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郭晓强 《遗传》2008,30(1):1-2
20世纪,遗传学取得了飞速的发展,从20世纪初孟德尔遗传定律的重新发现到20世纪末人类基因组计划的全面实施,已经发生了一个本质的飞跃.在遗传学的发展过程中,许多科学大师都做出了卓越贡献,如摩尔根、穆勒、沃森等许多人的名字都耳闻能详,这些大师或者以模式生物为研究对,或者直接研究DNA,然而在20世纪50年代有一位科学家首先将遗传学应用于临床,开创了医学遗传学,从而为医学和遗传学的发展都做出了卓越的贡献,这位科学家就是维克多·奥蒙·麦库斯克(Victor Almon McKusick).  相似文献   

20世纪初"遗传的染色体学说"的提出和证明标志着细胞遗传学交叉学科建立,伴随相关学科的发展,20世纪60年代末期细胞遗传学又与分子遗传学相结合,建立发展了分子细胞遗传学交叉学科.分子细胞遗传学以DNA分子原位杂交技术为核心,不断拓展应用领域,为生命科学研究提供了直观、高效的技术手段.原位杂交技术与基因组、细胞生物学等技...  相似文献   

赵刚 《生物学通报》2003,38(6):58-61
20世纪是遗传学诞生并飞速发展的世纪。在这 10 0年里 ,遗传学所取得的每一巨大成就 ,如 DNA双螺旋结构的发现、DNA重组技术的创立、人类基因组计划的实施以及动物克隆技术的应用等 ,对人类社会的发展都产生了深刻的影响。在当今的生命科学领域 ,遗传学占有举足轻重的地位 ,已成为影响整个自然科学乃至人类社会的带头学科。可以说 ,遗传学是自然科学所有门类中发展最快、影响最深、应用价值最大的学科之一。众所周知 ,遗传学 (genetics)是研究生物体遗传与变异规律及其物质基础的科学。经过百年的发展 ,现代遗传学的研究十分广泛 ,已成为…  相似文献   

遗传学史在遗传学教学中的作用   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
李明晖 《遗传》2006,28(8):989-992
科学史的研究和发展状况能反映一个国家的科学技术水平,遗传学史是生命科学发展史的一个重要分支,21世纪是生命科学的世纪,在遗传学教学中加强遗传学发展史的介绍,不仅具有教育功能,使学生了解遗传学的产生和发展,而且可以培养学生的思维能力和科学素质。本文就遗传学史的教育功能及在教学中的作用进行论述。  相似文献   

季道藩 《遗传》1985,7(6):1-1
为了使我国遗传学的教学适应面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来的需要,进一步提高师资水平和遗传学教学质量,为四化培养更多的从事遗传学研究和遗传学教学的创造型人才,迎接21世纪生命科学的挑战,并庆祝我国著名遗传学家、教育家李汝祺教授90寿辰、执教60周年,中国遗传学会将于1985年12月举行全国“遗传学进展报告会暨遗传学教学讨论会”。  相似文献   

国内高校遗传学教材发展研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
皮妍  林娟  侯嵘  沈大棱  蒋科技  乔守怡 《遗传》2009,31(1):109-112
教材建设是课程建设的重要环节。遗传学教学在中国的发展道路是崎岖曲折的, 与生命科学其他学科相比有其独特之处。通过对国内遗传学教材从解放前到21世纪的发展历程的研究, 希望能为组编出更符合大学本科生教学特点, 贴近国内外遗传学发展前沿的教材, 培养具有遗传学基本知识和创新能力的应用和研究型人才提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

刘丽华 《遗传》2004,26(1):44
遗传学是生命科学中最富于综合性的中心学科之一,也是现代生命科学发展最为迅速的学科之一。以遗传学为基础发展起来的生物技术正处于浩浩荡荡的新发明浪潮的初期,分子遗传学及生物技术发明创造高潮将要持续到21世纪的很长一段时间,并将对医疗、农业、环保等产生革命性的影响。  相似文献   

人口健康是关乎国计民生的重大战略问题。进入21世纪以来,遗传学及基因组学的巨大进步,为人口健康研究带来了空前的机遇,提供了强有力的科技支撑。为了交流人类与医学遗传学领域的新技术、新  相似文献   

人口健康是关乎国计民生的重大战略问题。进入21世纪以来,遗传学及基因组学的巨大进步,为人口健康研究带来了空前的机遇,提供了强有力的科技支撑。为了交流人类与医学遗传学领域的新技术、新  相似文献   

由中华医学会医学遗传学分会和中国遗传学会人类医学遗传学专业委员会共同主办的“第五次全国医学遗传学学术会议”于 2 0 0 2年 9月 15~ 18日在浙江省温州市召开。会议主题是 2 1世纪的医学遗传学。参加会议的代表共 2 0 0余人 ,汇编论文 186篇 ,较全面地反映了近年来我国在医学细胞遗传学、分子遗传学、单基因疾病与肿瘤等复杂疾病、群体遗传学、临床遗传学以及在人类基因组计划等诸多领域研究的进展和成果。大会邀请我国著名专家和海外学者作了 12个学术前沿进展专题报告。他们是刘德培院士 :功能基因组学 ;杨焕明教授 :基因组学 ;黄淑…  相似文献   

Naylor B 《Acta cytologica》2000,44(5):709-725
By the end of the 19th century, exfoliated cancer cells had been described in all of the types of specimen in which we find them today. However, it was not until Drs. Papanicolaou and Traut published their account of the diagnosis of uterine cancer from exfoliated cells (1941 and 1943) that cytopathology acquired the momentum to develop into the powerful presence that it has in human medicine today. These and the subsequent publications by Papanicolaou stimulated the development and application of cytopathology worldwide, resulting in abundant literature on the subject and a galaxy of outstanding practitioners. The 1980s saw the development and widespread use of aspiration cytology. This was followed in the 1990s by the development of automated screening systems, marking the latest stage in the evolution of cytopathology. These and other events and achievements in cytopathology, from its meager beginnings in the early 20th century to its worldwide use and acceptance today, mark this century as the "century for cytopathology."  相似文献   

Lu J  Lichtman JW 《生理学报》2007,59(6):683-696
神经肌肉接头作为突触解剖、生理和发育的模型已被研究了一个多世纪。成像技术提供了诸多关于神经肌肉接头的信息,其中一些技术是专为观察该突触的结构和功能而发展起来的。本文回顾了神经肌肉接头研究中几个重要方面的发展史,包括其结构、N型乙酰胆碱受体的分布、突触小泡释放,以及神经肌肉接头的发育。  相似文献   

Goethe and the ABC model of flower development.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
About 10 years ago, the ABC model for the genetic control of flower development was proposed. This model was initially based on the analysis of mutant flowers but has subsequently been confirmed by molecular analysis. This paper describes the 200-year history behind this model, from the late 18th century when Goethe arrived at his idea of plant metamorphosis, to the genetic studies on flower mutants carried out on Arabidopsis and Antirrhinum in the late 20th century.  相似文献   

Carcinoma of the penis has been known since Antiquity. In this paper, the author presents the history of surgical treatment, which was the only treatment option prior to the development of radiotherapy a century ago.  相似文献   

The origin of laboratory animal science was called forth by violent development of experimental biology and medicine in the XIX century on the one hand, and on the other hand by the necessity to have standard healthy animals for experiments with strictly definite biological characteristics. With this aim in view management technology and animal use in experiments have been constantly improved. "Laboratory animal" notion has been formed by the end of the XIX century. At the beginning of laboratory animal science development ethical problems were not as urgent as they are now. It is established that the three Rs bioethical conception of W.M.S. Russel and R.L. Burch (1959) has influence on modern state and perspectives of the development of animal experimental methods. It is shown that the existence of laboratory animal protection laws and the reflection in them of compulsory ethical review of scientific project and statistics of used laboratory animals is absolutely necessary.  相似文献   

Although 21(st) century ecology uses unprecedented technology at the largest spatio-temporal scales in history, the data remain reliant on sound taxonomic practices that derive from 18(th) century science. The importance of accurate species identifications has been assessed repeatedly and in instances where inappropriate assignments have been made there have been costly consequences. The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) will use a standardized system based upon an integrative taxonomic foundation to conduct observations of the focal terrestrial insect taxa, ground beetles and mosquitoes, at the continental scale for a 30 year monitoring program. The use of molecular data for continental-scale, multi-decadal research conducted by a geographically widely distributed set of researchers has not been evaluated until this point. The current paper addresses the development of a reference library for verifying species identifications at NEON and the key ways in which this resource will enhance a variety of user communities.  相似文献   

Spring phenology trends in Alberta, Canada: links to ocean temperature   总被引:26,自引:0,他引:26  
Warmer winter and spring temperatures have been noted over the last century in Western Canada. Earlier spring plant development in recent decades has been reported for Europe, but not for North America. The first-bloom dates for Edmonton, Alberta, were extracted from four historical data sets, and a spring flowering index showed progressively earlier development. For Populus tremuloides, a linear trend shows a 26-day shift to earlier blooming over the last century. The spring flowering index correlates with the incidence of El Niño events and with Pacific sea-surface temperatures.  相似文献   

Regenerative medicine is not new; it has not sprung anew out of stem cell science as has often been suggested. There is a rich history of study of regeneration, of development, and of the ways in which understanding regeneration advances study of development and also has practical and medical applications. This paper explores the history of regenerative medicine, starting especially with T.H. Morgan in 1901 and carrying through the history of transplantation research in the 20th century, to an emphasis on translational medicine in the late 20th century.  相似文献   

Population thinking and tree thinking in systematics   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Two new modes of thinking have spread through systematics in the twentieth century. Both have deep historical roots, but they have been widely accepted only during this century. Population thinking overtook the field in the early part of the century, culminating in the full development of population systematics in the 1930s and 1940s, and the subsequent growth of the entire field of population biology. Population thinking rejects the idea that each species has a natural type (as the earlier essentialist view had assumed), and instead sees every species as a varying population of interbreeding individuals. Tree thinking has spread through the field since the 1960s with the development of phylogenetic systematics. Tree thinking recognizes that species are not independent replicates within a class (as earlier group thinkers had tended to see them), but are instead inter-connected parts of an evolutionary tree. It lays emphasis on the explanation of evolutionary events in the context of a tree, rather than on the states exhibited by collections of species, and it sees evolutionary history as a story of divergence rather than a story of development. Just as population thinking gave rise to the new field of population biology, so tree thinking is giving rise to the new field of phylogenetic biology.  相似文献   

Although Phragmites has been an upper border tidal marsh species for thousands of years, it is only recently (within the last century or so) that the distribution of this plant within the coastal marsh community has become prominent. Prior to approximately 100 years ago, Phragmites was an upper border/brackish marsh co-dominant in many marsh systems. Occurrence of this species varied between associations of sedges, Typha, forbs and a variety of woody shrubs. Paleoreconstructions rarely show the presence of a Phragmites monoculture or early associations with salt marsh species. However, since the turn of this century (and perhaps as early as the middle of the last century) the distribution of Phragmites has changed substantially. Today, this plant often forms dense monocultures and is commonly found in association with Spartina grasses. The results of this paleoecological investigation show that the changes that have been observed in Phragmites communities during the last 100 years are not part of the long-term cycle of development in these systems and are new to the landscape.  相似文献   

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