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Choice and no-choice experiments were conducted on lima bean leaf discs to determine whether pesticide or water treatments would affect consumption ofTetranychus urticae Koch eggs byPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot. In choice experiments,P. persimilis consumed significantly more untreated eggs than eggs treated with fenbutatin-oxide (600 ppm), cyhexatin (200 ppm), or water, when tested at 24, 48, or 72 h after treatment. The surfactant Triton X-100 was included in each pesticide suspension and the water-treated control at 0.1%. On the average, treated eggs amounted to only 30% of the total consumed (n=1,440). The water-treatment effect was weaker than the acaracides at 24 h, but effects did not differ at 48 and 72 h. In 24 h no-choice experiments,P. persimilis consumed as many eggs treated with fenbutatin-oxide, cyhexatin, water, or insecticidal soap (7 575 ppm) as untreated eggs. Fluvalinate treatment of prey eggs (89 ppm), however, resulted in a 50% reduction in egg consumption among predators remaining on leaf discs and a 6-fold increase in abandonment of discs as compared with the untreated control. Continuous consumption of fenbutatin-oxide-treated eggs over 5d did not affectP. persimilis oviposition or egg viability.   相似文献   

Studies were conducted to determine the effect of insecticide residues on germination of primary conidia ofentomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius and to determine the relative susceptibility of healthy and infectedMusca domestica L. to insecticides. Primary conidia were discharged fromM. domestica cadavers onto glass microscope slides treated with insecticides. All insecticides significantly inhibited germination relative to control slides. Permethrin and naled had the least inhibition (36–40 %), while malathion and dimethoate almost completely inhibited germination (87–94 %). Tetrachlorvinphos/dichlorvos and carbaryl were intermediate (57–59 %). Healthy flies were not significantly different from infected flies in terms of susceptibility to naled, dimethoate, or permethrin. Infected flies exposed on the last day of pathogen incubation died on the bottom of the Petri dishes, rather than climbing and attaching as did untreated, infected flies. Both control and treated groups produced large numbers of primary conidia.  相似文献   

The host range ofTetranychus lintearius was examined experimentally to determine if the mite could be safely introduced into New Zealand for the biological control of gorse,Ulex europaeus (Leguminosae: Genisteae). The rationale for choosing test plants was the same as that employed for testing insect species as biological control agents. Outdoors, mite colonies could be transferred successfully from gorse plant to gorse plant, but could not re-establish on any of 39 other plant species progeny to develop, was measured on 58 plant species other than gorse. Apart fromUlex europaeus andU. minor, development was completed only onPhaseolus vulgaris andGlycine max. Further experiments using 22 bean cultivars showed that mites could not complete a second generation on detached leaf cultures, could not form permanent colonies on potted plants in the glasshouse, and remanned only a short time when transferred to bean plants in the field. Tetranychus lintearius has never been recorded from any plant butUlex species. This fact, coupled with the results of host-range testing, suggests that the mite is sufficiently host-specific to be safely used as a biological control agent for gorse in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Eight phytoseiid species were tested to evaluate and compare their potential as predators ofTetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard andT. urticae (Koch). The study was conducted using arenas of excised nightshade (Solanum douglasii Dunal) and Lima bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) leaves infested with eitherTetranychus species. When the prey wasT. evansi, the predatorsAmblyseius californicus (McGregor) andPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot from Ventura, California, showed the highest oviposition rates. However, those rates were 4 to 6 times lower than rates for the same predators feeding onT. urticae. OnlyA. californicus and the strain ofP. persimilis from Beni-Mellal, Morocco, had survivorship higher than 50% 8 days after the beginning of the experiment. The results indicated thatT. evansi is an unfavorable prey for all the phytoseiids tested.
Résumé Huit espèces d'Acariens phytoseiides étaient testées en vue de comparer leurs potentialités prédatrices vis-à-vis deTetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard et deTetranychus urticae (Koch). L'étude était réalisée sur des feuilles détachées deSolanum douglasii Dunal et dePhaseolus vulgaris L. Les feuilles avaient été infestées avec l'une ou l'autre des espèces deTetranychus. Amblyseius californicus (McGregor) etPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot, de Ventura, ont donné les taux d'oviposition les plus élevés avecT. evansi, mais ces taux étaient 4 à 6 fois inférieurs à ceux obtenus lorsque la proie étaitT. urticae. SeulsA. californicus et la souche deP. persimilis de Beni-Mellal avaient une survie supérieure à 50%, 8 jours après le début du test. Les résultats indiquent queT. evansi n'est pas une proie favorable pour toutes les espèces testées.

Neozygites sp. is commonly found infecting the cassava green mite,Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar), in parts of northeast Brazil. The introduction of this fungus into other regions requires the knowledge of its specificity, especially in relation to natural enemies of different cassava pests. Laboratory tests indicated the development of germination tubes ofNeozygites in some females ofTetranychus bastosi Tuttle et al. andT. urticae Koch, with subsequent formation of a reduced number of hyphal bodies in someT. bastosi. No females of the phytoseiid predatorsAmblyseius idaeus (Denmark & Muma) andAmblyseius limonicus Garman & McGregor s.l. were infected byNeozygites sp.  相似文献   

Dose-mortality studies were conducted with 2 members of theEntomophthora muscae (Cohn) Fresenius complex from southern California (CA) and Denmark (DA) infecting house flies,Musca domestica L., from southern California. Primary conidia of the DA form were significantly more infective (LC50=34 conidia/mm2) than primary conidia of the CA form (LC50=67 conidia/mm2) for 2–7 days old (‘young’) flies. Infectivity (single experimental trial) for 10–14 day old (‘old’) flies of primary conidia of the CA form (LC50=34 conidia/mm2) was similar to that of the DA form for young flies. Secondary conidia of the CA form were markedly more infective (LC50=0.36 conidia/mm2) than primary conidia of either form. Dose had no significant effect on incubation period for primary conidia of either form, but increased doses resulted in significantly shorter incubation periods for flies exposed to secondary conidia of the CA form.   相似文献   

C. Stenseth 《BioControl》1979,24(3):311-317
The development ofPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot and the effectiveness of it as a predator ofTetranychus urticae (Koch) were studied at constant temperatures of 15°, 18°, 21°, 24° and 27°C (humidity fluctuations from 60% to 90% R.H.) and at constant humidities of 40% and 80% R.H. at the temperatures 21° and 27°. Optimal temperature for time of development was 27° (at 60%–85% R.H.). A high reduction in egg vitality was recorded at 40% R. H. and 27% At 21° the egg vitality was only slightly lower at 40% R.H. than at 80% R.H. The predator gave control ofT. urticae at temperatures from 15° to 27° (humidity fluctuation from 60%–90% R.H.), and the most rapid and efficient control was obtained at 27° (60%–85% R.H.). The predator did not give sufficient control ofT. urticae at 27° and 40% R.H. At 21° control ofT. urticae was obtained at both 40% and 80% R.H., but the prey population was reduced faster at 80% R.H. than at 40% R.H.  相似文献   

The biology ofTetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard was studied at five different temperatures on excised leaves ofSolanum douglasii Dunal. The theoretical lower threshold temperature of development was ca. 13°C. The combined immature stages required ca. 148 day-degrees for completion. Progressively later initiation of mating resulted in higher peak proportions of females produced, up to an 8-day period between emergence and mating at 30°C. The proportion of male offspring always increased towards the end of the oviposition period, apparently because of sperm depletion. The calculated intrinsic rate of increase was highest (0.432) at 35°C, the highest temperature tested. At that same temperature, daily oviposition rate and net reproductive rate were maximum (9.5 and 111.77, respectively), and mean generation time and doubling time were minimum (10.92 and 1.6 days, respectively).  相似文献   

T. M. Butt  R. A. Humber 《Protoplasma》1989,151(2-3):115-123
Summary Mitosis in a mite-pathogenic species ofNeozygites (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales) was investigated by indirect immunofluorescence microscopy using an antibody against -tubulin for visualization of microtubules (MTs). DAPI and rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin were used to stain chromatin and actin, respectively. Salient features of mitosis inNeozygites sp. are (1) a strong tendency for mitotic synchrony in any given cell, (2) conical protrusions at the poles of metaphase and anaphase nuclei revealed by actin staining, (3) absence of astral and other cytoplasmic MTs, (4) a spindle that occupies most of the nuclear volume at metaphase, (5) a spindle that remains symmetrical throughout most of mitosis, (6) kinetochore MTs that shorten during anaphase A, (7) a central spindle that elongates during anaphase B, pushing the daughter nuclei into the cell apices, and (8) interpolar MTs that continue to elongate even after separation of the daughter nuclei. Cortical cytoplasmic MTs are present in a few interphasic and post-cytokinetic cells. The data presented show thatNeozygites possesses features unique to this genus and support the erection of theNeozygitaceae as a separate family in theEntomophthorales.Abbreviations DAPI 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole - MT microtubule - SPB spindle pole body  相似文献   

Weight gain of adult femalesPhytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot was determined after they were fed eggs or adult females ofTetranychus urticae Koch reared on either Lima bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) or nightshade (Solanum douglasii Dunal). No significant difference was found when the predator was fed eggs ofT. urticae reared on either host. Predators were heavier when fed adult femaleT. urticae reared on bean. Apparently, a factor determining the prey's suitability is incorporated into its hemolymph or tissues and is not restricted to its gut content.   相似文献   

贾春生  洪波 《昆虫知识》2011,48(2):442-446
在中国首次报道了侵染摇蚊的库蚊虫霉(Entomophtora culichs)的形态特征、侵染症状以及发生动态等。库蚊虫霉初生分生孢子,钟罩形,顶部有一明显小尖突,(14.6±1.5)μm×(10.8±1.2)μm。次生分生孢子形似初生分生孢子,但略小,(11.0±1.1)μm×(8.0±0.5)μm。休眠孢子,球形至亚球形,直径(29.3±1.9)μm。被侵染摇蚊尸体以假根附着于基物上,通体覆盖着绿色的真菌子实层。库蚊虫霉侵染率在不同植物上明显不同。库蚊虫霉侵染率随季节不同波动很大,春季最高达90.2%,其次为秋季和冬季,夏季最低为0。2006—2009年库蚊虫霉侵染率为93.5%~95.7%,年际之间变动不大。  相似文献   

The identity and activity of an entomopathogenic fungus belonging to the Entomophthora muscae species complex and infecting Musca domestica in poultry houses from La Plata, Argentina, is reported. Entomophthora caused natural infections between September 2001 and September 2003. Primary conidia of this fungus were on average 29.5 ± 1.2 × 23.4 ± 2.4 μm and contained, on average, 10.5 ± 0.1 nuclei (range: 7–15) with an average diameter of 4.8 ± 0.1 μm. This fungus is identified as E. ferdinandii Keller (this specific epithet includes a nomenclaturally required spelling correction); this is a first record of E. ferdinandii in South America and of any member of the E. muscae species complex from flies in Argentina.  相似文献   

To determine the effect of predator releases in suppressing populations ofOligonychus punicae (Hirst), 9 species ofPhytoseiidae were released in single-tree replicated plots in an avocado orchard at rates of 1200 mites/tree over a 4-week period. The releases did not significantly affect average densities ofO. punicae or total phytoseiids. However, the percentages of the released species in the total phytoseiid populations reached 40, 38, 29, 28, and 22 forPhytoseiulus macropilis (Banks),Amblyseius limonicus (Garman & McGregor),Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese),Amblyseius californicus (McGregor), andTyphlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt, respectively.Phytoseiulus longipes Evans,Euseius concordis (Chant),E. stipulatus (A.-H.), andE. tutsi (Pritchard & Baker) increased little following the releases.
Résumé Dans l'intention de déterminer l'effet de lachers de prédateurs dans la réduction de populations d'Oligonychus punicae, 9 espèces prédatrices de phytoseiides ont été lachées dans un verger d'avocatier, à raison de 1200 acariens par arbre durant une période de 4 semaines, chaque arbre constituant une parcelle expérimentale. Les lachers n'ont pas eu d'effet significatif sur la densité moyenne d'O. punicae ou sur le total des phytoseiides. Par contre, les pourcentages des espèces lachées par rappourt au nombre total des phytoseiides ont atteint 40, 38, 19, 28 et 22 respectivement pourPhytoseiulus macropilis Banks,Amblyseius limonicus (Garman & McGregor),Iphiseius degenerans (Berlese),Amblyseius californicus (McGregor) etTyphlodromus occidentalis Nesbitt.Phytoseiulus longipes Evans,Euseius concordis (Chant),E. stipulatus (A.-H.) etE. tutsi (Pritchard & Baker) ont un peu augmenté en nombre après les lachers.

The effect of temperature, humidity and photoperiod on the development of Neozygites cf. floridana (Weiser and Muma) in the cassava green mite, Mononychellus tanajoa (Bondar) was studied in the laboratory. Dead infected mites began to appear 2.5 days after inoculation. At 33 and 28°C peak mortalities were higher and occurred earlier (after 2.5 days), than at 23 and 18°C. Mean LT50 (time for half the infected mites to die) decreased with increasing temperature as follows: 3.9, 3.0, 2.9 and 2.5 days at 18, 23, 28 and 33°C, respectively. When placed under conditions of high relative humidity for a period of 24 h, the percentage of dead infected mites from which the fungus sporulated was highest at 28°C (51.4%) and lowest at 33°C (6.5%). The development of the fungus inside the mite was not significantly affected by ambient humidity or photoperiod. No significant interactions between tested factors were found.  相似文献   

Root flies,Delia radicum (L.) andD. floralis (Fallén) (Diptera: Anthomyiidae), trapped in swede crops in the south of Scotland, were infected withStrongwellsea castrans Batko and Weiser (Zygomycetes: Entomophthorales). The pathogen was associated mainly with females of the 1st and 2nd generations ofD. radicum and of the single generation ofD. floralis. Disease incidence showed time-lagged density dependence. Greatest sustained infection levels were recorded in the coolest wettest season. Higher proportions ofD. radicum were infected in the headland than in the crop. Unbaited yellow water traps caught greater proportions of infected flies than traps baited with mustard oil (allyl isothiocyanate). The reasons for high levels of infection in Scotland are discussed.
Résumé Les mouches des racines,Delia radicum (L.) etD. floralis (Fallén) [Diptera: Anthomyiidae] attrapées dans la culture du rutabaga dans le sud de l'écosse, étaient contaminées parStrongwellsea castrans Batko & Weiser [Zygomycetes: entomophthorales]. Le pathogène était surtout associé aux fe nelles de la lère et de la 2ème générations deD. radicum et de la seule génération deD. floralis. Les cas de maladie montraient avec retard leur dépendance avec la densité des mouches. Les niveaux d'infection les plus grands étaient enregistrés pendant la saison la plus froide et la plus humide. Les bordures en friche des parcelles hébergeaient de plus grandes proportions deD. radicum infectés que les cultures. Des pièges jaunes sans appat ont attrapé de plus grandes proportions de mouches que lorsqu'ils étaient appatés avec de l'huile de moutarde (allyl-isothiocyanate). Les raisons qui expliquent pourquoi les niveaux d'infection en écosse sont plus élevés qu'ailleurs sont discutées.

Pyemotes parviscolyti Cross & Moser is phoretic only onPityophthorus bisulcatus Eichhoff; it attacks all stages of this insect except the adult. Females, which contain little or no venom, prey on other scolytids if galleries overlap. Males copulate with females ofPyemotes ventricosus Newport and vice versa, but only males of the mother species result. Copulation withPyemotes scolyti Oudemans was not successful.  相似文献   

B. Le Rü 《BioControl》1986,31(1):79-89
Résumé L'action régulatrice d'un champignon du groupe des Entomophthorales,Neozygites fumosa (Speare) Remaudière et Keller, est mise en évidence pour la lère fois dans une population de la cochenille du maniocPhenacoccus manihoti Matile-Ferrero (Homoptères: Pseudococcidae) en République Populaire du Congo en 1982. Le pathogène est de loin l'ennemi naturel qui intervient le plus significativement dans la régulation des effectifs. L'extension de la maladie dans la population h?te appara?t conditionnée par l'apparition simultanée d'une humidité relative supérieure ou égale à 90% et d'une température journalière minimale supérieure à 20°C. Elle semble également liée à la densité du ravageur. On notera enfin que les formes adultes sont systématiquement plus infectées que les formes larvaires.
Summary The regulatory action of the entomophthoraceous fungusNeozygites fumosa (Speare) Remaudière & Keller (Zygomycetes) is shown for the ist time in a population of the Cassava mealybug,Phenacoccus manihoti (Hom.: Pseudococcidae), in the People's Republic of the Congo in 1982. This pathogen is by far the natural enemy which intervenes the most significantly in the regulation of this insect. The development of the epizootic appears to be influenced by a relative humidity of at least 90% along with a minimal daily temperature greater than 20°C. The spread of the disease also seems to be affected by the host density. Throughout the entire duration of this study, the adult forms were more infected than the larval forms.

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