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An account is given of the morphology and the taxonomy of the Asian, Australian and Pacific genus Archidendron (Leguminosae – Mimosoideae). A new infrageneric classification based on morphological data is presented, the genus being subdivided in 8 series. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed, the base of discussion being all available morphological, palynological and wood–anatomical characters. The presence/absence of stipules, the length of the staminal tube compared with that of the corolla–tube, the sessile/stipitate ovary(–ies), the morphology of the pods and the wood–anatomy have been particularly useful in determining the evolutionary trends within the genus. Analyses of the geographical range of selected character states are presented. The data suggest a Central – W. Malesian origin of the genus. The series endemic to the E. Malesian – Australian area have probably evolved more recently. The pluricarpellate condition of the flowers in several species endemic to the E. Malesian and Australian area is considered to be a derived character state. The following new taxa are proposed: Ser. Calycinae Nielsen, ser. Ptenopae Nielsen, ser. Bellae Nielsen, Archidendron falcatum Nielsen, A. cockburnii Nielsen, A. sabahense Nielsen, A. fagifolium (Bl. ex Miq.) Nielsen var. borneense Nielsen, A. kunsrteri (Prain) Nielsen subsp. ashtonii Nielsen, A. ellipticum (Bl.) Nielsen subsp. cordifoliolatum Nielsen. New combinations are proposed in the Malesian species formerly referred to Abarema, Zygia and Morolobium by Kostermans. Keys to and an enumeration of the species are presented.  相似文献   

An account is given of the morphology and the taxonomy of the Asian, Australian and Pacific genus Archidendron (Leguminosae - Mimosoideae). A new infrageneric classification based on morphological data is presented, the genus being subdivided in 8 series. The phylogeny of the genus is discussed, the base of discussion being all available morphological, palynological and wood-anatomical characters. The presence/absence of stipules, the length of the staminal tube compared with that of the corolla-tube, the sessile/stipitate ovary(-ies), the morphology of the pods and the wood-anatomy have been particularly useful in determining the evolutionary trends within the genus. Analyses of the geographical range of selected character states are presented. The data suggest a Central - W. Malesian origin of the genus. The series endemic to the E. Malesian - Australian area have probably evolved more recently. The pluricarpellate condition of the flowers in several species endemic to the E. Malesian and Australian area is considered to be a derived character state. The following new taxa are proposed: Ser. Calycinae Nielsen, ser. Ptenopae Nielsen, ser. Bellae Nielsen, Archidendron falcatum Nielsen, A. cockburnii Nielsen, A. sabahense Nielsen, A. fagifolium (Bl. ex Miq.) Nielsen var. borneense Nielsen, A. kunstleri (Prain) Nielsen subsp. ashtonii Nielsen, A. ellipticum (Bl.) Nielsen subsp. cordifoliolatum Nielsen. New combinations are proposed in the Malesian species formerly referred to Abarema, Zygia and Morolobium by Kostermans. Keys to and an enumeration of the species are presented.  相似文献   

The occurrence of three endophytic green algae within Chondrus crispus Stackh. is reported. Two of them are new to science and are described as Acrochaete heteroclada Correa and Nielsen sp. nov. and A. operculata Correa and Nielsen sp. nov. The algae were studied in unialgal culture and in association with the host following infection of C. crispus under laboratory conditions. The experimental infection showed A. heteroclada to be initially epiphytic, with endophytic filaments growing into the cortex of the host during late infection. A. operculata is entirely endophytic when associated with the host. Phaeophila dendroides (Crouan frat.) Batters behaves as an epiphyte at 15 and 24°C but penetrates the host tissues at 20°C. For all three species, a close physical association with the host is established only when zoospores settle and germinate on the surface of C. crispus.  相似文献   

A new taxonomic treatment of the Festuca ovina L. aggregate (Poaceae) in the British Isles. A wide range of morphological, anatomical and cytological characters was collected and analysed by a variety of methods, some taxometric. As a result nine species are recognized in the British Isles, one (F. glauca Vill.) only as a garden plant and two (F. huonii Auquier and F. armoricana Kerguélen) only in the Channel Isles. Two other species sometimes claimed for the British Isles (F. guestfalica Boenn. ex Reichb. and F. indigesta Boiss.) are excluded for various reasons given. One species (F. ovina L.) is divided into three subspecies: the diploid subsp. ovina (commonest in the north); and the tetraploid subsp. hirtula (Hackel ex Travis) M. Wilkinson (the commonest taxon of the aggregate in the British Isles) and subsp. ophioliticola (Kerguélen) M. Wilkinson (scattered throughout the British Isles, but commonest on chalk and limestone and not restricted to serpentine soils as once thought).  相似文献   

中国金合欢属植物的分类,分布及其区系的起源   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
孙航  陈介 《云南植物研究》1990,12(3):255-268
本文对中国金合欢属(Acacia Miller)的分类、分布及其区系的起源进行了初步的研究;初步确立了本地区金合欢属植物约13种,3变种,其中包括2个新记录种,2个新变种;它们主要分布在西南及华南热带亚热带地区,尤以云南为最多。中国的金合欢届种类较贫乏,主要属Subgen. Aculeiferum,且几乎都是较原始的“A. pennata”体态,大都处于其分布区的边缘,种间关系较密切,区系比较年轻。该区系是中南半岛金合欢区系的一部分,除Subgen. Heterophyllum是来自澳洲外,其余最终通过印度板块来自非洲。  相似文献   

Five new species of Fissistigma are described from Borneo. Fissistigma brevistipitatum sp. nov. is a species of lowland and hill forest mostly recorded from Sabah. Fissistigma bygravei sp. nov. is similar to F. hypoglaucum (Miq.) Merr. of the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. Fissistigma carrii sp. nov. is from Mount Kinabalu. Fissistigma crassicaule is a robust plant known from a couple of collections from Sarawak. Fissistigma montanum sp. nov. is a species from hill and montane forest recorded from Brunei, Sabah and Sarawak. A new combination in Fissistigma is made for Melodorum multivenium Diels. Two recently described species of Fissistigma from Borneo ( F. cordifolium Irawan and F. magnisepalum Irawan) are reduced to synonymy of Friesodielsia excisa (Miq.) Steenis and Friesodielsia affinis (Hook. f. & Thomson) D. Das, respectively. Both species of Friesodielsia are lectotypified.  相似文献   

通过观察吉林农业大学菌物研究所标本馆(HMJAU)、中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆(HMAS)、中国科学院昆明植物研究所标本馆隐花植物标本馆(HKAS)和广东微生物研究所标本馆(GDGM)及作者野外采集标本的宏观形态和微观结构,对中国盔孢菌属进行了分类学研究。对中国分布的16个种进行了形态学描述、显微线条图绘制,并编写了分组、分种检索表。其中,包括内蒙古新记录种2个:秋生盔孢菌[Galerinaautumnalis(Peck)A.H.Sm.&Singer]和单色盔孢伞[Galerina unicolor(Vahl)Singer];黑龙江省新记录种3个:异囊盔孢菌[Galerina heterocystis(G.F.Atk.)A.H.Sm.&R.Sin.]、黄褐盔孢伞[Galerina helvoliceps(Berk.&M.A.Curtis)Singer]和沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];吉林省新记录种2个:异囊盔孢菌[Galerina heterocystis(G.F.Atk.)A.H.Sm.&R.Sin.]和苔藓盔孢菌[Galerina hypnorum(Schrank)Kühner];辽宁省新记录种1个:黄褐盔孢伞[Galerina helvoliceps(Berk.&M.A.Curtis)singer];浙江省新记录种1个:沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];湖北省新记录种1个:沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];湖南省新记录种1个:秋生盔孢菌[Galerina autumnalis(Peck)A.H.Sm.&Singer];广西省新记录种1个:沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vit-tiformis(Fr.)Earle];四川省新记录种3个:苔藓盔孢菌[Galerina hypnorum(Schrank)Kühner]、条盖盔孢菌[Galerina sulciceps(Berk.)Singer]和沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];贵州省新记录种3个:单色盔孢伞[Galerina unicolor(Vahl)Singer]、毒盔孢菌(Galerina venenataA.H.Sm.)和沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];西藏新记录种3个:单色盔孢伞[Galerina unicolor(Vahl)Singer]、黄褐盔孢伞[Galerina helvoliceps(Berk.&M.A.Curtis)Singer]和沟条盔孢菌[Galerina vittiformis(Fr.)Earle];新疆新记录种1个:黄褐盔孢伞[Galerina helvoliceps(Berk.&M.A.Curtis)Singer]。  相似文献   

中国锈革孔菌科新种及值得注意的种   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文报道了产于我国云南西双版纳热带雨林的多孔菌一新种,版纳嗜蓝孢层孔菌 Fomitiporia bannaensis Y.C. Dai,该菌具有平伏的子实体较小的担孢子及大量的子实层刚毛这些特征很容易使该新种区别于同属的其它种,对与其它近似种的不同也进行了讨论锈革孔菌科的另外两种悦目小集毛菌Coltriciella  ablectabilis(Lloyd) Kotl, Pouzar& Ryvarden和杜氏齿革菌 Hydnochaete duportii Pat.被报道为中国新记录种,并根据我国的材料对这两种进行了详细描述。三个种被重新进行了组合它们是 Fomitiporia sonora(Glib.)Y.C. Dai, Fomitiporia  sublaevigata(Cleland &  Rodway) Y.C. Dai和 Onnia flaovida(Berk.) Y.C. Dai.  相似文献   

An annotated checklist of Senegalia Raf. and Vachellia Wight & Arn. taxa for the Indian subcontinent is presented, following the fragmentation and retypification of the former broadly defined genus Acacia Mill. The countries encompassed by this study include Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. All indigenous species (and a few introductions) in this region previously referred to Acacia belong to Senegalia and Vachellia. All Acacia s.s. taxa are introduced (principally from Australia) and are not included in the study. There are 22 species of Senegalia (21 indigenous, 1 introduced; representing 23 taxa) and 21 species of Vachellia (12 indigenous, 9 introduced; representing 27 taxa) currently recognized for the subcontinent. The largest country, India, has most species. This checklist complements that which was recently provided for these genera in southeast Asia and China. Two names formerly recorded for the Indian subcontinent are excluded, namely, Senegalia intsia (L.) Maslin is a nomen confusum and Acacia pennata subsp. hainanensis (Hayata) I. C. Nielsen is now known to be restricted to southern China and Vietnam. Acacia eriantha Desv. is an unresolved name. The following new combinations are made herein: Senegalia tanjorensis (Ragup., Thoth. & A.Mahad.) A.S.Deshpande & Maslin, Vachellia campbellii (Arn.) A.S.Deshp., & Maslin and V. pseudowightii (Thoth.) A.S.Deshpande & Maslin. A lectotype has been selected for Acacia pennata var. canescens Graham ex Kurz (= Senegalia pennata (L.) Maslin).  相似文献   

The following three species of Ceratopogonidae were collected breeding in the rhizomatous herb Phenakospermum guyannense Endl., 1833 in the vicinity of Manaus, Brazil, a new species, Culicoides (Mataemyia) felippebauerae Spinelli, Forcipomyia (Forcipomyia) genualis (Loew), and F. (Phytohelea) musae Clastrier & Dellécole. C. (M.) felippebauerae is described and illustrated as adult, pupa, and fourth instar larva, the adult compared with the adult of C. barthi Taveres and Souza and larva and pupa with those of C. dicrourus Wirth & Blanton and C. macieli Tavares & Ruiz, the only species with known immatures in the subgenus. The pupa and fourth instar larva of F. (P.) musae are described and illustrated and compared with immatures of F. (P.) edwardsi Saunders.  相似文献   

吉林省担子菌补记(八)   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
图力古尔 《菌物研究》2007,5(2):72-74,92
报道了6个吉林省新记录担子菌,即辅毛鬼伞[Coprinus radians(Desm.:Fr.)Fr.]、金黄拟蜡伞[Hy-grophoropsis aurantiaca(Wulf.:Fr.)Maire]、黄柄小菇[Mycena epipterygia(Scop.:Fr.)S.F.Gray]、黏柄小菇[Mycenarorida(Scop.:Fr.)Qu啨l.]、长齿白齿耳菌[Mycoleptodonoides aitchisonii(Berk.)Mass.]和大刷革[Xylobo-lus princeps(Jungh.)Boidin]。其中,黏柄小菇同时为中国新记录种,其他5种首次在我国东北地区发现,拟蜡伞属和白齿耳菌属为吉林省新记录属。标本保存于吉林农业大学菌物标本馆(HMJAU)。  相似文献   

中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
对中国葡萄属(Vitis L.)的系统学进行处理。中国葡萄属共分42种1亚种12变种,归属于1亚属5组4系。文中命名了3新组(小叶葡萄组、秋葡萄组和武汉葡萄组)、2新等级及组合组(毛葡萄组和河岸葡萄组)、3新系(密柔毛系、复叶系、刺状毛系)、1新变种(伏牛山葡萄)和1新组合变种(小叶葛Lai)。  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Buning, J.: The insect ovary. Ultrastructure, previtello-genic growth and evolution.
Robinson, G. S. Nielsen, E. S.: Tineid Genera of Australia.
Common, I. F. B.: Oecophorine genera of Australia I. The Wingia group.
REAL, L. A. (ed.): Ecological genetics. 95–195
KRIMBAS, C. B.: Drosophila subobscura. Biology, Genetics and Inversion Polymorphism.
BENECKE, N.: Der Mensch und seine Haustiere.  相似文献   

报道生于夹竹桃科(Apocynaceae)植物上的链格孢新种2个、新变种2个,即络石链格孢(Alternaria trachelospermi T.Y Zhang,X,F,Lin et W.Q.Chen)、细极链格孢络石生变种[A.tenuissima(Neesex Fr.)Wiltshirevar.trachelospermicola T.Y.Zhang,X.F.LinetW.Q.Chen]、细极链格孢长春花变种[A.tenuissima(NeesexFr.)Wiltshirevar.catharanthiT,Y.ZhangetX.F.Lin]和长春花生链格孢(A.catharanthicolaT.Y.Zhang),及生于番木瓜科(Caricaceae)植物上的番木瓜链格孢(A.caricae T.Y.Zhang,W.Q.Chen et X.F.Lin).新种和新变种均有拉丁文特征描述,并附绘图.新分类单位的模式标本分别存放在西北农业大学真菌标本室(HMUABO)和山东农业大学植物病理标本室(HSAUP).  相似文献   

楠木名称考订   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李树刚  韦发南   《广西植物》1988,(4):297-300
<正> 经过多年对楠木的研究,我们发现楠木的正确学名应该修订。驰名中外的“楠木”,是很有趣的珍贵树种,它包括樟科润楠属(Machilus Nees)和楠属(Phoebe Nees)植物的一些近缘种,在四川及云南,一般把Phoebe zhennan,Phoebe hui和Machilus pingii通称为楠木,而在福建、浙江、贵州及广东、广西,却把Phoebe bournei称为楠木。自1877年英人A.Davenport在Kew Report报道了关于中国楠木的消息后,楠木的名称开始在植物学界造成乱混。D.Oliver于1879年把A.Davenport、E.Bradford和F.Vincot  相似文献   

芦荟属植物种间杂交及其F_1代POD同工酶鉴定   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
铁军  金山  白海艳  刘瑞祥  吴志萍 《广西植物》2005,25(5):449-452,i0008
以芦荟属植物元江芦荟和皂质芦荟为亲本进行远缘有性杂交试验。正交对3株103朵小花进行授粉,获得7枚果实,平均结实率为6.80%;反交对2株88朵小花授粉,获得5枚果实,平均结实率为5.88%。获得了19株F1代实生苗,并对亲本和F1代实生苗以及库拉索芦荟、华芦荟等5种芦荟属植物进行了过氧化物酶同工酶(POD)的比较研究,结果显示,5种芦荟种间的POD同工酶酶谱具有较高的相似程度,同时各种又具有各自的特征酶带,很容易区分。特别是F1代实生苗的酶谱与父母本的酶谱有显著不同的酶带,证明产生了新的中间类型。  相似文献   

A lichen biodiversity study conducted in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug (district) reports 958 species in 199 genera and 72 families. Cetrelia alaskana (Llano) W. L. Culb. et C. F. Culb. is new to West Siberia; Graphis elegans (Borrer ex Sm.) Ach., Porpidia hydrophila (Fr.) Hertel et A. J. Schwab, and Sclerococcum sphaerale (Ach.) Fr. are new to Siberia; Acarospora fusca B. de Lesd., Cliostomum tenerum (Nyl.) Coppins et S. Ekman, Pertusaria corallina (L.) Arnold, and P. stalactiza Nyl. are new to Russia. High diversity of epilithic lichens is ecologically due to a variety of ecotopes that include mountain habitats on the eastern spurs of the Subarctic and Northern Urals in addition to plain ones.  相似文献   

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