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Benthic macroinvertebrate samples were collected from natural substrates in disturbed and undisturbed South Carolina upper coastal plain streams to determine if taxa richness and other bioassessment metrics were significantly related to stream size as predicted by the River Continuum Concept (RCC). Linear, quadratic, and lognormal regression models indicated that stream width was positively related to total number of taxa; number of Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera, and Trichoptera (EPT) taxa; and total number of organisms. Linear regression showed that the expected number of taxa at undisturbed sites ranged from 35 in 2.0 m wide streams to 64 in 16.0 m streams. Comparable values were 8–20 for EPT and 109–261 for number of organisms. Stream width was inversely related to biotic index values indicating a decrease in average organism tolerance with increasing stream size. ANCOVA showed that the effects of stream size were similar for disturbed and undisturbed sites. Rank correlations and multidimensional scaling (MDS) showed that Lepidoptera and Trichoptera were more abundant in larger streams and Annelida in smaller streams. Stream size related changes in benthic macroinvertebrate community composition are often ignored in bioassessment protocols; however, failure to adjust metrics for stream size can lead to erroneous conclusions. Adjustments are possible by analyzing regression residuals stripped of stream size related variance, dividing the area beneath the maximum taxa richness line into equal size units for metric scoring, or scaling metrics based on predicted reference values. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

The EU Water Framework Directive requires assessment of the ecological quality of running waters using macroinvertebrates. One of the problems of obtaining representative samples of organisms from streams is the choice of sampling date, as the scores obtained from macroinvertebrate indices vary naturally between seasons, confounding the detection of anthropogenic environmental change. We investigated this problem in a 4th order calcareous stream in the western Carpathian Mountains of central Europe, the Stupavsky potok brook. We divided our 100 m study site into two stretches and took two replicate samples every other month alternately from each stretch for a period of 1 year, sampling in the months of February, April, June, August, October and December. Multivariate analysis of the macroinvertebrate communities (PCA) clearly separated the samples into three groups: (1) April samples (2) June and August samples (3) October, December and February samples. Metric scores were classified into two groups those that were stable with respect to sampling month, and those that varied. Of the metrics whose values increase with amount of allochthonous organic material (ALPHA_MESO, hyporhithral, littoral, PASF, GSI new, DSI, CSI), the highest scores occurred in February, April, October and December, while for metrics whose values decrease with content of organic material (DSII, DIS, GFI D05, PORI, RETI, hypocrenal, metarhithral, RP, AKA, LITHAL, SHRED, HAI) the highest values occurred in February, April, June and December. We conclude that sampling twice a year, in early spring and late autumn, is appropriate for this type of metarhithral mountain stream. Sampling in summer is less reliable due to strong seasonal influences on many of the metrics examined while sampling in winter is inappropriate for logistical reasons. Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   

This work assesses the issue of whether the measured concentrations of heavy metals in soil, rocks, surface and ground waters in Addis Ababa can be related to anthropogenic contamination or natural weathering of rocks. Heavy metal analyses of rocks, soils, streams, springs and boreholes have been carried out to identify the presence of potentially harmful solutes. The maximum concentration of total chromium measured is 269 ppm in the northern, industry-free zone of Addis Ababa in the B 2-horizon of soil profile (cambisol). The Ni/Cr ratio in the rocks is higher than soils, which could indicate the presence of high concentrations of Cr in soils is from weathering processes. A comparative study of different samples collected from various parts of the city indicates that the chemical composition of the hydrothermally affected volcanic rocks plays an important role in increasing heavy metal concentration in the study area. The fresh country rocks contain relatively low concentrations of heavy metals, as shown by background values. The statistical evaluation indicates that the hydrothermally altered rocks contain far higher mean heavy metal concentrations than the fresh acidic rocks (background values). Consequently, soils derived from altered rocks are enriched with respect to heavy metals. From this study it was possible to observe that the rock and soil outcrops of Addis Ababa are anomalously rich in heavy metals derived from hydrothermal activity. Therefore, heavy metal concentrations in the surrounding rocks and soils are related to geogenic sources whereas anthropogenic contribution as a cause of these concentrations is minor.  相似文献   

In order to standardise biological assessment of surface waters in Europe, a standardised method for sampling, sorting and identification of benthic macroinvertebrates in running waters was developed during the AQEM project. The AQEM method has proved to be relatively time-consuming. Hence, this study explored the consequences of a reduction in sample size on costs and bioassessment results. Macroinvertebrate samples were collected from six different streams: four streams located in the Netherlands and two in Slovakia. In each stream 20 sampling units were collected with a pond net (25×25 cm), over a length of approximately 25 cm per sampling unit, from one or two habitats dominantly present. With the collected data, the effect of increasing sample size on variability and accuracy was examined for six metrics and a multimetric index developed for the assessment of Dutch slow running streams. By collecting samples from separate habitats it was possible to examine whether the coefficient of variation (CV; measure of variability) and the mean relative deviation from the “reference” sample (MRD; measure of accuracy) for different metrics depended only on sample size, or also on the type of habitat sampled. Time spent on sample processing (sorting and identification) was recorded for samples from the Dutch streams to assess the implications of changes in sample size on the costs of sample processing. Accuracy of metric results increased and variability decreased with increasing sample size. Accuracy and variability varied depending on the habitat and the metric, hence sample size should be based on the specific habitats present in a stream and the metric(s) used for bioassessment. The AQEM sampling method prescribes a multihabitat sample of 5 m. Our results suggest that a sample size of less than 5 m is adequate to attain a CV and MRD of ≤ 10% for the metrics ASPT (Average Score per Taxon), Saprobic Index and type Aka+Lit+Psa (%) (the percentage of individuals with a preference for the akal, littoral and psammal). The metrics number of taxa, number of individuals and EPT-taxa (%) required a multihabitat sample size of more than 5 m to attain a CV and MRD of ≤ 10%. For the metrics number of individuals and number of taxa a multihabitat sample size of 5 m is not even adequate to attain a CV and MRD of ≤ 20%. Accuracy of the multimetric index for Dutch slow running streams can be increased from ≤ 20 to ≤ 10% with an increase in labour time of 2 h. Considering this low increase in costs and the possible implications of incorrect assessment results it is recommended to strive for this ≤ 10% accuracy. To achieve an accuracy of ≤ 10% a multihabitat sample of the four habitats studied in the Netherlands would require a sample size of 2.5 m and a labour time of 26 h (excluding identification of Oligochaeta and Diptera) or 38 h (including identification of Oligochaeta and Diptera). Electronic supplementary material Electronic supplementary material is available for this article at and accessible for authorised users.  相似文献   



Little is known about the prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) and HIV among TB suspects in primary health care units in Ethiopia.


In the period of February to March, 2009, a cross sectional survey was done in 27 health centers of Addis Ababa to assess the prevalence of TB and HIV among TB suspects who have > = 2 weeks symptoms of TB such as cough, fever and weight loss. Diagnosis of TB and HIV was based on the national guidelines. Information concerning socio-demographic variables and knowledge of the respondents about TB was collected using pretested questionnaire.


Of the 545 TB suspects, 506 (92.7%) of them participated in the study. The prevalence of both pulmonary and extra pulmonary TB was 46.0% (233/506). The smear positivity rate among pulmonary TB suspect was 21.3%. Of the TB suspects, 298 (58.9%) of them were tested for HIV and 27.2% (81/298) were HIV seropositive. Fifty percent of the HIV positive TB suspects had TB. TB suspects who had a contact history with a TB patient in the family were 9 times more likely to have TB than those who did not have a contact history, [OR = 9.1, (95%CI:4.0, 20.5)]. Individuals who had poor [OR = 5.2, (95%CI: 2.3, 11.2)] and fair knowledge [OR = 3.7, (95%CI: 1.3, 10.4)] about TB were more likely to have TB than individuals who had good knowledge.


In conclusion, the prevalence of TB among TB suspects with duration of 2 or more weeks is high. Fifty percent of the HIV positive TB suspects had TB. Case finding among TB suspects with duration of 2 or more weeks should be intensified particularly among those who have a contact history with a TB patient.  相似文献   

Demographic transition theory states that fertility declines in response to development, thus wealth and fertility are negatively correlated. Evolutionary theory, however, suggests a positive relationship between wealth and fertility. Fertility transition as a result of industrialization and economic development started in the late 19th and early 20th centuries in Western Europe; and it extended to some of the Asian and Latin American countries later on. However, economic crises since the 1980s have been co-incident with fertility decline in sub-Sahara Africa and other developing countries like Thailand, Nepal and Bangladesh in the last decade of the 20th century. A very low level of fertility is observed in Addis Ababa (TFR=1.9) where contraceptive prevalence rate is modest and recurrent famine as well as drought have been major causes of economic crisis in the country for more than three consecutive decades, which is surprising given the high rural fertility. Detailed socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of 2976 women of reproductive age (i.e. 15-49 years) residing in Addis Ababa were collected during the first quarter of 2003 using an event history calendar and individual women questionnaire. Controlling for the confounding effects of maternal birth cohort, education, marital status and accessible income level, the poor (those who have access to less than a dollar per day or 250 birr a month) were observed to elongate the timing of having first and second births, while relatively better-off women were found to have shorter birth intervals. Results were also the same among the ever-married women only model. More than 50% of women currently in their 20s are also predicted to fail to reproduce as most of the unmarried men and women are 'retreating from marriage' due to economic stress. Qualitative information collected through focus group discussions and in-depth interviews also supports the statistical findings that poverty is at the root of this collapse in fertility. Whilst across countries wealth and fertility have been negatively correlated, this study shows that within one uniform population the relationship is clearly positive.  相似文献   

1. Macroinvertebrate biotope preferences and the influence of differences in the availability of biotopes on individual taxa, macroinvertebrate assemblages and a biotic index, the South African Scoring System (SASS), were investigated in two regions of South Africa. 2. Among biotope differences in individual taxa and macroinvertebrate assemblages resulted in differences in SASS scores, with differences in assemblages being greater among biotopes than between sites. 3. All three metrics studied (SASS score, number of taxa and average score per taxon, ASPT), differed significantly among biotopes, with highest scores consistently recorded in the stones biotope, while lowest SASS scores and fewest taxa were recorded in the sand biotope. 4. SASS score and number of taxa were positively, while ASPT was negatively correlated with number of biotopes sampled. 5. The observed biotope differences highlight the importance of sampling and comparing data from sites separately for each biotope.  相似文献   



Managing blood stream infection in Africa is hampered by lack of bacteriological support needed for antimicrobial stewardship, and background data needed for empirical treatment. A combined pro- and retrospective approach was used to overcome thresholds in clinical research in Africa.


Outcome and characteristics including age, HIV infection, pancytopenia and bacteriological results were studied in 292 adult patients with two or more SIRS criteria using univariate and confirming multivariate logistic regression models. Expected randomly distributed resistance covariation was compared with observed co-resistance among gram-negative enteric bacteria in 92 paediatric blood culture isolates that had been harvested in the same hospital during the same period of time.


Mortality was fivefold increased among patients with positive blood culture results [50.0% vs. 9.8%; OR 11.24 (4.38–25.88), p < 0.0001], and for this group of patients mortality was significantly associated with antimicrobial resistance [OR 23.28 (3.3–164.4), p = 0.002]. All 11 patients with Enterobacteriaceae resistant to 3rd. generation cephalosporins died. Eighty-nine patients had pancytopenia grade 3–4. Among patients with negative blood culture results, mortality was significantly associated with pancytopenia [OR 3.12 (1.32–7.39), p = 0.01]. HIV positivity was not associated with increased mortality. Antimicrobial resistance that concerned gram-negative enteric bacteria, regardless of species, was characterized by co-resistance between third generation cephalosporins, gentamicin, chloramphenicol, and co-trimoxazole.


Mortality was strongly associated with growth of bacteria resistant to empirical treatment, and these patients were dead or dying when bacteriological reports arrived. Because of co-resistance, alternative efficient antibiotics would not have been available in Ethiopia for 8/11 Enterobacteriaceae-infected patients with isolates resistant to third generation cephalosporins. Strong and significant resistance covariation between 3rd. generation cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, gentamicin, and co-trimoxazole was identified. Pronounced pancytopenia was common and associated with increased mortality. HIV positive patients had no excess mortality.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Drug-resistant TB has emerged as a major challenge facing TB prevention and control efforts. In Ethiopia, the extent/trend of drug resistance TB is not well known. The aim of this study was to determine the pattern and trend of resistance to first line anti-TB drugs among culture positive retreatment cases at St.Peter's TB Specialized Hospital. FINDINGS: A hospital based retrospective study was used to assess the pattern of anti-TB drug resistance among previously treated TB patients referred to St.Peter's TB Specialized Hospital from January 2004-December 2008 Gregorian calendar(GC) for better diagnosis and treatment. Among 376 culture positive for M. tuberculosis one hundred and two (27.1%) were susceptible to all of the four first line anti-TB drugs -Isoniazid (INH), Rifampicin (RIF), Ethambutol (ETB) & Streptomycin (STM). While 274 (72.9%) were resistant to at least one drug. Resistance to STM (67.3%) was found to be the most common and the prevalence of MDR-TB was 174 (46.3%). Trend in resistance rate among re-treatment cases from 2004 to 2008 showed a significant increase for any drug as well as for INH, RIF, and MDR resistance (P <0.05 for trend). CONCLUSIONS: There has been an increasing trend in drug resistance in recent years, particularly in retreatment cases. Therefore, establishing advanced diagnostic facilities for early detection of MDR-TB and expanding second line treatment center to treat MDR-TB patients and to prevent its transmission is recommended.  相似文献   

We assessed the relative performance of diatoms and macroinvertebrates to measure municipal and industrial impacts on the ecological integrity of the three major rivers flowing through Addis Ababa. Both community metric and multivariate statistical techniques were used to analyze the environmental variables and species data along the pollution gradient. This study in the Addis Ababa urban area revealed that three biologically highly stressed rivers are being impacted primarily by physical habitat degradation and both point and nonpoint pollution. The macroinvertebrate composition was liable to severe physical habitat and chemical water quality degradation. Consequently, macroinvertebrates were less diverse and not found at all at the most polluted sites with very low dissolved oxygen levels. Based on community metrics and multivariate analysis results, diatoms more reliably indicated a gradient of pollution than macroinvertebrates. However, both organism groups equally discriminated the two relatively unimpacted upstream sites from all other impacted sites. As diatoms are immobile and ubiquitous (i.e., at least a few can be found under almost any condition), they are good indicators of pollution levels among heavily impacted sites where macroinvertebrates are completely absent or less diverse. Therefore, diatoms are the powerful bioindicators for monitoring urban-impacted and seriously stressed rivers and to examine pollution gradients and impacts of specific pollution sources.  相似文献   



There are limited data on clinical outcomes of ART-experienced patients with cryptococcal antigenemia. We assessed clinical outcomes of a predominantly asymptomatic, ART-experienced cohort of HIV+ patients previously found to have a high (8.4%) prevalence of cryptococcal antigenemia.


The study took place at All Africa Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Rehabilitative Training Centre and Black Lion Hospital HIV Clinics in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A retrospective study design was used to perform 12-month follow-up of 367 mostly asymptomatic HIV-infected patients (CD4<200 cells/µl) with high levels of antiretroviral therapy use (74%) who were previously screened for cryptococcal antigenemia. Medical chart abstraction was performed approximately one year after initial screening to obtain data on clinic visit history, ART use, CD4 count, opportunistic infections, and patient outcome. We evaluated the association of cryptococcal antigenemia and a composite poor outcome of death and loss to follow-up using logistic regression.


Overall, 323 (88%) patients were alive, 8 (2%) dead, and 36 (10%) lost to follow-up. Among the 31 patients with a positive cryptococcal antigen test (titers ≥1∶8) at baseline, 28 were alive (all titers ≤1∶512), 1 dead and 2 lost to follow-up (titers ≥1∶1024). In multivariate analysis, cryptococcal antigenemia was not predictive of a poor outcome (aOR = 1.3, 95% CI 0.3–4.8). A baseline CD4 count <100 cells/µl was associated with an increased risk of a poor outcome (aOR 3.0, 95% CI 1.4–6.7) while an increasing CD4 count (aOR 0.1, 95% CI 0.1–0.3) and receiving antiretroviral therapy at last follow-up visit (aOR 0.1, 95% CI 0.02–0.2) were associated with a reduced risk of a poor outcome.


Unlike prior ART-naïve cohorts, we found that among persons receiving ART and with CD4 counts <200 cells/µl, asymptomatic cryptococcal antigenemia was not predictive of a poor outcome.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe public health approach to antiretroviral treatment management encourages the public private partnership in resource limited countries like Ethiopia. As a result, some private health facilities are accredited to provide antiretroviral treatment free services. Evidence on magnitude and predictors of treatment failure are crucial for timely actions. However, there are few studies in this regard.ObjectiveTo assess the magnitude and predictors of ART failure in private health facilities in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.MethodsThe study followed retrospective cohort design, with 525 adult antiretroviral treatment clients who started the treatment since October 2009 and have at least six months follow up until December 31, 2013. Kaplan Meier survival analysis and Cox proportional hazard model were used for analysis.ResultsTreatment failure, using the three WHO antiretroviral treatment failure criteria, was 19.8%. The immunologic, clinical, and virologic failures were 15%, 6.3% and 1.3% respectively. The mean and median survival times in months were 41.17 with 95% Confidence Interval (CI) [39.69, 42.64] and 49.00, 95% CI [47.71, 50.29] respectively. The multivariate cox regression analysis showed years since HIV diagnosis (Adjusted Hazard Ratio (AHR)=13.87 with 95% CI [6.65, 28.92]), disclosure (AHR=0.59, 95% CI [0.36, 0.96]), WHO stage at start (AHR=1.84, 95% CI [1.16, 2.93]), weight at baseline (AHR=0.58, 95% CI [0.38, 0.89]), and functionality status at last visit (AHR=2.57, 95% CI [1.59, 4.15]) were independent predictors of treatment failure.ConclusionThe study showed that the treatment failure is high among the study subjects. The predictors for antiretroviral treatment failure were years since HIV diagnosis, weight at start, WHO stage at start, status at last visit and disclosure.RecommendationsFacilities need to monitor antiretroviral treatment clients to avoid disease progression and drug resistance.  相似文献   



In practically every human culture, the use of arthropods as medicinal resources has been reported. In Mexico, the Mayan people mainly use plants but occasionally also animals and minerals in their medicine. This article is the first to report the traditional use of the tarantula Brachypelma vagans by medicine men in the Chol community, an ancient indigenous group that inhabits the southeastern part of Mexico. We also describe the utility of such arachnids in traditional medicine.


This study was carried out in different Chol communities in the states of Chiapas and Campeche (southeastern Mexico) from 2003 until 2007. We interviewed the local medicine men, patients and non-Chol people in each village visited to collect information about the rituals involved and the effectiveness of this traditional medicine and also their opinion of this traditional medicine.


In all independent villages, the people who present an illness called 'aire de tarantula' or tarantula wind with symptoms including chest pain, coughing and asthma, were treated by the medicine man (called 'hierbatero') with a tarantula-based beverage. From village to village, the beverage has a similar base composition but some variations occur in additional ingredients depending on the individual medicine man. Like in all traditional Mayan medicine, the ritual of the ceremony consists of drinking the tarantula-based beverage and this is principally accompanied by chants and burning of incense.


The recipe of the tarantula-based beverage and the procedure of this ritual ceremony were fairly constant in all the villages visited. Our work shows that despite the tarantula's bad image in several cultures, in others positive use is made of these spiders, as in modern medicine.  相似文献   

A predictive model, incorporating macroinvertebrate and environmental data, similar to that developed for Australian rivers (AUSRIVAS) and British rivers (RIVPACS) was constructed using a dataset collected from 23 reference (least altered) wetlands on the Swan Coastal Plain, Western Australia, sampled in summer and spring, 1989 and spring, 1990. Four main groups of reference wetlands were identified by UPGMA classification (using the Bray–Curtis dissimilarity measure). Distinguishing environmental variables identified by Stepwise Multiple Discriminant Function Analysis were: calcium, colour (gilvin), latitude, longitude, sodium and organic carbon. Observed to expected ratios of taxa with a >50% chance of occurrence (OE50) derived from the model for a suite of 23 test wetlands sampled in spring, 1997, were significantly correlated with pH and the depth of the sampling sites. Greater discrimination between the test wetlands was provided by the OE50 ratios than either raw richness (number of families) or a biotic index (SWAMPS). Results obtained for a subset of 11 test wetlands sampled with both a rapid bioassessment protocol (incorporating field picking of 200 invertebrates collected in 2 min sweeps from selected habitats) and a semi-quantitative protocol (incorporating laboratory picking of all invertebrates collected in sweeps along 10 m transects at randomly allocated sites) were not significantly different, indicating that the former could be used to reduce the time and costs associated with macroinvertebrate-based wetland monitoring programs. In addition to providing an objective method of assessing wetland condition, predictive modelling provides a list of taxa expected to occur under reference conditions, which can be used as a target in wetland restoration programs. The probable impediment to widespread adoption of predictive modelling for wetland bioassessment is the need to produce models tailored to specific geographic regions and specific climatic conditions. This may incur significant costs in countries, such as Australia, which span a wide range of climatic zones.  相似文献   



Ectomycorrhizal fungi (EMF) are a diverse and essential biota of forests that are vulnerable to species loss through reductions in late‐seral habitat. We examined how the spatial ecology of this biota, particularly distance–decay and species–area relationships, could better inform habitat thresholds for EMF conservation planning.


Southeast Vancouver Island near Victoria, British Columbia, Canada.


Using a stratified sampling design, 11 plots (0.15 ha in size) were established at 0.05–17.5 km apart across 2,800 ha of mesic old‐growth Pseudotsuga menziesii var. menziesii and Tsuga heterophylla forests. EMF communities were compiled through molecular analysis of root tips and sporocarps.


The EMF community was comprised of many Cortinarius, Piloderma, Russula and Tricholoma species typical of mesotrophic habitat. A total of 238 EMF species were observed, of which 86 species were detected only once. The ratio of average species richness per plot (84 taxa) to total richness was low at 0.35, and inherent stochasticity of the EMF community was estimated to be 31% community dissimilarity for species incidence. Distance decay of EMF communities was nonlinear, with an estimated slope break at 2.6 km, followed by a largely unchanging trend in β‐diversity. Accumulated species–area curves were fitted best by the cumulative Weibull sigmoid model, and the asymptote (367 species) at approx. 50 ha was consistent with nonparametric estimates of γ‐diversity (342–362 spp.).

Main conclusions

Old‐growth forests host an impressive amount of EMF diversity, and many of the Ramaria, Inocybe and Russula species are likely to be endemic to the Pacific Northwest. Both niche‐ and neutral‐based processes influenced EMF community composition, resulting in a minimum threshold of 50 ha (1.8% of the sample area) for capturing γ‐diversity. These spatial patterns will help design and evaluate conservation efforts, such as retention forestry, to sustain fully diverse EMF communities over managed landscapes.

Biological monitoring, using coliform bacteria and macroinvertebrate populations and diversity, was carried out monthly from August 2004 to January 2005 to determine the ecological health of the Usuthu and Mbuluzi rivers in Swaziland. Water temperature and pH were not significantly different between sites, but differed significantly between months. Bacterial species identified from both rivers were Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Proteus vulgaris, with no significant differences in mean colony counts between the two rivers. Average colony counts were significantly different between months. A total of 926 macroinvertebrates, representing 28 families, were collected from both rivers and were significantly different between sites, rivers and months. Macroinvertebrate populations and diversity were negatively correlated with bacterial colony counts. Compliance with regulated water quality standards did not necessarily indicate acceptable water quality for biological communities, and thus there is a need for an integrated approach in water quality monitoring.  相似文献   



Diagnostic disclosure of HIV/AIDS to a child is becoming an increasingly common issue in clinical practice. Nevertheless, some parents and health care professionals are reluctant to inform children about their HIV infection status. The objective of this study was to identify the proportion of children who have knowledge of their serostatus and factors associated with disclosure in HIV-infected children receiving HAART in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.


A cross-sectional study was conducted in five hospitals in Addis Ababa from February 18, 2008–April 28, 2008. The study populations were parents/caretakers and children living with HIV/AIDS who were receiving Highly Active Antiretroviral Therapy (HAART) in selected hospitals in Addis Ababa. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analysis were carried out using SPSS 12.0.1 statistical software.


A total of 390 children/caretaker pairs were included in the study. Two hundred forty three children (62.3%) were between 6–9 years of age. HIV/AIDS status was known by 68 (17.4%) children, 93 (29%) caretakers reported knowing the child''s serostatus two years prior to our survey, 180 (46.2%) respondents said that the child should be told about his/her HIV/AIDS status when he/she is older than 14 years of age. Children less than 9 years of age and those living with educated caregivers are less likely to know their results than their counterparts. Children referred from hospital''s in-patient ward before attending the HIV clinic and private clinic were more likely to know their results than those from community clinic.


The proportion of disclosure of HIV/AIDS diagnosis to HIV-infected children is low. Strengthening referral linkage and health education tailored to educated caregivers are recommended to increase the rate of disclosure.  相似文献   

The phylogenetic relationship between Australopithecus anamensis and Australopithecus afarensis has been hypothesized as ancestor‐descendant. However, the weakest part of this hypothesis has been the absence of fossil samples between 3.6 and 3.9 million years ago. Here we describe new fossil specimens from the Woranso‐Mille site in Ethiopia that are directly relevant to this issue. They derive from sediments chronometrically dated to 3.57–3.8 million years ago. The new fossil specimens are largely isolated teeth, partial mandibles, and maxillae, and some postcranial fragments. However, they shed some light on the relationships between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis. The dental morphology shows closer affinity with Au. anamensis from Allia Bay/Kanapoi (Kenya) and Asa Issie (Ethiopia) than with Au. afarensis from Hadar (Ethiopia). However, they are intermediate in dental and mandibular morphology between Au. anamensis and the older Au. afarensis material from Laetoli. The new fossils lend strong support to the hypothesized ancestor‐descendant relationship between these two early Australopithecus species. The Woranso‐Mille hominids cannot be unequivocally assigned to either taxon due to their dental morphological intermediacy. This could be an indication that the Kanapoi, Allia Bay, and Asa Issie Au. anamensis is the primitive form of Au. afarensis at Hadar with the Laetoli and Woranso‐Mille populations sampling a mosaic of morphological features from both ends. It is particularly difficult to draw a line between Au. anamensis and Au. afarensis in light of the new discoveries from Woranso‐Mille. The morphology provides no evidence that Au. afarensis and Au. anamensis represent distinct taxa. Am J Phys Anthropol 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Algal taxonomy is a key discipline in phycology and is critical for algal genetics, physiology, ecology, applied phycology, and particularly bioassessment. Taxonomic identification is the most common analysis and hypothesis‐testing endeavor in science. Errors of identification are often related to the inherent problem of small organisms with morphologies that are difficult to distinguish without research‐grade microscopes and taxonomic expertise in phycology. Proposed molecular approaches for taxonomic identification from environmental samples promise rapid, potentially inexpensive, and more thorough culture‐independent identification of all algal species present in a sample of interest. Molecular identification has been used in biodiversity and conservation, but it also has great potential for applications in bioassessment. Comparisons of morphological and molecular identification of benthic algal communities are improved by the identification of more taxa; however, automated identification technology does not allow for the simultaneous analysis of thousands of samples. Currently, morphological identification is used to verify molecular taxonomic identities, but with the increased number of taxa verified in algal gene libraries, molecular identification will become a universal tool in biological studies. Thus, in this report, successful application of molecular techniques related to algal bioassessment is discussed.  相似文献   

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