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During maximal whole body exercise VO2 peak is limited by O2 delivery. In turn, it is though that blood flow at near-maximal exercise must be restrained by the sympathetic nervous system to maintain mean arterial pressure. To determine whether enhancing vasodilation across the leg results in higher O2 delivery and leg VO2 during near-maximal and maximal exercise in humans, seven men performed two maximal incremental exercise tests on the cycle ergometer. In random order, one test was performed with and one without (control exercise) infusion of ATP (8 mg in 1 ml of isotonic saline solution) into the right femoral artery at a rate of 80 microg.kg body mass-1.min-1. During near-maximal exercise (92% of VO2 peak), the infusion of ATP increased leg vascular conductance (+43%, P<0.05), leg blood flow (+20%, 1.7 l/min, P<0.05), and leg O2 delivery (+20%, 0.3 l/min, P<0.05). No effects were observed on leg or systemic VO2. Leg O2 fractional extraction was decreased from 85+/-3 (control) to 78+/-4% (ATP) in the infused leg (P<0.05), while it remained unchanged in the left leg (84+/-2 and 83+/-2%; control and ATP; n=3). ATP infusion at maximal exercise increased leg vascular conductance by 17% (P<0.05), while leg blood flow tended to be elevated by 0.8 l/min (P=0.08). However, neither systemic nor leg peak VO2 values where enhanced due to a reduction of O2 extraction from 84+/-4 to 76+/-4%, in the control and ATP conditions, respectively (P<0.05). In summary, the VO2 of the skeletal muscles of the lower extremities is not enhanced by limb vasodilation at near-maximal or maximal exercise in humans. The fact that ATP infusion resulted in a reduction of O2 extraction across the exercising leg suggests a vasodilating effect of ATP on less-active muscle fibers and other noncontracting tissues and that under normal conditions these regions are under high vasoconstrictor influence to ensure the most efficient flow distribution of the available cardiac output to the most active muscle fibers of the exercising limb.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that, during heavy-intensity exercise, O(2) delivery may limit oxygen uptake (.VO2) kinetics; however, there are limited data regarding the relationship of blood flow and .VO2 kinetics for heavy-intensity exercise. The purpose was to determine the exercise on-transient time course of femoral artery blood flow (Q(leg)) in relation to .VO2 during heavy-intensity, single-leg, knee-extension exercise. Five young subjects performed five to eight repeats of heavy-intensity exercise with measures of breath-by-breath pulmonary .VO2 and Doppler ultrasound femoral artery mean blood velocity and vessel diameter. The phase 2 time frame for .VO2 and Q(leg) was isolated and fit with a monoexponent to characterize the amplitude and time course of the responses. Amplitude of the phase 3 response was also determined. The phase 2 time constant for .VO2 of 29.0 s and time constant for Q(leg) of 24.5 s were not different. The change (Delta) in .VO2 response to the end of phase 2 of 0.317 l/min was accompanied by a DeltaQ(leg) of 2.35 l/min, giving a DeltaQ(leg)-to-Delta.VO2 ratio of 7.4. A slow-component .VO2 of 0.098 l/min was accompanied by a further Q(leg) increase of 0.72 l/min (DeltaQ(leg)-to-Delta.VO2 ratio = 7.3). Thus the time course of Q(leg) was similar to that of muscle .VO2 (as measured by the phase 2 .VO2 kinetics), and throughout the on-transient the amplitude of the Q(leg) increase achieved (or exceeded) the Q(leg)-to-.VO2 ratio steady-state relationship (ratio approximately 4.9). Additionally, the .VO2 slow component was accompanied by a relatively large rise in Q(leg), with the increased O(2) delivery meeting the increased Vo(2). Thus, in heavy-intensity, single-leg, knee-extension exercise, the amplitude and kinetics of blood flow to the exercising limb appear to be closely linked to the .VO2 kinetics.  相似文献   

Traditional control theories of muscle O2 consumption are based on an "inertial" feedback system operating through features of the ATP splitting (e.g., [ADP] feedback, where brackets denote concentration). More recently, however, it has been suggested that feedforward mechanisms (with respect to ATP utilization) may play an important role by controlling the rate of substrate provision to the electron transport chain. This has been achieved by activation of the pyruvate dehydrogenase complex via dichloroacetate (DCA) infusion before exercise. To investigate these suggestions, six men performed repeated, high-intensity, constant-load quadriceps exercise in the bore of an magnetic resonance spectrometer with each of prior DCA or saline control intravenous infusions. O2 uptake (Vo2) was measured breath by breath (by use of a turbine and mass spectrometer) simultaneously with intramuscular phosphocreatine (PCr) concentration ([PCr]), [Pi], [ATP], and pH (by 31P-MRS) and arterialized-venous blood sampling. DCA had no effect on the time constant (tau) of either Vo2 increase or PCr breakdown [tauVo2 45.5 +/- 7.9 vs. 44.3 +/- 8.2 s (means +/- SD; control vs. DCA); tauPCr 44.8 +/- 6.6 vs. 46.4 +/- 7.5 s; with 95% confidence intervals averaging < +/-2 s]. DCA, however, resulted in significant (P < 0.05) reductions in 1). end-exercise [lactate] (-1.0 +/- 0.9 mM), intramuscular acidification (pH, +0.08 +/- 0.06 units), and [Pi] (-1.7 +/- 2.1 mM); 2). the amplitude of the fundamental components for [PCr] (-1.9 +/- 1.6 mM) and Vo2 (-0.1 +/- 0.07 l/min, or 8%); and 3). the amplitude of the Vo2 slow component. Thus, although the DCA infusion lessened the buildup of potential fatigue metabolites and reduced both the aerobic and anaerobic components of the energy transfer during exercise, it did not enhance either tauVo2 or tau[PCr], suggesting that feedback, rather than feedforward, control mechanisms dominate during high-intensity exercise.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the role of heredity in determining changes in the energy cost of submaximal exercise in response to short-term overfeeding. Six pairs of monozygotic twins were subjected to a 1,000 kcal/day surplus for 22 days with careful experimental controls over food intake and physical activities. O2 consumption (VO2) was measured during a submaximal treadmill exercise test 165 min postprandially before and the morning after the overfeeding protocol. As expected, overfeeding induced significant increases in body weight and fat mass. No significant increase in mean exercise VO2 was observed after overfeeding. However, the interindividual variation in overfeeding-induced changes in exercise VO2 was large and not randomly distributed. When comparing intrapair variance for changes in exercise VO2 to interpair variance, a moderate to high within-pair resemblance in response, i.e., a genotype-overfeeding interaction, was observed. Changes in exercise VO2 were positively correlated with those in postexercise levels of blood catecholamines, particularly epinephrine. A negative correlation was found between changes in exercise VO2 and body fat gain. These results are consistent with the concept of a role for the sympathoadrenal system in the regulation of adaptive thermogenesis and the predisposition to store fat. Moreover, these data suggest that the sensitivity to adapt in exercise energy expenditure after overfeeding is inherited to a significant extent.  相似文献   

The quantification of maximum oxygen uptake (V(O2 max)), a parameter characterizing the effective integration of the neural, cardiopulmonary, and metabolic systems, requires oxygen uptake (VO2) to attain a plateau. We were interested in whether a VO2 plateau was consistently manifest during maximal incremental ramp cycle ergometry and also in ascertaining the relationship between this peak VO2 (V(O2 peak)) and that determined from one, or several, maximal constant-load tests. Ventilatory and pulmonary gas-exchange variables were measured breath by breath with a turbine and mass spectrometer. On average, V(O2 peak) [3.51 +/- 0.8 (SD) l/min] for the ramp test did not differ from that extrapolated from the linear phase of the response in 71 subjects. In 12 of these subjects, the V(O2 peak) was less than the extrapolated value by 0.1-0.4 l/min (i.e., a "plateau"), and in 19 subjects, V(O2 peak) was higher by 0.05-0.4 l/min. In the remaining 40 subjects, we could not discriminate a difference. The V(O2 peak) from the incremental test also did not differ from that of a single maximum constant-load test in 38 subjects or from the V(O2 max) in 6 subjects who undertook a range of progressively greater discontinuous constant-load tests. A plateau in the actual VO2 response is therefore not an obligatory consequence of incremental exercise. Because the peak value attained was not different from the plateau in the plot of VO2 vs. work rate (for the constant-load tests), the V(O2 peak) attained on a maximum-effort incremental test is likely to be a valid index of V(O2 max), despite no evidence of a plateau in the data themselves. However, without additional tests, one cannot be certain.  相似文献   

An instrument has been developed for the simultaneous measurement of carbon dioxide excretion (VCO2) and oxygen uptake (VO2). This instrument, the Nutrimeter, gives these breath-averaged measurements continuously without having to determine respiratory flow rate, perform timed spirometric gas collections, or determine absolute CO2 or O2 concentrations. It can be used on ventilated or nonventilated patients in long- and short-term studies. VO2 is determined via the replenishment technique. VCO2 is determined via a new technique, absorption-titration, described here. Bench test results of VCO2 measurements show a standard error of the estimate (SEE) +/- 0.591% of full scale (500 ml/min) and maximum single point error (MSPE) of +/- 3.54% over a 100--350 ml/min range. VO2 measurements show SEE +/- 0.518% of full scale (1,000 ml/min) and MSPE +/- 2.42% over a 100--450 ml/min range. In 31 human clinical trials the Nutrimeter was compared with the open-circuit spirometric collection and micro-Scholander analysis technique. VCO2 measurements show SEE +/- 2.208% and MSPE +/- 10.57% over 135--315 ml/min. VO2 measurements show SEE +/- 1.134% of full scale and MSPE +/- 9.54% over 170--360 ml/min. Response time is 60 s optimally for step changes in VO2 (0--90% of steady-state value), 90 s for VCO2.  相似文献   

MacDonald, Maureen, Preben K. Pedersen, and Richard L. Hughson. Acceleration ofO2 kinetics in heavysubmaximal exercise by hyperoxia and prior high-intensity exercise.J. Appl. Physiol. 83(4):1318-1325, 1997.We examined the hypothesis thatO2 uptake (O2) wouldchange more rapidly at the onset of step work rate transitions inexercise with hyperoxic gas breathing and after prior high-intensityexercise. The kinetics ofO2 were determined from themean response time (MRT; time to 63% of total change inO2) andcalculations of O2 deficit andslow component during normoxic and hyperoxic gas breathing in one groupof seven subjects during exercise below and above ventilatory threshold(VT) and in another group of seven subjects during exercise above VTwith and without prior high-intensity exercise. In exercise transitions below VT, hyperoxic gas breathing did not affect the kinetic response of O2 at theonset or end of exercise. At work rates above VT, hyperoxic gasbreathing accelerated both the on- and off-transient MRT, reduced theO2 deficit, and decreased theO2 slow component fromminute 3 to minute6 of exercise, compared with normoxia. Prior exerciseabove VT accelerated the on-transient MRT and reduced theO2 slow component fromminute 3 to minute6 of exercise in a second bout of exercise with bothnormoxic and hyperoxic gas breathing. However, the summatedO2 deficit in the second normoxicand hyperoxic steps was not different from that of the first steps inthe same gas condition. Faster on-transient responses in exerciseabove, but not below, VT with hyperoxia and, to a lesser degree, afterprior high-intensity exercise above VT support the theory of anO2 transport limitation at theonset of exercise for workloads >VT.


Langsetmo, I., G. E. Weigle, M. R. Fedde, H. H. Erickson, T. J. Barstow, and D. C. Poole.O2 kinetics in thehorse during moderate and heavy exercise. J. Appl.Physiol. 83(4): 1235-1241, 1997.The horse is asuperb athlete, achieving a maximalO2 uptake (~160ml · min1 · kg1)approaching twice that of the fittest humans. Although equine O2 uptake(O2) kinetics arereportedly fast, they have not been precisely characterized, nor hastheir exercise intensity dependence been elucidated. To addressthese issues, adult male horses underwent incremental treadmill testingto determine their lactate threshold (Tlac) and peakO2(O2 peak),and kinetic features of their O2 response to"square-wave" work forcings were resolved using exercisetransitions from 3 m/s to abelow-Tlac speed of 7 m/s or anabove-Tlac speed of 12.3 ± 0.7 m/s (i.e., between Tlac and O2 peak) sustainedfor 6 min. O2 andCO2 output were measured using anopen-flow system: pulmonary artery temperature was monitored, and mixedvenous blood was sampled for plasma lactate.O2 kinetics at work levelsbelow Tlac were well fit by atwo-phase exponential model, with a phase2 time constant(1 = 10.0 ± 0.9 s) thatfollowed a time delay (TD1 = 18.9 ± 1.9 s). TD1 was similar tothat found in humans performing leg cycling exercise, but the timeconstant was substantially faster. For speeds aboveTlac,TD1 was unchanged (20.3 ± 1.2 s); however, the phase 2 time constantwas significantly slower (1 = 20.7 ± 3.4 s, P < 0.05) than for exercise belowTlac. Furthermore, in four of fivehorses, a secondary, delayed increase inO2 became evident135.7 ± 28.5 s after the exercise transition. This "slowcomponent" accounted for ~12% (5.8 ± 2.7 l/min) of the netincrease in exercise O2. Weconclude that, at exercise intensities below and aboveTlac, qualitative features ofO2 kinetics in the horseare similar to those in humans. However, at speeds belowTlac the fast component of theresponse is more rapid than that reported for humans, likely reflectingdifferent energetics of O2utilization within equine muscle fibers.


The mechanisms underlying the oxygen uptake (Vo(2)) slow component during supra-lactate threshold (supra-LT) exercise are poorly understood. Evidence suggests that the Vo(2) slow component may be caused by progressive muscle recruitment during exercise. We therefore examined whether leg muscle activation patterns [from the transverse relaxation time (T2) of magnetic resonance images] were associated with supra-LT Vo(2) kinetic parameters. Eleven subjects performed 6-min cycle ergometry at moderate (80% LT), heavy (70% between LT and critical power; CP), and very heavy (7% above CP) intensities with breath-by-breath pulmonary Vo(2) measurement. T2 in 10 leg muscles was evaluated at rest and after 3 and 6 min of exercise. During moderate exercise, nine muscles achieved a steady-state T2 by 3 min; only in the vastus medialis did T2 increase further after 6 min. During heavy exercise, T2 in the entire vastus group increased between minutes 3 and 6, and additional increases in T2 were seen in adductor magnus and gracilis during this period of very heavy exercise. The Vo(2) slow component increased with increasing exercise intensity (being functionally zero during moderate exercise). The distribution of T2 was more diverse as supra-LT exercise progressed: T2 variance (ms) increased from 3.6 +/- 0.2 to 6.5 +/- 1.7 between 3 and 6 min of heavy exercise and from 5.5 +/- 0.8 to 12.3 +/- 5.4 in very heavy exercise (rest = 3.1 +/- 0.6). The T2 distribution was significantly correlated with the magnitude of the Vo(2) slow component (P < 0.05). These data are consistent with the notion that the Vo(2) slow component is an expression of progressive muscle recruitment during supra-LT exercise.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify some of the mechanisms that could be involved in blunted ventilatory response (VE) to exercise in the supine (S) position. The contribution of the recruitment of different muscle groups, the activity of the cardiac mechanoreceptors, the level of arterial baroreceptor stimulation, and the hemodynamic effects of gravity on the exercising muscles was analyzed during upright (U) and S exercise. Delayed rise in VE and pulmonary gas exchange following an impulselike change in work rate (supramaximal leg cycling at 240 W for 12 s) was measured in seven healthy subjects and six heart transplant patients both in U and S positions. This approach allows study of the relationship between the rise in VE and O2 uptake (VO2) without the confounding effects of contractions of different muscle groups. These responses were compared with those triggered by an impulselike change in work rate produced by the arms, which were positioned at the same level as the heart in S and U positions to separate effects of gravity on postexercising muscles from those on the rest of the body. Despite superimposable VO2 and CO2 output responses, the delayed VE response after leg exercise was significantly lower in the S posture than in the U position for each control subject and cardiac-transplant patient (-2.58 +/- 0.44 l and -3.52 +/- 1.11 l/min, respectively). In contrast, when impulse exercise was performed with the arms, reduction of ventilatory response in the S posture reached, at best, one-third of the deficit after leg exercise and was always associated with a reduction in VO2 of a similar magnitude. We concluded that reduction in VE response to exercise in the S position is independent of the types (groups) of muscles recruited and is not critically dependent on afferent signals originating from the heart but seems to rely on some of the effects of gravity on postexercising muscles.  相似文献   

We measured maximal O2 uptake (VO2max) during stationary cycling in 40 pregnant women [aged 29.2 +/- 3.9 (SD) yr, gestational age 25.9 +/- 3.3 wk]. Data from 30 of these women were used to develop an equation to predict the percent VO2max from submaximal heart rates. This equation and the submaximal VO2 were used to predict VO2max in the remaining 10 women. The accuracy of VO2max values estimated by this procedure was compared with values predicted by two popular methods: the Astrand nomogram and the VO2 vs. heart rate (VO2-HR) curve. VO2max values estimated by the derived equation method in the 10 validation subjects were only 3.7 +/- 12.2% higher than actual values (P greater than 0.05). The Astrand method overestimated VO2max by 9.0 +/- 19.4% (P greater than 0.05), whereas the VO2-HR curve method underestimated VO2max by only 1.6 +/- 10.3% in the same 10 subjects (P greater than 0.05). Both the Astrand and the VO2-HR curve methods correlated well with the actual values when all 40 subjects were considered (r = 0.77 and 0.85, respectively), but the VO2-HR curve method had a lower SE of prediction than the Astrand method (8.7 vs. 10.4%). In a comparison group of 10 nonpregnant sedentary women (29.9 +/- 4.5 yr), an equation relating %VO2max to HR nearly identical to that obtained in the pregnant women was found, suggesting that pregnancy does not alter this relationship. We conclude that extrapolating the VO2-HR curve to an estimated maximal HR is the most accurate method of predicting VO2max in pregnant women.  相似文献   

It has been proposed by Saltin (J Exp Biol 115: 345-354, 1985) that oxygen delivery by blood is limiting for maximal work and oxygen consumption in humans during whole body exercise but not during single-muscle exercise. To test this prediction quantitatively, we developed a static (steady-state) computer model of oxygen transport to and within human skeletal muscle during single-muscle (quadriceps) exercise and whole body (cycling) exercise. The main system fluxes, namely cardiac output and oxygen consumption by muscle, are described as a function of the "primary" parameter: work rate. The model is broadly validated by comparison of computer simulations with various experimental data. In silico studies show that, when all other parameters and system properties are kept constant, an increase in the working muscle mass from 2.5 kg (single quadriceps) to 15 kg (two legs) causes, at some critical work intensity, a drop in oxygen concentration in muscle cells to (very near) zero, and therefore oxygen supply by blood limits maximal oxygen consumption and oxidative ATP production. Therefore, the maximal oxygen consumption per muscle mass is significantly higher during single-muscle exercise than during whole body exercise. The effect is brought about by a distribution of a limited amount of oxygen transported by blood in a greater working muscle mass during whole body exercise.  相似文献   

The kinetics of oxygen uptake (VO2) were assessed in 17 normal subjects with beta-blockade and placebo. beta-blockade was achieved with either 50 mg oral metoprolol or 40 mg oral propranolol, each twice per day. Tests were conducted on the cycle ergometer at work rates approximating 80% of the work rate at ventilatory anaerobic threshold. Work rate was initiated as a square wave starting from prior rest. Data obtained 48 h, 1 week, and 4 weeks after starting drug or placebo were pooled to increase the number of points for regression analysis of kinetic parameters. While there were no differences in the plateau values for VO2 with and without beta-blockade, the rate of adaptation to steady state was significantly slower with beta-blockade than with placebo (P less than 0.05). This resulted in an increase of oxygen deficit by approximately 200 ml O2. Cardiac output measured by CO2 rebreathing was significantly reduced by beta-blockade (metoprolol by 4.1%, propranolol by 12.2%, both P less than 0.05). Blood lactate concentration was unaffected by beta-blockade. It was concluded that the influence of beta-blockade on the oxygen transport system was responsible for the significantly slower increase of VO2 to steady state in submaximal exercise.  相似文献   

The effect of prior heavy-intensity warm-up exercise on subsequent moderate-intensity phase 2 pulmonary O2 uptake kinetics (tauVO2) was examined in young adults exhibiting relatively fast (FK; tauVO2 < 30 s; n = 6) and slow (SK; tauVO2 > 30 s; n = 6) VO2 kinetics in moderate-intensity exercise without prior warm up. Subjects performed four repetitions of a moderate (Mod1)-heavy-moderate (Mod2) protocol on a cycle ergometer with work rates corresponding to 80% estimated lactate threshold (moderate intensity) and 50% difference between lactate threshold and peak VO2 (heavy intensity); each transition lasted 6 min, and each was preceded by 6 min of cycling at 20 W. VO2 and heart rate (HR) were measured breath-by-breath and beat-by-beat, respectively; concentration changes of muscle deoxyhemoglobin (HHb), oxyhemoglobin, and total hemoglobin were measured by near-infrared spectroscopy (Hamamatsu NIRO 300). tauVO2 was lower (P < 0.05) in Mod2 than in Mod1 in both FK (20 +/- 5 s vs. 26 +/- 5 s, respectively) and SK (30 +/- 8 s vs. 45 +/- 11 s, respectively); linear regression analysis showed a greater "speeding" of VO2 kinetics in subjects exhibiting a greater Mod1 tauVO2. HR, oxyhemoglobin, and total hemoglobin were elevated (P < 0.05) in Mod2 compared with Mod1. The delay before the increase in HHb was reduced (P <0.05) in Mod2, whereas the HHb mean response time was reduced (P <0.05) in FK (Mod2, 22 +/- 3 s; Mod1, 32 +/- 11 s) but not different in SK (Mod2, 36 +/- 13 s; Mod1, 34 +/- 15 s). We conclude that improved muscle perfusion in Mod2 may have contributed to the faster adaptation of VO2, especially in SK; however, a possible role for metabolic inertia in some subjects cannot be overlooked.  相似文献   

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