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Visual evoked magnetic fields due to pattern reversal stimuli were measured in 5 normal subjects using a helmet-shaped 66 channel magnetoencephalography system linked to MRI. The magnetic topography of the prominent 100 ms response (P100m) evoked by full-field visual showed a double-dipole pattern in the occipital areas of all subjects. Right or left half-field stimuli and upper or lower quadrant-field stimuli evoked a single-dipole pattern in the contralateral occipital area. The P100m sources were when localized using a current dipole model and superimposed on MRI images of each subject. The visual cortex was morphologically variable among the subjects, but the P100m dipoles were all localized at the lateral bottom of the calcarine fissure. Moreover, these P100m dipoles had similar orientations for both half- or quadrant-field stimuli. These results suggest that the P100m is located in a smaller part of the striate cortex than previously reported.  相似文献   

We investigated how the electrophysiological signature of contour integration is changed by the context in which a contour is embedded. Specifically, we manipulated the orientations of Gabor elements surrounding an embedded shape outline. The amplitudes of early visual components over posterior scalp regions were changed by the presence of a contour, and by the orientation of elements surrounding the contour. Differences in context type had an effect on the early P1 and N1 components, but not on the later P2 component. The presence of a contour had an effect on the N1 and P2 components, but not on the earlier P1 component. A modulatory effect of context on contour integration was observed on the N1 component. These results highlight the importance of the context in which contour integration takes place.  相似文献   

It is currently not known how distributed neuronal responses in early visual areas carry stimulus-related information. We made multielectrode recordings from cat primary visual cortex and applied methods from machine learning in order to analyze the temporal evolution of stimulus-related information in the spiking activity of large ensembles of around 100 neurons. We used sequences of up to three different visual stimuli (letters of the alphabet) presented for 100 ms and with intervals of 100 ms or larger. Most of the information about visual stimuli extractable by sophisticated methods of machine learning, i.e., support vector machines with nonlinear kernel functions, was also extractable by simple linear classification such as can be achieved by individual neurons. New stimuli did not erase information about previous stimuli. The responses to the most recent stimulus contained about equal amounts of information about both this and the preceding stimulus. This information was encoded both in the discharge rates (response amplitudes) of the ensemble of neurons and, when using short time constants for integration (e.g., 20 ms), in the precise timing of individual spikes (≤∼20 ms), and persisted for several 100 ms beyond the offset of stimuli. The results indicate that the network from which we recorded is endowed with fading memory and is capable of performing online computations utilizing information about temporally sequential stimuli. This result challenges models assuming frame-by-frame analyses of sequential inputs.  相似文献   

对刺激朝向改变的自动加工:事件相关电位的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用事件相关电位(ERP)技术,探讨非注意状态的刺激朝向改变是否引起自动加工。刺激为具有一定朝向(垂直和水平各50%)和一定空间频率(低频90%,高频10%)的光栅。要求被试忽略光栅朝向,对高频光栅作反应。刺激呈现时间为50ms,刺激间隔在250至450ms之间随机变化。低频光栅刺激被分为两类,“匹配”(与前一刺激朝向相同)和“失匹配”(与前一刺激朝向不同)。结果发现,失匹配刺激比匹配刺激诱发出更大的枕区P1、更大的前额-中央区N1以及更大的前部与顶区P2,但前部与顶区的N2却更小。这些ERPs变化提示,视觉对非注意的刺激朝向变化进行了一定程度的自动加工;视觉通道可能存在类似听觉失匹配负波(MMN)的、然而机制不同的自动加工成分  相似文献   

Repeated visual processing of an unfamiliar face suppresses neural activity in face-specific areas of the occipito-temporal cortex. This "repetition suppression" (RS) is a primitive mechanism involved in learning of unfamiliar faces, which can be detected through amplitude reduction of the N170 event-related potential (ERP). The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) exerts top-down influence on early visual processing. However, its contribution to N170 RS and learning of unfamiliar faces remains unclear. Transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) transiently increases or decreases cortical excitability, as a function of polarity. We hypothesized that DLPFC excitability modulation by tDCS would cause polarity-dependent modulations of N170 RS during encoding of unfamiliar faces. tDCS-induced N170 RS enhancement would improve long-term recognition reaction time (RT) and/or accuracy rates, whereas N170 RS impairment would compromise recognition ability. Participants underwent three tDCS conditions in random order at ∼72 hour intervals: right anodal/left cathodal, right cathodal/left anodal and sham. Immediately following tDCS conditions, an EEG was recorded during encoding of unfamiliar faces for assessment of P100 and N170 visual ERPs. The P3a component was analyzed to detect prefrontal function modulation. Recognition tasks were administered ∼72 hours following encoding. Results indicate the right anodal/left cathodal condition facilitated N170 RS and induced larger P3a amplitudes, leading to faster recognition RT. Conversely, the right cathodal/left anodal condition caused N170 amplitude and RTs to increase, and a delay in P3a latency. These data demonstrate that DLPFC excitability modulation can influence early visual encoding of unfamiliar faces, highlighting the importance of DLPFC in basic learning mechanisms.  相似文献   

The perceptual load theory in selective attention literature proposes that the interference from task-irrelevant distractor is eliminated when perceptual capacity is fully consumed by task-relevant information. However, the biased competition model suggests that the contents of working memory (WM) can guide attentional selection automatically, even when this guidance is detrimental to visual search. An intriguing but unsolved question is what will happen when selective attention is influenced by both perceptual load and WM guidance. To study this issue, behavioral performances and event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded when participants were presented with a cue to either identify or hold in memory and had to perform a visual search task subsequently, under conditions of low or high perceptual load. Behavioural data showed that high perceptual load eliminated the attentional capture by WM. The ERP results revealed an obvious WM guidance effect in P1 component with invalid trials eliciting larger P1 than neutral trials, regardless of the level of perceptual load. The interaction between perceptual load and WM guidance was significant for the posterior N1 component. The memory guidance effect on N1 was eliminated by high perceptual load. Standardized Low Resolution Electrical Tomography Analysis (sLORETA) showed that the WM guidance effect and the perceptual load effect on attention can be localized into the occipital area and parietal lobe, respectively. Merely identifying the cue produced no effect on the P1 or N1 component. These results suggest that in selective attention, the information held in WM could capture attention at the early stage of visual processing in the occipital cortex. Interestingly, this initial capture of attention by WM could be modulated by the level of perceptual load and the parietal lobe mediates target selection at the discrimination stage.  相似文献   

Mismatch negativity of ERP in cross-modal attention   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Event-related potentials were measured in 12 healthy youth subjects aged 19-22 using the paradigm "cross-modal and delayed response" which is able to improve unattended purity and to avoid the effect of task target on the deviant components of ERP. The experiment included two conditions: (i) Attend visual modality, ignore auditory modality; (ii) attend auditory modality, ignore visual modality. The stimuli under the two conditions were the same. The difference wave was obtained by subtracting ERPs of the standard stimuli from that of the deviant stim-uli. The present results showed that mismatch negativity (MMN), N2b and P3 components can be produced in the auditory and visual modalities under attention condition. However, only MMN was observed in the two modalities un-der inattention condition. Auditory and visual MMN have some features in common: their largest MMN wave peaks were distributed respectively over their primary sensory projection areas of the scalp under attention condition, but over front  相似文献   

Behavioral reactions and brain mechanisms involved in processing two matching or mismatching (conflicting) visual stimuli were studied in healthy subjects (mean age 22.57 ± 0.46 years). Line orientations (vertical, horizontal, or 45°) were used as stimuli and were presented with an interval of 1500–1800 ms. The reaction time was shown to increase in the case of a conflict of two orientations as compared with matching orientations. The reaction time depended on the orientation of the reference stimulus and was minimal when a vertical line was used as a reference. An increase in N2 negativity (time window 200–280 ms) in the frontal and parietal cortical areas was identified as an informative indicator of a conflict between the current orientation and the orientation stored in working memory. The dipole sources of N2 were localized to the prefrontal cortex (middle frontal gyrus, frontal pole, and pars orbitalis). The N2 amplitude was found to depend on the orientation of the first stimulus in a pair, being higher in the case of a 45° orientation. The visual areas were shown to play a role in detecting a conflict of two consecutive signals because the early sensory components increased in amplitude. The results implicate cortical structures, including the sensory-specific visual, parietal, and prefrontal areas, in comparing consecutive visual signals and detecting their conflict.  相似文献   

ERPs to sequences of standard and deviant sinusoidal 100 msec tone pips, high-contrast sinusoidal gratings and to their simultaneously presented combinations were recorded. Mismatch negativity (MMN), an ERP component elicited by deviant stimuli, was estimated for the different stimulus sequences in order to find out whether it reflects modality-specific processes or non-specific attentive phenomena. In addition to the auditory modality, we studied whether the mismatch response could be evoked by a deviant visual stimulus in a visual sequence or by a deviant stimulus in either modality. The results show that only auditory stimuli produced the mismatch response, suggesting that MMN is not a manifestation of a general attentional mechanism but is probably specific to the auditory modality.  相似文献   

Multisensory integration is a common feature of the mammalian brain that allows it to deal more efficiently with the ambiguity of sensory input by combining complementary signals from several sensory sources. Growing evidence suggests that multisensory interactions can occur as early as primary sensory cortices. Here we present incompatible visual signals (orthogonal gratings) to each eye to create visual competition between monocular inputs in primary visual cortex where binocular combination would normally take place. The incompatibility prevents binocular fusion and triggers an ambiguous perceptual response in which the two images are perceived one at a time in an irregular alternation. One key function of multisensory integration is to minimize perceptual ambiguity by exploiting cross-sensory congruence. We show that a haptic signal matching one of the visual alternatives helps disambiguate visual perception during binocular rivalry by both prolonging the dominance period of the congruent visual stimulus and by shortening its suppression period. Importantly, this interaction is strictly tuned for orientation, with a mismatch as small as 7.5° between visual and haptic orientations sufficient to annul the interaction. These results indicate important conclusions: first, that vision and touch interact at early levels of visual processing where interocular conflicts are first detected and orientation tunings are narrow, and second, that haptic input can influence visual signals outside of visual awareness, bringing a stimulus made invisible by binocular rivalry suppression back to awareness sooner than would occur without congruent haptic input.  相似文献   

Adab HZ  Vogels R 《Current biology : CB》2011,21(19):1661-1666
Practice improves the performance in visual tasks, but mechanisms underlying this adult brain plasticity are unclear. Single-cell studies reported no [1], weak [2], or moderate [3, 4] perceptual learning-related changes in macaque visual areas V1 and V4, whereas none were found in middle temporal (MT) [5]. These conflicting results and modeling of human (e.g., [6, 7]) and monkey data [8] suggested that changes in the readout of visual cortical signals underlie perceptual learning, rather than changes in these signals. In the V4 learning studies, monkeys discriminated small differences in orientation, whereas in the MT study, the animals discriminated opponent motion directions. Analogous to the latter study, we trained monkeys to discriminate static orthogonal orientations masked by noise. V4 neurons showed robust increases in their capacity to discriminate the trained orientations during the course of the training. This effect was observed during discrimination and passive fixation but specifically for the trained orientations. The improvement in neural discrimination was due to decreased response variability and an increase of the difference between the mean responses for the two trained orientations. These findings demonstrate that perceptual learning in a coarse discrimination task indeed can change the response properties of a cortical sensory area.  相似文献   

ERPs were recorded from subjects who were required to push a button in response to a given conjunction of spatial frequency and orientation (target), and to ignore conjunctions sharing with the target only frequency (frequency-relevant), only orientation (orientation-relevant), or neither (irrelevant). Differences between ERPs to irrelevant and frequency-relevant stimuli were identified as frontal selection positivity (Fz, 150–200 msec post-stimulus), selection negativity (Oz, just after 200 msec), and vertex N2b (200–250 msec). For relevant orientations, the selection negativity and the N2b were also found, but the frontal selection positivity was elicited only when the spatial frequency was relevant as well. Neither of these 3 waves was sensitive to spatial frequency or orientation per se. Other waves (N80, N180) did show such sensitivity, but this was independent of stimulus relevance. Hence, direct evidence for the neural-specificity theory, stating that task-related selective ERP responses reflect differential enhancement of activity in stimulus-specific pathways, was not obtained. It is further concluded that ERPs associated with selection of frequency and orientation are highly comparable to those associated with other visual dimensions (e.g., color), and that selection of multiple visual dimensions may be hierarchical at one level of processing and independent at another.  相似文献   

In an audio-visual Go/Nogo paradigm we studied whether the Go/Nogo difference, usually found in the time range of the visual N2, is also present after auditory stimuli, which bears on the common response inhibition hypothesis of this N2 effect. Moreover the possible presence and variation of P300 subcomponents were studied with the goal of clarifying the reasons for the commonly observed P300 topography changes between Go and Nogo trials. To disentangle possible P300 subcomponents we applied a crossmodal divided attention (DA) condition, in which the subcomponents are known to be separated after auditory stimuli in choice tasks.An N2 effect was found after visual but not after auditory stimuli, which is evidence against the response-inhibition hypothesis. After visual stimuli a positive complex (P400) was seen, whereas after auditory stimuli two dissociated components (P400 and P507) were found instead. The P507 had a parietal maximum for both Go and Nogo trials. It was larger and it peaked later in Go than in Nogo trials. The P400 showed topographic differences between Go and Nogo trials, which could be explained by the overlap of the two subcomponents. We assume that (i) both subcomponents have a stable topography across response type, and (ii) the first subcomponent is invariant with response type, whereas the second (which overlaps the first one) is larger and peaks later on Go than on Nogo trials.  相似文献   

In acute experiments with 9 anesthetized and immobilized cats, the relative tangential square of the activated cortical columns in area 17 was mapped by the intrinsic optical signal under stimulation with grids of different orientation. We examined the "oblique effect", i.e. the greater representation of neurons tuned to the vertical and horizontal orientations vs. oblique orientations in the primary visual cortex. The square of the activated parts of the cortex was estimated under different threshold criteria (80, 60 and 40% of the maximum). The "oblique effect" was not observed in our study: the areas of activation of the cortical columns did not differ statistically for two basic vs. oblique orientations. Reasons for the difference between the results of electrophysiological and optical mapping are suggested and possible contributions of the experimental protocol (anesthesia) and individual visual experience in different animals' samples to the origin of these differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Brain regions in the intraparietal and the premotor cortices selectively process visual and multisensory events near the hands (peri-hand space). Visual information from the hand itself modulates this processing potentially because it is used to estimate the location of one’s own body and the surrounding space. In humans specific occipitotemporal areas process visual information of specific body parts such as hands. Here we used an fMRI block-design to investigate if anterior intraparietal and ventral premotor ‘peri-hand areas’ exhibit selective responses to viewing images of hands and viewing specific hand orientations. Furthermore, we investigated if the occipitotemporal ‘hand area’ is sensitive to viewed hand orientation. Our findings demonstrate increased BOLD responses in the left anterior intraparietal area when participants viewed hands and feet as compared to faces and objects. Anterior intraparietal and also occipitotemporal areas in the left hemisphere exhibited response preferences for viewing right hands with orientations commonly viewed for one’s own hand as compared to uncommon own hand orientations. Our results indicate that both anterior intraparietal and occipitotemporal areas encode visual limb-specific shape and orientation information.  相似文献   

Event-related potentials (ERPs) to visual and somatosensory stimuli, generated during an oddball task, were obtained in a group of autistic children and 3 control groups (normal, attention-deficit, and dyslectic children, respectively). The task included the presentation of standard, deviant, and novel stimuli and had a (between-group) passive vs. active (counting) condition. Research questions were whether (a) autistic children differ from other children with respect to the processing of visual and/or somatosensory stimuli, as measured in the amplitude of the N1, mismatch activity, and P3, (b) autistic children specifically have problems in the processing in distal (visual) stimuli, compared to the processing of proximal (somatosensory) stimuli, and (c) autistic children have an atypical lateralization pattern of ERP activity. Only in the autistic group a task effect on the visual P2N2 (mismatch activity) and larger P3s to novels than to deviants were found, in both the visual and the somatosensory modality. There also was a smaller occipital P3 to visual standard stimuli in the passive condition in the autistic group than in 2 control groups. We concluded that autistics (a) differ from several other groups of children with respect to the visual P2N2 and the visual and somatosensory P3, (b) show abnormalities in the processing of both proximal and distal stimuli, and (c) show no indication of abnormal lateralization of ERPs.  相似文献   

Liu T  Pestilli F  Carrasco M 《Neuron》2005,45(3):469-477
When a visual stimulus suddenly appears, it captures attention, producing a transient improvement of performance on basic visual tasks. We investigate the effect of transient attention on stimulus representations in early visual areas using rapid event-related fMRI. Participants discriminated the orientation of one of two gratings preceded or followed by a nonpredictive peripheral cue. Compared to control conditions, precueing the target location improved performance and produced a larger fMRI response in corresponding retinotopic areas. This enhancement progressively increased from striate to extrastriate areas. Control conditions indicated that the enhanced fMRI response was not due to sensory summation of cue and target signals. Thus, an uninformative precue increases both perceptual performance and the concomitant stimulus-evoked activity in early visual areas. These results provide evidence regarding the retinotopically specific neural correlate for the effects of transient attention on early vision.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological age and sex differences in visual pattern responsivity were investigated. Pattern reversal evoked potentials (PREPs) and visual evoked potentials (VEPs) to patterned and unpatterned flashes were recorded from 20 normal subjects in each of 4 groups: young females and males aged 25–35 years and older females and males aged 55–70 years. PREP waves N70-P100 and P100-N150 from the older women were significantly larger than those from subjects in the other groups; mean amplitudes for the young females, young males and older males were not different. A similar effect, unusually large potentials for the older women, was obtained for VEPs, but only for VEPs elicited by patterned flashes and recorded from occipital scalp, i.e., an area overlying visual cortex which is sensitive to lines and edges. Our findings suggest that the visual system of older females is unusually responsive to patterned stimuli.  相似文献   

We studied the relationship between occipital P100 and frontal N100 in visual evoked potentials produced by pattern reversal in normal subjects and two groups of patients. Recording derivation was critical for interpretation since both Fz and Oz electrode sites are active. In 9 patients, but no normal subjects, P100 was absent. In these patients, use of a standard Oz-Fz montage resulted in the erroneous impression of a ‘normal’ P100 since a downward deflection was produced by the inverting effect of the amplifier on an intact N100 at Fz. When both P100 and N100 were present (at Oz and Fz respectively), their latencies were usually similar but not identical which contributed to apparent latency shifts or W-shaped wave forms in the Oz-Fz derivation. We conclude that use of a non-cephalic or relatively inactive scalp position (such as the mastoid) should be used as a reference site in addition to Fz to reduce interpretive errors.  相似文献   

Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded from 74 subjects (45 men) between 18 and 82 years of age in a simple visual detection task. On each trial the subject reported the location of a triangular flash of light presented briefly 20° laterally to the left or right visual field or to both fields simultaneously. ERPs to targets exhibited a similar morphology including P1, N1, P2, N2, and P3 components across all age groups. The principal effects of advancing age were (1) a marked reduction in amplitude of the posterior P1 component (75–150 latency) together with an amplitude increase of an anterior positivity at the same latency; (2) an increase in amplitude of the P3 component that was most prominent over frontal scalp areas; and (3) a linear increase in P3 peak latency. These results extend the findings of age-related changes in P3 peak latency and distribution to a non-oddball task in the visual modality and raise the possibility that short-latency ERPs may index changes in visual attention in the elderly.  相似文献   

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