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The gamma-herpesviruses persist as latent episomes in a dynamic lymphocyte pool. Their consequent need to express a viral episome maintenance protein presents a potential immune target. The glycine-alanine repeat of the Epstein-Barr virus episome maintenance protein, EBNA-1, limits EBNA-1 epitope presentation to CD8(+) T lymphocytes (CTLs). However, CTL recognition occurs in vitro, so the significance of such evasion for viral fitness is unclear. We used the murine gamma-herpesvirus-68 (MHV-68) to define the in vivo contribution of cis-acting CTL evasion to host colonisation. Although the ORF73 episome maintenance protein of MHV-68 lacks a glycine-alanine repeat, it was equivalent to EBNA-1 in conferring limited presentation on linked epitopes. This was associated with reduced protein synthesis and reduced protein degradation. We bypassed the cis-acting evasion of ORF73 by using an internal ribosome entry site to express in trans-a CTL target from the same mRNA. This led to a severe, MHC class I-restricted and CTL-dependent reduction in viral latency. Thus, despite MHV-68 encoding at least two trans-acting CTL evasion proteins, cis-acting evasion during episome maintenance was essential for normal host colonisation.  相似文献   

Gammaherpesviruses are the most rapidly growing members of the herpesviridae family. Gamma herpesviruses share similarity in their genome organizations and in early and late lytic genes that are required for viral replication. A distinct characteristic of gamma herpesviruses is their ability to establish latent infection in lymphoid cells, and some of these viruses are closely associated with abnormal proliferation and cancer in primates. The first open reading frame of the primate gamma herpesviruses has been shown to directly contribute to virus-associated pathogenesis. This open reading frame encodes latent membrane protein-1 (LMP1) in Epstein-Barr virus, Saimiri transformation protein (STP) in Herpesvirus Saimiri, K1 in Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus, and R1 in Rhesus monkey Rhadinovirus. All of these gene products are capable of eliciting cellular signal transduction events, resulting in cell growth transformation. This review briefly summarizes the current view on the transforming mechanisms utilized by primate herpesviral oncogenes.  相似文献   

Infections by herpesviruses are widespread in humans, and are the causes for several important diseases. Gammaherpesvirus Kaposi's sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) is etiologically associated with Kaposi's sarcoma (KS), a highly inflammatory and angiogenic cancer commonly found in AIDS patients.1 KSHV is also associated with primary effusion lymphoma and a subset of multicentric Castleman’s disease, two rare lymphoproliferative malignancies.  相似文献   

Herpesvirus saimiri encodes a tyrosine kinase interacting protein (Tip) that binds to T-cell-specific tyrosine kinase Lck via multiple sequence motifs and controls its activity. The regulation of Lck by Tip represents a key mechanism in the transformation of human T-lymphocytes during herpesviral infection. In this study, the interaction of Tip with the regulatory SH3 and SH2 domains of Lck was investigated by biophysical and computational techniques. NMR spectroscopy of isotopically labeled Tip(140-191) revealed that the interaction with the LckSH3 domain is not restricted to the classical proline-rich motif, but also involves the C-terminally adjacent residues which pack into a hydrophobic pocket on the surface of the SH3 domain, thus playing a likely role in mediating binding specificity. Fluorescence binding studies of Tip further demonstrate that Tyr127 in its phosphorylated form represents a strong ligand of the LckSH2 domain, indicating the presence of an additional Lck interaction motif. In contrast, Tyr114, known to be essential for STAT-3 binding, does not interact with the LckSH2 domain, showing that the tyrosines in Tip exhibit distinct binding specificity. The existence of numerous interaction sites between Tip and the regulatory domains of Lck implies a complex regulatory mechanism and may have evolved to allow a gradual regulation of Lck activity in different pathogenic states.  相似文献   

为了快速且准确地对疱疹病毒基因组进行基因敲除、插入或者点突变等修饰,通过同源重组将马立克氏病病毒 (MDV) 超强毒株Md5基因组克隆到细菌人工染色体 (BAC)。将筛选的阳性重组体DNA电转进DH10B菌株,用PCR及限制性片段多态分析 (RFLP) 方法鉴定含Md5全基因组的BAC克隆。将阳性重组体DNA转染入鸡胚成纤维细胞 (CEF),拯救出重组病毒,命名为Md5BAC。进一步利用Red酶介导的两步法基因重组技术构建MDVlorf10基因敲除毒株。为了验证被敲除基因功能的特异性,将lorf10插入原位点以构建基因复原毒株。将构建的重组毒株分别感染CEF细胞,用间接免疫荧光试验确认重组病毒均包装成功;病毒生长曲线结果表明,lorf10敲除不影响病毒的体外增殖。总之,这为其他疱疹病毒的基因组编辑提供了技术参考。  相似文献   

Herpesviruses are common but important pathogens in humans and animals. These viruses have large complex genomes encoding genes with diverse functions in different phases of their life cycle and associated diseases. In the last decade, genomes of herpesviruses cloned as infectious bacterial artificial chromosomes (BACs) have become powerful tools for delineating the functions of viral genes and understanding the pathogenesis of their associated diseases. Here we review the history of herpesviral genetics and recent advances in methods for cloning herpesviral genomes as infectious BACs.Key words: herpesvirus, bacteria artificial chromosome, molecular cloning, reverse genetics, mutagenesis  相似文献   

Purkinje cells play a crucial role in sensory motor coordination since they are the only output projection neurons in the cerebellar cortex and are affected in most spinocerebellar ataxias. They stand out in the central nervous system due to their large size and their profusely branched dendritic arbor. However, molecular and cellular studies on Purkinje cells are often hampered by the difficulty of maintaining these cells in culture. Here we report an easy, robust and reproducible method to obtain Purkinje-enriched mixed cerebellar cell cultures from day 16 mouse embryos using papain digestion and a semi-defined culture medium, being the composition of the culture approximately 20% Purkinje cells, 70% non-Purkinje neurons and 10% glial cells. We demonstrate that efficient gene transfer into Purkinje cells (as well as into other cerebellar populations) is possible using herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1)-derived vectors. Indeed, up to 50% of the Purkinje cells can be transduced and gene expression may persist for at least 14 days. As a result, this procedure permits functional gene expression studies to be carried out on cultured Purkinje neurons. To demonstrate this, we show that the expression of a dominant-negative form of glycogen synthase kinase-3 protects Purkinje neurons against cell death triggered by a chemical inhibitor of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase. In summary, we have established reproducible and reliable cerebellar cell cultures enriched for Purkinje cells which enables gene transfer studies to be carried out using herpesviral vectors.  相似文献   

Neurodegeneration is a prominent feature of lysosomal storage disorders (LSDs). Emerging data identify autophagy dysfunction in neurons as a major component of the phenotype. However, the autophagy pathway in the CNS has been studied predominantly in neurons, whereas in other cell types it has been largely unexplored. We studied the lysosome-autophagic pathway in astrocytes from a murine model of multiple sulfatase deficiency (MSD), a severe form of LSD. Similar to what was observed in neurons, we found that lysosomal storage in astrocytes impairs autophagosome maturation and this, in turn, has an impact upon the survival of cortical neurons and accounts for some of the neurological features found in MSD. Thus, our data indicate that lysosomal/autophagic dysfunction in astrocytes is an important component of neurodegeneration in LSDs.  相似文献   

Autophagy (greek auto: self; phagein: eating) is a highly conserved process within eukaryotes that degrades long-lived proteins and organelles within lysosomes. Its accurate and constant operation in basal conditions ensures cellular homeostasis by degrading damaged cellular components and thereby acting not only as a quality control but as well as an energy supplier. An increasing body of evidence indicates a major role of autophagy in the regulation of cardiac homeostasis and function. In this review, we describe the different forms of mammalian autophagy, their regulations and monitoring with a specific emphasis on the heart. Furthermore, we address the role of autophagy in several forms of cardiomyopathy and the options for therapy.  相似文献   

Autophagy is the degradative process by which eukaryotic cells digest their own components using acid hydrolases within the lysosome. Originally thought to function almost exclusively in providing starving cells with nutrients taken from their own cellular constituents, autophagy is in fact involved in numerous cellular events including differentiation, turnover of macromolecules and organelles, and defense against parasitic invaders. During the last 10-20 years, molecular components of the autophagic machinery have been discovered, revealing a complex interactome of proteins and lipids, which, in a concerted way, induce membrane formation to engulf cellular material and target it for lysosomal degradation. Here, our emphasis is autophagy in protists. We discuss experimental and genomic data indicating that the canonical autophagy machinery characterized in animals and fungi appeared prior to the radiation of major eukaryotic lineages. Moreover, we describe how comparative bioinformatics revealed that this canonical machinery has been subject to moderation, outright loss or elaboration on multiple occasions in protist lineages, most probably as a consequence of diverse lifestyle adaptations. We also review experimental studies illustrating how several pathogenic protists either utilize autophagy mechanisms or manipulate host-cell autophagy in order to establish or maintain infection within a host. The essentiality of autophagy for the pathogenicity of many parasites, and the unique features of some of the autophagy-related proteins involved, suggest possible new targets for drug discovery. Further studies of the molecular details of autophagy in protists will undoubtedly enhance our understanding of the diversity and complexity of this cellular phenomenon and the opportunities it offers as a drug target.  相似文献   

Autophagy is now emerging as a spotlight in trafficking events that activate innate and adaptive immunity. It facilitates innate pathogen detection and antigen presentation, as well as pathogen clearance and lymphocyte homeostasis. In this review, we first summarize new insights into its functions in immunity, which underlie its associations with autoimmunity. As some lines of evidence are emerging to support its role in autoimmune and autoinflammatory diseases, we further discuss whether and how it affects autoimmune diseases including systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes mellitus and multiple sclerosis, as well as autoinflammatory diseases, such as Crohn disease and vitiligo.  相似文献   

Multidisciplinary approaches are increasingly being used to elucidate the role of autophagy in health and disease and to harness it for therapeutic purposes. The broad range of topics included in the program of the Vancouver Autophagy Symposium (VAS) 2013 illustrated this multidisciplinarity: structural biology of Atg proteins, mechanisms of selective autophagy, in silico drug design targeting ATG proteins, strategies for drug screening, autophagy-metabolism interplay, and therapeutic approaches to modulate autophagy. VAS 2013 took place at the British Columbia Cancer Research Centre, and was hosted by the CIHR Team in Investigating Autophagy Proteins as Molecular Targets for Cancer Treatment. The program was designed as a day of research exchanges, featuring two invited keynote speakers, internationally recognized for their groundbreaking contributions in autophagy, Dr Ana Maria Cuervo (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Bronx, NY) and Dr Jayanta Debnath (University of California, San Francisco). By bringing together international and local experts in cell biology, drug discovery, and clinical translation, the symposium facilitated rich interdisciplinary discussions focused on multiple forms of autophagy and their regulation and modulation in the context of cancer.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(14):R671-R677



Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) complex 1 (mTORC1), which is activated in tuberous sclerosis complex (TSC) and lymphangioleiomyomatosis (LAM), is a master regulator of cell growth, cellular metabolism, and autophagy. Treatment of TSC and LAM patients with mTORC1 inhibitors partially decreases the size of brain and kidney tumors, and stabilizes pulmonary function. However, the tumors regrow and lung function continues to decline when treatment is discontinued. We hypothesized that dysregulation of autophagy plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of tumors with mTORC1 hyperactivation and in their response to mTORC1-targeted therapy. We found that cells lacking TSC2 have low levels of autophagy under basal and cellular stress conditions. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we discovered that the survival of Tsc2-deficient tumor cells is dependent on autophagy induction. Thus, autophagy inhibitors may have therapeutic potential in TSC and LAM, either as single agent therapy or in combination with mTORC1 inhibitors.  相似文献   

Autophagy describes the degradation of unnecessary or dysfunctional cellular components through the lysosomal machinery. Autophagy is essentially required to prevent accumulation of cellular damage and to ensure cellular homeostasis. Indeed, impaired autophagy has been implicated in a variety of different diseases. We examined the role of autophagy in inflammatory bone loss. We demonstrated that autophagy is activated by the pro-inflammatory cytokine tumor necrosis factor (TNF/TNFα) in osteoclasts of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Autophagy induces osteoclast differentiation and stimulates osteoclast-mediated bone resorption in vitro and in vivo, thereby highlighting autophagy as a novel mediator of TNF-induced bone resorption.  相似文献   


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