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The objective of the study was to determine the features of the bottom trawl fishery such as catch composition, catch per unit effort (CPUE) and the discard ratios in the S??ac?k Bay fishery, central Aegean Sea. A commercial trawler conducted trawl operations from October 2008 to April 2009, with a total of 18 trawls in autumn, winter and spring (six hauls per season). In total, 84 species were identified, 47 of which belonged to the bony fishes, while other groups contributed nine (cartilaginous fish), 10 (cephalopods), 13 (crustaceans), four (echinoderms) and one (porifera) species. Some 49 species were discarded regardless of length. Total catch was 3693.2 kg of which 66.8% was marketed. Among the commercial species, rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris) dominated the catch composition with 998 kg. However, discards accounted for 33.2% of the total catch biomass, with the majority represented by Lampanyctus crocodilus with 97 kg total weight. The study area is considered one of the most efficient trawling zones in the Aegean Sea and thus requires long‐term monitoring in terms of fish stocks and trawl discards for the preparation of well‐informed decisions for a sustainable fishery.  相似文献   

The EU Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) reform establishes a gradual landing obligation for stocks for which catch limits are set, and in the Mediterranean for species with Minimum Conservation Reference Size. However, the landing obligation will not apply for species with scientific evidence of high survival rates. Discards estimates usually assume that the whole discarded catch is dead or dies at sea. However, survival of individuals discarded at sea is substantial for several species. In the Mediterranean Sea, the information on this issue is very limited. The aim of this study is to perform a preliminary assessment of the short‐term survival of discards in the multi‐species bottom trawl fishery in the Eastern Ionian Sea, Greece. Experimental fishing was held in spring when no water column stratification was observed and in autumn when a seasonal thermocline was formed. The catch was sorted, the regularly discarded species/sizes were put in tanks and their survival was monitored in specific time intervals up to 72 hr. A seasonal effect was obvious with high mortality in autumn being attributed to high water temperatures. Survival was low or zero for most species, but was relatively high for certain species (e.g., annular seabream, Diplodus annularis (Linnaeus, 1758); European conger, Conger conger (Linnaeus, 1758); brown comber, Serranus hepatus (Linnaeus, 1758) among bony fishes) and broad taxonomic categories (elasmobranchs and most invertebrates) in spring or in both seasons. Poor survival was generally estimated for most species subject to the landing obligation (e.g., hake, Merluccius merluccius (Linnaeus, 1758)). The present study, even though preliminary, can be important for improving future works, for identifying species with high survival potential, and—to a lesser extent—for the implementation of the CFP.  相似文献   

Nets with a small mesh size are required to catch Nephrops norvegicus, consequently large quantities of small whitefish are also caught, and much of this bycatch is undersized and is discarded dead. The main bycatch species are whiting (Merlangius merlangus), haddock (Melanogrammus aeglefinus) and cod (Gadus morhua). Here we summarize the known behavioural reactions of these species towards conventional trawls and review the results of using different trawl modifications to increase selectivity of Nephrops trawls. The trawl modifications are categorised as separator grids, separator and guiding panels, square-mesh panels, capture avoidance designs and codend modification. Finally, the extent to which these developments have been legislated for is discussed including the conditions under which new gear regulations have been introduced. Haddock and whiting rise during the trawling process facilitating their separation from Nephrops and escape, however the behaviour of small fish of these species is less consistent. Cod and Nephrops remain on bottom of the trawl, so to separate these species requires some physical filtering process. Overall, there is currently sufficient technical ability to improve selectivity in Nephrops trawls. The design of choice is dependent on the objectives of managers; for reducing discards but retaining marketable fish, square-mesh panels offer the most useful tool; to eliminate all bycatch and create a single-species fishery, grids and traditional Nephrops trawls show most potential. Whatever the objectives of the new measures, it is likely that a short-term economic impact will follow, and some form of incentive may be required to implement effective measures. A voluntary uptake of new measures by industry is preferable, however, to date, restrictions on fishing opportunities have been necessary to introduce innovative gear designs.  相似文献   

Synopsis Using a 3 m beam trawl, catch variation in the fish and prawn assemblage of the Labu estuary, Papua New Guinea was investigated during July and December 1981 and September 1984. About six times more organisms, three and a half times the biomass and twice as many species were caught per trawl at night than during the day. The greatest number of species, individuals and biomass were caught just after dusk. With the exception ofSecutor ruconius, there was no significant difference in the catches trawled at ebbing and flooding tides. Over twice as many individuals ofS. ruconius were caught during ebbing tides. Alignment of trawl direction in relation to the tidal current did not have a significant effect on the fish catch, but affected the prawn (Metapenaeus demani) catch. It is postulated that most species are not carried to and fro by tidal currents, but maintain their position in the estuary with respect to the substratum. Only prawns appeared to be carried by the currents. This study indicates that the most representative trawl results in terms of species diversity and abundance in shallow estuaries may be obtained at night and, that in estuaries with a small tidal range, tidal direction and velocity have little influence on catch. It also indicates that analyses of demersal nekton assemblages from daytime only estuarine trawl surveys must be approached with caution.Lizard Island Research Station  相似文献   

Fish species densities from 1025 hauls obtained with beam trawl and stow net catches from the southern Tagus and northern Elbe estuaries were analysed for two different periods of time between 1978 and 1997. The data were related with environmental factors to compare species composition and densities, contributions of different ecological guilds, structuring environmental key factors, intra‐annual cyclicity and interperiodical stability of ichthyofaunas in large European estuaries at different latitudes. Although the total number of species in both the Tagus and Elbe estuaries (Tagus: 57 species, Elbe: 58 species) was very similar, significant differences were estimated in species compositions, species densities and number of species, and individuals of the different ecological guilds between both estuaries. A total of 15 species occurred in both estuaries but only two of these species, the catadromous Anguilla anguilla and the marine estuarine opportunist Pleuronectes flesus, contributed substantially to the total abundance. Marine species together contributed more than 5% of the total number of species in the Tagus and Elbe estuaries, whereas their contribution in number of individuals amounted to 22% in the Tagus and only 9% in the Elbe. In terms of number of individuals, the ichthyofauna of the Tagus estuary was dominated by estuarine species (especially Pomatoschistus spp.) contributing 68% of the total abundance. In contrast, the fish fauna of the Elbe estuary was dominated by high numbers of anadromous species (88%) individuals, especially Osmerus eperlanus. Canonical corresponding analyses (CCA) indicated that, besides intra‐annual variables, salinity and mouth distance were two of the most important environmental factors structuring the fish communities in both estuaries. Moreover, water depth was found to be an important environmental factor in the Tagus estuary, whereas the water temperature substantially affected the ichthyofaunal composition in the Elbe estuary. In both estuaries, contributions by number of species and number of individuals of the different ecological guilds were not statistically different between the two periods considered, 1978–80 and 1995–97 for the Tagus, and 1981–86 and 1989–95 for the Elbe. Nevertheless, from 1981–86 until 1989–95 a remarkable increase of about 4.5 times in the densities of O. eperlanus was observed in the Elbe estuary, probably related to improved water quality, especially of oxygen conditions in the nurseries since 1990. This was also supported by the results of CCA, suggesting important influences of the years 1989 and 1990 on the Elbe estuary fish assemblage. Climate change as a result of global warming may be evident for the observed changes of the densities of P. flesus which decreased in the southern Tagus estuary and, in contrast, increased in the northern Elbe estuary during comparable periods of time. It is recommended to use the ecological guild classification scheme which was applied for the Tagus and Elbe estuaries for further studies of European estuarine fish assemblages.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to provide information on the fishing pattern of Parapenaeus longirostris in the northern Tyrrhenian Sea (western Mediterranean), in order to improve the management of the resource in the area. Data were obtained from commercial fishery, covering the period 1991–2002. Catch rates revealed notable inter-annual fluctuation of the P. longirostris landing, probably due to the life cycle of the species. The highest yields (kg per hour of trawl) of the commercial fishery were obtained at depths ranging between 180 and 300 m, the lower ones at depths between 100 and 180 m, where small specimens are more abundant. Commercial catches were characterised by a very low presence of specimens smaller than 20 mm carapace length (CL), mainly due to the deeper localisation of the fishing grounds when compared to the recruitment areas of the species. The size at which 50% of the specimens were discarded by the fishermen was 15 mm CL, while the estimated size at first capture of the individuals caught by the commercial net was 12.4 mm CL.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to estimate the discards of target and non‐target species from bottom trawlers (rhombic and 40 mm cod end mesh size nets) in the Black Sea. On‐board sampling was conducted on the southwestern coasts of the Black Sea in the fishing ports of Rumelifeneri and Igneada for a total of 66 hauls on two commercial bottom trawlers from October 2012 to April 2013 and from October 2013 to April 2014. A total of 32 species were captured, including 25 species of fish, three crustacea, two echinodermata and two mollusca. Mullus barbatus and Merlangius merlangus euxinus were the target species, whereas 24 species were always discarded. Scophthalmus maximus and Pomatomus saltatrix were always retained. The two regions were similar in terms of catch and discard compositions, CPUE, DPUE and discard ratio. Discarding is important in the Black Sea commercial bottom trawl fishery and accounts for as much as 31.4% of the total bottom trawl catch. The results showed that the discard rates varied among species, depths (p = .04) and seasons (p = .0001). Finally, it was concluded that in the western Black Sea, when the impacts of depth and season are considered, that the discard quantity can be reduced.  相似文献   

Most studies of delphinid‐trawler interactions have documented the surface behavior of dolphins feeding on discarded bycatch, but not their subsurface behavior around demersal trawl gear. Using video cameras mounted inside trawl nets, we recorded the subsurface behavior of common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in a demersal fish trawl fishery in northwestern Australia. Footage from 36 trawls across the fishery was analyzed to determine the extent of dolphin‐gear interactions and the behavior of dolphins inside the nets. Interaction rates were high, with dolphins present inside and outside the nets during 29 and 34 trawls, respectively, and for up to 99% of the trawl duration. The proportion of foraging behaviors exhibited inside the nets was higher than the proportions of traveling and socializing behaviors. Twenty‐nine individuals were identified inside the net, seven of which returned repeatedly within and between trawls and fishing trips, but were observed primarily in the same localized areas in which they were first recorded. Our results suggest that entering trawl nets may be a frequently occurring, yet specialized behavior exhibited by a small subset of trawler‐associated dolphins. We propose that gear modifications, not spatial or temporal adjustments to fishing effort, have the greatest potential to reduce dolphin bycatch.  相似文献   

Comparative bottom trawl and longline surveys were carried out on two chartered commercial fishing vessels in the deep waters (350-1300 m) of the Rockall Trough, an area subjected to heavy commercial exploitation. The species composition, catch rates and length distributions from each survey were very different and reflected the fundamental difference in the two types of fishing operations. Bottom-trawled catches produced greater species diversity and higher discard rates. Longline catches produced larger specimens of teleost fish and were dominated by squalid shark. Trawl discards, expressed as kgs of discards per tonne of roundnose grenadier Coryphaenoides rupestris landed, were calculated for a broad range of the most abundant species taken in the catch. First estimates of total international discarding from deep-water trawling operations in the Rockall Trough area (7530 tonnes; 26.5 million individuals) were made by raising the discard rates using international grenadier landings for 1995. The outlook for the continued exploitation of the deep-water fish resource in the Rockall Trough and possible management options are discussed.  相似文献   

The bottom trawl fishery developed on the slope off Balearic Islands (western Mediterranean) has been analysed from different sources of information: (i) data obtained during experimental bottom trawl surveys developed annually since 2001; (ii) daily sale bills from the bottom trawl fleet, available since 2000. Considering both hydrographical and geomorphologic conditions, the study area was divided in four geographical sectors. Multivariate techniques were applied to identify assemblages and their main species, and to investigate the influence of environmental variables in the slope communities. Fishery-independent and fishery-dependent indicators were calculated, both at specific and community level, for the assemblages identified. In all cases, they were summarised using the Traffic Light approach. Three assemblages have been identified in the slope trawl fishing grounds off the Balearic Islands: (1) the almost unexploited shelf break, where teleosts predominate; (2) the upper slope, where teleosts still predominate but crustaceans are also very important (with Nephrops norvegicus as target species); (3) and the middle slope, where crustaceans predominate (with Aristeus antennatus as target species). Depth was the main factor affecting the species composition of the assemblages, although other factors such as area, year and effort level also affect. Indicators estimated from both sets of data suggested an improvement in the state of N. norvegicus, although the results suggest the influence of other factors than fishing impact in the state of this resource. For A. antennatus, marked differences have been found depending on the data source. In the upper slope, indicators suggested an improvement in the state of this assemblage, which can be related to a decreasing trend found in the fishing effort exerted in this depth range. Indicators from the middle slope showed differences for both sets of data. The characteristics of both data sources and of the species analysed are discussed as responsible of these differences.  相似文献   

The nursery role of the Mondego estuary for marine fish species was studied between June 2003 and May 2004. The spatial and temporal distribution and abundance patterns of 0-group Dicentrarchus labrax (Linnaeus, 1758), Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758) were analyzed based on monthly sampling surveys in five stations along the estuarine gradient. Fishing took place during the night at low water of spring tides, using a 2 m beam trawl. The spatial patterns of estuarine colonization were different according to species. D. labrax showed a wider distribution, but the main nursery ground was the same as for S. solea. Highest densities of S. solea juveniles were found in oligohaline areas, with muddy bottoms and high benthic invertebrates availability, while P. flesus occurred mainly in the sandy uppermost areas. D. labrax was found in both these areas. Fish abundance in the estuary mainly reflected seasonal changes.  相似文献   

The Tagus estuary has long been subjected to several human activities and uses. Changes in the estuarine fish community were evaluated based on beam trawl surveys in 1978–1980 and 1994–1996. There was a decrease of abundance of many species that use the Tagus as a nursery, namely bib (Trisopterus luscus), five bearded rockling (Ciliata mustela), tub gurnard (Trigla lucerna), and flounder (Platichthys flesus), possibly due to reduction of the water quality. In 1994–1996, only sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax), sole (Solea solea) and Solea senegalensis Kaup, 1858, were found within the nursery grounds, showing an irregular pattern of abundance. Condition and vacuity index were highly variable. The major problems affecting the fish community, namely pollution, fishery regulation and waterflow regulation, are discussed in relation to the management and conservation of this estuarine system.  相似文献   

The Illex illecebrosus fishery in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean is a trawl‐based fishery. Illex illecebrosus normally lives <1 year, thus managing the fishery using a standard stock assessment approach is difficult. Real‐time management is an attractive option. The purpose of this study was to investigate the utility of data on size composition reported by commercial vessels for application in real‐time management in the I. illecebrosus fishery. Observations were collected from fish processors for 1996–98 and from fishing vessels directly reporting in 1999–2001. Mean size of I. illecebrosus increased more or less steadily through the fishing season in each year. Apparent growth rates, determined by evaluating the change in mean size in the catch, varied considerably between years. Apparent growth rates appear to be reasonable expressions of true growth rates because either the bulk of the squid entered the fishery at the beginning of the fishery and remained with the fishery for the duration of the season, or the squid on the outer shelf, available to the fishery, represented an emigrated portion of a larger coherent offshore population. Depth exerted only a minor influence on the size of squid caught, whereas the size–frequency varied significantly with latitude. Largest squid were caught at the southern and northern extremes of the study domain. Refrigerated seawater (RSW) trawlers consistently caught smaller squid than did freezer trawlers. The complexity of I. illecebrosus size structure revealed by this study indicates the necessity of obtaining a dispersed data set, in space, with a degree of temporal detail to elucidate trends. Such a data set is conceivably obtainable from fishing vessels reporting information as they fish providing that the sampling design addresses issues concerning the dispersion of vessels across latitude, the appropriate composition of the reporting fleet, and the collection of sufficient observations per tow to adequately resolve the range in size as well as the mean.  相似文献   

Fahy  Edward 《Hydrobiologia》2001,465(1-3):73-83
Landings from the whelk fishery in the southwest Irish Sea rose from 63 t in 1990 to 6587 t in 1996 although landings declined to 2919 tonnes in 1998. Whelk are caught in pots baited with a combination of dogfish Scyliorhinus spp and brown crab Cancer pagurus. The input of bait crab is estimated at 7.2% of whelk landed. Most of the crab comes from southeast Ireland where some of it is a by-product of the claw fishery; some is targeted as bait crab, and this includes sub-size or recently moulted individuals. Fishing effort has been increasing on brown crab for human consumption also and there is concern about the sustainability of the crab fishery. Alternative bait trials examined a number of readily available fish species, some of them offals, whose attractiveness was evaluated by reference to crab and dogfish: whitefish (whiting and cod), pelagic species (mackerel and scad) and blue mussel. An artificial bait ration which included some crab meat, but 60% less than its natural equivalent, proved as effective as natural bait crab. A bait which consisted of a single species was less successful than two species fished together and some of the combinations (notably of whitefish) performed very effectively. Pelagic species performed poorly. The trade in brown crab for human consumption will always produce some form of discards which should be used; extending its use in an artificial bait is desirable.  相似文献   

The present study evaluated the effect of the glass eel fishery on by-catch ichthyofauna in the Ebro River delta by investigating the primary responsible factors of discard mortality, in order to assess the adequacy of fishing and sorting procedures, and assess the ecological impact of this traditional activity. Results revealed that glass eel fishery had a negative impact on by-catch ichthyofauna mainly composed of mugilid fry and small-size estuarine species. Data showed that between 10 and 69% of incidental species died as a consequence of glass eel capture and sorting procedures. Differences in by-catch fish mortality rates depended on the glass eel sorting time, the total weight of catch, the discard ratio, by-catch fish size, and by-catch fish species composition. The total weight of the catch and the discard ratio were two of the main parameters affecting discarded fish mortality, since both had a direct effect on the period of time required for glass eel sorting during which by-catch fish were exposed to air and suffered from very aggressive sorting procedures that caused severe external and internal injuries. By-catch fish measuring less than 40 mm L T were more susceptible to glass eel fishery procedures than those larger (>60 mm L T), independent of the species considered or their stage of development. This fishery, similar to other ones, should strive to minimization the amount of discards and the mortality of discarded fish, by improving the selectivity of the fish trap and developing new sorting and selection procedures. E. Gisbert and M. A. López have contributed equally to this study. Guest editors: S. Dufour, E. Prévost, E. Rochard & P. Williot Fish and diadromy in Europe (ecology, management, conservation)  相似文献   

Many commercial fisheries seek to maximise the economic value of the catch that they bring ashore and market for human consumption by discarding undersize or low value fish. Information on the quantity, size and species composition of discarded fish is vital for stock assessments and for devising legislation to minimise the practice. However, except for a few major species, data are usually extremely sparse and reliant on observers aboard a small sample of fishing vessels. Expanding these data to estimate total regional discards is highly problematic. Here, we develop a method for utilising additional information from scientific trawl surveys to model the quantities of fish discarded by the commercial fisheries. As a case-study, we apply the model to the North Sea over the period 1978-2011, and show a long-term decline in the overall quantity of fish discarded, but an increase in the proportion of catch which is thrown away. The composition of discarded catch has shifted from predominantly (∼80%) roundfish, to >50% flatfish. Undersized plaice constitute the largest single fraction of discards, unchanged from the beginning of the 20th century. Overall, around 60% of discarded fish are rejected on the basis of size rather than for reasons of species value or quota restrictions. The analysis shows that much more information can be gained on discarding by utilising additional sources of data rather than relying solely on information gathered by observers. In addition, it is clear that reducing fishing intensity and rebuilding stocks is likely to be more effective at reducing discards in the long term, than any technical legislation to outlaw the practice in the short term.  相似文献   

The Kafue Floodplain fishery produces an annual fish yield of about 5000 tonnes. The 1971 closure of the Kafue Gorge Dam downstream from the floodplain modified flooding patterns. Pre-impoundment studies predicted this modification would increase fish stocks. Experimental gillnets set in 1975 and 1976 caught 18 species on a regular basis, nine of which were abundant enough for comparison with catches in similar gillnet samples taken prior to completion of the Kafue Gorge Dam. Of these nine species, experimental gillnet catches of three predator species were smaller in 1975–76 than in 1969–70. Catches of only one species increased significantly. Whether this change is due to the modified flooding pattern is unclear; unusually dry flood conditions in 1973 and increased fishing effort may have contributed.  相似文献   

The catches and discards of trawlers, seiners and trammel netters were studied in the Algarve (southern Portugal) using observers onboard commercial fishing vessels. Species diversity was high, with 236 species recorded as occasionally, frequently or regularly discarded. Mean discard rates per trip were 0.13, 0.20, 0.27, 0.62 and 0.70, respectively, for trammel nets, demersal purse seines, pelagic purse seines, fish trawls and crustacean trawls, with high variability in terms of discard volume and discard rate. This was especially so for seiners where from 0 to 100% of the total catch might be discarded. No significant relationships were found between discard quantity or discard rate and characteristics of the fishing vessels sampled within each métier (total length, TAB, hp, kW). Based on the above discard rates and the official landings, it was estimated that in 1996, Algarve trawlers discarded 9000–13000 tonnes (t) while seiners discarded 5500–8200 t. Discarding practices in these fisheries are reviewed and the reasons for discarding are presented by species and métier basis. The results support the need for more studies on the factors contributing to discarding, variability in discard quantities and rates, the fate of discards and their importance to the marine ecosystem, and on ways of reducing by-catch and discarding in these fisheries.  相似文献   

Fisheries statistics are known to be underestimated, since they are mainly based on information about commercial fisheries. However, various types of fishing activities exist and evaluating them is necessary for implementing effective management plans. This paper assesses the characteristics and catches of the French European sea bass recreational fishery along the Atlantic coasts, through the combination of large-scale telephone surveys and fishing diaries study. Our results demonstrated that half of the total catches (mainly small fish) were released at sea and that the mean length of a kept sea bass was 46.6 cm. We highlighted different patterns of fishing methods and type of gear used. Catches from boats were greater than from the shore, both in abundance and biomass, considering mean values per fishing trip as well as CPUE. Spearfishers caught the highest biomass of sea bass per fishing trip, but the fishing rod with lure was the most effective type of gear in terms of CPUE. Longlines had the highest CPUE value in abundance but not in biomass: they caught numerous but small sea bass. Handlines were less effective, catching few sea bass in both abundance and biomass. We estimated that the annual total recreational sea bass catches was 3,173 tonnes of which 2,345 tonnes were kept. Since the annual commercial catches landings were evaluated at 5,160 tonnes, recreational landings represent 30% of the total fishing catches on the Atlantic coasts of France. Using fishers'' self-reports was a valuable way to obtain new information on data-poor fisheries. Our results underline the importance of evaluating recreational fishing as a part of the total amount of fisheries catches. More studies are critically needed to assess overall fish resources caught in order to develop effective fishery management tools.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance patterns as well as the feeding ecology of two flatfishes, Platichthys flesus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Solea solea (Linnaeus, 1758), were studied in the Douro estuary and adjacent coastal waters (Portugal) in order to evaluate the niche overlap between these species. Fish were collected during sampling surveys conducted every 2 months between November 2000 and March 2002 using a 12‐m otter‐trawl with 18 mm stretched mesh size, at 12 sites within the estuary and six sites in the adjacent coastal area. The highest densities of P. flesus were registered in the middle estuary; a peak density of 9.12 ind 1000 m?2 was obtained in October 2001. Solea solea densities were low compared with P. flesus; the highest values were also recorded in the middle estuary in October 2001. For both species, the proportion of juveniles was above 90% within the estuary. Highest densities of P. flesus and S. solea were recorded at sites with low water depth and high densities of crustaceans and polychaetes, the main food items in the diet of these species. High values of spatial and diet niche overlap were found between these two flatfishes (0.97 and 0.92, respectively).  相似文献   

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