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A program for the cerebral palsied child has been developed in California which has been made possible through the cooperation of the state and local departments of education, the state and local departments of health, the Children''s Hospital and Orthopedic Hospital at Los Angeles and the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco. An attempt is being made to deal with not only the medical and educational needs of the cerebral palsied but also the social and emotional aspects.  相似文献   

Traditionally the treatment of mental illness has been a responsibility of state governments, but they have been unable to solve the problem with any degree of success.In spite of rationalizations as to why a health department should not become involved in this field, more and more local health departments in California and across the nation are initiating various services in mental health.With the widespread interest in mental health at national and state levels and in local citizens'' groups, local health officers must involve themselves in this most difficult effort.While the treatment of the emotionally disturbed and the psychotic is demanded most aggressively by the public which seeks outpatient, inpatient, and rehabilitation services on the local level, two services—consultation and education-information services—offer more hope in the promotion of mental health as contrasted with the treatment of mental illness.  相似文献   

Among new researches bearing on cerebral palsy are the growth of brain cells in tissue cultures for experimentation; the use of polysaccharides to prevent the formation of a glial barrier to nerve growth after injury; observation of changes in reactions of neurons at various stages of development; the finding of hypernatremia and hyperchloremia in lesions of the frontal lobe and the thalamus; stimulation of cerebral blood flow by injection of sodium bicarbonate and retardation with ammonium chloride; and studies of serial sections of brains of palsied children who died. Study of development in the early months of life has made possible the detection of significant abnormalities in behavior early in life. Loss of hearing may be tested in very young children by measuring minute variations in electrical resistance of the skin upon auditory stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system. Conditions which have been described as having been confused with cerebral palsy are dislocation of a cervical vertebra, hereditary spastic paraplegia, transverse myelopathy, injury to the spinal cord or cauda equina by anomalous growths of the spine, and also encephalitis and meningitis. Sedation has proved a valuable adjunct to electroencephalographic study of cerebral palsy. Better criteria for abnormality in the young child should be determined and the application of them more clearly standardized. Simple exercises are useful for early training of palsied children to stimulate development. "Crossed laterality"-the dominant eye being contralateral to the preferred hand-has been counteracted by special training with great success in eliminating emotional and behavior problems and accelerating development.Recent studies indicate that only 50 per cent of cerebral palsy patients have normal or better intelligence. Subluxation of the hip joint, a common deformity associated with cerebral palsy, can sometimes be corrected by operation if detected at an early stage. Radical ablation of epileptogenic foci in the cortex is also being done in young patients if drug control of seizures fails. Frontal topectomy, cingulate gyrectomy or prefrontal labotomy may be advisable in cases in which proper response to drug therapy is not obtained. Improvement in behavior as well as control of seizures may follow the use of Benzedrine,(R) Dexedrine,(R) Dilantin(R) sodium, Mebaral(R) and phenobarbital. Alcohol, paraldehyde and chloral hydrate have been effective as relaxants.  相似文献   

Among new researches bearing on cerebral palsy are the growth of brain cells in tissue cultures for experimentation; the use of polysaccharides to prevent the formation of a glial barrier to nerve growth after injury; observation of changes in reactions of neurons at various stages of development; the finding of hypernatremia and hyperchloremia in lesions of the frontal lobe and the thalamus; stimulation of cerebral blood flow by injection of sodium bicarbonate and retardation with ammonium chloride; and studies of serial sections of brains of palsied children who died.Study of development in the early months of life has made possible the detection of significant abnormalities in behavior early in life. Loss of hearing may be tested in very young children by measuring minute variations in electrical resistance of the skin upon auditory stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system.Conditions which have been described as having been confused with cerebral palsy are dislocation of a cervical vertebra, hereditary spastic paraplegia, transverse myelopathy, injury to the spinal cord or cauda equina by anomalous growths of the spine, and also encephalitis and meningitis.Sedation has proved a valuable adjunct to electroencephalographic study of cerebral palsy. Better criteria for abnormality in the young child should be determined and the application of them more clearly standardized.Simple exercises are useful for early training of palsied children to stimulate development. “Crossed laterality”—the dominant eye being contralateral to the preferred hand—has been counteracted by special training with great success in eliminating emotional and behavior problems and accelerating development.Recent studies indicate that only 50 per cent of cerebral palsy patients have normal or better intelligence.Subluxation of the hip joint, a common deformity associated with cerebral palsy, can sometimes be corrected by operation if detected at an early stage. Radical ablation of epileptogenic foci in the cortex is also being done in young patients if drug control of seizures fails. Frontal topectomy, cingulate gyrectomy or prefrontal labotomy may be advisable in cases in which proper response to drug therapy is not obtained.Improvement in behavior as well as control of seizures may follow the use of Benzedrine,® Dexedrine,® Dilantin® sodium, Mebaral® and phenobarbital. Alcohol, paraldehyde and chloral hydrate have been effective as relaxants.  相似文献   

In recent years, improved biosurveillance has become a bipartisan national security priority. As has been pointed out by the National Biosurveillance Advisory Subcommittee and others, building a national biosurveillance enterprise requires having strong biosurveillance systems at the state and local levels, and additional policies are needed to strengthen their biosurveillance capabilities. Because of the foundational role that state and local health departments play in biosurveillance, we sought to determine to what extent state and local health departments have the right capabilities in place to provide the information needed to detect and manage an epidemic or public health emergency-both for state and local outbreak management and for reporting to federal agencies during national public health crises. We also sought to identify those policies or actions that would improve state and local biosurveillance and make recommendations to federal policymakers who are interested in improving national biosurveillance capabilities.  相似文献   

Because the cerebral-palsied child is also a growing person whose development should be encouraged along as normal a course as possible, the pediatrician may well take the lead in coordinating orthopedic, psychiatric, educational and vocational services for such children. In El Centro this policy has been followed in a school for handicapped children serving 30 with cerebral palsy, 15 of them pupils at the school. Those with sufficient intelligence and milder physical handicap attend a regular public school, while others are unable to attend even the special school.Emphasis has been placed on working with children who are less seriously affected. As to children with severe neuromuscular and intellectual handicap, the chief effort is to prevent contractures and maintain function. The pediatrician confers monthly with all workers concerned with the child, and maintains liaison with the family physician who treats acute illnesses, including palsy seizures. Special effort has been made to investigate family circumstances such as foreign background which make it more difficult to evaluate the palsied child''s true capabilities.  相似文献   

Because the cerebral-palsied child is also a growing person whose development should be encouraged along as normal a course as possible, the pediatrician may well take the lead in coordinating orthopedic, psychiatric, educational and vocational services for such children. In El Centro this policy has been followed in a school for handicapped children serving 30 with cerebral palsy, 15 of them pupils at the school. Those with sufficient intelligence and milder physical handicap attend a regular public school, while others are unable to attend even the special school. Emphasis has been placed on working with children who are less seriously affected. As to children with severe neuromuscular and intellectual handicap, the chief effort is to prevent contractures and maintain function. The pediatrician confers monthly with all workers concerned with the child, and maintains liaison with the family physician who treats acute illnesses, including palsy seizures. Special effort has been made to investigate family circumstances such as foreign background which make it more difficult to evaluate the palsied child's true capabilities.  相似文献   

Seizures occurred at some time in 81 (or 32 per cent) of an unselected, consecutive series of 250 cerebral palsied persons between the ages of 16 and 52 years, an incidence similar to that reported by other investigators in groups of cerebral palsied persons who were mainly children.The incidence of seizures of any kind after 16 years of age in the present series was 10 per cent as compared with 0.5 per cent in the general population. Half of the 10 per cent had more than six convulsions despite drug therapy, and the other half had fewer than six.Of thirty-six who had convulsions in the neonatal period, only four had seizure problems as adults, even though most showed moderate to severe physical handicap after age 16.Data on the small group of paraplegics in the present study, all spastics, were in accord with reports by other investigators with regard to decreased incidence of seizures in cerebral palsied patients with normal upper extremities. Of the thirteen (5 per cent of the 250) whose seizure problems continued to be clinically significant in adult life, ten had had frequent seizures in childhood. Eight were hemiplegic. There appeared to be no relationship between the severity of physical handicap and the incidence of seizures after age 16.  相似文献   

The ratio of physicians to general population in California has been approximately the same for many years, the influx of physicians having kept pace with the population trend.For many years California has licensed more physicians than any other state.The five medical schools in this state have been increasing the number of candidates admitted to the freshman class. Attempts are being made to increase the number of medical schools in this state to seven in anticipation of the future growth and medical needs of the population.The heaviest concentration of physicians is as always in the thickly populated areas as determined by the population physician ratio.A study of the detailed statistics presented in this paper should be of interest to all California physicians.  相似文献   

Medical care for persons injured in atomic bomb attack or other far-reaching enemy action occupies an important place in civil defense plans that have been set up in California. Preparations have been made on the basis of suppositions as to where attacks might occur and estimates of the number of casualties. State and federal funds have been allocated for aid station equipment, antibiotics, plasma, blankets and litters. In the table of organization, use of all physicians, nurses and hospitals in the state is contemplated. Communities at the center of attacks would borrow facilities and medical personnel from areas not directly affected.County medical societies in California have appointed civil defense committees to work out local plans. Each physician has a part in these plans. If he does not know what his assignment is, be ought to get in touch with his county medical society headquarters immediately.  相似文献   

A model is developed to represent elbow motions of a cerebral palsied arm with athetotic movements. The parameters of the model are defined and determined. The resulting computer model can then be used to either generate athetotic motions or to regenerate prerecorded experimental data.  相似文献   

An Area Health Education Center (AHEC) system has been established in California to address the maldistribution of physicians and other health care professionals. The AHEC program uses educational incentives to recruit and retain health care personnel in underserved areas by linking the academic resources of university health science centers with local educational and clinical facilities. The medical schools, working in partnership with urban or rural AHECs throughout the state, are implementing educational programs to attract trainees and licensed professionals to work in underserved communities. The California AHEC project entered its fifth year in October of 1983 with the participation of all eight medical schools and the Charles Drew Postgraduate School of Medicine, 35 other health professions schools, 17 independent AHECs and more than 400 clinical training sites. Educational programs are reaching more than 22,000 students and practicing health professionals throughout California. We review the current status of the California AHEC system and use the AHEC programs at Loma Linda University to illustrate the effect this intervention is having.  相似文献   

While climate change is inherently a global problem, its public health impacts will be experienced most acutely at the local and regional level, with some jurisdictions likely to be more burdened than others. The public health infrastructure in the U.S. is organized largely as an interlocking set of public agencies at the federal, state and local level, with lead responsibility for each city or county often residing at the local level. To understand how directors of local public health departments view and are responding to climate change as a public health issue, we conducted a telephone survey with 133 randomly selected local health department directors, representing a 61% response rate. A majority of respondents perceived climate change to be a problem in their jurisdiction, a problem they viewed as likely to become more common or severe over the next 20 years. Only a small minority of respondents, however, had yet made climate change adaptation or prevention a top priority for their health department. This discrepancy between problem recognition and programmatic responses may be due, in part, to several factors: most respondents felt personnel in their health department--and other key stakeholders in their community--had a lack of knowledge about climate change; relatively few respondents felt their own health department, their state health department, or the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention had the necessary expertise to help them create an effective mitigation or adaptation plan for their jurisdiction; and most respondents felt that their health department needed additional funding, staff and staff training to respond effectively to climate change. These data make clear that climate change adaptation and prevention are not currently major activities at most health departments, and that most, if not all, local health departments will require assistance in making this transition. We conclude by making the case that, through their words and actions, local health departments and their staff can and should play a role in alerting members of their community about the prospect of public health impacts from climate change in their jurisdiction.  相似文献   

A cooperative phenylketonuria screening program involving private nongovernmental laboratories, individual physicians and local and state health departments has been in operation for two years. The system has evolved to the point where practically all newborns are tested. The accuracy of laboratory work has been verified by an ongoing evaluation program which has resulted in continual improvement in level of performance. There are two areas in which some beneficial changes might be considered. One is the reduction of costs of the testing and follow-up by increasing volume and centralization of work. The other is greater cooperation of the medical community in collecting the data necessary to evaluate the program and expedite the final diagnosis.  相似文献   

公立医院在内部绩效考核分配体系建设中一般比较关注科室工作量指标和经济效益指标,而对医疗技术水平指标往往关注不够或很少关注,尤其是在医院将缩短平均住院日指标纳入科室绩效考核分配评价体系后,科室是否存在着为单纯追求平均住院日指标的完成而刻意回避收治疑难重症患者的现象,医院管理层往往心中没底。北京大学第三医院在大力缩短平均住院日并取得显著效益的同时,在内部绩效考核分配体系构建中对医院内部各科室医疗技术水平指标实行真正量化考核等方面进行了有益的探索。  相似文献   

Although the number of physicians in California has doubled since 1963, the number of family and general practice physicians has declined. The ratio of office-based primary care physicians to population has also decreased. Graduate medical education is funded largely from patient care revenues, but the low rate of reimbursement for ambulatory care makes training in primary care specialties especially dependent on public support. Medicare, the Veterans Administration, and the University of California provide more than $325 million a year in support of graduate medical education in California. Federal and state grant programs provide $5 million a year for family physician training in the state, but appropriations to these programs have been reduced in real terms. California family practice residencies are disproportionately located at county hospitals, where funding shortfalls make them especially vulnerable to cuts in grant programs. Additional resources will be needed if more family physicians are to be trained.  相似文献   

The California Legislature has directed the Regents of the University of California to collect and act as an information exchange on research and services relating to drug abuse, and to provide advice with respect to fields in which research is needed.The current report, prepared under that directive, outlines the method by which data on drug abuse research and treatment facilities will be collected, and how this data will be prepared so that appropriate recommendations can be made to the state legislature.This initial report also outlines areas of immediate concern in the area of drug abuse for the benefit of the state legislature. These areas include current state policies which interfere with investigators competing for federal research funds; pharmacological misclassification of various agents of drug abuse (including marijuana, cocaine and mescaline); lack of awareness of the major adolescent drug abuse problem in California, namely that associated with methamphetamine abuse; the inconsistent and destructive effects of current Nalline clinic programs, and legal restraints which interfere with the proper treatment of drug abusers by physicians trained in treating such patients.  相似文献   

A 6-year experience with a center-satellite system for the provision of comprehensive genetic counseling services to a large geographical area is described. A series of 12 satellite genetic clinics established throughout northern and central California have brought genetic counseling services to within a 2-hour drive for most patients. These satellite clinics are largely organized by local groups (such as National Foundation-March of Dimes chapters and county health departments) but are backed by the personnel and resources of the center at the University of California, San Francisco. Assistance is generally provided by county public health nurses who collect medical records from referring physicians and pedigrees from the family. Specimens for cytogenetic or special biochemical studies are brought back to the center, but, if possible, other laboratory determinations, radiological investigations, and specialty consultations are obtained locally. Follow-up counseling may be provided by the public health nurses, and a written summary is sent to each patient or family. The socioeconomic spectrum of the patients seen at the satellite clinics is much broader than at the central clinic, and the establishment of a satellite clinic results in a great increase in the number of cases seen from the area in which it is located. Physician time per patient and cost of services per patient are substantially the same in both central and satellite clinics. Based on population figures applicable to the state of California, it is estimated that approximately 60-70 comprehensive counseling centers, each with up to 15 satellites, could adequately provide for the foreseeable genetic counseling needs of the United States.  相似文献   

The number of patients age 65 and over at the Agnews State Hospital now constitutes over one-third of the resident population. The geriatric population is increasing in all California state hospitals.Because this is a relatively new area of concern for the psychiatric institution, the role of the state hospital in the care of the aged is not yet clearly defined.A pilot study of admissions in this age group committed from one county during a 12-month period was undertaken, with an attempt made to evaluate the suitability of the patient for commitment, as well as special problems in admission, treatment during hospitalization, and release from the hospital. The study indicated 42 per cent of persons admitted were considered unsuitable for commitment. Physical illness was found to be a major factor in precipitating admission and a predominating factor in the treatment program after admission. Almost 40 per cent of the patients died within a year after admission.  相似文献   

By means of indirect immunofluorescent method vasopressin localization has been defined in neurons of the locus coeruleus, in terminals, converging to the substantia nigra cells and the sylvian aqueduct area, as well as in the granule-containing cells of the human cerebral blood vessels. The granule-containing cells are identified as melanocytes, when investigated by comparative light-optic and electron microscopical technique. The melanocytes of the cerebral vessels have various size and form in accordance to their different functional state. In some melanocytes peptide vesicles are revealed. This demonstrates a possible synthesis of vasopressin. It is supposed that local endocrine regulation of the cerebral hemocirculation is performed by cooperation of granule-containing cells, producing hormones with oppositely++ directed constrictor and dilatator action to the vessels.  相似文献   

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