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The alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity in eight independent cell lines derived from human testicular germ cell tumors was characterized. Seven out of eight of the lines had high ALP levels, and most of the activity in each case was of the liver/bone/kidney ALP type, as judged by thermostability, inhibition, and electrophoretic studies. Low levels of a heat stable, placental-like ALP were also present in these seven lines; only a small subpopulation of the cells of each line reacted strongly with an anti-placental ALP monoclonal antibody. The heat-stable, placental-like isozyme characteristic of these lines differed from the normal placental ALP in its inhibition profile. Thus it is possible that a subpopulation of the cells in these lines expresses a new embryonic ALP form.  相似文献   

PCC4azal embryonal carcinoma cells were observed to spontaneously differentiate under defined culture conditions to endoderm-like cells and subsequently to giant cells. This differentiation was examined by determining the specific activities of several enzymes in the stem and endoderm-like cell populations. With differentiation, the level of alkaline and acid phosphatase activities remained unchanged, plasminogen activator specific activity increased fivefold, and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) specific activity decreased to 40% of its original level. Isozyme analysis revealed a shift of the LDH isozymes toward LDH1 with the appearance of LDH2 for the first time in the endoderm-like cells. The surface antigen SSEA-1 was detected by indirect immunofluorescence on virtually all of the stem cells. However, the SSEA-1 antigen was not present on many of the endoderm-like cells, and it was completely undetectable on giant cells as assayed by immunofluorescence. The expression of H-2 antigen was examined in a similar manner using anti-H-2b antiserum; this antigen was not detected on the stem, endoderm-like, or giant cells. Thus, there are defined biochemical changes that accompany the differentiation of PCC4azal stem cells in culture.  相似文献   

Monolayer cultures of a mouse teratocarcinoma were established in vitro. These cultures contained embryonal carcinoma, the malignant stem cell, and its differentiated progeny: parietal yolk sac, neuroepithelial, and mesenchymal cells. Tissues such as squamous epithelium, cartilage, striated muscle, neuroepithelium, and glands were produced from embryonal carcinoma that was maintained under conditions of long term culture. Frequent subcultivation with pancreatin allowed the establishment of cell lines of embryonal carcinoma which have been maintained for more than 18 months in vitro and continue to produce differentiated cells under specific culture conditions. Chromosomally these lines of embryonal carcinoma have a stem line of 39 chromosomes. Two lines of parietal yolk sac cells have been established which produce basement membrane, are not tumorigenic, and chromosomally are hypotetraploid. This system may yield information concerning neoplastic differentiation and its possible use in therapy for cancer.  相似文献   

Virus infection of murine teratocarcinoma stem cell lines.   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
N M Teich  R A Weiss  G R Martin  D R Lowy 《Cell》1977,12(4):973-982

We describe two new markers of mouse liver epithelial cells detected by monoclonal antibodies. Immunomorphological localization of antigens was performed using light and electron microscopy. Antigen G7 is a marker of cholangiocytes and oval cells. Antigen A6 is present in cholangiocytes and oval cells; moreover, it is expressed in normal liver in single hepatocytes adjacent to the portal vein, in preneoplastic liver, in newly formed hepatocytes, and in certain hepatocarcinomas. Thus, antigen A6 is a marker of cholangiocytes, oval cells and of certain stages of hepatocyte differentiation. We also detected phenotypic heterogeneity of Gehring cells in terms of antigen A6 content. We have formulated problem of the relationship between A6-negative Gehring cells and liver stem cells. Both marker antigens are species-specific but are not specific for the liver. Antigen A6 is simultaneously a differentiation marker of cells belonging to the erythroid series. It is expressed in erythroblasts of fetal liver and is absent in erythroblasts of the yolk sac and erythrocytes. The relationship between antigen A6 and blood group antigens is discussed.  相似文献   

Trophoblastic differentiation of human teratocarcinoma cell line HT-H1   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In culture the human teratocarcinoma cell line HT-H generates both adherent monolayer and free-floating aggregates. Some populations of aggregated cells develop further to form cystic bodies. A previous study showed the morphological resemblance of the cystic bodies to cells of blastocyst of preimplantation embryo. In this study, HT-H adherent cells were further separated into two subpopulations, fast adhering and slow adhering cells. Fast adhering cells produce fibronectin, spread well onto substratum, and do not proliferate. In contrast, slow adhering cells do not produce fibronectin. Trophoblastic markers were examined in each morphological stage of HT-H cells and the following results were obtained. Only fast adhering cells produce progesterone. Human chorionic gonadotropin was secreted preferentially by fast adhering cells, about six times less by slow adhering cells, and was not secreted by aggregates or cystic bodies. All stages of HT-H cells express c-fos but only fast adhering cells express c-fms oncogene. Cytokeratin 18 was expressed in all stages of HT-H cells. The level of cytokeratin 18 is modestly decreased from adherent to aggregates further into cystic bodies. These results indicate that HT-H cells share properties with cells in trophoblast, placenta, and extraembryonic endoderm. Spontaneous differentiation of HT-H cultures results in the appearance of fast adhering cells which exhibit biochemical properties expected for syncytiotrophoblast.  相似文献   

The changing profile of enolase (EC isoenzymes in differentiating mouse cells has been traced by the use of specific antisera to the three subunits α, β, and γ. The amounts of the isoenzymes were measured in a variety of tissues during normal mouse development and during the differentiation of mouse teratocarcinoma cells in culture and as tumors. One isoenzyme is predominant in the early cells of the developing mouse embryo, namely, the homodimer made up of α subunits. The same isoenzyme is also the sole form detected in undifferentiated teratocarcinoma (embryonal carcinoma) cells. The isoenzyme form remains unchanged in developing primitive and definitive endoderm of the embryo. Similarly, endoderm cells formed by differentiation of embryonal carcinoma cells contained only αα enolase. In contrast, during the development of striated muscle and of brain, increasing proportions of β and γ subunits, respectively, were detected. Thus enolase was found to be a marker of the differentiation of these tissues. This conclusion was substantiated by finding significant amounts of the β subunit in teratocarcinoma cell cultures which had formed beating striated muscle in vitro.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural morphology of the PCC4azal embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated counterparts, endoderm-like cells and giant cells, was characterized and compared with that of the cells of embryoid bodies. The ultrastructure of the PCC4azal embryonal carcinoma cells is similar to that of the embryonal carcinoma cells of the embryoid body. These cells are small, with a large nucleus and relatively few cytoplasmic organelles. Gap junctions and modified adherens junctions are formed at some areas of intercellular contact between the embryonal carcinoma cells. The differentiated PCC4azal endoderm-like cells have a more developed cytoplasm, containing an extensive endoplasmic reticulum with large Golgi regions. Most striking is the de novo appearance of epithelial-like junctional complexes which join the apical borders between the endoderm-like cells, thus polarizing the cell monolayer. The zonula occludens junctions of the junctional complex are extensive, consisting of six or more strands of tight junctional ridges. Terminal webs are present in the apical regions that are inserted into the zonula adherens region of the junctional complex. Gap junctions continue to join neighboring cells, and some gap junctions are intercalated within tight junctional ridges. The ultrastructure of the differentiated endodermal cells of the embryoid bodies is very similar to that of the PCC4azal endoderm-like cells. The embryoid body endodermal cells form similar junctional complexes which also contain continuous belts of tight junctions that are intercalated with gap junctions. As the PCC4azal endoderm-like cells are transformed to giant cells, a massive cytoskeleton is formed, consisting of a large complex system of 10-nm filaments, microtubules, and 7-nm microfilaments. The junctional complexes that were present during the endodermal stage are partially disassembled as the giant cells migrate apart. Thus, the differentiation process in this system is characterized by significant and distinctive morphological changes.  相似文献   

Human embryonal carcinoma (EC) cells and other human teratocarcinoma-derived cells lines were not observed to differentiate in culture in response to retinoic acid. Nevertheless, they express high levels of a cellular binding protein (cRABP) which, in murine EC cells, appears to be necessary for the induction of differentiation by retinoic acid.  相似文献   

Characterization of cloned murine cytolytic T cell lines   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Murine cytolytic T lymphocytes can be kept in continuous culture apparently indefinitely by repeated passage in a concanavalin A-induced growth promoting medium. Some of these long-term cell lines maintain their cytolytic activity. Starting from three such populations, several cloned cytolytic T cell lines were derived and subsequently subcloned one or more times. Considerable variation in the levels of cytolytic activity was observed between different subclones; some initially active subclones lost activity with prolonged culture. In addition, one of the clones appeared to progressively lose the relative specificity demonstrated during the earlier passages of the parent cell line.  相似文献   

A Rosén  G Clements  G Klein  J Zeuthen 《Cell》1977,11(1):139-147
Several clones of independently established somatic cell hybrids between two human lymphoid cell lines, Raji and Namalwa, were examined for surface immunoglobulin expression. Double-antibody radioimmunoassays were established for kappa and lambda light chains. Immunoglobulins were detergent-extrated by Triton X-100 and quantified by radioimmunoassay. The Raji parent expressed small amounts of kappa chains on its surface, and the Namalwa parent a 10 fold greater amount of lambda chains. We show that the majority of the hybrid clones co-express both parental phenotypes.  相似文献   

The cell-to-cell communication properties of the PCC4azal embryonal carcinoma cells and their differentiated endoderm-like cells and giant cells were characterized by ionic coupling, metabolic coupling, and transfer of an injected fluorescein dye. All PCC4azal cell types communicate well with one another: stem cells with stem cells, endoderm-like cells with endoderm-like cells, and giant cells with giant cells. In addition, the stem cells communicate well with giant cells as assayed by metabolic coupling. The ability of the undifferentiated teratocarcinoma cells to metabolically couple with a variety of heterologous cell types was examined. The stem cells were always efficient donors but very poor recipients in almost all combinations with cells of fibroblast or epithelial morphology that were derived from several different species. In contrast, these same heterologous cell types were both efficient donors and efficient recipients with each other.  相似文献   

Opioids modulate numerous central and peripheral processes including pain perception, neuroendocrine secretion and the immune response. The opioid signal is transduced from receptors through G proteins to various different effectors. Heterogeneity exists at all levels of the transduction process. There are numerous endogenous ligands with differing selectivities for at least three distinct opioid receptors (μ, δ, κ). G proteins activated by opioid receptors are generally of the pertussis toxin-sensitive Gi/Go class, but there are also opioid actions that are thought to involve Gq and cholera toxin-sensitive G proteins. To further complicate the issue, the actions of opioid receptors may be mediated by G-protein α subunits and/or βγ subunits. Subsequent to G protein activation several effectors are known to orchestrate the opioid signal. For example activation of opioid receptors increases phosphatidyl inositol turnover, activates K+ channels and reduces adenylyl cyclase and Ca2+ channel activities. Each of these effectors shows considerable heterogeneity. In this review we examine the opioid signal transduction mechanism. Several important questions arise: Why do opioid ligands with similar binding affinities have different potencies in functional assays? To which Ca2+ channel subtypes do opioid receptors couple? Do opioid receptors couple to Ca2+ channels through direct G protein interactions? Does the opioid-induced inhibition of vesicular release occur through modulation of multiple effectors? We are attempting to answer these questions by expressing cloned opioid receptors in GH3 cells. Using this well characterized system we can study the entire opioid signal transduction process from ligand-receptor interaction to G protein-effector coupling and subsequent inhibition of vesicular release.  相似文献   

Induction of teratocarcinoma cell (F9) differentiation was studied by using inhibitors of DNA synthesis and several agents known to be differentiation inducers. Inhibition of DNA synthesis induced changes in cell surface marker F9 and stimulated the production of plasminogen activator (PA) in a manner that is dependent upon de novo synthesis of RNA and protein. The results thus indicate close association between inhibition of DNA synthesis and induction of cell differentiation. This approach will be useful in investigating the mechanism of teratocarcinoma cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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