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We have recently reported naturally occurring autoantibodies against a large fetal brain antigen (FBA). Now we describe the process of purification and identification of this particular FBA. The brains of newborn rabbits were solubilized and purified with preparative gel electrophoresis. The protein fractions were concentrated and desalted and the fractions were tested by a known positive serum. On membrane digestion of the FBA-band gave a twelve amino acid sequence that resulted in best identity score for mouse, rat and human microtubule-associated protein (MAP) 1B: a member of the microtubule-associated protein family. Monoclonal anti-MAP1B recognized a band in immunoblots of the brain homogenate and of the partially purified fractions with the same electrophoretic mobility as that recognized by a known anti-FBA positive serum. When adult rabbit brain was used as an antigen, the anti-MAP1B failed to recognize any bands on immunoblots. MAP lB has not been previously known as an autoantigen, even though many structural proteins of the neuronal cytoskeleton are known to be targets of naturally occurring autoantibodies. MAP 1B is a functionally important regulatory protein in the developing brain; thus autoantibodies against MAP1B may affect the normal development.  相似文献   

AlphaB-Crystallin has for a long time been considered a specific eye lens protein. Later on it appeared that this protein belongs to the family of the small heat shock proteins and that it occurs also extra-lenticularly in many different cell types. AlphaB-Crystallin is mainly present in the cytoplasm, but there are some indications that it might have a function in the nucleus too. However, till now its presence in the nucleus is uncertain. We therefore compared the localization of alphaB-crystallin in nine cell lines cultured under normal conditions using four different antisera. All four antisera gave a diffuse staining for alphaB-crystallin in the cytoplasm, but one of the antibodies consistently showed nuclear staining in eight of the cell types, in the form of distinct speckles. These speckles are equally pronounced in the different cell types, whether or not cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin is present. Preabsorption of the antiserum with alphaB-crystallin abolished the staining. Furthermore we demonstrate that if only minor amounts of alphaB-crystallin are present, the protein seems to be located exclusively in the nucleus. However, in case of higher amounts of protein, alphaB-crystallin is distributed between cytoplasm and nucleus. The nuclear alphaB-crystallin exists, like the cytoplasmic alphaB-crystallin, in non-phosphorylated and phosphorylated forms, is Triton-insoluble but can be extracted by 2 M NaCl. These data suggest that alphaB-crystallin might be bound to the nuclear matrix per se or to nuclear matrix proteins via other proteins. In agreement with other nuclear matrix proteins, nuclear alphaB-crystallin staining turns diffuse upon mitosis and leaves the chromosomes unstained. Double staining experiments revealed colocalization of alphaB-crystallin with the splicing factor SC35 in nuclear speckles, suggesting a role for alphaB-crystallin in splicing or protection of the splicing machinery.  相似文献   

K Islam  R G Burns 《FEBS letters》1984,178(2):264-270
Chick brain microtubule protein can be assembled in vitro with ATP, although the extent of assembly is less than that with GTP. The ATP-induced assembly is not the result of generation of GTP by the co-purifying nucleoside diphosphate kinase. Neither an observed increase in the critical concentration nor the phosphorylation of MAP2 can account for the decreased extent of assembly. However, whereas microtubules are formed with both ATP and GTP, incubation with ATP yields additional filaments and polymorphic aggregates. The results demonstrate that of the total protein which can be assembled into microtubules by GTP, about 25-35% is assembled into other structural forms in the presence of ATP.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1995,129(4):1023-1032
Previous studies in transgenic mice have established the importance of the 3' untranslated region (UTR) of the spermatid-specific protamine-1 (Prm-1) mRNA in its translational control during male germ cell development. To clone genes that mediate the translational repression or activation of the Prm-1 mRNA, we screened cDNA expression libraries made with RNA from pachytene spermatocytes and round spermatids, with an RNA probe corresponding to the 3' UTR of Prm-1. We obtained six independent clones that encode Spnr, a spermatid perinuclear RNA- binding protein. Spnr is a 71-kD protein that contains two previously described RNA binding domains. The Spnr mRNA is expressed at high levels in the testis, ovary, and brain, and is present in multiple forms in those tissues. Immunolocalization of the Spnr protein within the testis shows that it is expressed exclusively in postmeiotic germ cells and that it is localized to the manchette, a spermatid-specific microtubular array. Although the Spnr protein is expressed too late to be directly involved in the translational repression of Prm-1 specifically, we suggest that the Spnr protein may be involved in other aspects of spermatid RNA metabolism, such as RNA transport or translational activation.  相似文献   

We found serum autoantibodies directed against the proteins binding exclusively to U4/U6 of Sm small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particle (snRNP) in serum from a patient (MaS) with systemic sclerosis. Their specificity, called anti-MaS, is distinct from that of known antibodies against U snRNP. The U4 and U6 small nuclear RNA from a 32P-labeled HeLa cell extract and five proteins with Mr 150,000, 120,000, 80,000, 36,000, and 34,000, in addition to Sm core proteins (B, B', D, E, F, and G) from an [35S] methionine-labeled extract, were immunoprecipitated by anti-MaS in isotonic solution. However, the Sm core proteins and U4 and U6 small nuclear RNA were separated from the protein-A-Sepharose facilitated MaS immunoprecipitate by incubation in a solution containing 500 mM NaCl. In immunoblots, anti-MaS antibodies reacted with one protein of Mr 150,000 from a HeLa cell nuclear extract that was fractionated by SDS-PAGE and transferred to a nitrocellulose sheet. The monospecific immunoaffinity purified antibody eluted from the immunoblot band immunoprecipitated U4 and U6 small nuclear RNA and reblotted the protein with Mr 150,000. These data indicate that anti-MaS antibodies recognize at least one antigenic protein that binds exclusively to the U4/U6 snRNP.  相似文献   

A protein (SNP70) has been isolated that binds to the Src homology domain 3 of p47(phox), p85alpha, and c-src. Cloning and sequencing of the polypeptide revealed it to be a 70-kDa protein that has a number of potential domains, including Src homology 3 binding motifs and several nuclear localization signals. Immunofluorescence using anti-peptide antibodies revealed SNP70 to be primarily concentrated in the nucleus but excluded from nucleoli, in interphase cells. However, it was distributed throughout the cytoplasm in dividing cells. Extraction and subfractionation experiments indicated that SNP70 did not bind directly to DNA but did bind to poly(G)-rich oligonucleotides and was resistant to extraction with non-ionic detergents but was solubilized by treatment with RNase, high salt, or ammonium sulfate. Double-immunofluorescence experiments showed that SNP70 co-localized with two pre-mRNA splicing factors SC35 and U2B" within the nucleus. A population of SNP70 was found outside the nucleus, and double-immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy demonstrated that it associated with vimentin-containing intermediate filaments, particularly those surrounding the nucleus. The data suggest that SNP70 associates with nuclear or perinuclear filaments and may play a role in the regulation of pre-mRNA processing.  相似文献   

Axoplasmic vesicles were purified and observed to translocate on isolated microtubules in an ATP-dependent, trypsin-sensitive manner, implying that ATP-binding polypeptides essential for force generation were present on the vesicle surface. To identify these proteins [alpha 32P]8-azidoadenosine 5'-triphosphate ([alpha 32P]8-N3ATP), a photoaffinity analogue of ATP, was used. The results presented here identify and characterize a vesicle-associated polypeptide having a relative molecular mass of 292 kD that bound [alpha 32P]8-N3ATP. The incorporation of label is ultraviolet light-dependent and ATP-sensitive. Moreover, the 292-kD polypeptide could be isolated in association with vesicles or microtubules, depending on the conditions used, and the data indicate that the 292-kD polypeptide is similar to mammalian brain microtubule-associated protein 2 (MAP 2) for the following reasons: The 292-kD polypeptide isolated from either squid axoplasm or optic lobe cross-reacts with antiserum to porcine brain MAP 2. Furthermore, it purifies with taxol-stabilized microtubules and is released with salt. Based on these characteristics, the 292-kD polypeptide is distinct from the known force-generating molecules myosin and flagellar dynein, as well as the 110-130-kD kinesin-like polypeptides that have recently been described (Brady, S. T., 1985, Nature (Lond.), 317:73-75; Vale, R. D., T. S. Reese, and M. P. Sheetz, 1985b, Cell, 42:39-50; Scholey, J. M., M. E. Porter, P. M. Grissom, and J. R. McIntosh, 1985, Nature (Lond.), 318:483-486). Because the 292-kD polypeptide binds ATP and is associated with vesicles that translocate on purified MAP-free microtubules in an ATP-dependent fashion, it is therefore believed to be involved in vesicle-microtubule interactions that promote organelle motility.  相似文献   

Sera of patients suffering from the autoimmune disease progressive systemic sclerosis (PSS) are known to contain autoantibodies which have been reported to recognize a 70 kDa antigenic protein, designated the Scl 70 antigen. By immunoblotting of nuclear extracts from HeLa cells with sera from scleroderma patients we observed that the size of the antigen present in such cells depends on the conditions of antigen isolation. When protease inhibitors were included in the extraction buffer, a 95 kDa protein was identified instead of a 70 kDa protein. When protease inhibitors were omitted, a number of polypeptides in the size range 66 to 95 kDa was found. Furthermore, antibodies which had been affinity purified on the 95 kDa antigen, crossreacted with the 66 to 95 kDa polypeptides. These results suggest that the smaller proteins were degradation products of the 95 kDa antigen. Immunofluorescence studies on PtK-2 cells with the antibody specific for the 95 kDa protein gave staining of nuclei, nucleoli and of chromosomes and the nucleolar organizer region in mitotic cells. Since this distribution of antigens within the nucleus was reminiscent of the intranuclear distribution of DNA topoisomerase I found by others we probed purified DNA topoisomerase I from calf thymus directly with the autoantibodies from PSS patients, and also the 95 kDa antigens of HeLa cell nuclei with antibodies raised against the bovine DNA topoisomerase I. From the crossreaction pattern observed with the different antigens and antibodies we conclude that DNA topoisomerase I is one of the antigenic components against which autoantibodies are formed in scleroderma patients.  相似文献   

The complex of the yeast Lsm1p-7p proteins with Pat1p is an important mRNA decay factor that is involved in translational shutdown of deadenylated mRNAs and thus prepares these mRNAs for degradation. While the Lsm proteins are highly conserved, there is no unique mammalian homolog of Pat1p. To identify proteins that interact with human LSm1, we developed a novel immunoprecipitation technique that yields virtually pure immunocomplexes. Mass-spec analysis therefore identifies mostly true positives, avoiding tedious functional screening. The method unambiguously identified the Pat1p homolog in HeLa cells, Pat1b. When targeted to a reporter mRNA, Pat1b represses gene expression by inducing deadenylation of the mRNAs. This demonstrates that Pat1b, unlike yPat1p, acts as an mRNA-specific deadenylation factor, highlighting the emerging importance of deadenylation in the mRNA regulation of higher eukaryotes.  相似文献   

The cell body of Trypanosomatidae is enclosed in densely packed, crosslinked, subpellicular microtubules closely underlying the plasma membrane. We isolated the subpellicular microtubules from bloodstream Trypanosoma brucei parasites by use of a zwitterion detergent. These cold stable structures were solubilized by a high ionic strength salt solution, and the soluble proteins that contained tubulin along with several other proteins were further fractionated by Mono S cation exchange column chromatography. Two distinct peaks were eluted containing one protein each, which had an apparent molecular weight of 52 kDa and 53 kDa. (Mr was determined by SDS-gel electrophoresis). Only the 52 kDa protein showed specific tubulin binding properties, which were demonstrated by exposure of nitrocellulose-bound trypanosome proteins to brain tubulin. When this protein was added to brain tubulin in the presence of taxol and GTP, microtubule bundles were formed with regular crosslinks between the parallel closely packed microtubules. The crosslinks were about 7.2 nm apart (center to center). Under the same conditions, but with the 53 kDA protein or without trypanosome derived proteins, brain tubulin polymerized to single microtubules. It is thus suggested that the unique structural organization of the subpellicular microtubules is dictated by specific parasite proteins and is not an inherent property of the polymerizing tubulin. The in vitro reconstituted microtubule bundles are strikingly similar to the subpellicular microtubule network of the parasite.  相似文献   

Mutants of the yeast Kar3 protein are defective in nuclear fusion, or karyogamy, during mating and show slow mitotic growth, indicating a requirement for the protein both during mating and in mitosis. DNA sequence analysis predicts that Kar3 is a microtubule motor protein related to kinesin, but with the motor domain at the C-terminus of the protein rather than the N-terminus as in kinesin heavy chain. We have expressed Kar3 as a fusion protein with glutathione S-transferase (GST) and determined the in vitro motility properties of the bacterially expressed protein. The GST-Kar3 fusion protein bound to a coverslip translocates microtubules in gliding assays with a velocity of 1-2 microns/min and moves towards microtubule minus ends, unlike kinesin but like kinesin-related Drosophila ncd. Taxol-stabilized microtubules bound to GST-Kar3 on a coverslip shorten as they glide, resulting in faster lagging end, than leading end, velocities. Comparison of lagging and leading end velocities with velocities of asymmetrical axoneme-microtubule complexes indicates that microtubules shorten preferentially from the lagging or minus ends. The minus end-directed translocation and microtubule bundling of GST-Kar3 is consistent with models in which the Kar3 protein crosslinks internuclear microtubules and mediates nuclear fusion by moving towards microtubule minus ends, pulling the two nuclei together. In mitotic cells, the minus end motility of Kar3 could move chromosomes polewards, either by attaching to kinetochores and moving them polewards along microtubules, or by attaching to kinetochore microtubules and pulling them polewards along other polar microtubules.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In this study we describe a novel Drosophila protein Jupiter, which shares properties with several structural microtubule-associated proteins (MAPs) including TAU, MAP2, MAP4. Jupiter is a soluble unfolded molecule with the high net positive charge, rich in Glycine. It possesses two degenerated repeats around the sequence PPGG, separated by a Serine-rich region. Jupiter associates with microtubules in vitro and, fused with the green fluorescent protein (GFP), is an excellent marker to follow microtubule dynamics in vivo. In a jupiter transgenic Drosophila strain generated by the "protein-trap" technique, Jupiter:GFP fusion protein localizes to the microtubule network through the cell cycle at the different stages of development. We found particularly high Jupiter:GFP concentrations in the young embryo, larval nervous system, precursors of eye photoreceptors and adult ovary. Moreover, from jupiter:gfp embryos we have established two permanent cell lines presenting strongly fluorescent microtubules during the whole cell cycle. In these cells, the distribution of the Jupiter:GFP fusion protein reproduces microtubule behavior upon treatment by the drugs colchicine and taxol. The jupiter cell lines and fly strain should be of wide interest for biologists interested in in vivo analysis of microtubule dynamics.  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis is mediated by an autoimmune process causing selective destruction of oligodendrocytes. Transaldolase, which is expressed in the brain selectively in oligodendrocytes, is a target of high affinity autoantibodies in serum and cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis patients. A three-dimensional model of human transaldolase was developed based on the crystal structure of the enzyme from Escherichia coli. To identify immunodominant epitopes, 33 peptides overlapping human transaldolase by 5 amino acids were synthesized. Ab 12484, raised against enzymatically active human transaldolase, recognized antigenic determinants corresponding to linear epitopes (residues 27-31 and 265-290) and alpha helices (residues 75-98 and 302-329). Four immunodominant peptides harboring charged amino acid residues with topographically exposed side chains were identified by sera from 13 multiple sclerosis patients with predetermined autoreactivity to transaldolase. Autoantibodies binding to the most prominent human transaldolase epitope, between residues 271 and 285, showed cross-reactivity with Epstein-Barr and herpes simplex virus type 1 capsid-derived peptides. Molecular mimicry between immunodominant autoepitopes and viral Ags may be a decisive factor in directing autoimmunity to transaldolase in multiple sclerosis patients.  相似文献   

Cytochromes c (cyt c) are among the best characterized model Ag because their amino acid sequences and tertiary structures are well defined. One unique aspect of cyt c as an immunogen is its ability to induce autoantibody responses in animal models, although no pathology resulting from these responses has been reported. In this study, the presence and specificity of autoantibodies to cyt c were investigated in patients with SLE and related connective tissue diseases. Anti-cyt c antibodies were found in approximately 7% of patient sera and were statistically associated with the expression of antimitochondrial antibodies but were not statistically associated with any disease subset among those represented. Anti-cyt c was not associated with the presence of autoantibodies to DNA, histones, Ro, La, or Sm autoantigens. Most of the autoantibodies were specific for native or native-like forms of cyt c but antibodies to denatured forms were also apparent. Autoantibody binding was shown to be directed predominantly at selected sites of evolutionary variability within cyt c. The specificity of the human anti-cyt c autoantibodies appear to be similar to that of mouse anti-human cyt c antibodies and to autoantibodies elicited in mice against rat (mouse) cyt c.  相似文献   

The human polyomavirus JC virus (JCV) is the causative agent of a fatal demyelinating disease, progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, and encodes six major proteins, including agnoprotein. Agnoprotein colocalizes with microtubules in JCV-infected cells, but its function is not fully understood. We have now identified fasciculation and elongation protein zeta 1 (FEZ1) as a protein that interacted with JCV agnoprotein in a yeast two-hybrid screen of a human brain cDNA library. An in vitro binding assay showed that agnoprotein interacted directly with FEZ1 and microtubules. A microtubule cosedimentation assay revealed that FEZ1 also associates with microtubules and that agnoprotein induces the dissociation of FEZ1 from microtubules. Agnoprotein inhibited the promotion by FEZ1 of neurite outgrowth in PC12 cells. Conversely, overexpression of FEZ1 suppressed JCV protein expression and intracellular trafficking in JCV-infected cells. These results suggest that FEZ1 promotes neurite extension through its interaction with microtubules, and that agnoprotein facilitates JCV propagation by inducing the dissociation of FEZ1 from microtubules.  相似文献   

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