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There are several lines of evidence that the modification of proteins by cytosolic- and nuclear-specific O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) glycosylation is closely related to neuropathologies, particularly Alzheimer’s disease. Several neuronal proteins have been identified as being modified with O-GlcNAc; these proteins could form part of the inclusion bodies found, for example, in the most frequently observed neurologic disorder (i.e., Alzheimer’s disease; Tau protein and β-amyloid peptide are the well known aggregated proteins). O-GlcNAc proteins are also implicated in synaptosomal transport (e.g., synapsins and clathrin-assembly proteins). Inclusion bodies are partly characterized by a deficiency in the ubiquitin–proteasome system, avoiding the degradation of aggregated proteins. From this perspective, it appears interesting that substrate proteins could be protected against proteasomal degradation by being covalently modified with single N-acetylglucosamine on serine or threonine, and that the proteasome itself is modified and regulated by O-GlcNAc (in this case the turnover of neuronal proteins correlates with extracellular glucose). Interestingly, glucose uptake and metabolism are impaired in neuronal disorders, and this phenomenon is linked to increased phosphorylation. In view of the existence of the dynamic interplay between O-GlcNAc and phosphorylation, it is tempting to draw a parallel between the use of glucose, O-GlcNAc glycosylation and phosphorylation. Lastly, the two enzymes responsible for O-GlcNAc dynamism (i.e., O-GlcNAc transferase and glucosaminidase) are both enriched in the brain and genes that encode the two enzymes are located in two regions that are found to be frequently mutated in neurologic disorders. The data presented in this review strongly suggest that O-GlcNAc could play an active role in neurodegenerative diseases.  相似文献   

Toxic protein aggregation (proteotoxicity) is a unifying feature in the development of late‐onset human neurodegenerative disorders. Reduction of insulin/IGF‐1 signaling (IIS), a prominent lifespan, developmental and reproductive regulatory pathway, protects worms from proteotoxicity associated with the aggregation of the Alzheimer’s disease‐linked Aβ peptide. We utilized transgenic nematodes that express human Aβ and found that late life IIS reduction efficiently protects from Aβ toxicity without affecting development, reproduction or lifespan. To alleviate proteotoxic stress in the animal, the IIS requires heat shock factor (HSF)‐1 to modulate a protein disaggregase, while DAF‐16 regulates a presumptive active aggregase, raising the question of how these opposing activities could be co‐regulated. One possibility is that HSF‐1 and DAF‐16 have distinct temporal requirements for protection from proteotoxicity. Using a conditional RNAi approach, we found an early requirement for HSF‐1 that is distinct from the adult functions of DAF‐16 for protection from proteotoxicity. Our data also indicate that late life IIS reduction can protect from proteotoxicity when it can no longer promote longevity, strengthening the prospect that IIS reduction might be a promising strategy for the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders caused by proteotoxicity.  相似文献   

Aging manipulation is an emerging strategy aimed to postpone the manifestation of late‐onset neurodegenerative disorders such as Alzheimer's (AD) and Huntington's diseases (HD) and to slow their progression once emerged. Reducing the activity of the insulin/IGF signaling cascade (IIS), a prominent aging‐regulating pathway, protects worms from proteotoxicity of various aggregative proteins, including the AD‐associated peptide, Aβ‐ and the HD‐linked peptide, polyQ40. Similarly, IGF1 signaling reduction protects mice from AD‐like disease. These discoveries suggest that IIS inhibitors can serve as new drugs for the treatment of neurodegenerative maladies including AD and HD. Here, we report that NT219, a novel IIS inhibitor, mediates a long‐lasting, highly efficient inhibition of this signaling cascade by a dual mechanism; it reduces the autophosphorylation of the IGF1 receptor and directs the insulin receptor substrates 1 and 2 (IRS 1/2) for degradation. NT219 treatment promotes stress resistance and protects nematodes from AD‐ and HD‐associated proteotoxicity without affecting lifespan. Our discoveries strengthen the theme that IIS inhibition has a therapeutic potential as a cure for neurodegenerative maladies and point at NT219 as a promising compound for the treatment of these disorders through a selective manipulation of aging.  相似文献   

The ubiquitin proteasome system (UPS) is impaired in Huntington's disease, a devastating neurodegenerative disorder. Sulforaphane, a naturally occurring compound, has been shown to stimulate UPS activity in cell cultures. To test whether sulforaphane enhances UPS function in vivo, we treated UPS function reporter mice ubiquitously expressing the green fluorescence protein (GFP) fused to a constitutive degradation signal that promotes its rapid degradation in the conditions of a healthy UPS. The modified GFP is termed GFP UPS reporter (GFPu). We found that both GFPu and ubiquitinated protein levels were significantly reduced and the three peptidase activities of the proteasome were increased in the brain and peripheral tissues of the mice. Interestingly, sulforaphane treatment also enhanced autophagy activity in the brain and the liver. To further examine whether sulforaphane promotes mutant huntingtin (mHtt) degradation, we treated Huntington's disease cells with sulforaphane and found that sulforaphane not only enhanced mHtt degradation but also reduced mHtt cytotoxicity. Sulforaphane‐mediated mHtt degradation was mainly through the UPS pathway as the presence of a proteasome inhibitor abolished this effect. Taken together, these data indicate that sulforaphane activates protein degradation machineries in both the brain and peripheral tissues and may be a therapeutic reagent for Huntington's disease and other intractable disorders.


Autophagy is an evolutionarily conserved pathway mediating the breakdown of cellular proteins and organelles. Emphasizing its pivotal nature, autophagy dysfunction contributes to many diseases; nevertheless, development of effective autophagy modulating drugs is hampered by fundamental deficiencies in available methods for measuring autophagic activity or flux. To overcome these limitations, we introduced the photoconvertible protein Dendra2 into the MAP1LC3B locus of human cells via CRISPR/Cas9 genome editing, enabling accurate and sensitive assessments of autophagy in living cells by optical pulse labeling. We used this assay to perform high-throughput drug screens of four chemical libraries comprising over 30,000 diverse compounds, identifying several clinically relevant drugs and novel autophagy modulators. A select series of candidate compounds also modulated autophagy flux in human motor neurons modified by CRISPR/Cas9 to express GFP-labeled LC3. Using automated microscopy, we tested the therapeutic potential of autophagy induction in several distinct neuronal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and frontotemporal dementia (FTD). In doing so, we found that autophagy induction exhibited discordant effects, improving survival in disease models involving the RNA binding protein TDP-43, while exacerbating toxicity in neurons expressing mutant forms of UBQLN2 and C9ORF72 associated with familial ALS/FTD. These studies confirm the utility of the Dendra2-LC3 assay, while illustrating the contradictory effects of autophagy induction in different ALS/FTD subtypes.  相似文献   

Kefeng Lu  Stefan Jentsch 《Autophagy》2017,13(10):1799-1800
Efficient degradation of abnormal or aggregated proteins is crucial to protect the cell against proteotoxic stress. Selective targeting and disposal of such proteins usually occurs in a ubiquitin-dependent manner by proteasomes and macroautophagy/autophagy. Whereas proteasomes are efficient in degrading abnormal soluble proteins, protein aggregates are typically targeted for degradation by autophagic vesicles. Both processes require ubiquitin-binding receptors, which are targeted to proteasomes via ubiquitin-like domains or to phagophores (the precursors to autophagosomes) via Atg8/LC3 binding motifs, respectively. The use of substrate modification by ubiquitin in both pathways raised the question of how degradative pathway choice is achieved. In contrast to previous models, proposing different types of ubiquitin linkages for substrate targeting, we find that pathway choice is a late event largely determined by the oligomeric state of the receptors. Monomeric proteasome receptors bind soluble substrates more efficiently due to their higher affinity for ubiquitin. Upon substrate aggregation, autophagy receptors with lower ubiquitin binding affinity gain the upper hand due to higher avidity achieved by receptor bundling. Thus, our work suggests that ubiquitination is a shared signal of an adaptive protein quality control system, which targets substrates for the optimal proteolytic pathway.  相似文献   

Late onset is a common hallmark character of numerous disorders including human neurodegenerative maladies such as Huntington's, Parkinson's and Alzheimer's diseases. Why these diseases manifest in aged individuals and why distinct disorders share strikingly similar emergence patterns were until recently unsolved enigmas. During the past decade, invertebrate-based studies indicated that the insulin/IGF signalling pathway (IIS) mechanistically links neurodegenerative-associated toxic protein aggregation and ageing; yet, until recently it was unclear whether this link is conserved from invertebrates to mammals. Recent studies performed in Alzheimer's mouse models indicated that ageing alteration by IIS reduction slows the progression of Alzheimer's-like disease, protects the brain and mitigates the behavioural, pathological and biochemical impairments associated with the disease. Here, we review these novel studies and discuss the potential of ageing alteration as a therapeutic approach for the treatment of late onset neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Multiple myeloma (MM) is the paradigmatic proteasome inhibitor (PI) responsive cancer, but many patients fail to respond. An attractive target to enhance sensitivity is (macro)autophagy, recently found essential to bone marrow plasma cells, the normal counterpart of MM. Here, integrating proteomics with hypothesis-driven strategies, we identified the autophagic cargo receptor and adapter protein, SQSTM1/p62 as an essential component of an autophagic reserve that not only synergizes with the proteasome to maintain proteostasis, but also mediates a plastic adaptive response to PIs, and faithfully reports on inherent PI sensitivity. Lentiviral engineering revealed that SQSTM1 is essential for MM cell survival and affords specific PI protection. Under basal conditions, SQSTM1-dependent autophagy alleviates the degradative burden on the proteasome by constitutively disposing of substantial amounts of ubiquitinated proteins. Indeed, its inhibition or stimulation greatly sensitized to, or protected from, PI-induced protein aggregation and cell death. Moreover, under proteasome stress, myeloma cells selectively enhanced SQSTM1 de novo expression and reset its vast endogenous interactome, diverting SQSTM1 from signaling partners to maximize its association with ubiquitinated proteins. Saturation of such autophagic reserve, as indicated by intracellular accumulation of undigested SQSTM1-positive aggregates, specifically discriminated patient-derived myelomas inherently susceptible to PIs from primarily resistant ones. These aggregates correlated with accumulation of the endoplasmic reticulum, which comparative proteomics identified as the main cell compartment targeted by autophagy in MM. Altogether, the data integrate autophagy into our previously established proteasome load-versus-capacity model, and reveal SQSTM1 aggregation as a faithful marker of defective proteostasis, defining a novel prognostic and therapeutic framework for MM.  相似文献   

Autophagic and proteasomal degradation constitute the major cellular proteolysis pathways. Their physiological and pathophysiological adaptation and perturbation modulates the relative abundance of apoptosis-transducing proteins and thereby can positively or negatively adjust cell death susceptibility. In addition to balancing protein expression amounts, components of the autophagic and proteasomal degradation machineries directly interact with and co-regulate apoptosis signal transduction. The influence of autophagic and proteasomal activity on apoptosis susceptibility is now rapidly gaining more attention as a significant modulator of cell death signalling in the context of human health and disease. Here we present a concise and critical overview of the latest knowledge on the molecular interplay between apoptosis signalling, autophagy and proteasomal protein degradation. We highlight that these three pathways constitute an intricate signalling triangle that can govern and modulate cell fate decisions between death and survival. Owing to rapid research progress in recent years, it is now possible to provide detailed insight into the mechanisms of pathway crosstalk, common signalling nodes and the role of multi-functional proteins in co-regulating both protein degradation and cell death.  相似文献   

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Autophagy has been intensively studied in herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1), a human alphaherpesvirus. The HSV-1 genome encodes a well-known neurovirulence protein called ICP34.5. When the gene encoding this protein is deleted from the genome, the virus is markedly less virulent when injected into the brains of animal models. Subsequent characterization of ICP34.5 established that the neurovirulence protein interacts with BECN1, thereby inhibiting autophagy and facilitating viral replication in the brain. However, an ortholog of the ICP34.5 gene is lacking in the genomes of other closely related alphaherpesviruses, such as varicella-zoster virus (VZV). Further, autophagosomes are easily identified in the exanthem (rash) that is the hallmark of both VZV diseases—varicella and herpes zoster. Inhibition of autophagy leads to diminished VZV titers. Finally, no block is detected in studies of autophagic flux following VZV infection. Thus autophagy appears to be proviral during VZV infection while antiviral during HSV-1 infection. Because divergence to this degree is extremely unusual for 2 closely related herpesviruses, we postulate that VZV has accommodated its infectious cycle to benefit from autophagic flux, whereas HSV-1 has captured cellular immunomodulatory genes to inhibit autophagy.  相似文献   

Yes-associated protein (YAP), a major effector of the Hippo signalling pathway, is widely implicated in vascular pathophysiology processes. Here, we identify a new role of YAP in the regulation of vascular senescence. The inhibition or deficiency and overexpression of YAP were performed in human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) and isolated vascular tissues. Cellular and vascular senescence was assessed by analysis of the senescence-associated β-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) and expression of senescence markers P16, P21, P53, TERT and TRF1. We found that YAP was highly expressed in old vascular tissues, inhibition and knockdown of YAP decreased senescence, while overexpression of YAP increased the senescence in both HUVECs and vascular tissues. In addition, autophagic flux blockage and mTOR pathway activation were observed during YAP-induced HUVECs and vascular senescence, which could be relieved by the inhibition and knockdown of YAP. Moreover, YAP-promoted cellular and vascular senescence could be relieved by mTOR inhibition. Collectively, our findings indicate that YAP may serve as a potential therapeutic target for ageing-associated cardiovascular disease.  相似文献   

Aging is one of the risk factors for the development of low-grade inflammation morbidities, such as several types of cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, due to changes in the metabolism, hormonal secretion, and immunosenescence. The senescence of the immune system leads to improper control of infections and tissue damage increasing age-related diseases. One of the mechanisms that maintain cellular homeostasis is autophagy, a cell-survival mechanism, and it has been proposed as one of the most powerful antiaging therapies. Regular exercise can reestablish autophagy, probably through AMP-activated protein kinase activation, and help in reducing the age-related senescence diseases. Therefore, in this study, we discuss the effects of exercise training in immunosenescence and autophagy, preventing the two main age-related disease, cancer and neurodegeneration.  相似文献   

Neurodegenerative diseases (NDs) are a diverse group of disorders characterized by the progressive degeneration of the structure and function of the central or peripheral nervous systems. One of the major features of NDs, such as Alzheimer''s disease (AD), Parkinson''s disease (PD) and Huntington''s disease (HD), is the aggregation of specific misfolded proteins, which induces cellular dysfunction, neuronal death, loss of synaptic connections and eventually brain damage. By far, a great amount of evidence has suggested that TRIM family proteins play crucial roles in the turnover of normal regulatory and misfolded proteins. To maintain cellular protein quality control, cells rely on two major classes of proteostasis: molecular chaperones and the degradative systems, the latter includes the ubiquitin-proteasome system (UPS) and autophagy; and their dysfunction has been established to result in various physiological disorders including NDs. Emerging evidence has shown that TRIM proteins are key players in facilitating the clearance of misfolded protein aggregates associated with neurodegenerative disorders. Understanding the different pathways these TRIM proteins employ during episodes of neurodegenerative disorder represents a promising therapeutic target. In this review, we elucidated and summarized the diverse roles with underlying mechanisms of members of the TRIM family proteins in NDs.  相似文献   

W Qiu  M Su  F Xie  J Ai  Y Ren  J Zhang  R Guan  W He  Y Gong  Y Guo 《Cell death & disease》2014,5(3):e1123
Lysosomes are acidic organelles that have a crucial role in degrading intracellular macromolecules and organelles during the final stage of autophagy. Tetrandrine (Tet), a bisbenzylisoquinoline alkaloid, was reported as an autophagy activator. Here, in contrast with previous studies, we show that Tet is a potent lysosomal deacidification agent and is able to block autophagic flux in the degradation stage. Single-agent Tet induces significant apoptosis both in vitro and in xenograft models. In the presence of Tet, apoptosis was preceded by a robust accumulation of autophagosomes and an increased level of microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3, type II (LC3-II). However, Tet increased the level of sequestosome 1 and decreased the turnover of LC3, indicating the blockade of autophagic flux in the degradation stage. As blockade of autophagic flux decreases the recycling of cellular fuels, Tet reduces the uptake of glucose in cancer cells. These effects lead to insufficient substrates for tricarboxylic acid (TCA) cycle and impaired oxidative phosphorylation. Blunting autophagosome formation using 3-methyladenine or genetic knockdown of Beclin-1 failed to rescue cells upon Tet treatment. By contrast, addition of methyl pyruvate to supplement TCA substrates protected Tet-treated tumor cells. These results demonstrate that energetic impairment is required in Tet-induced apoptosis. Tet, as a potent lysosomal inhibitor, is translatable to the treatment of malignant tumor patients.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a catabolic process that delivers cytoplasmic components via the autophagosome to lysosomes for degradation. Measuring autophagic activity is critical to dissect molecular mechanisms and functions of autophagy but remains challenging due to the lack of a definitive method. We have recently developed a new fluorescent probe, GFP-LC3-RFP-LC3ΔG, to assess autophagic flux. Upon intracellular expression, the probe is cleaved by ATG4 family proteases into equimolar amounts of GFP-LC3 and RFP-LC3ΔG. The former is degraded by autophagy while the latter persists as an internal control in the cytosol. Autophagic flux can thus be quantified by obtaining the ratio of GFP:RFP signals. Using this method, we have identified several autophagy-modulating drugs by screening an approved drug library. We have also demonstrated that induced and basal autophagic flux can be monitored in zebrafish and mice.  相似文献   

It has become evident that caspases function in nonapoptotic cellular processes in addition to the canonical role for caspases in apoptotic cell death. We recently demonstrated that the Drosophila effector caspase Dcp-1 localizes to the mitochondria and positively regulates starvation-induced autophagic flux during mid-oogenesis. Loss of Dcp-1 leads to elongation of the mitochondrial network, increased levels of the adenine nucleotide translocase sesB, increased ATP levels, and a reduction in autophagy. We found that sesB is a negative regulator of autophagic flux, and Dcp-1 interacts with sesB in a nonproteolytic manner to regulate its stability, uncovering a novel mechanism of mitochondrial associated, caspase-mediated regulation of autophagy in vivo.  相似文献   

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