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The effects of habitat fragmentation on birds have often been studied in forest specialist species. Here we aimed at comparing the response of open habitat birds within a range of habitat specialization. The study area was a Mediterranean pseudo-steppe, designated as important for conservation yet fragmented by tree encroachment. We defined bird species dependency on steppe-like habitat by a correspondence analysis, allowing us to distinguish between specialists, generalists and scrubland species. We studied species abundance in relation to fragment area, testing whether species representation in fragments differed from those in continuous habitat. This analysis showed a contrasted response to fragment size between “open habitat” specialist species and generalist ones. Open habitat species were under-represented in the smallest fragments, while generalist were over-represented in small fragments in comparison to their distribution in continuous habitats. We discuss how these results can be linked to species habitat requirements. We find that scrubland species seem to be favoured by encroachment of woody vegetation, as they are able to explore and use the wooded matrix; however specialist species are restricted to open patches and are sensitive to a reduction in patch size. This allows us to predict how different species can exhibit a different sensitivity to habitat fragmentation.  相似文献   

We explored how a woody plant invader affected riparian bird assemblages. We surveyed 15 200‐m‐long transects in riparian zones in a much‐changed landscape of eastern Victoria, Australia. Abundance, species‐richness, foraging‐guild richness and composition of birds were compared in transects in three habitat types: (i) riparian zones dominated by the invasive willow Salix × rubens; (ii) riparian zones lined with native woody species; and (iii) riparian zones cleared of almost all woody vegetation. We also measured abundance and richness of arthropods and habitat structure to explore further the effects of food resources and habitat on the avifauna. We observed 67 bird species from 14 foraging guilds. Native riparian transects had more birds, bird species and foraging guilds than willow‐invaded or cleared transects. Habitat complexity increased from cleared to willow‐invaded to native riparian transects, as did abundance of native and woodland‐dependent birds. Native shrub and trees species had more foliage and branch‐associated arthropods than did willows, consistent with a greater abundance and variety of foraging guilds of birds dependent on this resource. Willow spread into cleared areas is unlikely to facilitate greatly native bird abundance and diversity even though habitat complexity is increased. Willow invasion into the native riparian zone, by decreasing food resources and altering habitat, is likely to reduce native bird biodiversity and further disrupt connectivity of the riparian zone.  相似文献   

Agricultural intensification typically leads to changes in bird diversity and community composition, with fewer species and foraging guilds present in more intensively managed parts of the landscape. In this study, we compare bird communities in small (2–32 ha) brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) remnants with those in adjacent uncultivated grassland, previously cultivated grassland and current cropland, to determine the contribution of different land uses to bird diversity in the agricultural landscape. Twenty remnant brigalow patches and adjacent agricultural (‘matrix’) areas in southern inland Queensland, Australia were sampled for bird composition and habitat characteristics. The richness, abundance and diversity of birds were all significantly higher in brigalow remnants than in the adjacent matrix of cropping and grassland. Within the matrix, species richness and diversity were higher in uncultivated grasslands than in current cultivation or previously cultivated grasslands. Forty-four percent of bird species were recorded only in brigalow remnants and 78% of species were recorded in brigalow and at least one other land management category. Despite high levels of landscape fragmentation and modification, small patches of remnant brigalow vegetation provide important habitat for a unique and diverse assemblage of native birds. The less intensively managed components of the agricultural matrix also support diverse bird assemblages and thus, may be important for local and regional biodiversity conservation.  相似文献   

Conceived to combat widescale biodiversity erosion in farmland, agri-environment schemes have largely failed to deliver their promises despite massive financial support. While several common species have shown to react positively to existing measures, rare species have continued to decline in most European countries. Of particular concern is the status of insectivorous farmland birds that forage on the ground. We modelled the foraging habitat preferences of four declining insectivorous bird species (hoopoe, wryneck, woodlark, common redstart) inhabiting fruit tree plantations, orchards and vineyards. All species preferred foraging in habitat mosaics consisting of patches of grass and bare ground, with an optimal, species-specific bare ground coverage of 30-70% at the foraging patch scale. In the study areas, birds thrived in intensively cultivated farmland where such ground vegetation mosaics existed. Not promoted by conventional agri-environment schemes until now, patches of bare ground should be implemented throughout grassland in order to prevent further decline of insectivorous farmland birds.  相似文献   

Although it is clear that the farmlands neighbouring fragmented forests are utilized by some forest birds, it is not clear how birds in general respond to farmland habitat mosaic. An effort was made to determine how bird density and foraging assemblages were influenced by farm structural characteristics and distance from forest edge. Thirty farms up to a distance of 12 km around Kakamega forest in western Kenya were studied. Farm structure entailed size, hedge volume, habitat heterogeneity, woody plant density, plant diversity and crop cover. Birds were surveyed using line transects and DISTANCE analyses and classified into six feeding guilds and three habitat associations. Size of farms increased away from the forest, as woody plant density, plant diversity, indigenous trees and subsistence crop cover declined. The most important farm structure variable was hedge volume, which enhanced bird species richness, richness of shrub‐land bird species and insectivorous bird density (R = 0.58, P < 0.01). Bird density increased with tree density while indigenous trees were suitable for insectivores and nectarivores. There were very few forest bird encounters. Agricultural practices incorporating maintenance of hedges and sound selection of agroforestry trees can enhance conservation of birds on farmland, though, not significantly for forest species.  相似文献   

Aim To understand cross‐taxon spatial congruence patterns of bird and woody plant species richness. In particular, to test the relative roles of functional relationships between birds and woody plants, and the direct and indirect environmental effects on broad‐scale species richness of both groups. Location Kenya. Methods Based on comprehensive range maps of all birds and woody plants (native species > 2.5 m in height) in Kenya, we mapped species richness of both groups. We distinguished species richness of four different avian frugivore guilds (obligate, partial, opportunistic and non‐frugivores) and fleshy‐fruited and non‐fleshy‐fruited woody plants. We used structural equation modelling and spatial regressions to test for effects of functional relationships (resource–consumer interactions and vegetation structural complexity) and environment (climate and habitat heterogeneity) on the richness patterns. Results Path analyses suggested that bird and woody plant species richness are linked via functional relationships, probably driven by vegetation structural complexity rather than trophic interactions. Bird species richness was determined in our models by both environmental variables and the functional relationships with woody plants. Direct environmental effects on woody plant richness differed from those on bird richness, and different avian consumer guilds showed distinct responses to climatic factors when woody plant species richness was included in path models. Main conclusions Our results imply that bird and woody plant diversity are linked at this scale via vegetation structural complexity, and that environmental factors differ in their direct effects on plants and avian trophic guilds. We conclude that climatic factors influence broad‐scale tropical bird species richness in large part indirectly, via effects on plants, rather than only directly as often assumed. This could have important implications for future predictions of animal species richness in response to climate change.  相似文献   

Species inhabiting mountain ecosystems are expected to be particularly vulnerable to environmental change, yet information on their basic ecology is often lacking. Knowledge from field-based empirical studies remains essential to refine our understanding of the impact of current habitat alterations and for the consequential development of meaningful conservation management strategies. This study focuses on a poorly investigated and vulnerable mountain bird species in Europe, the Ring Ouzel Turdus torquatus. Our aim was to identify the species’ key ecological requirements during the crucial period of nestling provisioning in the context of environmental change. We radiotracked and observed Alpine Ring Ouzels in a high-density population, investigating their pattern of foraging habitat selection in 2015 and 2017, and evaluated the transferability of these results over a wider geographical range across the SW Swiss Alps. Foraging birds selected, consistently in space and time, short grass swards (< 10 cm) with interspersed patches of accessible and penetrable soils, at intermediate moisture levels (around 40–65% volumetric water content). In Alpine ecosystems, this microhabitat configuration is typically widespread during the spring snowmelt, but extremely seasonal, with a rapid decrease in its availability over the course of the breeding season. This underlines the high vulnerability of the Ring Ouzel to environmental change: an earlier snowmelt could generate a temporal mismatch between the peak of the breeding effort and optimal foraging conditions; however, abandoning grazing activities on semi-wooded Alpine pastures may further decrease foraging habitat suitability through taller and denser grass swards, and subsequent woody vegetation encroachment. This study provides a mechanistic appraisal of the challenges Ring Ouzels will face in the future, as well as initial guidelines for targeted habitat management within timberline ecotones.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that increased predation rates may rival habitat alteration as a causal agent in farmland bird population declines. Such a view may be over-simplistic, however, as changes in habitat structure may influence habitat selection and foraging efficiency through their influence on perceived and actual predation risk. We review evidence from the literature on the effects of habitat structure on predation risk of foraging and nesting birds and apply these principles to investigate the likely effects on the 20 species that comprise the UK Government's 'Farmland Bird Index'. Shorter vegetation is likely to enhance foraging efficiency and reduce predation risk (when ground foraging) for 15 of the 20 species. However, within grassland systems longer vegetation is known to enhance food supplies (e.g. Tipulid larvae and voles) of several farmland bird species and so mosaics of short and long vegetation may provide the optimum conditions for most species (e.g. Lapwing Vanellus vanellus , Starling Sturnus vulgaris , Barn Owl Tyto alba ). Agricultural intensification has encouraged uniform dense swards, thus reducing habitat diversity, and agri-environment schemes that provide heterogeneous sward structure may thus facilitate farmland bird conservation. Intensification has also resulted in less dense hedgerows; although a reversal of this trend may improve foraging efficiency for many species, it may be detrimental to a smaller number of species that prefer shorter, less dense hedges for nesting. Before these tentative conclusions can be confirmed, more research is required that considers how the effects of habitat structure on individuals is likely to translate into population-level impacts.  相似文献   

The Serengeti–Mara ecosystem holds one of the largest natural grasslands of the world, which is well known for its large herds of mammals. However, the bird community structure of these grasslands has hardly ever been studied. For the first time, a large‐scale study on grassland bird communities has been conducted in all typical open grasslands of the Serengeti National Park. We used ten grassland plots representing a gradient of increasing vegetation height and also including shrubs and trees to analyse the influence of vegetation structure on the composition of grassland bird communities. Three communities of breeding birds were identified in relation to (a) short grass, (b) intermediate and long grass and (c) wooded grasslands. The bird communities of intermediate, long and wooded grassland were very similar, because of identical dominant bird species. Our results suggest that breeding birds of East African grasslands exhibit two contrasting habitat relationships: (1) birds that are restricted to short grass, and (2) species that are tolerant to vegetational shifts from intermediate grass via long grass to early stages of woody vegetation. Because the vegetation is often driven beyond this range in managed tropical grasslands through high grazing pressure or through shrub encroachment, we expect that the long‐grass bird communities will not generally resist anthropogenic disturbance.  相似文献   

The potential of fallow lands to favor farmland bird conservation is widely recognized. Since fallows provide key resources for birds within the agricultural matrix, such as nesting sites, shelter and forage, complete understanding of the effect of field-management strategies on vegetation structure and food is essential to fulfill bird requirements and improve habitat management. In this study we experimentally compare the most common field practices (ploughing, shredding, herbicide application and cover cropping) on fallow lands by assessing the resources they provide for birds in terms of vegetation structure and food resources (leaf and seed availability), as well as the economic costs of their implementation. Fallow management treatments are ranked for six target species in a lowland area of the north-eastern Iberian Peninsula, according to the available information on their requirements. The different agronomic practices offer various quantities and types of resources, highlighting the importance of fallow management in bird conservation. Shredding and early herbicide application (February) are estimated to be good practices for Little Bustard (Tetrax tetrax) and Calandra Lark (Melanocorypha calandra), providing both favorable habitat and foraging conditions, while being economical. Meanwhile, superficial tillage in spring is found to be optimum for the rest of the species tested, despite being among the poorest food providers. Alternating patches of the best treatments would improve the effectiveness of agri-environmental schemes by maximizing the harboring habitat for the endangered species.  相似文献   

Most North American sparrows forage almost exclusively on herbaceous seeds during the winter months. Limited availability of surface seeds forces some birds to scratch for seeds buried beneath soil, snow, or litter. Artificial seed trays were used to test the ability of five different sparrow species to extract seeds buried at different depths in soil. The results suggest three functional groups based on relative scratching ability. Strong scratchers, which included eastern towhee and song and white-throated sparrows, met or exceeded their energetic requirements when foraging on seeds buried at all depths (down to a maximum depth of 1.50–2.25 cm). A weak scratching species, Savannah sparrow, scratched with the same frequency as the strong scratchers, but experienced negative energy budgets when forced to forage on sub-surface seeds. Finally, a non-scratching species, field sparrow, failed to extract any buried seeds. Level of scratching ability may influence foraging efficiency at low resource densities. As a result, interspecific differences in scratching ability may contribute to habitat selection. Strong scratchers may be adapted to foraging near woody vegetation where intense resource competition and abundant litter limit the availability of surface seeds. Weak scratchers, on the other hand, may be forced to feed away from areas where surface seeds are limited. Since woody vegetation serves as a primary source of protective cover in early successional habitats, a tradeoff between foraging efficiency and the risk of predation may promote the local coexistence of species that differ in relative scratching ability and adaptations to evading predators.  相似文献   

The effects of suburb age and distance from remnant native vegetation on the species richness and density of bird populations in Canberra were studied from June 1982 to May 1983. Mean total number of bird species increased with age of the suburbs < 12 years old. The density of birds also increased with suburb age. The number of open forest and woodland species increased with the age of the suburbs but the number of grassland and exotic species remained largely unchanged. These increases in bird species richness and density represented a response to changes in habitat conditions over time and were not a direct response to the suburb age per se. Such habitat changes reflected the growth of trees and, to a lesser extent, the increased cover of shrubs. The numbers of open forest, woodland and grassland species decreased with distance of suburban sites from native vegetation areas. The number of exotic species, however, remained unaffected. The density of individual birds of grassland and exotic species increased with distance of sites from remnant native vegetation.  相似文献   

Tropical agroecosystems cover an increasingly large proportion of the Earth’s terrestrial surface. Yet, relatively little is known about the factors that influence their avifauna, especially in areas of high human population density. The potential of tropical farmland for sustaining bird biodiversity, including forest birds, can be influenced by habitat structure and the distance from the nearest forest. We investigated the effect of these two factors on the bird community in the farmland near Kakamega Forest, Kenya. Using point counts, we assessed the number of bird species and individuals on 56 study plots in distances up to about 2,100 m from the forest. We observed a total of 96 bird species in the farmland, 22 of which were forest, 58 shrub-land, and 16 open-country species. High vertical vegetation heterogeneity and a large number of woody plant individuals were related to high species richness of forest and shrub-land birds, whereas open-country birds avoided such areas. The species richness and total number of forest birds declined with increasing distance to the forest. A comparison with the bird community within Kakamega Forest indicated that only a fraction of the forest species could be sustained in the farmland. This suggests that agroecosystems with a diverse habitat structure can support a high diversity of birds, but have only a limited capacity to compensate for forest loss. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Land use management practices often change habitat structure, which in turn influence diversity and the composition of floral and faunal assemblages. In the southern Kalahari, southern Africa, heavy grazing after above‐average rainfall has lead to bush thickening, and widespread use of arboricides and/or removal of large trees for firewood has also impacted habitat structure. At sites near Kimberley, in South Africa, we investigated the effects of these changes on bird species richness and which aspects of habitat structure most influenced bird assemblage diversity and composition. We also investigated correlations between bird life history traits and habitat characteristics using RLQ analysis. Bird species richness and abundance were both explained by vertical habitat heterogeneity and density of woody species between the heights of 0–2 m, with bird species richness also explained by the density of woody species at heights above 6 m. Large trees within bush‐thickened areas dampened the effects of bush thickening on bird assemblages by enabling certain species to persist, consistent with the idea that large trees are keystone structures. Smaller insectivorous gleaners, ball‐ and cup‐nesters, birds with parts of their range extending into arid areas and birds with long‐wavelength plumage (i.e. red, orange or yellow plumage) dominated bush‐thickened habitats. Seed‐eaters, burrow‐ and ground‐nesters, bark‐foragers, birds that perch and sally, or perch and swoop to the ground, were all negatively associated with bush thickening. Cavity‐nesters, bark‐foragers, hawkers, frugivores, birds that perch and sally and species with iridescent plumage were negatively affected by the loss of large trees. Of the common species analysed, nearly 40% of species had life history traits tied to large trees; and 68% had traits negatively associated with bush thickening and removal of large trees together, suggesting that where these changes in habitat occur simultaneously, bird diversity will be strongly affected.  相似文献   

Capsule Foraging sites with low vegetation height and density, but with high arthropod biomass, are selected.

Aims To test the hypothesis that on intensively grazed moorland, breeding Meadow Pipits forage for nestling food where arthropod prey are most readily available, and therefore that foraging site choice is a function of prey abundance and vegetation structure.

Methods Observations of adults provisioning nestlings were made from hides positioned close to 19 nests within grazed, 3.3-hectare experimental plots at Glen Finglas, Scotland. Vegetation height and density and arthropod abundance from mapped foraging sites were compared with control sites. Prey items fed to nestlings were quantified and compared with their relative abundance.

Results Meadow Pipits selected foraging sites with significantly lower vegetation height and density, but with significantly higher arthropod biomass. Our data suggest that within foraging sites, Meadow Pipits select particular prey types to provision nestlings, in particular, Lepidoptera larvae, adult Tipulidae and Arachnida.

Conclusions In intensively grazed upland systems, it appears that Meadow Pipits select foraging sites that optimize total food abundance and accessibility. In order to understand how anticipated changes to livestock farming in Europe will affect grassland birds, we recommend that future studies should investigate the foraging and vigilance behaviour, diet composition and breeding success of a variety of bird species provisioning nestlings under a range of livestock management scenarios.  相似文献   

Linking foraging decisions to residential yard bird composition   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SB Lerman  PS Warren  H Gan  E Shochat 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e43497
Urban bird communities have higher densities but lower diversity compared with wildlands. However, recent studies show that residential urban yards with native plantings have higher native bird diversity compared with yards with exotic vegetation. Here we tested whether landscape designs also affect bird foraging behavior. We estimated foraging decisions by measuring the giving-up densities (GUD; amount of food resources remaining when the final forager quits foraging on an artificial food patch, i.e seed trays) in residential yards in Phoenix, AZ, USA. We assessed how two yard designs (mesic: lush, exotic vegetation; xeric: drought-tolerant and native vegetation) differed in foraging costs. Further, we developed a statistical model to calculate GUDs for every species visiting the seed tray. Birds foraging in mesic yards depleted seed trays to a lower level (i.e. had lower GUDs) compared to birds foraging in xeric yards. After accounting for bird densities, the lower GUDs in mesic yards appeared largely driven by invasive and synanthropic species. Furthermore, behavioral responses of individual species were affected by yard design. Species visiting trays in both yard designs had lower GUDs in mesic yards. Differences in resource abundance (i.e., alternative resources more abundant and of higher quality in xeric yards) contributed to our results, while predation costs associated with foraging did not. By enhancing the GUD, a common method for assessing the costs associated with foraging, our statistical model provided insights into how individual species and bird densities influenced the GUD. These differences we found in foraging behavior were indicative of differences in habitat quality, and thus our study lends additional support for native landscapes to help reverse the loss of urban bird diversity.  相似文献   

Teruaki Hino 《Oecologia》1985,65(3):442-448
Summary The relationship between the bird community and habitat structure in wind shelterbelts of Ishikari district was examined.Breeding birds were classified into nesting guilds (hole, canopy, and bush) and also into foraging guilds (outside, canopy, and bush) Both density and species richness in the outside-foraging guild were positively related to forest age variables. On the other hand, bird density in all three nesting guilds and the other two foraging guilds (canopy and bush) was correlated with the vegetation cover of their nesting or foraging sites, and species richness was positively correlated with tree species complexity variables.Bird species diversity (BSD) was closely related to tree species complexity, but not to foliage height diversity (FHD) within woods. However, if woods were re-classified into two groups such as natural and artificial and these were separately analysed, the correlation between BSD and FHD was significant.From these results, it is concluded that both FHD and tree species complexity should be considered together in order to predict BSD within forests. A new index is proposed for this purpose, and its usefulness discussed.  相似文献   

In habitats where prey is either rare or difficult to predict spatiotemporally, such as open habitats, predators must be adapted to react effectively to variations in prey abundance. Open-habitat foraging bats have a wing morphology adapted for covering long distances, possibly use information transfer to locate patches of high prey abundance, and would therefore be expected to show an aggregative response at these patches. Here, we examined the effects of prey abundance on foraging activities of open-habitat foragers in comparison to that of edge-habitat foragers and closed-habitat foragers. Bat activity was estimated by counting foraging calls recorded with bat call recorders (38,371 calls). Prey abundance was estimated concurrently at each site using light and pitfall traps. The habitat was characterized by terrestrial laser scanning. Prey abundance increased with vegetation density. As expected, recordings of open-habitat foragers clearly decreased with increasing vegetation density. The foraging activity of edge- and closed-habitat foragers was not significantly affected by the vegetation density, i.e., these guilds were able to forage from open habitats to habitats with dense vegetation. Only open-habitat foragers displayed a significant and proportional aggregative response to increasing prey abundance. Our results suggest that adaptations for effective and low-cost foraging constrains habitat use and excludes the guild of open-habitat foragers from foraging in habitats with high prey abundance, such as dense forest stands.  相似文献   

Land converted to coffee agriculture occupies >5 million hectares of what was once prime overwintering natural habitat in the American Neotropics for migrating birds. When tree canopy is retained or restored (i.e., shade‐grown), coffee farms can serve as habitat refuge for wildlife. Yet few studies have examined whether canopy tree identity impacts habitat quality for biodiversity. Specifically, whether or not certain tree species are disproportionately important for foraging insectivorous birds remains unclear. In this study, we quantified bird foraging activity on 22 tree species in two Latin American Bird Friendly© coffee farms. Specifically, we conducted timed observations on focal trees to determine 1) tree preferences, 2) foraging bird abundance, 3) foraging time, and 4) species richness of birds using each canopy tree species. We found that birds did not forage randomly, and instead exhibited preferences for particular native tree species. Nitrogen‐fixing Fabaceae were consistently used more frequently, supported more resident and migratory birds for longer periods of time, and supported more bird species than trees in other families. We posit that the potential mechanism contributing to tree preferences is the increase in insect abundance and diversity that provide high‐quality food for insectivores but do not present pest problems for coffee. Thus, tree species that support insects may provide multiple benefits for farmers in the form of bottom‐up soil fertilization and top‐down pest control. This study provides evidence that agroforestry land can be improved for birds of conservation concern by prioritizing canopy tree species that help birds and farm productivity.  相似文献   

We studied territory placement and foraging behavior of breeding birds in relation to juxtaposition of forest vegetation and logged patches in southern Vermont, USA Different bird species used disturbed vegetation at differing spatial scales, depending on temtory size Four species Dendroica pensylvamca. Geothlypis trichas, Zonotrichia albicollis, Oporornis Philadelphia showed strong clumping of their small (< 0 5 ha) territories in logged patches and were absent or rare in undisturbed forest Eleven species (e g Seiurus aurocapillus, Vireo ohvaceus) tended to avoid logged areas, especially the centers of cut patches An additional 17 species fell between these two extremes, using a mixture of disturbed and undisturbed forest and showing no tendency to prefer one or the other These 17 species tended to have larger (1 to > 3 ha) territories than disturbance specialists We used ordination and quantitative matrix comparisons to describe and test relationships among 14 of the most common bird species according to their similarities in territory habitat structure, tree species composition, and foraging behavior These analyses did not reveal any strong associations between foraging behavior and use of cut versus uncut forest Habitat use by birds occupying this forest mosaic, with its strong local gradient of vegetation structure, was thus not associated with concurrent variation in foraging behavior The sizes of cut patches of forest (0 7-1 6 ha) in our study area may be close to the minimum required to attract distinct breeding assemblages of non-forest birds to otherwise undisturbed forest ecosystems Bird species that use patches of early-successional vegetation embedded m a forested landscape may adopt a fugitive strategy as they seek nesting habitats in the spring Careful use of forest management techniques may permit both forest-interior and early-successional bird species to coexist m the landscape  相似文献   

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