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A spatial relationship between caveolae and sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in smooth muscle cells (SMC) was previously reported in computer-assisted three-dimensional reconstruction from transmission electron microscope serial sections. The knowledge of the three-dimensional organization of the cortical space of SMC is essential to understand caveolae function at the cellular level. Cellular tomography using transmission electron microscopy tomography (EMT) is the only available technology to reliably chart the inside of a cell and is therefore an essential technology in the study of organellar nanospatial relationships. Using EMT we further demonstrate here that caveolae and peripheral SR in visceral SMC build constantly spatial units, presumably responsible for a vectorial control of free Ca2+ cytoplasmic concentrations in definite nanospaces.  相似文献   

A K Grover 《Cell calcium》1985,6(3):227-236
For several years it has been debated whether the Ca-pump in smooth muscle is located in the plasma membrane or in the endoplasmic reticulum (alias sarcoplasmic reticulum). Experimental evidence using skinned smooth muscle cells and subcellular membrane fractions isolated from a number of smooth muscles is reviewed here to hopefully resolve this issue. The inescapable conclusion is that there are two modes of nonmitochondrial ATP-dependent Ca-transport. The first one, unaffected by oxalate, is localized in the plasma membranes and the second, potentiated by oxalate, is localized in the endoplasmic reticulum. Clear experiments to delineate the roles of the two pumps in the excitation-contraction cycle of the smooth muscle remain to be conducted.  相似文献   

Summary Specific interactions between cells and the extracellular matrix (ECM) in which they are embedded play a vital role in tissue organization. In recent years, many of the individual components of the extracellular matrix have been isolated and their molecular structures elucidated, but the detailed topography of most extracellular matrices, as they are deposited by cells, is still largely unknown. In this study, the insoluble extracellular matrix produced by cultured rat vascular smooth muscle cells has been characterized morphologically using high-resolution electron microscopy of rotary platinum replicas. These cells grew as flat sheets in culture, secreting their matrix laterally and basally. The matrix was composed of a cross-linked fibrillar meshwork. Some fine fibers (10 to 15 nm in diameter) were naked, but most of the filamentous mesh was covered with coarse granular material. Limited digestion with trypsin or pancreatic elastase removed most of this coating, indicating that the granules were glycoproteins and proteoglycans. Another subset of matrix fibrils (20 to 40 nm in diameter) was identified as type I collagen by direct comparison with purified bovine skin collagen. In addition to exposing the underlying filamentous substructure of the matrix, protease treatment also revealed large, straight fiber bundles and globules of amorphous material suspended in the filamentous web. This novel view of a complex matrix promises to provide spatial information that will be useful in future studies of cell interactions with the ECM. These studies were supported in part by NIH Biomedical Research Support grant S07-RR-05684.  相似文献   

Ca(2+) sparks are highly localized cytosolic Ca(2+) transients caused by a release of Ca(2+) from the sarcoplasmic reticulum via ryanodine receptors (RyRs); they are the elementary events underlying global changes in Ca(2+) in skeletal and cardiac muscle. In smooth muscle and some neurons, Ca(2+) sparks activate large conductance Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels (BK channels) in the spark microdomain, causing spontaneous transient outward currents (STOCs) that regulate membrane potential and, hence, voltage-gated channels. Using the fluorescent Ca(2+) indicator fluo-3 and a high speed widefield digital imaging system, it was possible to capture the total increase in fluorescence (i.e., the signal mass) during a spark in smooth muscle cells, which is the first time such a direct approach has been used in any system. The signal mass is proportional to the total quantity of Ca(2+) released into the cytosol, and its rate of rise is proportional to the Ca(2+) current flowing through the RyRs during a spark (I(Ca(spark))). Thus, Ca(2+) currents through RyRs can be monitored inside the cell under physiological conditions. Since the magnitude of I(Ca(spark)) in different sparks varies more than fivefold, Ca(2+) sparks appear to be caused by the concerted opening of a number of RyRs. Sparks with the same underlying Ca(2+) current cause STOCs, whose amplitudes vary more than threefold, a finding that is best explained by variability in coupling ratio (i.e., the ratio of RyRs to BK channels in the spark microdomain). The time course of STOC decay is approximated by a single exponential that is independent of the magnitude of signal mass and has a time constant close to the value of the mean open time of the BK channels, suggesting that STOC decay reflects BK channel kinetics, rather than the time course of [Ca(2+)] decline at the membrane. Computer simulations were carried out to determine the spatiotemporal distribution of the Ca(2+) concentration resulting from the measured range of I(Ca(spark)). At the onset of a spark, the Ca(2+) concentration within 200 nm of the release site reaches a plateau or exceeds the [Ca(2+)](EC50) for the BK channels rapidly in comparison to the rate of rise of STOCs. These findings suggest a model in which the BK channels lie close to the release site and are exposed to a saturating [Ca(2+)] with the rise and fall of the STOCs determined by BK channel kinetics. The mechanism of signaling between RyRs and BK channels may provide a model for Ca(2+) action on a variety of molecular targets within cellular microdomains.  相似文献   

The voltage-dependent slow channels in the myocardial cell membrane are the major pathway by which Ca2+ ions enter the cell during excitation for initiation and regulation of the force of contraction of cardiac muscle. The slow channels have some special properties, including functional dependence on metabolic energy, selective blockade by acidosis, and regulation by the intracellular cyclic nucleotide levels. Because of these special properties of the slow channels, Ca2+ influx into the myocardial cell can be controlled by extrinsic factors (such as autonomic nerve stimulation or circulating hormones) and by intrinsic factors (such as cellular pH or ATP level). The slow Ca2+ channels of the heart are regulated by cAMP in a stimulatory fashion. Elevation of cAMP produces a very rapid increase in number of slow channels available for voltage activation during excitation. The probability of a slow channel opening and the mean open time of the channel are increased. Therefore, any agent that increases the cAMP level of the myocardial cell will tend to potentiate Isi, Ca2+ influx, and contraction. The myocardial slow Ca2+ channels are also regulated by cGMP, in a manner that is opposite to that of CAMP. The effect of cGMP is presumably mediated by means of phosphorylation of a protein, as for example, a regulatory protein (inhibitory-type) associated with the slow channel. Preliminary data suggest that calmodulin also may play a role in regulation of the myocardial slow Ca2+ channels, possibly mediated by the Ca2+-calmodulin-protein kinase and phosphorylation of some regulatory-type of protein. Thus, it appears that the slow Ca2+ channel is a complex structure, including perhaps several associated regulatory proteins, which can be regulated by a number of extrinsic and intrinsic factors.VSM cells contain two types of Ca2+ channels: slow (L-type) Ca2+ channels and fast (T-type) Ca2+ channels. Although regulation of voltage-dependent Ca2+ slow channels of VSM cells have not been fully clarified yet, we have made some progress towards answering this question. Slow (L-type, high-threshold) Ca2+ channels may be modified by phosphorylation of the channel protein or an associated regulatory protein. In contrast to cardiac muscle where cAMP and cGMP have antagonistic effects on Ca2+ slow channel activity, in VSM, cAMP and cGMP have similar effects, namely inhibition of the Ca2+ slow channels. Thus, any agent that elevates cAMP or cGMP will inhibit Ca2+ influx, and thereby act to produce vasodilation. The Ca2+ slow channels require ATP for activity, with a K0.5 of about 0.3 mM. C-kinase may stimulate the Ca2+ slow channels by phosphorylation. G-protein may have a direct action on the Ca2+ channels, and may mediate the effects of activation of some receptors. These mechanisms of Ca2+ channel regulation may be invoked during exposure to agonists or drugs, which change second messenger levels, thereby controlling vascular tone.  相似文献   

Phenylephrine (PE)-induced oscillatory fluctuations in intracellular Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+]i) of vascular smooth muscle have been observed in many blood vessels isolated from a wide variety of mammals. Paradoxically, until recently similar observations in humans have proven elusive. In this study, we report for the first time observations of adrenergically-stimulated [Ca2+]i oscillations in human mesenteric artery smooth muscle. In arterial segments preloaded with Fluo-4 AM and mounted on a myograph on the stage of a confocal microscope, we observed PE-induced oscillations in [Ca2+]i, which initiated and maintained vasoconstriction. These oscillations present some variability, possibly due to compromised health of the tissue. This view is corroborated by our ultrastructural analysis of the cells, in which we found only (5 ± 2)% plasma membrane-sarcoplasmic reticulum apposition, markedly less than measured in healthy tissue from laboratory animals. We also partially characterized the oscillations by using the inhibitory drugs 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and nifedipine. After PE contraction, all drugs provoked relaxation of the vessel segments, sometimes only partial, and reduced or inhibited oscillations, except CPA, which rarely caused relaxation. These preliminary results point to a potential involvement of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ and inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor (IP3R) in the maintenance of the Ca2+ oscillations observed in human blood vessels.  相似文献   

The differentiation of vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs), which are exposed to mechanical stretch in vivo, plays an important role in vascular remodeling during hypertension. Here, we demonstrated the mechanobiological roles of large conductance calcium and voltage-activated potassium (BK) channels in this process. In comparison with 5% stretch (physiological), 15% stretch (pathological) induced the de-differentiation of VSMCs, resulting in significantly decreased expressions of VSMC markers, i.e., α-actin, calponin and SM22. The activity of BK channels, assessed by patch clamp recording, was significantly increased by 15% stretch and was accompanied by an increased alternative splicing of BK channel α-subunit at the stress axis-regulated exons (STREX). Furthermore, transfection of whole BK or STREX-deleted BK plasmids revealed that STREX was important for BK channels to sense mechanical stretch. Using thapsigargin (TG) which induces endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress, and xbp1-targeted siRNA transfection which blocks ER stress, the results revealed that ER stress was contribute to stretch-induced alternative splicing of STREX. Our results suggested that during hypertension, pathological stretch may induce the ER stress in VSMCs, which affects the alternative splicing and activity of BK channels, and subsequently modulates VSMC differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary Intracellular calcium [Ca2+] i measurements in cell suspension of gastrointestinal myocytes have suggested a single [Ca2+] i transient followed by a steady-state increase as the characteristic [Ca2+] i response of these cells. In the present study, we used digital video imaging techniques in freshly dispersed myocytes from the rabbit colon, to characterize the spatiotemporal pattern of the [Ca2+] i signal in single cells. The distribution of [Ca2+] i in resting and stimulated cells was nonhomogeneous, with gradients of high [Ca2+] i present in the subplasmalemmal space and in one cell pole. [Ca2+] i gradients within these regions were not constant but showed temporal changes in the form of [Ca2+] i oscillations and spatial changes in the form of [Ca2+] i waves. [Ca2+] i oscillations in unstimulated cells (n = 60) were independent of extracellular [Ca2+] and had a mean frequency of 12.6 +1.1 oscillations per min. The baseline [Ca2+], was 171 ± 13 nm and the mean oscillation amplitude was 194 ± 12 nm. Generation of [Ca2+] i waves was also independent of influx of extracellular Ca2+. [Ca2+] i waves originated in one cell pole and were visualized as propagation mostly along the subplasmalemmal space or occasionally throughout the cytoplasm. The mean velocity was 23 +3 m per sec (n = 6). Increases of [Ca2+] i induced by different agonists were encoded into changes of baseline [Ca2+] i and the amplitude of oscillations, but not into their frequency. The observed spatiotemporal pattern of [Ca2+] i regulation may be the underlying mechanism for slow wave generation and propagation in this tissue. These findings are consistent with a [Ca2+] i regulation whereby cell regulators modulate the spatiotemporal pattern of intracellularly generated [Ca2+] i oscillations.The authors thank Debbie Anderson for excellent technical assistance with the electron microscopy and Dr. M. Regoli for providing the NK-1 agonist [Sar9,Met(O2)11]-SP. This work was supported by National Institutes of Health Grants DK 40919 and DK 40675 and Veterans Administration Grant SMI.  相似文献   

The known action of uridine triphosphate (UTP) to contract some types of vascular smooth muscle, and the present finding that it is more potent than adenosine triphosphate in eliciting an increase in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration in aortic smooth muscle, led us to investigate the mode of action of this nucleotide. With this aim, cultured bovine aorta cells were subjected to patch-clamp methodologies under various conditions. Nucleotide-induced variations in cytosolic Ca2+ were monitored by using single channel recordings of the high conductance Ca2+-activated K+ (Maxi-K) channel within on-cell patches as a reporter, and whole-cell currents were measured following perforation of the patch. In cells bathed in Na+-saline, UTP (>30 nm) induced an inward current, and both Maxi-K channel activity and unitary current amplitude of the Maxi-K channel transiently increased. Repetitive exposures elicited similar responses when 5 to 10 min wash intervals were allowed between challenges of nucleotide. Oscillations in channel activity, but not oscillation in current amplitude were frequently observed with UTP levels > 0.1 m. Cells bathed in K+ saline (150 m) were less sensitive to UTP (5-fold), and did not show an increase in unitary Maxi-K current amplitude. Since the increase in amplitude occurs due to depolarization of the cell membrane, a change in amplitude was not observed in cells previously depolarized with K+ saline. The enhancement of Maxi-K channel activity in the presence of UTP was not diminished by Ca2+ entry blockers or by removal of extracellular Ca2+. However, in the latter case, repetitive responses progressively declined. These observations, as well as data comparing the action of low concentrations of Ca2+ ionophores (<5 m) to that of UTP indicate that both agents elevate cytosolic Ca2+ by mobilization of this ion from intracellular pools. However, the Ca2+ ionophore did not cause membrane depolarization, and thus did not change unitary current amplitude. The effect of UTP on Maxi-K channel activity and current amplitude was blocked by pertussis toxin and by phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA), but was not modified by okadaic acid, or by inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC). Our data support a model in which a pyrimidinergic receptor is coupled to a G protein, and this interaction mediates release of Ca2+ from intracellular pools, presumably via the phosphatidyl inositol pathway. This also results in activation of membrane channels that give rise to an inward current and depolarization. Ultimately, smooth muscle contraction ensues. PKC does not appear to be directly involved, even though the UTP response is blocked by low nm levels of PMA. While the latter data implicate PKC in diminishing the UTP response, agents that inhibit either PKC or phosphatase activity did not prevent abolition of UTP responses by PMA, nor did they modify basal channel activity.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism, detectable in vascular smooth muscle cells freshly isolated from aorta of male and female rats, is associated with a different susceptibility to radiation-induced apoptosis. In this work we investigated the mechanism underlying this difference and discovered that, in comparison with cells from male rats, cells from female rats show adhesion-associated resistance to apoptosis, the so called anoikis resistance. This is apparently due to a more adhering phenotype, characterized by a well organized actin microfilament cytoskeleton and to an increased phosphorylated focal adhesion kinase, and, more importantly, to a higher propensity to undergo survival by autophagy.  相似文献   

目的:探讨瑞舒伐他汀(Rsv)对同型半胱氨酸(Hcy)诱导的小鼠血管平滑肌细胞(VSMCs)去分化及内质网应激(ERS)的影响。方法:Hcy和不同浓度瑞舒伐他汀(0.1,1.0,10 μmol/L)干预VSMCs,48 h后检测细胞骨架及表型蛋白(α-SMA)、钙调节蛋白(calponin)和骨桥蛋白(OPN)变化,并检测ERS相关mRNA (Herpud1,XBP1s和GRP78)在不同时间点的水平;再在Hcy及Rsv干预基础上给予ERS抑制剂4-苯基丁酸(4-PBA)或诱导剂衣霉素来调控细胞ERS水平,检测细胞增殖、迁移和表型蛋白表达,明确ERS在Rsv表型保护中的作用;在Hcy及Rsv干预基础上给予雷帕霉素靶蛋白(mTOR)-P70S6激酶(P70S6K)信号抑制剂雷帕霉素或激活剂磷脂酸,检测mTOR-P70S6K磷酸化和ERS水平,明确mTOR-P70S6通路在Rsv调控ERS中的作用。结果:与Hcy组相比,Hcy+中Rsv组(1 μmol/L)和Hcy+高Rsv组(10 μmol/L)细胞骨架极性明显增强,α-SMA、calponin表达升高,而OPN及ERS相关mRNA水平显著降低(P<0.01);与Hcy组比较,Hcy+Rsv组和Hcy+4-PBA组增殖、迁移水平降低(P<0.01),收缩蛋白表达增强,但衣霉素干预则逆转了Rsv的上述作用;与Hcy组相比,Hcy+Rsv组和Hcy+雷帕霉素组的mTOR-P70S6K磷酸化及ERS水平降低(P<0.01),但磷脂酸干预抑制了Rsv对mTOR-P70S6K通路和ERS的影响。结论:瑞舒伐他汀可能通过mTOR-P70S6K通路抑制ERS水平,抑制Hcy诱导的小鼠VSMCs去分化改变。  相似文献   

Although vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) are widely used in cardiovascular research, their phenotypic change under various culture conditions is problematic to evaluate the experimental results obtained. The levels of angiotensin (Ang) type 1/2 (AT1/AT2) receptors as well as contractile and structural proteins are degraded through culture passages. The present study demonstrated that heparin recovered Ang receptors and differentiation markers, such as desmin, SM-22 and smooth muscle alpha-actin in VSMCs at the ninth passage. Heparin also potenciated Ang II-induced activation for ERK1/2 and p38. These results suggest a potential value of heparin-treated VSMCs as the model for analysis of Ang-mediated signal transduction under physiological condition.  相似文献   

The overlapping roles of the predominant Notch receptors in vascular smooth muscle cells, Notch2 and Notch3, have not been clearly defined in vivo. In this study, we use a smooth muscle‐specific deletion of Notch2 together with a global Notch3 deletion to produce mice with combinations of mutant and wild‐type Notch2/3 alleles in vascular smooth muscle cells. Mice with complete loss of Notch3 and smooth muscle‐expressed Notch2 display late embryonic lethality and subcutaneous hemorrhage. Mice without smooth muscle‐Notch2 and only one wild‐type copy of Notch3 die within one day of birth and present with vascular defects, most notably patent ductus arteriosus (DA) and aortic dilation. These defects were associated with decreased expression of contractile markers in both the DA and aorta. These results demonstrate that Notch2 and Notch3 have overlapping roles in promoting development of vascular smooth muscle cells, and together contribute to functional closure of the DA. genesis 53:738–748, 2015. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

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