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J. Neurochem. (2012) 122, 923-933. ABSTRACT: The pre-B?tzinger complex (pre-B?tC) in the ventrolateral medulla oblongata is critical for the generation of respiratory rhythm in mammals. Somatostatin (SST) and neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R) immunoreactivity have been used as markers of the pre-B?tC. SST immunoreactivity almost completely overlaps with small fusiform NK1R-immunoreactive (ir) neurons, the presumed rhythmogenic neurons, but not with large multipolar NK1R-ir neurons. Understanding the neurochemical characteristics, especially the synaptic relationship of SST/NK1R-ir neurons within the pre-B?tC network is essential in providing cellular and structural bases for understanding their physiological significance. This work has not been documented so far. We found that SST immunoreactivity was highly expressed in terminals, somas, and primary dendrites in the pre-B?tC. Besides the small fusiform neurons, a small population of medium-sized NK1R-ir neurons also colocalized with SST. Large NK1R-ir neurons were not SST-ir, but received somatostatinergic inputs. SST-ir terminals were glutamatergic or GABAergic, and synapsed with NK1R-ir neurons. Most of synapses between them were of the symmetric type, indicating their inhibitory nature. Asymmetric synapses were evident between SST-ir terminals and NK1R-ir dendrites, strongly suggesting an excitatory innervation from the presumed rhythmogenic neurons as these neurons are glutamatergic. We speculate that SST-mediated excitatory and inhibitory synaptic transmission onto NK1R-ir rhythmogenic and follower neurons synchronizes their activity to contribute to respiratory rhythmogenesis and control.  相似文献   

Developmental anomalies of central respiratory neural control contribute to newborn mortality and morbidity. Elucidation of the cellular, molecular, trophic, and genetic mechanisms involved in the formation and function of respiratory nuclei during prenatal development will provide a foundation for understanding pathologies. The pre-B?tzinger Complex (pre-B?tC) is a specific group of neurons located in the ventrolateral medulla that is critical for respiratory rhythmogenesis. Thus it has become a major focus of research. Here, we provide an overview of current knowledge regarding the anatomical and functional emergence of the rodent pre-B?tC during the prenatal period.  相似文献   

Respiratory neuronal network activity is thought to require efficient functioning of astrocytes. Here, we analyzed neuron-astrocyte communication in the pre-Bötzinger Complex (preBötC) of rhythmic slice preparations from neonatal mice. In astrocytes that exhibited rhythmic potassium fluxes and glutamate transporter currents, we did not find a translation of respiratory neuronal activity into phase-locked astroglial calcium signals. In up to 20% of astrocytes, 2-photon calcium imaging revealed spontaneous calcium fluctuations, although with no correlation to neuronal activity. Calcium signals could be elicited in preBötC astrocytes by metabotropic glutamate receptor activation or after inhibition of glial glutamate uptake. In the latter case, astrocyte calcium elevation preceded a surge of respiratory neuron discharge activity followed by network failure. We conclude that astrocytes do not exhibit respiratory-rhythmic calcium fluctuations when they are able to prevent synaptic glutamate accumulation. Calcium signaling is, however, observed when glutamate transport processes in astrocytes are suppressed or neuronal discharge activity is excessive.  相似文献   

There are many types of neurons that intrinsically generate rhythmic bursting activity, even when isolated, and these neurons underlie several specific motor behaviors. Rhythmic neurons that drive the inspiratory phase of respiration are located in the medullary pre-Bötzinger Complex (pre-BötC). However, it is not known if their rhythmic bursting is the result of intrinsic mechanisms or synaptic interactions. In many cases, for bursting to occur, the excitability of these neurons needs to be elevated. This excitation is provided in vitro (e.g. in slices), by increasing extracellular potassium concentration (K out ) well beyond physiologic levels. Elevated K out shifts the reversal potentials for all potassium currents including the potassium component of leakage to higher values. However, how an increase in K out , and the resultant changes in potassium currents, induce bursting activity, have yet to be established. Moreover, it is not known if the endogenous bursting induced in vitro is representative of neural behavior in vivo. Our modeling study examines the interplay between K out , excitability, and selected currents, as they relate to endogenous rhythmic bursting. Starting with a Hodgkin-Huxley formalization of a pre-BötC neuron, a potassium ion component was incorporated into the leakage current, and model behaviors were investigated at varying concentrations of K out . Our simulations show that endogenous bursting activity, evoked in vitro by elevation of K out , is the result of a specific relationship between the leakage and voltage-dependent, delayed rectifier potassium currents, which may not be observed at physiological levels of extracellular potassium.  相似文献   

The technique of horseradish peroxidase retrograde axonal transport and local electrical stimulation of the pre-Botzinger complex was used to study the connections between neurones of the bulbar respiratory nucleus and descending pathways from bulbar nuclei in the cat spinal cord. A possible role of the nuclei under study for rhythmogenesis of breathing and respiratory control, is discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of focal tissue acidosis in the pre-B?tzinger complex (pre-B?tC; the proposed locus of respiratory rhythm generation) on phrenic nerve discharge in chloralose-anesthetized, vagotomized, paralyzed, mechanically ventilated cats. Focal tissue acidosis was produced by unilateral microinjection of 10-20 nl of the carbonic anhydrase inhibitors acetazolamide (AZ; 50 microM) or methazolamide (MZ; 50 microM). Microinjection of AZ and MZ into 14 sites in the pre-B?tC reversibly increased the peak amplitude of integrated phrenic nerve discharge and, in some sites, produced augmented bursts (i.e., eupneic breath ending with a high-amplitude, short-duration burst). Microinjection of AZ and MZ into this region also reversibly increased the frequency of eupneic phrenic bursts in seven sites and produced premature bursts (i.e., doublets) in five sites. Phrenic nerve discharge increased within 5-15 min of microinjection of either agent; however, the time to the peak increase and the time to recovery were less with AZ than with MZ, consistent with the different pharmacological properties of AZ and MZ. In contrast to other CO(2)/H(+) brain stem respiratory chemosensitive sites demonstrated in vivo, which have only shown increases in amplitude of integrated phrenic nerve activity, focal tissue acidosis in the pre-B?tC increases frequency of phrenic bursts and produces premature (i.e., doublet) bursts. These data indicate that the pre-B?tC has the potential to play a role in the modulation of respiratory rhythm and pattern elicited by increased CO(2)/H(+) and lend additional support to the concept that the proposed locus for respiratory rhythm generation has intrinsic chemosensitivity.  相似文献   

The pre-B?tzinger complex (PBC) is postulated as the center of respiratory rhythmogenesis. Previously, we found a reduction or plateau of cytochrome oxidase (CO) activity in the PBC and other respiratory nuclei at postnatal days 3-4, despite a general increase of CO with age, suggesting a period of synaptic readjustment. The present study examined the expression of CO and a number of neurochemicals in the PBC at closer time intervals. At postnatal days 3-4 and, more prominently, at postnatal day 12, expression of CO, glutamate, and N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor subunit 1 was reduced, whereas expression of GABA, GABA(B) receptor, glycine receptor, and alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methylisoxazole-4-propionic acid receptor subunit 2 was increased. These findings are consistent with our hypothesis that decreased CO activity is associated with an increase in inhibitory drive (mediated by GABA and glycine, their receptors, and possibly blockage of Ca(2+) entry by glutamate receptor subunit 2) and a decrease in excitatory drive (mediated by glutamate and its receptors). Our findings point to two critical periods during postnatal development of the rat when their respiratory system may be more vulnerable to respiratory insults.  相似文献   

In adult anaesthetized rats the respiratory reactions to microinjections of GABA (10(-5) M) and baclofen (10(-6) M) into Botzinger complex (BC) and pre-Botzinger complex (PBC) were investigated. It was shown, that GABA microinjections into BC shortened inspiratory time and extended expiratory time while respiratory rate was not changed essentially, under this conditions the tidal volume and ventilation were increased. GABA microinjections into PBC significantly inhibited respiratory rhythm due to inspiratory and expiratory time prolongations and reduced tidal volume. The microinjections of baclofen into BC reduced expiration time and ventilation, and increased respiratory frequency whereas microinjections into PBC increased tidal volume without respiratory rate and expiratory time changes. It is suggested that the reactions observed demonstrate the various contribution of GABAergic mechanisms, including GABA(B)-receptors within BC and PBC, in control of respiratory pattern parameters.  相似文献   

Activity of neurons in the pre-Bötzinger complex within the mammalian brain stem has an important role in the generation of respiratory rhythms. Previous experimental results have shown that the dynamics of sodium and calcium within each cell may be responsible for various bursting mechanisms. In this paper, we study the bursting dynamics of the two-coupled pre-Bötzinger complex neurons. Using a combination of fast-slow decomposition and two-parameter bifurcation analysis, we explore the possible forms of dynamics that the model network can produce as well the transitions of in-phase and anti-phase bursting respectively.  相似文献   

Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is an acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacterium that can grow in the presence of either a weak reductant, Fe(2+), or reducing sulfur compounds that provide more energy for growth than Fe(2+). Here we first review the latest findings about the uphill electron transfer pathway established in iron-grown A. ferrooxidans, which has been found to involve a bc(1) complex. We then provide evidence that this bc(1) complex cannot function in the forward direction (exergonic reaction), even with an appropriate substrate. A search for the sequence of the three redox subunits of the A. ferrooxidans bc(1) complex (strain ATCC 19859) in the complete genome sequence of the A. ferrooxidans ATCC 23270 strain showed the existence of two different bc(1) complexes in A. ferrooxidans. Cytochrome b and Rieske protein sequence comparisons allowed us to point out some sequence particularities of these proteins in A. ferrooxidans. Lastly, we discuss the possible reasons for the existence of two different "classical" bc(1) complexes and put forward some suggestions as to what role these putative complexes may play in this acidophilic chemolithotrophic bacterium.  相似文献   

Cannabinoid receptors 1 (CB1Rs) play important roles in the regulation of dendritic branching, synapse density, and synaptic transmission through multiple G-protein-coupled signaling systems, including the activation of the extracellular signal-regulated kinases ERK1/2. The proximal signaling interactions leading to ERK1/2 activation by CB1R in CNS remain, however, unclear. Here, we present evidence that the CB1R agonist methanandamide induced a biphasic and sustained activation of ERK1/2 in primary neurons derived from E7 telencephalon. We show that E7 neurons natively express high levels of CB1R message and protein, the majority of which associates with PKC? at basal conditions. We now demonstrate that the first peak of ERK activation by CB1R was mediated by the sequential activation of G(q), PLC, and PKC?, selectively, and that the CB1R-activated PKC? acutely formed transient signaling modules containing activated Src and Fyn. A second pool of CB1Rs, coupled to PTX-sensitive activation of G(i/o), utilized as effectors additional Src and Fyn molecules to generate a second, additional wave of ERK activation at 15 min. Concurrently to these intermolecular signaling interactions, cytoskeleton-associated proteins MARCKS and p120catenin were drastically modified by phosphorylation of PKC and Src, respectively. These receptor-proximal signaling events correlated well with induction of neuritic outgrowth in the long term. Our data provide evidence for multiprotein signaling complex formation in the coupling of CB1R to activation of ERK in CNS neurons, and may elucidate several of the less understood acute effects of cannabinoid drugs.  相似文献   

The role of chloride in the manganese-containing oxygen-evolving complex of Photosystem II has been studied by observing the amplitude of the multiline EPR signal as a function of Cl concentration or when Cl is replaced by Br or F. The correlation of the multiline EPR signal intensity and O2 activity with the concentration of Cl shows that chloride is involved in oxygen evolution at the S2 or earlier S states, and that it is necessary for the production of an EPR-detectable S2 state. We have developed a new method for the preparation of subchloroplast PS II particles containing Br and F) and have used these particles for studying the EPR fine structure at high resolution. The fine structure shows a multiplet of 4–6 lines with 10–15 G spacing; at the resolution of our experiment there are no significant differences between the Cl-and Br-containing samples, suggesting that the halide is not a ligand of the EPR-active Mn. Various structural possibilities for the Mn complex, which would account for the observed fine structure of the multiline EPR spectrum are discussed.  相似文献   

 Reactivity studies of clusters that contain the MFe3S4 cores (M = Mo, V) with catecholate, multicarboxylate (or DMF) ligands coordinated to the Mo (or V) atoms, and Cl ligands coordinated to the Fe atoms have been carried out. These studies show the M/Fe/S single cubane clusters to be effective catalysts in the reduction of nitrogenase substrates such as hydrazine, acetylene and protons to give ammonia, ethylene and dihydrogen respectively. The same molecules do not activate or catalyze the reduction of dinitrogen. The results indicate that the observed catalyses are occurring at the Mo (V) sites by a process that, in the case of hydrazine, involves substrate protonation prior to reduction. The facile catalytic reduction of hydrazine by clusters that contain coordinatively saturated polycarboxylate-bound Mo atoms is rationalized in terms of a possible protonation/proton delivery function of the coordinated polycarboxylate ligands. The reactivity characteristics of the M/Fe/S clusters (structurally quite similar to the nitrogenase cofactor) have led to the suggestion that the Mo (V) atoms may be involved in the reduction of hydrazine in the later stages of dinitrogen reduction. Received and accepted: 21 August 1996  相似文献   

The mitochondrial bc1 complex catalyzes the oxidation of ubiquinol and the reduction of cytochrome (cyt) c coupled to a vectorial translocation of protons across the membrane. On the basis of the three-dimensional structures of the bc1 complex in the presence of the inhibitor stigmatellin, it was assumed that the substrate quinol binding involves the cyt b glutamate residue E272 and the histidine 181 on the Rieske protein. Although extensive mutagenesis of glutamate E272 has been carried out, different experimental results were recently obtained, and different conclusions were drawn to explain its role in the bifurcated electron/proton transfer at the QO site. This residue is not totally conserved during evolution. We show in this study that replacement of E272 with apolar residues proline and valine naturally present in some organisms did not abolish the bc1 activity, although it slowed down the kinetics of electron transfer. The Km value for the binding of the substrate quinol was not modified, and the EPR data showed that the quinone/quinol binding still occurred in the mutants. Binding of stigmatellin was retained; however, mutations E272P,V induced resistance toward the QO site inhibitor myxothiazol. The pH dependence of the bc1 activity was not modified in the absence of the glutamate E272. Our results suggest that this residue may not be involved in direct substrate binding or in its direct deprotonation. Revertants were selected from the respiratory deficient mutant E272P. The observed suppressor mutations introduced polar residues serine and threonine at position 272. The data lead us to suggest that E272 may be involved in a later step on the proton exit pathway via the interaction with a water molecule.  相似文献   

Rat liver peroxisomes contain in their matrix the alpha-subunit of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase complex. The identification of this protein in liver peroxisomes has been achieved by immunoelectron microscopy and subcellular fractionation. No beta-subunit of the mitochondrial F1-ATPase complex was detected in the peroxisomal fractions obtained in sucrose gradients or in Nycodenz pelletted peroxisomes. The consensus peroxisomal targeting sequence (Ala-Lys-Leu) is found at the carboxy terminus of the mature alpha-subunit from bovine heart and rat liver mitochondria. Due to the dual subcellular localization of the alpha-subunit and to the structural homologies that exist between this protein and molecular chaperones [(1990) Biol. Chem. 265, 7713-7716] it is suggested that the protein should perform another functional role(s) in both organelles, plus to its characteristic involvement in the regulation of mitochondrial ATPase activity.  相似文献   

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