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Mandrills are the only nonhuman primate (NHP) naturally infected by two types of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV): SIVmnd-1 and SIVmnd-2. We have already reported that the high SIVmnd-1 replication during primary infection contrasts with only transient changes in CD4+ and CD8+ cell counts. Since early virus-host interactions predict viral control and disease progression in human immunodeficiency virus-infected patients, we investigated the dynamics of SIVmnd-2 primary infection in mandrills to examine the impact on immune effectors in blood and lymph nodes (LNs). To avoid in vitro strain selection, all mandrills in this study received plasma from SIVmnd-2-infected mandrills. SIVmnd-2 plasma viremia peaked at 10(7) to 10(8) RNA copies/ml between days 7 and 10. This peak was followed in all four monkeys by a decline in virus replication, with a set point level of 10(5) to 10(6) RNA copies/ml at day 42 postinfection (p.i.). Viral DNA load in PBMC and LNs also peaked between days 7 and 10 (10(5) to 10(6) DNA copies/10(6) cells) and stabilized at 10(3) to 10(4) DNA copies/10(6) cells during the chronic phase. Anti-SIVmnd-2 antibodies were detected starting from days 28 to 32. A transitory decline of CD3+ CD4+ cells in the LNs occurred in animals with high peak VLs. CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell activation in blood and LNs was noted between days 5 and 17 p.i., surrounding the peak of viral replication. This was most significant in the LNs. Activation markers then returned to preinfection values despite continuous and active viral replication during the chronic infection. The dynamics of SIVmnd-2 infection in mandrills showed a pattern similar to that of SIVmnd-1 infection. This might be a general feature of nonpathogenic SIV natural African NHP models.  相似文献   

Since simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) was found to be the source of the human AIDS pandemic, a major goal has been to characterize the diversity of SIV strains in the wild and to assess their potential for crossover into humans. In the present study, SIV was isolated from a seropositive drill (Mandrillus leucophaeus) and three seropositive mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) by using macaque peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Full-length sequences were obtained from a drill and mandrill and designated SIVdrl1FAO and SIVmnd5440, respectively. A 182-bp fragment of the pol genes of the two remaining mandrill SIV isolates was also analyzed. Phylogenetic analyses demonstrated that SIVdrl1FAO formed a monophyletic clade with SIVmnd5440 and SIVmndM14, recently designated SIVmnd type 2. Both the SIVdrl and SIVmnd type 2 genomes carried a vpx gene and appeared to share a common ancestor with SIVrcm in the 5' region of the genome and with SIVmndGB1 (type 1) in the 3' region of the genome. A statistically significant recombination breakpoint was detected at the beginning of envelope, suggesting that the viruses were descendents of the same recombinant. Phylogenetic analysis of vpx and vpr genes demonstrated that the vpx genes formed a monophyletic cluster that grouped with vpr from SIVagm. In addition, both SIVdrl1FAO and SIVmnd5440 replicated in human PBMC and therefore could pose a risk of transmission to the human population.  相似文献   

Sexual selection theory explains the evolution of exaggerated male morphologies and weaponry, but the fitness consequences of developmental and age-related changes in these features remain poorly understood. This long-term study of mandrill monkeys (Mandrillus sphinx) demonstrates how age-related changes in canine tooth weaponry and adult canine size correlate closely with male lifetime reproductive success. Combining long-term demographic and morphometric data reveals that male fitness covaries simply and directly with canine ontogeny, adult maximum size, and wear. However, fitness is largely independent of other somatometrics. Male mandrills sire offspring almost exclusively when their canines exceed approximately 30 mm, or two-thirds of average adult value (45 mm). Moreover, sires have larger canines than nonsires. The tooth diminishes through wear as animals age, corresponding with, and perhaps influencing, reproductive senescence. These factors combine to constrain male reproductive opportunities to a brief timespan, defined by the period of maximum canine length. Sexually-selected weaponry, especially when it is nonrenewable like the primate canine tooth, is intimately tied to the male life course. Our analyses of this extremely dimorphic species indicate that sexual selection is closely intertwined with growth, development, and aging, pointing to new directions for sexual selection theory. Moreover, the primate canine tooth has potential as a simple mammalian system for testing genetically-based models of aging. Finally, the tooth may record details of life histories in fossil primates, especially when sexual selection has played a role in the evolution of dimorphism.  相似文献   

A field study of mandrill was carried out from 1979 to 1983 in Cameroon for 27 months. Group size of mandrills ranged from 15 to 95 and composition was estimated by direct and indirect observations. The ratio of group size to one adult male was 13.9, larger than other baboon species except the drill. Solitary males were seen. The mandrill may have two types of groups: one-male and multi-male. The multi-male group was observed to split into subgroups, one of which was sometimes a one-male group. The multi-male subgroup was assumed to be composed of several one-male groups. The home range area of mandrills was estimated to be at least 5 km5 to 28 km2. Their large home range size could be related to their characteristic feeding pattern in the forest.  相似文献   

Inbreeding depression reflects the negative consequences of increased homozygosity at genes that affect fitness. We investigate inbreeding depression in a semi-free-ranging colony of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx), using high-quality pedigree data, comprising five maternal generations and 20 years of morphological and demographic data. We examine the relationship between inbreeding coefficients and four fitness correlates: two growth parameters (mass and height for age) and longevity in both sexes, and age at first conception in females. Inbreeding was correlated with both growth parameters, but only in females, with inbred females being smaller than noninbred females. Inbreeding was also correlated significantly with age at first conception, with inbred females giving birth earlier in life than noninbred females. We suggest that sex-biased maternal investment may explain this sex-differential response to inbreeding, although the lack of a significant association between inbreeding and growth in males may also be due to the provisioned nature of the colony. The surprising relationship between age at first conception and inbreeding may be related to smaller adult size in inbred females, or to their being less able to escape from male sexual coercion.  相似文献   

Subordinate female cercopithecine primates often experience decreased reproductive success in comparison with high-ranking females, with a later age at sexual maturity and first reproduction and/or longer interbirth intervals. One explanation that has traditionally been advanced to explain this is high levels of chronic social stress in subordinates, resulting from agonistic and aggressive interactions and leading to higher basal levels of glucocorticoids. We assessed the relationships among fecal cortisol levels and reproductive condition, dominance rank, degree of social support, and fertility in female mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) living in a semi-free-ranging colony in Franceville, Gabon. Lower-ranking females in this colony have a reproductive disadvantage relative to higher-ranking females, and we were interested in determining whether this relationship between dominance rank and reproductive success is mediated through stress hormones. We analyzed 340 fecal samples from 19 females, collected over a 14-month period. We found that pregnant females experienced higher fecal cortisol levels than cycling or lactating females. This is similar to results for other primate species and is likely owing to increased metabolic demands and interactions between the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis, estrogen, and placental production of corticotrophin releasing hormones during pregnancy. There was no influence of dominance rank on fecal cortisol levels, suggesting that subordinate females do not suffer chronic stress. This may be because female mandrills have a stable social hierarchy, with low levels of aggression and high social support. However, we found no relationship between matriline size, as a measure of social support, and fecal cortisol levels. Subordinates may be able to avoid aggression from dominants in the large enclosure or may react only transiently to specific aggressive events, rather than continuously expecting them. Finally, we found no relationship between fecal cortisol levels and fertility. There was no difference in fecal cortisol levels between conceptive and nonconceptive cycles, and no significant relationship between fecal cortisol level and either the length of postpartum amenorrhea or the number of cycles before conception. This suggests that the influence of dominance rank on female reproductive success in this population is not mediated through chronic stress in subordinate females, and that alternative explanations of the relationship between social rank and reproduction should be sought.  相似文献   

The chronology of tooth emergence is often used to examine the growth and development of individuals and to compare life histories across species. Emergence patterns are also used to age animals and to infer life history influences for extinct species. However, comparative studies of primates are hindered by a lack of dental development data for many species. Here we describe the sequences and timing of tooth emergence for a large sample of semi-free-ranging mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) and compare this with other life history variables for this species. Deciduous dentition emerged in the sequence i1 i2 c p3 p4. The augmented sequence (including information about variability in emergence sequence) was i1 i2 [c p3] p4 for the female maxilla and the male mandible, and i1 i2 c p3 p4 for the female mandible and the male maxilla. Deciduous dentition was complete by 5.0 months in females and 6.4 months in males. The permanent dentition began to emerge at 26 months, and complete adult dentition had emerged by 68 months for males and 85 months for females. Sex differences occurred in the augmented eruption sequences: females M1 I1 I2 [M2 C] P3 P4 M3, males M1 I1 [I2 M2] [P4 = P3 = C] M3. The order of tooth eruption and the occurrence of sequence polymorphisms were very similar to those observed for baboons and macaques. Comparison with life history variables showed that mandrills have complete deciduous dentition at weaning, females possess both adult incisors and M1 when they first reproduce, but still have deciduous canines and premolars, and that both sexes have full adult dentition before they attain their full adult stature and mass.  相似文献   

Studies of secondary sexual ornamentation and its maintenance by sexual selection tend to focus on males; however, females may also possess showy ornaments. For example, female mandrills possess facial coloration that ranges from black to bright pink. We used fortnightly photographs of 52 semi-free-ranging females aged above 3years over 19 months to evaluate whether colour conveys information concerning female competitive ability, reproductive quality, age or reproductive status. Colour was not related to female rank or quality (body mass index, age at first birth or mean inter-birth interval); however, colour did increase significantly with age and primiparous females were darker than multiparous females. Colour may therefore signal reproductive quality, as younger females are less fertile and produce smaller offspring. Colour was brighter during the follicular phase than during the luteal phase, suggesting that it may signal fertility. Colour also varied across gestation and peaked at four and eight weeks post-parturition, suggesting that it may signal approaching parturition and lactation. Future studies should examine the relationship between colour and the menstrual cycle in more detail, the hormonal basis of female colour, and determine experimentally whether mandrills of both sexes attend to differences in colour between and within females.  相似文献   

The adolescent period in male mandrills extends from the time the testicles descend (at the age of 3-4 years) to the time adult characteristics develop (at the age of 10 years), and is thus one of the longest adolescent periods in cercopithecines. In this short cross-sectional study of 11 male mandrills (4.7-9.1 years old), we analyzed social behavioral patterns to investigate partner preference and changes in types of interactions throughout puberty. The mandrills were separated into two clusters on the basis of all of the social interactions scored, as well as the age and sex of the protagonist. During early to mid puberty, immature individuals interacted preferentially with other male adolescents and juveniles. Playing was an important activity, and some affiliative interactions with juveniles were observed. Older adolescents interacted more with adult males and females. These older adolescents were predominantly aggressive toward other adolescents, females, and juveniles, and showed little or no affiliative or playful behaviors. These results indicate a shift in social partners: older males interacted more frequently with adult males, and their behavior involved more aggression and less submission compared to younger adolescents, which showed predominantly submissive and playful behavior. These changes are consistent with preparation for dispersal and future intermale competition.  相似文献   

A field study on the ecology of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) was carried out for 28 months in Cameroon. Fresh food remnants and large quantities of fresh feces were collected by following the groups. Analyses of these products indicated that fruit (including seeds), monocotyledonous plant leaves and insects (especially ants and termites), were frequently eaten. Mandrills mostly ate the plant and animal foods in the lower forest stratum and on the ground. Fallen seeds and monocotyledonous plant leaves were eaten more frequently in the minor fruiting season than in the major fruiting season presumably to compensate for the shortage of fresh fruit during the former. Daily travel distances were shorter during the minor fruiting season than during the major fruiting season, because in the minor fruiting season mandrills forage for small food items, such as the new leaves and piths of monocotyledons and fallen seeds which are sparsely distributed on the ground, while in the major fruiting season they search for widely distributed food such as fruit. The daily pattern of group movement and a food intake experiment suggest that mandrills move and feed continuously throughout the day. Use of fallen seeds and monocotyledonous plant leaves appears to enable mandrills to maintain a terrestrial life in the tropical rain forest. The feeding and ranging characteristics of mandrills are basically similar to those of other baboon species in open land, though their environments differ extremely.  相似文献   

We present 12 years of perineal swelling data for a semifree-ranging colony of mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx), and evaluate the influence of rank, parity, and seasonality on reproductive parameters. Female sexual swellings showed a seasonal pattern, with August the median month of ovulation. Overlapping periovulatory periods did not decrease the likelihood of conception. Females showed their first genital swelling at age 3.6 years (n = 28; range, 3.2-4.6 years), and higher-ranking females experienced their first swelling earlier than low-ranking females. Median postpartum amenorrhea (PPA) duration was 208 days (n = 92; range, 74-538 days). PPA was longer in primiparous females than in multiparous females, but PPA duration was unrelated to female rank. Median follicular phase duration was 24 days for the first cycle after parturition (n = 84; range, 12-40 days), shortening to 17 days in subsequent cycles (n = 55; range, 6-39 days). The follicular phase was longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, but was unrelated to female rank. Median cycle length (from one sexual swelling breakdown to the next) was 38 days (n = 57; range, 18-108 days). Eighty-seven percent of conceptions occurred within two cycles, and half of the nulliparous females conceived during their first swelling cycle. Lower-ranking females were more likely to require more cycles to conceive than higher-ranking females. The cycling phase was significantly longer in nulliparous females than in parous females, and was also significantly longer in lower-ranking females than in higher-ranking females. We discuss the influence of provisioning on female reproductive parameters, the influence of parity and rank on the different phases of the interbirth interval, and the evolution of long and variable follicular phases in mandrills.  相似文献   

Previous research on semifree-ranging mandrills has shown that the degree of secondary sexual development differs among adult males. While some males are social, brightly colored, and have large testes and high levels of plasma testosterone, other males are peripheral or solitary, and lack fully developed secondary sexual features. In order to determine how these differences among males arise, and to investigate the influence of social factors, we examined the adolescent development of 13 semifree-ranging male mandrills of known age. Testicular volume began to increase markedly at 5.5 yr, and males began to develop secondary sexual adornments at the age of 6 yr. Males attained adult size and secondary sexual development at an average age of 9 yr. As males developed, they peripheralized, decreasing from 100% group-associated at 5 yr to 20% at 8 yr. At 9 yr some males reentered the social group and attained alpha rank, while others remained peripheral or solitary. Within this average development, there was marked variation among males in the timing of development. Adolescent males that were dominant for their age had higher testosterone levels, larger testes, and more advanced secondary sexual development than subordinate males. The implications of these findings are discussed in the light of differences that occur among adult males, male-male competition, and the evolution of secondary sexual adornments in this species.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, paternity analysis using molecular markershas revealed that observed mating systems do not necessarilycorrelate with reproductive systems and thus cannot providereliable information about male reproductive success (RS). Thisis especially true for primate species with a complex multimale-multifemalesocial organization, such as mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx).Using molecular markers for the measurement of individual RSand a comprehensive data set comprising 193 offspring from 27birth cohorts over a 20-year period of sampling, we investigatedthe social, genetic, and demographic factors that may influencethe probability of paternity by dominant male mandrills, livingin a semi–free-ranging colony. We observed a significantskew in RS towards dominant males, with their probability ofpaternity increasing as the number of adult males in the groupincreased, and when they were closely related to subordinateadolescent males. Conversely, the probability of dominant malessiring infants decreased when the number of simultaneously tumescentfemales increased. Fewer offspring were sired by dominant maleswhen female partners were closely related to them and when therelatedness between dominant and subordinate adult males increased.These two last points suggests particularly that mechanismsof kin recognition are operating to avoid the costs of inbreedingand may also reflect the lower costs to dominant males of losingconception opportunities to more closely related subordinateadult males. This study is, to our knowledge, one of the firstin primates to use an integrative approach and multivariateanalysis to show that multiple factors are involved in determiningthe probability of paternity by dominant males.  相似文献   

Background Although a wide variety of non‐human primates are susceptible to simian T‐cell leukaemia virus type 1 (STLV‐1), little is known about the virological or molecular determinants of natural STLV‐1 infection. Methods We determined STLV‐1 virus tropism in vivo and its relation to the immune response by evaluating cytokine production and T‐cell subsets in naturally infected and uninfected mandrills. Results With real‐time PCR methods, we found that STLV‐1 in mandrills infects both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells; however, proviral loads were significantly higher (P = 0.01) in CD4+ than in CD8+ cells (mean STLV‐1 copies number per 100 cells (± SD) was 7.8 ± 8 in CD4+ T cells and 3.9 ± 4.5 in CD8+ T cells). After culture, STLV‐1 provirus was detected in enriched CD4+ but not in enriched CD8+ T cells. After 6 months of culture, STLV‐1‐transformed cell lines expressing CD3+, CD4+ and HLADR+ were established, and STLV‐1 proteins and tax/rex mRNA were detected. In STLV‐1 infected monkeys, there was a correlation between high proviral load and elevated levels of interleukin (IL)‐2, IL‐6, IL‐10, interferon‐γ and tumour necrosis factor‐α. The two monkeys with the highest STLV‐1 proviral load had activated CD4+HLADR+ and CD8+HLADR+ T‐cell subsets and a high percentage of CD25+ in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Conclusions Our study provides the first cellular, immunological and virological characterization of natural STLV‐1 infection in mandrills and shows that they are an appropriate animal model for further physiopathological studies of the natural history of human T‐cell leukaemia viruses.  相似文献   

Various hypotheses have been proposed to account for the functionof sexual swellings in female primates, but few empirical dataexist to test predictions arising from these hypotheses. Controversyhas recently arisen over a field study that appeared to supportthe predictions of the reliable indicator hypothesis. This hypothesisproposes that females compete for males or matings, that differencesin swelling size between females reliably advertise female quality,and that males use swelling characteristics to differentiallyallocate mating effort to females with certain swelling characteristics,hence to females of higher quality. To provide an independenttest of this hypothesis, we collected data concerning the sizeand coloration of 40 sexual swellings for 29 semi-free-rangingfemale mandrills, varying in age and parity, along with dataconcerning the behavior of males toward the females, and comparedthese with the long-term reproductive history of the females.We examined the following predictions: (1) swelling characteristicsare consistent across subsequent cycles for individual females,(2) swelling characteristics indicate aspects of female reproductivequality, and (3) males prefer to mate with females that showparticular swelling characteristics. Our results support prediction1; we found little change in swelling characteristics acrossswellings for individual females. However, we found no significantrelationships between female reproductive history and swellingcharacteristics and, thus, no support for prediction 2. Finally,we found only limited support for prediction 3; females withlarger (wider) sexual swellings were more likely to have a spermplug when maximally swollen. However, male mate-guarding wasnot significantly related to female swelling characteristics.Furthermore, in situations in which more than one female wasmaximally swollen, the alpha male (who has "free" choice) didnot show the most interest in the female with the largest swelling.We conclude that the reliable indicator hypothesis does notexplain variation in sexual swellings in female mandrills.  相似文献   

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