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A sequence of 89 nucleotides from rabbit beta-globin mRNA has been determined and is shown to code for residues 107 to 137 of the beta-globin protein. In addition, a sequence heterogeneity has been identified within this 89 nucleotide long sequence which corresponds to a known polymorphic variant of rabbit beta-globin.Images  相似文献   

Summary We have mapped and sequenced the globin gene and seven surrounding Alu repeat sequences in the orangutan globin gene cluster and have compared these and other orangutan sequences to orthologously related human sequences. Noncoding flanking and intron sequences, synonymous sites of , , and globin coding regions, and Alu sequences in human and orangutan diverge by 3.2%, 2.7%, and 3.7%, respectively. These values compare to 3.6% from DNA hybridizations and 3.4% from the globin gene region. If as suggested by fossil evidence and molecular clock calculations, human and orangutan lineages diverged about 10–15 MYA, the rate of noncoding DNA evolution in the two species is 1.0–1.5×10–9 substitutions per site per year. We found no evidence for either the addition or deletion of Alu sequences from the globin gene cluster nor is there any evidence for recent concerted evolution among the Alu sequences examined. Both phylogenetic and phenetic distance analyses suggest that Alu sequences within the and globin gene clusters arose close to the time of simian and prosimian primate divergence (about 50–60 MYA). We conclude that Alu sequences have been evolving at the rate typical of noncoding DNA for the majority of primate history.Presented at the FEBS Symposium on Genome Organization and Evolution, held in Crete, Greece, September 1–5, 1986  相似文献   

A cDNA library from tomato planta macho viroid (TPMV)-infected tomato was constructed. The library was screened at low stringency with a tobacco PR-R cDNA probe. An 832 bp cDNA from a mRNA present only in infected tissue was isolated. Nucleotide sequence showed high homology with the osmotin from both tobacco and tomato (NP24). This cDNA probably corresponds to the AP24 and P23 proteins previously described in tomato and induced upon fungal and viroid infection.  相似文献   

In man, the gene for hydroxyacyl glutathione hydrolase (HAGH; glyoxalase II) is closely linked to the α-globin locus (HBα) on Chromosome 16. HAGH polymorphism in the mouse has now enabled the mapping of the murine homologue. Deletion mapping, congenic strain studies, and characterization of 41 recombinant inbred strains establish that the mouseHagh locus lies very close to the α-globin pseudogene (Hba-ps4) in the vicinity of the major histocompatibility locus (H-2) on chromosome 17. Several other loci have been identified previously that are also closely linked to the human α-globin locus but near the α-globin pseudogeneHba-ps4 in the mouse. These linkage relationships suggest that during the evolution of mice a translocation occurred that subdivided the α-globin locus, leaving one inactive α-globin gene still associated with theHagh locus and linked sequences, while moving and inserting the active α-globin locus and all distal sequences into an internal location on another autosome, the predecessor to mouse chromosome 11.  相似文献   

We have determined the nucleotide sequence of two different mouse α-amylase mRNAs, one found in the pancreas and the other in the salivary gland. The 1577 and 1659 nucleotide mRNAs from pancreas and salivary gland, respectively, are the major α-amylase species which accumulate in each tissue. Differences in mRNA length are primarily in the 5′ noncoding regions. Comparable portions of the mRNAs are 89% homologous. The mRNA sequences predict α-amylase precursor proteins of 508 and 511 amino acid residues, accounting for nearly the entire coding capacity of the mRNAs; differences in protein length occur as a result of a nine nucleotide segment present within the translated portion of salivary gland, but not pancreas, mRNA. The lengths and amino acid compositions of the predicted proteins concur with those determined empirically by others. These proteins differ 12% in amino acid sequence, explaining previously observed differences in net charge and antigenic properties. Finally, translation of the salivary gland α-amylase mRNA is not initiated at the AUG codon nearest the 5′ terminus since that codon is almost immediately followed by the termination triplet UAA. This observation may have implications for the mechanism of translation initiation in eucaroytes.  相似文献   

The primary structure of the insect -amylase inhibitor CMa of barley seeds was deduced from a full-length cDNA clone pc43F6. Analysis of RNA from barley endosperm shows high levels 15 and 20 days after flowering. The cDNA predicts an amino acid sequence of 119 residues preceded by a signal peptide of 25 amino acids. Ala and Leu account for 55% of the signal peptide. CMa is 60–85% identical with -amylase inhibitors of wheat, but shows less than 50% identity to trypsin inhibitors of barley and wheat. The 10 Cys residues are located in identical positions compared to the cereal inhibitor family with a Pro-X-Cys motif present in all.  相似文献   

Nucleotide sequence of the 3′ terminus of E. coli 16S ribosomal RNA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
The 3′-terminal T1 oligonucleotide of E. coli 16S ribosomal RNA has been sequenced, using U2 and silkworm nucleases, and was found to be A-U-C-A-C-C-U-C-C-U-U-AOH. This result is discussed in view of previously reported conflicting sequences and with respect to suggested functional roles for this region of 16S RNA.  相似文献   

Surveillance of wild vertebrates can be challenging in remote and inaccessible areas such as tropical rainforests. Blood-feeding parasites, such as leeches, can facilitate wild vertebrate monitoring by targeting residual DNA from the animals the leeches feed on. Successes in detecting host DNA from leeches suggest that host viruses may also be detectable. To systematically test this hypothesis, we performed a proof of concept study using quantitative PCR (qPCR) to detect DNA viruses (bovine herpesvirus [BHV], human adenovirus [HAdV]) and RNA viruses (influenza A [InfA] and measles morbillivirus [MeV]) from nucleic acids extracted from medicinal leeches fed with blood spiked with each virus. All viruses except BHV showed a gradual decline in concentration from day 1 to 50, and all except BHV were detectable in at least half of the samples even after 50 days. BHV exhibited a rapid decline at day 27 and was undetectable at day 50. Our findings in medicinal leeches indicate that leeches collected in the wild might be an untapped resource for detecting vertebrate viruses and could provide new opportunities to study wildlife viral diseases of rare species in challenging environments, where capturing and handling of animals is difficult.  相似文献   

Tubulin protomers undergo an extensive array of post-translational modifications to tailor microtubules to specific tasks. One such modification, the acetylation of lysine 40 of α-tubulin, located in the lumen of microtubules, is associated with stable, long-living microtubule structures. MEC-17 was recently identified as the acetyltransferase that mediates this event. We have determined the crystal structure of the catalytic core of human MEC-17 in complex with its cofactor acetyl-CoA at 1.7 Å resolution. The structure reveals that the MEC-17 core adopts a canonical Gcn5-related N-acetyltransferase (GNAT) fold that is decorated with extensive surface loops. An enzymatic analysis of 33 MEC-17 surface mutants identifies hot-spot residues for catalysis and substrate recognition. A large, evolutionarily conserved hydrophobic surface patch that is critical for enzymatic activity is identified, suggesting that specificity is achieved by interactions with the α-tubulin substrate that extend outside of the modified surface loop. An analysis of MEC-17 mutants in Caenorhabditis elegans shows that enzymatic activity is dispensable for touch sensitivity.  相似文献   

Goat prothymosin , a highly acidic polypeptide of pl 3.5, 109 amino acid residues, has been isolated from lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues of young female goats. Unlike rat, murine and porcine prothymosins , goat prothymosin appears at a higher concentration in the spleen compared with the thymus. The sequence of segments of the polypeptide involving known mutations has been determined, by automatic sequencing of its tryptic peptide fragments. The acidic amino acid-rich segment in the middle of the molecule, including residues 49–83, has not been sequenced. Goat prothymosin closely resembles bovine prothymosin , with only one substitution, proline for alanine at position 85. It also resembles human prothymosin , with only three substitutions. It differs more significantly from rat and murine prothymosins , by two deletions and three substitutions. The results show the highly conserved nature of the molecule, with substitutions at given positions only.Abbreviations ProT Prothymosin - T1 Thymosin 1 - MLR Mixed Lymphocyte Response - HPLC High Performance Liquid Chromatography - RIA Radioimmunoassay - B Aspartic acid or Asparagine - Z Glutamic acid or Glutamine  相似文献   

TCRμ is an unconventional TCR that was first discovered in marsupials and appears to be absent from placental mammals and nonmammals. In this study, we show that TCRμ is also present in the duckbill platypus, an egg-laying monotreme, consistent with TCRμ being ancient and present in the last common ancestor of all extant mammals. As in marsupials, platypus TCRμ is expressed in a form containing double V domains. These V domains more closely resemble Ab V than that of conventional TCR. Platypus TCRμ differs from its marsupial homolog by requiring two rounds of somatic DNA recombination to assemble both V exons and has a genomic organization resembling the likely ancestral form of the receptor genes. These results demonstrate that the ancestors of placental mammals would have had TCRμ but it has been lost from this lineage.  相似文献   

We have cloned and sequenced the human 1-globin gene. The nucleotide sequence and organization of the human 1 gene (exons, introns, promoter, and polyadenylation signals) are similar to those reported for the orangutan 1-globin gene. If these genes are functional, the sequences of their 1-globin chains would differ by only one amino acid residue (at position 137).This research was supported by USPHS Research Grants HLB-05168 and HLB-15158. This is contribution No. 1085 from the Department of Cell and Molecular Biology at the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta.  相似文献   

Addition to an unfractionated reticulocyte lysate of either α or β globin mRNA or reticulocyte initiation factors does not alter the overall rate of globin synthesis. Addition of β mRNA results in enhanced synthesis of β product and decreased production of α; conversely, addition of α mRNA results in enhanced synthesis of α globin and decreased production of β. We conclude that the amount of any putative α mRNA or β mRNA-specific factor does not normally limit the rate of synthesis of α or β chains; rather, the two mRNAs compete for some non-specific rate-limiting component of chain initiation.  相似文献   

Human serum contains natural antibodies (NAb), which can bind to endothelial cell surface antigens of other mammals. This is believed to be the major initiating event in the process of hyperacute rejection of pig to primate xenografts. Recent work has implicated galoctosyl 1,3 galactosyl 1,4 N-acetyl-glucosaminyl carbohydrate epitopes, on the surface of pig endothelial cells as a major target of human natural antibodies. This epitope is made by a specific galactosyltransferase (1,3 GT) present in pigs but not in higher primates. We have now cloned and sequenced a full-length pig 1,3 GT cDNA. The predicted 371 amino acid protein sequence shares 85% and 76% identity with previously characterized cattle and mouse 1,3 GT protein sequences, respectively. By using fluorescence and isotopic in situ hybridization, the GGTA1 gene was mapped to the region q2.10–q2.11 of pig chromosome 1, providing further evidence of homology between the subterminal region of pig chromosome 1q and human chromosome 9q, which harbors the locus encoding the AB0 blood group system, as well as a human pseudogene homologous to the pig GGTA1 gene.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the GenBank nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the accession number L36152  相似文献   

α-Tubulin acetylation at Lys-40, located on the luminal side of microtubules, has been widely studied and used as a marker for stable microtubules in the cilia and other subcellular structures, but the functional consequences remain perplexing. Recent studies have shown that Mec-17 and its paralog are responsible for α-tubulin acetylation in Caenorhabditis elegans. There is one such protein known as Atat1 (α-tubulin acetyltransferase 1) per higher organism. Zebrafish Atat1 appears to govern embryo development, raising the intriguing possibility that Atat1 is also critical for development in mammals. In addition to Atat1, three other mammalian acetyltransferases, ARD1-NAT1, ELP3, and GCN5, have been shown to acetylate α-tubulin in vitro, so an important question is how these four enzymes contribute to the acetylation in vivo. We demonstrate here that Atat1 is a major α-tubulin acetyltransferase in mice. It is widely expressed in mouse embryos and tissues. Although Atat1-null animals display no overt phenotypes, α-tubulin acetylation is lost in sperm flagella and the dentate gyrus is slightly deformed. Furthermore, human ATAT1 colocalizes on bundled microtubules with doublecortin. These results thus suggest that mouse Atat1 may regulate advanced functions such as learning and memory, thereby shedding novel light on the physiological roles of α-tubulin acetylation in mammals.  相似文献   

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