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Glycogen synthesis in isolated parenchymal rat liver cells   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Seglen PO 《FEBS letters》1973,30(1):25-28

Prior to birth the fetus of the rat accumulates large quantities of hepatic glycogen, with these stores mobilized as glucose in the early postnatal period to sustain the newborn until the onset of suckling and gluconeogenesis. The liver acts to mobilize glycogen in the early neonatal period and gradually adjusts to the alternating supply of nutrients that results from the onset of a feeding cycle. Early postnatal glycogen mobilization is reflected in the decreased active form of glycogen synthase (GS), the rate-limiting enzyme of glycogenesis, and increased activation of glycogen phosphorylase (GP), the rate-limiting enzyme of glycogenolysis. Levels of smooth endoplasmic reticulum (SER)-associated synthase phosphatase and phosphorylase phosphatase activities are diminished from high prenatal levels, contributing to these changes in activation of GS and GP. With the onset of suckling at 1-4 h after birth the liver again accumulates small quantities of glycogen. The period of 6 to 12 h after birth is characterized by large scale glycogenolysis. Glycogen levels are again increased at 24 h after birth, reflecting hepatic adaptation to the onset of meal feeding.  相似文献   

Summary Glycogen synthase in skeletal muscle of 3-day alloxan-diabetic rats was found to be in a less active state than in normal muscle. Both the activity ratio (activity without G6P divided by activity with 7.2 mM G6P at 4.4 mM UDPG, pH 7.8) and fractional velocity (activity with 0.25 mM G6P divided by activity with 10 mM G6P at 0.03 mM UDPG, pH 6.9) were significantly lower in the diabetic tissue. Correspondingly, the S0.5 for UDPG and A0.5 for G6P were significantly higher in diabetic tissue, suggesting decreased affinity for substrate and activator, respectively. The kinetic changes in the diabetic synthase were identical whether the alloxan-treated animals were maintained on insulin for 7 days prior to withdrawal for 3 days, or studied 3 days immediately after alloxan treatment. The diabetes-induced changes in synthase could be reversed by injecting the diabetic rat with insulin 10 min prior to sacrifice. After insulin treatment, the S0.5 for UDPG and A0.5 for G6P decreased to control levels or lower and the activity ratios and fractional velocities increased to control levels or higher.The activity of glycogen synthase phosphatase was not decreased in diabetic skeletal muscle. This observation, coupled with the rapid response of the diabetic synthase to in vivo insulin treatment, suggests that, unlike the phosphatase in cardiac muscle and liver, the glycogen synthase phosphatase in skeletal muscle is not altered by the diabetic state.Abbreviations UDPG uridine diphosphoglucose - G6P glucose 6-phosphate - EDTA ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid - IP intraperitoneally - MOPS morpholinopropane sulfonic acid - -ME -mercaptoethanol - VG6P calculated velocity of the enzyme in the presence of infinite G6P concentration - VUDPG calculated velocity of the enzyme in the presence of infinite UDPG concentration  相似文献   

1. The glycogen content of rat liver increased prenatally and dramatically decreased after the birth. 2. Glycogen synthase and glycogen phosphorylase activities increased prenatally, declined at 12 hr after birth and then again increased. 3. Phosphorylase kinase activities did not significantly change prenatally but steadily increased after the birth. 4. Protein kinase activities (units/mg liver) did not change prenatally but slightly increased after the birth. 5. Phosphoprotein phosphatase activities using phosphorylase a and histone as substrates dramatically increased at birth and then decreased after 24 hr of the birth.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase D was prepared from rat liver by chromatographing the glycogen pellet on DE-52 columns. It was free of glycogen and phosphorylase and converted readily into synthase I upon incubation with glycogen synthase phosphatase. With this synthase D as substrate, the identity of rat liver glycogen synthase phosphatase was studied by means of DE-52 column chromatography. Under the conditions developed, synthase phosphatase emerged from the columns as a sharp, single peak, and phosphorylase phosphatase came off later. The two phosphatases were also different from each other in stability, synthase phosphatase being less stable than phosphorylase phosphatase.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase was isolated from rat H4IIE hepatoma cells by the use of specific antibodies. Immunoprecipitates from cells grown in the presence of [35S]methionine contained two 35S-labeled polypeptides, designated GS1 and GS2, separable by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Labeling of both species was half-maximal after 3 h and remained constant up to 48 h. When cells were incubated with [32P]-phosphate, 32P was incorporated into both species with similar kinetics, half-maximal labeling occurring after 2-3 h. The steady-state ratio 32P/35S was significantly higher for the lower mobility GS2 polypeptide. Pulse-chase experiments showed that the two subunits followed similar kinetics with respect to 35S-labeling. However, the turnover of 32P on the GS2 subunit was significantly faster (t1/2 approximately 30 min) than that on the GS1 subunit (t1/2 approximately 2 h). We suggest that the two polypeptides represent different phosphorylation states of the glycogen synthase subunit and are rapidly interconverted.  相似文献   

Glycogen metabolism in the liver of the developing rat.   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
1. The total activity of glycogen synthease increased 20-fold from day 17 of gestation to birth at day 22, with a further increase of 18% in the 24h after birth. Active synthase (I) rose 45-fold to a maximum at day 21, fell 40% before birth, and then increased by a similar amount 24h after birth. The fraction of synthase in the active form correlated very well with the deposition of glycogen in the liver. 2. Total phosphorylase had a similar developmental pattern of total synthease with an 18-fold increase from day 17 to day 22. The appearance of active phosphorylase showed a lag-period compared with total phosphorylase and did not increase significantly until day 20. The fraction of phosphorylase in the active form did not correlate at all with glycogen deposition or mobilization. 3. There was a close relationshp between the ratio of phosphorylase a/synthase I and the glycogen content of the liver. An increase or decrease in this ratio would result in glycogenolysis of glycogenesis respectively. 4. It is postulated that a cycle between the two enzymes under basal conditions could exist which permits a continuous turnover of glycogen. Such a system would explain why active phosphorylase is always seen, even under conditions of net glycogen synthesis. The differences in hormone sensitivity of synthase and phosphorylase would also be accounted for as only one enzyme would have to respond acutely to hormonal influences.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthesis in the perfused liver of the starved rat   总被引:1,自引:18,他引:1  
1. In the isolated perfused liver from 48h-starved rats, glycogen synthesis was followed by sequential sampling of the two major lobes. 2. The fastest observed rates of glycogen deposition (0.68–0.82μmol of glucose/min per g fresh liver) were obtained in the left lateral lobe, when glucose in the medium was 25–30mm and when gluconeogenic substrates were present (pyruvate, glycerol and serine: each initially 5mm). In this situation there was no net disappearance of glucose from the perfusion medium, although 14C from [U-14C]glucose was incorporated into glycogen. There was no requirement for added hormones. 3. In the absence of gluconeogenic precursors, glycogen synthesis from glucose (30mm) was 0–0.4μmol/min per g. 4. When livers were perfused with gluconeogenic precursors alone, no glycogen was deposited. The total amount of glucose formed was similar to the amount converted into glycogen when 30mm-glucose was also present. 5. The time-course, maximal rates and glucose dependence of hepatic glycogen deposition in the perfused liver resembled those found in vivo in 48h-starved rats, during infusion of glucose. 6. In the perfused liver, added insulin or sodium oleate did not significantly affect glycogen synthesis in optimum conditions. In suboptimum conditions (i.e. glucose less than 25mm, or with gluconeogenic precursors absent) insulin caused a moderate acceleration of glycogen deposition. 7. These results suggest that on re-feeding after starvation in the rat, hepatic glycogen deposition could be initially the result of continued gluconeogenesis, even after the ingestion of glucose. This conclusion is discussed, particularly in connexion with the role of hepatic glucokinase, and the involvement of the liver in the glucose intolerance of starvation.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase from human and bovine polymorphonuclear leukocytes was purified to homogeneity. Rabbit antisera were raised against the two glycogen synthases and used for immunochemical analysis. Western blotting analysis showed that the subunit of glycogen synthase in crude homogenates of human and bovine leukocytes in both cases has an Mr of 85 000. The existence of a cross-reactivity between the two enzymes and the corresponding antisera demonstrates immunological similarities between bovine and human leukocyte glycogen synthase. In addition, both antisera recognize glycogen synthase in crude cellular extracts from rabbit and rat liver and from skeletal muscle. Leukocyte glycogen synthase, therefore, cannot be classified as either muscle (M-type) or liver (L-type) glycogen synthase and our results do not support the proposed immunochemical distinction between M- and L-type glycogen synthase.  相似文献   

Parenchymal cells were isolated from adult rat liver with an enzyme perfusion technique. The single-cell suspension, representing 40-50% of the liver's hepatocytes was suspended in medium and maintained in primary culture for up to four days. The cells were found to carry out glycogen synthesis for the first eight hours in culture after which time the accumulated glycogen was gradually degraded. The ability of the liver cell cultures to accumulate glycogen was found to be dependent upon the metabolic state of the animal prior to cell isolation. Cells prepared during the feeding period from animals on the 8+16 feeding schedule had markedly different capacities for glycogen accumulation. Changes in glycogen metabolism were found to be due, in part, to changes in the fraction of cells involved in metabolism at any given time. High concentrations of glucose stimulated the cells to deposit glycogen but the response was reduced the longer the cells were in culture over a 3-day period. This loss of glycogen synthesizing capacity appears to be due to a decrease in glycogen synthetase activity. The activities of pyruvate kinase, hexokinase and aldolase also decrease during the culture period.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease (AD) is the most common form of neurodegenerative disorder with dementia, accounting for approximately 70% of the all cases. Currently, 5.8 million people in the U.S. are living with AD and by 2050 this number is expected to double resulting in a significant socio-economic burden. Despite intensive research, the exact mechanisms that trigger AD are still not known and at the present there is no cure for it. In recent years, many signaling pathways associated with AD neuropathology have been explored as possible candidate targets for the treatment of this condition including glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3-β). GSK3-β is considered a key player in AD pathophysiology since dysregulation of this kinase influences all the major hallmarks of the disease including: tau phosphorylation, amyloid-β production, memory, neurogenesis and synaptic function. The present review summarizes the current understanding of the GSK3-β neurobiology with particular emphasis on its effects on specific signaling pathways associated with AD pathophysiology. Moreover, it discusses the feasibility of targeting GSK3-β for AD treatment and provides a summary of the current research effort to develop GSK3-β inhibitors in preclinical and clinical studies.  相似文献   

Glycogen synthase activation by sugars in isolated hepatocytes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We have investigated the activation by sugars of glycogen synthase in relation to (i) phosphorylase a activity and (ii) changes in the intracellular concentration of glucose 6-phosphate and adenine nucleotides. All the sugars tested in this work present the common denominator of activating glycogen synthase. On the other hand, phosphorylase a activity is decreased by mannose and glucose, unchanged by galactose and xylitol, and increased by tagatose, glyceraldehyde, and fructose. Dihydroxyacetone exerts a biphasic effect on phosphorylase. These findings provide additional evidence proving that glycogen synthase can be activated regardless of the levels of phosphorylase a, clearly establishing that a nonsequential mechanism for the activation of glycogen synthase occurs in liver cells. The glycogen synthase activation state is related to the concentrations of glucose 6-phosphate and adenine nucleotides. In this respect, tagatose, glyceraldehyde, and fructose deplete ATP and increase AMP contents, whereas glucose, mannose, galactose, xylitol, and dihydroxyacetone do not alter the concentration of these nucleotides. In addition, all these sugars, except glyceraldehyde, increase the intracellular content of glucose 6-phosphate. The activation of glycogen synthase by sugars is reflected in decreases on both kinetic constants of the enzyme, M0.5 (for glucose 6-phosphate) and S0.5 (for UDP-glucose). We propose that hepatocyte glycogen synthase is activated by monosaccharides by a mechanism triggered by changes in glucose 6-phosphate and adenine nucleotide concentrations which have been described to modify glycogen synthase phosphatase activity. This mechanism represents a metabolite control of the sugar-induced activation of hepatocyte glycogen synthase.  相似文献   

32P-labeled glycogen synthase specifically immunoprecipitated from 32P-phosphate incubated rat hepatocytes contains, in addition to [32P] phosphoserine, significant levels of [32P] phosphothreonine (7% of the total [32P] phosphoaminoacids). When the 32P-immunoprecipitate was cleaved with CNBr, the [32P] phosphothreonine was recovered in the large CNBr fragment (CB-2, Mapp 28 Kd). Homogeneous rat liver glycogen synthase was phosphorylated by all the protein kinases able to phosphorylate CB-2 "in vitro" (casein kinases I and II, cAMP-dependent protein kinase and glycogen synthase kinase-3). After analysis of the immunoprecipitated enzyme for phosphoaminoacids, it was observed that only casein kinase II was able to phosphorylate on threonine and 32P-phosphate was only found in CB-2. These results demonstrate that rat liver glycogen synthase is phosphorylated at threonine site(s) contained in CB-2 and strongly indicate that casein kinase II may play a role in the "in vivo" phosphorylation of liver glycogen synthase. This is the first protein kinase reported to phosphorylate threonine residues in liver glycogen synthase.  相似文献   

Hepatic glycogen metabolism was studied in rats during the period of transition from the fed to fasted states. Glycogenic activity was measured in vivo based on the incorporation of [14C]glucose into liver glycogen. Its changes were almost parallel to the changes in glucogen synthase activity. Progressive accumulation of liver glycogen that occurred in the fed state was associated with a proportional increase in glycogenic activity. Within 4 h after the cessation of food intake, glycogenic activity showd a precipitous fall from the peak to its nadir without significant changes in glycogen content. Meanwhile, the glucose concentration in the portal vein decreased. Upon further development of fasting, glycogenic activity displayed a progressive regain, reciprocally as glycogen contents gradually decreased. The precipitous fall of glycogenic activity during the transition from the fed to fasted states was associated with a transient increase in plasma glucagon, and was partly overcome by the injection of anti-glucagon serum. It is concluded that the fall of portal venous concentration of glucose and secretion of glucagon act as a signal to initiate liver glycogen metabolism characteristics of the fasted or postabsorptive state.  相似文献   

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