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Macroautophagy/autophagy, which is one of the main degradation systems in the cell, is mediated by a specialized organelle, the autophagosome. Purification of autophagosomes before fusion with lysosomes is important for both mechanistic and physiological studies of the autophagosome. Here, we report a simple method to accumulate undigested autophagosomes. Overexpression of the autophagosomal Qa-SNARE STX17 (syntaxin 17) lacking the N-terminal domain (NTD) or N-terminally tagged GFP-STX17 causes accumulation of autophagosomes. A HeLa cell line, which expresses GFP-STX17ΔNTD or full-length GFP-STX17 under the control of the tetracycline-responsive promoter, accumulates a large number of undigested autophagosomes devoid of lysosomal markers or early autophagy factors upon treatment with doxycycline. Using this inducible cell line, nascent autophagosomes can be easily purified by OptiPrep density-gradient centrifugation and immunoprecipitation. This novel method should be useful for further characterization of nascent autophagosomes.  相似文献   

Syntaxin 17     
The phagophore (also called isolation membrane) elongates and encloses a portion of cytoplasm, resulting in formation of the autophagosome. After completion of autophagosome formation, the outer autophagosomal membrane becomes ready to fuse with the lysosome for degradation of enclosed cytoplasmic materials. However, the molecular mechanism for how the fusion of completed autophagosomes with the lysosome is regulated has not been fully understood. We discovered syntaxin 17 (STX17) as an autophagosomal soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE). STX17 has a hairpin-type structure mediated by two transmembrane domains, each containing glycine zipper motifs. This unique transmembrane structure contributes to its specific localization to completed autophagosomes but not to phagophores. STX17 interacts with SNAP29 and the lysosomal SNARE VAMP8, and all of these proteins are required for autophagosome–lysosome fusion. The late recruitment of STX17 to completed autophagosomes could prevent premature fusion of the lysosome with unclosed phagophores.  相似文献   

Mammalian autophagosomes possess the Qa-SNARE STX17 (syntaxin 17) for fusion with lysosomes. However, STX17 is not absolutely required for fusion because STX17 knockout cells partially retain autophagosome-lysosome fusion activity. We recently identified YKT6, an R-SNARE, as another autophagosomal SNARE protein that acts independently of STX17 in mammals. Here, we discuss the features and functions of autophagosomal SNARE proteins by comparing STX17 and YKT6.

Abbreviations: SNARE, soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor; STX17, syntaxin 17.  相似文献   

Macroautophagy, a constitutive process in higher eukaryotic cells, mediates degradation of many long-lived proteins and organelles. The actual events occurring during the process in the dynamic system of a living cell have never been thoroughly investigated. We aimed to develop a live-cell assay in which to follow the complete itinerary of an autophagosome. Our experiments show that autophagosomes are formed randomly in peripheral regions of the cell. They then move bidirectionally along microtubules, accumulating at the microtubule-organizing centre, in a similar way to lysosomes. Their centripetal movement is dependent on the motor protein dynein and is important for their fusion with lysosomes. Initially, autophagosomes dock on to lysosomes, independent of lysosomal acidification. Two kinds of fusion then occur: complete fusions, creating a hybrid organelle, or more often kiss-and-run fusions, i.e. transfer of some content while still maintaining two separate vesicles. Surprisingly, the autophagolysosomal compartment seems to be more long lived than expected. Our study documents many aspects of autophagosome behaviour, adding to our understanding of the mechanism and control of autophagy. Indeed, although the formation of autophagosomes is completely different from any other vesicular structures, their later itinerary appears to be very similar to those of other trafficking pathways.  相似文献   

Vesicle flow within the cell is responsible for the dynamic maintenance of and communication between intracellular compartments. In addition, vesicular transport is crucial for communication between the cell and its surrounding environment. The ability of a vesicle to recognise and fuse with an appropriate compartment or vesicle is determined by its protein and lipid composition as well as by proteins in the cytosol. SNARE proteins present on both vesicle as well as target organelle membranes provide one component necessary for the process of membrane fusion. While in mammalian cells the main focus of interest about SNARE function has centred on those involved in exocytosis, recent data on SNAREs involved in intracellular membrane-trafficking steps have provided a deeper insight into the properties of these proteins. We take, as an example, the promiscuous SNARE syntaxin 6, a SNARE involved in multiple membrane fusion events. The properties of syntaxin 6 reveal similarities but also differences in the behaviour of intracellular SNAREs and the highly specialised exocytotic SNARE molecules.  相似文献   

The formation of the functional SNARE complex in vivo is central to the fast neurotransmitter release at the neuronal terminal. Numerous studies revealed that this process involves progressive assembly of an α-helical bundle and is dynamically reversible. So far many proteins directly or indirectly take part in this process. Complexin, one of such factors, has revealed rapid association with the SNARE complex, however, whether or not complexin can interact with partially assembled SNARE complex is critical and yet unknown. Here, we present evidence that complexin is able to bind to various mutant versions of the SNARE complex mimicking its quaternary structure at different assembly stages. In addition, the affinity of complexin for the SNARE complex is correlated with the extent to which the SNARE complex is assembled. These results suggest that complexin is able to bind to SNARE complex before its complete formation.  相似文献   

Sec1/Munc18-like (SM) proteins functionally interact with SNARE proteins in vesicular fusion. Despite their high sequence conservation, structurally disparate binding modes for SM proteins with syntaxins have been observed. Several SM proteins appear to bind only to a short peptide present at the N terminus of syntaxin, designated the N-peptide, while Munc18a binds to a 'closed' conformation formed by the remaining portion of syntaxin 1a. Here, we show that the syntaxin 16 N-peptide binds to the SM protein Vps45, but the remainder of syntaxin 16 strongly enhances the affinity of the interaction. Likewise, the N-peptide of syntaxin 1a serves as a second binding site in the Munc18a/syntaxin 1a complex. When the syntaxin 1a N-peptide is bound to Munc18a, SNARE complex formation is blocked. Removal of the N-peptide enables binding of syntaxin 1a to its partner SNARE SNAP-25, while still bound to Munc18a. This suggests that Munc18a controls the accessibility of syntaxin 1a to its partners, a role that might be common to all SM proteins.  相似文献   

Leticia Lemus 《Autophagy》2016,12(6):1049-1050
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) is a major source for the generation of autophagosomes during macroautophagy. Our recent work in yeast shows that particular ER-derived vesicles are generated for the biogenesis of autophagosomes. These vesicles not only incorporate a SNARE protein that is largely ER-resident under nonstarving conditions, but also display COPII requirements for ER-exit that differ from conventional cargo-transporting vesicles. Our results suggest that specific intracellular traffic is launched at the ER for the transport of membranes to sites of autophagosome formation.  相似文献   

Intracellular proteins with a carboxy-terminal transmembrane domain and the amino-terminus oriented toward the cytosol are known as 'tail-anchored' proteins. Tail-anchored proteins have been of considerable interest because several important classes of proteins, including the vesicle-targeting/fusion proteins known as SNAREs and the apoptosis-related proteins of the Bcl-2 family, among others, utilize this unique membrane-anchoring motif. Here, we use a bioinformatic technique to develop a comprehensive list of potentially tail-anchored proteins in the human genome. Our final list contains 411 entries derived from 325 unique genes. We also analyzed both known and predicted tail-anchored proteins with respect to the amino acid composition of the transmembrane segments. This analysis revealed a distinctive composition of the membrane anchor in SNARE proteins.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion depends on the formation of a complex of four SNARE motifs, three that bear a central glutamine and are localized in the target membrane (t-SNARE) and one that bears an arginine and is localized in the donor vesicle (v-SNARE). We have characterized the arginine 56 to proline mutant (R56P) of synaptobrevin-2 (Sb). SbR56P was blocked at the plasma membrane in association with the endogenous plasma membrane t-SNARE due to an inhibition of SNARE complex dissociation, suggesting that the plasma membrane is its first target. Cell surface blockade of SbR56P could be rescued by coexpression of synaptophysin, a partner of Sb. Sb was blocked at the plasma membrane but SNARE complexes were unaffected in cells expressing defective dynamin, indicating that the phenotype of SbR56P was not due to an internalization defect. When expressed in neurons, SbR56P localized both to axonal and dendritic plasma membranes, showing that both domains are initial targets of Sb. The R56P mutation affects a highly conserved position in v-SNAREs, and might thus provide a general tool for identifying their first target membranes.  相似文献   

Autophagosome fusion with a lysosome constitutes the last barrier for autophagic degradation. It is speculated that this fusion process is precisely and tightly regulated. Recent genetic evidence suggests that a set of SNARE proteins, including STX17, SNAP29, and VAMP8, are essential for the fusion between autophagosomes and lysosomes. However, it remains unclear whether these SNAREs are fusion competent and how their fusogenic activity is specifically regulated during autophagy. Using a combination of biochemical, cell biology, and genetic approaches, we demonstrated that fusogenic activity of the autophagic SNARE complex is temporally and spatially controlled by ATG14/Barkor/Atg14L, an essential autophagy-specific regulator of the class III phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase complex (PtdIns3K). ATG14 directly binds to the STX17-SNAP29 binary complex on autophagosomes and promotes STX17-SNAP29-VAMP8-mediated autophagosome fusion with lysosomes. ATG14 homo-oligomerization is required for SNARE binding and fusion promotion, but is dispensable for PtdIns3K stimulation and autophagosome biogenesis. Consequently, ATG14 homo-oligomerization is required for autophagosome fusion with a lysosome, but is dispensable for autophagosome biogenesis. These data support a key role of ATG14 in controlling autophagosome fusion with a lysosome.  相似文献   

Phagophores engulf cytoplasmic material and give rise to autophagosomes, double-membrane vesicles mediating cargo transport to lysosomes for degradation. The regulation of autophagosome fusion with endosomes and lysosomes during autophagy has remained poorly characterized. Two recent papers conclude that STX17/syntaxin 17 (Syx17 in Drosophila) has an evolutionarily conserved role in autophagosome fusion with endosomes and lysosomes, acting in one SNARE complex with SNAP29 (ubisnap in Drosophila) and the endosomal/lysosomal VAMP8 (CG1599/Vamp7 in Drosophila). Surprisingly, a third report suggests that STX17 might also contribute to proper phagophore assembly. Although several experiments presented in the two human cell culture studies yielded controversial results, the essential role of STX17 in autophagic flux is now firmly established, both in cultured cells and in an animal model. Based on these data, we propose that genetic inhibition of STX17/Syx17 may be a more specific tool in autophagic flux experiments than currently used drug treatments, which impair all lysosomal degradation routes and also inactivate MTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin), a major negative regulator of autophagy. Finally, the neuronal dysfunction and locomotion defects observed in Syx17 mutant animals point to the possible contribution of defective autophagosome clearance to various human diseases.  相似文献   

Fusion of transport vesicles with their target organelles involves specific membrane proteins, SNAREs, which form tight complexes bridging the membranes to be fused. Evidence from yeast and mammals indicates that Sec1 family proteins act as regulators of membrane fusion by binding to the target membrane SNAREs. In experiments with purified proteins, we now made the observation that the ER to Golgi core SNARE fusion complex could be assembled on syntaxin Sed5p tightly bound to the Sec1-related Sly1p. Sly1p also bound to preassembled SNARE complexes in vitro and was found to be part of a vesicular/target membrane SNARE complex immunoprecipitated from yeast cell lysates. This is in marked contrast to the exocytic SNARE assembly in neuronal cells where high affinity binding of N-Sec1/Munc-18 to syntaxin 1A precluded core SNARE fusion complex formation. We also found that the kinetics of SNARE complex formation in vitro with either Sly1p-bound or free Sed5p was not significantly different. Importantly, several presumably nonphysiological SNARE complexes easily generated with Sed5p did not form when the syntaxin was first bound to Sly1p. This indicates for the first time that a Sec1 family member contributes to the specificity of SNARE complex assembly.  相似文献   

A new yeast endosomal SNARE related to mammalian syntaxin 8   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We report the identification of a yeast SNARE that has escaped notice because of an apparent error in the genome sequence and because it is functionally redundant. It is encoded by an extended version of ORF YAL014c, and since its SNARE motif is related to mammalian syntaxin 8 we term the gene SYN8 . Syn8p is in endosomes. Co-precipitation indicates a set of complexes containing Pep12p, Vti1p, either Syn8p or Tlg1p and either Snc1p or Ykt6p. Analysis of growth and trafficking defects demonstrates that in the absence of Tlg1p, Syn8p is required for Pep12p function. Conversely, when Tlg1p is present, Syn8p can be removed without loss of Pep12p function, or induction of any other obvious trafficking defect. Syn8p thus appears to be a functional homolog of mammalian syntaxin 8, but Tlg1p can, amongst other roles, provide an equivalent function .  相似文献   

There is little doubt that humans rely on vision as their primary sensory input. However, various studies indicate that audiovisual combinations of data presentation actually enhance the ability of the learner to comprehend the information. We present an example of a musical-biological interface that provides an audible demonstration of SNARE protein function in the process of macroautophagy.  相似文献   

Yeast vacuole fusion requires the activation of cis‐SNARE complexes through priming carried out by Sec18p/N‐ethylmaleimide sensitive factor and Sec17p/α‐SNAP. The association of Sec18p with vacuolar cis‐SNAREs is regulated in part by phosphatidic acid (PA) phosphatase production of diacylglycerol (DAG). Inhibition of PA phosphatase activity blocks the transfer of membrane‐associated Sec18p to SNAREs. Thus, we hypothesized that Sec18p associates with PA‐rich membrane microdomains before transferring to cis‐SNARE complexes upon PA phosphatase activity. Here, we examined the direct binding of Sec18p to liposomes containing PA or DAG. We found that Sec18p preferentially bound to liposomes containing PA compared with those containing DAG by approximately fivefold. Additionally, using a specific PA‐binding domain blocked Sec18p binding to PA‐liposomes and displaced endogenous Sec18p from isolated vacuoles. Moreover, the direct addition of excess PA blocked the priming activity of isolated vacuoles in a manner similar to chemically inhibiting PA phosphatase activity. These data suggest that the conversion of PA to DAG facilitates the recruitment of Sec18p to cis‐SNAREs. Purified vacuoles from yeast lacking the PA phosphatase Pah1p showed reduced Sec18p association with cis‐SNAREs and complementation with plasmid‐encoded PAH1 or recombinant Pah1p restored the interaction. Taken together, this demonstrates that regulating PA concentrations by Pah1p activity controls SNARE priming by Sec18p.   相似文献   

Tethering factors regulate the targeting of membrane‐enclosed vesicles under the control of Rab GTPases. p115, a golgin family tether, has been shown to participate in multiple stages of ER/Golgi transport. Despite extensive study, the mechanism of action of p115 is poorly understood. SNARE proteins make up the machinery for membrane fusion, and strong evidence shows that function of p115 is directly linked to its interaction with SNAREs. Using a gel filtration binding assay, we have demonstrated that in solution p115 stably interacts with ER/Golgi SNAREs rbet1 and sec22b, but not membrin and syntaxin 5. These binding preferences stemmed from selectivity of p115 for monomeric SNARE motifs as opposed to SNARE oligomers. Soluble monomeric rbet1 can compete off p115 from coat protein II (COPII) vesicles. Furthermore, excess p115 inhibits p115 function in trafficking. We conclude that monomeric SNAREs are a major binding site for p115 on COPII vesicles, and that p115 dissociates from its SNARE partners upon SNAREpin assembly. Our results suggest a model in which p115 forms a mixed p115/SNARE helix bundle with a monomeric SNARE, facilitates the binding activity and/or concentration of the SNARE at prefusion sites and is subsequently ejected as SNARE complex formation and fusion proceed.   相似文献   

The accumulation of copper in organisms can lead to altered functions of various pathways and become cytotoxic through the generation of reactive oxygen species. In yeast, cytotoxic metals such as Hg+, Cd2+ and Cu2+ are transported into the lumen of the vacuole through various pumps. Copper ions are initially transported into the cell by the copper transporter Ctr1 at the plasma membrane and sequestered by chaperones and other factors to prevent cellular damage by free cations. Excess copper ions can subsequently be transported into the vacuole lumen by an unknown mechanism. Transport across membranes requires the reduction of Cu2+ to Cu+. Labile copper ions can interact with membranes to alter fluidity, lateral phase separation and fusion. Here we found that CuCl2 potently inhibited vacuole fusion by blocking SNARE pairing. This was accompanied by the inhibition of V‐ATPase H+ pumping. Deletion of the vacuolar reductase Fre6 had no effect on the inhibition of fusion by copper. This suggests that Cu2+ is responsible for the inhibition of vacuole fusion and V‐ATPase function. This notion is supported by the differential effects of chelators. The Cu2+‐specific chelator triethylenetetramine rescued fusion, whereas the Cu+‐specific chelator bathocuproine disulfonate had no effect on the inhibited fusion.  相似文献   

Synaptic vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane in response to Ca2+ influx, thereby releasing neurotransmitters into the synaptic cleft. The protein machinery that mediates this process, consisting of soluble N‐ethylmaleimide‐sensitive factor attachment protein receptors (SNAREs) and regulatory proteins, is well known, but the mechanisms by which these proteins prime synaptic membranes for fusion are debated. In this study, we applied large‐scale, automated cryo‐electron tomography to image an in vitro system that reconstitutes synaptic fusion. Our findings suggest that upon docking and priming of vesicles for fast Ca2+‐triggered fusion, SNARE proteins act in concert with regulatory proteins to induce a local protrusion in the plasma membrane, directed towards the primed vesicle. The SNAREs and regulatory proteins thereby stabilize the membrane in a high‐energy state from which the activation energy for fusion is profoundly reduced, allowing synchronous and instantaneous fusion upon release of the complexin clamp.  相似文献   

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