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Changes in distribution of semi-evergreen forest in the Yucatán peninsula and variation of precipitation during the late Holocene were inferred using a geographical information system. Deterministic methods for spatial interpolation using fossil pollen data from seven cores elucidated environmental changes. The changes in the distribution of the semi-evergreen forest allowed to us infer variations in precipitation in the area and to distinguish whether changes of forest cover are a consequence of climate and/or of human activities. The reconstruction of the Preclassic period (at 550 and 50 b.c.) indicates higher precipitation than at present and suggests a more closed vegetation cover. Around a.d. 450 the vegetation acquired an open character indicating a reduction in precipitation. During this time the decrease in forest was not homogeneous in the Yucatán peninsula, indicating human impacts in certain areas. A reduction in forest cover but not a complete deforestation of the region is assessed during the Classic period (a.d. 450). The reconstruction of a.d. 950 shows the recovery of the forest and is related to the Medieval warm period. Geographical information systems are useful tools to reconstruct the spatial history of the vegetation of the Yucatán peninsula during the late Holocene.  相似文献   

Food consumption causes distinct microwear patterns on teeth, especially in mammals that actively masticate food. Here we perform a microwear analysis to assess the relationships between diet and microwear features of diverse Carnivora. Our database includes approximately 230 individuals of 17 extant species having different diets. We analyse both slicing and grinding facets of M1 and m1. The proposed method is reproducible and allows the differentiation, especially on slicing facets, of microwear poles that are significantly distinct from one another. In carnivorans, the microwear features mainly result from their foraging behavior and the proportion of certain food items consumed. We applied our method to extinct taxa such as the amphicyonid Amphicyon major. The results on the m1 slicing facet indicate dietary similarities between this large Miocene predator and the extant red fox; results from the m1 grinding facet do not have equivalent in extant taxa, however.  相似文献   

Southern Mexico and Central America have many water bodies of different morphology and water chemistry with an interesting zooplankton fauna, originating from North or South America. A set of 63 samples, taken in 2005 and 2008, from water bodies of the Yucatan Peninsula karst, Belize and Guatemala, were studied for the content of calanoid copepods. Old and recent literature was used to determine animals to species level. Drawings were prepared with a microscope and a camera lucida. A total of 32 samples with totally six species contained calanoid copepods: one estuarine pseudodiaptomid and five freshwater diaptomids. Pseudodiaptomus marshi was found at different salinities. It is confirmed that the commonest diaptomids in the Yucatan Peninsula are Arctodiaptomus dorsalis and Mastigodiaptomus nesus. The former was also recorded from Lake Amatitlan. Mastigodiaptomus nesus is as widespread as A. dorsalis but it is absent from the Lake Peten area in Guatemala. Mastigodiaptomus reidae was found in two shallow habitats, these specimens differ from those from the type locality by having a set of peculiar large spine-like processes on the last thoracic and the urosome segments of the females. Leptodiaptomus siciloides was found only in Lake Ayarza with high salinity. Prionodiaptomus colombiensis occurred in the highlands of Guatemala in Lago de Güija and in the Peten area in Laguna Sacpuy. We contributed with our occurrence records to a better knowledge of the geographic distribution of some calanoid copepods. Morphological findings in some species are of value for taxonomic differentiation between species.  相似文献   

Surf zones are crucial habitats for many fish species, where they spend the initial stages of their lives, finding food and shelter. One such species is the pompano (Trachinotus ovatus). The aim of this study was to examine the age and diet of the pompano within the surf zone, along with any potential variations in the environment. The average size of the specimens was 10.61 ± 4.91 cm. The length–weight relationship was total weight (TW) = 0.0136*total length (TL)2.8512 (parameter a: 95% C.I. : 0.0130–0.0142 and parameter b: 95% C.I. : 2.8318–2.8705). The most abundant age classes were 0+ and 1+, making up 97% of the captured specimens, with significant differences in the abundance of age classes depending on the time of the day and season. The pompano primarily fed on clupeiforms, copepods, and mysids, with significant variations in diet based on the time of the day, season, and size of the specimens. This study contributes new information about the use of the surf zone by T. ovatus in its early years of life, underscoring the importance of these areas and their role as an additional ecosystem service.  相似文献   

《Comptes Rendus Palevol》2016,15(7):781-789
We present an updated taxonomy and faunal distribution of the micromammal fossil record from the Aragonian and Lower Vallesian of the Calatayud-Montalbán Basin. The analysed record includes the orders Rodentia, Eulipotyphla, and Lagomorpha. The pattern of species turnover shows seven major faunal events, which are correlated with major climate changes based on marine stable oxygen and carbon isotope records. Episodes δ18O Mi-2 and Mi-3 are significantly correlated with major micromammal turnover at the boundaries between the Lower and Middle Aragonian and the Middle and Upper Aragonian, respectively. Our results support the existence of a selective turnover during the Aragonian and Lower Vallesian.  相似文献   

The toxic effects of heavy metals have been extensively documented in different organisms. Nevertheless, a lack of information exists with regard to this topic in the case of autochthonous microorganism communities. The aim of this study was to evaluate the toxic effects of zinc on the anaerobic microorganisms present in the sediment and anoxic water of Zimapán Reservoir (Mexico), with particular focus on dissimilatory sulphate reducing bacteria. In the laboratory, a system of enrichment microcosms was set up with sediment and water from the reservoir. ATP, protein, carbohydrates and lactate and alcohol dehydrogenase activity were determined. The physicochemical parameters of the reservoir were evaluated over the course of one year. Sulphate reduction occurred in the reservoir throughout the year, but was most pronounced at the end of the wet season and during winter. In the field, increases in the rate of sulphate reduction coincided with the lowest levels of total phosphorus and hydrosoluble organic carbon. Zinc enrichment was observed to modify protein and carbohydrate content as well as to affect lactate and alcohol dehydrogenase activity. All responses followed a zinc concentration-response relationship and were dependent on reservoir physicochemical parameters. ATP content was used as a biomarker to evaluate the sublethal toxic effects of zinc. The acceptable threshold concentration of zinc in the aquatic and sediment enrichment microcosms was determined to be 0.06mgZn/L and 711.1mgZn/kg, respectively.  相似文献   

A new species, Cuscuta cotijana, is described and illustrated from the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt in northwestern Michoacán, Mexico. The species is most closely related to Cuscuta jalapensis, C. mitriformis, C. rugosiceps and C. lindsayi, from which it differs by the large spur-like projections on the outer calyx lobes and the ovoid to conical capsule with a small intrastylar aperture.  相似文献   

This study presents limnological and morphological characteristics, physical and chemical properties of waters, and geochemistry of surface sediments for 63 aquatic ecosystems located on the karst Yucatán Peninsula and surrounding areas of Belize and the Guatemalan highlands and eastern lowlands. Our principal goal was to classify the aquatic systems based on their water variables. A principal component analysis (PCA) of the surface water chemistry data showed that a large fraction of the variance (29%) in water chemistry is explained by conductivity and major ion concentrations. The broad conductivity range, from 168 to 55,300 μS cm−1 reflects saline water intrusion affecting coastal aquatic environments, and the steep NW–S precipitation gradient, from ~450 to >3,200 mm year−1. Coastal waterbodies Celestún and Laguna Rosada displayed the highest conductivities. Minimum surface water temperatures of 21.6°C were measured in highland lakes, and warmest temperatures, up to 31.7°C, were recorded in the lowland waterbodies. Most lakes showed thermal stratification during the sampling period, with the exception of some shallow (<10 m) systems. Lakes Chichancanab, Milagros, and Bacalar displayed sulfate-rich waters. Waters of sinkholes had relatively high conductivities (<3,670 μS cm−1) and a broad range of δ18O values (−4.1 to +3.8‰). Ca, HCO3, and SO4 dominated the waters of the lowland lakes, whereas Na was the dominant cation in highland lakes. Coastal aquatic ecosystems were dominated by Na and Cl. Cluster analysis based on surface water variables classified aquatic environments of the lowlands and highlands into three groups: (1) lowland lakes, ponds, wetlands, and coastal waterbodies (2) highland lakes, and (3) sinkholes and rivers. A broad trophic state gradient was recorded, ranging from the eutrophic Lake Amatitlán and the Timul sinkhole to oligotrophic Laguna Ayarza, with the highest water transparency (11.4 m). We used major and trace elements in surface sediments to assess pollution of waterbodies. Lakes Amatitlán, Atescatempa, El Rosario, Cayucón, Chacan-Lara, La Misteriosa, rivers Subín and Río Dulce, the wetland Jamolún, and the sinkhole Petén de Monos showed evidence of pollution and urban development. Their surface sediments displayed high concentrations of As, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Se, Zn, and Zr, which suggest moderate to strong pollution.  相似文献   

Dietary, therapeutical, and other ethnobotanical uses of the wild plants grown in the Beypazari, Aya§, and Güdül district towns of Ankara were investigated. Information was collected by oral interviews, with 400 individuals participating in 25 selected sites. The demographic characteristics of the informants were cross-linked with the recorded plant data for purposes of statistical analysis by SPSS software. The results indicated that 82% of the informants recognized the use of wild plants for food and home remedies. Both the breadth and scope of knowledge on the use of wild plants increased significantly with the advancing age of the informants, but there was no significant correlation between the knowledge of the informants and their educational status. Altogether, the authors recorded 192 uses for wild plants in the surveyed area; these emanating from 85 plant species belonging to 31 plant families. Among the most popular uses for wild plants were for medicines (115 citations) or food (70 citations). Only 7 plants fell in the miscellaneous category.  相似文献   

We evaluated the habitat and populations of the black howler monkey (Alouatta pigra) in the municipality of Balancán, Tabasco, southeastern Mexico, using a combination of field surveys and remotely sensed data. We identified 21,937 ha of remnant vegetation composed of 1,348 fragments. Fragments separated by up to 200 m were grouped into "clusters" of fragments in accordance with the maximum observed open distance crossed by A. pigra. A total of 11% or 84 of the 772 clusters identified through remote sensing were selected at random, and for these we determined the vegetation type, canopy height, area, and distance to the closest human settlement. In these same 84 clusters, which included a total area of 9,817 ha, from October to June of 2006 we located a total of 1,064 black howler monkeys, including 228 troops and 49 solitary monkeys. A. pigra was found in 62 (74.7%) of all clusters visited, with a cumulative area of 6,032 ha. Troops varied in size from 2 to 15 individuals (average 6.0+/-2.9 ind/troop). Adults were 67% (n=716) of detected individuals, whereas juveniles were 20.5% (n=218) and infants were 12.5% (n=133). We found black howlers to occur at an ecological density of 10.8 ind/km(2), which is low in comparison with A. pigra in other fragmented and conserved sites. We found a statistically significant relationship between the area of clusters and the abundance of howler monkeys (r(2)=0.2, F=10.47, gl=3, P=0.002). In addition, the probability of finding A. pigra was greater in secondary vegetation, riparian vegetation, tropical dry forest, undisturbed tropical oak forest, and palm forest (F=12, gl=3, P<0.0001), as compared with disturbed tropical oak forest. Our results provide data on the distribution, abundance, and population structure of black howler monkeys in a fragmented landscape in the southeast of Mexico. These data are a necessary prerequisite for conservation planning for this species.  相似文献   

A new cucullanid, Dichelyne bonacii n. sp., is described from the intestine of the grey snapper Lutjanus griseus and the stomach of the black grouper Mycteroperca bonaci off the coast of Yucatán. The absence of a ventral precloacal sucker and the presence of 11 pairs of caudal papillae in males allocate it to the subgenus Dichelyne. It differs from its congeners in body dimensions and by having two almost equal spicules (left 712-950 and right 722-945m), two intestinal caeca and in the position of the deirids and excretory pore. Apparently, L. griseus acts as definitive host of this species, whereas M. bonaci may be considered as a postcyclic host. This new species represents the first record of a nematode of the subgenus Dichelyne in marine fishes of Mexico.  相似文献   

The ichnological record provides valuable information on the lifestyle, behaviour, and other palaeobiological and palaeoecological aspects of the biota. Here, we describe an interesting case of bioerosion trace fossils in bones of Buitreraptor gonzalezorum Makovicky, Apesteguía and Agnolín, 2005, a deinonychosaurian theropod from the fossiliferous locality of La Buitrera, Río Negro, Patagonia, Argentina. The trace fossils are morphologically diverse and preserved in a great percentage of the skeleton, including the jaw, vertebrae and limbs. Four main groups of trace fossils have been informally named as Parallel-Edge Furrows, Overlapped Grooves, Punctures and Lined. Parallel-Edge Furrows are in turn subdivided into four subgroups: isolated furrows, parallel pairs, opposed pairs and a combination of parallel and opposed pairs. The bioerosion trace fossils were probably generated by scavenging activities, and the semi-articulated preservation of the skeleton and the small size of each individual trace indicate small-sized tracemakers. Mammals are the main candidates although some traces may have been generated by crocodyliforms and insects such as dermestids and termites. This evidence provides additional information about palaeoenvironmental conditions, taphonomic processes, taxonomic diversity and ecological relationships that characterised this part of northern Patagonia at Early Cretaceous times.  相似文献   

Five species are included in the Simulium siolii group, which is placed in the subgenus Psaroniocompsa (Diptera: Simuliidae). Of these five species, only two (Simulium siolii Py-Daniel and Simulium tergospinosum Hamada) have been described in all their life stages, except eggs. Knowledge of the taxonomic characters of all life stages of a species is important in order to clarify interspecific and higher-level taxonomic relationships. The objectives of the present study are to describe the male of Simulium damascenoi Py-Daniel, to provide a list of black-fly species their bionomics and distributions in the state of Amap , Brazil, and to provide an identification key for larvae and pupae for these species.  相似文献   

Robert R. Kowal 《Brittonia》1991,43(2):102-115
Senecio galicianus var.manantlanensis (sectionPalmatinervii) occurs in cooler, moister habitats at higher elevations of the Sierra de Manantlán than the typical variety. Morphological, ecological, and phenological data support maintainingS. galicianus andS. Kerberi as species separate from the closely relatedS. Roldana and treating the new taxon as a variety ofS. galicianus. Although var.manantlanensis tends to have larger and less deeply and sharply lobed leaves than var.galicianus,t-tests and discriminant analyses demonstrate that the best diagnostic characters are the fewer but longer phyllaries and florets in its heads.  相似文献   

A new species of rodent of the genus Phyllotis is described based in cranial and external morphology, as well as morphometric data. Additionally, sequences of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome-b were used to asses the phylogenetic relationships. We have compared our specimens with all the extant species of the genus Phyllotis and also with some species of related genera, particularly with the most similar and with those that occur in the province of Tucumán and northwestern Argentina. The new species is large compared to the average size of the genus, and can be easily distinguished from all other species essentially by coloration and by cranial morphology. It is closely related to the recently described P. anitae, and these two species are, in turn, sister to P. osilae. The only two localities where the new species has been found are in the Upper Montane Forests of the southern portion of the Yungas Ecoregion, in the province of Tucumán, Argentina.  相似文献   

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