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We explored two hypotheses related to potential differences between sexes in dispersal behaviour in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Direct observations suggest that immature females have more opportunities to move between breeding groups than immature males. The distribution of kin dyadic relationships within and between groups does not, however, support this hypothesis. At larger geographical scales, dispersal is likely to be easier for males than females because of the solitary phase most blackbacks experience before founding their own breeding group. However, previous work indicates that males settle preferentially close to male kin. By specifically tracing female and male lineages with mitochondrial and Y-chromosomal genetic markers, we found that male gorillas in the 6000 km2 area we surveyed form a single population whereas females are restricted to the individual sites we sampled and do not freely move around this area. These differences are more correctly described as differences in dispersal distances, rather than differences in dispersal rates between sexes (both sexes emigrate from their natal group in this species). Differences in resource competition and dispersal costs between female and male gorillas are compatible with the observed pattern, but more work is needed to understand if these ultimate causes are responsible for sex-biased dispersal distances in western lowland gorillas.  相似文献   

A captive western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) presented with watery diarrhoea that progressed to become profuse and haemorrhagic. Faecal analyses revealed Balantidium (B.) coli trophozoites and salmonella-like bacteria. Despite treatment the gorilla died on the 5th day after onset of symptoms. Post-mortem examination revealed a severe erosive-ulcerative superficial and deep colitis. Histological examination of post-mortem samples of the colon showed plentiful B. coli invading into the mucosa and submucosa, whilst PCR screening of bacterial DNA could not confirm any bacteria species which could be connected to the clinical picture. As B. coli is usually a non-pathogenic gut commensal, and as this animal previously showed evidence of non-symptomatic infection of B. coli, it is possible that the switch in pathogenicity was triggered by an acute bacterial infection. Despite successful treatment of the bacterial infection the secondary deep invasion of B. coli was not reversed, possibly because of the failure of the treatment regimen, and led to the death of the gorilla.  相似文献   

Postconflict (PC) behaviors, including reconciliation and consolation, have been observed in many primate and several nonprimate species. Using the PC-matched control (MC) method, PC behavior was examined in two groups (n=13) of captive western lowland gorillas, a species for which no conflict resolution data have been published. Analyses of 223 conflicts showed significantly more affiliation between former opponents after a conflict when compared to control periods, indicating reconciliation. Results also showed significantly more affiliation between the victim and a third-party after a conflict, indicating consolation. Both solicited and unsolicited consolation were observed. The majority of the affiliative interactions observed for both reconciliation and consolation were social proximity, which suggests that unlike most nonhuman primates, proximity, rather than physical contact, may be the main mechanism for resolving conflicts in western lowland gorillas. PC behavior was not uniform throughout the groups, but rather varied according to dyad type.  相似文献   

The geographical distribution of genetic variation within western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) was examined to clarify the population genetic structure and recent evolutionary history of this group. DNA was amplified from shed hair collected from sites across the range of the three traditionally recognized gorilla subspecies: western lowland (G. g. gorilla), eastern lowland (G. g. graueri) and mountain (G. g. beringei) gorillas. Nucleotide sequence variation was examined in the first hypervariable domain of the mitochondrial control region and was much higher in western lowland gorillas than in either of the other two subspecies. In addition to recapitulating the major evolutionary split between eastern and western lowland gorillas, phylogenetic analysis indicates a phylogeographical division within western lowland gorillas, one haplogroup comprising gorilla populations from eastern Nigeria through to southeast Cameroon and a second comprising all other western lowland gorillas. Within this second haplogroup, haplotypes appear to be partitioned geographically into three subgroups: (i) Equatorial Guinea, (ii) Central African Republic, and (iii) Gabon and adjacent Congo. There is also evidence of limited haplotype admixture in northeastern Gabon and southeast Cameroon. The phylogeographical patterns are broadly consistent with those predicted by current Pleistocene refuge hypotheses for the region and suggest that historical events have played an important role in shaping the population structure of this subspecies.  相似文献   

The olfactory abilities of great apes have been subject to little empirical investigation, save for a few observational reports. This study, using an habituation/dishabituation task, provides experimental evidence for a core olfactory ability, namely, olfactory discrimination, in the gorilla. In Experiment 1, six zoo-housed western lowland gorillas were individually presented with the same odour on four trials, and with a novel odour on the fifth trial. Odours (almond and vanilla) were presented on plastic balls, and behavioural responses of sniffing and chewing/licking the balls were recorded. A second experiment presented the same odour on four trials and no odour on the fifth to examine whether any dishabituation was due to the presence of a new odour or the absence of the familiar odour. Gorillas habituated their behaviour with repeated presentation of the same odour, but dishabituated, i.e. increased sniffing and chewing/licking, when presented with the novel odour. No dishabituation was noted when using water as the stimulus across all trials or when used as the novel odour. Overall, results show that gorillas are able to discriminate between odours.  相似文献   

A 39-yr-old wild-caught, female western lowland gorilla ( Gorilla gorilla gorilla ) died during an immobilization to assess swelling and apparent pain of the cervical region. Necropsy revealed a fistulous tract containing plant material in the oropharynx, above the soft palate, communicating with a left-sided cervical necrotizing fasciitis and myositis. Alpha-hemolytic Streptococcus and Prevotella sp. were isolated from the cervical lesion . This is a report of cervical necrotizing fasciitis in a western lowland gorilla.  相似文献   

Studies of wild mountain gorillas have demonstrated strong preferences among new mothers for the silverback. Protection against infanticide has been theorized to be the primary cause for this attraction. We examined social partner preferences in captive western lowland mothers during the 6 mo after parturition and found that juveniles and females were the primary members of the new mothers' social network. Mothers spent significantly more time in close proximity with both of these subgroups than with the silverback. Proximity patterns changed over time: new mothers spent more time near females in the month after parturition than in the month prior to parturition, and spatial proximity increased again in months 2-6 postparturition. These findings differ from those reported for wild mountain gorillas, which may reflect the lack of infanticide risk in captivity. Given current hypotheses that infanticide may be a limited in western lowland gorillas, the social partner preferences observed here may be indicative of patterns in wild populations.  相似文献   

The transfer of food items between individuals has been described in primates as serving an informative purpose in addition to supplementing the diet of immature individuals. This behaviour has yet to be described in western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), and results are presented here of observations of food transfers in immature gorillas at Mbeli Bai, Republic of Congo. The frequency of food transfers decreased with increasing immature age, while the frequency of independent feeding and processing of food increased. Transfers between mothers and infants were the most frequent, with infants attempting to take items from the mother. These attempts were not always successful and the item was relinquished on less than 50% of attempts. Mothers also took items from their offspring. The results point to the functional significance of food transfers in western lowland gorillas being informational. In a bai environment, where one species forms the majority of a visiting gorilla’s diet despite other species being available, the initiation of food transfers by immatures is proposed to serve the purpose of familiarising them with which species, and which parts of those species, may be eaten.  相似文献   

The male dispersal patterns of western lowland gorillas (WLGs, Gorilla gorilla gorilla) are not well understood. To determine whether most silverbacks stay close to their relatives, we analyzed autosomal and Y‐chromosomal microsatellites (STRs) in wild WLGs at Moukalaba, Gabon. We obtained STR genotypes for 38 individuals, including eight silverbacks and 12 adult females in an approximately 40 km2 area. Among them, 20 individuals were members of one identified group (Group Gentil; GG), including one silverback and six adult females. The silverback sired all 13 of the offspring in GG and no Y‐STR polymorphism within GG was found, as expected in a one‐male group structure. Over all silverbacks sampled, Y‐STR diversity was high considering the limited sampling area, and silverbacks with similar Y‐STR haplotypes were not always located in nearby areas. Although the misclassification rate of kinship estimates in this study was not negligible, there were no kin dyads among all silverbacks sampled. These results suggest that silverbacks born in the same group do not stay close to each other after maturation. The Y‐STR diversity in this study was similar to that of a previous study conducted in an area that was approximately 150 times larger than our study area. Similarity of WLG Y‐STR diversity between studies at different sampling scales suggests that male gene flow may not be geographically limited. These results suggest that WLG males normally disperse from their natal areas after maturation, at least, in Moukalaba. Am J Phys Anthropol 151:583–588, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Spatial memory and foraging competition were investigated in three mother/offspring pairs of western lowland gorillas,Gorilla gorilla gorilla, using a naturalistic foraging task at the Toronto Zoo. Sixteen permanent food sites were placed throughout the animals’ enclosures. All of the sites were baited and a pair of animals was free to visit the sites and collect the food. Five of the subjects collected the food with accuracy better than chance. Most of the subjects visited the sites using a pattern, and for half the subjects this was one of adjacency. The high accuracy of five of the subjects and the lack of a consistent adjacency pattern suggest that the animals did in fact use spatial memory. Furthermore, the gorillas tended to avoid visiting food sites that had been previously depleted by their partner. They also appeared to split their search of the enclosures, each visiting only a proportion of the food sites. This indicated that the animals were competing and altering their foraging behaviour based on the behaviour of their partner. Therefore, accuracy was recalculated to take this into account. When the sites depleted by either animal in a pair during a given trial were worked into the accuracy calculations for individual animals, three of the animals still maintained accuracy above chance. This suggests that the animals were not only able to remember which sites they had depleted, but those sites depleted by their foraging partner as well.  相似文献   

We adapted flow cytometry technology for high-purity sorting of X chromosome-bearing spermatozoa in the western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla). Our objectives were to develop methodologies for liquid storage of semen prior to sorting, sorting of liquid-stored and frozen-thawed spermatozoa, and assessment of sorting accuracy. In study 1, the in vitro sperm characteristics of gorilla ejaculates from one male were unchanged (P > 0.05) after 8 hr of liquid storage at 15 degrees C in a non-egg yolk diluent (HEPES-buffered modified Tyrode's medium). In study 2, we examined the efficacy of sorting fresh and frozen-thawed spermatozoa using human spermatozoa as a model for gorilla spermatozoa. Ejaculates from one male were split into fresh and frozen aliquots. X-enriched samples derived from both fresh and frozen-thawed human semen were of high purity, as determined by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH; 90.7%+/-2.3%, overall), and contained a high proportion of morphologically normal spermatozoa (86.0%+/-1.0%, overall). In study 3, we processed liquid-stored semen from two gorillas for sorting using a modification of methods for human spermatozoa. The sort rate for enrichment of X-bearing spermatozoa was 7.3+/-2.5 spermatozoa per second. The X-enriched samples were of high purity (single-sperm PCR: 83.7%) and normal morphology (79.0%+/-3.9%). In study 4 we examined frozen-thawed gorilla semen, and the sort rate (8.3+/-2.9 X-bearing sperm/sec), purity (89.7%), and normal morphology (81.4%+/-3.4%) were comparable to those of liquid-stored semen. Depending on the male and the type of sample used (fresh or frozen-thawed), 0.8-2.2% of gorilla spermatozoa in the processed ejaculate were present in the X-enriched sample. These results demonstrate that fresh or frozen-thawed gorilla spermatozoa can be flow cytometrically sorted into samples enriched for X-bearing spermatozoa.  相似文献   

Methods for the identification of the sex and species of individuals from samples non-invasively taken from humans and gorillas were established. Amplification of a segment of amelogenin (AMG), which is an X–Y homologous gene, using two pairs of primers from human AMG, revealed both X- and Y-specific bands. The possibility of sex identification was examined by typing the AMG gene using hair and fecal samples from captive western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) in Japan and hair samples from wild eastern lowland gorillas (Gorilla beringei graueri) in the Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Democratic Republic of Congo, which were sexed by direct observation. Species-specific bands of AMG in gorillas and humans were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphisms analysis. These tests could be used for sexing unidentified individuals of wild western and eastern lowland gorillas, and screening contamination of human DNA from non-invasively acquired samples.  相似文献   

A female western lowland gorilla (Gorilla gorilla gorilla) infant was delivered by cesarean section (C‐section) to an 18‐year‐old primiparous dam after prolonged labor. The infant required resuscitation at birth and was hospitalized for management of pneumonia and associated respiratory distress secondary to the aspiration of meconium‐stained amniotic fluid. The infant received nine days of intensive care with respiratory support, antibiotics, intravenous fluid therapy, anti‐inflammatory drugs, bronchodilators, and chest physiotherapy. Respiratory support included nasal continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and supplemental oxygen. Complications included right lung atelectasis secondary to bronchial obstruction and pneumonia. Following the resolution of pneumonia, visual reintroductions with the troop were initiated. The dam was given a medical lactation supplement (metoclopramide) and her mammary glands were stimulated to increase milk production. After several days of visual and olfactory introductions, the infant was successfully physically reintroduced to her dam at 12 days of age; the dam showed appropriate maternal response and nursing of the infant. The infant had appropriate growth and development, and 4 years later, has no evidence of negative side effects of neonatal respiratory disease. This is the first reported case of management of neonatal gorilla respiratory disease associated with a C‐section, with successful reintroduction to the family group after hospitalization.  相似文献   

Primates, especially apes, are popular with the public, often attracting large crowds. These crowds could cause behavioral change in captive primates, whether positive, neutral, or negative. We examined the impact of visitors on the behavior of six western lowland gorillas (Gorilla gorilla gorilla), observing the troop over 6 weeks during high season (4.5 hr/day, 35 days, May–July 2016). We used focal scan sampling to determine activity budget and enclosure usage, and focal continuous sampling to identify bouts of anxiety-related behavior (visitor-directed vigilance, self-scratching, and aggression). Both daily zoo-entry numbers (VGATE) and instantaneous crowds at the exhibit (VDENSITY) were measured. Overall, VGATE had little effect across behaviors. However, consistent with the more acute time frame of measurement, VDENSITY was a better predictor of behavior; at high crowd volumes, we observed significant group-level changes in activity budget (increased inactivity, increased locomotion, and decreased environment-related behaviors), increase in some anxiety-related behaviors, and decreased enclosure usage. Although contributing similar effects, it could not be determined if crowd numbers, composition, or noise most affected the troop, nor any chronic effects of exposure to large crowds. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that measures to minimize the impacts of large crowds at the exhibit would be beneficial. Furthermore, we highlight potential discrepancies between common methods for measuring visitor numbers: VGATE is less sensitive to detecting visitor effects on behavioral indices than VDENSITY. Future studies should appropriately match the biological time frame of welfare indicators and visitor measures used to ensure the reliability of findings.  相似文献   

Staff at Omaha's Henry Doorly Zoo devised a training program for noninvasive semen collection from three male gorillas. Trained behaviors, shaped using food rewards and verbal praise, enabled the trainer to perform a cursory physical examination and collect >270 semen samples during the study period. Ejaculate volume, sperm motility, and progressive forward motion were recorded. Two of the gorillas regularly produced semen samples that were cryopreserved. Frozen semen from one gorilla was successfully used in an assisted reproductive procedure. The training program may be used as a guideline for other institutions to create similar programs. Zoo Biol 17:143–151, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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