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The macroecology of marine cleaning mutualisms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1. Marine cleaning mutualisms generally involve small fish or shrimps removing ectoparasites and other material from cooperating 'client' fish. We evaluate the role of fish abundance, body size and behaviour as determinants of interactions with cleaning mutualists. 2. Data come from eight reef locations in Brazil, the Caribbean, the Mediterranean and Australia. 3. We conducted a meta-analysis of client-cleaner interactions involving 11 cleaner and 221 client species. 4. There was a strong, positive effect of client abundance on cleaning frequency, but only a weak, negative effect of client body size. These effects were modulated by client trophic group and social behaviour. 5. This study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting a central role of species abundance in structuring species interactions.  相似文献   

Pleistocene fragmentation of the Great BahamaBank resulted in one large and several smallpopulations of rock iguanas (Cycluracychlura). We explore patterns of geneticvariation within and among these islandpopulations using mitochondrial sequence data(partial ND4 to tRNALeu) in combinationwith eight polymorphic microsatellite loci (2to 10 alleles). Genetic data support twophylogeographically distinct groups, AndrosIsland and the Exuma cays. This resultconflicts with current subspecific taxonomy inwhich three subspecies are described. Analysesof allelic data indicate that most islandpopulations are currently demographicallyindependent. Pairwise Fst values between eightisland populations range from 0.18 to 0.63, and6 of 135 individuals are misassigned in anassignment test. Population-genetic diversityis characterized using standard measures suchas number of alleles and heterozygosity (H) inaddition to a normalized Shannon-Weaver indexof diversity (D). We find genetic diversity inthe Andros Island population comparable to thatin other non-piscine animals (avg. # ofalleles = 5, avg. H = 0.56, avg. D = 0.66) while inthe Exuma cays populations these measures aremuch lower (avg. # of alleles = 2.75–1.625, avg.H = 0.43–0.17, avg. D = 0.45–0.18). These dataare used to discuss conservation managementstrategies, including prioritization andtranslocation.  相似文献   

Fine-structural analyses were made of the response of host tissue, Medicago sativa L. ''Ranger'' and ''Lahontan'', to infection by the stem nematode, Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kühn) Filipjev. Seedlings were grown at 15 and 25 C, and hypocotyl regions were sampled 1,3, or 7 days after inoculation. Electron micrographs of infected alfalfa tissue indicated that the same types of damage were inflicted on Lahontan (stem-nematode-tolerant)and Ranger (stem-nematode-susceptible). Only the infection rate and degree of damage differed between lines and temperatures, with the greater injury occurring at the higher temperatures. After 3 and 7 days of infection, the symptoms observed were: swollen and broken endoplasmic reticulum (ER), distended and broken chloroplasts, loss of nuclear material, and bulging and rupturing of nuclear envelopes. Cells with infected cytoplasm contained more ER, ribosomes, vesicles, and Golgi apparatuses, suggesting increased metabolic activities. Lobing nuclei were observed in all samples. Lipid contents varied with temperature in I-day-old seedlings. At 15 and 25 C, electron-dense substrances were commonly found along the tonoplast, and on the cell wall. Also, some cells with enlarged ER were noted in the noninfected controls at these temperatures.  相似文献   

1 Introduction The visual world is composed of complex visual scenes that are projected, as two-dimen- sional images, onto the retina. Chunking of visual information is critical for object recognition, because it produces primitive perceptual units for subsequent analyses[1]. Integration of discrete local elements into a global configuration is one of the functions of perceptual grouping (e.g., combining local rectangles into a global letter as shown in fig. 1(b)). When multiple global object…  相似文献   

Males of many vertebrate species have flexible reproductivephenotypes and must decide before each mating season whetherto adopt sneaker, satellite, or territorial mating tactics.How do males gauge their abilities against others in the population?We tested experimentally whether hormone–behavior feedbackloops allow Galapagos marine iguana males to activate theirthree behavioral phenotypes as predicted by the relative plasticityhypothesis. Territorial males defended small mating areas andhad significantly higher plasma testosterone (T) levels (75± 11 ng/ml) than did satellite males that roamed aroundterritories (64 ± 8 ng/ml) or sneaker males that behavedlike females within territories (43 ± 11ng/ml). In territorialmales, temporary pharmacological blockade of T slowed head-bobpatrolling, decreased territory size threefold, and reducedthe number of females on territories 20-fold. This supportsprevious data that females may gauge male attractiveness byusing head-bob patrolling, here shown to be a T-dependent trait.Control-treated neighbors reacted to the weakening of T-blockedmales by increasing head-bob rate fivefold and territory size1.6-fold, and female numbers increased 2.5-fold. Unmanipulatedor control-injected males remained unchanged. Behavioral effectswere partly reversed after 7 days. T injections induced satellitemales to establish temporary territories, even at unconventionallocations. Some T-boosted satellite males suffered serious fightinginjuries. T-injected sneakers left female clusters and behavedlike larger satellite males that roam around territories. Thus,territorial and mating tactics are activated by T, but experimental(de-) activation at the wrong ontogenetic stage is costly: manipulatedmales switched phenotype but thereby lowered their access tofemales. We hypothesize that T levels of males that are basedon early-season behavioral interactions influence a males' subsequentphenotypic role.  相似文献   

Sixteen volatile compounds have been identified in oil prepared from winter wheat by reduced pressure steam distillation-extraction. Most of these compounds were found in relatively small quatities (0.5%, or less) with the exception of pentadecanal. Comparisons were also made of the relative amounts of C9 alcohols and aldehydes obtained from fresh versus frozen plants, cut versus intact plants and leaves versus culms.  相似文献   

In summer, many temperate bat species use daytime torpor, but breeding females do so less to avoid interferences with reproduction. In forest‐roosting bats, deep tree cavities buffer roost microclimate from abrupt temperature oscillations and facilitate thermoregulation. Forest bats also switch roosts frequently, so thermally suitable cavities may be limiting. We tested how barbastelle bats (Barbastella barbastellus), often roosting beneath flaking bark in snags, may thermoregulate successfully despite the unstable microclimate of their preferred cavities. We assessed thermoregulation patterns of bats roosting in trees in a beech forest of central Italy. Although all bats used torpor, females were more often normothermic. Cavities were poorly insulated, but social thermoregulation probably overcomes this problem. A model incorporating the presence of roost mates and group size explained thermoregulation patterns better than others based, respectively, on the location and structural characteristics of tree roosts and cavities, weather, or sex, reproductive or body condition. Homeothermy was recorded for all subjects, including nonreproductive females: This probably ensures availability of a warm roosting environment for nonvolant juveniles. Homeothermy may also represent a lifesaver for bats roosting beneath loose bark, very exposed to predators, because homeothermic bats may react quickly in case of emergency. We also found that barbastelle bats maintain group cohesion when switching roosts: This may accelerate roost occupation at the end of a night, quickly securing a stable microclimate in the newly occupied cavity. Overall, both thermoregulation and roost‐switching patterns were satisfactorily explained as adaptations to a structurally and thermally labile roosting environment.  相似文献   

血型单克隆抗体试剂稳定剂的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步提高抗A、抗B血型单克隆抗体试剂的稳定性,实验中分别以不同配比的甘油、蔗糖、明胶和EDTA为稳定剂主要成分加入血型单抗试剂,放置在不同条件下观察试剂的稳定性。结果表明,所筛选出的一种稳定剂对血型单抗试剂具有良好的保护作用,试剂在2~8℃条件下放置12个月,凝集效价保持不变,并且该稳定剂对血型单抗的特异性、亲和力、凝集效价和凝集强度均无影响。  相似文献   

Aggressive interactions, foraging behaviour and microhabitat use were observed among four sympatric stream fishes inhabiting the water column: ayu (Plecoglossus altivelis), white-spotted charr (Salvelinus leucomaenis), masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) and Japanese dace (Tribolodon hakonensis), each species being categorised into five body-size classes (species-size groups; SSG's). Aggressive interactions were observed between most pairs of SSG's, an almost linear dominance order being apparent throughout the three-month study period. Ayu were relatively subordinate in June, but became the second most dominant in July and the most dominant in August, as a consequence of a reversal in dominance order with salmon. In contrast, smaller-sized dace, which continually suffered from intra- and interspecific aggression, occupied the most subordinate ranks throughout the study period. Intensive aggression was observed among various SSG's, exhibiting same microhabitat propensity throughout the three months. The direction and frequency of aggressive interactions varied month by month due to a reversal in dominance order between ayu and masu salmon, and/or changes in density, body size and resource use of the component members. Opponent selectivity was higher within SSG's, where resource use was assumed to be highly overlapping, rather than among SSG's throughout the study period. Correlation analysis indicated that opponent selectivity in aggressive interactions among SSG's was positively correlated with similarity in microhabitat selectivity in June, but not in other months or with that in foraging habits, suggesting that intensive aggressive behaviour reflected overlapping habitat use among assemblage members during a certain period.  相似文献   


1. 1.|Heat production (HP) and body temperature (Tb) measurements were conducted at ambient temperatures (Ta) between 10 and 40°C. In addition preference temperatures (PT) were determined in a temperature channel and Tb was measured at preferred Ta

2. 2.|The influence of age on Tb at constant, as well as at PT, was proved. Increasing age was accompanied by an elevation of Tb whereas HP remained constant in the mid-range of Ta

3. 3.|The lower Tb in the first days of life is suggested to result from a lower thermoregulatory set point during the postnatal period.

4. 4.|The PT were different for the observed types of behaviour. The PT at rest was higher than the PT during locomotion, food intake and drinking.

Author Keywords: Bird; Meleagris gallopavo; heat production; body temperature; preference temperatures; thermoregulatory set point  相似文献   

Communal animals often engage in group activities that require temporal synchrony among its members, including synchrony on the circadian timescale. The principles and conditions that foster such collective synchronization are not understood, but existing literature hints that the number of interacting individuals may be a critical factor. We tested this by recording individual circadian body temperature rhythms of female house mice housed singly, in twos (pairs), or in groups of five (quintets) in constant darkness; determining the daily phases of the circadian peak for each animal; and then calculating the cycle-to-cycle phase relationship between cohabiting animals over time. Significant temporal coherence was observed in quintets: the proportion of quintets (4/7), but not pairs (2/8), that became synchronized was greater than could be achieved by the complete simulated reassortment of all individuals. We speculate that the social coupling of individual circadian clocks of group members may be adaptive under certain conditions, and we propose that optimal group sizes in nature may depend not only on species-specific energetics, spatial behaviour and natural history but also on the mathematics of synchronizing assemblies of weakly coupled animal oscillators.  相似文献   

Interstrain differences in thermoregulation of rats are important in biomedical research because subtleties in thermoregulatory sensitivities may greatly affect data collected. Little is known regarding how individual rodent strains differentially utilize behavioral thermal preference to regulate core temperature (Tc). Sprague-Dawley (SD) and Fischer 344 (F344) rats are known to have differences in thermoregulation including heat tolerance and are useful models to study interstrain differences in thermoregulation. Adult male SD and F344 rats of similar body size were implanted with radiotelemetry thermoprobes (DSI) to measure Tc and MA and housed in either a longitudinal temperature gradient with an ambient temperature (Ta) range of ∼15–40 °C to measure selected Ta (STa) or control environment maintained at a Ta of 23 °C. When continuously monitored for 48 h, Tc and MA increased at night, while STa decreased, according to their normal circadian cycle in both strains. SD rats were more active than F344 rats throughout the circadian cycle (SD gradient: day=12.9±1.2 m/h, night=32.1±2.4 m/h; F344 gradient: day=4.1±0.6 m/h, night=16.8±1.8 m/h; p<0.05 interstrain and circadian effects). The STa of each strain was greater during the daytime (SD: 26.4±0.2 °C; F344: 27.8±0.3 °C) than at night (SD: 24.7±0.3 °C; F344: 25.7±0.3 °C) confirming past studies that thermopreference during the day and night is greater than standard room temperature (∼23 °C). Correlations between MA and Tc suggest that MA has a greater effect on Tc in the F344 but not the SD strain when housed in a temperature gradient. There were significant strain differences in Tc depending on whether rats were housed in a temperature gradient. That is, the control F344 rats had a lower Tc during the transition from dark to light compared to rats housed in a gradient. Tc of the SD strain was unaffected by housing in the gradient. Rats are typically housed at a standard room temperature of 23 °C. However, the results demonstrate that when given the opportunity to behaviorally thermoregulate in a temperature gradient, the F344 strain selects a warmer environment that affects the regulation of Tc. This may be important in the experimenters' choice of ambient temperatures to house and study rats and other rodents.  相似文献   

In healthy cotton, except for random occasional occurrence in cortical cells, terpenoid aldehydes (TA) are localized in the epidermis and, even there, are absent from the tip 2-4 cm of the root. Since constitutive TA do not occur in the endodermis and stele of the root, they cannot be effective agents against the development of the sedentary stage of the root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita. Within 4 days after inoculation with the root-knot nematode, infection-induced TA accumulated in the endodermis and outer stele. These induced TA were thus localized where they could be effective against the sedentary stage of the nematode. Infection-induced TA accumulation was more rapid and occurred in more stele cells in a resistant cotton cultivar than in two susceptible cultivars.TA extracts from cotton were inhibitory to nematode movement. All second-stage larvae exposed to 1,000 ppm TA for 3 h became rigid, made no movement, and appeared dead. Washing these larvae to remove the TA and incubating them for an additional 24 h did not change their appearance. Shorter exposure times or lower TA concentrations allowed some larvae to recover. Exposing larvae to 10 ppm of TA for 24 h had little effect on them. TA extracted from G. arboreum, a cotton that does not methylate TA, were slightly less inhibitory to the root-knot nematode than TA extracted front G. hirsutum which partially methylates TA.  相似文献   

Daily and seasonal variations in hormone levels influence the complex interactions between behavior and physiology. Ectothermic animals possess the unique ability behaviorally to adjust body temperature (T(b)) to control physiological rate processes. Thus, a hormone may indirectly influence a physiological rate by directly influencing the behaviors that adjust or control that rate process. Although many hormonal influences on behavioral regulation of T(b) remain uninvestigated, melatonin (MEL) generally is considered a hormone that decreases mean preferred T(b). Many ectotherms demonstrate the selection of lower T(b)'s in response to increased MEL concentrations. Here, we examined the influence of MEL on the behavioral regulation of T(b) in the nocturnal African house snake Lamprophis fuliginosus. A series of experiments with two injection regimes of MEL had no significant effect on the mean preferred T(b) of L. fuliginosus. In addition, mean preferred T(b)'s during the photophase did not differ significantly from those during scotophase. Our findings suggest that L. fuliginosus does not respond to elevated concentrations of either endogenous or exogenous MEL. To verify that the African house snake is nocturnal, we investigated activity patterns of L. fuliginosus throughout the photoperiod. The activity period of L. fuliginosus occurs in the scotophase of the photoperiod, a pattern consistent with that of nocturnal species. This suggests that nocturnal organisms such as L. fuliginosus may not respond to MEL in the same manner as many diurnal species. Our results support the hypothesis that some animals, particularly nocturnal species, may have developed alternative responses to increased plasma concentrations of MEL.  相似文献   

Fish serve as hosts to a range of parasites that are taxonomically diverse and that exhibit a wide variety of life cycle strategies. Whereas many of these parasites are passed directly between ultimate hosts, others need to navigate through a series of intermediate hosts before reaching a host in (or on) which they can attain sexual maturity. The realisation that parasites need not have evolved to minimise their impact on hosts to be successful, and in many cases may even have a requirement for their hosts to be eaten by specific predators to ensure transmission, has renewed interest in the evolutionary basis of infection-associated host behaviour. Fishes have proved popular models for the experimental examination of such hypotheses, and parasitic infections have been demonstrated to have consequences for almost every aspect of fish behaviour. Despite a scarcity of knowledge regarding the mechanistic basis of such behaviour changes in most cases, and an even lower understanding of their ecological consequences, there can be little doubt that infection-associated behaviour changes have the potential to impact severely on the ecology of infected fishes. Changes in foraging efficiency, time budget, habitat selection, competitive ability, predator-prey relationships, swimming performance and sexual behaviour and mate choice have all been associated with – and in some cases been shown to be a result of – parasite infections, and are reviewed here in some detail. Since the behavioural consequences of infections are exposed to evolutionary selection pressures in the same way as are other phenotypic traits, few behavioural changes will be evolutionarily neutral and host behaviour changes that facilitate transmission should be expected. Despite this expectation, we have found little conclusive evidence for the Parasite Increased Trophic Transmission (PITT) hypothesis in fishes, though recent studies suggest it is likely to be an important mechanism. Additionally, since the fitness consequences of the many behavioural changes described have rarely been quantified, their evolutionary and ecological significance is effectively unknown.Potential hosts may also change their behaviour in the presence of infective parasite stages, if they adopt tactics to reduce exposure risk. Such `behavioural resistance', which may take the form of habitat avoidance, prey selectivity or avoidance of infected individuals, can be viewed as behavioural change associated with the threat of being parasitised, and so is included here. Actually harbouring infections may also stimulate fishes to perform certain types of simple or complex behaviours aimed at removing parasites, such as substrate scraping or the visitation of cleaning stations, although the efficacy of the latter as a parasite removal strategy is currently subject to a good deal of debate.The effects parasites have on shoaling behaviour of host fish have attracted a good deal of attention from researchers, and we have provided a case study to summarise the current state of knowledge. Parasites have been shown to affect most of the antipredator effects of shoaling (such as vigilance, co-ordinated evasion and predator confusion) and can also impair an individual's foraging ability. It therefore seems unsurprising that, in a number of species avoidance of parasitised individuals has evolved which may explain the occurrence of parasite-assorted shoals in the field. Parasitised fish are found more often in peripheral shoal positions and show a reduced tendency for shoaling in some fish species. Given the array of host behaviours that may be changed, the fitness consequences of shoal membership for parasitised hosts and their parasites are not always easy to predict, yet an understanding of these is important before we can make predictions regarding the ecological impact of infections on host fish populations.Clearly, there remain many gaps in our knowledge regarding the effects of parasites on the behaviour of host fish. We believe that a much greater understanding of the importance of infection-associated behaviour changes in fish could be gained from high quality research in comparatively few areas. We have completed our review by highlighting the key research topics that we believe should attract new research in this field.  相似文献   

New analyses are presented addressing the global impacts of recent climate change on phenology of plant and animal species. A meta‐analysis spanning 203 species was conducted on published datasets from the northern hemisphere. Phenological response was examined with respect to two factors: distribution of species across latitudes and taxonomic affiliation or functional grouping of target species. Amphibians had a significantly stronger shift toward earlier breeding than all other taxonomic/functional groups, advancing more than twice as fast as trees, birds and butterflies. In turn, butterfly emergence or migratory arrival showed three times stronger advancement than the first flowering of herbs, perhaps portending increasing asynchrony in insect–plant interactions. Response was significantly stronger at higher latitudes where warming has been stronger, but latitude explained < 4% of the variation. Despite expectation, latitude was not yet an important predictor of climate change impacts on phenology. The only two previously published estimates of the magnitude of global response are quite different: 2.3 and 5.1 days decade−1 advancement. The scientific community has assumed this difference to be real and has attempted to explain it in terms of biologically relevant phenomena: specifically, differences in distribution of data across latitudes, taxa or time periods. Here, these and other possibilities are explored. All analyses indicate that the difference in estimated response is primarily due to differences between the studies in criteria for incorporating data. It is a clear and automatic consequence of the exclusion by one study of data on ‘stable’ (nonresponsive) species. Once this is accounted for, the two studies support each other, generating similar conclusions despite analyzing substantially nonoverlapping datasets. Analyses here on a new expanded dataset estimate an overall spring advancement across the northern hemisphere of 2.8 days decade−1. This is the first quantitative analysis showing that data‐sampling methodologies significantly impact global (synthetic) estimates of magnitude of global warming response.  相似文献   

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