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Salinity is one of the main chemical factors in salt marshes. Studies focused on the analysis of salinity tolerance of salt marsh plants are very important, since they may help to relate their physiological tolerances with distribution limits in the field. Spartina densiflora is a South America cordgrass, which has started its invasion of the European coastline from the southwestern Iberian Peninsula. In this work, short-term responses in adult tussocks of S. densiflora from southwestern Spain are studied over a wide range of salinity in a greenhouse experiment. Our results point out that S. densiflora has a high tolerance to salinity, showing high growth and net photosynthesis rates from 0.5 to 20 ppt. S. densiflora showed at the lowest salinity (0.5 ppt) high levels of photoinhibition, compensated by higher levels of energy transmission between photosystems. Adaptative mechanisms, as those described previously, would allow it to live in fresh water environments. At the highest salinity (40 ppt), S. densiflora showed a high stress level, reflected in significant decreases in growth, net photosynthesis rate and photochemical efficiency of Photosystem II. These responses support S. densiflora invasion patterns in European estuaries, with low expansion rates along the coastline and faster colonization of brackish marshes and river banks. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The recently described Mediterranean goby species, Buenia massutii, was found at the deep shelf in the Gulf of Cádiz (north-eastern Atlantic Ocean). The identification of the specimen was performed using morphological analysis and molecular techniques; including the sequencing of the mitochondrial genes Cytochrome c Oxidase I (DNA barcode) and Cytochrome b. The sequences for Cytochrome b is presented for the first time for B. massutii. The limited migration capability and behaviour of small benthic gobies, the short lifespan of Buenia species, and the oceanographic characteristics of the Strait of Gibraltar suggest the existence of an independent Atlantic population of B. massutii.  相似文献   

The first part of the paper discusses the significance of using either concentration or accumulation values for expressing the results of investigations of lake sediment cores aimed at studying the history of heavy metal pollution. Neither the values for heavy metal concentration in the lake sediment, whether expressed per gram dry sediment or per gram soluble (organic) sediment, nor the values for their total annual accumulation per unit area of the lake bottom, can, on their own, provide an accurate picture of past pollution conditions, but when considered in combination they render a fairly reliable and detailed interpretation. The second part of the paper deals with Pb, Cd and Hg analyses of cores of varved sediments from several lakes in N. Sweden. Pb and Cd pollution increased during the second half of the 19th century. In most lakes, Hg pollution seems first to have started during the 20th century. Marked increases in both concentration and accumulation of heavy metals took place during the 20th century. For recent decades, the estimated accumulation rates of heavy metals from anthropogenic sources are: Pb 0.5–1.5 µg cm–2 yr–1, Cd 15–30 ng cm–2 yr–1 and Hg 1–2 ng cm–2 yr–1, Higher values were recorded in lakes affected by local emissions.  相似文献   

海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物的生物有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汪飞  黄小平 《生态学杂志》2012,31(1):207-214
海洋沉积物是重金属的重要贮库,而海洋底栖无脊椎动物主要从沉积物中摄取重金属,这些被摄取的重金属能够通过食物链进行传递,进而影响到人类健康。本文总结了近些年来在海洋沉积物中重金属对底栖无脊椎动物生物有效性方面的研究进展,包括海洋底栖无脊椎动物对重金属的吸收途径、沉积物地球化学性质和底栖无脊椎动物生理等生物因素对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响。在此基础上,展望了未来研究重点,主要包括近海富营养化对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物消化道中的物理消化过程对沉积物中重金属生物有效性的影响,海洋底栖无脊椎动物整个生活史过程中沉积物中重金属生物有效性的变化等。  相似文献   

东江沉积物重金属分布特征及污染评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用ICP-MS对东江河流沉积物中的重金属进行分析,发现东江沉积物中Cu、Zn、Cd、Hg等重金属呈现相同的变化特点,高值区和低值区基本一致.东江流域沉积物的重金属污染物主要是Cu、Zn、Cd、Hg、Pb,其平均含量分别为157.29、213.21、0.98、0.42、50.77mg·kg-1,均高于中国大陆沉积物背景值.地累积指数法和Hakanson潜在生态危害指数法对东江流域沉积物污染程度和生态危害程度的评价结果显示,东江沉积物中地累积指数从大到小的顺序为Cd、Cu、Zn、Hg、Pb;从总的污染程度来看,东江沉积物中各重金属对生态风险影响程度从大到小的顺序为Hg、Cd、Cu、Pb、Zn;从总的生态风险指数上看,整个东江流域除处于上游的河源市段生态风险低外,处于中游的惠州段生态风险为"较高",处于下游的东莞段生态风险为"极高".  相似文献   

湘西河流表层沉积物重金属污染特征及其潜在生态毒性风险   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
朱程  马陶武  周科  刘佳  彭巾英  任博 《生态学报》2010,30(15):3983-3993
花垣河和峒河是湘西地区受到锰矿和铅锌矿生产影响严重的两条河流。通过表层沉积物采样分析了Cd、Pb、Cu、Ni、Cr、Zn和Mn的总量,根据BCR连续提取程序分析沉积物样品中重金属的地球化学赋存形态,采用内梅罗指数法和地积累指数法评价了沉积物重金属污染特征,根据重金属的富集程度探讨了重金属污染来源,采用淡水生态系统沉积物质量基准(SQGs,TEL/PEL)和毒性单位评价了花垣河和峒河沉积物中重金属元素的生态毒性风险。结果表明,花垣河和峒河绝大多数位点的表层沉积物中Cd、Pb、Cu、Ni、Cr、Zn和Mn的总量高于参照点,形成严重的复合污染,花垣河沉积物中重金属的污染水平明显高于峒河,但沿程变化规律不明显,而峒河沉积物中重金属的沿程变化较有规律,即上游含量低,中下游含量较高。两条河流表层沉积物中富集程度居前列的均为Cd、Pb、Zn和Mn。花垣河和峒河沉积物重金属污染主要来源于矿业生产所产生废渣和废水的点排放。在花垣河和峒河的大多数位点,Cd、Pb和Mn的形态具有共同特征,其生物可利用态均较大程度地超过生物不可利用态,而且Mn和Cd的生物可直接利用态所占比例远高于其它重金属,而Cu和Cr的生物可直接利用态所占比例很低。花垣河沉积物中Cd、Pb和Zn在所有位点极大地超过PEL,在峒河中下游,Cd、Pb、Ni和Zn超过PEL,具有较大的潜在生物毒性。除上游S1位点外,花垣河的其余各位点都具有明显的急性毒性,峒河中下游各位点具有明显的急性毒性,这些河段需要重点治理。  相似文献   


The distribution, contamination status, and ecological risks of heavy metals in Tahaddart estuary were investigated. 24 surface sediment samples and two cores were collected and analyzed for major (Al and Fe), heavy metals (As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb, and Zn), and grain size composition. The heavy metals assessment was carried out using different environmental indices. The results indicated that the spatial distribution patterns of Al, Fe, and Zn were mainly determined by the distribution of the finer grained fraction (<63?μm) in the sediment. In contrast, As, Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb concentrations were controlled by anthropogenic activities (vehicular traffic from Highway Bridge and thermal power plant). The distribution of heavy metals in sediment cores showed an upward enrichment in heavy metals with high concentration found in the uppermost may related to the increasing in human activities. The pollution indexes confirmed that the Tahaddart estuary sediment was considerably to high contaminated by heavy metals near to different anthropogenic inputs. Similarly, the potential ecological risk index and the biological risk index present 21% probability of toxicity posing potential risk to the aquatic organisms. These results provide basic information that can be used to protect and improve the quality of this ecosystem.  相似文献   

青海湖表层沉积物重金属富集特征及其来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对青海湖表层沉积物重金属分布特征,测定了湖区11个采样点99个样本表层(0~20 cm)沉积物中重金属Zn、Cu、Pb、Ni、Cr和Fe的含量,采用地累积指数和潜在生态危害指数评价重金属富集状况,并运用相关分析和因子分析对重金属来源进行了初步探讨.结果表明,旅游区采样点151码头(1#)和江西沟码头(4#)的Zn和Cu元素及布哈河(5#)Cr为轻度污染,其他样点未受重金属污染,所有样点潜在生态危害均为轻微程度,以旅游区码头的潜在生态危害综合评价最高;沉积物中Cr、Fe和TOC存在显著相关性,且在因子1(内源因子)中占绝对负荷,其来源主要与沉积母质有关.此外,入湖河流也带入一定量的Cr元素;Pb和Zn与其他元素相关性较差,分别反映因子2(农业生产活动因子)和因子3(旅游交通排放因子)的迁移转化规律,其来源与人类活动有关;表层沉积物中Cu的积累与内源因子、农业和旅游排放因子均有关;Ni的分布特征主要受内源因子和旅游交通排放因子的影响.本研究表明,青海湖表层沉积物重金属污染及潜在生态危害较轻,其来源除内源因子外,还与湖区农业活动及旅游交通排放等人为因素有关.  相似文献   

赣江上游沉积物重金属空间分布及污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解赣江上游表层沉积物重金属污染特征,采集赣江上游38个样品,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(ICP-MS,Agilent 8800)分析沉积物中重金属含量,结合内梅罗综合污染指数法、地累积指数法、主成分分析及沉积物质量基准等研究赣江上游沉积物中重金属污染程度,分析污染物可能的来源及评价其存在的生态风险。结果表明:赣江上游沉积物中W、Cr、Mn、Cu、Zn、As、Cd、Hg、Pb等9种重金属的平均含量分别为12.30、4.40、999.84、9.72、293.81、47.66、2.85、1.34、63.68 mg·kg-1;除Cr和Cu外,其余7种重金属的平均值均超过江西省土壤背景值。内梅罗综合污染评价表明,赣江上游表层沉积物中47.37%的采样点呈严重污染,28.95%采样点污染明显,其中污染程度章水段>桃江段>贡江段;地积累指数法显示,Mn、As、W、Pb呈轻度污染,Cd和Hg呈中度或偏重度污染;主成分分析显示,As、W、Hg、Pb具有相似的污染源,Cr和Mn具有相似的污染源;沉积物质量基准分析表明,对底栖生物可能产生毒性效应的重金属主要是Cd和Hg,主要分布在章水段和桃...  相似文献   

Surface sediment samples were collected from a source water reservoir in Zhejiang Province, East of China to investigate pollution characteristics and potential ecological risk of heavy metals. The BCR sequential extraction method was used to determine the four chemical fractions of heavy metals such as acid soluble, easily reducible, easily oxidizable and residual fractions. The heavy metals pollution and potential ecological risk were evaluated systematically using geoaccumulation index (Igeo) and Hakanson potential ecological risk index (H′). The results showed that the sampling sites from the estuaries of tributary flowing through downtowns and heavy industrial parks showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher average concentrations of heavy metals in the surface sediments, as compared to the other sampling sites. Chemical fractionation showed that Mn existed mainly in acid extractable fraction, Cu and Pb were mainly in reducible fraction, and As existed mainly in residual fraction in the surface sediments despite sampling sites. The sampling sites from the estuary of tributary flowing through downtown showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher proportions of acid extractable and reducible fractions than the other sampling sites, which would pose a potential toxic risk to aquatic organisms as well as a potential threat to drinking water safety. As, Pb, Ni and Cu were at relatively high potential ecological risk with high Igeo values for some sampling locations. Hakanson potential ecological risk index (H′) showed the surface sediments from the tributary estuaries with high population density and rapid industrial development showed significantly (p < 0.05) higher heavy metal pollution levels and potential ecological risk in the surface sediments, as compared to the other sampling sites.  相似文献   

北京市南沙河沉积物重金属污染特征及风险评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
北京南沙河是海淀北部地区的重要排水和风景观赏性河道,为全面了解南沙河底泥沉积物中重金属的污染特征,采集了表层沉积物样品,分析了重金属元素的含量和形态,并利用单因子指数法、Hakanson综合污染指数法和潜在生态风险指数法对沉积物重金属进行了生态风险评价.结果表明:南沙河表层沉积物各种重金属元素存在较好的同源性,污染程度为:Cr>Cd>Zn>Cu>Pb>Ni.基于单项潜在生态风险指数的评价表明,该区域重金属生态风险等级由强至弱依次为:Cd>Pb>Cu≈Cr>Ni≈Zn,其中,仅Cd具有较高的潜在生态风险,综合潜在生态风险指数表明,除了京藏高速桥河段危害等级较高外,南沙河总体处于轻微的生态风险等级.形态分析表明,Cd的酸提取态含量高,迁移性最强,最容易对生物造成直接危害,其次是Pb和Zn,Cu和Ni具有一定程度的潜在环境危害,Cr产生环境危害的可能性较小.  相似文献   

The Linggi River drainage basin in Negeri Sembilan Malaysia is the major source of potable water for the townships of Seremban and Port Dickson. Water quality is threatened by industrial and commercial development taking place in the basin. This study investigated the concentrations and distribution of organic micro-pollutants and heavy metals within the catchment. Arsenic, copper, cadmium, lead, mercury and zinc were determined in water and sediment samples. All heavy metal concentrations were increased down the basin; arsenic and copper concentration in particular were elevated probably due respectively to flow in of arsenical herbicides in rubber and oil palm plantations and copper sulphate and an additive in pig food.Total phenol concentration also increased considerably within the catchment as a result of urbanisation. Five priority phenolic pollutants (2,4-dimethylphenol; 4-chloro-3-methylphenol; 2,4,6-trichlorophenol; 4-introphenol; pentachlorophenol) were found.  相似文献   

海南东寨港红树林沉积物中重金属的分布及其生物有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对东寨港红树林湿地沉积物中7种典型重金属元素(Cr、Ni、Cu、Zn、As、Cd 和Pb)的有效态含量和全量进行测定,并讨论了红树林湿地沉积物中重金属元素的分布特征及其生物有效性.结果表明: 7种重金属在东寨港红树林湿地的含量大于亚龙湾和三亚湾的红树林湿地,但与中国南方和世界各地的典型红树林湿地相比仍处于中等偏低水平.东寨港红树林湿地光滩、林缘、林内表层沉积物的重金属含量存在差异;在柱状沉积物中重金属伴随沉积明显,表现出较强的同源性.经EDTA萃取出的有效态金属在表层沉积物中含量依次为Cu>Cr>Zn>Ni>As>Pb>Cd;垂直梯度重金属有效态含量占总量的比例的最大值(除Ni外)均出现在表层或中上层;目标重金属元素有效态和总量在空间分布上具有明显正相关性,元素总量指标能较好地评估该元素的生物有效性  相似文献   

Sarmani  Sukiman B. 《Hydrobiologia》1989,176(1):233-238
The distributions of heavy metals in the Langat River were studied for a period of six months between September 1984 and February 1985. Heavy metals such as arsenic, cadmium, cerium, cobalt, chromium, caesium, lanthanum, rubidium, antimony, scandium, thorium and zinc were determined in water, suspended materials and sediment samples from the Langat River by neutron activation and atomic absorption spectrometry. The concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, cerium, cobalt, scandium, antimony, and zinc were generally highest in the suspended materials, whereas the concentrations of chromium, rubidium and thorium were always highest in the sediments: Arsenic concentrations in the river were slightly higher than the natural concentration, while other elements were generally at their natural concentration levels. The use of arsenical herbicides in plantations along the river could be a source of arsenic pollution.  相似文献   


In order to investigate heavy metal contamination in an urban environment during urbanization and economic development, 35 road-deposited sediment samples were collected from seven different land-use zones (commercial, residential, traffic, scenic park, educational, industrial and peri-urban) in Nanjing, a large city in P.R. China. The ranges of total metal concentrations found were: 28.7–272 mg kg?1 for Cu; 24.8–268 mg kg?1 for Ni; 37.3–204 mg kg?1 for Pb; 140–798 mg kg?1 for Zn; 0.44–2.19mg kg?1 for Cd; and 60.6–250 mg kg?1 for Cr. Metal fractionation was carried out using a modified three-step European Bureau of References (BCR) sequential extraction procedure. Cadmium and Zn were found predominantly associated with the acid extractable fractions; Ni and Cr were dominant in the residual fraction; Pb was predominantly associated with the residual and reducible fractions; Cu was dominant in the oxidizable and residual metal fractions. Based on the sum of the acid-extractable, reducible, and oxidizable fractions, Cd, Zn and Pb are potentially the most toxic metals in the road-deposited sediment in Nanjing. No significant differences, except for Zn, were found in the metal fractionation pattern for Cu, Ni, Pb, Cd, and Cr in different land use zones.  相似文献   

Two different approaches were used to study the bioavailability of sediment-bound lead. In vitro techniques simulating the potential metal desorption under conditions prevailing in the digestive tract were assayed on a contaminated sediment. An experimental model of a food chain was designed to determine the retention of lead in the soft tissues of oysters according to the environmental source of the metal (water or sediment). Neither enzymatic action nor leaching at low pH (both aspects of digestion) induce the release of important lead amounts from particles. Therefore, after 3 weeks of exposure, the retention of lead from the trophic source is lower (1%) compared with direct contamination (5%). Lysosomes are the major intracellular structures responsible for lead storage in the gills, digestive tract and digestive gland. The abundance of lysosomes and their lead amount vary according to the gross concentrations in the soft tissues. The cytopathological data are in agreement with the results about lead accumulation: in oysters exposed to sediment-bound lead, impairments are not so marked as in individuals contaminated directly from water but the same organelles are concerned. Mitochondrial impairments may be related to the effect of lead on cellular respiration processes and changes involving the granular endoplasmic reticulum may have an effect on the level of protein synthesis. Cellular extrusions carrying away numerous lysosomes loaded with lead could account for the balancing of lead incorporation between 2 and 3 weeks of exposure.  相似文献   

Summary An autoradiographic procedure for the investigation of the uptake of minerals by plant roots and its application to the stimulation of uptake of ferric iron by agrobactin is described.  相似文献   

Xu  Fu-Liu  Tao  S.  Dawson  R. W.  Xu  Z. R. 《Hydrobiologia》2003,492(1-3):85-93
The temporal and spatial distribution of total nitrogen and total phosphate in the sediments of a shallow eutrophic Chinese lake (Lake Chao), and their relationships with the physical and chemical features of sediments, and their effects on the lake water quality and trophic state, are presented in this paper. The following results were obtained: (1) higher concentration of Tot-N and Tot-P in the sediments occurred in the summer and the autumn seasons; (2) higher annual average Tot-N and Tot-P concentrations were observed in the sediments near the various river mouths and in the western part of the lake; (3) Tot-N and Tot-P concentration in the lake sediments generally increased with increase in lake sediment Eh, pH, and Al2O3, and declined with decrease in lake sediment size diameters and SiO2; and, (4) correlations were observed in both the temporal and spatial distributions between the trophic state, Tot-N and Tot-P concentration in the lake water, and the Tot-N and Tot-P concentration found in the lake sediments.  相似文献   

The stability of the 37-amino acid peptide pramlintide, in aqueous solution, was studied as a function of pH and temperature. Samples of pramlintide formulated as a parenteral product were exposed to elevated temperatures and to realistic storage conditions for as long as 30 months. Pramlintide degradation was monitored by three high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) methods: a reversedphase (RP-HPLC) and a strong-cation exchange (SCX-HPLC) method for percentage purity determination by area normalization, plus a second RP-HPLC method for potency determinationversus external standards. The pH-rate profile for pramlintide shows increasing degradation rate constants with increasing pH over the range pH=3.5 to 5.0. The Arrhenius expression for pramlintide degradation at pH=4.0 over the temperature range 5°C to 50°C is In(k0)=37.39−21.900/RT, where k0 is the zero-order rate constant (in %/mo) for pramlintide degradation. The pramlintide parenteral product formulated at pH=4.0 is extremely stable, with percentage purity and percentage potency loss of only approximately 2% over 30 months at 5°C. The formulated pramlintide drug product has acceptable shelf life for long-term storage at 5°C and up to a 30-day patient use when stored at ambient temperature.  相似文献   

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