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In short-season soybean production areas, low soil temperature is the major factor limiting plant growth and yield. The decreases in soybean yield at low temperatures are mainly due to nitrogen limitation. Genistein, the most effective plant-to-bacterium signal in the soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) nitrogen fixation symbiosis, was used to pretreat Bradyrhizobium japonicum. We have previously reported that this increased soybean nodulation and nitrogen fixation in growth chamber studies. Two field experiments were conducted on two adjacent sites in 1994 to determine whether the incubation of B. japonicum with genistein, prior to application as an inoculant, or genistein, without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting, increased soybean grain yield and protein yield in short season areas. The results of these experiments indicated that genistein-preincubated bradyrhizobia increased the grain yield and protein yield of AC Bravor, the later maturing of the two cultivars tested. Genistein without B. japonicum, applied onto seeds in the furrow at the time of planting also increased both grain and protein yield by stimulation of native soil B. japonicum. Interactions existed between genistein application and soybean cultivars, and indicated that the cultivar with the greatest yield potential responded more to genistein addition.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to identify the sites of H-ion exudation and Fe(III) reduction along both inoculated and non-inoculated roots of A7 and T203 soybeans. A split-root system was used in which half the roots of each plant were inoculated and actively fixing nitrogen and the other half were not. Expectedly, the Fe-stress response was strong on both sides of the split-root system in the +N-Fe treatment of variety A7 (inactive nodules) but not of variety T203. The Fe-stress response of A7 was enhanced by the presence of active nodules. Variety T203 is Fe inefficient and normally fails to produce any Fe-stress response, but in the absence of nitrogen and iron (–N–Fe), inoculated roots responded to Fe stress with exudation of both H-ions and reductants. Intact split-root systems were embedded in agar to determine the location of H-ion exudation and Fe(III) reduction. On the inoculated side of the –N–Fe and –N+Fe treatments (active nodules) of both soybean varieties, H-ion production was associated mainly with the active nodules. However, quantities of H-ion release were much greater under Fe stress (–N–Fe) than with adequate Fe (–N+Fe). Reduction of Fe(III) to Fe(II) was found only on the nodulated side with T203, but on both sides with A7. In variety T203 the Fe reduction was associated with younger roots located just below the nodule clusters on the inoculated side of the –N treatments. Active nodules appear to play a key role in the Fe-deficiency stress response of T203 soybean.  相似文献   

Soybean plants cv. Corsoy were grown in greenhouse conditions on sterilized quartz sand. They were inoculated with Bradyrhizobium japonicum, strain 542. The plants were treated with different concentrations of quercetin (ranging from 10 nM to 1M) at regular intervals during the experiment. The experiment was terminated at flower development. The following parameters, important for symbiosis efficiency were determined: shoot, root and nodule weights, nodule number, total leghemoglobin in the nodules,total nitrogen and soluble protein concentrations in shoots and roots, as well as chlorophyll concentration in the leaves.The results obtained partly confirmed the earlier findings that quercetin inhibits nodulation since increasing quercetin concentration decreased the number of nodules. However, at very low concentrations, quercetin stimulated the number of nodules. Quercetin also exerted a stimulating influence on other characteristics of the plant and nodules which did not correlate with nodule number and quantity of N fixed. These are: nodule weight, leghemoglobin concentration, total soluble protein content in shoots and roots as well as shoot and root weight.  相似文献   

Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] forms a symbiosis with serogroups of Bradyrhizobium japonicum that differ in their dinitrogen fixing abilities. The objectives of this study were to identify soybean genotypes that would restrict nodulation by relatively inefficient serogroups indigenous to a large portion of the southeastern USA, and then characterize the nodulation responses of selected genotypes with specific bradyrhizobial strains under controlled conditions. From field screening trials followed by controlled single and competitive inoculations of serogroups USDA 31, 76 and 110, twelve soybean genotypes out of 382 tested were identified with varying levels of exclusion abilities. Soybean nodule occupancies and nodulation characteristics were influenced by plant genotype, environment (i.e. field or greenhouse), bradyrhizobial serogroup, and location of nodules (i.e. tap or lateral root). The cultivar Centennial sustains high seed yields even though it nodulates to a high degree with the inefficient serogroup USDA 31. In contrast, data from the released cultivars Braxton, Centennial and Coker 368 indicate that they may have been selected to exclude the inefficient serogroup USDA 76 from their tap root nodules, possibly contributing to high seed yield.  相似文献   

Seventeen translation products from Glycine max root mRNA precipitated with antiserum prepared against a peribacteroid membrane preparation from effective root nodules. Messenger RNA from fix + nodules coded for these 17 products plus 7 other nodule-specific polypeptides which bound to the antiserum. Of these 7 nodulins only 4 were present when nodules were infected with Bradyrhizobium japonicum 110 rif 15 2960, which induces the plant to produce empty peribacteroid membranes. In nodules infected with B. japonicum strains inducing either very short-lived or defective peribacteroid membrane, only 5 or 6, respectively, of these nodulins could be detected.From these results we hypothesize that the microsymbiont is responsible for the production of at least 4 different signals leading to peribacteriod membrane formation by the plant.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of planting density on soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) yield in glasshouse and field experiments. Because net canopy photosynthesis increases with increasing plant density, we hypothesized that increasing planting density would result in increasing rates of dinitrogen fixation in soybeans and higher yields per unit land area.In glasshouse studies, Wayne variety soybeans were planted in 10-cm diameter pots, 1 plant pot-1 in matrices of 10-, 15-, 20-, 25-, or 30-cm equidistant intervals. Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculum was added to half of the plants in each treatment. Replicate measurements of total stem height, internode lengths, leaf mass, stem mass, root mass, nodule number, nodule mass, and nitrogenase activity were obtained at 3, 6, and 9 weeks post-emergence. Fruits were harvested and counted at week 14. As planting density increased there were (1) altered morphology and growth rates, (2) increased apparent specific nodule activity (SNA), (3) decreased nodule number and mass, and (4) nearly constant fruit and seed production/plant. Expressed on a unit area basis, nitrogen influx and yield increased geometrically as planting density increased, with maximum values observed for 10-cm plantings.Field studies of Wayne, Stein, Williams, and Gold Harvest soybean varieties were made in 1985. Plots were established containing 100 plants spaced at 10-, 20-, and 30-cm distances. Measurements made during the growing season and at harvest established the same relative trends identified from the glasshouse studies. Increasing plant densities resulted in higher yields per unit land. Varietal differences were almost significant.  相似文献   

The nitrate reductase activity (NR) of selected uptake hydrogenase-positive (hup +) and uptake hydrogenase-negative (hup -) strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum were examined both in free-living cells and in symbioses with Glycine max L. (Marr.) cv. Williams. Bacteria were cultured in a defined medium containing either 10 mM glutamate or nitrate as the sole nitrogen source. Nodules and bacteriods were isolated from plants that were only N2-dependent or grown in the presence of 2 mM KNO3. Rates of activity in nodules were determined by an in vivo assay, and those of cultured cells and bacteriods were assayed after permeabilization of the cells with alkyltrimethyl ammonium bromide. All seven strains examined expressed NR activity as free-living cells and as symbiotic forms, regardless of the hup genotype of the strain used for inoculation. Although the presence of nitrate increased nitrate reduction by cultures cells and nodules, no differences in NR activity were observed between bacteroids isolated from nodules of plants fed with nitrate or grown on N2-fixation exclusively. Cultured cells, nodules and bacteriods of strains with hup - genotype (USDA 138, L-236, 3. 15B3 and PJ17) had higher rates of NR activity than those with hup + genotype (USDA 110, USDA 122 DES and CB1003). These results suggest that NR activity is reduced in the presence of a genetic determinant associated with the hup region of B. japonicum.Abbreviations EDTA ethylene-diamine tetraacetic acid - Hup hydrogen uptake - MOPS 3-(N-morpholino)-propane sulfonic acid - NR nitrate reductase - PVP polyvinyl-polypyrrolidone - Tris Tris(hydroxymethyl)-aminomethane  相似文献   

Four local rhizobia isolates selected after two screening experiments and five USDA Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains were estimated for N2 fixation in soybean using the 15N isotope dilution technique. Strain USDA 110 was superior to the local isolates in nodulation and N2 fixation when inoculated onto soybean cv TGX 1497-ID in a Nigerian soil and could therefore be used as an inoculant for enhanced N2 fixation in soybean in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Experiments were undertaken to determine the effect ofPseudomonas fluorescens on nodulation of soybean by two strains ofBradyrhizobium japonicum, USDA I-110 and 61A76.Pseudomonas fluorescens can enhance the nodulation ability ofB. japonicum. Preincubation ofB. japonicum withP. fluorescens before inoculation further increased the level of nodulation.  相似文献   

Nod factors (Lipo-chitooligosaccharides, or LCOs) act as bacteria-to-plant signal molecules that modulate early events of the Bradyrhizobium-soybean symbiosis. It is known that low root zone temperature inhibits the early stages of this symbiosis; however, the effect of low soil temperature on bacteria-to-plant signaling is largely uninvestigated. We evaluated the effect of low growth temperatures on the production kinetics of Nod factor (LCO) by B. japonicum. Two strains of B. japonicum, 532C and USDA110, were tested for ability to synthesize Nod Bj-V (C(18:1), MeFuc) at three growth temperatures (15, 17 and 28 degrees C). The greatest amounts of the major Nod factor, Nod Bj-V (C(18:1), MeFuc), were produced at 28 degrees C for both strains. At 17 and 15 degrees C, the Nod factor production efficiency, per cell, of B. japonicum 532C and USDA110 was markedly decreased with the lowest Nod factor concentration per cell occurring at 15 degrees C. Strain 532C was more efficient at Nod factor production per cell than strain USDA 110 at all growth temperatures. The biological activity of the extracted Nod factor was unaffected by culture temperature. This study constitutes the first demonstration of reduced Nod factor production efficiency (per cell production) under reduced temperatures, suggesting another way that lower temperatures inhibit establishment of the soybean N(2) fixing symbiosis.  相似文献   

In areas with a short growing season the poor adaptability of soybean [Glycine max Meer. (L.)] to cool soil conditions is considered the primary yield limiting factor. Soybean requires temperatures in the 25 to 30°C range for optimum N2-fixation and yield. Field studies were conducted in 1990 and 1991 at Montreal, Quebec to determine whether adaptability to cool soil conditions, with respect to earlier symbiosis establishment and function, existed among either Bradyrhizobium strains or soybean genotypes. An early maturing isoline of the soybean cultivar Evans and the cultivar Maple Arrow were inoculated with one of four strains isolated from the cold soils of Hakkaido, northern Japan, or the commercially used strains 532C or USDA110, at two planting dates. Plot biomass and nodulation were assessed at seedling (V2), and flowering(R2) growth stages and harvest maturity. Soybean genotypes did not differ for pre-flowering nodulation or N2-fixation in the cool spring conditions of the first year. Seasonal N2-fixation rates were also determined at the final harvest by the N-balance and 15N-isotope dilution methods. Significantly higher symbiotic activity was found for two of the four Hakkaido strains and was reflected in higher final soybean seed yield and total N2-fixation for the growing season, as compared to the two commercial strains. Planting 14 days earlier resulted in greater early vegetative and total seasonal N2 fixation and yield in the second year when soil temperatures were warmer, emphasizing the need for the development of soybean-Bradyrhizobium combinations superior in nodule development and function under cool soil conditions.  相似文献   

Four histidine auxotrophs of Bradyrhizobium japonicum strain USDA 122 were isolated by random transposon Tn5 mutagenesis. These mutants arose from different, single transposition events as shown by the comparison of EcoRI and XhoI-generated Tn5 flanking sequences of genomic DNA. The mutants grew on minimal medium supplemented with l-histidine or l-histidinol but failed to grow with l-histidinol phosphate. While two of the muants were symbiotically defective and did not form nodules on Glycine max cvs. Lee and Peking and on Glycine soja, the other two mutants were symbiotically competent. Reversion to prototrophy occurred at a frequency of about 10-7 on growth medium without added antibiotics, but prototrophs could not be isolated from growth medium containing 200 g/ml kanamycin and streptomycin. The prototrophic revertants formed nodules on all the soybean cultivars examined. When histidine was supplied to the plant growth medium, both nodulation deficient mutants formed effective symbioses. On histidine unamended plants, nodules were observed infrequently. Three classes of bacterial colonies were isolated from such infrequent nodules: class 1 were kanamycin resistant-auxotrophs; class 2 were kanamycin sensitive-prototrophs; and class 3 were kanamycin-sensitive auxotrophs. Our results suggest that two Tn5 insertion mutations in B. japonicum leading to histidine auxotrophy, affect nodulation in some way. These mutations are in regions that show no homology to the Rhizobium meliloti common nodulation genes.  相似文献   

It has been established that the hydrogenase from autotrophically cultured Bradyrhizobium japonicum contains selenium as a bound constituent. About 80% of the enzyme selenium remains bound during precipitation with 5% trichloroacetic acid (TCA). However, 85% of the selenium bound to the enzyme is released by a combined treatment of urea, heat and TCA. Neither selenomethionine nor selenocysteine could be detected on analysis of anaerobically hydrolyzed enzyme. These results are consistent with the report showing that the structural genes for this enzyme do not contain a TGA codon (Sayavedra-Soto et al. 1988) which has been reported to code for selenocysteine incorporation into several proteins (Chambers et al. 1986; Zinoni et al. 1986; Stadtman 1987). We have demonstrated that 75Se from the labeled hydrolyzed enzyme forms the derivative' selenodicysteine. The form of selenium resulting in the synthesis of this derivative apparently is SeO inf3 sup= or a compound such as Se= which is easily oxidized to SeO inf3 sup= . In a separate approach it was established that 12–16% of the total 75Se in the native enzyme reacted with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene indicating that this fraction was present as SeO inf3 sup= . The remaining 75Se was bound to the enzyme protein. From this research, we concluded that Se in Bradyrhizobium japonicum hydrogenase is present in a labile bound form. In this respect, this enzyme is similar to xanthine dehydrogenase and nicotinic acid hydroxylase, both of which contain labile Se constituents that have not been defined.Technical paper no. 8980 from the Oregon Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

Summary Physiological and symbiotic characteristics were identified in fast-growing (FG)Rhizobium japonicum. Carbon nutritional patterns linked these rhizobia to other FG rhizobia. They were able to use hexoses, pentoses, disaccharides, trioses, and organic acids for growth, but they were unable to use dulcitol or citrate. These rhizobia produced acid with all carbon sources except intermediates of the Krebs cycle. FGR. japonicum showed no vitamin requirements and were tolerant to 1% NaCl but not to 2%. They nodulated cowpea, pigeon pea, and mung bean but not peanut. Effective, nitrogen-fixing symbioses were observed only with cowpea and pigeon pea. In addition, FGR. japonicum formed effective symbioses with Asian-type soybeans. We concluded that although the physiological characteristics of FGR. japonicum were similar to other FG rhizobia, their symbiotic properties were similar to slow-growing rhizobia of the cowpea miscellany.  相似文献   

The distribution of nodules of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) cultivar Bragg and the supernodulating mutant derivative nts382 was examined on the primary root relative to the first emerging lateral root, and on laterals relative to the base of the roots of plants grown in sand-vermiculite. Mutant nts382 nodulates profusely even in the presence of nitrate and appears defective in a systemic autoregulatory response that regulates nodule number in soybean. Nodules were clustered on primary roots about the first 4 cm down from the first emerging lateral root in both genotypes. Nodulation profiles showed reduced nodulation in younger and older regions of the primary root. Similarly, nodules appeared clustered close to the base of the lateral roots. Decreasing inoculum dose shifted nodule emergence to younger regions of the primary root and to lateral roots emerging in younger portions of the primary root. Our results indicate that the supernodulating mutant is able to regulate nodule number in both primary and lateral roots in the particulate matrix.  相似文献   

The effects of inoculating soil with a water suspension of Bradyrhizobium japonicum (i) at seeding, (ii) 7, or (iii) 14 days after planting (DAP), (iv) seed slurry inoculation and (v) seed slurry supplemented with postemergence inoculation of a water suspension of Bradyrhizobium at 7 or (vi) 14 DAP, on nodulation, N2 fixation and yield of soybean (Glycine max. [L.] Merrill) were compared in the greenhouse. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to quantify N2 fixed at flowering, early pod filling and physiological maturity stages (36, 52 and 70 DAP, respectively). On average, the water suspension inoculation formed the greatest number of nodules, and seed plus postemergence inoculation formed slightly more nodules than the seed-only inoculated plants (27, 19 and 12 nodules/plant respectively at physiological maturity). Seed slurry inoculation followed by postemergence inoculation at 14 DAP gave the highest nodule weight, with the plants fixing significantly more (P<0.05) N2 (125 mg N plant−1 or 56% N) than any other treatment (mean, 75 mg plant−1 or 35% N). However, the higher N2 fixation was not translated into higher N or dry matter yields. Estimates of N2 fixed by the ostemergence Bradyrhizobium inoculations as well as plant yield were not significantly different from those of the seed slurry inoculation. Thus, delaying inoculation (e.g., by two weeks as in this study) did not reduce the symbiotic ability of soybean plants.  相似文献   

Selected symbiotic characteristics of fiveBradyrhizobium japonicum strains were assessed in association with ‘Ransom’ soybean plants (Glycine max [L.] Merr.). In the first of two greenhouse experiments, relative nodulation competitiveness of the strains was examined. Strains were grouped into pairs, and corresponding cells were applied to surface-disinfected seeds so as to provide seven ratios of cell numbers between the two strains. Tap root nodules were harvested 28 days after sowing and serotyped by means of an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Strains differed considerably in nodulation competitiveness, and these differences were successfully quantified using relationships previously proposed in the literature. A second experiment involved assessment of the reproducibility of this technique and characterization of the symbiotic response to single- and double-strain inocula. Differences in relative nodulating abilities of strains were apparent between experiments and were possibly related to observed variations in greenhouse temperatures. Plant shoot weight and total N content were not significantly correlated with nodule number or weight when evaluated across inoculation treatments, but these correlations were often significant within inoculation treatments. Certain double-strain inocula produced either positive or negative effects on shoot weight, N content, and nodulation, when compared with values predicted from corresponding controls receiving single-strain inocula. Paper No. 11741 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service, Raleigh, NC 27695-7643, USA.  相似文献   

Genomic DNA of 13 Bradyrhizobium japonicum strains was prepared and analysed by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) with nif and nod probes, and by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) with 11 primers of arbitrary nucleotide sequence. Polymorphism was observed in both analyses. The RFLP and RAPD banding patterns of different strains were used to calculate genetic divergence and to construct phylogenetic trees, allowing studies on the relationships between the strains. RFLP with nif and nod probes permitted the separation of the strains into two divergent groups, whereas RAPD separated them into four main groups. RAPD allowed closely related strains to be distinguished.  相似文献   

Kurdish  I. K.  Antonyuk  T. S.  Chuiko  N. V. 《Microbiology》2001,70(1):91-95
Dependence of motility and chemotaxis was studied in two strains of Bradyrhizobium japonicum upon several environmental factors. In both strains, chemotaxis was found to increase with an increasing concentration of the attractant (glucose) to 5.5 × 10–2 M. Both motility and chemotaxis reached their maximum in the two- to three-day cultures at neutral pH. The maximum motility of these bacteria occurred at 40°C. The maximum values of chemotaxis in these microorganisms were, however, observed at 20–25°C. Chemotaxis in acidic or alkaline media and at low temperatures was found to be markedly weaker. Nonoptimal values of these parameters in soil may be a limiting factor for the interaction of the given bacteria with soybean roots.  相似文献   

The exopolysaccharide (EPS) is an extracellular molecule that in Bradyrhizobium japonicum affects bacterial efficiency to nodulate soybean. Culture conditions such as N availability, type of C-source, or culture age can modify the amount and composition of EPS. To better understand the relationship among these conditions for EPS production, we analyzed their influence on EPS in B. japonicum USDA 110 and its derived mutant ΔP22. This mutant has a deletion including the 3′ region of exoP, exoT, and the 5′ region of exoB, and produces a shorter EPS devoid of galactose. The studies were carried out in minimal media with the N-source at starving or sufficient levels, and mannitol or malate as the only C-source. Under N-starvation there was a net EPS accumulation, the levels being similar in the wild type and the mutant with malate as the C-source. By contrast, the amount of EPS diminished in N-sufficient conditions, being poyhydroxybutyrate accumulated with culture age. Hexoses composition was the same in both N-situations, either with mannitol or malate as the only C-source, in contrast to previous observations made with different strains. This result suggests that the change in EPS composition in response to the environment is not general in B. japonicum. The wild type EPS composition was 1 glucose:0.5 galactose:0.5 galacturonic acid:0.17 mannose. In ΔP22 the EPS had no galactose but had galacturonic acid, thus indicating that it was not produced from oxidation of UDP-galactose. Infectivity was lower in ΔP22 than in USDA 110. When the mutant infectivity was compared between N-starved or N-sufficient cultures, the N-starved were not less infective, despite the fact that the amounts of altered EPS produced by this mutant under N-starvation were higher than in N-sufficiency. Since this altered EPS does not bind soybean lectin, the interaction of EPS with this protein was not involved in increasing ΔP22 infectivity under N-starvation.  相似文献   

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