, Corynebacterium species do not belong to the high-G+C group, which includes Mycobacterium tuberculosis and Streptomyces coelicolor, but are rather close to the group of low-G+C, Gram-positive bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis. This situation may have arisen due to the horizontal gene transfer.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum is widely used for producing amino acids. Mycolic acids, the major components in the cell wall of C. glutamicum might be closely related to the secretion of amino acids. In this study, mycolic acids were extracted from 5 strains of C. glutamicum, including ATCC 13032, ATCC 13869, ATCC 14067, L-isoleucine producing strain IWJ-1, and L-valine producing strain VWJ-1. Structures of these mycolic acids were analyzed using thin layer chromatography and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. More than twenty molecular species of mycolic acid were observed in all 5 strains. They differ in the length (20–40 carbons) and saturation (0–3 double bonds) of their constituent fatty acids. The dominant species of mycolic acid in every strain was different, but their two hydrocarbon chains were similar in length (14–18 carbons), and the meromycolate chain usually contained double bonds. As the growth temperature of cells increased from 30°C to 34°C, the proportion of mycolic acid species containing unsaturated and shorter hydrocarbon chains increased. These results provide new information on mycolic acids in C. glutamicum, and could be useful for modifying the cell wall to increase the production of amino acids.  相似文献   

Solvent stress occurs during whole-cell biocatalysis of organic chemicals. Organic substrates and/or products may accumulate in the cellular membranes of whole cells, causing structural destabilization of the membranes, which leads to disturbances in cellular carbon and energy metabolism. Here, we investigate the effect of cyclohexanone on carbon metabolism in Escherichia coli BL21 and Corynebacterium glutamicum ATCC13032. Adding cyclohexanone to the culture medium (i.e., glucose mineral medium) resulted in a decreased specific growth rate and increased cellular maintenance energy in both strains of bacteria. Notably, carbon metabolism, which is mainly involved to increase cellular maintenance energy, was very different between the bacteria. Carbon flux into the acetic acid fermentation pathway was dominantly enhanced in E. coli, whereas the TCA cycle appeared to be activated in C. glutamicum. In fact, carbon flux into the TCA cycle in E. coli appeared to be reduced with increasing amounts of cyclohexanone in the culture medium. Metabolic engineering of E. coli cells to maintain or improve TCA cycle activity and, presumably, that of the electron transport chain, which are involved in regeneration of cofactors (e.g., NAD(P)H and ATP) and formation of toxic metabolites (e.g., acetic acid), may be useful in increasing solvent tolerance and biotransformation of organic chemicals (e.g., cyclohexanone).  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum was metabolically engineered to broaden its substrate utilization range to include the pentose sugar l-arabinose, a product of the degradation of lignocellulosic biomass. The resultant CRA1 recombinant strain expressed the Escherichia coli genes araA, araB, and araD encoding l-arabinose isomerase, l-ribulokinase, and l-ribulose-5-phosphate 4-epimerase, respectively, under the control of a constitutive promoter. Unlike the wild-type strain, CRA1 was able to grow on mineral salts medium containing l-arabinose as the sole carbon and energy source. The three cloned genes were expressed to the same levels whether cells were cultured in the presence of d-glucose or l-arabinose. Under oxygen deprivation and with l-arabinose as the sole carbon and energy source, strain CRA1 carbon flow was redirected to produce up to 40, 37, and 11%, respectively, of the theoretical yields of succinic, lactic, and acetic acids. Using a sugar mixture containing 5% d-glucose and 1% l-arabinose under oxygen deprivation, CRA1 cells metabolized l-arabinose at a constant rate, resulting in combined organic acids yield based on the amount of sugar mixture consumed after d-glucose depletion (83%) that was comparable to that before d-glucose depletion (89%). Strain CRA1 is, therefore, able to utilize l-arabinose as a substrate for organic acid production even in the presence of d-glucose.  相似文献   

Corynebacterium glutamicum strains are used for the fermentative production of l-glutamate. Five C. glutamicum deletion mutants were isolated by two rounds of selection for homologous recombination and identified by Southern blot analysis. The growth, glucose consumption and glutamate production of the mutants were analyzed and compared with the wild-type ATCC 13032 strain. Double disruption of dtsR1 (encoding a subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex) and pyc (encoding pyruvate carboxylase) caused efficient overproduction of l-glutamate in C. glutamicum; production was much higher than that of the wild-type strain and ΔdtsR1 strain under glutamate-inducing conditions. In the absence of any inducing conditions, the amount of glutamate produced by the double-deletion strain ΔdtsR1Δpyc was more than that of the mutant ΔdtsR1. The activity of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) was found to be higher in the ΔdtsR1Δpyc strain than in the ΔdtsR1 strain and the wild-type strain. Therefore, PEPC appears to be an important anaplerotic enzyme for glutamate synthesis in ΔdtsR1 derivatives. Moreover, this conclusion was confirmed by overexpression of ppc and pyc in the two double-deletion strains (ΔdtsR1Δppc and ΔdtsR1Δpyc), respectively. Based on the data generated in this investigation, we suggest a new method that will improve glutamate production strains and provide a better understanding of the interaction(s) between the anaplerotic pathway and fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

We recently engineered the wild type of Corynebacterium glutamicum for the growth-decoupled production of L: -valine from glucose by inactivation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and additional overexpression of the ilvBNCE genes, encoding the L-valine biosynthetic enzymes acetohydroxyacid synthase, isomeroreductase, and transaminase B. Based on the first generation of pyruvate-dehydrogenase-complex-deficient C. glutamicum strains, a second generation of high-yield L-valine producers was constructed by successive deletion of the genes encoding pyruvate:quinone oxidoreductase, phosphoglucose isomerase, and pyruvate carboxylase and overexpression of ilvBNCE. In fed-batch fermentations at high cell densities, the newly constructed strains produced up to 410 mM (48 g/l) L-valine, showed a maximum yield of 0.75 to 0.86 mol/mol (0.49 to 0.56 g/g) of glucose in the production phase and, in contrast to the first generation strains, excreted neither pyruvate nor any other by-product tested.  相似文献   

Xylooligosaccharides (XOSs) and arabinoxylooligosaccharides (AXOSs) are major oligosaccharides derived from arabinoxylan. In our previous report, Corynebacterium glutamicum was engineered to utilize XOSs by introducing Corynebacterium alkanolyticum xyloside transporter and β-xylosidase. However, this strain was unable to consume AXOSs due to the absence of α-l-arabinofuranosidase activity. In this study, to confer AXOS utilization ability on C. glutamicum, two putative arabinofuranosidase genes (abf51A and abf51B) were isolated from C. alkanolyticum by the combination of degenerate PCR and genome walking methods. Recombinant Abf51A and Abf51B heterologously expressed in Escherichia coli showed arabinofuranosidase activities toward 4-nitrophenyl-α-l-arabinofuranoside with k cat values of 150 and 63, respectively, with optimum at pH 6.0 to 6.5. However, Abf51A showed only a slight activity toward AXOSs and was more susceptible to product inhibition by arabinose and xylose than Abf51B. Introduction of abf51B gene into the C. glutamicum XOS-utilizing strain enabled it to utilize AXOSs as well as XOSs. The xylI gene encoding a putative xylanase was found upstream of the C. alkanolyticum xyloside transporter genes. A signal peptide was predicted at the N-terminus of the xylI-encoding polypeptide, which indicated XylI was a secreted protein. Recombinant mature XylI protein heterologously expressed in E. coli showed a xylanase activity toward xylans from various plant sources with optimum at pH 6.5, and C. glutamicum recombinant strain expressing native XylI released xylose, xylobiose, xylotriose, and arabino-xylobiose from arabinoxylan. Finally, introduction of the xylI gene into the C. glutamicum AXOS-utilizing strain enabled it to directly utilize arabinoxylan.  相似文献   

A Corynebacterium glutamicum strain with inactivated pyruvate dehydrogenase complex and a deletion of the gene encoding the pyruvate:quinone oxidoreductase produces about 19 mM l-valine, 28 mM l-alanine and about 55 mM pyruvate from 150 mM glucose. Based on this double mutant C. glutamicumaceEpqo, we engineered C. glutamicum for efficient production of pyruvate from glucose by additional deletion of the ldhA gene encoding NAD+-dependent l-lactate dehydrogenase (LdhA) and introduction of a attenuated variant of the acetohydroxyacid synthase (△C–T IlvN). The latter modification abolished overflow metabolism towards l-valine and shifted the product spectrum to pyruvate production. In shake flasks, the resulting strain C. glutamicumaceEpqoldhA △C–T ilvN produced about 190 mM pyruvate with a Y P/S of 1.36 mol per mol of glucose; however, it still secreted significant amounts of l-alanine. Additional deletion of genes encoding the transaminases AlaT and AvtA reduced l-alanine formation by about 50%. In fed-batch fermentations at high cell densities with adjusted oxygen supply during growth and production (0–5% dissolved oxygen), the newly constructed strain C. glutamicumaceEpqoldhA △C–T ilvNalaTavtA produced more than 500 mM pyruvate with a maximum yield of 0.97 mol per mole of glucose and a productivity of 0.92 mmol g(CDW)−1 h−1 (i.e., 0.08 g g(CDW) −1 h−1) in the production phase.  相似文献   

A simple and random genome deletion method combining insertion sequence (IS) element IS31831 and the Cre/loxP excision system generated 42 Corynebacterium glutamicum mutants (0.2–186 kb). A total of 393.6 kb (11.9% of C. glutamicum R genome) coding for 331 genes was confirmed to be nonessential under standard laboratory conditions. The deletion strains, generated using only two vectors, varied not only in their lengths but also the location of the deletion along the C. glutamicum R genome. By comparing and analyzing the generated deletion strains, identification of nonessential genes, the roles of genes of hitherto unknown function, and gene–gene interactions can be easily and efficiently determined. Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

We recently proposed a metabolic engineering strategy for l-ornithine production based on the hypothesis that an increased intracellular supply of N-acetylglutamate may further enhance l-ornithine production in a well-defined recombinant strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum. In this work, an argJ-deficient arginine auxotrophic mutant of C. glutamicum is suppressed by a different locus of C. glutamicum ATCC13032. Overexpression of the NCgl1469 open reading frame (ORF), exhibiting N-acetylglutamate synthase (NAGS) activity, was able to complement the C. glutamicum arginine-auxotrophic argJ strain and showed increased NAGS activity from 0.03 to 0.17 units mg−1 protein. Additionally, overexpression of the NCgl1469 ORF resulted in a 39% increase in excreted l-ornithine. These results indicate that the intracellular supply of N-acetylglutamate is a rate-limiting step during l-ornithine production in C. glutamicum.  相似文献   



Corynebacterium glutamicum is a well-known producer of various l-amino acids in industry. During the fermenting process, C. glutamicum unavoidably encounters oxidative stress due to a specific reactive oxygen species (ROS) produced by consistent adverse conditions. To combat the ROS, C. glutamicum has developed many common disulfide bond-based regulatory devices to control a specific set of antioxidant genes. However, nothing is known about the mixed disulfide between the protein thiol groups and the mycothiol (MSH) (S-mycothiolation)-based sensor. In addition, no OhrR (organic hydroperoxide resistance regulator) homologs and none of the organic hydroperoxide reductase (Ohr) sensors have been described in the alkyl hydroperoxide reductase CF-missing C. glutamicum, while organic hydroperoxides (OHPs)-specific Ohr was a core detoxification system.


In this study, we showed that the C. glutamicum OhsR acted as an OHPs sensor that activated ohr expression. OhsR conferred resistance to cumene hydroperoxide (CHP) and t-butyl hydroperoxide but not H2O2, hypochlorous acid, and diamide; this outcome was substantiated by the fact that the ohsR-deficient mutant was sensitive to OHPs but not inorganic peroxides. The DNA binding activity of OhsR was specifically activated by CHP. Mutational analysis of the two cysteines (Cys125 and Cys261) showed that Cys125 was primarily responsible for the activation of DNA binding. The oxidation of Cys125 produced a sulfenic acid (C125-SOH) that subsequently reacted with MSH to generate S-mycothiolation that was required to activate the ohr expression. Therefore, OhsR regulated the ohr expression using an S-mycothiolation mechanism in vivo.


This is the first report demonstrating that the regulatory OhsR specifically sensed OHPs stress and responded to it by activating a specific ohr gene under its control using an S-mycothiolated mechanism.

In up to 100% of all bacteria grown in the presence of initially inhibitory concentrations of five diverse inhibitors, an extra copy of the resident insertion element IS31831 was found in specific chromosomal regions, the sites of which apparently depended on the inhibitor used. Thus, in nine out of nine independently isolated cyanide-associated transpositions, the acquired copy was located within an ORF encoding a protein related to the hypothetical but conserved protein YeiH of Escherichia coli. A putative Sox box upstream of the yeiH gene implicates superoxide as a potential regulator of the gene, a possibility further supported by the finding that superoxide dismutase (SodA) is overexpressed in cells cultured in cyanide-containing medium. Neither the cyanide-associated nor any of the other transposition mutations appeared to confer any discernible phenotypic advantage upon cells grown in the presence or absence of the inhibitors, as revealed most stringently by mixed-cell experiments. An alternative, albeit heterodox, explanation for the emergence of the mutants postulates a very high rate of transpositional activity in the presence of inhibitors. The initial emergence of the mutants was found to depend crucially upon the cell density. Thus, when growth medium was supplemented with 50 mM fluoropyruvate and inoculated to a density of 2×107 cfu/ml, single colonies with heterogeneous restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) were routinely isolated at a frequency of 6 to 16% after 1–2 days of incubation. After 3 days, 10–36% of the colonies showed RFLPs, but the type was now dominated by the fluoropyruvate-specific RFLP, which, at higher resolution, invariably proved to be heterogeneous. This heterogeneity proved that these specific mutants were of multiple origin, indicating that clonal enrichment was irrelevant to their emergence. It is suggested that the presence of the inhibitor induces the development of hyper-transpositional activity, which is regulated by a soluble bacterial product.Communicated by W. Arber  相似文献   

Nucleotide and amino acid sequences of Corynebacterium glutamicum recA genes, from GenBank, were compared in silico. On the basis of the identity found between sequences, two degenerate primers were designed on the two sides of the deduced open reading frame (ORF) of the recA gene. PCR experiments, for amplifying the recA ORF region, were done. pGEM®-T Easy vector was selected to be used for cloning PCR products. Then recA ORF was placed under the control of Escherichia coli hybrid trc promoter, in pKK388-1 vector. pKK388-1 vector, containing recA ORF, was transformed to E. coli DH5α ΔrecA (recombinant deficient strain), in an attempt to phenotypically complement it. Ultraviolet (u.v.) exposure experiments of the transformed and non-transformed E. coli DH5α ΔrecA cells revealed tolerance of transformed cells up to dose 0.24 J/cm2, while non-transformed cells tolerated only up to dose 0.08 J/cm2. It is concluded that phenotypic complementation of E. coli DH5α ΔrecA with recA ORF of C. glutamicum, could be achieved and RecA activity could be restored.  相似文献   

SecA is a central component of the bacterial Sec preprotein translocase. Besides the housekeeping SecA (SecA1), some mostly pathogenic Gram-positive bacteria possess an accessory SecA (SecA2) that is involved in the export of a few substrates only. Here we show that neither of the two secA homologous genes present in the genome of the non-pathogenic bacterium Corynebacterium glutamicum can be deleted, unless a copy of the respective gene is provided in trans on a plasmid. This finding is in marked contrast to all other cases examined so far making C. glutamicum the first reported bacterium possessing two essential SecA proteins.  相似文献   

We analyzed 1,2-propanediol (1,2-PD) production in metabolically engineered Corynebacterium glutamicum. Wild-type C. glutamicum produced 93 μM 1,2-PD after 132 h incubation under aerobic conditions. No gene encoding the methylglyoxal synthase (MGS) which catalyzes the first step of 1,2-PD synthesis from the glycolytic pathway was detected on the C. glutamicum genome, but several genes annotated as encoding putative aldo-keto reductases (AKRs) were present. AKR functions as a methylglyoxal reductase in the 1,2-PD synthesis pathway. Expressing Escherichia coli mgs gene in C. glutamicum increased 1,2-PD yield 100-fold, suggesting that wild-type C. glutamicum carries the genes downstream of MGS in the 1,2-PD synthesis pathway. Furthermore, simultaneous overexpression of mgs and cgR_2242, one of the genes annotated as AKRs, enhanced 1,2-PD production to 24 mM. This work establishes that 1,2-PD synthesis by C. glutamicum, previously unknown, is possible.  相似文献   



To develop an efficient synthetic promoter library for fine-tuned expression of target genes in Corynebacterium glutamicum.


A synthetic promoter library for C. glutamicum was developed based on conserved sequences of the ??10 and ??35 regions. The synthetic promoter library covered a wide range of strengths, ranging from 1 to 193% of the tac promoter. 68 promoters were selected and sequenced for correlation analysis between promoter sequence and strength with a statistical model. A new promoter library was further reconstructed with improved promoter strength and coverage based on the results of correlation analysis. Tandem promoter P70 was finally constructed with increased strength by 121% over the tac promoter. The promoter library developed in this study showed a great potential for applications in metabolic engineering and synthetic biology for the optimization of metabolic networks.


To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reconstruction of synthetic promoter library based on statistical analysis of C. glutamicum.

The protein glutaminase (PG) secreted by the Gram-negative bacterium Chryseobacterium proteolyticum can deamidate glutaminyl residues in several substrate proteins, including insoluble wheat glutens. This enzyme therefore has potential application in the food industry. We assessed the possibility to produce PG containing a pro-domain in Corynebacterium glutamicum which we have successfully used for production of several kinds of proteins at industrial-scale. When it was targeted to the general protein secretion pathway (Sec) via its own signal sequence, the protein glutaminase was not secreted in this strain. In contrast, we showed that pro-PG could be efficiently produced using the recently discovered twin-arginine translocation (Tat) pathway when the typical Sec-dependent signal peptide was replaced by a Tat-dependent signal sequence from various bacteria. The accumulation of pro-PG in C. glutamicum ATCC13869 reached 183 mg/l, and the pro-PG was converted to an active form as the native one by SAM-P45, a subtilisin-like serine protease derived from Streptomyces albogriseolus. The successful secretion of PG via this approach confirms that the Tat pathway of C. glutamicum is an efficient alternative for the industrial-scale production of proteins that are not efficiently secreted by other systems.  相似文献   

Efficient transformation of the human pathogen Corynebacterium diphtheriae was achieved with novel cloning vectors consisting of a mini-replicon from the cryptic C. glutamicum plasmid pGA1 as well as of the aph(3′)-IIa or tetA(Z) antibiotic resistance genes. Plasmid-containing transformants of C. diphtheriae were recovered at frequencies ranging from 1.3 × 105 to 4.8 × 106 colony forming units (cfu)/μg of plasmid DNA. Vector DNA was directly transferred from Escherichia coli into C. diphtheriae with frequencies up to 5.6 × 105 cfu/μg of plasmid DNA. On the basis of the pGA1 mini-replicon, an expression vector system was established for C. diphtheriae by means of the P tac promoter and the green fluorescent reporter protein. In addition, other commonly used vector systems from C. glutamicum, including the pBL1 and pHM1519 replicons, and the sacB conditionally lethal selection marker from Bacillus subtilis, were shown to be functional in C. diphtheriae. Thus, the ability to apply the standard methods of C. glutamicum recombinant DNA technology will greatly facilitate the functional analysis of the recently completed C. diphtheriae genome sequence. Received: 26 November 2001 / Accepted: 15 February 2002  相似文献   

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