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There has been considerable recent interest in understanding the role of positive inter-specific interactions within ecology, and significant progress has been made both empirically and theoretically. Similarly, considerable progress has been made in improving our understanding of the mechanisms that limit species' ranges. In this contribution, we seek to understand the setting of species' borders when some species within the assemblage exhibit positive inter-specific interactions. We use a spatially explicit dual-lattice simulation model to explore the distribution of different interactions across environmental gradients. We first simulate community dynamics when there is either a gradient in reproductive rate or in mortality. We then consider what happens when gradients in reproduction and mortality run in parallel or perpendicular to one another. If the stress gradient impacts on reproductive potential, positive interactions are found where there is high abiotic stress. In this instance, the mutualists are able to tolerate an environment that the cheaters cannot. However, when the stress gradient influences mortality, we find that the mutualists occur as a stripe surrounded by cheaters both towards the better and the harsher ends of the gradient. Previous theory and most empirical evidence tend to indicate that net positive interactions are likely to occur in environments characterized by high abiotic stress. However, evidence from some stress gradients suggests that the distribution of positive and negative interactions can be more complex, with the most stressful environments being occupied by individuals engaging in negative rather than positive interactions. Our results provide a potential theoretical explanation for these recent field observation, and highlight the need for further theoretical and empirical work to better our understanding of how positive and negative interactions act to determine the limits to species' ranges.  相似文献   

食草昆虫通过增加植物群落中优势物种的占比来缓解极端干旱对整个植物群落的负面影响 极端干旱和食草昆虫均会抑制草原生态系统中植物的生长。食草昆虫也可能会调控植物群落对极端干旱的响应。但是关于二者交互作用对植物群落的影响鲜有报道。通过在内蒙古半干旱草原设置的极端干旱与食草昆虫交互控制实验,本研究探究了二者交互作用对植物群落的影响。研究结果表明,干旱和食草昆虫的单独作用均降低了植物群落的总盖度。但在二者交互作用下,食草昆虫通过增加植物群落中耐旱优势物种的相对盖度降低了干旱对总盖度的负面影响。我们的结果证明了食草昆虫可以缓解极端干旱对植物群落的负面影响。  相似文献   

Plant–pollinator interactions provide ideal frameworks for studying interactions in plant communities. Despite the large potential influence of such interactions on plant community structure, biodiversity and evolutionary processes, we know surprisingly little about the relative importance of positive and negative interactions among plant species for pollinator attraction. Therefore, we explored the relationships between conspecific and heterospecific floral densities and the flower visitation rates of nine plant species mainly visited by bumble bees, and six plant species mainly visited by flies, in a temperate grassland, through stepwise multiple regressions. Significant relationships were interpreted as interactions for pollinator attraction. Our results revealed that positive intra- and interspecific interactions for pollinator attraction were far more frequent than negative ones. Seventeen interspecific interactions were revealed of which 14 were significantly positive, whereas three of four significant intraspecific interactions were positive. Seven species experienced only positive interactions and two species experienced only negative interactions. The results presented here indicate that negative interactions are not necessarily the dominant ecological interaction for pollination among plants within a community, and the study represents a straightforward approach to study intra- and interspecific interactions among multiple species within a community. We discuss which mechanisms may drive the positive interactions for pollinator attraction and whether this may result in facilitative effects on reproductive success. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

沈维  曹敏 《生态学报》2010,30(8):2220-2227
在农业弃耕地上通常会出现由草本植物占优势的演替早期群落。为研究优势草本植物对群落中木本幼苗及群落微环境的影响以及外来入侵植物和本地植物对木本幼苗的影响有何差异,在西双版纳地区选取由外来入侵植物飞机草和本地植物马唐共同占优势的演替早期群落,实施物种清除实验,观测样地中木本幼苗的高增长及死亡补充情况,同时对群落微环境进行观测。结果显示,清除优势种显著提高了木本幼苗的高增长,降低了其死亡率,并且使新增幼苗数量有所提高。清除优势种对0-50cm幼苗高增长和死亡率的影响均大于50-100(或200)cm幼苗。清除处理显著提高了样地的冠层下可见天空比例,但对土壤含水量和土壤养分的影响并不显著。飞机草和马唐均能形成浓密的冠层,通过对光的竞争抑制木本幼苗的生长,且这两者的抑制作用没有显著差异。该地区次生林中常见的先锋树种在研究样地内均有幼苗存在,但其生长却受到优势草本植物的强烈抑制。因此,对演替早期群落中草本植物的控制与管理应同时注意外来入侵物种与本地杂草。  相似文献   

Throughout the world, numerous tree species are reported to be in decline, either due to increased mortality of established trees or reduced recruitment. The situation appears especially acute for oaks, which are dominant features of many landscapes in the northern hemisphere. Although numerous factors have been hypothesized to explain reductions in tree performance, vertebrate herbivores and granivores may serve as important drivers of these changes. Here, using data from 8‐ and 14‐year‐old exclosure experiments, we evaluated the individual and interactive effects of large and small mammalian herbivores on the performance of three widespread oak species in California—coast live oak (Quercus agrifolia), California black oak (Q. kelloggii), and Oregon white oak (Q. garryana). Although impacts varied somewhat by species and experiment, herbivory by black‐tailed deer (Odocoileus hemionus columbianus) reduced the height and survival of juvenile coast live oaks and altered their architecture, as well as reduced the abundance of black oak seedlings, the richness of woody species and the cover of nonoak woody species. Small mammals (Microtus californicus and Peromyscus maniculatus) had even more widespread effects, reducing the abundance of black oak seedlings and the height and cover of all three oak species. We also detected numerous interactions between small mammals and deer, with one herbivore having positive or negative effects on oak abundance and cover when the other herbivore was either present or absent. For example, deer often had negative effects on seedling abundance only when, or even more so when, small mammals were present. In summary, mammalian consumers play crucial roles in limiting oak recruitment by reducing seedling abundance, maintaining trees in stunted states, and preventing them from reaching sapling stages and becoming reproductive. Interactions between large and small mammals can also alter the intensity and direction of their effects on trees.  相似文献   

Growth and survival of Cyprinodon variegatus, Fundulus heteroclitus, Menidia beryllina , and Lucania parva , held in combination with an omnivorous grass shrimp– Palaemonetes pugio , and a predatory diving beetle Tropisternus lateralis , were measured at 12–60% in outdoor static microcosms that simulate salt marsh ponds. We predicted that the low species richness of this abiotically harsh but highly productive habitat would lead to a high degree of interaction among species. The presence of the beetle had no effect on the fish or the shrimp. Removal of the shrimp similarly had no detectable effect on the fish. There was a trend in proportions of survival among three fish: C. variegatus>F. heteroclitus>M. beryllina . Survival of M. beryllina was greater when it was alone at low densities of its own species (333 v. 667 fish m −3), and less when it was paired with F. heteroclitus . Interactions with other species diminished the growth of M. beryllina . Survival of F. heteroclitus was greater when it was alone at low density (333 m −3), than when the same number were placed together with Menidia and Cyprinodon at a total fish density of 999 m −3. There were no effects of removal of other species on survival or growth of C. variegatus at either 12'5 or 24%. This study showed that a complex array of interactions occurred among six common members of a salt marsh food web, but the degree of interaction Was less than We predicted.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to produce a set of tiles for field studies on settlement and biofouling with carefully controlled surface characteristics and practical design, and test them under field conditions. Impressions of precisely defined surface textures were made in silicone. Double sided tiles in epoxy, polyester and silanised epoxy resins were cast from the impressions. Tile characteristics tested were texture (Ra = 0, 0.19, 0.62, 1.1, 2.2 mm), surface free energy (60, 52, 24 mN mm 2), and surface orientation (up, down, into, away). Tiles were deployed in the Red Sea for 4 and 7 months. Measures of community cover, dominance and richness were all significantly affected by each of the factors. The tiles proved durable and robust during the 7 month deployment with no observable changes in surface characteristics and none were lost or broken. These settlement tiles have a wide applicability for both biofouling and ecological studies. The field test demonstrated the complexities of the interactions between just four surface characteristics. This study has also underlined the need for multidimensional analysis of fouling communities for applied and basic research.  相似文献   

The ecological consequences of human‐driven overexploitation and loss of keystone consumers are still unclear. In intertidal rocky shores over the world, the decrease of keystone macrograzers has resulted in an increase in the dominance of herbivores with smaller body (i.e., “mesograzers”), which could potentially alter community assembly and structure. Here, we experimentally tested whether mesograzers affect the structure of rocky intertidal communities during the period of early colonization after the occurrence of a disturbance. A manipulative field experiment was conducted to exclude mesograzers (i.e., juvenile chitons, small snails, amphipods, and juvenile limpets) from experimental areas in an ecosystem characterized by the overexploitation of keystone macrograzers and predators. The results of multivariate analyses suggest that mesograzers had significant effects on intertidal community structure through negative and positive effects on species abundances. Mesograzers had negative effects on filamentous algae, but positive effects on opportunistic foliose algae and barnacles. Probably, mesograzers indirectly favored the colonization of barnacles and foliose algae by removing preemptive competitors, as previously shown for other meso‐ and macrograzer species. These results strongly support the idea that small herbivores exert a firm controlling effect on the assembly process of natural communities. Therefore, changes in functional roles of top‐down controllers might have significant implications for the structure of intertidal communities.  相似文献   

Field manipulations were used to determine the importance of two predatory polychaetes, Nereis virens Sars and Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers, and epibenthic predators in structuring an intertidal soft-bottom community in Maine. Epibenthic predators were excluded from portions of the soft bottom using cages which also enclosed elevated densities of the predatory polychaetes. The experiments ran 10 wk and 20 wk beginning in June 1979. Exclusion of epibenthic predators had no effect on infaunal densities after 10 wk but produced ≈ 1.5-fold increase in total density after 20 wk. Since gulls (Larus spp.) avoided all cages, including those not designed to exclude epibenthic predators, the effect of gull predation on infaunal abundances was not tested using exclusion cages. Crabs, Carcinus maenas (Linnaeus) and Cancer irroratus Say were observed in cages not designed to exclude predators.Densities of Nephtys incisa Malmgren, Polydora ligni Webster, Streblospio benedicti Webster, Scoloplos robustus Verrill, phyllodocids, and bivalves were highest in cages containing elevated Glycera dibranchiata density and lowest in cages containing elevated Nereis virens density. N. virens was the only taxon whose abundance was reduced in the presence of Glycera dibranchiata which may account for high infaunal densities in the G. dibranchiata treatment. Laboratory experiments demonstrated that G. dibranchiata are capable of preying on Nereis virens. Additional field experiments revealed that the presence of N. Virens reduced the abundance of some taxa within the first 10 days of colonization. N. virens may have reduced infaunal densities by predation and/or disturbance at the sediment surface. These results suggest that complex interactions within the infauna are important in structuring marine soft-bottom communities.  相似文献   

Abstract We studied the effect of removing Akodon azarae (Muridae, Sigmodontinae) on community and demographic parameters of rodent species in crop field borders of Central Argentina. We applied three replicated treatments: enclosure and removal of A. azarae, enclosure without removal, and a control without removal or enclosure. We conducted 14 monthly capture–mark–recapture samplings between October 1988 and March 1990. During the study period we observed an increase in Mus domesticus (Muridae, Murinae) abundance in removal areas. Other species did not respond to A. azarae removal. When A. azarae was removed, M. domesticus appeared to be competitively dominant over the remaining species of the community, increasing its relative abundance. Reproductive parameters of M. domesticus were more sensitive to treatments than survival parameters.  相似文献   

Aims In this study, we examined the effects of Solidago altissima (hereafter Solidago) and two species in the genus Verbesina, Verbesina virginica and Verbesina occidentalis (hereafter Verbesina), on the structure of an old-field plant community and establishment by an invasive plant species, Lespedeza cuneata (hereafter Lespedeza).Methods We removed Solidago, Verbesina and both Solidago and Verbesina from 4-m 2 plots in an intact old-field community during two growing seasons. We then quantified the effects of these removals on richness, evenness, diversity and composition of the subdominant plant community. We also measured the total aboveground biomass and the aboveground biomass of the subdominant community. To assess how these removals affected establishment by Lespedeza, we planted 20 seeds in each plot and tracked seedling emergence and survival for one growing season.Important findings Subdominant community evenness and Shannon diversity were higher in plots from which Solidago and Verbesina were removed relative to control plots. However, there were no effects of dominant species removal on species richness or composition of the subdominant community. Total aboveground biomass was not affected by dominant species removal, suggesting that the community of subdominant species exhibited compensation. In fact, subdominant community biomass was greater when Solidago, but not Verbesina, was removed. Light availability was also greater in plots where Solidago was removed relative to control plots throughout the growing season. In addition, removal of dominant species, in particular Solidago, indirectly reduced the emergence, but not survival, of Lespedeza seedlings by directly promoting subdominant community biomass. Taken together, our results suggest that dominant old-field plant species affect subdominant community structure and indirectly promote establishment by Lespedeza .  相似文献   

The choice of substrata and the methods of deployment in analyses of settlement in benthic communities are often driven by the cost of materials and their local availability, and comparisons are often made between studies using different methodologies. The effects of varying artificial substratum, size of replicates and method of deployment were determined on a shallow reef in Eilat, Israel, while the effect of size of replicates was also investigated on a shallow reef in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt. When statistical power was high enough, that is, when sufficient numbers of settlers were recorded, significant differences were found between materials used, tile size and methods of deployment. Significant differences were detected in total coral settlement rates and for the two dominant taxonomic groups, acroporids and pocilloporids. Standardisation of tile materials, dimensions, and method of deployment is needed for comparison between coral and other epibiont settlement studies. However, a greater understanding of the effects of these experimental variables on settlement processes may enable retrospective comparisons between studies utilising a range of materials and methods.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern analysis of population and community is important to understand community structure and has become one key topic in modern plant ecology. There are many techniques for analyzing one-dimensional pattern in ecological literature. Two-dimensional pattern analysis is better than one-dimensional analysis in the study on community spatial characteristics and structure. However, it is hard to analyze these two-dimensional patterns due to poor effective methodology. The two-dimensional sampling using two transects that meet at right angles was applied to get quadrat data in this work. And then the data from the two transects were analyzed separately by one-dimensional pattern analysis method, two-term local quadrat variance. The length, width, and area of patches at different scales of pattern for populations were obtained from the analysis. For community pattern, detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) was employed to summarize the species information firstly, and then the first DCA axis scores were analyzed to check its pattern. The application of this method to the pattern analysis on dominant populations and community for subalpine meadow (Comm. Polygonum viviparum + Carex rigescens + Kobresia bellardii) in the Luya mountains showed that it could release the characteristics of spatial pattern clearly and was a very effective technique. The method is easy to use and saves time with obvious advantages, compared with the two-dimensional pattern analysis methods presented in the literatures. In the study meadow, the patterns of the main dominant species, Polygonum viviparum, Carex rigescens, and Kobresia bellardii, were apparent and comparatively regular in shape with large areas of patches at the same scale compared with other species such as Festuca sp. and Thalictrum petaloideum. There were two or three scales of patterns for each plant population studied. This was related to population features, the interaction with environmental factors, and their dominant position in the community. The two scales of patterns for the meadow community were clear. The pattern of community was closely correlated with that of the main dominant species. The patches of dominant species were inter-distributed and overlapped, and formed the community pattern together. This is beneficial for utilization of resources, and keeping the community stable. __________ Translated from Acta Ecologica Sinica, 2005, 25(6): 1264–1268 [译自: 生态学报]  相似文献   

We examined the effects of habitat fragmentation on the species distributions, guild membership, and community structure of old-field insects using a fine-scale experimental approach. A continuous 1-ha goldenrod field was fragmented into four treatments that varied in both patch size and degree of isolation. Each treatment was replicated four times and arranged in a Latin square design. Canopy insects in fragmented patches were sampled with sweep nets during early and late summer 1995. The species richness of insects was significantly lower in fragmented than in unfragmented treatments during July, but was similar among treatments in September. Overall community abundance showed no treatment effect during either month. We also found significant row and column effects, suggesting there was spatial heterogeneity in species richness and abundance apart from treatment effects. Differences in species richness during July were primarily due to the loss of rare species in highly fragmented plots. Overall abundance was less responsive to community change because deletions of rare species in fragmented areas were not detected in abundance analyses. Four feeding guilds showed different responses to fragmentation: the species richness of sucking herbivores and the abundance of parasitoids were significantly reduced by fragmentation but predators and chewing herbivores were largely unaffected. Analyses of a subset of individual species within guilds suggest that the greater effects of fragmentation on sucking herbivores and parasitoids may be due to the degree of habitat specificity of guild members. The effects of small-scale habitat fragmentation were therefore detectable at the level of community, guild, and individual species. Changes in species richness, guild structure and species distributions were likely due to differential effects of habitat alteration on individual movements and patch selection rather than dispersal or demographic change. Nonetheless, the selective loss of rare species, differential guild effects and changes in species occupancy that we found in this small-scale experiment are also factors that are likely to operate in fragmented habitats over broader spatial scales. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 27 September 1998  相似文献   

Taking Elaeagnus mollis Diels and seven dominant woody species in its community from Yicheng County of Shanxi Province as research objects, leaf traits including specific leaf area (SLA), nitrogen content in leaf per unit area ( Narea ) , leaf dry matter content ( LDMC ) and photosynthetic nitrogen use efficiency ( PNUE ) were compared, and correlations of SLA value with LDMC and PNUE values were analyzed. The results show that there are different degree variations in four indexes of leaf traits of E. mollis, Vitex negundo var. heterophylla ( Franch.) Rehd., Broussonetia papyrifera ( Linn.) L' Hér. ex Vent., Lespedeza bicolor Turcz., Caragana microphylla Lam., Rosa xanthina Lindl., Amygdalus davidiana ( Carrière) de Vos ex Henry and Periploca sepium Bunge, in which, SLA value with the largest coefficient of variation ( 404%) , and LDMC value with the lowest coefficient of variation ( 103%) . Compared with other tested species, SLA and PNUE values of E. mollis are the lowest ( 103 cm-2 · g-1 and 108 μmol · mol-1 · s-1 , respectively) , while its Narea value is the highest ( 0243 g · m-2 ) , and its LDMC value is also relatively high ( 0380 g·g-1 ) . SLA value of eight tested species show an extremely significant positive correlation ( P<001) with PNUE value, and a significant negative correlation ( P<005 ) with LDMC value, correlation coefficient are 0923 and -0718, respectively, indicating that SLA value is an important parameter of leaf photosynthetic capacity and resource utilization ability. It is suggested that compared with other dominant woody species, E. mollis is more sensitive to environmental change, and has a poor environmental adaptability.  相似文献   

The spatial pattern analysis of population and community is important to understand community structure and has become one key topic in modern plant ecology.There are many techniques for analyzing one-dimensional pattern in ecological literature.Two-dimensional pattern analysis is better than one-dimensional analysis in the study on community spatial characteristics and structure.However,it is hard to analyze these two-dimensional patterns due to poor effective methodology.The two-dimensional sampling using two transects that meet at right angles was applied to get quadrat data in this work.And then the data from the two transects were analyzed separately by one-dimensional pattern analysis method,two-term local quadrat variance.The length,width,and area of patches at different scales of pattern for populations were obtained from the analysis.For community pattern,detrended correspondence analysis (DCA)was employed to summarize the species information firstly,and then the first DCA axis scores were analyzed to check its pattern.The application of this method to the pattern analysis on dominant populations and community for subalpine meadow (Comm.Polygonum viviparum+Carex rigescens+Kobresia bellardii)in the Luya mountains showed that it could release the characteristics of spatial pattern clearly and was a very effective technique.The method is easy to use and saves time with obvious advantages,compared with the twodimensional pattern analysis methods presented in the literatures.In the study meadow,the patterns of the main dominant species,Polygonum viviparum,Carex rigescens,and Kobresia bellardii,were apparent and comparatively regular in shape with large areas of patches at the same scale compared with other species such as Festuca sp.and Thalictrum petaloideum.There were two or three scales of patterns for each plant population studied.This was related to population features,the interaction with environmental factors,and their dominant position in the community.The two scales of patterns for the meadow community were clear.The pattern of community was closely correlated with that of the main dominant species.The patches of dominant species were inter-distributed and overlapped,and formed the community pattern together.This is beneficial for utilization of resources,and keeping the community stable.  相似文献   

关帝山亚高山灌丛草甸群落优势种群的生态位研究   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
采用定量分析方法对关帝山亚高山草甸灌丛群落中的13个主要种群进行了生态位研究。首先运用TWINSPAN把33个样方分为5个群落类型,作为5个综合资源位,用Levins、Shannon—wiener生态位宽度公式和Petraitis生态位特定重叠指数公式测定群落中主要种群生态位宽度和生态位重叠,并分析各种群生态位的生态学意义。结果表明,种群生态位宽度越大,对环境的适应能力越强,对资源的利用能力也越强;生态位重叠越大,种群间的生态相似性越大,利用资源的相似性程度越高;生态位宽的种群对生态位窄的种群可能有较高的重叠值,反之则较低。  相似文献   

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