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The alien Asian gastropod Rapana venosa (Valenciennes 1846) was first recorded in 1973 along the Italian coast of the Northern Adriatic Sea. Recently, this predator of bivalves has been spreading all around the world oceans, probably helped by ship traffic and aquaculture trade. A caging experiment in natural environment was performed during the summer of 2002 in Cesenatico (Emilia-Romagna, Italy) in order to estimate consumption rates and prey preference of R. venosa. The prey items chosen were the Mediterranean mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis (Lamarck 1819), the introduced carpet clam Tapes philippinarum (Adams and Reeve 1850), both supporting the local fisheries, and the Indo-Pacific invasive clam Anadara (Scapharca) inaequivalvis (Bruguière 1789). Results showed an average consumption of about 1 bivalve prey per day (or 1.2 g wet weight per day). Predation was species and size selective towards small specimens of A. inaequivalvis; consumption of the two commercial species was lower. These results might reduce the concern about the economical impact on the local bivalve fishery due to the presence of the predatory gastropod. On the other hand, selective predation might probably alter local community structure, influencing competition amongst filter feeder/suspension feeder bivalve species and causing long-term ecological impact. The large availability of food resource and the habitat characteristics of the Emilia-Romagna littoral makes this area an important breeding ground for R. venosa in the Mediterranean Sea, thus worthy of consideration in order to understand the bioinvasion ecology of this species and to control its likely further dispersal.  相似文献   

Sediment samples were collected from four sandy and muddy bottom sites at both Sacca di Goro lagoon (northern Adriatic Sea) and Lesina lagoon (southern Adriatic Sea) on one occasion in May and one occasion in July in order to make a comparative study of ciliate abundance and diversity. The temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and redox potential were measured at the time of collection, the water content of the sediments was determined, and samples subjected to granulometric analysis. The ciliated protozoa in sub-samples from the top centimeter of sediment were identified to genus and species level and enumerated. Ciliates belonging to 38 and 33 species were found in the sediment of Sacca di Goro and Lesina, respectively, the diversity of ciliates varying widely between stations. Total ciliate numbers ranged from 32 to 759 cm(-2) and from 2 to 256 cm(-2) at Sacca di Goro and Lesina, respectively; the ciliate biomass ranged from 1.1 to 30.3 microg C cm(-2) in the samples collected at Sacca di Goro, and from 0.01 to 157 microg C cm(-2) in the samples collected at Lesina lagoon. Aspidisca lynceus, Aspidisca steini, Chilodonella uncinata, Frontonia marina, Pleuronema marinum, Strombidinopsis minimum, Strombidium sp., and Urotricha sp., were observed at the two lagoons but not in all stations; Keronopsis flavicans and Trachelostyla pediculariformis were often numerous at Goro lagoon, A. lynceus, Condylostoma patulum and Tracheloraphis teissieri were the most abundant ciliates observed at Lesina lagoon.  相似文献   

The population dynamics of Pseudo-nitzschia in relation to environmental factors was investigated from March 2002 to July 2008 in Lim Bay, in the north-eastern Adriatic Sea. Domoic acid was monitored in the breeding population of Mytilus galloprovincialis from 2005 to 2008. The principal-component analysis of environmental parameters showed that the system is mostly temperature driven. The phytoplankton community was mainly composed of diatoms. Pseudo-nitzschia was the dominant diatom, present in 60% of samples, with a maximum (1.6 × 106 cells L−1) contribution up to 97% of the total diatom abundance. Morphological analysis revealed Pseudo-nitzschia manii and potentially toxic Pseudo-nitzschia pseudodelicatissima, Pseudo-nitzschia pungens, Pseudo-nitzschia fraudulenta and Pseudo-nitzschia calliantha as the dominant species in blooms. Pseudo-nitzschia abundance positively correlated to temperature, phosphate and ammonia in accordance with its maximal abundance in the summer/autumn period when fish farms had a maximum impact on the environment. Domoic acid was detected in M. galloprovincialis in concentrations below regulatory limits, ranging from 0.097 to 0.8721 μg g−1 in five cases from April to October 2005 in Lim Bay, but so far it is not clear which of the species was responsible for DA production. This study is also the first record of P. manii, P pungens and P. fraudulenta species in the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Populations of Noctiluca scintillans (hereafter Noctiluca) were compared from two regions: the northeastern-central Black Sea and the northern Adriatic Sea. In both seas samples were collected in near-shore waters 2–3 times per month during 2004–2012. For analysis of feeding activities and seasonal dynamics additional cruise data on the open waters of the Black Sea were used. Comparison between the two populations shows similarity in size structure with two classes 401–500 μm and 501–600 μm being the most numerous. Seasonal changes in cell abundance in both seas demonstrated a regular annual maximum with the peak period of high abundances in May–June with additional sporadic peaks in other seasons. In spring the average number of food vacuoles in the cell (1.78) and the proportion of feeding cells in populations (79%) in the Adriatic Sea were similar to those in the Black Sea (1.58 and 76%). In September–October, these parameters were lower both in the Adriatic Sea (0.69 and 49%) and in the Black Sea (1.46 and 65%) demonstrating that Noctiluca was better provided with food in spring. Among biotic parameters (wet phytoplankton biomass, chlorophyll biomass and zooplankton species) only the concentration of the eggs of Calanus euxinus was significantly positively correlated with abundance of Noctiluca. The possible effect of a high concentration of copepod eggs on the growth of Noctiluca in the peak period is discussed. An obvious negative relationship was observed between Noctiluca cell numbers in the peak period and wind velocity in both seas. The most significant negative correlation was observed between the number of windy hours per month (velocity more than 5–6 m s−1) and cell concentrations in the Black Sea (r = −0.92) and in the northern Adriatic Sea (r = −0.67). On this basis, a new hypothesis has been proposed and discussed: in connection with features of the food behavior of Noctiluca, its outbursts during the peak period are controlled by the wind. An evident positive relationship was observed between the number of Noctiluca in the peak period and its quantity in the preceding months in both seas. Thus, we suggest that abundance data during early spring and weather forecasts (winds) may be used for medium-term prediction of Noctiluca outbursts and red tides.  相似文献   

The main goals of this project were to evaluate if artificial reefs are suitable sites for releasing hatchery-reared sea bass and if intensively and extensive large-volume cultured sea bass are suitable to be released into the wild for stock enhancement purposes. Large-volume cultured bass were reared in lower densities compared to intensively cultured ones and, when fry were about 90 days old, were transferred into external ponds connected to the channels of the surrounding marsh, where that they could integrate pellet food sources with live prey. Intensively cultured bass were fed for 55 days with Artemia salina (Linnaeus, 1758) and then with pellets. Underwater visual census (UVC) and fishing sampling were carried out to verify the presence of the tagged specimens at the artificial reef. A low mortality rate after tagging was observed and good tag retention was recorded. Individuals dead after tagging were statistically smaller than survivors. A total of 45 tagged bass (42 large-volume and 3 intensively cultured) were returned by fishers and 16 specimens were observed during UVC (15 large-volume and 1 intensively cultured). The majority of recaptured bass concentrated in the surroundings of river mouths and harbours suggesting that, after release, sea bass migrated towards shallower and brackish waters. Subsequently, as they grew, they came back towards deeper waters and tended to aggregate around artificial structures. Analysis of stomach contents of returned individuals confirmed their dependence on hard-substrate food items. The study provides evidence to support the suitability of large-volume juveniles for restocking purposes, due to their ability to prey on wild food and their endurance to the stress caused by release operations.  相似文献   


The results of a floristic study of benthic marine macroalgae on rocky substrata from the Tremiti Islands (Adriatic Sea) are presented. The list of taxa at specific and infraspecific level consists of 226 Rhodophyceae, 59 Fucophyceae and 36 Chlorophyceae. Of these 321 taxa, 147 are newly reported from the Tremiti Islands. Data on the reproductive phenology of each species, and comments on some species of particular interest are also given.  相似文献   

Temporal and spatial variability of micro and mesozooplankton was studied in 1998 and 1999 at four stations in the Neretva Channel area influenced by the Neretva river and the open waters of the south Adriatic Sea. The area is orthophosphate limited, but an excessive accumulation of land derived nitrogen is prevented by phytoplankton uptake and the general circulation pattern. Microzooplankton was dominated by ciliates, with average abundances comparable to other Adriatic channel areas (122–543 ind. l−1). Non-loricate ciliates (NLC) generally peaked in the warmer periods, but a winter increase was evident towards the inner part of the channel. Tintinnid abundances generally increased in autumn. A significant relationship with temperature was not recorded for either protozoan group. An inverse relationship between NLC and salinity might be indirectly caused by their preference for the food abundant surface layer. Mesozooplankton was dominated by copepods, with distinct summer maxima throughout the area and pronounced winter maxima of >10,000 ind. m−3 at the inner stations. The community was predominantly neritic but the open sea waters were important in structuring the mesozooplankton assemblage at all stations during the autumn–winter period. Although temperature regulated the seasonal dynamics of most metazoans and the species succession in the copepod community, small omnivorous copepods (Oncaea media complex, Oithona nana and Euterpina acutifrons) dominated regardless of the season. A trophic link between copepods and ciliates was evident in winter during low phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

One specimen of the obtuse barracuda Sphyraena chrysotaenia is recorded for the first time from the Adriatic Sea.  相似文献   

Baric  A.  Kuspilic  G.  Matijevic  S. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,(1):151-159
Nutrient benthic fluxes, as well as sediment phosphorus concentration at the open sea and coastal water stations of the Central and South Adriatic were studied during 1997–98. The fluxes were in the ranges: 0.16–2.67 mmol m–2 d–1 (silicate); –0.031–0.164 mmol m–2 d–1 (phosphate); –0.51–2.03 mmol m–2 d–1 (ammonia); and –1.32–1.62 mmol m–2 d–1 (nitrate + nitrite). Silicate flux showed a gradient from the coastal area to the open sea. Ammonia was the main nitrogen species in the flux at the estuary and bay stations, while the sum of nitrate and nitrite was predominant at the open sea stations. Relationships between phosphate and ammonia fluxes (r = 0.699, p<0.01) as well as phosphate and silicate (r = 0.529, p<0.01) were established.  相似文献   

Predator-prey relationships between the panopeid crab, Dyspanopeus sayi, and the mytilid, Musculista senhousia, were investigated. Through laboratory experiments, prey-handling behavior, prey size selection, predator foraging behavior and preferences for two types of prey (M. senhousia and the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum) were assessed. Handling time differed significantly with respect to the three prey sizes offered (small: 15.0-20.0 mm shell length, SL; medium: 20.1-25.0 mm SL; and large: 25.1-30.0 mm SL); mud crabs were more efficient in predating medium-small than large prey. Although differences in prey profitability were not evident, D. sayi exhibited a marked reluctance to feed on larger-sized prey whilst smaller, more easily predated mussels were available. Size selection may be the result of a mechanical process in which encountered prey are attacked but rejected if they remain unbroken after a certain number of opening attempts. D. sayi exhibited inverse density-dependent foraging. A significant higher mortality of prey was evident at low prey density. Thus, at low predator density, the D. sayi-M. senhousia interaction was a destabilizing type II functional response. Interference responses affected the magnitude of predation intensity by D. sayi on M. senhousia, since as the density of foraging crabs increased, their foraging success fell. At high density (4 crabs tank−1), crabs engaged in a high amount of agonistic activity when encountering a conspecific specimen, greatly diminished prey mortality. Finally, presenting two types of prey, Manila clam juveniles were poorly predated by mud crabs, which focused their predation mostly on M. senhousia. It is hypothesized that, when more accessible prey is available, mud crabs will have a minimal predatory impact on commercial R. philippinarum juvenile stocks.  相似文献   

Three burrow systems produced by Jaxea nocturna and one cluster of burrows produced by Upogebia pusilla where investigated in the Bay of Panzano, Northern Adriatic Sea, to determine preferred orientations. The distributions of dip directions differ between both producers. Steep shafts into the consolidated mud followed by large, shallowly inclined tunnels oriented in a manner similar to a spiral are characteristic for Jaxea nocturna burrows. In contrast, the Y-shaped burrows of Upogebia pusilla have entrance shafts that are less steep which are connected by a near-horizontal section, where a blind ending tunnel branches. Orientations of the dominating, shallowly inclined burrow parts are not randomly distributed in either Jaxea or in Upogebia burrows. Three preferred axial orientations with almost equal proportions in each direction are characteristic for the Jaxea burrow from the centre of the bay. This system transforms to a squared structure near the coast, where one direction parallels the shoreline and the other is oriented at right angles to the coast. The latter orientation demonstrates significant constancy in all investigated burrows. Upogebia burrow clusters coincide with the three preferred orientations of the Jaxea burrow from the bay centre, but the proportions of the directions are unequal. Burrow segments connecting the steep entrance shafts in Upogebia are oriented almost parallel to the shoreline, whereas at right angles to the coast the flat blind-ending tunnels incline towards the open sea. The study shows a strong coincidence between empirical and theoretical distributions of the dominating orientations in both species.  相似文献   

Three burrow systems produced by Jaxea nocturna and one cluster of burrows produced by Upogebia pusilla where investigated in the Bay of Panzano, Northern Adriatic Sea, to determine preferred orientations. The distributions of dip directions differ between both producers. Steep shafts into the consolidated mud followed by large, shallowly inclined tunnels oriented in a manner similar to a spiral are characteristic for Jaxea nocturna burrows. In contrast, the Y-shaped burrows of Upogebia pusilla have entrance shafts that are less steep which are connected by a near-horizontal section, where a blind ending tunnel branches. Orientations of the dominating, shallowly inclined burrow parts are not randomly distributed in either Jaxea or in Upogebia burrows. Three preferred axial orientations with almost equal proportions in each direction are characteristic for the Jaxea burrow from the centre of the bay. This system transforms to a squared structure near the coast, where one direction parallels the shoreline and the other is oriented at right angles to the coast. The latter orientation demonstrates significant constancy in all investigated burrows. Upogebia burrow clusters coincide with the three preferred orientations of the Jaxea burrow from the bay centre, but the proportions of the directions are unequal. Burrow segments connecting the steep entrance shafts in Upogebia are oriented almost parallel to the shoreline, whereas at right angles to the coast the flat blind-ending tunnels incline towards the open sea. The study shows a strong coincidence between empirical and theoretical distributions of the dominating orientations in both species.  相似文献   

Human-made structures, such as groynes, breakwaters, seawalls, pier pilings and floating pontoons, are becoming common features of the landscape in urbanised coastal and estuarine areas. Despite this tendency few studies have focused on their ecology or on their potential impacts on natural assemblages of organisms. When artificial structures are introduced in areas with little or no hard substrata, they not only provide novel habitats, which enables the colonisation of sandy areas by hard-bottom dwelling species, but they can also provide suitable habitats for exotic species. Along the north-east coast of Italy, sandy shores are protected from erosion by a line of breakwaters, which runs almost uninterrupted for about 300 km. These structures provide habitat for a variety of macroalgae and invertebrates and also for the invasive green alga Codium fragile ssp. tomentosoides. The aim of this study was, therefore, to investigate patterns of distribution of this alga on breakwaters in Cesenatico. In particular, we compared the density of thalli, biomass, length and degree of branching of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides between the landward and the seaward sides of breakwaters, to test the hypothesis that sheltered habitats (landward) represent more suitable habitats than exposed habitats (seaward). In general, the landward side of breakwaters supported greater numbers of thalli of C. fragile ssp. tomentosoides than seaward sides. Thalli grew longer and more branched in sheltered habitats, leading to an overall larger biomass of the alga on the landward side of breakwaters. The presence of sheltered human-made hard substrata in the vicinity of major trading ports and sources of eutrophication could enhance the dispersal of invasive species across regional and geographic scales. Thus, the effects of artificial structures and introduced species on coastal assemblages cannot be evaluated separately, but their synergistic nature should be considered in planning strategies for conservation of biodiversity in coastal habitats.  相似文献   

The relationships between mantle length and number of cuttlebone chambers (or septa), and between weight and number of cuttlebone chambers were studied in Sepia orbignyana collected in the south-western Adriatic Sea. Weight-at-chamber count and mantle length-at-chamber count were statistically higher in females than in males. As the available literature suggests that the rate of cuttlebone septum formation is the same in both sexes of Sepia species, it follows that in S. orbignyana females have higher growth rates than males. Received in revised form: 6 February 2001 Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The relationship between the suctorian Ephelota gemmipara and the large hydroid Eudendrium racemosum from the North Adriatic Sea has been studied over its full annual cycle. Ephelota gemmipara settles on the perisarc of the hydroid, usually close to the hydranths in order to exploit the hydroid's food discharges. The life cycle of E. gemmipara is influenced by temperature variations and by its relationship with the host. The hydroid shows an active phase in the summer, and it gets through the adverse winter season forming resting stages. In April, when temperature increases, the hydroid starts its active phase and it is colonized by suctorians. From May to September the suctorians produce multiple buds (swarmers) that detach from the parental cells to settle on an Eudendrium colony. The abundance of the suctorian peaks in September, with more than 1.2 million ind. m?2. Their proliferation coincides with the maximal abundance of their host and the highest water temperatures. On the contrary, sexual reproduction and the encystment occur when the temperature and the abundance of E. racemosum decrease. Lastly, we also report the presence of symbionts such as bacteria and the parasitic protozoans Tachyblaston ephelotensis and Enigmocoma acinetarum.  相似文献   

The aim of the present paper is to identify the possible existence of groups of species in the genera Audouinella (Rhodophyta), Cystoseira (Phaeophyceae) and Cladophora (Chloropyta) with significantly similar distribution patterns (chorotypes), in the western Mediterranean Sea and the Adriatic Sea. Of the 98 species studied, 59 were grouped into 11 chorotypes, whereas 39 species remained ungrouped. Thirty‐eight species were included in a generalist chorotype, whereas 6 chorotypes were monospecific. The relationships with the environmental factors that could explain the chorotypes are discussed.  相似文献   

The formation of massive amounts of suspended mucilaginous organic matter which periodically affects the Adriatic Sea, has been regarded as a complex physico-chemical phenomenon resulting from the production of extracellular material by phytoplankton. Although the exact cause has remained obscure, the mechanism of its formation has usually been considered to be a long-term process, starting after the late winter-early spring blooms, and involving the participation of various algal species, mainly within the diatom group. In this paper we report on the results of a phytoplankton monitoring programme in northern Adriatic seawaters off the Emilia-Romagna coast of Italy which revealed the constant concomitant presence of the dinoflagellate Gonyaulax fragilis (Schütt) Kofoid and mucilaginous formations. In the early stages of the phenomenon the dinoflagellate was clearly observable by microscopic examination in the mucilage, but as the mucilage aged this alga almost completely decomposed and diatom cells increased in number and became predominant. Although characterized by a slow growth rate in culture, in natural seawater G. fragilis was observed to reach cell densities of up to 7.0×106 cells l−1. The results of this study lead us to propose the hypothesis that the appearance of mucilage in the water column of the Adriatic Sea is the consequence of a seasonal growth of this dinoflagellate favoured by specific environmental circumstances.  相似文献   

Temporal trends in macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio, the largest lagoonal ecosystem in the Po River deltaic area, were examined at four sampling sites located along a putative stress gradient and characterized by different levels of disturbance. Trends of parameters characterizing macrobenthic community structure were analyzed using data collected quarterly from 1996 to 2002. The positive slopes in trends of proportion of abundance of opportunistic species observed at all the four study sites indicated the persistence of stressful conditions. Conversely, temporal trends of species richness and diversity showed a positive slope at three out of four sites, thus indicating an increase of community structural complexity. It is suggested that the increase in abundance of detritivorous opportunistic species, as well as the increase in diversity and species richness, is probably driven by the frequency of physical disturbance that resets the ‘successional clock’ of the benthic communities of the Valli. Redundancy was assessed through multivariate analyses and a ‘forward selection backward elimination’ algorithm. At the ecosystem level (i.e., merging counts from the four sites), two response units (a response unit is the smallest subset of species for which the Spearman rank correlation with sample similarities for the full species set exceeds a predetermined value) were obtained. Each of the response units encompassed quite a large taxonomic and functional spread, since all guilds were well represented. Conversely, at the local level, only one response unit was obtained. Species number and function is essential to long-term maintenance of community and ecosystem processes over a complete cycle of common disturbance events. Since redundancy reflects the resistance to change of community functioning, we hypothesize that the macrobenthic communities of the Valli di Comacchio are quite resistant to environmental changes, despite disturbances that generate fluctuations in species abundance and complement at the local level.  相似文献   

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