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Sesame (Sesamum indicum L. syn. Sesamum orientale L.) is considered to be the first oil seed crop known to man. Despite its versatile use as an oil seed and a leafy vegetable, sesame is a neglected crop and has not been a subject of molecular genetic research until the last decade. There is thus limited knowledge regarding genome-specific molecular markers that are indispensible for germplasm enhancement, gene identification, and marker-assisted breeding in sesame. In this study, we employed a genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach to a sesame recombinant inbred line (RIL) population for high-throughput single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) identification and genotyping. A total of 15,521 SNPs were identified with 14,786 SNPs (95.26 %) located along sesame genome assembly pseudomolecules. By incorporating sesame-specific simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers developed in our previous work, 230.73 megabases (99 %) of sequence from the genome assembly were saturated with markers. This large number of markers will be available for sesame geneticists as a resource for candidate polymorphisms located along the physical chromosomes of sesame. Defining SNP loci in genome assembly sequences provides the flexibility to utilize any genotyping strategy to survey any sesame population. SNPs selected through a high stringency filtering protocol (770 SNPs) for improved map accuracy were used in conjunction with SSR markers (50 SSRs) in linkage analysis, resulting in 13 linkage groups that encompass a total genetic distance of 914 cM with 432 markers (420 SNPs, 12 SSRs). The genetic linkage map constitutes the basis for future work that will involve quantitative trait locus (QTL) analyses of metabolic and agronomic traits in the segregating RIL population.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among temperate species of bamboo are difficult to resolve, owing to both the challenge of detecting sufficiently variable markers and their polyploid history. Here, we use restriction site–associated DNA sequencing to identify candidate loci with fixed allelic differences segregating between and within two temperate species of bamboos: Arundinaria faberi and Yushania brevipaniculata. Approximately 27 million paired‐end sequencing reads were generated across four samples. From pooled data, we assembled 67 685 and 70 668 de novo contigs from partial overlap among paired‐end reads, with an average length of 240 and 241 bp for the two species, respectively, which were used to investigate functional classification of RAD tags in a blastx search. Analysed separately by population, we recovered 29 443 putatively orthologous RAD tags shared across the four sampled populations, containing 28 023 sequence variants, of which c. 13 000 are segregating between species, and c. 3000 segregating between populations within each species. Analyses based on these RAD tags yielded robust phylogenetic inferences, even with data set constructed from surprisingly few loci. This study illustrates the potential for reduced‐representation genome data to resolve difficult phylogenetic relationships in temperate bamboos.  相似文献   

Recently developed plant genomics approaches (LD mapping and genome-wide selection) require many molecular markers distributed throughout the plant genome. As a result, the availability of an increasing number of markers is essential for maintaining highly efficient and accurate plant breeding programs. In this study, we identified SNP loci in sunflower using a genotyping by sequencing (GBS) approach in an intraspecific F2 mapping population. A total of 271,445,770 reads were generated by the Genome Analyzer II next-generation sequencing platform and 29.2 % of the reads were aligned to unique locations in the genome. A total of 46,278 SNP loci were identified and 7646 SNP loci were validated in an F2 population. In addition, a SNP-based linkage map was constructed. This is the first report of SNP discovery in sunflower by GBS. The SNP markers and SNP-based linkage map will be valuable molecular genetics tools for sunflower breeding.  相似文献   

Myxomycetes are terrestrial protists with many presumably cosmopolitan species dispersing via airborne spores. A truly cosmopolitan species would suffer from outbreeding depression hampering local adaptation, while locally adapted species with limited distribution would be at a higher risk of extinction in changing environments. Here, we investigate intraspecific genetic diversity and phylogeography of Physarum albescens over the entire Northern Hemisphere. We sequenced 324 field collections of fruit bodies for 1–3 genetic markers (SSU, EF1A, COI) and analysed 98 specimens with genotyping by sequencing. The structure of the three-gene phylogeny, SNP-based phylogeny, phylogenetic networks, and the observed recombination pattern of three independently inherited gene markers can be best explained by the presence of at least 18 reproductively isolated groups, which can be seen as cryptic species. In all intensively sampled regions and in many localities, members of several phylogroups coexisted. Some phylogroups were found to be abundant in only one region and completely absent in other well-studied regions, and thus may represent regional endemics. Our results demonstrate that the widely distributed myxomycete species Phalbescens represents a complex of at least 18 cryptic species, and some of these seem to have a limited geographical distribution. In addition, the presence of groups of presumably clonal specimens suggests that sexual and asexual reproduction coexist in natural populations of myxomycetes.  相似文献   

Targeted GBS is a recent approach for obtaining an effective characterization for hundreds to thousands of markers. The high throughput of next‐generation sequencing technologies, moreover, allows sample multiplexing. The aims of this study were to (i) define a panel of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the cat, (ii) use GBS for profiling 16 cats, and (iii) evaluate the performance with respect to the inference using standard approaches at different coverage thresholds, thereby providing useful information for designing similar experiments. Probes for sequencing 230 variants were designed based on the Felis_catus_8.0. 8.0 genome. The regions comprised anonymous and non‐anonymous SNPs. Sixteen cat samples were analysed, some of which had already been genotyped in a large group of loci and one having been whole‐genome sequenced in the 99_Lives Cat Genome Sequencing Project. The accuracy of the method was assessed by comparing the GBS results with the genotypes already available. Overall, GBS achieved good performance, with 92–96% correct assignments, depending on the coverage threshold used to define the set of trustable genotypes. Analyses confirmed that (i) the reliability of the inference of each genotype depends on the coverage at that locus and (ii) the fraction of target loci whose genotype can be inferred correctly is a function of the total coverage. GBS proves to be a valid alternative to other methods. Data suggested a depth of less than 11× is required for greater than 95% accuracy. However, sequencing depth must be adapted to the total size of the targets to ensure proper genotype inference.  相似文献   

Here, we present an adaptation of restriction‐site‐associated DNA sequencing (RAD‐seq) to the Illumina HiSeq2000 technology that we used to produce SNP markers in very large quantities at low cost per unit in the Réunion grey white‐eye (Zosterops borbonicus), a nonmodel passerine bird species with no reference genome. We sequenced a set of six pools of 18–25 individuals using a single sequencing lane. This allowed us to build around 600 000 contigs, among which at least 386 000 could be mapped to the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata) genome. This yielded more than 80 000 SNPs that could be mapped unambiguously and are evenly distributed across the genome. Thus, our approach provides a good illustration of the high potential of paired‐end RAD sequencing of pooled DNA samples combined with comparative assembly to the zebra finch genome to build large contigs and characterize vast numbers of informative SNPs in nonmodel passerine bird species in a very efficient and cost‐effective way.  相似文献   

SNP genotyping arrays have been useful for many applications that require a large number of molecular markers such as high-density genetic mapping, genome-wide association studies (GWAS), and genomic selection. We report the establishment of a large maize SNP array and its use for diversity analysis and high density linkage mapping. The markers, taken from more than 800,000 SNPs, were selected to be preferentially located in genes and evenly distributed across the genome. The array was tested with a set of maize germplasm including North American and European inbred lines, parent/F1 combinations, and distantly related teosinte material. A total of 49,585 markers, including 33,417 within 17,520 different genes and 16,168 outside genes, were of good quality for genotyping, with an average failure rate of 4% and rates up to 8% in specific germplasm. To demonstrate this array's use in genetic mapping and for the independent validation of the B73 sequence assembly, two intermated maize recombinant inbred line populations - IBM (B73×Mo17) and LHRF (F2×F252) - were genotyped to establish two high density linkage maps with 20,913 and 14,524 markers respectively. 172 mapped markers were absent in the current B73 assembly and their placement can be used for future improvements of the B73 reference sequence. Colinearity of the genetic and physical maps was mostly conserved with some exceptions that suggest errors in the B73 assembly. Five major regions containing non-colinearities were identified on chromosomes 2, 3, 6, 7 and 9, and are supported by both independent genetic maps. Four additional non-colinear regions were found on the LHRF map only; they may be due to a lower density of IBM markers in those regions or to true structural rearrangements between lines. Given the array's high quality, it will be a valuable resource for maize genetics and many aspects of maize breeding.  相似文献   

We performed a linkage analysis on 25 extended multiplex Portuguese families segregating for bipolar disorder, by use of a high-density single-nucleotide-polymorphism (SNP) genotyping assay, the GeneChip Human Mapping 10K Array (HMA10K). Of these families, 12 were used for a direct comparison of the HMA10K with the traditional 10-cM microsatellite marker set and the more dense 4-cM marker set. This comparative analysis indicated the presence of significant linkage peaks in the SNP assay in chromosomal regions characterized by poor coverage and low information content on the microsatellite assays. The HMA10K provided consistently high information and enhanced coverage throughout these regions. Across the entire genome, the HMA10K had an average information content of 0.842 with 0.21-Mb intermarker spacing. In the 12-family set, the HMA10K-based analysis detected two chromosomal regions with genomewide significant linkage on chromosomes 6q22 and 11p11; both regions had failed to meet this strict threshold with the microsatellite assays. The full 25-family collection further strengthened the findings on chromosome 6q22, achieving genomewide significance with a maximum nonparametric linkage (NPL) score of 4.20 and a maximum LOD score of 3.56 at position 125.8 Mb. In addition to this highly significant finding, several other regions of suggestive linkage have also been identified in the 25-family data set, including two regions on chromosome 2 (57 Mb, NPL = 2.98; 145 Mb, NPL = 3.09), as well as regions on chromosomes 4 (91 Mb, NPL = 2.97), 16 (20 Mb, NPL = 2.89), and 20 (60 Mb, NPL = 2.99). We conclude that at least some of the linkage peaks we have identified may have been largely undetected in previous whole-genome scans for bipolar disorder because of insufficient coverage or information content, particularly on chromosomes 6q22 and 11p11.  相似文献   

High‐density SNP microarrays (“SNP chips”) are a rapid, accurate and efficient method for genotyping several hundred thousand polymorphisms in large numbers of individuals. While SNP chips are routinely used in human genetics and in animal and plant breeding, they are less widely used in evolutionary and ecological research. In this article, we describe the development and application of a high‐density Affymetrix Axiom chip with around 500,000 SNPs, designed to perform genomics studies of great tit (Parus major) populations. We demonstrate that the per‐SNP genotype error rate is well below 1% and that the chip can also be used to identify structural or copy number variation. The chip is used to explore the genetic architecture of exploration behaviour (EB), a personality trait that has been widely studied in great tits and other species. No SNPs reached genomewide significance, including at DRD4, a candidate gene. However, EB is heritable and appears to have a polygenic architecture. Researchers developing similar SNP chips may note: (i) SNPs previously typed on alternative platforms are more likely to be converted to working assays; (ii) detecting SNPs by more than one pipeline, and in independent data sets, ensures a high proportion of working assays; (iii) allele frequency ascertainment bias is minimized by performing SNP discovery in individuals from multiple populations; and (iv) samples with the lowest call rates tend to also have the greatest genotyping error rates.  相似文献   

RAPD markers generated by mixtures of two different 10-mer primers were developed for eight different olive cultivars used as parental lines in olive-breeding programs. Two RAPD bands were converted into dominant SCAR markers by direct sequencing of the RAPD products, avoiding the costly and time-consuming cloning step. The SCARs generated have maintained the original RAPD polymorphism among the cultivars and segregated according to Mendelian inheritance. Preliminary results suggest the use of the SCAR SCOeMS-2 for the marker-assisted selection of the high flesh/stone ratio. This strategy provides a rapid method for the characterization of RAPD markers and for the development of PCR-based markers with applications in olive mapping, paternal testing and germplasm characterization. The use of these markers in multiplexed PCRs, and the direct ethidium bromide detection of the PCR products in the test tube, facilitate their efficient and reliable breeding applications. Received: 1 November 2000 / Accepted: 24 November 2000  相似文献   

Genetic mapping of quantitative traits requires genotypic data for large numbers of markers in many individuals. For such studies, the use of large single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays still offers the most cost‐effective solution. Herein we report on the design and performance of a SNP genotyping array for Populus trichocarpa (black cottonwood). This genotyping array was designed with SNPs pre‐ascertained in 34 wild accessions covering most of the species latitudinal range. We adopted a candidate gene approach to the array design that resulted in the selection of 34 131 SNPs, the majority of which are located in, or within 2 kb of, 3543 candidate genes. A subset of the SNPs on the array (539) was selected based on patterns of variation among the SNP discovery accessions. We show that more than 95% of the loci produce high quality genotypes and that the genotyping error rate for these is likely below 2%. We demonstrate that even among small numbers of samples (n = 10) from local populations over 84% of loci are polymorphic. We also tested the applicability of the array to other species in the genus and found that the number of polymorphic loci decreases rapidly with genetic distance, with the largest numbers detected in other species in section Tacamahaca. Finally, we provide evidence for the utility of the array to address evolutionary questions such as intraspecific studies of genetic differentiation, species assignment and the detection of natural hybrids.  相似文献   

We report 22 new polymorphic microsatellites for the Ivory gull (Pagophila eburnea), and we describe how they can be efficiently co-amplified using multiplexed polymerase chain reactions. In addition, we report DNA concentration, amplification success, rates of genotyping errors and the number of genotyping repetitions required to obtain reliable data with three types of noninvasive or nondestructive samples: shed feathers collected in colonies, feathers plucked from living individuals and buccal swabs. In two populations from Greenland (n=21) and Russia (Severnaya Zemlya Archipelago, n=21), the number of alleles per locus varied between 2 and 17, and expected heterozygosity per population ranged from 0.18 to 0.92. Twenty of the markers conformed to Hardy-Weinberg and linkage equilibrium expectations. Most markers were easily amplified and highly reliable when analysed from buccal swabs and plucked feathers, showing that buccal swabbing is a very efficient approach allowing good quality DNA retrieval. Although DNA amplification success using single shed feathers was generally high, the genotypes obtained from this type of samples were prone to error and thus need to be amplified several times. The set of microsatellite markers described here together with multiplex amplification conditions and genotyping error rates will be useful for population genetic studies of the Ivory gull.  相似文献   



DNA copy number aberration (CNA) is one of the key characteristics of cancer cells. Recent studies demonstrated the feasibility of utilizing high density single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping arrays to detect CNA. Compared with the two-color array-based comparative genomic hybridization (array-CGH), the SNP arrays offer much higher probe density and lower signal-to-noise ratio at the single SNP level. To accurately identify small segments of CNA from SNP array data, segmentation methods that are sensitive to CNA while resistant to noise are required.  相似文献   

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