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Nutrient uptake by a diverse spring ephemeral community   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Summary Net production by the six most abundant species in a diverse spring ephemeral community was 66.8 g/m2, and net uptake of nitrogen and potassium were 5.5 and 4.5 kg/ha respectively. These uptake rates are relatively large compared to those reported previously and to other fluxes of these nutrients in the site.  相似文献   

The number of prey killed by diverse predator communities is determined by complementarity and interference among predators, and by traits of particular predator species. However, it is less clear how predators' nonconsumptive effects (NCEs) scale with increasing predator biodiversity. We examined NCEs exerted on Culex mosquitoes by a diverse community of aquatic predators. In the field, mosquito larvae co‐occurred with differing densities and species compositions of mesopredator insects; top predator dragonfly naiads were present in roughly half of surveyed water bodies. We reproduced these predator community features in artificial ponds, exposing mosquito larvae to predator cues and measuring resulting effects on mosquito traits throughout development. Nonconsumptive effects of various combinations of mesopredator species reduced the survival of mosquito larvae to pupation, and reduced the size and longevity of adult mosquitoes that later emerged from the water. Intriguingly, adding single dragonfly naiads to ponds restored survivorship of larval mosquitoes to levels seen in the absence of predators, and further decreased adult mosquito longevity compared with mosquitoes emerging from mesopredator treatments. Behavioral observations revealed that mosquito larvae regularly deployed “diving” escape behavior in the presence of the mesopredators, but not when a dragonfly naiad was also present. This suggests that dragonflies may have relaxed NCEs of the mesopredators by causing mosquitoes to abandon energetically costly diving. Our study demonstrates that adding one individual of a functionally unique species can substantially alter community‐wide NCEs of predators on prey. For pathogen vectors like mosquitoes, this could in turn influence disease dynamics.  相似文献   

We report an assessment of whole-community diversity for an extremely isolated geothermal location with considerable phylogenetic and phylogeographic novelty. We further demonstrate, using multiple statistical analyses of sequence data, that the response of community diversity is not monotonic to thermal stress along a gradient of 52-83 degrees C. A combination of domain- and division-specific PCR was used to obtain a broad spectrum of community phylotypes, which were resolved by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis. Among 58 sequences obtained from microbial mats and streamers, some 95% suggest novel archaeal and bacterial diversity at the species level or higher. Moreover, new phylogeographic and thermally defined lineages among the Cyanobacteria, Chloroflexi, Eubacterium and Thermus are identified. Shannon-Wiener diversity estimates suggest that mats at 63 degrees C supported highest diversity, but when alternate models were applied [Average Taxonomic Distinctness (AvTD) and Variation in Taxonomic Distinctness (VarTD)] that also take into account the phylogenetic relationships between phylotypes, it is evident that greatest taxonomic diversity (AvTD) occurred in streamers at 65-70 degrees C, whereas greatest phylogenetic distance between taxa (VarTD) occurred in streamers of 83 degrees C. All models demonstrated that diversity is not related to thermal stress in a linear fashion.  相似文献   

A benzoate-degrading archaeal enrichment was developed using sediment samples from Rozel Point at Great Salt Lake, UT. The enrichment degraded benzoate as the sole carbon source at salinity ranging from 2.0 to 5.0 M NaCl with highest rate of degradation observed at 4.0 M. The enrichment was also tested for its ability to grow on other aromatic compounds such as 4-hydroxybenzoic acid (4-HBA), gentisic acid, protocatechuic acid (PCA), catechol, benzene and toluene as the sole sources of carbon and energy. Of these, the culture only utilized 4-HBA as the carbon source. To determine the initial steps in benzoate degradation pathway, a survey of ring-oxidizing and ring-cleaving genes was performed using degenerate PCR primers. Results showed the presence of 4-hydroxybenzoate 3-monooxygenase (4-HBMO) and protocatechuate 3, 4-dioxygenase (3,4-PCA) genes suggesting that the archaeal enrichment might degrade benzoate to 4-HBA that is further converted to PCA by 4-HBMO and, thus, formed PCA would undergo ring-cleavage by 3,4-PCA to form intermediates that enter the Krebs cycle. Small subunit rRNA gene-based diversity survey revealed that the enrichment consisted entirely of class Halobacteria members belonging to the genera Halopenitus, Halosarcina, Natronomonas, Halosimplex, Halorubrum, Salinarchaeum and Haloterrigena. Of these, Halopenitus was the dominant group accounting for almost 91 % of the total sequences suggesting their potential role in degrading oxygenated aromatic compounds at extreme salinity.  相似文献   

Electron microscopy (EM), denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and 16S rDNA sequencing were used to examine the structure and diversity of microbial mats present in an acid-sulphate–chloride (pH 3.1) thermal (58–62°C) spring in Norris Basin, Yellowstone National Park, WY, USA, exhibiting rapid rates of arsenite oxidation. Initial visual assessments, scanning EM and geochemical measurements revealed the presence of three distinct mat types. Analysis of 16S rDNA fragments with DGGE confirmed the presence of different bacterial and archaeal communities within these zones. Changes in the microbial community appeared to coincide with arsenite oxidation activity. Phylogenetic analysis of 1400 bp 16S rDNA sequences revealed that clone libraries prepared from both arsenic redox active and inactive bacterial communities were dominated by sequences phylogenetically related to Hydrogenobacter acidophilus and Desulphurella sp. The appearance of archaeal 16S rDNA sequences coincided with the start of arsenite oxidation, and sequences were obtained showing affiliation with both Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota . The majority of archaeal sequences were most similar to sequences obtained from marine hydrothermal vents and other acidic hot springs, although the level of similarity was typically just 90%. Arsenite oxidation in this system may result from the activities of these unknown archaeal taxa and/or the previously unreported arsenic redox activity of H. acidophilus - or Desulphurella -like organisms. If the latter, arsenite oxidation must be inhibited in the initial high-sulphide zone of the spring, where no change in the distribution of arsenite versus arsenate was observed.  相似文献   

The complex structure of soil and the heterogeneity of resources available to microorganisms have implications for sampling regimens when the structure and diversity of microbial communities are analyzed. To assess the heterogeneity in community structure, archaeal communities, which typically contain sequences belonging to the nonthermophilic Crenarchaeota, were examined at two contrasting spatial scales by using PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) analysis followed by unweighted pair group method with arithmetic mean analysis of 16S rRNA- and ribosomal DNA-derived profiles. A macroscale analysis was carried out with soil cores taken at 2-m intervals along triplicate 8-m transects from both managed (improved) and natural (unimproved) grassland rhizosphere soils. A microscale analysis was carried out with a single soil core by assessing the effects of both sample size (10, 1, and 0.1 g) and distance between samples. The much reduced complexity of archaeal profiles compared to the complexity typical of the bacterial community facilitated visual comparison of profiles based on band presence and revealed different levels of heterogeneity between sets of samples. At the macroscale level, heterogeneity over the transect could not be related to grassland type. Substantial heterogeneity was observed across both improved and unimproved transects, except for one improved transect that exhibited substantial homogeneity, so that profiles for a single core were largely representative of the entire transect. At the smaller scale, the heterogeneity of the archaeal community structure varied with sample size within a single 8- by 8-cm core. The archaeal DGGE profiles for replicate 10-g soil samples were similar, while those for 1-g samples and 0.1-g samples showed greater heterogeneity. In addition, there was no relationship between the archaeal profiles and the distance between 1- or 0.1-g samples, although relationships between community structure and distance of separation may occur at a smaller scale. Our findings demonstrate the care required when workers attempt to obtain a representative picture of microbial community structure in the soil environment.  相似文献   

We describe a rapid, reproducible, and sensitive method for detection and quantification of archaea in naturally occurring microbial communities. A domain-specific PCR primer set and a domain-specific fluorogenic probe having strong and weak selectivity, respectively, for archaeal rRNA genes (rDNAs) were designed. A universal PCR primer set and a universal fluorogenic probe for both bacterial and archaeal rDNAs were also designed. Using these primers and probes, we demonstrated that detection and quantification of archaeal rDNAs in controlled microbial rDNA assemblages can be successfully achieved. The system which we designed was also able to detect and quantify archaeal rDNAs in DNA samples obtained not only from environments in which thermophilic archaea are abundant but also from environments in which methanogenic archaea are abundant. Our findings indicate that this method is applicable to culture-independent molecular analysis of microbial communities in various environments.  相似文献   

环梅山岛海域春季浮游古菌群落空间分布特征研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]海洋浮游古菌是生物地球化学循环的关键驱动者,但其在近岸海域的水平空间分布特征还未被充分了解.本研究以与陆地紧密相连的环梅山岛海域为例研究浮游古菌在海陆过渡带的水平分布模式.[方法]利用16S rRNA基因扩增子测序,以期从优势类群分布、群落组成变化和物种共现模式3个层面揭示梅山湾潟湖区和临近海域春季浮游古菌的空...  相似文献   

Evolutionary responses of native plants to novel community members   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Both ecological and evolutionary processes can influence community assembly and stability, and native community members may respond both ecologically and evolutionarily as additional species enter established communities. Biological invasions provide a unique opportunity to examine these responses of native community members to novel species additions. Here, I use reciprocal transplant experiments among naturally invaded and uninvaded environments, along with experimental removals of exotic species, to determine whether exotic plant competitors and exotic insect herbivores evoke evolutionary changes in native plants. Specifically, I address whether the common native plant species Lotus wrangelianus has responded evolutionarily to a series of biological invasions by adapting to the presence of the exotic plant Medicago polymorpha and the exotic insect herbivore Hypera brunneipennis. Despite differences in selection regimes between invaded and uninvaded environments and the presence of genetic variation for traits relevant to the novel competitive and plant-herbivore interactions, these experiments failed to reveal evidence that Lotus has responded evolutionarily to the double invasion of Medicago followed by H. brunneipennis. However, when herbivory from H. brunneipennis was experimentally reduced, Lotus plants from source populations invaded by Medicago outperformed plants from uninvaded source populations when transplanted into heavily invaded destination environments. Therefore, Lotus showed evidence of adaptation to Medicago invasion but not to the newer invasion of an exotic shared herbivore. The presence of this exotic insect herbivore alters the outcome of evolutionary responses in this system and counteracts adaptation by the native Lotus to invasion by the exotic plant Medicago. This result has broad implications for the conservation of native communities. While native species may be able to adapt to the presence of one or a few exotics, a multitude of invasions may limit the ability of natives to respond evolutionarily to the novel and frequently changing selection pressures that arise with subsequent invasions.  相似文献   

For ex-situ germplasm conservation purposes, the concept of genetic diversity being concentrated in certain geographic regions is useful for the conscious selection of diverse forms. Numerous studies of barley and other major corp species often confirm the concentration of simply-inherited, phenotypicallyobvious markers within the Vavilovian centres of diversity/origin. However, more recent studies of electrophoretic patterns and or more complexly-inherited traits do not always confirm the same geographic patterns. Unfortunately, few studies of world germplasm collections have screened a range of agro/morphological/electrophoretic patterns using the same germplasm collection as a consistent base for evaluation purposes, making precise genetic estimates of diverse geographic areas difficult. A diverse collection of 1 118 spring-sown barley cultivars was, therefore, evaluated for both agro/morphological and biochemical genetic markers in an effort to identify appropriate criteria for the construction of a comprehensive ex-situ germplasm collection. On the basis of both agro/morphological and biochemical data, countries whose cultivated barley germplasm was identified as diverse and genetically distinct were Algeria, Afghanistan, Argentina, Ethiopia, India, Peru and Turkey. However, within broad limits, separate cluster analyses of the agro-morphological and electrophoretic patterns identified dissimilar groups of countries, which demonstrated that a collection strategy based solely on country of origin is inappropriate.  相似文献   

The influence of disturbance on a hot spring cyanobacterial mat community was investigated by physically removing the top 3.0 mm, which included the entire cyanobacterial layer. Changes in 16S rRNA-defined populations were monitored by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis of PCR-amplified 16S rRNA gene segments. Some previously absent cyanobacterial populations colonized the disturbed areas, while some populations which were present before the disturbance remained absent for up to 40 days. Changes in physiological activity were measured by oxygen microelectrode analyses and by 14CO2 incorporation into cyanobacterial molecular components. These investigations indicated substantial differences between the disturbed and undisturbed mats, including an unexplained light-induced oxygen consumption in the freshly exposed mat, increased carbon partitioning by phototrophs into growth-related macromolecules, bimodal vertical photosynthesis profiles, and delayed recovery of respiration relative to photosynthesis.  相似文献   

Sediments and water from the pristine headwaters of the San Marcos River, Texas, USA, as well as swabs from biofilms on the carapace and from the cloacae of 17 musk turtles (Sternotherus odoratus) and one snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina serpentina) caught at the same site, were analysed for salmonellae by culture and molecular techniques. Whereas enrichment cultures from sediment and water samples were negative for salmonellae in PCR- and in situ hybridization-based analyses, both techniques detected salmonellae after enrichments from both carapace and cloacae of nine (i.e. of 53%) musk turtles. Further characterization of 10 isolates obtained from the enrichment cultures of four selected individuals and confirmed as salmonellae by PCR analysis was achieved by fingerprinting techniques (rep-PCR). The results show differences between individuals and, in one case, variation among isolates from a single individual. All isolates from two individuals displayed identical profiles. These profiles were different from those obtained from the isolates of the third individual, which were, themselves, also identical for all isolates. Salmonellae were much more diverse in samples from the carapace of the last individual with five different rep-PCR profiles retrieved. Serotyping of seven isolates representative for each rep-PCR profile identified all isolates as representing Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serotype Rubislaw, which demonstrates the presence of different strains of potentially human pathogenic salmonellae naturally occurring on turtles even within pristine environments. The frequent detection of these organisms in biofilms on the carapace opens the door for speculations on the role of this habitat as a reservoir for salmonellae, and on potential implications for turtles acting as a dispersal vector.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic diversity of archaeal 16S rRNA genes in a thermoacidic spring field of Ohwakudani, Hakone, Japan, was investigated by PCR-based analysis using a novel Archaea-specific primer designed in the present study. Clone libraries of archaeal 16S rRNA genes were constructed from hot water (78 °C) and mud (28 °C) samples by PCR using a newly designed forward primer and a previously reported forward primer with reverse primers. Most phylotypes found in the libraries from the hot water sample were related to cultured (hyper)thermophiles. The phylotypes and their detection frequencies from the hot water sample were similar for the libraries amplified with the two different primer sets. In contrast, phylotypes having a low similarity (<95%) to cultured Archaea were found in the libraries from the mud sample. Some of the phylotypes were relatively close to members of Thermoplasmata (80-93% similarity) and the others were not clearly affiliated with Crenarchaeota and Euryarchaeota, but related to Thaumarchaeota and Korarchaeota. The phylotypes and their detection frequencies were significantly different between the two libraries of the mud sample. Our results from the PCR-based analysis using the redesigned primer suggest that more diverse, uncultured Archaea are present in acidic environments at a low temperature than previously recognized.  相似文献   

In 1992, two independent reports based on small-subunit rRNA gene (SSU rDNA) cloning revealed the presence of novel Archaea among marine bacterioplankton. Here, we report the presence of further novel Archaea SSU rDNA sequences recovered from the midgut contents of a deep-sea marine holothurian. Phylogenetic analyses show that these abyssal Archaea are a paraphyletic component of a highly divergent clade that also includes some planktonic sequences. Our data confirm that this clade is a deep-branching lineage in the tree of life.  相似文献   

A phylogenetic in situ/ex situ analysis of a sulfur mat formed by colorless filamentous sulfur bacteria in a thermal sulfide spring (northern spur of the main Caucasian ridge) was carried out. Nine phylotypes were revealed in the mat. Thiothrix sp. and Sphaerotilus sp. were the dominant phylotypes (66.3% and 26.3%, respectively). The 16S rRNA gene nucleotide sequence of Sphaerotilus sp. phylotype from the clone library was identical to the sequences of the seven Sphaerotilus strains isolated from the same source. A very high degree of similarity of Sphaerotilus strains revealed by ERIC-PCR fingerprints indicated little or no population diversity of this species in the mat. Thiothrix phylotype from the clone library and two Thiothrix strains isolated from the same mat sample differed in one to three nucleotides of 16S rRNA genes; this is an indication of this organism’s population variability in the mat. 16S rRNA genes of the strains and clones of Thiothrix sp. exhibited the highest similarity (ca. 99%) with Thiothrix unzii; the strains and clones of Sphaerotilus had 99% similarity with the type species Sphaerotilus natans (the only species of this genus) and therefore can be assigned to this species. The minor seven components belong to the phylotypes from the Proteobacteria (3%), as well as the Chlorobia, Cyanobacteria, Clostridia, and Bacteroidetes phylogenetic groups, each of them constituting not more than 1%. Intracellular accumulation of elemental sulfur by Sphaerotilus similar to other filamentous sulfur bacteria was demonstrated for the first time (both in the population of the sulfur spring and in cultures with sulfide). Although mass growth of Sphaerotilus and Thiothrix is typical of bacterial populations of anthropogenic ecosystems (the activated sludge of treatment facilities), stable communities of these bacteria have not been previously found in the sulfur mats or “threads” of natural sulfide springs.  相似文献   

长期施肥对稻田土壤细菌、古菌多样性和群落结构的影响   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
稻田土壤是“迷失碳”的重要吸纳场所之一,也是温室气体(CH4和N2O等)的重要排放源.大气温室气体的动态变化与土壤碳氮转化的微生物过程紧密相关.以湖南桃江国家级稻田肥力变化长期定位试验点为平台,采用PCR-克隆测序和实时荧光定量PCR技术,研究不施肥(CK)、施氮磷钾肥(NPK)和氮磷钾肥+秸秆还田(NPKS)3种长期施肥制度(>25 a)对稻田土壤细菌和古菌群落结构及数量的影响.细菌和古菌16S rRNA基因文库分析结果表明:稻田土壤细菌主要类群为变形菌、酸杆菌、绿弯菌,而古菌主要为泉古菌和广古菌.长期施肥导致土壤细菌和古菌种群结构产生明显差异,与CK相比,NPK和NPKS处理稻田土壤的变形菌、酸杆菌和泉古菌相对丰度增加.LIBSHUFF软件分析结果也表明,16S rRNA基因文库在CK、NPK及NPKS处理间存在显著差异.3种施肥处理的稻田土壤细菌16S rRNA基因拷贝数为每克干土0.58× 1010~1.06×1010个,古菌为每克干土1.16×106 ~ 1.72×106个.施肥(NPK和NPKS)后,细菌和古菌的多样性和数量增加,且NPKS>NPK.说明长期施肥显著影响土壤细菌和古菌群落结构、多样性及数量.  相似文献   

Here we describe a novel bacterial community that is embedded in a matrix of carbohydrates and bio/geochemical products of pyrite (FeS2) oxidation. This community grows in stalactite-like structures – snottites – on the ceiling of an abandoned pyrite mine at pH values of 2.2–2.6. The aqueous phase in the matrix contains 200 mM of sulfate and total iron concentrations of 60 mM. Micro-X-ray diffraction analysis showed that jarosite [(K,Na,H3O)Fe3(SO4)2(OH)6] is the major mineral embedded in the snottites. X-ray absorption near-edge structure experiments revealed three different sulfur species. The major signal can be ascribed to sulfate, and the other two features may correspond to thiols and sulfoxides. Arabinose was detected as the major sugar component in the extracellular polymeric substance. Via restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis, a community was found that mainly consists of iron oxidizing Leptospirillum and Ferrovum species but also of bacteria that could be involved in dissimilatory sulfate and dissimilatory iron reduction. Each snottite can be regarded as a complex, self-contained consortium of bacterial species fuelled by the decomposition of pyrite.  相似文献   

At a sea-based, solid waste disposal site, methanogenic organisms were quantified by molecular approaches. The samples collected for analysis were from anaerobic leachate of the landfill site. When the DNA extracted from the leachate was examined by a quantitative PCR method using domain-specific 16S rDNA primers, archaeal DNA represented 2-3% of the total extracted DNA. On the basis of cloning and sequence comparison of the archaeal PCR products, more than half of the sequences belonged to Euryarchaeota, particularly relatives of the genus Methanosaeta. The cloning analysis suggested that the majority of methane emitted from the landfill site originated from the acetate-utilizing Methanosaeta.  相似文献   

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