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Rab5a是Rab蛋白家族成员之一,属于小GTP酶。Rab5a是早期胞吞途径中一个重要的限速成分,主要负责调控胞吞中胞吞泡与早期内体的融合。近年来国内外对其研究非常活跃。现对Rab5a的结构、相互作用蛋白及功能的最新研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

小分子GTP酶的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小分子GTP酶是真核生物中普遍存在的一类分子量较小的蛋白质,它们具有保守的GTP结合结构域.在GTP酶类中自成一个超家族。根据序列结构的不同它们又分为多个家族,不同的家族分别在诸如细胞信号转导、胞质骨架的建成和物质转运等过程中起着非常重要的调控功能。  相似文献   

Rab蛋白的结构、功能及进化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Rab蛋白是小分子GTP结合蛋白家族(small GTP-binding proteins)中最大的亚家族,大约由200个氨基酸组成,由保守的G结构域与高度可变的N端和C端组成。Rab蛋白作为细胞内囊泡运输的分子开关,与其上游调控子和下游特定的效应子相互作用,并与GTP的结合和水解过程相偶联,在囊泡运输的不同阶段发挥作用。对不同Rab蛋白调控囊泡运输的研究有利干全面理解细胞内各类囊泡定向运输的分子动力学机制。  相似文献   

Rab蛋白是小分子GTP结合蛋白家族中最大的亚家族。Rab8作为Rab家族中的成员之一,其在“无活性”的GDP结合状态与“活性”的GTP结合形式之间不断循环。不同结合形式的Rab8招募不同的效应因子,调控囊泡的形成、锚定和融合等阶段,此外, Rab8还参与调控自噬和动物繁殖功能。该文综述了Rab8调控囊泡运输、自噬以及动物繁殖功能的研究进展,以期为后续研究Rab8功能提供参考。  相似文献   

FH蛋白家族成员的结构与功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FH蛋白家族是包含两个保守FH1、FH2结构域的一类蛋白,广泛存在于各种真核生物细胞中,FH蛋白能够与Rho、抑制蛋白等相互作用,参与肌动蛋白细胞骨架的构建,是细胞极性化、细胞分裂、细胞连接和粘附所必需的。FH蛋白突变可导致一些人类遗传疾病。  相似文献   

CD205的结构与功能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
CD205是一种分子量205KD的C型凝集素,为I型膜蛋白,含有10个糖识别域,系巨噬细胞甘露糖受体家族成员。人CD205基因位于染色体2q24,其CDNA长5166bp,编码产物1722个氨基酸残基。CD205主要表达于树突状细胞和胞腺上皮细胞。在介导胞吞、抗原提呈中起关键作用,还参与稳定胸腺微环境,在胸腺发育及肿瘤免疫中具重要意义。  相似文献   

Rho GTP酶参与肿瘤调控的下游效应蛋白   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈玉霞  刁飞 《生命的化学》2006,26(3):252-254
小G蛋白Rho家族是一类能结合GTP的蛋白质,在哺乳动物细胞的信号转导系统中发挥着“分子开关”样的重要作用。Rho蛋白通过其下游效应蛋白介导发挥多种生物学效应,包括调控细胞骨架重组、黏附和运动等。近年来,Rho蛋白在肿瘤细胞的增殖、分化、凋亡和转移的调控中的作用渐受重视。该文就介导RhoGTP酶调控肿瘤发生发展的几个下游蛋白作一介绍。  相似文献   

Ma JM  Suo SY  Ning QJ 《生理科学进展》2008,39(3):255-257
抗酶抑制因子是一种热不稳定蛋白,与鸟氨酸脱羧酶同源,但不具有鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性,经泛素依赖途径被降解.抗酶抑制因子与抗酶高度亲和,抑制抗酶功能,恢复鸟氨酸脱羧酶活性.研究发现,抗酶抑制因子还能够调节多胺转运,抑制细胞周期蛋白D1的降解,以及加速中心粒复制,从而促进细胞增殖及肿瘤发生.  相似文献   

Yptl蛋白是酵母唯一的Rab1 GTP酶,调控囊泡从内质网到高尔基体的运输.酵母温敏突变株 ASY01是一个Ypt1基因功能部分缺失菌株,在26℃可以正常生长,但在37℃不能生长.拟南芥有4个Rab1基因,分别是AtRab1A1、AtRab1B1、AtRab1B2、AtRab1C1.克隆了所有4个AtRab1基因,构建酵母表达载体,转化温敏突变型酵母ASY01.温度敏感性实验结果表明,所有转基因菌株在37℃都恢复正常生长.说明拟南芥4个Rab1基因都与酵母Ypt1基因功能互补,都具有调节囊泡从内质网到高尔基体运输的功能.  相似文献   

讨论.  相似文献   

We have recently identified Rab11-FIP4 as the sixth member of the Rab11-FIP family of Rab11 interacting proteins. Here, we demonstrate that Rab11-FIP4 interacts with Rab11 in a GTP-dependent manner and that its C-terminal region allows the protein to self-interact and interact with pp75/Rip11, Rab11-FIP2, and Rab11-FIP3. However, Rab11-FIP4 does not appear to interact directly with Rab coupling protein (RCP). We investigated the subcellular localisation of Rab11-FIP4 in HeLa cells and show that it colocalises extensively with transferrin and with Rab11. Furthermore, when overexpressed, it causes a condensation of the Rab11 compartment in the perinuclear region. We demonstrate that the carboxy-terminal region of Rab11-FIP4 (Rab11-FIP4(C-ter)) is necessary and sufficient for its endosomal membrane association. Expression of Rab11-FIP4(C-ter) causes a dispersal of the Rab11 compartment towards the cell periphery and does not inhibit transferrin recycling in HeLa cells. It is likely that Rab11-FIP4 serves as a Rab11 effector in a Rab11 mediated function other than transferrin recycling.  相似文献   

A tripartite association of Rab11a with both Rab11‐FIP2 and MYO5B regulates recycling endosome trafficking. We sought to define the intermolecular interactions required between Rab11‐FIP2 and MYO5B. Using a random mutagenesis strategy, we identified point mutations at S229P or G233E in Rab11‐FIP2 that caused loss of interaction with MYO5B in yeast two‐hybrid assays as well as loss of interaction of Rab11‐FIP2(129‐356) with MYO5B tail when expressed in HeLa cells. Single mutations or the double S229P/G233E mutation failed to alter the association of full‐length Rab11‐FIP2 with MYO5B tail in HeLa cells. While EGFP‐Rab11‐FIP2 wild type colocalized with endogenous MYO5B staining in MDCK cells, EGFP‐Rab11‐FIP2(S229P/G233E) showed a significant decrease in localization with endogenous MYO5B. Analysis of Rab11a‐containing vesicle movement in live HeLa cells demonstrated that when the MYO5B/Rab11‐FIP2 association is perturbed by mutation or by Rab11‐FIP2 knockdown, vesicle movement is increased in both speed and track length, consistent with an impairment of MYO5B tethering at the cytoskeleton. These results support a critical role for the interaction of MYO5B with Rab11‐FIP2 in stabilizing the functional complex with Rab11a, which regulates dynamic movements of membrane recycling vesicles.   相似文献   

The Rab11 family of small GTPases is composed of three members, Rab11a, Rab11b, and Rab25. While recent work on Rab11a and Rab25 has yielded some insights into their function, Rab11b has received little attention. Therefore, we sought to examine the distribution of endogenous Rab11b in epithelial cells. In rabbit gastric parietal cells, unlike Rab11a, Rab11b did not colocalize or coisolate with H(+)/K(+)-ATPase. In MDCK cells, endogenous Rab11b localized to an apical pericentrisomal region distinct from Rab11a. The microtubule agents nocodazole and taxol dramatically alter Rab11a's localization in the cell, while effects on Rab11b's distribution were less apparent. These results indicate that in contrast to Rab11a, the Rab11b compartment in the apical region is not as dependent upon microtubules. While Rab11a is known to regulate transferrin trafficking in nonpolarized cells and IgA trafficking in polarized cells, Rab11b exhibited little colocalization with either of these cargoes. Thus, while Rab11a and Rab11b share high sequence homology, they appear to reside within distinct vesicle compartments.  相似文献   

The Rab11-family interacting protein 3 (Rab11-FIP3), also known as Arfophilin and Eferin, is a Rab11 and ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) binding protein of unknown function. Here, we sought to investigate the subcellular localisation and elucidate the function of Rab11-FIP3 in eukaryotic membrane trafficking. Utilising a polyclonal antibody specific for Rab11-FIP3, we have demonstrated by immunofluorescence microscopy that Rab11-FIP3 colocalises with Rab11 in a distinctive pericentrosomal location in A431 cells. Additionally, we found that Rab11-FIP3 localises to punctate vesicular structures dispersed throughout A431 cells. We have demonstrated that both Rab11 and Rab11-FIP3 localise to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis, and that Rab11-FIP3 localisation is dependent on both microtubule and actin filament integrity. We show that Rab11-FIP3 does not enter brefeldin A (BFA) induced membrane tubules that are positive for the transferrin receptor (TfnR). Furthermore, we show that expression of an amino-terminally truncated mutant of Rab11-FIP3 (Rab11-FIP3((244-756))) does not inhibit transferrin (Tfn) recycling in HeLa cells. It is likely that Rab11-FIP3 is involved in trafficking events other than Tfn trafficking; these may include the transport of endosomally derived membrane to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Background information. Rab11 and Rab14 are two related Rab GTPases that are believed to function in endosomal recycling and Golgi/endosome transport processes. We, and others, have identified a group of proteins that interact with Rab11 and function as Rab11 effectors, known as the Rab11‐FIPs (family interacting proteins). This protein family has been sub‐classified into two groups—class I FIPs [FIP2, RCP (Rab coupling protein) and Rip11 (Rab11‐interacting protein)] and class II FIPs (FIP3 and FIP4). Results. In the present study we identify the class I FIPs as dual Rab‐binding proteins by demonstrating that they also interact with Rab14 in a GTP‐dependent manner. We show that these interactions are specific for the class I FIPs and that they occur via their C‐terminal regions, which encompass the previously described RBD (Rab11‐binding domain). Furthermore, we show that Rab14 significantly co‐localizes with the TfnR (transferrin receptor) and that Rab14 Q70L co‐localizes with Rab11a and with the class I FIPs on the ERC (endosomal recycling compartment) during interphase. Additionally, we show that during cytokinesis Rab14 localizes to the cleavage furrow/midbody. Conclusions. The data presented in the present study, which identifies the class I FIPs as the first putative effector proteins for the Rab14 GTPase, indicates greater complexity in the Rab‐binding specificity of the class I FIP proteins.  相似文献   

Molecular characterization of Rab11-FIP3 binding to ARF GTPases   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Rab11-FIP3 is a Rab11-binding protein that has been implicated in regulating cytokinesis in mammalian cells. FIP3 functions by simultaneously interacting with Rab11 as well as Arf GTPases. However, unlike the interaction between Rab11 and FIP3, the structural basis of FIP3 binding to Arf GTPases has not yet been determined. The specificity of interaction between FIP3 and Arf GTPases remains controversial. While it was reported that FIP3 preferentially binds to Arf6 some data suggest that FIP3 can also interact with Arf5 and even possibly Arf4. The Arf-interaction motif on FIP3 also remains to be determined. Finally, the importance of Arf binding to FIP3 in regulating cell division and other cellular functions remains unclear. Here we used a combination of various biochemical techniques to measure the affinity of FIP3 binding to various Arfs and to demonstrate that FIP3 predominantly interacts with Arf6 in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we identified the motifs mediating Arf6 and FIP3 interaction and demonstrated that FIP3 binds to the Arf6 C-terminus rather than switch motifs. Finally we show that FIP3 and Arf6 binding is required for the targeting of Arf6 to the cleavage furrow during cytokinesis. Thus, we propose that FIP3 is a scaffolding protein that, in addition to regulating endosome targeting to the cleavage furrow, also is required for Arf6 recruitment to the midbody during late telophase.  相似文献   

Rab11a has been conceived as a prominent regulatory component of the recycling endosome, which acts as a nexus in the endo- and exocytotic networks. The precise in vivo role of Rab11a in mouse embryonic development is unknown. We globally ablated Rab11a and examined the phenotypic and molecular outcomes in Rab11anull blastocysts and mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Using multiple trafficking assays and complementation analyses, we determined, among multiple important membrane-associated and soluble cargos, the critical contribution of Rab11a vesicular traffic to the secretion of multiple soluble MMPs. Rab11anull embryos were able to properly form normal blastocysts but died at peri-implantation stages. Our data suggest that Rab11a critically controls mouse blastocyst development and soluble matrix metalloproteinase secretion.  相似文献   

Rab11-FIP3 is an endosomal recycling compartment (ERC) protein that is implicated in the process of membrane delivery from the ERC to sites of membrane insertion during cell division. Here we report that Rab11-FIP3 is critical for the structural integrity of the ERC during interphase. We demonstrate that knockdown of Rab11-FIP3 and expression of a mutant of Rab11-FIP3 that is Rab11-binding deficient cause loss of all ERC-marker protein staining from the pericentrosomal region of A431 cells. Furthermore, we find that fluorophore-labelled transferrin cannot access the pericentrosomal region of cells in which Rab11-FIP3 function has been perturbed. We find that this Rab11-FIP3 function appears to be specific because expression of the equivalent Rab11-binding deficient mutant of Rab-coupling protein does not perturb ERC morphology. In addition, we find that other organelles such as sorting and late endosomes are unaffected by loss of Rab11-FIP3 function. Finally, we demonstrate the presence of an extensive coiled-coil region between residues 463 and 692 of Rab11-FIP3, which exists as a dimer in solution and is critical to support its function on the ERC. Together, these data indicate that Rab11-FIP3 is necessary for the structural integrity of the pericentrosomal ERC.  相似文献   

The epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) is an essential channel responsible for Na+ reabsorption. Coexpression of Rab11a and Rab3a small G proteins with ENaC results in a significant increase in channel activity. In contrast, coexpression of Rab5, Rab27a, and Arf-1 had no effect or slightly decreased ENaC activity. Inhibition of MEK with PD98059, Rho-kinase with Y27632 or PI3-kinase with LY294002 had no effect on ENaC activity in Rab11a-transfected CHO cells. Fluorescence imaging methods demonstrate that Rab11a colocalized with ENaC. Rab11a increases ENaC activity in an additive manner with dominant-negative dynamin, which is a GTPase responsible for endocytosis. Brefeldin A, an inhibitor of intracellular protein translocation, blocked the stimulatory action of Rab11a on ENaC activity. We conclude that ENaC channels, present on the apical plasma membrane, are being exchanged with channels from the intracellular pool in a Rab11-dependent manner.  相似文献   

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