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1. Several studies have recently focused on the structure of ecological networks involving ants and plants with extrafloral nectaries; however, little is known about the effects of temporal variation in resource abundance on the structure of ant–plant networks mediated by floral nectar. 2. In this study, it was evaluated how strong seasonality in resource availability in a semi‐arid tropical environment affects the structure of ant–flower networks. We recorded ants collecting floral nectar during two seasons (from December 2009 to January 2013): dry and green seasons. Then, we built interaction networks for flower‐visiting ants in the Brazilian Caatinga separately for each combination of transect and season. 3. In general, strong seasonality directly influenced patterns of ant–flower interactions and the overall complexity of these ecological networks. During the dry season, networks were more connected, less modular, and exhibited greater niche overlap of flower‐visiting ants than during the green season. Moreover, resource utilisation by ants during the dry season tended to be more aggregated. These findings indicate that during the dry season, ant species tended to share many resource bases, probably owing to lower overall resource availability during this season. Species composition of the ant network component was highly season specific; however, a central core of highly generalised ants was present during both seasons. 4. The stability of this central core between seasons could strongly affect the ecological and evolutionary dynamics of these interaction networks. This study contributes to the understanding of the structure and dynamics of ant‐flower interactions in extremely seasonal environments.  相似文献   

The Tabernas Desert (Spain) is an emblematic area as it constitutes, strictly speaking, the only European desert. Under the canopy of one of the dominant shrub species, Retama sphaerocarpa, there are different microhabitat conditions that encourage the growing of a dense understory of herbs (fertile islands). However, these changes may not be enough to be also reflected in the fauna. Studying ants as bioindicators, we found higher densities of individuals and species richness below the canopy than outside it. However, while the density of individuals increased from outside the canopy to the inner position under the shrubs, species richness increased from the inner to the border position under the canopy and abruptly decreased outside it. This is because the inner positions were usually monopolized by dominant ants with populous nests that feed on aphid honeydew, such as Monomorium subopacum or Tapinoma nigerrimum. Granivorous species (genus Messor) were usually found in intermediate positions under the canopy, taking advantage of the better microclimatic conditions but close to the grass for feeding. Among the most abundant species, the only one found mainly outside the influence of the retama shrubs was the thermophilic insectivorous Cataglyphis ibericus.  相似文献   

Group dynamics related to distribution of African elephants in the semi‐arid environment of Tsavo East National Park, Kenya was studied between 2007 and 2010. I examined the seasonal distribution of lone bulls, bull groups, family units and mixed groups and group size. Lone bulls were widely distributed in the dry season and localized in the wet season, whereas bull groups were localized in both seasons. On average bull group size did not differ with seasons or areas, but larger groups were observed in preferred areas in the dry season. Family units were widely distributed in the dry season and localized in the wet season, whereas mixed groups were localized in both seasons. Although family units and mixed groups tended to be large in all areas in the wet season, large groups were also observed in the dry season. Large family units were widely distributed, whereas large mixed groups were localized. The relationship between group dynamics and distribution was attributed to the combination of social, ecological and poaching factors. This study provided insight into distribution patterns that can be applied to the security of the Tsavo elephant population.  相似文献   

Mistletoes are preferred nesting sites for many bird species in a range of habitats. However, no studies have examined the use of mistletoes by nesting birds in the semi‐arid savannah. We studied nesting in mistletoe and its role in determining nesting success in the Grey Go‐away‐bird in south‐west Zimbabwe. We modelled the effects of mistletoe, mistletoe abundance, nest microclimate, concealment and nest height on daily survival rates (DSR) using program MARK. A constant survival model was best fitted for the Grey Go‐away‐bird suggesting a constant nest survival rate across the nesting period. Mistletoe nests had lower DSR than nests placed elsewhere in the canopy. Mistletoe abundance and nest height had a positive association with DSR whereas visibility distance, microclimate and concealment were negatively associated with DSR. Overall, survival for nests in mistletoe was 22.1% compared with 90.5% for nests in other substrates over the 50‐day nesting period. In conclusion, the low nest survival in mistletoe suggests either that the factors used to select mistletoe as nest sites by these birds are poor predictors of nest success or that nesting in mistletoe may be maladaptive.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relationship between soil fertility and plant species richness in the ‘fertile islands’ occurring beneath two species of legume (Cercidium praecox and Prosopis laevigata)? Location: Tehuacán‐Cuicatlán region, central Mexico. Methods: Plant richness was measured in three micro‐environments (below canopies of C. praecox, below canopies of P. laevigata and in areas without canopies). The concentration of soil nutrients (C, N and P), C and N in the microbiota, and processes of ecosystem functioning (net C mineralization rate and N mineralization) were measured. The relationship between soil variables and plant richness were assessed with ANCOVAs. Results: Soil nutrients and species richness increases markedly under fertility islands. There were higher concentrations of C and N in the soil, faster rates of C mineralization, and higher species richness under P. laevigata canopies. The relationship between soil fertility and species richness was always positive except for total N, ammonium and net C mineralization rate under C. praecox, and for available P under P. laevigata. Conclusions: The sign of the relationship between soil fertility and species richness varies according to the nutrient and the micro‐environment. Positive relationships could result from between species complementarity and facilitation. Negative relationships could be explained by a specific limitation threshold for some soil resources (P and N for plants and C for the soil microbiota) which eliminate the possibilities of between species complementarity and facilitation above that threshold. As in all observational studies, these relationships should be considered only correlational.  相似文献   

1. Obtaining empirical evidence of the consequences of dispersal distance on fitness is challenging in wild animals because long-term, unbiased data on reproduction, survival and movement are notoriously difficult to obtain. 2. Lifetime fitness correlates of natal dispersal distance were studied in an isolated population of the facultatively colonial lesser kestrel Falco naumanni (Fleischer) monitored during 8 years at north-eastern Spain, where most birds (83%) dispersed from their natal colony to settle at distances ranging from 112 m to 136.5 km. 3. Neither annual breeding success nor age at recruitment was affected by natal dispersal distance. However, a capture-mark-recapture analysis revealed that survival during the year following recruitment decreased exponentially with dispersal distance, with differences of up to 15% between philopatrics and long-distance dispersers. In subsequent years, it remained similar irrespective of the natal dispersal distance moved. These results did not seem to be biased by long-distance dispersers settling differentially in the periphery of the population (which could emigrate permanently and be considered dead in future occasions) or within-individual consistency in successive dispersal distances, so our results appear to reflect genuine survival differences between dispersal tactics. 4. Average lifetime fledgling production, average lifetime recruitment success and rate-sensitive individual fitness (λ(ind)) also decreased with the distance from the natal to the first-breeding colony, indicating that dispersal decisions early in life affecting immediate survival prospects may translate into long-term fitness costs. 5. Both survival and lifetime fitness models including continuous dispersal distances significantly improved the characterization of the effect on fitness compared with models considering dispersal as a discrete process (i.e. dispersal vs. philopatry at a colony level). 6. Long-distance dispersers were more likely to establish new colonies regardless of whether they recruited in the centre or the periphery of the population, revealing their important role in the colonization of unoccupied patches. Individuals experienced a higher probability of mortality in small and newly funded colonies, so lifetime fitness costs of dispersal seem to be explained by recruitment in sites where average quality is low because of high uncertainty in survival prospects.  相似文献   

Habitat use by feral cats and dingoes was examined within a heterogeneous semi‐arid woodland site in central Australia over 2 years. Density estimates of feral cats based on tracks were higher in mulga habitat than in open habitat. Isodar analysis implied that this pattern of habitat use by feral cats was consistent with the consumer‐resource model of density‐dependent habitat selection, which is an ideal free solution. The reason why mulga supported higher densities of feral cats was unclear. Foraging success of feral cats may be higher in the mulga because the stalk and ambush hunting tactics typically employed by felids are well suited to dense cover. Mulga may also have offered feral cats more protection from dingo predation. Dingo activity was distributed uniformly across habitats. The dingo isodar was statistically non‐significant, suggesting that habitat selection by dingoes was independent of density.  相似文献   

Abstract We tested the hypothesis that providing high‐quality food and water would increase reproduction, survival and population size in house mice living in a semi‐arid cropping environment in the mallee region of western Victoria, Australia, where outbreaks of house mice (Mus domesticus) occur irregularly. We employed a factorial design and applied treatments along internal fencelines (16 sites), adjacent to cropping areas, from November 2003 to July 2004. Population abundance was low during the experiment (0–26 mice per site), and the summer rainfall was below average. We confirmed that mice used the supplementary food and water through a reduction in weight of food containers over time and for water through the presence of Rhodamine B in blood samples and positive bands in whiskers. Abundant food was also available through grain spilt on the ground after harvest of the wheat and barley crops. There was some evidence of increased breeding on sites where water was added, but no effect of food or food and water in combination. Sites where free water was available had marginally higher populations over summer (~2 more mice on average; P = 0.07). This difference was well below any biologically meaningful effect. Mice were 0.9 g heavier on sites where water was added (P = 0.04), and were in better condition (P = 0.03). The addition of high‐quality food did not affect mouse population dynamics, and the addition of water resulted in only marginal responses for some demographic characteristics. We conclude that other factors appear to be important for limiting mouse population growth in summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Abstract. Competition and facilitation may occur simultaneously in plant communities, and the prevalence of either process depends on abiotic conditions. Here we attempt a community‐wide approach in the analysis of plant interactions, exploring whether in a semi‐arid environment positive or negative interactions predominate and whether there are differences among co‐occurring shrub species. Most shrubs in our plot exerted significant effects on their understorey communities, ranging from negative to positive. We found a clear case of interference and another case where the effect was neutral, but facilitation predominated and the biomass of annuals under most shrubs in our community was larger than in gaps. Effects on soil water and fertility were revealed as the primary source of facilitation; the build‐up of soil organic matter changed soil physical properties and improved soil water relations. Facilitation by shrubs involved decoupling of soil temperature and moisture. Sheltering from direct radiation had an effect on productivity, but significant differences in understorey biomass did not parallel understorey light environment. A positive balance of the interaction among plants, essentially mediated by changes in soil properties, is the predominant outcome of plant interactions in this semi‐arid community.  相似文献   

Maternal effects can influence offspring phenotype with short- and long-term consequences. Yet, how the social environment may influence egg composition is not well understood. Here, we investigate how laying order and social environment predict maternal effects in the sociable weaver, Philetairus socius, a species that lives in massive communal nests which may be occupied by only a few to 100+ individuals in a single nest. This range of social environments is associated with variation in a number of phenotypic and life-history traits. We investigate whether maternal effects are adjusted accordingly. We found no evidence for the prediction that females might benefit from modifying brood hierarchies through an increased deposition of androgens with laying order. Instead, females appear to exacerbate brood reduction by decreasing the costly production of yolk mass and antioxidants with laying order. Additionally, we found that this effect did not depend on colony size. Finally, in accordance with an expected increased intensity of environmental stress with increasing colony size, we found that yolk androgen concentration increased with colony size. This result suggests that females may enhance the competitive ability of offspring raised in larger colonies, possibly preparing the offspring for a competitive social environment.  相似文献   

Abstract. Question: In semi‐arid systems, rainfall gradients can cause plant‐plant interactions to shift from negative to positive or vice versa. However, the importance of a second major abiotic factor, soil nutrients, has rarely been considered. We consider different combinations of both factors and ask: do net adult‐seedling interactions become less competitive and more facilitative with increasing overall abiotic harshness? Location: Succulent Karoo, Western Cape, South Africa. Methods: We examined the interactions between seedlings and adult shrubs at two sites. Sites differ in rainfall, and each contain two habitats: Nutrient‐rich mounds associated with underground termitaria and a relatively nutrient‐poor matrix. We carried out a spatial pattern analysis of community‐wide seedling‐adult associations. We then conducted field and greenhouse experiments to test the effects of soil and the presence of neighbouring shrubs on the growth and survival of six seedling species. Results: At the higher rainfall site, both competitive and facilitative effects of adults on seedlings were found but did not differ by habitat, despite the more benign conditions in the mound habitat. At the lower rainfall site, adult shrubs generally had neutral effects on seedlings in the matrix habitat. In the nutrient‐rich mound habitat, however, adult shrubs had strong and consistently competitive effects on seedlings. Conclusion: Seedling‐adult interactions could not be predicted by a simple overall gradient of abiotic harshness, demonstrating the need for more complex, mechanistic models to predict plant‐plant interactions. We suggest that rainfall and soil nutrients affect seedling‐adult relations through their interactive effects on the life‐history attributes of the species involved.  相似文献   

As the ratio of carbon uptake to water use by vegetation, water‐use efficiency (WUE) is a key ecosystem property linking global carbon and water cycles. It can be estimated in several ways, but it is currently unclear how different measures of WUE relate, and how well they each capture variation in WUE with soil moisture availability. We evaluated WUE in an Acacia‐dominated woodland ecosystem of central Australia at various spatial and temporal scales using stable carbon isotope analysis, leaf gas exchange and eddy covariance (EC) fluxes. Semi‐arid Australia has a highly variable rainfall pattern, making it an ideal system to study how WUE varies with water availability. We normalized our measures of WUE across a range of vapour pressure deficits using g1, which is a parameter derived from an optimal stomatal conductance model and which is inversely related to WUE. Continuous measures of whole‐ecosystem g1 obtained from EC data were elevated in the 3 days following rain, indicating a strong effect of soil evaporation. Once these values were removed, a close relationship of g1 with soil moisture content was observed. Leaf‐scale values of g1 derived from gas exchange were in close agreement with ecosystem‐scale values. In contrast, values of g1 obtained from stable isotopes did not vary with soil moisture availability, potentially indicating remobilization of stored carbon during dry periods. Our comprehensive comparison of alternative measures of WUE shows the importance of stomatal control of fluxes in this highly variable rainfall climate and demonstrates the ability of these different measures to quantify this effect. Our study provides the empirical evidence required to better predict the dynamic carbon–water relations in semi‐arid Australian ecosystems.  相似文献   

  1. Mouse plagues are a regular feature of grain‐growing regions, particularly in southern and eastern Australia, yet it is not clear what role various ecological processes play in the eruptive dynamics generating these outbreaks.
  2. This research was designed to assess the impact of adding food, water, and cover in all combinations on breeding performance, abundance, and survival of mouse populations on a typical cereal growing farm in northwestern Victoria.
  3. Supplementary food, water, and cover were applied in a 2 × 2 × 2 factorial design to 240 m sections of internal fence lines between wheat or barley crops and stubble/pasture fields over an 11‐month period to assess the impact on mouse populations.
  4. We confirmed that mice were eating the additional food and were accessing the water provided. We did not generate an outbreak of mice, but there were some significant effects from the experimental treatments. Additional food increased population size twofold and improved apparent survival. Both water and cover improved breeding performance. Food and cover increased apparent survival.
  5. Our findings confirm that access to food, water, and cover are necessary for outbreaks, but are not sufficient. There remain additional factors that are important in generating mouse plagues, particularly in a climatically variable agricultural environment.

Question: (1) Which factors regulate post‐fire recruitment and spread of the shrub Senecio bracteolatus in Patagonian grasslands? (2) What is the role of the grass Stipa speciosa on S. bracteolatus establishment in the post‐fire succession? Location: Northwest Patagonia, Argentina. Methods: We studied the effect of fire on S. bracteolatus recruitment and density by comparing these variables between burned and unburned grasslands. In burned areas, we compared abiotic characteristics and seedling establishment under the canopy of grasses (S. speciosa) and in gaps (inter‐tussock areas). Post‐fire interactions between S. bracteolatus seedlings and S. speciosa were studied using field and greenhouse experiments. Results: Density of S. bracteolatus was higher in burned than in unburned areas. In burned sites, seedlings were more abundant under tussock grasses, whereas juveniles were more abundant in gaps. Tussocks generated more attenuated micro‐environmental conditions than gaps during stressful summers. Gaps were more abundant in burned sites, while “under tussock” microsites were more frequent in unburned sites. In burned areas, tussocks allowed higher establishment of seedlings (facilitation), but gaps allowed more seedling growth and higher persistence of juveniles. Conclusions: Fire promoted S. bracteolatus recruitment in Patagonian grasslands by increasing the availability of favourable gap microsites. Grass protection for shrub seedlings became negative with time, probably due to competition with grasses. Gaps led to better performance and persistence of shrub plants. Six years after fire, higher shrub recruitment and adult density (observed as a trend) in burned grassland provides an opportunity for potential S. bracteolatus invasion.  相似文献   

Questions: To what degree do biological soil crusts (BSCs), which are regulators of the soil surface boundary, influence associated microbial communities? Are these associations important to ecosystem functioning in a Mediterranean semi‐arid environment? Location: Gypsum outcrops near Belmonte del Tajo, Central Spain. Methods: We sampled a total of 45 (50 cm × 50 cm) plots, where we estimated the cover of every lichen and BSC‐forming lichen species. We also collected soil samples to estimate bacterial species richness and abundance, and to assess different surrogates of ecosystem functioning. We used path analysis to evaluate the relationships between the richness/abundance of above‐ and below‐ground species and ecosystem functioning. Results: We found that the greatest direct effect upon the ecosystem function matrix was that of the biological soil crust (BSC) richness matrix. A few bacterial species were sensitive to the lichen community, with a disproportionate effect of Collema crispum and Toninia sedifolia compared to their low abundance and frequency. The lichens Fulgensia subbracteata and Toninia spp. also had negative effects on bacteria, while Diploschistes diacapsis consistently affected sensitive bacteria, sometimes positively. Despite these results, very few of the BSC effects on ecosystem function could be ascribed to changes within the bacterial community. Conclusion: Our results suggest the primary importance of the richness of BSC‐forming lichens as drivers of small‐scale changes in ecosystem functioning. This study provides valuable insights on semi‐arid ecosystems where plant cover is spatially discontinuous and ecosystem function in plant interspaces is regulated largely by BSCs.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to determine the species composition, density and biomass density of lizards in some of the principal land units in South Turkana. Thirteen species were recorded. Density estimates were determined from quadrat sampling in representative habitats. Because the number of lizards active was found to vary with time of day and temperature, minimum density estimates were obtained by confining counts to peak activity periods. Biomass density was calculated from the product of species density and the mean population weight measured from shot specimens. The biomass density estimate of the lizard fauna was found to be about 4–5% of the large mammal fauna, and appreciably more in the more arid land units. The species composition of South Turkana lizards show affinities to the Somali fauna, though not to the extent of the East Rudolf fauna, suggesting a more recent penetration of arid–adapted species.  相似文献   

Population trends are determined by gains through reproduction and immigration, and losses through mortality and emigration. These demographic quantities and resulting population dynamics are affected by different external and internal drivers. We examined how these demographic quantities were affected by weather, research-induced disturbance, local density, colony site and year in a metapopulation of 17 sociable weaver (Philetairus socius) colonies over 17 years of study (4 years for reproduction). Most colonies declined, but at different rates. The four demographic quantities were related to different drivers. Survival strongly varied among years and colonies and was positively related to rainfall and negatively related to extreme temperature (together explaining 30 % of variation) and disturbance (measured as number of captures conducted at a colony; 7 %). There was a trend for a positive relationship between reproduction and rainfall (50 %). Movement was mainly related to local density: individuals were more likely to emigrate from small to large colonies and from colonies that were either well below or above their long-term mean. They were more likely to immigrate into colonies that were nearby, and below their mean size. We then quantified the effects of these relationships on metapopulation dynamics using a multi-site matrix projection model. Rainfall was potentially a strong driver of metapopulation dynamics. In addition, field-work disturbance might have contributed to the decline of this metapopulation but could not explain its full magnitude. Hence, through a combination of analytical methods we were able to obtain information on the main drivers affecting dynamics in a declining metapopulation.  相似文献   

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