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Milán M  Weihe U  Pérez L  Cohen SM 《Cell》2001,106(6):785-794
Mechanisms to segregate cell populations play important roles in tissue patterning during animal development. Rhombomeres and compartments in the ectoderm and imaginal discs of Drosophila are examples in which initially homogenous populations of cells come to be separated by boundaries of lineage restriction. Boundary formation depends in part on signaling between the distinctly specified cell populations that comprise compartments and in part on formation of affinity boundaries that prevent intermingling of these cell populations. Here, we present evidence that two transmembrane proteins with leucine-rich repeats, known as Capricious and Tartan, contribute to formation of the affinity boundary between dorsal and ventral compartments during Drosophila wing development.  相似文献   

The Apple 4 (A4) domain of human plasma factor XI (FXI) was used to investigate the process of FXI noncovalent dimer formation. Recombinant 6-histidine-tagged A4 domain proteins were prepared utilizing a bacterial expression system. Purification was accomplished under denaturing conditions, followed by a refolding protocol to facilitate correct disulfide bond formation. Analysis of the A4 domain (C321S mutant) by size exclusion chromatography indicated the presence of a slowly equilibrating reversible monomer-dimer equilibrium. The elution profiles reveal highly symmetrical peaks for both dimeric and monomeric species with elution times that were highly reproducible for varying amounts of both the dimeric and monomeric species. The monomer-dimer equilibrium was found to be dependent upon changes in both pH and salt concentration. Under conditions approximating physiologic salt concentration and pH (20 mm HEPES, 100 mm NaCl, and 1 mm EDTA, pH 7.4), it was determined that the monomer-dimer equilibrium was characterized by a dissociation constant (K(D)) value of 229 +/- 26 nm with a calculated Delta G value of 9.1 kcal/mol. This report identifies electrostatic contributions and the presence of a hydrophobic component that mediate interactions at the A4 domain interface. The rate of dissociation for the recombinant A4 domain C321S mutant was examined by monitoring the increase in 4,4'-dianilino-1,1'-binaphthyl-5,5'-disulfonic acid dipotassium salt fluorescence under dissociating conditions, giving a value for a dissociation rate constant (k(off)) of 4.3 x 10(-3) s(-1).  相似文献   

The ability of the anterior apical ectodermal ridge to promote outgrowth in the chick wing bud when disconnected from posterior apical ridge was examined by rotating the posterior portion of the stage-19/20 to stage-21 wing bud around its anteroposterior axis. This permitted contact between the anterior and posterior mesoderm, without removing wing bud tissue. In a small but significant number of cases (10/54), anterior structures (digit 2) formed spatially isolated from posterior structures (digits 3 and 4). Thus, continuity with posterior ridge is not a prerequisite for anterior-ridge function in the wing bud. Nevertheless, posterior-ridge removal does result in anterior limb truncation. To investigate events leading to anterior truncation, we examined cell death patterns in the wing bud following posterior-ridge removal. We observed an abnormal area of necrosis along the posterior border of the wing bud at 6-12 h following posterior-ridge removal. This was followed by necrosis in the distal, anterior mesoderm at 48 h postoperatively and subsequent anterior truncation. Clearly, healthy posterior limb bud mesoderm is needed for anterior limb bud survival and development. We propose that anterior truncation is the direct result of anterior mesodermal cell death and that this may not be related to positional specification of anterior cells. In our view, cell death of anterior mesoderm, after posterior mesoderm removal, should not be used as evidence for a role in position specification by the polarizing zone during the limb bud stages of development. We suggest that the posterior mesoderm that maintains the anterior mesoderm need not be restricted to the mapped polarizing zone, but is more extensively distributed in the limb bud.  相似文献   

The role of the polarizing zone mesoderm in development of supernumerary distal wing parts after 180° rotation of the wing tip was investigated. Postaxial mesoderm with and without polarizing tissue was repositioned preaxially in the wing bud and duplications occurred only when polarizing zone tissue was included. When the polarizing zone was removed and the distal tip of the wing reoriented, no duplication resulted. Similarly when the polarizing zone was removed, the distal tip reoriented and postaxial, nonpolarizing mesoderm introduced to restore the tissue mass of the stump, no twinning occurred. However, with the distal aspect reoriented on a stump from which postaxial, nonpolarizing mesoderm was removed, twinning occurred in 92.9% of the cases. Further, when the polarizing zone was removed, the distal aspect reoriented and a small piece of polarizing tissue returned, twinning resulted in 93.5% of the cases. These results indicate that polarizing zone tissue is required for the twinning that results after 180° rotation of the wing tip.  相似文献   

Expression of Frizzled genes in the developing chick eye   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Frizzleds are transmembrane receptors that can transduce signals dependent upon binding of Wnts, a large family of secreted glycoproteins homologous to the Drosophila wingless (wg) gene product and critical for a wide variety of normal and pathological developmental processes. In the nervous system, Wnts and Frizzleds play an important role in anterior-posterior patterning, cell fate decisions, proliferation, and synaptogenesis. However, little is known about the role of Frizzled signaling in the developing eye. We isolated cDNAs for ten chick Frizzleds and analyzed the spatial and temporal expression patterns during eye development in the chick embryo. Frizzled-1 to -9 are specifically expressed in the eye at various stages of development and show a complex and partially overlapping pattern of expression.  相似文献   

In submammalian animals including chicks, the retina contains oligodendrocytes (OLs), and axons in the optic fiber layer are wrapped with compact myelin within the retina; however, the expression of myelin genes in the chick retina has not been demonstrated yet. In the present study, we examined the expression of three myelin genes (proteolipid protein, PLP; myelin basic protein, MBP; cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, CNP) and PLP in the developing chick retina, in comparison to the localization of Mueller cells. In situ hybridization demonstrated that all three myelin genes began to be expressed at E14 in the chick embryo retina. They are mostly restricted to the ganglion cell layer and the optic fiber layer, with a few exceptions in the inner nuclear layer where Mueller cells reside; however, PLP mRNA+ cells do not express glutamine synthetase, or vice versa. The present results elucidate that myelin genes are expressed only by OLs that are mostly localized in the innermost layer of the developing chick retina.  相似文献   

To clarify the roles of fibroblast growth factors (FGF) in limb cartilage pattern formation, the effects of various FGF on recombinant limbs that were composed of dissociated and reaggregated mesoderm and ectodermal jackets were examined. Fibroblast growth factor-soaked beads were inserted just under the apical ectodermal ridge (AER) of recombinant limbs and the recombinant limbs were grafted and allowed to develop. Control recombinant limbs without FGF beads formed one or two cartilage elements. Recombinants with FGF-4 beads formed up to five cartilage elements, which were aligned along the anteroposterior (AP) axis. Each cartilage element showed digit-like segmentation. In contrast, recombinants with FGF-2 beads showed formation of multiple thick and unsegmented cartilage rods, which elongated inside and outside the AP plane from the distal end of the recombinants. Recombinants with FGF-8 beads formed a truncated cartilage pattern and recombinants with FGF-10 beads formed a cartilage pattern similar to that of the control recombinants. The expression of the Fgf-8, Msx-1 and Hoxa-13 genes in the developing recombinant limbs were examined. FGF-4 induced extension of the length of the Fgf-8-positive epidermis, or AER, along the AP axis 5 days after grafting, at which time the digits are specified. FGF-2 induced expansion of the Msx-1-positive area, first in the proximal direction and then along the dorsoventral axis. The functions of these FGF in recombinant and normal limb patterning are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

Indirect antibody labeling techniques were used to determine when cells in the chick embryo wing bud begin to synthesize troponin. Frozen sections of stage 22 through stage 27 wing buds were treated with antibodies to the troponin complex and fluorescein-labeled antiimmunoglobulin. Cells producing detectable quantities of troponin were found first in late stage 24 or early stage 25 wing buds; all wing buds stage 25 and older contained labeled cells. Cells synthesizing troponin were initially localized in the muscle-forming areas of the wing bud nearest to the body wall. As the wing bud developed, cells located in more distal areas of the wing bud became labeled with fluorescent antibody, and the number of cells engaged in troponin synthesis increased in all areas. At all stages in which labeling occurred, some cells contained fluorescent cross-striations. When placed in the context of recent studies on the appearance of myofibrillar proteins, these results indicate that myogenic cells in the chick limb bud begin to synthesize large quantities of troponin at approximately the same time as the other muscle contractile proteins.  相似文献   

Porphyromonas (Bacteroides) gingivalis W12 binds and degrades human plasma fibronectin. In the presence of the protease inhibitor N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysyl chloromethyl ketone, P. gingivalis cells accumulated substantial amounts of 125I-fibronectin as a function of incubation time. Fibronectin binding was specific, reversible, and saturable. The Kd for the reaction was estimated to be on the order of 100 nM, and there was an average of 3.5 x 10(3) fibronectin binding sites per cell. Unlabeled fibronectin inhibited the binding of 125I-fibronectin to bacteria; however, fibrinogen was an even more efficient inhibitor of 125I-fibronectin binding. Unrelated proteins were without effect on fibronectin binding. A fibronectin-binding component (Mr, 150,000) was identified in sodium dodecyl sulfate-solubilized P. gingivalis. Fibronectin was degraded into discrete peptides by P. gingivalis W12. The degradation of fibronectin was inhibited by N-alpha-p-tosyl-L-lysyl chloromethyl ketone. Two P. gingivalis components (Mrs, 120,000 and 150,000) degraded fibronectin in substrate-containing gels following sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In a previous study (M. S. Lantz, R. D. Allen, T. A. Vail, L. M. Switalski, and M. Hook, J. Bacteriol. 173:495-504, 1991), we found that the same strain of P. gingivalis bound and subsequently degraded human fibrinogen via apparently distinct cell surface components of molecular sizes similar to those of components now implicated in the binding and degradation of fibronectin. These results raise the possibility that the two ligands are recognized and modified by the same components on P. gingivalis W12. In support of this hypothesis, unlabeled fibrinogen effectively inhibited the binding of 125I-fibronectin to bacteria and blocked 125I-fibronectin binding to a P. gingivalis ligand-binding component (Mr, 150,000 immobilized on a nitrocellulose membrane.  相似文献   

Heteroresistance in Cryptococcus neoformans is an intrinsic adaptive resistance to azoles and the heteroresistant phenotype is associated with disomic chromosomes. Two chromosome 1 (Chr1) genes, ERG11, the fluconazole target, and AFR1, a drug transporter, were reported as major factors in the emergence of Chr1 disomy. In the present study, we show Chr4 to be the second most frequently formed disomy at high concentrations of fluconazole (FLC) and characterize the importance of resident genes contributing to disomy formation. We deleted nine Chr4 genes presumed to have functions in ergosterol biosynthesis, membrane composition/integrity or drug transportation that could influence Chr4 disomy under FLC stress. Of these nine, disruption of three genes homologous to Sey1 (a GTPase), Glo3 and Gcs2 (the ADP-ribosylation factor GTPase activating proteins) significantly reduced the frequency of Chr4 disomy in heteroresistant clones. Furthermore, FLC resistant clones derived from sey1Δglo3Δ did not show disomy of either Chr4 or Chr1 but instead had increased the copy number of the genes proximal to ERG11 locus on Chr1. Since the three genes are critical for the integrity of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, we used Sec61ß-GFP fusion as a marker to study the ER in the mutants. The cytoplasmic ER was found to be elongated in sey1Δ but without any discernable alteration in gcs2Δ and glo3Δ under fluorescence microscopy. The aberrant ER morphology of all three mutant strains, however, was discernable by transmission electron microscopy. A 3D reconstruction using Focused Ion Beam Scanning Electron Microscopy (FIB-SEM) revealed considerably reduced reticulation in the ER of glo3Δ and gcs2Δ strains. In sey1Δ, ER reticulation was barely detectable and cisternae were expanded extensively compared to the wild type strains. These data suggest that the genes required for maintenance of ER integrity are important for the formation of disomic chromosomes in C. neoformans under azole stress.  相似文献   

The butterfly Papilio dardanus is well known for the spectacular phenotypic polymorphism in the female of the species. We show that numerical simulations of a reaction diffusion model on a geometrically accurate wing domain produce spatial patterns that are consistent with many of those observed on the butterfly. Our results suggest that the wing coloration is due to a simple underlying stripe-like pattern of some pigment-inducing morphogen. We focus on the effect of key factors such as parameter values for mode selection, threshold values which determine colour, wing shape and boundary conditions. The generality of our approach should allow us to investigate other butterfly species. The relationship between these key factors and gene activities is discussed in the context of recent biological advances.  相似文献   

Epithelial-mesenchymal interactions are crucial for the development of the endoderm of the pharyngeal pouches into the epithelia of thymus and parathyroid glands. Here we investigated the dynamics of epithelial-mesenchymal interactions that take place at the earliest stages of thymic and parathyroid organogenesis using the quail-chick model together with a co-culture system capable of reproducing these early events in vitro. The presumptive territories of thymus and parathyroid epithelia were identified in three-dimensionally preserved pharyngeal endoderm of embryonic day 4.5 chick embryos on the basis of the expression of Foxn1 and Gcm2, respectively: the thymic rudiment is located in the dorsal domain of the third and fourth pouches, while the parathyroid rudiment occupies a more medial/anterior pouch domain. Using in vitro quail-chick tissue associations combined with in ovo transplantations, we show that the somatopleural but not the limb bud mesenchyme, can mimic the role of neural crest-derived pharyngeal mesenchyme to sustain development of these glands up to terminal differentiation. Furthermore, mesenchymal-derived Bmp4 appears to be essential to promote early stages of endoderm development during a short window of time, irrespective of the mesenchymal source. In vivo studies using the quail-chick system and implantation of growth factor soaked-beads further showed that expression of Bmp4 by the mesenchyme is necessary during a 24 h-period of time. After this period however, Bmp4 is no longer required and another signalling factor produced by the mesenchyme, Fgf10, influences later differentiation of the pouch endoderm. These results show that morphological development and cell differentiation of thymus and parathyroid epithelia require a succession of signals emanating from the associated mesenchyme, among which Bmp4 plays a pivotal role for triggering thymic epithelium specification.  相似文献   

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