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Reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) was used to analyze DNA methylation patterns across the mouse brain genome in mice carrying a deletion of the Prader-Willi syndrome imprinting center (PWS-IC) on either the maternally- or paternally-inherited chromosome. Within the ∼3.7 Mb imprinted Angelman/Prader-Willi syndrome (AS/PWS) domain, 254 CpG sites were interrogated for changes in methylation due to PWS-IC deletion. Paternally-inherited deletion of the PWS-IC increased methylation levels ∼2-fold at each CpG site (compared to wild-type controls) at differentially methylated regions (DMRs) associated with 5′ CpG island promoters of paternally-expressed genes; these methylation changes extended, to a variable degree, into the adjacent CpG island shores. Maternal PWS-IC deletion yielded little or no changes in methylation at these DMRs, and methylation of CpG sites outside of promoter DMRs also was unchanged upon maternal or paternal PWS-IC deletion. Using stringent ascertainment criteria, ∼750,000 additional CpG sites were also interrogated across the entire mouse genome. This analysis identified 26 loci outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain showing altered DNA methylation levels of ≥25% upon PWS-IC deletion. Curiously, altered methylation at 9 of these loci was a consequence of maternal PWS-IC deletion (maternal PWS-IC deletion by itself is not known to be associated with a phenotype in either humans or mice), and 10 of these loci exhibited the same changes in methylation irrespective of the parental origin of the PWS-IC deletion. These results suggest that the PWS-IC may affect DNA methylation at these loci by directly interacting with them, or may affect methylation at these loci through indirect downstream effects due to PWS-IC deletion. They further suggest the PWS-IC may have a previously uncharacterized function outside of the imprinted AS/PWS domain. 相似文献
The importance of maintaining DNA methylation patterns and faithful transmission of these patterns during cell division to ensure appropriate gene expression has been known for many decades now. It has largely been assumed that the symmetrical nature of CpG motifs, the most common site for DNA methylation in mammals, together with the presence of maintenance methylases able to methylate newly synthesised DNA, ensures that there is concordance of methylation on both strands. However, although this assumption is compelling in theory, little experimental evidence exists that either supports or refutes this assumption. Here, we have undertaken a genome‐wide single‐nucleotide resolution analysis to determine the frequency with which hemimethylated CpG sites exist in sheep muscle tissue. Analysis of multiple independent samples provides strong evidence that stably maintained hemimethylation is a very rare occurrence, at least in this tissue. Given the rarity of stably maintained hemimethylation, next‐generation sequencing data from both DNA strands may be carefully combined to increase the accuracy with which DNA methylation can be measured at single‐nucleotide resolution. 相似文献
Li Wang Jihua Sun Honglong Wu Siyang Liu Junwen WangBoxin Wu Shujia Huang Ning LiJun Wang Xiuqing Zhang 《Journal of biotechnology》2012,157(1):1-6
Complementary to the time- and cost-intensive direct bisulfite sequencing, we applied reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) to the human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) from YH, the Asian individual whose genome and epigenome has been deciphered in the YH project and systematically assessed the genomic coverage, coverage depth and reproducibility of this technology as well as the concordance of DNA methylation levels measured by RRBS and direct bisulfite sequencing for the detected CpG sites. Our result suggests that RRBS can cover more than half of CpG islands and promoter regions with a good coverage depth and the proportion of the CpG sites covered by the biological replicates reaches 80-90%, indicating good reproducibility. Given a smaller data quantity, RRBS enjoys much better coverage depth than direct bisulfite sequencing and the concordance of DNA methylation levels between the two methods is high. It can be concluded that RRBS is a time and cost-effective sequencing method for unbiased DNA methylation profiling of CpG islands and promoter regions in a genome-wide scale and it is the method of choice to assay certain genomic regions for multiple samples in a rapid way. 相似文献
Juntao Hu Sara J S Wuitchik Tegan N Barry Heather A Jamniczky Sean M Rogers Rowan D H Barrett 《Genetics》2021,217(1)
Epigenetic mechanisms underlying phenotypic change are hypothesized to contribute to population persistence and adaptation in the face of environmental change. To date, few studies have explored the heritability of intergenerationally stable methylation levels in natural populations, and little is known about the relative contribution of cis- and trans-regulatory changes to methylation variation. Here, we explore the heritability of DNA methylation, and conduct methylation quantitative trait loci (meQTLs) analysis to investigate the genetic architecture underlying methylation variation between marine and freshwater ecotypes of threespine stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). We quantitatively measured genome-wide DNA methylation in fin tissue using reduced representation bisulfite sequencing of F1 and F2 crosses, and their marine and freshwater source populations. We identified cytosines (CpG sites) that exhibited stable methylation levels across generations. We found that additive genetic variance explained an average of 24–35% of the methylation variance, with a number of CpG sites possibly autonomous from genetic control. We also detected both cis- and trans-meQTLs, with only trans-meQTLs overlapping with previously identified genomic regions of high differentiation between marine and freshwater ecotypes. Finally, we identified the genetic architecture underlying two key CpG sites that were differentially methylated between ecotypes. These findings demonstrate a potential role for DNA methylation in facilitating adaptation to divergent environments and improve our understanding of the heritable basis of population epigenomic variation. 相似文献
M. V. Nemtsova 《Molecular Biology》2000,34(4):554-560
Modern data are reviewed that concern hereditary disorders caused by abnormal expression of imprinted genes rather than mutations and structural aberrations. As an example, the molecular organization of the critical chromosomal region 15(q11.2–q13) and the possible pathogenetic mechanisms are described in detail for Prader-Willi and Angelman syndromes. 相似文献
The next generation sequencing enables generation of high resolution and high throughput data for structure sequence of any genome at a fast declining cost. This opens opportunity for population based genetic and genomic analyses. In many applications, whole genome sequencing or re-sequencing is unnecessary or prohibited by budget limits. The Reduced Representation Genome Sequencing (RRGS), which sequences only a small proportion of the genome of interest, has been proposed to deal with the situations. Several forms of RRGS are proposed and implemented in the literature. When applied to plant or crop species, the current RRGS protocols shared a key drawback that a significantly high proportion (up to 60%) of sequence reads to be generated may be of non-genomic origin but attributed to chloroplast DNA or rRNA genes, leaving an exceptional low efficiency of the sequencing experiment. We recommended and discussed here the design of optimized simplified genomic DNA and bisulfite sequencing strategies, which may greatly improves efficiency of the sequencing experiments by bringing down the presentation of the undesirable sequencing reads to less than 10% in the whole sequence reads. The optimized RAD-seq and RRBS-seq methods are potentially useful for sequence variant screening and genotyping in large plant/crop populations. 相似文献
Populations may respond to environmental heterogeneity via evolutionary divergence or phenotypic plasticity. While evolutionary divergence occurs through DNA sequence differences among populations, plastic divergence among populations may be generated by changes in the epigenome. Here, we present the results of a genome‐wide comparison of DNA methylation patterns and genetic structure among four populations of Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the northern Gulf of Mexico. We used a combination of restriction site‐associated DNA sequencing (RADseq) and reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) to explore population structure, gene‐wide averages of FST, and DNA methylation differences between oysters inhabiting four estuaries with unique salinity profiles. This approach identified significant population structure despite a moderately low FST (0.02) across the freshwater boundary of the Mississippi river, a finding that may reflect recent efforts to restore oyster stock populations. Divergence between populations in CpG methylation was greater than for divergence in FST, likely reflecting environmental effects on DNA methylation patterns. Assessment of CpG methylation patterns across all populations identified that only 26% of methylated DNA was intergenic; and, only 17% of all differentially methylated regions (DMRs) were within these same regions. DMRs within gene bodies between sites were associated with genes known to be involved in DNA damage repair, ion transport, and reproductive timing. Finally, when assessing the correlation between genomic variation and DNA methylation between these populations, we observed population‐specific DNA methylation profiles that were not directly associated with single nucleotide polymorphisms or broader gene‐body mean FST trends. Our results suggest that C. virginica may use DNA methylation to generate environmentally responsive plastic phenotypes and that there is more divergence in methylation than divergence in allele frequencies. 相似文献
Bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) technology measures DNA methylation at single nucleotide resolution. A key task in BS-seq data analysis is to identify differentially methylation (DM) under different conditions. Here we provide a tutorial for BS-seq DM analysis using Bioconductor package DSS. DSS uses a beta-binomial model to characterize the sequence counts from BS-seq, and implements rigorous statistical method for hypothesis testing. It provides flexible functionalities for a variety of DM analyses. 相似文献
Maryam Yassi Ehsan Shams Davodly Afsaneh Mojtabanezhad Shariatpanahi Mehdi Heidari Mahdieh Dayyani Alireza Heravi-Moussavi Mohammad Hossein Moattar Mohammad Amin Kerachian 《Genomics》2018,110(6)
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic modification involved in many biological processes and diseases. Computational analysis of differentially methylated regions (DMRs) could explore the underlying reasons of methylation. DMRFusion is presented as a useful tool for comprehensive DNA methylation analysis of DMRs on methylation sequencing data. This tool is designed base on the integration of several ranking methods; Information gain, Between versus within Class scatter ratio, Fisher ratio, Z-score and Welch's t-test. In this study, DMRFusion on reduced representation bisulfite sequencing (RRBS) data in chronic lymphocytic leukemia cancer displayed 30 nominated regions and CpG sites with a maximum methylation difference detected in the hypermethylation DMRs. We realized that DMRFusion is able to process methylation sequencing data in an efficient and accurate manner and to provide annotation and visualization for DMRs with high fold difference score (p-value and FDR < 0.05 and type I error: 0.04). 相似文献
Francine E. Garrett-Bakelman Caroline K. Sheridan Thadeous J. Kacmarczyk Jennifer Ishii Doron Betel Alicia Alonso Christopher E. Mason Maria E. Figueroa Ari M. Melnick 《Journal of visualized experiments : JoVE》2015,(96)
DNA methylation pattern mapping is heavily studied in normal and diseased tissues. A variety of methods have been established to interrogate the cytosine methylation patterns in cells. Reduced representation of whole genome bisulfite sequencing was developed to detect quantitative base pair resolution cytosine methylation patterns at GC-rich genomic loci. This is accomplished by combining the use of a restriction enzyme followed by bisulfite conversion. Enhanced Reduced Representation Bisulfite Sequencing (ERRBS) increases the biologically relevant genomic loci covered and has been used to profile cytosine methylation in DNA from human, mouse and other organisms. ERRBS initiates with restriction enzyme digestion of DNA to generate low molecular weight fragments for use in library preparation. These fragments are subjected to standard library construction for next generation sequencing. Bisulfite conversion of unmethylated cytosines prior to the final amplification step allows for quantitative base resolution of cytosine methylation levels in covered genomic loci. The protocol can be completed within four days. Despite low complexity in the first three bases sequenced, ERRBS libraries yield high quality data when using a designated sequencing control lane. Mapping and bioinformatics analysis is then performed and yields data that can be easily integrated with a variety of genome-wide platforms. ERRBS can utilize small input material quantities making it feasible to process human clinical samples and applicable in a range of research applications. The video produced demonstrates critical steps of the ERRBS protocol. 相似文献
DNA methylation is an important epigenetic mechanism affecting genome structure, gene regulation, and the silencing of transposable elements. Cell- and tissue-specific methylation patterns are critical for differentiation and development in eukaryotes. Dynamic spatiotemporal methylation data in these cells or tissues is, therefore, of great interest. However, the construction of bisulfite sequencing libraries can be challenging if the starting material is limited or the genome size is small, such as in Arabidopsis. Here, we describe detailed methods for the purification of Arabidopsis embryos at all stages, and the construction of comprehensive bisulfite libraries from small quantities of input. We constructed bisulfite libraries by releasing embryos from intact seeds, using a different approach for each developmental stage, and manually picking single-embryo with microcapillaries. From these libraries, reliable Arabidopsis methylome data were collected allowing, on average, 11-fold coverage of the genome using as few as five globular, heart, and torpedo embryos as raw input material without the need for DNA purification step. On the other hand, purified DNA from as few as eight bending torpedo embryos or a single mature embryo is sufficient for library construction when RNase A is treated before DNA extraction. This method can be broadly applied to cells from different tissues or cells from other model organisms. Methylome construction can be achieved using a minimal amount of input material using our method; thereby, it has the potential to increase our understanding of dynamic spatiotemporal methylation patterns in model organisms. 相似文献
Peter M. Warnecke Detlev Biniszkiewicz Rudolf Jaenisch Marianne Frommer Susan J. Clark 《Genesis (New York, N.Y. : 2000)》1998,22(2):111-121
We have used Dnmtc/c ES cells that are homozygous for disruption of the DNA methyltransferase gene to address how de novo methylation is propagated and whether it is directed to specific sites in the early embryo. We examined the imprinted H19 gene and the specific-sequence region implicated as an “imprinting mark” to determine whether de novo methylation was occurring at a restricted set of sites. Since the “imprinting mark” was found to be methylated differentially at all stages of development, we reasoned that the sequence may still be a target for the de novo methylation activity found in the Dnmtc/c cells, even though the loss of maintenance methylase activity renders the H19 promoter active. We used bisulfite genomic sequencing to determine the methylation state of the imprinted region of the H19 gene and found a low level of DNA methylation at specific single CpG sites in the upstream region of the imprinted H19 sequence in the Dnmtc/c mutant ES cells. Moreover, these CpG sites appeared to be favoured targets for further de novo methylation of neighbouring CpG sites in rescued ES cells, which possess apparently normal maintenance activity. Our data provide further evidence for a separate methylating activity in ES cells and indicate that this activity displays sequence specificity. Dev. Genet. 22:111–121, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc. 相似文献
Tanvir H. Dar Soom N. Raina Shailendra Goel 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》2013,110(3):591-605
Polyploidization is a major force that has shaped the evolution of flowering plants. Newly‐generated polyploids have been used to investigate the changes that occur in genomes immediately after polyploidization. The present research programme created colchitetraploids in Phlox drummondii and followed them through different generations (C0, C1, C2, and C3) to determine genomic changes. Genomic changes that followed autopolyploidization were investigated using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) and methylation‐sensitive amplified polymorphism (MSAP) technologies. The markers for which variation was evident were characterized by cloning and sequencing. Dot‐blotting was used to confirm increased or decreased abundance of the fragments for which variation was noted. We used bisulfite sequencing to determine changes in the levels of DNA methylation in the vicinities of the fragments that show variation. Our data indicate that these areas were more methylated in C2 and C3 colchitetraploids than in C0 and C1 colchitetraploids. The overall levels of methylation polymorphism found in C2 and C3 colchitetraploids were 1.0% and 1.65%, respectively. Changes were observed in both coding and noncoding regions. Some MSAP fragments that showed variation were similar to retrotransposons. Bisulfite sequencing indicated that CHH sites accounted for all the observed variation, whereas CG and CHG did not show any variation. The present study suggests that the genomic changes that accompany polyploidization in synthetic autopolyploids resemble those in allopolyploids. However, the extent of variation is lower in synthetic autopolyploids than in allopolyploids. These changes may help in the stabilization of the genomes of neo‐autopolyploids. © 2013 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2013, 110 , 591–605. 相似文献