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When glucose-repressed, Saccharomyces cerevisiae cannot use acetic acid as a carbon source and is inhibited in growth by high levels of this compound, especially at low pH. Cultures exposed to a 100 mM acetate stress activate both the Hog1p and Slt2p stress-activated MAP kinases. Nevertheless, only active Hog1p, not Slt2p, is needed for the acquisition of acetate resistance. Hog1p undergoes more rapid activation by acetate in pH 4.5, than in pH 6.8 cultures, an indication that the acid may have to enter the cells in order to generate the Hog1p activatory signal. Acetate activation of Hog1p is absent in the ssk1Delta and pbs2Delta mutants, but is present in sho1Delta and ste11Delta, showing that it involves the Sln1p branch of the high-osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway signaling to Pbs2p. In low-pH (pH 4.5) cultures, the acetate-activated Hog1p, although conferring acetate resistance, does not generate the GPD1 gene or intracellular glycerol inductions that are hallmarks of activation of the HOG pathway by hyperosmotic stress.  相似文献   

Abstract Independently discovered mutations which alter cyclic-AMP dependent protein kinase activity in Saccharomyces cerevisiae are analysed in relation to trehalose and glycogen storage. The defective trehalose and glycogen accumulation in strains which bear the glc1 mutation results from abnormal activation of trehalase by a protein kinase which has partially lost its cAMP dependence. Cells bearing the bcy1 mutation produce an altered protein kinase due to extremely low levels of the cAMP-binding protein. This altered kinase activates trehalase, resulting in low trehalose contents in these cells. In cell-free extracts of control strains (S288C and 7Q-2D), which produce normal levels of glycogen and trehalose, the enzyme trehalase is mainly found in an inactive, cryptic form. Each of the haploid strains containing one of the mutant genes (glc1, glc4-1 and bcy1) is defective in both trehalose and glycogen accumulation and exhibits low activation ratios of trehalase by protein kinase. Genetic complementation experiments clearly establish that the bcy1 mutation involves a different gene to that altered by the glc1 mutation, since the resulting diploid behaved normally. Strain AM9-10D, previously classified as wild-type (normal for bcy1 ), is defective in the accumulation of trehalose and glycogen and exhibits almost all trehalose in the active form.  相似文献   

Trott A  Shaner L  Morano KA 《Genetics》2005,170(3):1009-1021
The Sch9 protein kinase regulates Hsp90-dependent signal transduction activity in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Hsp90 functions in concert with a number of cochaperones, including the Hsp110 homolog Sse1. In this report, we demonstrate a novel synthetic genetic interaction between SSE1 and SCH9. This interaction was observed specifically during growth at elevated temperature and was suppressed by decreased signaling through the protein kinase A (PKA) signal transduction pathway. Correspondingly, sse1Δ sch9Δ cells were shown by both genetic and biochemical approaches to have abnormally high levels of PKA activity and were less sensitive to modulation of PKA by glucose availability. Growth defects of an sse1Δ mutant were corrected by reducing PKA signaling through overexpression of negative regulators or growth on nonoptimal carbon sources. Hyperactivation of the PKA pathway through expression of a constitutive RAS2 allele likewise resulted in temperature-sensitive growth, suggesting that modulation of PKA activity during thermal stress is required for adaptation and viability. Together these results demonstrate that the Sse1 chaperone and the growth control kinase Sch9 independently contribute to regulation of PKA signaling.  相似文献   

Normal cell multiplication requires that the events of mitosis occur in a carefully ordered fashion. Cells employ checkpoints to prevent cycle progression until some prerequisite step has been completed. To explore the mechanisms of checkpoint enforcement, we previously screened for mutants of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which are unable to recover from a transient treatment with a benzimidazole-related microtubule inhibitor because they fail to inhibit subsequent cell cycle steps. Two of the identified genes, BUB2 and BUB3, have been cloned and described (M. A. Hoyt, L. Totis, and B. T. Roberts, Cell 66:507-517, 1991). Here we present the characterization of the BUB1 gene and its product. Genetic evidence was obtained suggesting that Bub1 and Bub3 are mutually dependent for function, and immunoprecipitation experiments demonstrated a physical association between the two. Sequence analysis of BUB1 revealed a domain with similarity to protein kinases. In vitro experiments confirmed that Bub1 possesses kinase activity; Bub1 was able to autophosphorylate and to catalyze phosphorylation of Bub3. In addition, overproduced Bub1 was found to localize to the cell nucleus.  相似文献   

Hypoxia activates all components of the unfolded protein response (UPR), a stress response initiated by the accumulation of unfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Our group and others have shown previously that the UPR, a hypoxia-inducible factor-independent signaling pathway, mediates cell survival during hypoxia and is required for tumor growth. Identifying new genes and pathways that are important for survival during ER stress may lead to the discovery of new targets in cancer therapy. Using the set of 4,728 homozygous diploid deletion mutants in budding yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we did a functional screen for genes that conferred resistance to ER stress-inducing agents. Deletion mutants in 56 genes showed increased sensitivity under ER stress conditions. Besides the classic UPR pathway and genes related to calcium homeostasis, we report that two additional pathways, including the SLT2 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway and the osmosensing MAPK pathway, were also required for survival during ER stress. We further show that the SLT2 MAPK pathway was activated during ER stress, was responsible for increased resistance to ER stress, and functioned independently of the classic IRE1/HAC1 pathway. We propose that the SLT2 MAPK pathway is an important cell survival signaling pathway during ER stress. This study shows the feasibility of using the yeast deletion pool to identify relevant mammalian orthologues of the UPR.  相似文献   

Yvh1p, a dual-specific protein phosphatase induced specifically by nitrogen starvation, regulates cell growth as well as initiation and completion of sporulation. We demonstrate that yvh1 disruption mutants are also unable to accumulate glycogen in stationary phase. A catalytically inactive variant of yvh1 (C117S) and a DNA fragment encoding only the Yvh1p C-terminal 159 amino acids (which completely lacks the phosphatase domain) complement all three phenotypes as well as the wild-type allele; no complementation occurs with a fragment encoding only the C-terminal 74 amino acids. These observations argue that phosphatase activity is not required for the Yvh1p functions we measured. Mutations which decrease endogenous cyclic AMP (cAMP) levels partially suppress the sporulation and glycogen accumulation defects. In addition, reporter gene expression supported by a DRR2 promoter fragment, containing two stress response elements known to respond to cAMP-protein kinase A, decreases in a yvh1 disruption mutant. Therefore, our results identify three cellular processes that both require Yvh1p and respond to alterations in cAMP, and they lead us to suggest that Yvh1p may be a participant in and/or a contributor to regulation of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase cascade. The fact that decreasing the levels of cAMP alleviates the need for Yvh1p function supports this suggestion.  相似文献   

We have cloned a gene (BCY1) from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae that encodes a regulatory subunit of the cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. The encoded protein has a structural organization similar to that of the RI and RII regulatory subunits of the mammalian cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. Strains of S. cerevisiae with disrupted BCY1 genes do not display a cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase in vitro, fail to grow on many carbon sources, and are exquisitely sensitive to heat shock and starvation.  相似文献   

The HXK2 gene product has an important role in controlling carbon catabolite repression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We have raised specific antibodies against the hexokinase PII protein and have demonstrated that it is a 58 kDa phosphoprotein with protein kinase activity. The predicted amino acid sequence of the HXK2 gene product has significant homology to the conserved catalytic domain of mammalian and yeast protein kinases. Protein kinase activity was located in a different domain of the protein from the hexose-phosphorylating activity. The hexokinase PII protein level remained unchanged in P2T22D mutant cells (hxk1 HXK2 glk1) growing in a complex medium with glucose. The protein kinase activity of hexokinase PII is regulated by the glucose concentration of the culture medium. Exit from the carbon catabolite repression phase and entry into derepression phase may be controlled, in part, by modulation of the 58 kDa protein kinase activity by changes in cyclic AMP concentration.  相似文献   

We screened the genome of Saccharomyces cerevisiae for the genes responsive to oxidative stress by using the lacZ transposon-insertion library. As a result, we found that expression of the DOG2 gene coding for 2-deoxyglucose-6-phosphate phosphatase was induced by oxidative stress. The expression of DOG2 was also induced by osmotic stress. We found a putative cis element (STRE, a stress response element) in the DOG2 promoter adjacent to a consensus sequence to which the Mig1p repressor is known to bind. The basal levels of DOG2 gene expression were increased in a mig1Delta mutant, while the derepression of DOG2 was not observed in a snf1Delta mutant under glucose-deprived conditions. Induction of the DOG2 gene expression by osmotic stress was observed in any of the three disruptants pbs2Delta, hog1Delta, and snf1Delta. However, the osmotic induction was completely abolished in both the snf1Delta pbs2Delta mutant and the snf1Delta hog1Delta mutant. Additionally, these single mutants as well as double mutants failed to induce DOG2 expression by oxidative stress. These results suggest that Snf1p kinase and the high-osmolarity glycerol-mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade are likely to be involved in the signaling pathway of oxidative stress and osmotic stress in regulation of DOG2.  相似文献   

Mig1p is a zinc finger protein required for repression of glucose-regulated genes in budding yeast. On removal of medium glucose, gene repression is relieved via a mechanism that requires the SNF1 protein kinase complex. We show that Mig1p expressed as a glutathione-S-transferase fusion in bacteria is readily phosphorylated by the SNF1 kinase in vitro. Four phosphorylation sites were identified, i.e. Ser-222, Ser-278, Ser-311 and Ser-381. The latter three are exact matches to the recognition motif we previously defined for SNF1 and lie within regions shown to be required for SNF1-dependent derepression and nuclear-to-cytoplasmic translocation.  相似文献   

In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the Snf1 protein kinase of the Snf1/AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) family regulates a wide range of responses to stress caused by glucose deprivation. The stress signal is relayed via upregulation of Snf1, which depends on phosphorylation of its activation loop Thr210 residue by upstream kinases. Although Snf1 is also required for coping with various stresses unrelated to glucose deprivation, some evidence suggests a role for low-level basal activity of unphosphorylated Snf1, rather than a specific signaling function. We previously found that Snf1 is required for diploid pseudohyphal differentiation, a developmental response to nitrogen limitation. Here, we present evidence that Snf1 is directly involved in nitrogen signaling. First, genetic analyses suggest that pseudohyphal differentiation depends on the stimulatory phosphorylation of Snf1 at Thr210. Second, immunochemical data indicate that nitrogen limitation improves Thr210 phosphorylation. Analyses of pseudohyphal differentiation in cells with catalytically inactive and hyperactive Snf1 support the role of Snf1 activity. Finally, we show that Snf1 is negatively regulated by the rapamycin-sensitive TOR kinase which plays essential roles in signaling nitrogen and amino acid availability. This and other evidence implicate Snf1 in the integration of signals regarding nitrogen and carbon stress. TOR and Snf1/AMPK are highly conserved in evolution, and their novel functional interaction in yeast suggests similar mechanisms in other eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The freeze-thaw tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae was examined throughout growth in aerobic batch culture. Minimum tolerance to rapid freezing (immersion in liquid nitrogen; cooling rate, approximately 200 degrees C min-1) was associated with respirofermentative (exponential) growth on glucose. However, maximum tolerance occurred not during the stationary phase but during active respiratory growth on ethanol accumulated during respirofermentative growth on glucose. The peak in tolerance occurred several hours after entry into the respiratory growth phase and did not correspond to a transient accumulation of trehalose which occurred at the point of glucose exhaustion. Substitution of ethanol with other carbon sources which permit high levels of respiration (acetate and galactose) also induced high freeze-thaw tolerance, and the peak did not occur in cells shifted directly from fermentative growth to starvation conditions or in two respiratorily incompetent mutants. These results imply a direct link with respiration, rather than exhaustion of glucose. The role of ethanol as a cryoprotectant per se was also investigated, and under conditions of rapid freezing (cooling rate, approximately 200 degrees C min-1), ethanol demonstrated a significant cryoprotective effect. Under the same freezing conditions, glycerol had little effect at high concentrations and acted as a cryosensitizer at low concentrations. Conversely, under slow-freezing conditions (step freezing at -20, -70, and then -196 degrees C; initial cooling rate, approximately 3 degrees C min-1), glycerol acted as a cryoprotectant while ethanol lost this ability. Ethanol may thus have two effects on the cryotolerance of baker's yeast, as a respirable carbon source and as a cryoprotectant under rapid-freezing conditions.  相似文献   

Recent studies associating dietary selenium with reduced cancer susceptibility have aroused interest in this substance. In the millimolar range, selenite is toxic and slightly mutagenic for yeast. We show that selenite-treated yeast cells tend to arrest as large budded cells and that this arrest is abolished in a rad9 mutant that is significantly sensitive to selenite. Interestingly, a rev3 mutant affected in the error-prone repair pathway is also sensitive to selenite, whereas mutations in the other DNA repair pathways do not strongly affect resistance to selenite. We propose that selenite treatment leads to DNA damage inducing the RAD9-dependent cell cycle arrest. Selenite-induced DNA damage could be converted to mutations by the Rev3p-dependent lesion bypass system, thus allowing the cell cycle to progress. We have also investigated the selenite detoxification mechanisms and identified three genes involved in this process. In the present study, we show that lack of the cadmium glutathione-conjugate vacuolar pump Ycf1p or overexpression of the sulphite resistance membrane protein Ssu1p enhance the capacity of yeast cells to resist selenite treatment. Finally, we show that overexpression of the glutathione reductase Glr1p increases resistance to selenite, suggesting that selenite toxicity in yeast is closely linked to its oxidative capacity.  相似文献   

Elevated dosage of the GAC1 gene from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes hyperaccumulation of glycogen whereas a gene disruption of GAC1 results in reduced glycogen levels. Glycogen synthase is almost entirely in the active, glucose 6-phosphate-independent, form in cells with increased gene dosage of GAC1 whereas the enzyme is mostly in the inactive form in strains lacking GAC1. GAC1 encodes an 88 kDa protein that is similar to the regulatory subunit (RG1) of phosphoprotein phosphatase type 1 (PP-1) from skeletal muscle that targets PP-1 to glycogen particles. Taken together, these results suggest that GAC1 encodes a regulatory subunit of PP-1. As previously shown for glycogen phosphorylase (GPH1), GAC1 RNA accumulates concomitantly with the appearance of glycogen. A strain with a mutation in the regulatory subunit of the cAMP-dependent protein kinase (bcy1) fails to accumulate GPH1 and GAC1 RNA. These results point to coordinate regulation of enzymes involved in glycogen metabolism at the level of RNA accumulation and indicate that at least part of this control is exerted by the RAS-cAMP pathway.  相似文献   

Because of an increased emergence of resistance to current antitubercular drugs, there is a need for new antitubercular agents directed against novel targets. Diaminopimelic acid (DAP) biosynthetic enzymes are unique to bacteria and are absent in mammals and provide a rich source of essential targets for antitubercular chemotherapy. Herein, we review the structure and function of the mycobacterial DAP biosynthetic enzymes.  相似文献   

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