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Phagocytosis and autophagy are two lysosome-mediated cellular degradation pathways designed to eliminate extracellular and intracellular constituents, respectively. Recent studies suggest that these two processes intersect. Several autophagy proteins have been shown to participate in clearance of apoptotic cells, but whether and how the autophagy pathway is involved is unclear. Here we showed that loss of function mutations in 19 genes acting at overlapping or distinct stages of autophagy caused increased numbers of cell corpses in C. elegans embryos. In contrast, genes that mediate specific clearance of P granules or protein aggregates through autophagy are dispensable for cell corpse removal. We showed that defective autophagy impairs phagosome maturation and that autophagy genes act in parallel to the class II phosphoinositide (PI)/phosphatidylinositol (PtdIns) 3-kinase PIKI-1 to regulate phagosomal PtdIns3P in a similar manner as VPS-34. Our data indicate that autophagy may coordinate with PIKI-1 to promote phagosome maturation, thus ensuring efficient clearance of apoptotic cells.  相似文献   

Autophagy exerts dual functions in cancer, acting as both a tumor suppressor, for example, by preventing the accumulation of damaged proteins and organelles, and as a tumor promoter that supports tumor growth. Many anticancer therapies engage autophagy as part of a cellular response. However, the question of whether or not autophagic activity in cells undergoing cell death is the cause of death or whether it is actually an attempt to support survival in response to cellular stress conditions has been discussed with great controversy.  相似文献   

Recently, nine Caenorhabditis elegans genes, grouped into two pathways/clusters, were found to be implicated in healthspan in C. elegans and their homologues in humans, based on literature curation, WormBase data mining and bioinformatics analyses. Here, we further validated these genes experimentally in C. elegans. We downregulated the nine genes via RNA interference (RNAi), and their effects on physical function (locomotion in a swim assay) and on physiological function (survival after heat stress) were analysed in aged nematodes. Swim performance was negatively affected by the downregulation of acox-1.1, pept-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in worms with advanced age (twelfth day of adulthood) and heat stress resistance was decreased by RNAi targeting of acox-1.1, daf-22, cat-4, pig-1, pak-2, gsk-3 and C25G6.3 in moderately (seventh day of adulthood) or advanced aged nematodes. Only one gene, sad-1, could not be linked to a health-related function in C. elegans with the bioassays we selected. Thus, most of the healthspan genes could be re-confirmed by health measurements in old worms.  相似文献   

自由基过度引起的氧化应激是多种疾病发生的因素。连翘花黄色素(forsythia flower yellow pigment, FFYP)中含有大量的抗氧化活性物质,但其对氧化应激的抵抗性仍不清楚。本文首先通过化学方法检测FFYP的体外抗氧化活性;用细胞内抗氧化活性(cellular antioxidant activity,CAA)方法检测FFYP细胞内抗氧化活性;然后以秀丽隐杆线虫(Caenorhabditis elegans,C. elegans)为模型,检测FFYP对线虫氧化应激抵抗力及体内抗氧化指标的影响;用Daf 16和Skn 1突变体线虫和qRT PCR实验探究其作用机制。研究结果表明,FFYP具有1,1-二苯基-2-三硝基苯肼(1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl, DPPH)自由基清除能力,铁离子还原能力和活性氧自由基(reactive oxygen species, ROS)清除能力,并且具有浓度依赖性。用500 μmol/L的胡桃醌提供氧化应激压力时,FFYP能显著提高线虫在氧化应激下的寿命,表明FFYP可以提高线虫对氧化应激的抵抗力。进一步研究发现,FFYP可显著降低线虫体内ROS自由基含量,提高超氧化物歧化酶(superoxide dismutase, SOD)和过氧化氢酶(catalase, CAT)活性,增加还原型谷胱甘肽(glutathione, GSH)含量,表明FFYP通过提高线虫体内抗氧化防御系统活性清除自由基来提高线虫对氧化应激的抵抗力。突变体线虫实验显示,FFYP对线虫延长氧化应激下寿命的效应在Skn-1突变体线虫中完全消失,在Daf-16突变体中效应被减弱。qRT-PCR实验也显示,Daf-16和Skn-1靶基因的表达量均被提高。表明FFYP对线虫氧化应激抵抗力提高的作用是通过Daf-16和Skn-1共同作用。这预示着FFYP具有很好的抗氧化及抗应激药用价值,有潜力成为一种新的有生物活性的天然色素。  相似文献   

Degradation of ornithine decarboxylase, the rate-limiting enzyme of polyamine biosynthesis, is promoted by the protein antizyme. Expression of antizyme is positively regulated by rising polyamine concentrations that induce a +1 translational frameshift required for production of the full-length protein. Antizyme itself is negatively regulated by the antizyme inhibitor. In our study, the regulation of Caenorhabditis elegans antizyme was investigated, and the antizyme inhibitor was identified. By applying a novel GFP-based method to monitor antizyme frameshifting in vivo, we show that the induction of translational frameshifting also occurs under stressful conditions. Interestingly, during starvation, the initiation of frameshifting was independent of polyamine concentrations. Because frameshifting was also prevalent in a polyamine auxotroph double mutant, a polyamine-independent regulation of antizyme frameshifting is suggested. Polyamine-independent induction of antizyme expression was found to be negatively regulated by the peptide transporter PEPT-1, as well as the target of rapamycin, but not by the daf-2 insulin signaling pathway. Stress-dependent expression of C. elegans antizyme occurred morely slowly than expression in response to increased polyamine levels, pointing to a more general reaction to unfavorable conditions and a diversion away from proliferation and reproduction toward conservation of energy. Interestingly, antizyme expression was found to drastically increase in aging individuals in a postreproductive manner. Although knockdown of antizyme did not affect the lifespan of C. elegans, knockdown of the antizyme inhibitor led to a significant reduction in lifespan. This is most likely caused by an increase in antizyme-mediated degradation of ornithine decarboxylase-1 and a resulting reduction in cellular polyamine levels.  相似文献   

During the development of Caenorhabditis elegans, through cell divisions, a total of exactly 1090 cells are generated, 131 of which undergo programmed cell death (PCD) to result in an adult organism comprising 959 cells. Of those 131, exactly 113 undergo PCD during embryogenesis, subdivided across the cell lineages in the following fashion: 98 for AB lineage; 14 for MS lineage; and 1 for C lineage. Is there a law underlying these numbers, and if there is, what could it be? Here we wish to show that the count of the cells undergoing PCD complies with the cipher laws related to the algorithms of Shor and of Grover.  相似文献   

基于靶点的体外药物筛选操作相对简单,成本较低,但是由于药物在体内的作用并不仅仅取决于其与靶点的作用程度,吸收、分布、代谢、排泄特征和毒性均会对早期先导物能否进入临床使用产生极大的影响,因此,药物的体内筛选受到重视。本文重点综述了秀丽隐杆线虫(C.elegans)在抗衰老、抗感染药物筛选中的应用情况。秀丽隐杆线虫结构简单、易于培养和可实现高通量筛选,在未来的药物筛选中必将发挥更重要的作用。  相似文献   

Autophagy is the main process for bulk protein and organelle recycling in cells under extracellular or intracellular stress. Deregulation of autophagy has been associated with pathological conditions such as cancer, muscular disorders and neurodegeneration. Necrotic cell death underlies extensive neuronal loss in acute neurodegenerative episodes such as ischemic stroke. We find that excessive autophagosome formation is induced early during necrotic cell death in C. elegans. In addition, autophagy is required for necrotic cell death. Impairment of autophagy by genetic inactivation of autophagy genes or by pharmacological treatment suppresses necrosis. Autophagy synergizes with lysosomal catabolic mechanisms to facilitate cell death. Our findings demonstrate that autophagy contributes to cellular destruction during necrosis. Thus, interfering with the autophagic process may protect neurons against necrotic damage in humans.  相似文献   

Achieving controlled reprogramming of differentiated cells into a desired cell type would open new opportunities in stem-cell biology and regenerative medicine. Experimentation on cell reprogramming requires a model in which cell conversion can be induced and tracked individually. The tiny nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, owing to its known cellular lineage, allows the study of direct cell type conversion with a single-cell resolution. Indeed, recent advances have shown that despite its invariant cell lineage, cellular identities can be reprogrammed, leading to cell conversion in vivo. In addition, natural transdifferentiation events occur in the worm, providing a powerful model for the study of cellular plasticity in a physiological cellular microenvironment. Here, we review pioneer studies on induced and naturally occurring reprogramming events in C. elegans and the new notions that have emerged.  相似文献   

Crawford D  Libina N  Kenyon C 《Aging cell》2007,6(5):715-721
Dietary restriction extends lifespan and inhibits reproduction in many species. In Caenorhabditis elegans, inhibiting reproduction by germline removal extends lifespan. Therefore, we asked whether the effect of dietary restriction on lifespan might proceed via changes in the activity of the germline. We found that dietary restriction could increase the lifespan of animals lacking the entire reproductive system. Thus, dietary restriction can extend lifespan independently of any reproductive input. However, dietary restriction produced little or no increase in the long lifespan of animals that lack germ cells. Thus, germline removal and dietary restriction may potentially activate lifespan-extending pathways that ultimately converge on the same downstream longevity mechanisms. In well-fed animals, the somatic reproductive tissues are generally completely required for germline removal to extend lifespan. We found that this was not the case in animals subjected to dietary restriction. In addition, in these animals, loss of the germline could either further lengthen lifespan or shorten lifespan, depending on the genetic background. Thus, nutrient levels play an important role in determining how the reproductive system influences longevity.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a cellular catabolic process in which various cytosolic components are degraded. For example, autophagy can mediate lipolysis of neutral lipid droplets. In contrast, we here report that autophagy is required to facilitate normal levels of neutral lipids in C. elegans. Specifically, by using multiple methods to detect lipid droplets including CARS microscopy, we observed that mutants in the gene bec-1 (VPS30/ATG6/BECN1), a key regulator of autophagy, failed to store substantial neutral lipids in their intestines during development. Moreover, loss of bec-1 resulted in a decline in lipid levels in daf-2 [insulin/IGF-1 receptor (IIR) ortholog] mutants and in germline-less glp-1/Notch animals, both previously recognized to accumulate neutral lipids and have increased autophagy levels. Similarly, inhibition of additional autophagy genes, including unc-51/ULK1/ATG1 and lgg-1/ATG8/MAP1LC3A/LC3 during development, led to a reduction in lipid content. Importantly, the decrease in fat accumulation observed in animals with reduced autophagy did not appear to be due to a change in food uptake or defecation. Taken together, these observations suggest a broader role for autophagy in lipid remodeling in C. elegans.  相似文献   

Gill MS 《Aging cell》2006,5(1):23-30
Studies in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans have been instrumental in defining genetic pathways that are involved in modulating lifespan. Multiple processes such as endocrine signaling, nutritional sensing and mitochondrial function play a role in determining lifespan in the worm and these mechanisms appear to be conserved across species. These discoveries have identified a range of novel targets for pharmacological manipulation of lifespan and it is likely that the nematode model will now prove useful in the discovery of compounds that slow aging. This review will focus on the endocrine targets for intervention in aging and the use of C. elegans as a system for high throughput screens of compounds for their effects on aging.  相似文献   

Degradation in the lysosome/vacuole is not the final step of autophagy. In particular, for starvation-induced autophagy it is necessary to release the breakdown products back into the cytosol. However, some researchers ignore this last step and simply refer to the endpoint of autophagy as degradation, or perhaps even cargo delivery. In many cases this is not a serious issue; however, the analysis of autophagy’s role in certain diseases makes clear that this can be a significant error.  相似文献   

The phenomenon of RNA-mediated interference (RNAi) was first discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, in which introduction of double-stranded RNA causes specific inactivation of genes with corresponding sequences. Technical advances in RNAi methodology and the availability of the complete genome sequence have enabled the high-throughput, genome-wide RNAi analysis of this organism. Several groups have used large-scale RNAi to systematically examine every C. elegans gene for knock-down phenotypes, providing basal information to be mined in more detailed studies. Now, in addition to functional genomic RNAi analyses, high-throughput RNAi is also routinely used for rapid, genome-wide screens for genes involved in specific biological processes. The integration of high-throughput RNAi experiments with other large-scale data, such as DNA microarrays and protein-protein interaction maps, enhances the speed and reliability of such screens. The accumulation of RNAi phenotype data dramatically accelerates our understanding of this organism at the genetic level.  相似文献   

Shimada Y  Klionsky DJ 《Autophagy》2012,8(5):715-716
Degradation in the lysosome/vacuole is not the final step of autophagy. In particular, for starvation-induced autophagy it is necessary to release the breakdown products back into the cytosol. However, some researchers ignore this last step and simply refer to the endpoint of autophagy as degradation, or perhaps even cargo delivery. In many cases this is not a serious issue; however, the analysis of autophagy's role in certain diseases makes clear that this can be a significant error.  相似文献   

High glucose reduced the egg-laying rate of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans and was dependent on serotonergic signaling. Antidiabetic drugs of the biguanide and thiazolidine classes ameliorated the detrimental effect of glucose on egg-laying rate, suggesting the possibility that this quick and easy assay system may be applicable to whole-animal screening for novel antidiabetic drugs, at least, of these classes.  相似文献   

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