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Spns1 (Spinster homolog 1 [Drosophila]) in vertebrates, as well as Spin (Spinster) in Drosophila, is a hypothetical lysosomal H+-carbohydrate transporter, which functions at a late stage of macroautophagy (hereafter autophagy). The Spin/Spns1 defect induces aberrant autolysosome formation that leads to developmental senescence in the embryonic stage and premature aging symptoms in adulthood. However, the molecular mechanism by which loss of Spin/Spns1 leads to the specific pathogenesis remains to be elucidated. Using chemical, genetic and CRISPR/Cas9-mediated genome-editing approaches in zebrafish, we investigated and determined a mechanism that suppresses embryonic senescence as well as autolysosomal impairment mediated by Spns1 deficiency. Unexpectedly, we found that a concurrent disruption of the vacuolar-type H+-ATPase (v-ATPase) subunit gene, atp6v0ca (ATPase, H+ transporting, lysosomal, V0 subunit ca) led to suppression of the senescence induced by the Spns1 defect, whereas the sole loss of Atp6v0ca led to senescent embryos similar to the single spns1 mutation. Moreover, we discovered that the combined stable defect seen in the presence of both the spns1 and atp6v0ca mutant genes still subsequently induced premature autophagosome-lysosome fusion marked by insufficient acidity, while extending developmental life span, compared with the solely mutated spns1 defect. Our data suggest that Spns1 and the v-ATPase orchestrate proper autolysosomal biogenesis with optimal acidification that is critically linked to developmental senescence and survival.  相似文献   

Apicularen A and the known vacuolar-type (H(+))-ATPase (V-ATPase) inhibitor bafilomycin A(1) induced apoptosis of RAW 264.7 cells, while apicularen B, an N-acetyl-glucosamine glycoside of apicularen A, was far less effective. Apicularen A inhibited vital staining with acridine orange of the intracellular organelles of RAW 264.7 cells, inhibited the ATP-dependent proton transport into inside-out microsome vesicles, and inhibited the bafilomycin A(1)-sensitive ATP hydrolysis. The IC(50) values of the proton transport were 0.58 nM for apicularen A, 13 nM for apicularen B, and 0.95 nM for bafilomycin A(1). Furthermore, apicularen A inhibited the bafilomycin A(1)-sensitive ATP hydrolysis more potently than apicularen B. F-ATPase and P-ATPase were not inhibited by apicularen A. We concluded that apicularen A inhibits V-ATPase, and thus induces apoptosis in RAW 264.7 cells.  相似文献   

Phospholemman (PLM) is a small sarcolemmal protein that modulates the activities of Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase and the Na(+)/Ca(2+) exchanger (NCX), thus contributing to the maintenance of intracellular Na(+) and Ca(2+) homeostasis. We characterized the expression and subcellular localization of PLM, NCX, and the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha1-subunit during perinatal development. Western blotting demonstrates that PLM (15kDa), NCX (120kDa), and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-1 (approximately 100kDa) proteins are all more than 2-fold higher in ventricular membrane fractions from newborn rabbit hearts (1-4-day old) compared to adult hearts. Our immunocytochemistry data demonstrate that PLM, NCX, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase are all expressed at the sarcolemma of newborn ventricular myocytes. Taken together, our data indicate that PLM, NCX, and Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase alpha-1 proteins have similar developmental expression patterns in rabbit ventricular myocardium. Thus, PLM may have an important regulatory role in maintaining cardiac Na(+) and Ca(2+) homeostasis during perinatal maturation.  相似文献   

Summary The initial rate of ATP-dependent proton uptake by hog gastric vesicles was measured at pH's between 6.1 and 6.9 by measuring the loss of protons from the external space with a glass electrode. The apparent rates of proton loss were corrected for scalar proton production due to ATP hydrolysis. For vesicles in 150mm KCl and pH 6.1, corrected rates of proton uptake and ATP hydrolysis were 639±84 and 619±65 nmol/min×mg protein, respectively, giving an H+/ATP ratio of 1.03±0.7. Furthermore, at all pH's tested the ratio of the rate of proton uptake to the rate of ATP hydrolysis was not significantly different than 1.0. No proton uptake (<10 nmol/min×mg protein) was exhibited by vesicles in 150mm NaCl at pH 6.1 despite ATP hydrolysis of 187±46 nmol/min×mg (nonproductive hydrolysis). Comparison of the rates of proton transport and ATP hydrolysis in various mixture of KCl and NaCl showed that the H+/ATP stoichiometries were not significantly different than 1.0 at all concentrations of K+ greater than 10mm. This fact suggests that the nonproductive rate is vanishingly small at these concentrations, implying that the measured H+/ATP stoichiometry is equal to the enzymatic stoichiometry. This result shows that the isolated gastric (K++H+)-ATPase is thermodynamically capable of forming the observed proton gradient of the stomach.  相似文献   

Summary Ehrlich ascites tumor cells undergoing regulatory volume decrease (RVD) exhibit cytoplasmic acidification as measured by an intracellular fluorescent pH indicator. The acidification results in an activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger. The intracellular pH set point for the activation is estimated to be around 7.0. The activation of the Na+/H+ exchanger leads to an incomplete RVD. In support of this conclusion, amiloride and Na+-free medium, known to limit the Na+/H+ exchange, indeed enhance the RVD response. Intracellular acidification and activation of Na+/H+ exchange may be a general response of cells undergoing RVD.  相似文献   

The weatherloach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus, is a freshwater, facultative air-breathing fish that lives in streams and rice paddy fields, where it may experience drought and/or high environmental ammonia (HEA) conditions. The aim of this study was to determine what roles branchial Na+/K+-ATPase, H+-ATPase, and Rhcg have in ammonia tolerance and how the weatherloach copes with ammonia loading conditions. The loach's high ammonia tolerance was confirmed as was evident from its high 96 h LC50 value and high tissue tolerance to ammonia. The weatherloach does not appear to make use of Na+/NH4+-ATPase facilitated transport to excrete ammonia when exposed to HEA or to high environmental pH since no changes in activity were observed. Using immunofluorescence microscopy, distinct populations of vacuolar (V)-type H+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactive cells were identified in branchial epithelia, with apical and basolateral staining patterns, respectively. Rhesus C glycoprotein (Rhcg1), an ammonia transport protein, immunoreactivity was also found in a similar pattern as H+-ATPase. Rhcg1 (Slc42a3) mRNA expression also increased significantly during aerial exposure, although not significantly under ammonia loading conditions. The colocalization of H+-ATPase and Rhcg1 to the similar non-Na+/K+-ATPase immunoreactive cell type would support a role for H+-ATPase in ammonia excretion via Rhcg by NH4+ trapping. The importance of gill boundary layer acidification in net ammonia excretion was confirmed in this fish; however, it was not associated with an increase in H+-ATPase expression, since tissue activity and protein levels did not increase with high environmental pH and/or HEA. However the V-ATPase inhibitor, bafilomycin, did decrease net ammonia flux whereas other ion transport inhibitors (amiloride, SITS) had no effect. H+-ATPase inhibition also resulted in a consequent elevation in plasma ammonia levels and a decrease in the net acid flux. In gill, aerial exposure was also associated with a significant increase in membrane fluidity (or increase in permeability) which would presumably enhance NH3 permeation through the plasma membrane. Taken together, these results indicate the gill of the weatherloach is responsive to aerial conditions that would aid ammonia excretion.  相似文献   

In this paper a detailed study of the effect of nitration of tyrosine residues by tetranitromethane on H+ conduction and other reactions catalyzed by the H+-ATPase complex in phosphorylating submitochondrial particles, uncoupled particles, and the purified complex is presented. Tetranitromethane treatment of submitochondrial particles results in marked inhibition of ATP hydrolysis, ATP-33Pi exchange, and proton conduction by the H+-ATPase complex. These effects are caused by nitration of tyrosine residues of H+-ATPase complex as shown by the appearance of the absorption peak at 360 nm (specific for nitrotyrosine formation) and inhibition of ATP hydrolysis and ATP-33Pi exchange in the complex purified from tetranitromethane-treated particles. H+ conduction in phospholipid vesicles inlaid with F0 is also inhibited by tetranitromethane treatment. These observations indicate that tyrosine residue(s) of F0 are critically involved in energy-linked proton translocation in the ATP-ase complex.  相似文献   

The effect of chemical modifiers of amino acid residues on the proton conductivity of H+-ATPase in inside out submitochondrial particles has been studied. Treatment of submitochondrial particles prepared in the presence of EDTA (ESMP) with the arginine modifiers, phenylglyoxal or butanedione, or the tyrosine modifier, tetranitromethane, caused inhibition of the ATPase activity. Phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane also caused inhibition of the anaerobic release of respiratory H+ in ESMP as well as in particles deprived of F1 (USMP). Butanedione treatment caused, on the contrary, acceleration of anaerobic proton release in both particles. The inhibition of proton release caused by phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane exhibited in USMP a sigmoidal titration curve. The same inhibitory pattern was observed with oligomycin and withN,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide. In ESMP, relaxation of H+ exhibited two first-order phases, both an expression of the H+ conductivity of the ATPase complex. The rapid phase results from transient enhancement of H+ conduction caused by respiratory H+ itself. Oligomycin,N,N-dicyclohexylcarbodiimide, and tetranitromethane inhibited both phases of H+ release, and butanedione accelerated both. Phenylglyoxal inhibited principally the slow phase of H+ conduction. In USMP, H+ release followed simple first-order kinetics. Oligomycin depressed H+ release, enhanced respiratory H+, and restored the biphasicity of H+ release. Phenylglyoxal and tetranitromethane inhibited H+ release in USMP without modifying its first-order kinetics. Butanedione treatment caused biphasicity of H+ release from USMP, introducing a very rapid phase of H+ release. Addition of soluble F1 to USMP also restored biphasicity of H+ release. A mechanism of proton conduction by F o is discussed based on involvement of tyrosine or other hydroxyl residues, in series with the DCCD-reactive acid residue. There are apparently two functionally different species of arginine or other basic residues: those modified by phenylglyoxal, which facilitate H+ conduction, and those modified by butanedione, which retard H+ diffusion.  相似文献   

Sodium-transloating ATPase in the fermentative bacteriumStreptococcus faecalis exchanges sodium for potassium ions. Sodium ions stimulate its activity, but K+ ions have no significant effect at present. Although the molecular nature of the sodium ATPase is not clear, the enzyme is distinct from other ion-motive ATPases (E1E2 type and F1F0 type) as judged by its resistance to vanadate as well as dicyclohexylcarbodiimde. The sodium ATPase is induced when cells are grown on media rich in sodium, particularly under conditions that limit the generation of a proton potential or block the constitutive sodium/proton antiporter, indicating that an increase in the cytoplasmic sodium level serves as the signal. The enzyme is not induced in response to K+ deprivation. The sodium ATPase may have evolved to cope with a sodium-rich environment under conditions that limit the magnitude of the proton potential.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the protective mechanism of sodium molybdate against the acute toxicity of cadmium chloride in rat, the effect of in vivo sodium molybdate pretreatment on the cytotoxic action of cadmium in isolated hepatocytes was studied. The cytosolic pH of hepatocytes isolated from untreated rats immediately decreased with incubation in either neutral Hank's balanced salt solution (HBS), pH 7.4, containing 5 µM cadmium chloride minimum or acidic HBS (pH 7.1, 6.8, 6.5, and 6.2). The presence of 5 µM cadmium in HBS adjusted to pH 7.1 aggravated cytosalic acidification induced by the acidic medium alone. Cell viability of hepatocytes incubated in HBS at pH 6.2 was significantly reduced as compared to that of control cells in HBS at pH 7.4, but the presence of cadmium in the acidic HBS had no aggravating action against such a toxic action of the acidic medium although cellular uptake of the metal in the medium increased, as compared to that in HBS at pH 7.4. Molybdenum pretreatment alleviated cytoplasmic acidification induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 7.4 or 7.1 containing cadmium or by extracellular acid load wothout cadmium. This pretreatment also prevented the loss of cell viability induced by the treatment with HBS at pH 6.2 but could not attenuate that when cadmium was present in the medium.These facts suggest that molybdenum pretreatment alleviated the acute toxicity of cadmium in rat by preventing cytoplasmic acidification caused by the harmful metal.  相似文献   

Sugar beet grown in pots was sprayed with N6-(m-hydroxybenzyl)adenosine, (mOH)- [9R]BAP, one of the synthetic cytokinins. Root tissue was then examined for respiration and for H+-adenosinetriphosphatase activity and both leaf and root tissue served as the object for 6-deoxy-D-glucose and 2-aminoisobutyric acid uptake estimations. Treatment with (mOH)[9R]BAP depressed the uptake of oxygen by the roots of both young and old plants by 17 – 30 % while addition of (mOH)[9R]BAP to the respiring slices decreased it by 10 – 23 %. Uptake of 6-deoxy-D-glucose was mostly diminished byin vivo spraying with the cytokinin (by up to 12 % in leaves and by up to 60 % in roots), as well as by adding it to the experimental vessel (insignificantly in the leaves but by up to 80 % in the roots). The H+-ATPase activity was stimulated bothin vivo andin vitro appreciably in young plants but not at all in plants at the end of their vegetation period. Acknowledgement: The work described here was supported by grant No. 501/94/0413 of the Grant Agency of the Czech Republic  相似文献   

During mouse embryogenesis GATA-4 is expressed first in primitive endoderm and then in definitive endoderm derivatives, including glandular stomach and intestine. To explore the role of GATA-4 in specification of definitive gastric endoderm, we generated chimeric mice by introducing Gata4(-/-) ES cells into ROSA26 morulae or blastocysts. In E14.5 chimeras, Gata4(-/-) cells were represented in endoderm lining the proximal and distal stomach. These cells expressed early cytodifferentiation markers, including GATA-6 and ApoJ. However, by E18.5, only rare patches of Gata4(-/-) epithelium were evident in the distal stomach. This heterotypic epithelium had a squamous morphology and did not express markers associated with differentiation of gastric epithelial cell lineages. Sonic Hedgehog, an endoderm-derived signaling molecule normally down-regulated in the distal stomach, was overexpressed in Gata4(-/-) cells. We conclude that GATA-4-deficient cells have an intrinsic defect in their ability to differentiate. Similarities in the phenotypes of Gata4(-/-) chimeras and mice with other genetically engineered mutations that affect gut development suggest that GATA-4 may be involved in the gastric epithelial response to members of the TGF-beta superfamily.  相似文献   

Roots undergo multiple changes as a consequence of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) interactions. One of the major alterations expected is the induction of membrane transport systems, including proton pumps. In this work, we investigated the changes in the activities of vacuolar and plasma membrane (PM) H(+) pumps from maize roots (Zea mays L.) in response to colonization by two species of AM fungi, Gigaspora margarita and Glomus clarum. Both the vacuolar and PM H(+)-ATPase activities were inhibited, while a concomitant strong stimulation of the vacuolar H(+)-PPase was found in the early stages of root colonization by G. clarum (30 days after inoculation), localized in the younger root regions. In contrast, roots colonized by G. margarita exhibited only stimulation of these enzymatic activities, suggesting a species-specific phenomenon. However, when the root surface H(+) effluxes were recorded using a noninvasive vibrating probe technique, a striking activation of the PM H(+)-ATPases was revealed specifically in the elongation zone of roots colonized with G. clarum. The data provide evidences for a coordinated regulation of the H(+) pumps, which depicts a mechanism underlying an activation of the root H(+)-PPase activity as an adaptative response to the energetic changes faced by the host root during the early stages of the AM interaction.  相似文献   

The effects of NaCl-adaptation and NaCl-stress on in vivo H+ extrusion and microsomal vanadate- and bafilomycin-sensitive ATPase and PPase activities were studied in tomato cell suspensions. Acidification of the external medium by 50 mM NaCl-adapted and non-adapted (control) tomato cells was similar. Extracellular acidification by both types of cells during the first hour of incubation with 2 μM fusicoccin (FC) in the presence of 100 mM NaCl was lightly increased while in the presence of 100 mM KCl it was increased by 3 (control)- and 6.5 (adapted)-fold. Extracellular alkalinization after 2 h of cell incubation in 100 mM NaCl indicated the possibility that a Na+/H+ exchange activity could be operating in both types of cells. Moreover, acidification induced by adding 100 mM NaCl + FC to non-adapted cells was relatively less affected by vanadate than that induced by 5 mM KCl + FC, which suggested that salt stress could induce some component other than H+ extrusion by H+-ATPase. In addition, no differences were observed in microsomal vanadate-sensitive ATPase activity among control, NaCl-adapted and NaCl-stressed cells, while K+-stimulated H+-PPase and bafilomycin-sensitive H+-ATPase activities were higher in microsomes from NaCl-adapted than in those from control cells. Likewise, the stimulation of in vivo H+ extrusion in NaCl adapted cells under NaCl or KCl stress in the presence of FC occurred with an inhibition of H+-PPase and bafilomycin-sensitive H+-ATPase activities and without changes in the vanadate-sensitive H+-ATPase activity. These results suggest that the stimulation of tonoplast proton pumps in NaCl-adapted cells, without changes in plasmalemma H+-ATPase, could serve to energize Na+ efflux across the plasmalemma and Na+ fluxes into vacuoles catalyzed by the Na+/H+ antiports. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Zhang Y  Wang L  Liu Y  Zhang Q  Wei Q  Zhang W 《Planta》2006,224(3):545-555
Nitric oxide (NO), an endogenous signaling molecule in animals and plants, mediates responses to abiotic and biotic stresses. Our previous work demonstrated that 100 μM sodium nitroprusside (SNP, an NO donor) treatment of maize seedlings increased K+ accumulation in roots, leaves and sheathes, while decreasing Na+ accumulation (Zhang et al. in J Plant Physiol Mol Biol 30:455–459, 2004b). Here we investigate how NO regulates Na+, K+ ion homeostasis in maize. Pre-treatment with 100 μM SNP for 2 days improved later growth of maize plants under 100 mM NaCl stress, as indicated by increased dry matter accumulation, increased chlorophyll content, and decreased membrane leakage from leaf cells. An NO scavenger, methylene blue (MB-1), blocked the effect of SNP. These results indicated that SNP-derived NO enhanced maize tolerance to salt stress. Further analysis showed that NaCl induced a transient increase in the NO level in maize leaves. Both NO and NaCl treatment stimulated vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities, resulting in increased H+-translocation and Na+/H+ exchange. NaCl-induced H+-ATPase and H+-PPase activities were diminished by MB-1. 1-Butanol, an inhibitor of phosphatidic acid (PA) production by phospholipase D (PLD), reduced NaCl- and NO-induced H+-ATPase activation. In contrast, applied PA stimulated H+-ATPase activity. These results suggest that NO acts as a signal molecule in the NaCl response by increasing the activities of vacuolar H+-ATPase and H+-PPase, which provide the driving force for Na+/H+ exchange. PLD and PA play an important role in this process.  相似文献   

Renoguanylin (REN) is a recently described member of the guanylin family, which was first isolated from eels and is expressed in intestinal and specially kidney tissues. In the present work we evaluate the effects of REN on the mechanisms of hydrogen transport in rat renal tubules by the stationary microperfusion method. We evaluated the effect of 1 μM and 10 μM of renoguanylin (REN) on the reabsorption of bicarbonate in proximal and distal segments and found that there was a significant reduction in bicarbonate reabsorption. In proximal segments, REN promoted a significant effect at both 1 and 10 μM concentrations. Comparing control and REN concentration of 1 μM, JHCO3, nmol cm− 2 s− 1 − 1,76 ± 0,11control × 1,29 ± 0,08REN 10 μM; P < 0.05, was obtained. In distal segments the effect of both concentrations of REN was also effective, being significant e.g. at a concentration of 1 μM (JHCO3, nmol cm− 2 s− 1 − 0.80 ± 0.07control × 0.60 ± 0.06REN 1 μM; P < 0.05), although at a lower level than in the proximal tubule. Our results suggest that the action of REN on hydrogen transport involves the inhibition of Na+/H+exchanger and H+-ATPase in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules by a PKG dependent pathway.  相似文献   

The annual killifish Austrofundulus limnaeus inhabits rainwater pools in the Maracaibo basin of Venezuela. This species persists in ephemeral habitats by producing diapausing embryos that are resistant to the stresses imposed by the drying of their aquatic habitat. Embryos of A. limnaeus are likely exposed to a highly variable osmotic environment during development, but their tolerance of osmotic stress has not been characterized. We investigated the capacity of these embryos to survive in hypersaline environments and evaluated the possible mechanisms used to support osmoregulation. Diapausing embryos of A. limnaeus defend their internal osmolality of around 290 mOsmol kg−1 H2O−1 against salt stress as high as 50 ppt salinity. We find that diapausing embryos of A. limnaeus have a permeability to water that is orders of magnitude lower than other teleost fish embryos. The activity of ion motive ATPases that may be important in the extrusion of ions via mitochondrial rich cells do not appear to be playing a large role in osmoregulation of A. limnaeus embryos. We conclude that for the duration of embryonic development the unique properties of the enveloping cell layer of A. limnaeus embryos acts as a permeability barrier to water and ions and supports osmoregulation in this species in response to a broad range of osmotic environments. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The authors attempted to relate the cultivar-specific salt tolerance in barley (Hordeum distichum L.) to the efficiency of ion transporters in the plasmalemma and tonoplast. The study involved plasmalemma and tonoplast membrane vesicles isolated from roots and leaves of the 7-day-old barley seedlings exposed to elevated NaCl concentrations. Two barley cultivars were employed: salt-tolerant cv. Elo and salt-susceptible cv. Belogorskii. The vesicles were used to measure the transport activity of plasmalemma and tonoplast proton pumps and the cation/anion exchange. The data obtained in the experiments demonstrated that the changes in the activity of ion transporters under salt stress conditions correlated with the barley cultivar-specific tolerance to elevated NaCl concentrations.  相似文献   

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