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Genetic analysis of the psychomotor stimulant effect of ethanol   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Genetic influences on the psychomotor stimulant effect of ethanol may be a key feature of abuse liability. While earlier work has shown the activational effects of ethanol to be under the influence of a relatively uncomplicated additive genetic system, preliminary data from our laboratory suggested the possibility of nonadditive genetic variance. In the present study, a full Mendelian cross was conducted to further characterize gene action and search for quantitative trait loci (QTL) influencing the psychomotor stimulant properties of ethanol. We tested 3062 mice of the six Mendelian cross genotypes (P1, P2, F1, F2, BC1 and BC2) derived from a cross between the C57BL/6J (B6) and C3H/HeJ (C3H) inbred strains of mice. On day 1, mice were injected with saline, put in a holding cage for 5 min, then placed in an activity monitor for 5 min. On day 2, mice were injected with 1.5 g/kg ethanol, and activity again monitored for 5 min. Analysis showed the expected activation in the C3H strain and little activation in the B6 strain, with no effect of sex. Biometrical genetic analysis showed a best-fit model that included the mean (m), additive effect (a), and an epistatic parameter (i = homozygote by homozygote interaction). Analysis showed good evidence for QTL on chromosomes 1 (logarithm of odds (LOD) 3.4-7.5, 88-100 cM), 6 (LOD 9.1-10.4, 46-50 cM) and 15 (LOD 7.3-8.8, 28-32 cM). While the regions on chromosomes 1 and 6 have previously been implicated in several different ethanol-related phenotypes, this is the first report of a QTL influencing the psychomotor stimulant properties of ethanol on chromosome 15. Other studies have identified QTL in this region of chromosome 15 mediating locomotor activation caused by other psychostimulants, including cocaine, amphetamine and phencyclidine.  相似文献   

Using chromosome substitution strains (CSS), we previously identified a large quantitative trait locus (QTL) for conditioned fear (CF) on mouse chromosome 10. Here, we used an F2 cross between CSS‐10 and C57BL/6J (B6) to localize that QTL to distal chromosome 10. That QTL accounted for all the difference between CSS‐10 and B6. We then produced congenic strains to fine‐map that interval. We identified two congenic strains that captured some or all the QTL. The larger congenic strain (Line 1: 122.387121–129.068 Mb; build 37) appeared to account for all the difference between CSS‐10 and B6. The smaller congenic strain (Line 2: 127.277–129.068 Mb) was intermediate between CSS‐10 and B6. We used haplotype mapping followed by quantitative polymerase chain reaction to identify one gene that was differentially expressed in both lines relative to B6 (Rnf41) and one that was differentially expressed between only Line 1 and B6 (Shmt2). These cis‐eQTLs may cause the behavioral QTLs; however, further studies are required to validate these candidate genes. More generally, our observation that a large QTL mapped using CSS and F2 crosses can be dissected into multiple smaller QTLs shows a weaknesses of two‐stage approaches that seek to use coarse mapping to identify large regions followed by fine‐mapping. Indeed, additional dissection of these congenic strains might result in further subdivision of these QTL regions. Despite these limitations, we have successfully fine‐mapped two QTLs to small regions and identified putative candidate genes, showing that the congenic approach can be effective for fine‐mapping QTLs .  相似文献   

The different response to growth on serpentine soil is a major autecological difference between the annual asteracean species Microseris douglasii and M. bigelovii, with nearly non-overlapping distribution ranges in California. Early flowering and seed set is regarded as a crucial character contributing to escape drought and thus is strongly correlated with survival and reproductive success on serpentine as naturally toxic soil. M. bigelovii (strain C94) from non-serpentine soil produces more leaves at the expense of bud production in the first growing phase than M. douglasii (B14) from serpentine soil. A QTL mapping study for this trade-off and for other growth-related traits was performed after six generations of inbreeding (F7) from a single interspecific hybrid between B14 and C94 on plants that were grown on serpentine and alternatively on normal potting soil. The trade-off is mainly correlated with markers on one map region on linkage group 03a (lg03a) with major phenotypic effects (phenotypic variance explained [PVE] = 18.8 - 31.7 %). Plants with the M. douglasii allele in QTL-B1 (QTL-NL1) produce more buds but fewer leaves in the first 119 days on both soil types. Three modifier QTL could be mapped for bud and leaf production. In one modifier (QTL-B2 = QTL-NL4) the M. douglasii allele is again associated with more buds but fewer leaves. QTL mapped for bud set in the F6 co-localize with QTL-B1 (major QTL) and QTL-B3. Two additional QTL for leaf length and red coloration of leaves could be mapped to one map region on lg03a. Co-localization of the two QTL loci with major phenotypic effects on bud and leaf production strongly suggests that a major genetic locus controls the trade-off between the two adaptive traits. The importance of mutational changes in major genes for the adaptation to stressful environments is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: Where closely related plant species with basic and derived characters can be crossed and produce fertile offspring, the genetics of character evolution can be inferred from the segregation patterns in hybrid offspring. Three species of Micro-seris (Compositae) share a reduction from the usual 4 to 2 pollen sacs per anther by the suppression of the adaxial rnicrosporan-gia (MS), as a common derived character. These species can be crossed with a species with 4 MS. The segregation of MS numbers from such a hybrid was analysed by co-segregation with genetically mapped molecular markers (AFLPs). Five loci specifically affecting the MS number were found. The homozygous recessive genotype for a main gene is necessary but not sufficient to reduce MS numbers. Three of the four modifiers interact only in this homozygous recessive background to reduce the number to 2. This suggests that mutation of the main gene was followed by selection of the modifiers to stabilize the new phenotype. Since the plants are nearly completely self-fertilisirig in nature, the loss of two MS will not reduce reproductive success. The selection pressure needed to assemble such a complicated system for the complete absence of the two adaxial MS needs to be explained.  相似文献   

路明  周芳  谢传晓  李明顺  徐云碧  张世煌 《遗传》2007,29(9):1131-1138
为了增加单位面积产量, 玉米育种者已经开始了更密植更紧凑株型的选育。叶夹角和叶向值是评价玉米株型的重要指标。本研究以掖478×丹340的500个F2单株为作图群体, 构建了具有138个位点的SSR标记连锁图谱, 图谱总长度为1 394.9 cM, 平均间距10.1 cM。利用397个F2:3家系对叶夹角和叶向值进行QTL定位分析, 结果表明: 叶夹角和叶向值分别检测到6和8个QTL, 累计解释表型变异41.0%和60.8%, 单个QTL的贡献率在2.9%~13.6%之间。与叶夹角和叶向值有关的基因主要作用方式为加性和部分显性。此外两个性状共检测到9对上位性互作位点, 表明上位性互作在叶夹角和叶向值的遗传中也起较重要的作用。  相似文献   

The recent generation of a genetic linkage map for the saltwater crocodile (Crocodylus porosus) has now made it possible to carry out the systematic searches necessary for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting traits of economic, as well as evolutionary, importance in crocodilians. In this study, we conducted genome‐wide scans for two commercially important traits, inventory head length (which is highly correlated with growth rate) and number of scale rows (SR, a skin quality trait), for the existence of QTL in a commercial population of saltwater crocodiles at Darwin Crocodile Farm, Northern Territory, Australia. To account for the uncommonly large difference in sex‐specific recombination rates apparent in the saltwater crocodile, a duel mapping strategy was employed. This strategy employed a sib‐pair analysis to take advantage of our full‐sib pedigree structure, together with a half‐sib analysis to account for, and take advantage of, the large difference in sex‐specific recombination frequencies. Using these approaches, two putative QTL regions were identified for SR on linkage group 1 (LG1) at 36 cM, and on LG12 at 0 cM. The QTL identified in this investigation represent the first for a crocodilian and indeed for any non‐avian member of the Class Reptilia. Mapping of QTL is an important first step towards the identification of genes and causal mutations for commercially important traits and the development of selection tools for implementation in crocodile breeding programmes for the industry.  相似文献   

Kiwifruit (Actinidia spp) is a woody, perennial and deciduous vine. In this genus, there are multiple ploidy levels but the main cultivated cultivars are polyploid. Despite the availability of many genomic resources in kiwifruit, SNP genotyping is still a challenge given these different levels of polyploidy. Recent advances in SNP array technologies have offered a high-throughput genotyping platform for genome-wide DNA polymorphisms. In this study, we developed a high-density SNP genotyping array to facilitate genetic studies and breeding applications in kiwifruit. SNP discovery was performed by genome-wide DNA sequencing of 40 kiwifruit genotypes. The identified SNPs were stringently filtered for sequence quality, predicted conversion performance and distribution over the available Actinidia chinensis genome. A total of 134 729 unique SNPs were put on the array. The array was evaluated by genotyping 400 kiwifruit individuals. We performed a multidimensional scaling analysis to assess the diversity of kiwifruit germplasm, showing that the array was effective to distinguish kiwifruit accessions. Using a tetraploid F1 population, we constructed an integrated linkage map covering 3060.9 cM across 29 linkage groups and performed QTL analysis for the sex locus that has been identified on Linkage Group 3 (LG3) in Actinidia arguta. Finally, our dataset presented evidence of tetrasomic inheritance with partial preferential pairing in A. arguta. In conclusion, we developed and evaluated a 135K SNP genotyping array for kiwifruit. It has the advantage of a comprehensive design that can be an effective tool in genetic studies and breeding applications in this high-value crop.  相似文献   

TM-QTL is a quantitative trait locus (QTL) on ovine chromosome 18 (OAR18) known to affect loin muscling in Texel sheep. Previous work suggested that its mode of inheritance is consistent with paternal polar overdominance, but this has yet to be formally demonstrated. This study used purebred Texel sheep segregating for TM-QTL to confirm its presence in the chromosomal region in which it was first reported and to determine its pattern of inheritance. To do so, this study used the first available data from a Texel flock, which included homozygote TM-QTL carriers (TM/TM; n=34) in addition to homozygote non-carriers (+/+; n=40 and, heterozygote TM-QTL-carriers inheriting TM-QTL from their sire (TM/+; n=53) or their dam (+/TM; n=17). Phenotypes included a wide range of loin muscling, carcass composition and tissue distribution traits. The presence of a QTL affecting ultrasound muscle depth on OAR18 was confirmed with a paternal QTL effect ranging from +0.54 to +2.82 mm UMD (s.e. 0.37 to 0.57 mm) across the sires segregating for TM-QTL. Loin muscle width, depth and area, loin muscle volume and dissected M. longissimus lumborum weight were significantly greater for TM/+ than +/+ lambs (+2.9% to +7.9%; P<0.05). There was significant evidence that the effect of TM-QTL on the various loin muscling traits measured was paternally polar overdominant (P<0.05). In contrast, there was an additive effect of TM-QTL on both live weight at 20 weeks and carcass weight; TM/TM animals were significantly (P<0.05) heavier than +/+ (+11.1% and +7.3%, respectively) and +/TM animals (+11.9% and +11.7%, respectively), with TM/+ intermediate. Weights of the leg, saddle and shoulder region (corrected for carcass weight) were similar in the genotypic groups. There was a tendency for lambs inheriting TM-QTL from their sire to be less fat with slightly more muscle than non-carriers. For example, carcass muscle weight measured by live animal CT-scanning was 2.8% higher in TM/TM than +/+ lambs (P<0.05), carcass muscle weight measured by carcass CT-scanning was 1.36% higher in TM/+ than +/+ lambs (P<0.05), and weight of fat trimmed from the carcass cuts was significantly lower for TM/+ than +/+ lambs (−11.2%; P<0.05). No negative effects of TM-QTL on carcass traits were found. Optimal commercial use of TM-QTL within the sheep industry would require some consideration, due to the apparently different mode of action of the two main effects of TM-QTL (on growth and muscling).  相似文献   

Genetic dissection of a major Fusarium head blight QTL in tetraploid wheat   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
The devastating effect of Fusarium head blight (FHB) caused by Fusarium graminearum has led to significant financial losses across the Upper Midwest of the USA. These losses have spurred the need for research in biological, chemical, and genetic control methods for this disease. To date, most of the research on FHB resistance has concentrated on hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) lines originating from China. Other sources of resistance to FHB would be desirable. One other source of resistance for both hexaploid wheat and tetraploid durum wheat (T. turgidum L. var. durum) is the wild tetraploid, T. turgidum L. var. dicoccoides (T. dicoccoides). Previous analysis of the `Langdon'-T. dicoccoides chromosome substitution lines, LDN(Dic), indicated that the chromosome 3A substitution line expresses moderate levels of resistance to FHB. LDN(Dic-3A) recombinant inbred chromosome lines (RICL) were used to generate a linkage map of chromosome 3A with 19 molecular markers spanning a distance of 155.2 cM. The individual RICL and controls were screened for their FHB phenotype in two greenhouse seasons. Analysis of 83 RICL identified a single major quantitative trait locus, Qfhs.ndsu-3AS, that explains 37% of the phenotypic or 55% of the genetic variation for FHB resistance. A microsatellite locus, Xgwm2, is tightly linked to the highest point of the QTL peak. A region of the LDN (Dic-3A) chromosome associated with the QTL for FHB resistance encompasses a 29.3 cM region from Xmwg14 to Xbcd828.  相似文献   

利用以栽培稻9311为受体、普通野生稻为供体的染色体单片段置换系CSSL182,检测到一个与粒宽相关的QTL。CSSL182与受体亲本9311粒型性状差异显著,且只在8号染色体有一个野生稻导入片段。构建CSSL182/9311的F2次级分离群体,将粒宽QTL初定位在8号染色体的标记RM447和RM264之间,贡献率达22.49,将该QTL命名为qGW8。随后进一步设计区间内多态性分子标记引物,检测F2群体的2000株分离个体以及F2:3群体交换单株,结合后代表型验证,最终将qGW8精细定位到8号染色体10kb区间内。该区间内含有3个候选基因,基因测序发现这3个基因在双亲之间均含有丰富的变异。对双亲籽粒颖壳细胞电镜扫描观察发现,CSSL182的颖壳细胞宽度比9311减少16.7%。这一结果表明qGW8中来自野生稻的等位基因通过改变颖壳细胞形状影响粒型。  相似文献   

Ovulation rate (OR) is an important component of litter size, but mutation(s) in gene(s) underlying OR QTL have yet to be identified in pigs. Markers within an OR QTL on SSC3 were genotyped in three white composite lines selected for ten generations for increased OR or uterine capacity (UC), with one line being an unselected control. Numbers of corpora lutea (CL) and UC (number of fully formed fetuses) were collected at approximately 105 days of gestation, as well as ovary weight (OW), uterine length (UL) and uterine weight (UW) measurements at 160 d of age in generation 12 and 13 females from all three lines. Six microsatellites and ten single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs; 0–42 cM) were genotyped in pigs from all lines of generations 11 through 13. The allele frequencies of 24269.1, SW2429, 7907.2 and 7637.2 were different (P < 0.01) in the OR line compared to the control line. A significant (P < 0.05) association of CL with 24269.1 (additive effect 0.65 ± 0.32) was detected, and additive genotypic effects approached significance for markers at 28 through 35 cM (16963.2, 27514.1 and SWR1637). Haplotyping of 7637.2 and 16963.2 (31 through 32 cM) identified a significant additive association of haplotype 1 with CL (?0.62 ± 0.30). These markers were also associated with OW (24296.1 and SWR1637), UL (16963.2, 27514.1 and haplotypes of 7637.2/16963.2) and UW (haplotypes of 7637.2/16963.2). This study verifies an OR QTL on SSC3. However, based on the data, it was concluded that there may be two genes, at 13 through 18 cM and 28 through 35 cM, controlling OR on SSC3p.  相似文献   

利用重组自交系群体检测水稻条纹叶枯病抗性基因及QTL分析   总被引:32,自引:0,他引:32  
利用81个株系组成的Kinmaze(japonica)/DV85(indica)重组自交系(recombinant inbred lines,RIL)群体,采用苗期强迫饲毒的鉴定方法,以病情指数作为条纹叶枯病的表型值,鉴定亲本及81个RILs对水稻抗条纹叶枯病毒(rice stripe virus,RSV)的抗性。利用QTL Cartographer软件,对水稻条纹叶枯病抗性基因进行检测分析。检测到3个QTL位点:qStv1、qStv7、qStv11分别位于第1、7、11染色体上,各QTL的LOD值为2.44~3.83,贡献率为19.8%~30.9%。根据抗性基因加性效应的方向,在qStv7、qStv11位点上,亲本DV85存在抗条纹叶枯病增效基因,Kinmaze具有抗条纹叶枯病减效基因,而qStv1位点抗性基因效应来源正好相反。  相似文献   

QTL mapping of domestication-related traits in soybean (Glycine max)   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Liu B  Fujita T  Yan ZH  Sakamoto S  Xu D  Abe J 《Annals of botany》2007,100(5):1027-1038
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Understanding the genetic basis underlying domestication-related traits (DRTs) is important in order to use wild germplasm efficiently for improving yield, stress tolerance and quality of crops. This study was conducted to characterize the genetic basis of DRTs in soybean (Glycine max) using quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping. METHODS: A population of 96 recombinant inbred lines derived from a cultivated (ssp. max) x wild (ssp. soja) cross was used for mapping and QTL analysis. Nine DRTs were examined in 2004 and 2005. A linkage map was constructed with 282 markers by the Kosambi function, and the QTL was detected by composite interval mapping. KEY RESULTS: The early flowering and determinate habit derived from the max parent were each controlled by one major QTL, corresponding to the major genes for maturity (e1) and determinate habit (dt1), respectively. There were only one or two significant QTLs for twinning habit, pod dehiscence, seed weight and hard seededness, which each accounted for approx. 20-50 % of the total variance. A comparison with the QTLs detected previously indicated that in pod dehiscence and hard seededness, at least one major QTL was common across different crosses, whereas no such consistent QTL existed for seed weight. CONCLUSIONS: Most of the DRTs in soybeans were conditioned by one or two major QTLs and a number of genotype-dependent minor QTLs. The common major QTLs identified in pod dehiscence and hard seededness may have been key loci in the domestication of soybean. The evolutionary changes toward larger seed may have occurred through the accumulation of minor changes at many QTLs. Since the major QTLs for DRTs were scattered across only six of the 20 linkage groups, and since the QTLs were not clustered, introgression of useful genes from wild to cultivated soybeans can be carried out without large obstacles.  相似文献   

The construction of linkage map is both a funda-mental research area and an important aspect of gene analyses in genetics. It provides the guidelines for breeding. A sound linkage map is also necessary for further genetic analysis. In recent years, great and rapid progress has been made in molecular biology, which enables fingerprinting of organisms at the ge-nomic level. Many molecular marker techniques have been well established. Heartening progress has been made in many organisms in the co…  相似文献   

Prepulse inhibition (PPI) of the startle response is a psychophysiological measure of sensorimotor gating believed to be cross-modal between different sensory systems.We analyzed the tactile startle response (TSR) and PPI of TSR (tPPD,using light as a prepulse stimulus,in the mouse strains A/J and C57BL/6J and 36 recombinant congenic strains derived from them.Parental strains were significantly different for TSR,but were comparable for tPPI.Among the congenic strains,variation for TSR was significant in both genetic backgrounds,but that of tPPI was significant only for the C57BL/6J background.Provisional mapping for loci modulating TSR and tPPI was carded out.Using mapping data from our previous study on acoustic startle responses (ASR) and PPI of ASR (aPPI),no common markers for aPPI and tPPI were identified.However,some markers were significantly associated with both ASR and TSIL at least in one genetic background.These results indicate cross-modal genetic regulation for the startle response but not for PPI,in these mouse strains.  相似文献   

Downy mildew caused by the fungus Peronospora parisitica is a serious threat to members of the Brassicaceae family. Annually, a substantial loss of yield is caused by the widespread presence of this disease in warm and humid climates. The aim of this study was to localize the genetic factors affecting downy mildew resistance in Chinese cabbage (Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis). To achieve this goal, we improved a preexisting genetic map of a doubled-haploid population derived from a cross between two diverse Chinese cabbage lines, 91-112 and T12-19, via microspore culture. Microsatellite simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers, isozyme markers, sequence-related amplified polymorphism markers, sequence-characterized amplified region markers and sequence-tagged-site markers were integrated into the previously published map to construct a composite Chinese cabbage map. In this way, the identities of linkage groups corresponding to the Brassica A genome reference map were established. The new map contains 519 markers and covers a total length of 1,070 cM, with an average distance between markers of 2.06 cM. All markers were designated as A1–A10 through alignment and orientation using 55 markers anchored to previously published B. rapa or B. napus reference maps. Of the 89 SSR markers mapped, 15 were newly developed from express sequence tags in Genbank. The phenotypic assay indicated that a single major gene controls seedling resistance to downy mildew, and that a major QTL was detected on linkage group A8 by both interval and MQM mapping methods. The RAPD marker K14-1030 and isozyme marker PGM flanked this major QTL in a region spanning 2.9 cM, and the SSR marker Ol12G04 was linked to this QTL by a distance of 4.36 cM. This study identified a potential chromosomal segment and tightly linked markers for use in marker-assisted selection to improve downy mildew resistance in Chinese cabbage.  相似文献   

Natural Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast strains exhibit very large genotypic and phenotypic diversity. However, the link between phenotype variation and genetic determinism is still difficult to identify, especially in wild populations. Using genome hybridization on DNA microarrays, it is now possible to identify single-feature polymorphisms among divergent yeast strains. This tool offers the possibility of applying quantitative genetics to wild yeast strains. In this instance, we studied the genetic basis for variations in acetic acid production using progeny derived from two strains from grape must isolates. The trait was quantified during alcoholic fermentation of the two strains and 108 segregants derived from their crossing. A genetic map of 2212 markers was generated using oligonucleotide microarrays, and a major quantitative trait locus (QTL) was mapped with high significance. Further investigations showed that this QTL was due to a nonsynonymous single-nucleotide polymorphism that targeted the catalytic core of asparaginase type I (ASP1) and abolished its activity. This QTL was only effective when asparagine was used as a major nitrogen source. Our results link nitrogen assimilation and CO(2) production rate to acetic acid production, as well as, on a broader scale, illustrating the specific problem of quantitative genetics when working with nonlaboratory microorganisms.  相似文献   

Interval mapping was carried out to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for milk production traits in five granddaughter design families of the German Holstein population. Fourteen randomly generated markers spanning the whole of BTA6 and six targeted microsatellite markers from BTA6q21-31 were included in the analysis. In one family a QTL with effects on milk fat yield and milk protein yield was mapped to the interval TGLA37-FBN13 (3 CM proximal to FBN13, lodscore 3.22) in the middle part of the chromosome. Although there are several reports about QTL with effects on milk production traits on BTA6 in the literature, a QTL with effects on milk fat and milk protein yield has not been previously described.  相似文献   

A full-length cDNA clone, pmSAP3, encoding the serum P component (SAP), has been used to search for DNA fragment length variation among mouse strains previously analyzed for differences in endogenous SAP levels. Three alleles were found usingEcoRI-digested DNA. The finding of a single 5.4-kb fragment, alleled, in DNA from DBA/2J mice suggests the presence of a singleSap locus. Segregation of DNA fragment associated withSap b andSap d alleles was analyzed in three sets of recombinant inbred (RI) strains. The strain distribution pattern found for theSap alleles was identical to that of alleles ofLy-9 in 43 individual RI strains, suggesting tight linkage withLy-9 on mouse chromosome 1. In the BXD RI strains, the SDP of theSap locus, defined by the difference in the endogenous SAP level, is also identical to the SDP of the DNA fragments. We propose to redesignate theSap locus to include both the structural element defined by the DNA polymorphism and the regulatory element involved in the regulation of SAP synthesis. TheSap locus is the major genetic element contributing to the regulation of SAP production. Other genetic factors are also involved, as shown by the presence of nonparental phenotypes in the individual BXH RI strains. This study was performed through special Coordination Funds of the Science and Technology Agency of the Japanese Government and PHS Grant GM24464 to R.W.E.  相似文献   

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