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The spatial structure of spin-labeled angiotensin in aqueous solution wa investigated with the combined use of NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy and energy calculation including Monte-Carlo techniques. The calculated mean values of molecular parameters were compared with the experimental ones. The calculated and experimental mean values were regarded as statistically indistinguishable when the corresponding mean values occurred within the 95% confidence limit. The experimental parameters were shown to be adequately described by calculated conformers only with the assumption of the existence of dynamic equilibrium of conformers in solution. The mean values of statistical weights and their limits providing the agreement between the calculated and experimental data were determined. Two geometrically different forms of backbone structure for C-terminal hexapeptide in aqueous solution were revealed using the discussed approach; the N-terminal part of the molecule appeared to be much more conformationally labile. The model of molecule spatial structure is consistent with available literature data upon angiotensin titration experiments, its complexing with heavy metal ions etc.  相似文献   

The histone octamer, a conformationally flexible structure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
K Park  G D Fasman 《Biochemistry》1987,26(25):8042-8045
The conformation of the histone octamer complex in solution has been shown, by circular dichroism studies, to be highly dependent on the nature of the salt milieu and its concentration. In 2 M NaCl, the complex has 43.5% alpha-helix, 16% beta-sheet, and 40.5% random structure. In 2.3 M (NH4)2SO4, the octamer has 49.0% alpha-helix and 51% random structure. These results partially explain the discrepant results obtained by the X-ray analysis of crystals obtained under varying conditions.  相似文献   

Three analogs of bradykinin and one of angiotensin II have been prepared in which the naturally occurring proline residues have been replaced by the bicyclic amino acid, 2,4-methanoproline (2,4-MePro). The relative binding affinities for these analogs were determined to be significantly reduced in the cases of the three bradykinin analogs; [2,4-MePro3]-BK retains 1.3%, [2,4-MePro7]-BK retains 0.3% and [2,4-MePro2]-BK retains 0.021% of the binding affinity of bradykinin. Results from other modification at positions three and seven indicate preference for the trans-amide bond preceding these residues implying that other factors, either steric or conformational, are responsible for the decreased affinity for the receptor seen with 2,4-MePro substitution. The retention of significant binding affinity (26%) in the case of [Ile5,2,4-MePro7]-angiotensin II gives direct evidence that the trans-conformation of the proline amide bond is the one recognized by the AII receptor. Only significant retention of activity can be interpreted unambiguously with the use of this proline analog because of its known conformational differences from Pro as well as its increased steric requirements at the receptor.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli preprotein translocase comprises a membrane-embedded trimeric complex of SecY, SecE and SecG. Previous studies have shown that this complex forms ring-like assemblies, which are thought to represent the preprotein translocation channel across the membrane. We have analyzed the functional state and the quaternary structure of the SecYEG translocase by employing cross-linking and blue native gel electrophoresis. The results show that the SecYEG monomer is a highly dynamic structure, spontaneously and reversibly associating into dimers. SecG-dependent tetramers and higher order SecYEG multimers can also exist in the membrane, but these structures form at high SecYEG concentration or upon overproduction of the complex only. The translocation process does not affect the oligomeric state of the translocase and arrested preproteins can be trapped with SecYEG or SecYE dimers. Dissociation of the dimer into a monomer by detergent induces release of the trapped preprotein. These results provide direct evidence that preproteins cross the bacterial membrane, associated with a translocation channel formed by a dimer of SecYEG.  相似文献   

The number of structural parameters were determined for spin-labelled angiotensin in aqueous solution with the use of fluorescence spectroscopy and 1H NMR relaxation induced by the spin label. At the same time all measured parameters were estimated theoretically by means of energy calculations and Monte-Carlo techniques. The matching procedure for experimental and computational data allows one to suggest a dynamic equilibrium between conformers of the molecule in aqueous solution and to estimate the values of their weights.  相似文献   

Summary We describe the high-resolution structure by NMR of two peptides that belong to a combinatorial library based on the zinc-finger motif. The library represents, to the best of our knowledge, the first example of a conformationally homogeneous peptide library and was obtained by introducing random residues in five positions of the -helical portion of a 26-residue consensus peptide (CP1) belonging to the Cys2-Hys2 zinc-finger family. The result was shown to be a highly homogeneous -helical library (Bianchi et al., 1995). The structures of the parent compound (CP1) and of a representative member (CP1m) that was selected by screening the library with a monoclonal antibody are compared in detail as an example of the very high stability of the zinc-finger scaffold upon sequence variability. The two peptides exhibit an extremely high degree of structural similarity. The use of this type of conformationally constrained combinatorial library might represent a step forward in the design of peptidomimetics, as it considerably accelerates the process of the identification of the spatial relationship among the pharmacophoric groups.Abbreviations t-Bu tert-butyloxycarbonyl - Fmoc 9-fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl  相似文献   

In recent years, a massive effort has been directed towards designing potent and selective antagonists of neurohypophyseal hormones substituted at position 3. Modification of vasopressin at position 3 with 4,4'-biphenylalanine results in pharmacologically inactive analogues. Chemically, this substitution appears to vary only slightly from those previously made by us (1-Nal or 2-Nal), which afforded potent agonists of V(2) receptors. In this situation, it seemed worthwhile to study the structure of the analogues with 4,4'-biphenylalanine (BPhe) at position 3 in aqueous solution using NMR spectroscopy and total conformational analysis. This contribution is part of extensive studies aimed at understanding spatial structures of 3-substituted [Arg(8)]vasopressin analogues of different pharmacological properties. NMR data were used to calculate 3D structures for all the analogues using two methods, EDMC with the ECEPP/3 force field, and molecular dynamic with the simulated annealing (SA) algorithm. The structures obtained by the first method show a better fit between the NMR spectral evidence and the calculation for all the peptides.  相似文献   

The solution structure of a leucine-zipper motif peptide   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We report the complete structure determination of a 34 residue synthetic peptide with the amino acid sequence of the dimerization domain (leucine zipper) of GCN4. A high resolution structure in solution was obtained by 1H-NMR studies and distance geometry calculations followed by restrained energy minimization. A set of 20 final structures was obtained with an average root mean square deviation of 1.3 A for the backbone atoms (excluding the first and the last two residues). The structure contains an uninterrupted helix. A comparison with a structure previously determined for a larger peptide containing both the DNA-binding region (basic region) and the leucine-zipper motif shows the structural independence of the leucine-zipper domain from the contiguous DNA binding region.  相似文献   

Mechanisms of the reactions of representative dipeptides (Gly2, Gly-Ala), oligopeptides (Gly3, Gly4) and the polypeptide (poly-Gly)n) in solution and clay suspensions at 85 degrees C were investigated. The reaction products and their yields were analysed and determined by means of HPLC. Interestingly, hydrolysis, where water molecules act as the reactant, was not the main reaction, even for oligopeptides. Formation of cyclic dipeptides prevailed in the reactions of dimers as well as oligopeptides. The breakdown of oligopeptide molecules proceeded via an intramolecular cyclization reaction. For example, the reaction of Gly3 led to the formation of equal amounts of cyclic dipeptide, c(Gly)2 and Gly. The presence of clay (montmorillonite) significantly increased yields in the reactions of dipeptides but it did not have much effect on the reactions of oligopeptides. However, an opposite effect of clay, protection of poly(Gly)n against decomposition, was proven.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic resonance, infrared and ultraviolet spectral data for dihydroxyacetone are reported, together with a brief kinetic study of the dimer-monomer equilibrium. The results are interpreted in terms of a dimeric dioxan structure for solid dihydroxyacetone which dissociates into a mixture of free carbonyl and hydrated monomer upon dissolution. Lyophilization of aqueous solution results in isolation of solid monomer which converts to dimer in the solid state over several months on the shelf. A study of monohydroxyacetone revealed no such complexities.  相似文献   

Uncoating of clathrin-coated vesicles is mediated by the heat shock cognate protein, hsc70, and requires clathrin light chains (LCa and LCb) and ATP hydrolysis. We demonstrate that purified light chains and synthetic peptides derived from their sequences bind hsc70 to stimulate ATP hydrolysis. LCa is more effective than LCb in stimulating hsc70 ATPase and in inhibiting clathrin uncoating by hsc70. These differences correlate with high sequence divergence in the proline- and glycine-rich region (residues 47-71) that forms the hsc70 binding site. For LCa, but not LCb, this region undergoes reversible conformational changes upon perturbation of the ionic strength or the calcium ion concentration. Our results show that LCa is more important for interactions with hsc70 than is LCb and suggest a model in which the LCa conformation regulates coated vesicle uncoating.  相似文献   

In this paper, we describe the predominant conformational forms adopted by tripeptides and higher oligopeptides in aqueous solution. About 50 tripeptides and almost 20 higher oligopeptides (4-6 residues) were subjected to conformational analysis using SYBYL Random Search. As with dipeptides (Grail BM, Payne JW. J. Peptide Sci. 2000; 6: 186-199), both tripeptides and higher oligopeptides were found to occupy relatively few combinations of psi-phi space that were distinct from those associated with predominant protein secondary structures (e.g. helices and beta-sheets). Again, the preferred psi (psi) values for the first residue (i - 1) were in sectors encompassed by the ranges from +150 degrees to +/-180 degrees, +60 degrees to +90 degrees and -60 degrees to -90 degrees, which were combined with preferred phi (phi) values for the second residue (i) in sectors with ranges from -150 degrees to +/-180 degrees, -60 degrees to -90 degrees and +30 degrees to +60 degrees. It was notable that tripeptides and, to a greater extent, higher oligopeptides adopted an initial psi (psi) (Tor2) from +150 degrees to +/-180 degrees. For tripeptides, their N-C distances (distance between N-terminal nitrogen and C-terminal carbon atoms) distribute about 6.5 A to give shorter, 'folded' conformers that are similar in length to dipeptides, and longer, 'extended' conformers that are distinct. Furthermore, for higher oligopeptides, their N-C distances did not increment in relation to their increasing number of residues and short, 'folded' conformers were still present. These findings have a bearing upon the recognition of these molecules as substrates for widely distributed peptidases and peptide transporters.  相似文献   

The backbone dynamics of human α-thrombin inhibited at the active site serine were analyzed using R1, R2, and heteronuclear NOE experiments, variable temperature TROSY 2D [1H-15N] correlation spectra, and Rex measurements. The N-terminus of the heavy chain, which is formed upon zymogen activation and inserts into the protein core, is highly ordered, as is much of the double beta-barrel core. Some of the surface loops, by contrast, remain very dynamic with order parameters as low as 0.5 indicating significant motions on the ps-ns timescale. Regions of the protein that were thought to be dynamic in the zymogen and to become rigid upon activation, in particular the γ-loop, the 180s loop, and the Na+ binding site have order parameters below 0.8. Significant Rex was observed in most of the γ-loop, in regions proximal to the light chain, and in the β-sheet core. Accelerated molecular dynamics simulations yielded a molecular ensemble consistent with measured residual dipolar couplings that revealed dynamic motions up to milliseconds. Several regions, including the light chain and two proximal loops, did not appear highly dynamic on the ps-ns timescale, but had significant motions on slower timescales.  相似文献   

The Fe2S2 cluster of the ferredoxin putidaredoxin (Pdx) can be replaced by a single gallium ion, giving rise to a colorless, diamagnetic protein in which, apart from the metal binding site, the major structural features of the native ferredoxin are conserved. The solution structure of the C85S variant of gallium putidaredoxin (C85S GaPdx), in which a non-ligand cysteine is replaced by a serine, has been determined via multidimensional NMR methods using uniformly 15N,13C labeled samples of C85S GaPdx. Stereospecific assignments of leucine and valine methyl resonances were made using 13C,1H HSQC spectra obtained with fractionally 13C-labeled samples, and backbone dihedral angle restraints were obtained using a combination of two-dimensional J-modulated 15N,1H HSQC and three-dimensional (HN)CO(CO)NH experiments. A total of 1117 NOE-derived distance restraints were used in the calculations, including 454 short range ($i - j 3$), 456 long range (i - j 4) interresidue restraints and 207 non-trivial intraresidue restraints. 97 and 55 1 angular restraints were also included in the calculation of a family of 20 structures using a combined distance geometry-simulated annealing protocol. Most regions of the protein are well defined in the calculations, with an RMSD of 0.525 Å for backbone atoms excluding the metal binding loop (residues 34–48) and the last three C-terminal residues (residues 103–106). Where comparison is possible, these regions show an increase in dynamic behavior over the native protein, as does the loop containing residues 74–76. Structural and dynamic differences between native Pdx and GaPdx are discussed in relation to charge and packing of the metal binding site.  相似文献   

Desulforedoxin is a simple dimeric protein isolated from Desulfovibrio gigas containing a distorted rubredoxin-like center with one iron coordinated by four cysteinyl residues (7.9?kDa with a 36-amino-acid monomer). 1H NMR spectra of the oxidized Dx(Fe3+) and reduced Dx(Fe2+) forms were analyzed. The spectra show substantial line broadening due to the paramagnetism of iron. However, very low-field-shifted resonances, assigned to Hβ protons, were observed in the reduced state and their temperature dependence analyzed. The active site of Dx was reconstituted with zinc, and its solution structure was determined using 2D NMR methods. This diamagnetic form gave high-resolution NMR data enabling the identification of all the amino acid spin systems. Sequential assignment and the determination of secondary structural elements was attempted using 2D NOESY experiments. However, because of the symmetrical dimer nature of the protein standard, NMR sequential assignment methods could not resolve all cross peaks due to inter- and intra-chain effects. The X-ray structure enabled the spatial relationship between the monomers to be obtained, and resolved the assignment problems. Secondary structural features could be identified from the NMR data; an antiparallel β-sheet running from D5 to V18 with a well-defined β-turn around cysteines C9 and C12. The section G22 to T25 is poorly defined by the NMR data and is followed by a turn around V27-C29. The C-terminus ends up near residues V6 and Y7. Distance geometry (DG) calculations allowed families of structures to be generated from the NMR data. A family of structures with a low target function violation for the Dx monomer and dimer were found to have secondary structural elements identical to those seen in the X-ray structure. The amide protons for G4, D5, G13, L11 NH and Q14 NHε amide protons, H-bonded in the X-ray structure, were not seen by NMR as slowly exchanging, while structural disorder at the N-terminus, for the backbone at E10 and for the section G22–T25, was observed. Comparison between the Fe and Zn forms of Dx suggests that metal substitution does not have an effect on the structure of the protein.  相似文献   

This paper reports on an insulin analogue with 12.5-fold receptor affinity, the highest increase observed for a single replacement, and on its solution structure, determined by NMR spectroscopy. The analogue is [D-AlaB26]des-(B27-B30)-tetrapeptide-insulin-B26-amide. C-terminal truncation of the B-chain by four (or five) residues is known not to affect the functional properties of insulin, provided the new carboxylate charge is neutralized. As opposed to the dramatic increase in receptor affinity caused by the substitution of D-Ala for the wild-type residue TyrB26 in the truncated molecule, this very substitution reduces it to only 18% of that of the wild-type hormone when the B-chain is present in full length. The insulin molecule in solution is visualized as an ensemble of conformers interrelated by a dynamic equilibrium. The question is whether the "active" conformation of the hormone, sought after in innumerable structure/function studies, is or is not included in the accessible conformational space, so that it could be adopted also in the absence of the receptor. If there were any chance for the active conformation, or at least a predisposed state to be populated to a detectable extent, this chance should be best in the case of a superpotent analogue. This was the motivation for the determination of the three-dimensional structure of [D-AlaB26]des-(B27-B30)-tetrapeptide-insulin-B26-amide. However, neither the NMR data nor CD spectroscopic comparison of a number of related analogues provided a clue concerning structural features predisposing insulin to high receptor affinity. After the present study it seems more likely than before that insulin will adopt its active conformation only when exposed to the force field of the receptor surface.  相似文献   

Bacteriophage PRD1 is a membrane-containing virus with an unexpected similarity to adenovirus. We mutagenized unassigned PRD1 genes to identify minor capsid proteins that could be structural or functional analogs to adenovirus proteins.We report here the identification of an amber mutant, sus525, in an essential PRD1 gene XXXI. The gene was cloned and the gene product was overexpressed and purified to near homogeneity. Analytical ultracentrifugation and gel filtration showed that P31 is a homopentamer of about 70 kDa. The protein was shown to be accessible on the virion surface and its absence in the sus525 particles led to the deficiency of two other viral coat proteins, protein P5 and the adsorption protein P2. Cryo-electron microscopy and image reconstruction of the sus525 particles indicate that these proteins are located on the capsid vertices, because in these particles the entire vertex structure was missing along with the peripentonal major capsid protein P3 trimers. Sus525 particles package DNA effectively but loose it upon purification.All of the PRD1 vertex structures are labile and potentially capable of mediating DNA delivery; this is in contrast to other dsDNA phages which employ a single vertex for packaging and delivery. We propose that this arises from a symmetry mismatch between protein P2 and the pentameric P31 in analogy to that between the adenovirus penton base and the receptor-binding spike.  相似文献   

Lasalocid A (LasNa), a common antibiotic in veterinary medicine, is a polyetheral ionophore, disrupting cation equilibria through the cell wall. By means of circular dichroism (in the UV and in the near-IR), paramagnetic NMR, and with the aid of the program PERSEUS, we determined the solution geometry of the 1:1 Las-Yb3+ complex in CD3CN and CDCl3, following a protocol similar to the one successfully used for the anthracycline-metal adduct. The resulting structure is in full agreement with the expectation of the ligand wrapping around the cation in a horseshoe shape. The oxygen atoms participate in the coordination either through a direct, first sphere, or a longer range interaction.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase III (DPP III), the sole member and representative of the M49 family of metallopeptidases, is a zinc-dependent aminopeptidase. It sequentially hydrolyses dipeptides from the N-terminal of oligopeptides ranging from three to 10 amino acid residues. Although implicated in an array of pathophysiological phenomena, the precise function of this peptidase is still unclear. However, a number of studies advocate its contribution in terminal stages of protein turnover. Altered expression of DPP III which suggests its involvement in primary ovarian carcinoma, oxidative stress (Nrf2 nuclear localization), pain, inflammation and cataractogenesis has recently led to resurgence of interest in delineating the role of the peptidase in these pathophysiological processes. This review article intends to bring forth the latest updates in this arena which may serve as a base for future studies on the peptidase.  相似文献   

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