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Skeletal muscles contain a fraction of free (unesterified) fatty acids. This fraction is very small, but important since it contributes to the creation of the plasma-myocyte free fatty acid concentration gradient. Maintenance of this gradient is necessary for blood-borne fatty acids to be transported into the cell. There are no data on the regulation of the content and composition of the free fatty acid fraction in the cell. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of an elevation and a reduction in the plasma-borne free fatty acid concentration on the content and composition of the free fatty acid fraction in different skeletal muscle types. The experiments were carried out on male Wistar rats with 280 - 310 g body weight. They were divided into four groups - 1, control; 2, exercised 3 h on a treadmill moving with a speed of 1,200 m/h and set at + 10 degrees incline; 3, treated with heparin; and 4, treated with nicotinic acid. Samples of the soleus as well as the red and white sections of the gastrocnemius muscles were taken. These muscles are composed mostly of slow-twitch oxidative, fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic and fast-twitch glycolytic fibres, respectively. Lipids were extracted from the muscle samples and from the blood; the free fatty acid fraction was isolated by means of thin-layer chromatography. The individual free fatty acids were identified and quantified using gas-liquid chromatography. The plasma concentration of free fatty acids was as follows: control group, 236.1 +/- 32.9; after exercise, 407.4 +/- 117.5; after heparin, 400.8 +/- 36.8; and after nicotinic acid, 102.5 +/- 26.1 micromol/l (p < 0.01 vs. control values in each case). The total content of the free fatty acid fraction in the control group was as follows: white gastrocnemius, 27.6 +/- 7.3; red gastrocnemius, 52.2 +/- 13.9; soleus, 72.3 +/- 10.2 nmol/g. Elevation in plasma free acid concentration during exercise increased the total content of free fatty acids in the white gastrocnemius (38.7 +/- 13.9) and in the soleus (103.4 +/- 15.9 nmol/g; rest-exercise: p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively), but had no effect in the red gastrocnemius. Neither elevation in the plasma free fatty acid concentration with heparin nor reduction with nicotinic acid affected the total content of the free fatty acid fraction in the muscles examined. The ratio of plasma concentration of individual acid to muscle concentration for the same acid varied greatly, depending on acid, muscle type and experimental group. The ratio was positive (above unity) for each acid almost in all cases with the exception of certain acids in the nicotinic acid-treated group where it was below unity. We conclude that the skeletal myocytes maintain a stable level of free fatty acid fraction in the wide range of plasma free fatty acid concentrations.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of acute streptozotocin diabetes on long chain fatty acid content and composition in different lipid classes of particular muscle types in the rat. Two days after streptozotocin administration, rats were anesthetised, and the white and red sections of the gastrocnemius, the soleus and the blood were taken. Lipids were extracted with chloroform/methanol and separated into different fractions (phospholipids, free fatty acids, di- and triacylglycerols) by means of thin layer chromatography. Fatty acids of each fraction were identified and quantified by means of gas-liquid chromatography. The diabetes resulted in elevation of the concentration of blood glucose (over four-fold) and the plasma free fatty acid (over two-fold). Total free fatty acid content in the muscles of diabetic rats increased by 26% in the white, 24% in the red gastrocnemius and 21% in the soleus. There were also changes in the composition of that fraction in each muscle. Diacylglycerol fatty acid content was elevated in both parts of the gastrocnemius (the white part by 15%, the red part by 44%) and remained stable in the soleus of the diabetic rats. The content of triacylglycerol fatty acids was elevated only in the red gastrocnemius in the diabetic group (by 112%), but changes in fatty acid composition in this fraction occurred in each muscle. The content of phospholipid fatty acids was elevated in the white gastrocnemius (by 13%) and remained stable in other muscles. There were only minor changes in phospholipid fatty acid composition in the diabetic rats. We concluded that acute insulin deficiency changes fatty acid content and composition in skeletal muscle lipids. The changes depend both on lipid fraction and muscle type.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to examine the effect of rhythmic tetanic skeletal muscle contractions on peak muscle perfusion by using spontaneously perfused canine gastrocnemii in situ. Simultaneous pulsatile blood pressures were measured by means of transducers placed in the popliteal artery and vein, and pulsatile flow was measured with a flow-through-type transit-time ultrasound probe placed in the venous return line. Two series of experiments were performed. In series 1, maximal vasodilation of the muscles' vascular beds was elicited by infusing a normal saline solution containing adenosine (29.3 mg/min) and sodium nitroprusside (180 microg/min) for 15 s and then simultaneously occluding both the popliteal artery and vein for 5 min. The release of occlusion initiated a maximal hyperemic response, during which time four tetanic contractions were induced with supramaximal voltage (6-8 V, 0.2-ms stimuli for 200-ms duration at 50 Hz, 1/s). In series 2, the muscles were stimulated for 3 min before the muscle contractions were stopped for a period of 3 s; stimulation was then resumed. The results of series 1 indicate that, although contractions lowered venous pressure, muscle blood flow was significantly reduced from 2,056 +/- 246 to 1,738 +/- 225 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) when contractions were initiated and then increased significantly to 1,925 +/- 225 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) during the first 5 s after contractions were stopped. In series 2, blood flow after 3 min of contractions averaged 1,454 +/- 149 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1). Stopping the contractions for 3 s caused blood flow to increase significantly to 1,874 +/- 172 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1); blood flow declined significantly to 1,458 +/- 139 ml x kg(-1) x min(-1) when contractions were resumed. We conclude that the mechanical action of rhythmic, synchronous, maximal isometric tetanic skeletal muscle contractions inhibits peak muscle perfusion during maximal and near-maximal vasodilation of the muscle's vascular bed. This argues against a primary role for the muscle pump in achieving peak skeletal muscle blood flow.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Acute exposure to fatty acids causes insulin resistance in muscle, and excess dietary lipid and obesity are also strongly associated with muscle insulin resistance. Relevant mechanisms, however, are still not fully elucidated. Here we examine the latest evidence as to why lipids might accumulate in muscle and the possible mechanisms for lipid-induced insulin resistance. RECENT FINDINGS: Muscle lipid metabolites such as long chain fatty acid coenzyme As, diacylglycerol and ceramides may impair insulin signalling directly. Crosstalk between inflammatory signalling pathways and insulin signalling pathways, mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress have also been put forward as major contributors to the development or maintenance of lipid-induced insulin resistance in muscle. Several animal models with gene deletions in pathways of fatty acid synthesis and storage also show increased metabolic rate, reduced intramuscular lipid storage and improved insulin action when challenged with a high lipid load. SUMMARY: Studies in genetic and dietary obese animal models, genetically modified animals and humans with obesity or type 2 diabetes suggest plausible mechanisms for effects of fatty acids, lipid metabolites, inflammatory pathways and mitochondrial dysfunction on insulin action in muscle. Many of these mechanisms, however, have been demonstrated in situations in which lipid accumulation (obesity) already exists. Whether the initial events leading to muscle insulin resistance are direct effects of fatty acids in muscle or are secondary to lipid accumulation in adipose tissue or liver remains to be clarified.  相似文献   

Previous studies have suggested that insulin resistance develops secondary to diminished fat oxidation and resultant accumulation of cytosolic lipid molecules that impair insulin signaling. Contrary to this model, the present study used targeted metabolomics to find that obesity-related insulin resistance in skeletal muscle is characterized by excessive beta-oxidation, impaired switching to carbohydrate substrate during the fasted-to-fed transition, and coincident depletion of organic acid intermediates of the tricarboxylic acid cycle. In cultured myotubes, lipid-induced insulin resistance was prevented by manipulations that restrict fatty acid uptake into mitochondria. These results were recapitulated in mice lacking malonyl-CoA decarboxylase (MCD), an enzyme that promotes mitochondrial beta-oxidation by relieving malonyl-CoA-mediated inhibition of carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1. Thus, mcd(-/-) mice exhibit reduced rates of fat catabolism and resist diet-induced glucose intolerance despite high intramuscular levels of long-chain acyl-CoAs. These findings reveal a strong connection between skeletal muscle insulin resistance and lipid-induced mitochondrial stress.  相似文献   

We examined whether acute activation of 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) by 5'-aminoimidazole-4-carboxamide-1-beta-D-ribonucleoside (AICAR) ameliorates insulin resistance in isolated rat skeletal muscle. Insulin resistance was induced in extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles by prolonged exposure to 1.6 mM palmitate, which inhibited insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis to 51% of control after 5 h of incubation. Insulin-stimulated glucose transport was less affected (22% of control). The decrease in glycogen synthesis was accompanied by decreased glycogen synthase (GS) activity and increased GS phosphorylation. When including 2 mM AICAR in the last hour of the 5-h incubation with palmitate, the inhibitory effect of palmitate on insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis and glucose transport was eliminated. This effect of AICAR was accompanied by activation of AMPK. Importantly, AMPK inhibition was able to prevent this effect. Neither treatment affected total glycogen content. However, glucose 6-phosphate was increased after inclusion of AICAR, indicating increased influx of glucose. No effect of AICAR on the inhibited insulin-stimulated GS activity or increased GS phosphorylation by palmitate could be detected. Thus the mechanism by which AMPK activation ameliorates the lipid-induced insulin resistance probably involves induction of compensatory mechanisms overriding the insulin resistance. Our results emphasize AMPK as a promising molecular target for treatment of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Chronic leptin administration reduces triacylglycerol content in skeletal muscle. We hypothesized that chronic leptin treatment, within physiologic limits, would reduce the fatty acid uptake capacity of red and white skeletal muscle due to a reduction in transport protein expression (fatty acid translocase (FAT/CD36) and plasma membrane-associated fatty acid-binding protein (FABPpm)) at the plasma membrane. Female Sprague-Dawley rats were infused for 2 weeks with leptin (0.5 mg/kg/day) using subcutaneously implanted miniosmotic pumps. Control and pair-fed animals received saline-filled implants. Leptin levels were significantly elevated (approximately 4-fold; p < 0.001) in treated animals, whereas pair-fed treated animals had reduced serum leptin levels (approximately -2-fold; p < 0.01) relative to controls. Palmitate transport rates into giant sarcolemmal vesicles were reduced following leptin treatment in both red (-45%) and white (-84%) skeletal muscle compared with control and pair-fed animals (p < 0.05). Leptin treatment reduced FAT mRNA (red, -70%, p < 0.001; white, -48%, p < 0.01) and FAT/CD36 protein expression (red, -32%; p < 0.05) in whole muscle homogenates, whereas FABPpm mRNA and protein expression were unaltered. However, in leptin-treated animals plasma membrane fractions of both FAT/CD36 and FABPpm protein expression were significantly reduced in red (-28 and -34%, respectively) and white (-44 and -56%, respectively) muscles (p < 0.05). Across all experimental treatments and muscles, palmitate uptake by giant sarcolemmal vesicles was highly correlated with the plasma membrane FAT/CD36 protein (r = 0.88, p < 0.01) and plasma membrane FABPpm protein (r = 0.94, p < 0.01). These studies provide the first evidence that protein-mediated long chain fatty acid transport is subject to long term regulation by leptin.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) catalyzes the hydrolysis of intramuscular triacylglycerol (IMTG); however, its regulation in skeletal muscle is poorly understood. To examine the effects of reduced free fatty acid (FFA) availability on HSL activity in skeletal muscle during aerobic exercise, 11 trained men exercised at 55% maximal O2 uptake for 40 min after the ingestion of nicotinic acid (NA) or nothing (control). Muscle biopsies were taken at rest and 5, 20, and 40 min of exercise. Plasma FFA were suppressed (P < 0.05) in NA during exercise ( approximately 0.40 +/- 0.04 vs. approximately 0.07 +/- 0.01 mM). The respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was increased throughout exercise (0.020 + 0.008) after NA ingestion. However, the provision of energy from fat oxidation only decreased from 33% of the total in the control trial to 26% in the NA trial, suggesting increased IMTG oxidation in the NA trial. Mean HSL activity was 2.25 + 0.15 mmol x kg dry mass(-1) x min(-1) at rest and increased (P < 0.05) to 2.94 +/- 0.20 mmol x kg dry mass(-1) x min(-1) at 5 min in control. Contrary to the hypothesis, mean HSL was not activated to a greater extent in the NA trial during exercise (2.20 + 0.28 at rest to 2.88 + 0.21 mmol x kg dry mass(-1) x min(-1) at 5 min). No further HSL increases were observed at 20 or 40 min in both trials. There was variability in the response to NA ingestion, as some subjects experienced a large increase in RER and decrease in fat oxidation, whereas other subjects experienced no shift in RER and maintained fat oxidation despite the reduced FFA availability in the NA trial. However, even in these subjects, HSL activity was not further increased during the NA trial. In conclusion, reduced plasma FFA availability accompanied by increased epinephrine concentration did not further activate HSL beyond exercise alone.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effect of reduced free fatty acid (FFA) availability on pyruvate dehydrogenase activation (PDHa) and carbohydrate metabolism during moderate aerobic exercise. Eight active male subjects cycled for 40 min at 55% Vo(2 peak) on two occasions. During one trial, subjects ingested 20 mg/kg body mass of the antilipolytic drug nicotinic acid (NA) during the hour before exercise to reduce FFA. Nothing was ingested in the control trial (CON). Blood and expired gas measurements were obtained throughout the trials, and muscle biopsy samples were obtained immediately before exercise and at 5, 20, and 40 min of exercise. Plasma FFA were lower in the NA trial (0.13 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.48 +/- 0.03 mM, P < 0.05), and the respiratory exchange ratio (RER) was increased with NA (0.93 +/- 0.01 vs. 0.89 +/- 0.01, P < 0.05), resulting in a 14.5 +/- 1.8% increase in carbohydrate oxidation compared with CON. PDHa increased rapidly in both trials at exercise onset but was approximately 15% higher (P < 0.05) throughout exercise in the NA trial (2.44 +/- 0.19 and 2.07 +/- 0.12 mmol x kg wet muscle(-1) x min(-1) for NA and CON at 40 min). Muscle glycogenolysis was 15.3 +/- 9.6% greater in the NA trial vs. the CON trial but did not reach statistical significance. Glucose 6-phosphate contents were elevated (P < 0.05) in the NA trial at 30 and 40 min of exercise, but pyruvate and lactate contents were unaffected. These data demonstrate that the reduction of exogenous FFA availability increased the activation of PDH and carbohydrate oxidation during moderate aerobic exercise in men. The increased activation of PDH was not explained by changes in muscle pyruvate or the ATP/ADP ratio but may be related to a decrease in the NADH/NAD(+) ratio or an epinephrine-induced increase in calcium concentration.  相似文献   

1. The effects of insulin in vitro on tissue pools and incorporation into protein of glycine and leucine in the extensor digitorum longus muscle of the rat are reported. 2. It was found that insulin decreased the lag period before the establishment of a linear rate of incorporation of radioactive glycine into protein. 3. The hormone increased the size of the free intracellular glycine pool. No such effect was found for leucine. The accumulation of radioactive glycine in the intracellular fluid compartment was increased. The content of radioactive leucine in the intracellular compartment was decreased. 4. Insulin decreased the specific radioactivity of both glycine and leucine in the extracellular fluid. 5. The hormone also decreased protein catabolism. 6. The effect on protein synthesis was not caused by an increase in the specific radioactivity of the extracellular pool but was possibly related to increased amino acid concentrations in this pool, which could in turn have affected the aggregation of ribosomes.  相似文献   

It has previously been shown that prolonged exercise of moderate intensity reduces the content of ceramide in each type of skeletal muscle. This was accompanied by a reduction in the activity of neutral, Mg++-dependent sphingomyelinase (the major enzyme responsible for ceramide formation from sphingomyelin) in the soleus and red gastrocnemius, but not in the white gastrocnemius (A. Dobrzyń and J. Górski, Am. J. Physiol.: Endorcinol. Metab. 282: E277 - E285, 2002). No other data on regulation of ceramide metabolism in contracting muscles are available. The aim of the present study was to examine the content of sphinganine (a key precursor of ceramide on the de novo synthesis route) and the content of sphingosine (the main product of ceramide catabolism) in different skeletal muscle types after two kinds of acute exercise. The experiments were carried out on 30 male Wistar rats, 250 - 280 g of body weight. The rats were divided equally into three groups: 1 - control, 2 - run until exhaustion (1200 m/h, +10 degree incline), 3 - a group in which the sciatic nerve was stimulated 10 min with tetanic pulses (60 pulses/min). Samples were taken of the soleus and of the red and white section of the gastrocnemius. These muscles are composed mostly of the slow-twitch oxidative, fast-twitch oxidative-glycolytic and fast-twitch glycolytic fibers, respectively. Lipids were extracted with chloroform/methanol. Sphinganine and sphingosine were quantified by high-performance liquid chromatography. At rest, the content of sphinganine in the soleus was higher than in the red gastrocnemius (p < 0.05), and in the latter, it was higher than in the white gastrocnemius (p < 0.01). Prolonged exercise increased the content of sphinganine approximately 6-fold in each muscle. The resting content of sphingosine in the soleus and in the red gastrocnemius was similar--higher than in the white gastrocnemius (p < 0.001 and p < 0.01, respectively). The content of sphingosine increased over 3-fold in the soleus and nearly 2-fold in the red and white sections of the gastrocnemius. Stimulation of the sciatic nerve increased the content of both compounds approximately 2-fold in each muscle. We conclude that acute exercise increases both de novo synthesis and catabolism of ceramide in skeletal muscles. Accumulation of sphingosine in contracting muscles may contribute to the development of fatigue.  相似文献   

The skeletal muscle of Ophicephalus punctatus contains nine essential free amino acids, arginine, histidine, isoleucine, leucine, methionine, phenylalanine, threonine, valine and lysine, and eight non-essential amino acids, alanine, aspartic acid, cystine, glutamic acid, glycine, tyrosine, proline and serine. Histidine and lysine dominated the free amino acids pool. Seasonal variation was detected in the levels of histidine, arginine, leucine, phenylalanine, glycine, cystine and serine with highest values occurring in April and again in November. Changes were also detected in the concentrations of certain amino acids as the fish grew in size. Levels of free amino acids did not significantly differ between sexes. Factors effecting variation are discussed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to clarify the seasonal variation of fatty acid composition and free amino acid content in the Japanese sardine (Sardinops melanostictus) from the sea of Hyuga-Nada, and the relationship between the fatty acid composition of this sardine and that of plankton in the area. The lipid content of sardines at the sea of Hyuga-Nada was low in February (1.8%) and high (7.2%) from July to September. The major fatty acids in the total lipids from sardine were myristic acid (14:0), palmitic acid (16:0), stearic acid (18:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1 n-7), oleic acid (18:1 n-9), eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5 n-3), and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6 n-3). The characteristics of the fatty acids isolated from sardines in July were similar to those from plankton in the same season. This reflects the deposition of plankton fatty acids in sardine depot fat. The season of high free histidine content in the ordinary meat corresponded with that of high lipid content. These results suggested that both the fatty acid composition of sardines and the high concentrations of certain amino acids in free form are influenced by the intake and seasonal variation of composition of plankton.  相似文献   

The effect of increasing plasma concentrations of free fatty acids on substrate utilization in muscle during exercise was investigated in 11 healthy young males. One hour of dynamic knee extension at 80% of knee-extensor maximal work capacity was performed first with one leg and then with the other leg during infusion of Intralipid and heparin. Substrate utilization was assessed from arterial and femoral venous blood sampling as well as from muscle biopsies. Intralipid infusion increased mean plasma free fatty acid concentrations from 0.54 +/- 0.08 to 1.12 +/- 0.09 (SE) mM. Thigh glucose uptake during rest, exercise, and recovery was decreased by 64, 33, and 42%, respectively, by Intralipid, whereas muscle glycogen breakdown and release of lactate, pyruvate, and citrate were unaffected. Concentrations of glucose, glucose 6-phosphate, and lactate in muscle before and at termination of exercise were unaffected by Intralipid. During exercise, net leg uptake of plasma free fatty acids was not measurably increased by Intralipid, whereas uptake of ketone bodies was. Local respiratory quotient across the leg was not changed by Intralipid (control 0.87 +/- 0.02, Intralipid 0.86 +/- 0.02). Arterial concentrations of insulin, norepinephrine, and epinephrine were similar in the two trials. It is concluded that at rest and during exercise at a moderate intensity (requiring approximately equal contributions from fat and carbohydrate metabolism), muscle carbohydrate metabolism is affected only with regard to uptake of glucose when plasma concentrations of lipid and lipid metabolites are increased. This effect may be by direct inhibition of glucose transport rather than by the classic glucose-fatty acid cycle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of repeated contractions on the geometry of human skeletal muscle. Six men performed two sets (sets A and B) of 10 repeated isometric plantarflexion contractions at 80% of the moment generated during plantarflexion maximal voluntary contraction (MVC), with a rest interval of 15 min between sets. By use of ultrasound, the geometry of the medial gastrocnemius (MG) muscle was measured in the contractions of set A and the displacement of the MG tendon origin in the myotendinous junction was measured in the contractions of set B. In the transition from the 1st to the 10th contractions, the fascicular length at 80% of MVC decreased from 34 +/- 4 (means +/- SD) to 30 +/- 3 mm (P < 0.001), the pennation angle increased from 35 +/- 3 to 42 +/- 3 degrees (P < 0.001), the myotendinous junction displacement increased from 5 +/- 3 to 10 +/- 3 mm (P < 0.001), and the average fascicular curvature remained constant (P > 0.05) at approximately 4.3 m(-1). No changes (P > 0.05) were found in fascicular length, pennation angle, and myotendinous junction displacement after the fifth contraction. Electrogoniometry showed that the ankle rotated by approximately 6.5 degrees during contraction, but no differences (P > 0.05) were obtained between contractions. The present results show that repeated contractions induce tendon creep, which substantially affects the geometry of the in-series contracting muscles, thus altering their potential for force and joint moment generation.  相似文献   

Effect of exercise on insulin action in human skeletal muscle   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The effect of 1 h of dynamic one-legged exercise on insulin action in human muscle was studied in 6 healthy young men. Four hours after one-legged knee extensions, a three-step sequential euglycemic hyperinsulinemic clamp combined with arterial and bilateral femoral vein catheterization was performed. Increased insulin action on glucose uptake was found in the exercised compared with the rested thigh at mean plasma insulin concentrations of 23, 40, and 410 microU/ml. Furthermore, prior contractions directed glucose uptake toward glycogen synthesis and increased insulin effects on thigh O2 consumption and at some insulin concentrations on potassium exchange. In contrast, no change in insulin effects on limb exchange of free fatty acids, glycerol, alanine or tyrosine were found after exercise. Glycogen concentration in rested vastus lateralis muscle did not increase measurably during the clamp even though indirect estimates indicated net glycogen synthesis. In contrast, in exercised muscle estimated and biopsy-verified increases in muscle glycogen concentration agreed. Local contraction-induced increases in insulin sensitivity and responsiveness play an important role in postexercise recovery of human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

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