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The uptake and degradation of cytoplasmic material by vacuolar autophagy in plants has been studied extensively by electron microscopy and shown to be involved in developmental processes such as vacuole formation, deposition of seed storage proteins and senescence, and in the response of plants to nutrient starvation and to pathogens. The isolation of genes required for autophagy in yeast has allowed the identification of many of the corresponding Arabidopsis genes based on sequence similarity. Knockout mutations in some of these Arabidopsis genes have revealed physiological roles for autophagy in nutrient recycling during nitrogen deficiency and in senescence. Recently, markers for monitoring autophagy in whole plants have been developed, opening the way for future studies to decipher the mechanisms and pathways of autophagy, and the function of these pathways in plant development and stress responses.  相似文献   

Autophagy is a macromolecular degradation pathway by which cells recycle their contents as a developmental process, housekeeping mechanism, and response to environmental stress. In plants, autophagy involves the sequestration of cargo to be degraded, transport to the cell vacuole in a double-membrane bound autophagosome, and subsequent degradation by lytic enzymes. Autophagy has generally been considered to be a non-selective mechanism of degradation. However, studies in yeast and animals have found numerous examples of selective autophagy, with cargo including proteins, protein aggregates, and organelles. Recent work has also provided evidence for several types of selective autophagy in plants. The degradation of protein aggregates was the first selective autophagy described in plants, and, more recently, a hybrid protein of the mammalian selective autophagy adaptors p62 and NBR1, which interacts with the autophagy machinery and may function in autophagy of protein aggregates, was described in plants. Other intracellular components have been suggested to be selectively targeted by autophagy in plants, but the current evidence is limited. Here, we discuss recent findings regarding the selective targeting of cell components by autophagy in plants.  相似文献   

In the world of pathogen-host cell interactions, the autophagic pathway has beenrecently described as a component of the innate immune response against intracellularmicroorganisms. Indeed, some bacterial survival mechanisms are hampered when thisprocess is activated. Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection of macrophages, for example,is impaired upon autophagy induction and the bacterial phagosomes are redirected toautophagosomes. On the other hand, pathogens like Coxiella burnetii are benefited bythis cellular response and subvert the autophagy process resulting in a more efficient replication.We study at the molecular level these two different faces of the autophagy processin pathogen life in order to elucidate the intricate routes modulated by the microorganismsas survival strategies.  相似文献   

Proteases regulate key events during infection by the pervasive intracellular parasite Toxoplasma gondii. Understanding how parasite proteases mature from an inactive zymogen to an active enzyme is expected to inform new strategies for blocking their actions. Herein, we show that T. gondii cathepsin B protease (TgCPB) does not undergo self-maturation but instead requires the expression of a second papain-family cathepsin protease, TgCPL. Using recombinant enzymes we also show that TgCPL is capable of partially maturing TgCPB in vitro. Consistent with this interrelationship, antibodies with validated specificity detected TgCPB in the lysosome-like vacuolar compartment along with TgCPL. Our findings also establish that TgCPB does not localize to the rhoptries as previously reported. Accordingly, rhoptry morphology and rhoptry protein maturation are normal in TgCPB knock-out parasites. Finally, we show that although maturation of TgCPL is independent of TgCPB, it may involve an additional protease(s) in conjunction with self-maturation.  相似文献   

This is the first study to show that polyamine spermine, a low-molecular-weight nitrogen-containing compound, can induce autophagy in plants. This process is accompanied by an increased generation of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide, which play a signal role and are required for triggering autophagy.  相似文献   

Some physicochemical properties of two thermostable proteases from Streptomyces rectus are described. The enzymes were judged to be identical with respect to molecular weight, inactivation with serine protease inhibitors, and in primary structure by peptide analysis. Amino acid analysis indicated the enzymes had identical compositions except for their amide content. The molecular weights of the enzymes were judged to be 28,000 by sedimentation equilibrium, 26,200 by sedimentation diffusion, and 29,100 from amino acid analysis. Titration of the proteases with diisopropylfluorophosphate and phenylmethane sulfonylfuoride indicate equivalent weights of 28,500 and 32,800 g, respectively, for the proteins. The pentapeptide around the serine residue reacting with diisopropylfluorophosphate was isolated and had the composition: Asx(1), Gly(1), Thr(1), Ser(1), Met(1).  相似文献   

植物细胞程序性死亡(PCD)在植物生长发育和逆境适应中发挥重要作用。半胱氨酸蛋白酶(caspase)调控动物PcD的启动、执行及信号转导。通过人工合成底物、动物caspase抑制剂等方法已证实在植物中存在类caspase,可分为metacas.pases、VPEs(vacuolar processing enzymes)和saspases等。本文综述了植物类caspase的种类、结构、定位、功能及其调控PCD的研究进展,提出植物PCD中类caspase作用的调控途径,为深入研究植物PCD提供参考。  相似文献   

Macroautophagy is a process of regulated turnover of cellular constituents that occurs during development and under conditions of stress such as starvation. Defects in autophagy have serious consequences, as they have been linked to neurodegenerative disease, cancer, and cardiomyopathy. This process, which exists in all eukaryotic cells, is tightly controlled, but in extreme cases results in the death of the cell. While major insights into the molecular and biochemical pathways involved have come from genetic studies in yeast, little is known about autophagic pathways in mammalian cells, particularly in neurons. Recently, research in neuronal culture models has begun to identify some characteristics of neuronal macroautophagy. The results suggest that macroautophagy in neurons may provide a neuroprotective mechanism. Here, we review the defining characteristics of autophagy with special attention to its role in neurodegenerative disorders, and recent efforts to delineate the pathway of autophagic protein degradation in neurons.  相似文献   

Cells of Neurospora crassa strain 74A, grown on sucrose for 12 h and transferred to a medium containing protein as sole carbon source, would not produce exocellular protease in significant amounts. When a filtrate from a culture induced to make protease by normal growth on a medium containing protein as principal carbon source was added to an exponential-phase culture in protein medium, exocellular protease was made in amounts similar to those made during normal induction. The material in the culture filtrate that participated in the induction process was identified as protease by its heat lability, molecular weight, and the dependence of induction rate on units of proteolytic activity added to the exponential-phase culture. Induction of the formation of exocellular protease by exponential-phase cells appears to require a protein substrate, added proteolytic activity, and protein synthesis. The protease produced by induced exponential-phase cells was as efficient in promoting induction as normally induced enzyme, whereas constitutive intracellular enzyme was only 50% as efficient. The bacterial protease thermolysin was able to induce exocellular protease at 90.7% of the rate observed with added N. crassa exocellular protease.  相似文献   

Autophagy is inhibited by the insulin-amino acid-mTOR signaling pathway. Two papers in this issue of Cell Metabolism (Ebato et al., 2008; Jung et al., 2008) provide evidence that basal autophagy is necessary to maintain the architecture and function of pancreatic beta cells and that its induction in diabetic mice protects beta cells against damage by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

刘艳  王洋  史丹  邹伟 《生物工程学报》2012,28(8):912-917
自噬作用是一种细胞通过溶酶体自我降解的过程,在肿瘤的形成和发展中起着双重作用。窖蛋白-1(Caveolin-1,Cav-1)作为胞膜窖的标志蛋白,介导许多生理和病理过程,包括胞膜窖的形成、膜泡运输、维持细胞胆固醇稳态、信号转导和肿瘤的发生。近年来,许多研究表明肿瘤细胞自噬和Cav-1存在一定关系。文中就近年来肿瘤细胞的自噬与Cav-1的关系及其在肿瘤发生和发展过程中的作用进行综述。  相似文献   

vanKuyk, P. A., Cheetham, B. F., and Katz, M. E. 2000. Analysis of two Aspergillus nidulans genes encoding extracellular proteases. Characterization of prtAΔ mutants, generated by gene disruption, showed that the prtA gene is responsible for the majority of extracellular protease activity secreted by Aspergillus nidulans at both neutral and acid pH. The prtAΔ mutation was used to map the prtA gene to chromosome V. Though aspartic protease activity has never been reported in A. nidulans and the prtAΔ mutants appear to lack detectable acid protease activity, a gene (prtB) encoding a putative aspartic protease was isolated from this species. Comparison of the deduced amino acid sequence of PrtB to the sequence of other aspergillopepsins suggests that the putative prtB gene product contains an eight-amino-acid deletion prior to the second active site Asp residue of the protease. RT-PCR experiments showed that the prtB gene is expressed, albeit at a low level.  相似文献   

Zhou  Mengxin  Han  Yutong  Li  Mengxia  Ye  Gang  Peng  Guiqing 《中国病毒学》2021,36(6):1421-1430
Virologica Sinica - Coronaviruses (CoVs) are important human and animal pathogens that cause respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases. Porcine epidemic diarrhoea (PED), characterized by severe...  相似文献   

There is increasing evidence that the hypersensitive response during plant–pathogen interactions is a form of programmed cell death. In an attempt to understand the biochemical nature of this form of programmed cell death in the cowpea–cowpea rust fungus system, proteolytic activity in extracts of fungus-infected and uninfected cowpea plants was investigated, using exogenously added poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase as a marker. Unlike the proteolytic cleavage pattern of endogenous poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in apoptotic animal cells, exogenously added poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase in extracts of fungus-infected plants was proteolytically cleaved into fragments of molecular masses 77, 52, 47, and 45 kDa.In vitroandin vivoprotease inhibitor experiments revealed the activation of cysteine proteases, and possibly a regulatory role, during the hypersensitive response.  相似文献   

Colombo MI 《IUBMB life》2007,59(4-5):238-242
Host cell recognition and eradication of invading pathogens is crucial for the control of microbial infections. However, several microorganisms develop tactics that allow them to survive intracellularly. Autophagy, a process involved in protein turnover and in charge of the removal of aged organelles by degradation of engulfed cytoplasmic portions, was recently shown to play a clear role in the detection and elimination of intracellular pathogens. Yet, some pathogens employ elegant strategies to elude entrapment in autophagosomes, and thus to avoid lysosomal degradation, whereas others utilize the autophagy pathway for their own benefit. In this review some recent findings on the relationship between microorganisms and autophagy are summarized, the underlying assumption being that intracellular infection models may contribute to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms involved in the autophagic process.  相似文献   

The Bcl-2-associated athanogene (BAG) family is an evolutionarily conserved group of cochaperones that modulate numerous cellular processes. Previously we found that Arabidopsis thaliana BAG6 is required for basal immunity against the fungal phytopathogen Botrytis cinerea. However, the mechanisms by which BAG6 controls immunity are obscure. Here, we address this important question by determining the molecular mechanisms responsible for BAG6-mediated basal resistance. We show that Arabidopsis BAG6 is cleaved in vivo in a caspase-1-like-dependent manner and via a combination of pull-downs, mass spectrometry, yeast two-hybrid assays, and chemical genomics, we demonstrate that BAG6 interacts with a C2 GRAM domain protein (BAGP1) and an aspartyl protease (APCB1), both of which are required for BAG6 processing. Furthermore, fluorescence and transmission electron microscopy established that BAG6 cleavage triggers autophagy in the host that coincides with disease resistance. Targeted inactivation of BAGP1 or APCB1 results in the blocking of BAG6 processing and loss of resistance. Mutation of the cleavage site blocks cleavage and inhibits autophagy in plants; disease resistance is also compromised. Taken together, these results identify a mechanism that couples an aspartyl protease with a molecular cochaperone to trigger autophagy and plant defense, providing a key link between fungal recognition and the induction of cell death and resistance.  相似文献   

Proteases: multifunctional enzymes in life and disease   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

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