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从香蕉胚性细胞悬浮系获得再生植株   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
2个主栽香蕉品种的未成熟雄花诱导产生的胚性愈伤组织接种至液体培养基中,经3~4个月的继代培养后长成质地均匀的胚性细胞悬浮系(ECS),悬浮系中60%~80%是胚性细胞团.ECS接种至体胚再生培养基上约4~5周后开始出现再生体胚,萌发的体胚以MS培养基培养后可获得再生植株.  相似文献   

为了获得含人14号染色体的DT40细胞,用于人抗体基因的表达研究.本研究利用微细胞介导的染色体转移技术,将A9细胞中的人14号染色体转移至DT40细胞中.首先,摸索秋水仙胺诱导A9细胞微核形成最佳浓度与最佳时间,以终浓度为10 mg/mL的细胞松驰素B破坏细胞骨架,离心分离微细胞,获得的微细胞依次经8μm、5μm、3μm滤膜过滤后与受体细胞DT40融合,细胞铺板后加入G418筛选.然后,对长出的抗性克隆进行基因组DNA检测及FISH杂交,分析人14号染色体在DT40杂合细胞克隆中的存在情况.结果显示,成功获得含人14号染色体的DT40(#14)细胞,三轮试验共获得抗性克隆30个,人14号染色体有效转移率为1×10-6.实验结果表明,人14号染色体完整的自A9细胞转移至DT40细胞,获得的DT40(#14)细胞可用于制备含人抗体基因的人类人工染色体,用于人抗体基因的表达研究.  相似文献   

以香果树(Emmenopterys henry,)未成熟种子为试材,探讨不同的接种量、基本培养基、糖浓度及植物生长调节物质等对体细胞胚胎生长的影响,建立稳定的香果树胚性细胞悬浮培养与植株再生体系。结果表明:悬浮培养条件下,最适接种量为2%(鲜重):较适合的基本培养基为MS;蔗糖浓度为1%时容易使球形胚聚合体愈伤化,浓度为3%和6%适合球形胚聚合体增殖。浓度为9%则容易使球形胚聚合体褐化:添加0.5mg·L^-1 6-BA和0.5mg·L^-1NAA的MS液体培养基,当初始蔗糖浓度为3%。然后逐步提高到6%则有利于香果树各个发育阶段的同步化;子叶胚转到不含任何植物生长调节物质的MS固体培养基中可以长成正常植株。  相似文献   

本研究以羊草(L eym us ch inensis)与灰色赖草(L eym us cinereus)杂种F1代幼穗为外植体诱导愈伤组织,在3.0 m g/L 2,4-D M S培养基上继代1次后,转入不同浓度激素(2,4-D、IAA、KT)配比和不同浓度蔗糖的M S液体培养基进行振荡培养,建立杂种F1代细胞悬浮系和植株再生体系.结果表明,细胞悬浮培养时,M S 1.0 m g/L2,4-D 0.1 m g/L KT 4%蔗糖的液体培养基最佳;悬浮细胞分化时,1.0 m g/L 2,4-D 0.1 m g/L KT 4%蔗糖 M S和1.0 m g/L 2,4-D 4%蔗糖 M S培养的悬浮细胞在1.0 m g/L NAA 0.5 m g/L KT M S分化培养基上的绿苗分化率分别达到83%和80%.细胞悬浮系及再生体系的建立为杂种F1代育性恢复的研究奠定了基础.  相似文献   

影响茎用芥菜愈伤组织诱导和植株再生的因素   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
茎用芥菜子叶培养在MS 0.25 mg·L-1NAA 0.5 mg·L-16-BA 0.25 mg·L-12,4-D培养基上,可获得较高质量的愈伤组织.愈伤组织培养在MS 1~1 mg·L-16-BA 0.2 mg·L-1NAA培养基上分化频率为8.3%,而在加有羧苄青霉素和头孢霉素的培养基上,最高分化频率可达52.4%.将获得的再生植株转移到1/2MS 0.1 mg·L-1 NAA的生根培养基中,可获得完整植株.  相似文献   

A culture of callus cells has been developed from a transgenicline of tobacco which contains an introduced phyA-cDNA encodingphytochrome A. Suspension cultures of the cells were shown toaccumulate a significant immunodetectable level of the heterologousphytochrome, but not of the native phyA-gene product. The red-irradiatedform (Pfr) of the heterologous phytochrome was specificallydegraded in vivo, and the red-irradiated (Pfr) and far-red-irradiated(Pr) forms demonstrated different patterns of in vitro proteolyticcleavage. These results strongly suggested that the phytochromeapoprotein was associated with a chromophore moiety which mediatedred/far-red sensitive conformational changes of the molecule.Exogenous application of 4-amino-5-hexynoic acid (AHA) to thetransgenic suspension cultures resulted in the accumulationof a population of phytochrome which was stable under red lightand gave identical patterns of in vitro digestion in the redand far-red irradiated forms, i.e. the spectral activity ofphytochrome was inhibited. Application of exogenous 5-aminolevulinicacid (ALA) or biliverdin overcame the inhibitory effects ofAHA to restore spectral sensitivity of the phytochrome pool.These results are consistent with the proposed pathway of phytochromechromophore biosynthesis in intact plant systems. Thus, thetransgenic suspension cultures provided a single-cell systemin which spectrally-active phytochrome, apparently indistinguishablefrom the native phytochrome synthesized in etiolated seedlings,was accumulated. Photoregulation of expression of the genesencoding the small subunit of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylaseand chlorophyll a/b binding proteins demonstrated that the heterologousphytochrome population mediated rapid changes in gene expressionin the de-differentiated cells. It is therefore proposed thatsuch a suspension culture of transgenic cells offers a modelsystem for the study of phytochrome function. Key words: Cell cultures, transgenic tobacco, phytochrome, oat-phy A-cDNA, gene expression  相似文献   

Expression of the Human Milk Protein sCD14 in Tobacco Plant Cell Culture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The human milk protein sCD14 was expressed in tobacco plant cell cultures. Tobacco cells were transformed with a modified cd14 cDNA minus the GPI-tail and either the native human signal peptide (SP) or a plant SP, under the control of the CaMV-35S promoter. Transformants were screened using PCR and Southern blot analysis. The functionality of the inserted cDNA was checked by northern blot analysis for the presence of recombinant sCD14 mRNA. The detection of the protein has been observed by western blot analysis at an estimated level of 5 μg l−1 in a non-soluble fraction of the culture medium.  相似文献   

重组人BMP-2在烟草不同组织中的表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骨形态发生蛋白(BMPs)是一类调节骨组织发育的生长因子。BMP-2是BMP家族中诱骨活性最强的。在骨组织工程研究和临床应用中需要大量的BMP-2。因此,研究出一种能够有效地大量生产BMP-2的方法是十分必要的。随着植物分子生物学的进展,转基因植物被用作一种生物反应器来生产目的蛋白。以gus作为报告基因,研究了重组人bmp-2基因在烟草中的表达。通过GUS活性检测、半定量PCR和Western blotting分析了根、茎、叶组织中基因表达的水平,结果显示融合蛋白在根和茎组织中表达量显著高于叶组织。由于根和茎组织中蛋白组成与叶组织相比相对简单,提示其更易于进行目的蛋白的纯化。  相似文献   

Summary By use of a method for regenerating wheat plants (Triticum aestivum L.) from cells from long-term suspension culture, the chromosome complement and stability of cultured cells of cv. Mustang were examined. Massive chromosome restructuring and genomic rearrangements were detected by HCl−KOH-Giemsa banding techniques. Chromosome structural variations involved mainly heterochromatin and centromeric regions. These included B genome chromosome elimination; heterochromatin amplification; megachromosomes and extrachromosomal DNA particles; translocations and deletions; telocentric, dicentric, and multicentric chromosomes; and somatic pairing and crossing over. At least 65 break-fusion sites were identified. Most of the sites were located in the B genome chromosomes (42 sites, 64.6%); 36.9% (20 sites) were located in the A genome chromosomes; and the fewest (3 sites, 4.6%) were detected in the D genome. Most of the chromosome break-fusion is in the heterochromatin and centromeric regions. The B genome chromosomes appeared to be eliminated nonrandomly, and the stability of the genome may vary among the genotypes and depend on culture duration. We also checked chromosome number of 1-year-old shoot-competent cells. Only 20% of the cells still had 2n=42 chromosomes. Most of the cells (60%) were hyperploid. These observed variations describe the types of tissue-culture-induced variations and suggest the unsuitability of using wheat cells from long-term cultures for genetic transformation experiments.  相似文献   

金属硫蛋白有α、β两个结构域(dom ain),其中α结构域优先结合Cd2+ 和Hg2+ .小鼠αα突变体在大肠杆菌中已经构建并得到表达,其转基因植株已得到,可在Cd300(300 μm ol/L)中生长.为了进一步提高外源基因在烟草中的表达量,首先用PCR 的方法设计引物,在基因翻译起始密码子ATG 附近加入植物偏爱的碱基组合AACAATG.另外,将该突变体基因插入具有双35 S(CaMV35S)强启动子的植物双元表达载体pGPTVd35S-BAR中,获得了带有αα突变体的植物双元表达载体.通过农杆菌介导的叶盘转化法转化烟草NC89,获得了抗除草剂的转基因植株.经PCR-Southern 和蛋白Dot-blotting 检测,证明了αα突变体在烟草中的嵌合与表达.抗重金属实验证明转基因烟草可以在Cd400(400 μm ol/L)中生长.  相似文献   

三叶半夏悬浮培养下的体细胞胚胎发生及植株再生   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用三叶半夏幼嫩叶片诱导产生的胚性愈伤组织建立了胚性细胞悬浮系,研究了悬浮培养下体细胞胚胎的发生及植株的再生。结果表明,胚性悬浮细胞在附加1.0mg/L2,4-D、0.2 mg/LBA和300mg/L LH的MS液体培养基中产生大量的球形胚,转入液体分化培养基(MS 0.1 mg/LNAA 0.2 mg/L BA 300 mg/L LH)中进一步发育成心形胚、鱼雷形胚和子叶形胚。收集成熟胚转移到MS固体分化培养基上培养获得了再生植株。另外还观察到某些成熟胚上产生了许多次生胚。  相似文献   

贡蕉胚性细胞悬浮系的建立和植株再生   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
鲜食蕉品种的高度不育性和多倍性制约了用传统育种方法培育生产实践中所需的新品种 ,建立稳定的胚性细胞悬浮系是香蕉生物技术育种的前提。以目前国内尚未建立该体系的鲜食蕉品种贡蕉 (AA)未成熟雄花序的第 1~ 15位花梳为外植体 ,对胚性细胞悬浮系的建立和植株再生体系进行了优化。结果表明 ,5~ 6个月的培养后可获得分生小球体和浅黄色、松散易碎的胚性愈伤组织。 9μmol/L 2,4 D对外植体愈伤组织的诱导效果最好 ,诱导率为 40.96 % ,胚性愈伤组织诱导率可达7.45 % ,其中5.79%的胚性愈伤组织来源于第 6~12号位置的花梳。胚性愈伤组织悬浮培养后 ,通过 3个月的筛选和继代培养 ,可得到均质的胚性细胞悬浮系。该培养体系合适继代周期为 15d ,继代时合适的起始接种量为每 30mL培养基加 2mLPCVECS。培养 6个月的胚性细胞在体细胞胚诱导培养基中培养15d后可见到白色半透明体细胞胚的发生 ,体细胞胚诱导率为 2 80× 103个 mLPCV。成熟体细胞胚的萌发率为 17 2 8% ,其中发育成正常的再生植株的百分率为 14 16 %。  相似文献   

The bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) are a family of growth factors that regulate the development of bone. BMP-2 is the most effective in the induction of bone tissue. A large amount of BMP-2 is needed for both bone tissue engineering research and clinical application. Thus, an effective way is necessary to produce sufficient BMP-2 protein. With the advance in plant biotechnology, transgenic plants have been targeted as a bioreactor to produce desired recombinant proteins. Here, the expression of recombinant human bmp-2 gene (rhbmp-2) was studied in tobacco plants using gus as a reporter gene. The difference of expression levels in root, stem and leaf tissues was analyzed by GUS activity assay, semi-quantitive RT-PCR and western blotting. The results indicated that the expression levels of fusion protein in root and stem tissues were significantly higher than those in leaf tissue. For the protein compositions in root and stem tissues were simpler than those in leaf tissue, this suggested that the purification process with root and stem tissues would potentially be easier.  相似文献   

人乳铁蛋白基因在烟草中的表达及抗细菌与病毒的能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
从人血液中性白细胞中分离细胞总RNA,用oligo(dT) 为引物进行cDNA 第1 条链合成,再用乳铁蛋白cDNA 的特异性引物进行聚合酶链反应(PCR) ,分两段合成并拼成完整的乳铁蛋白cDNA。核苷酸序列测定证明,该cDNA 所编码的氨基酸与前人论证的人乳铁蛋白的氨基酸序列完全一致。将该cDNA 构建成植物表达载体p35ShLFc,经根癌农杆菌LBA4404 感染烟草叶盘,获得具有卡那霉素抗性的烟草植株,PCR检测和Southern杂交表明,人乳铁蛋白基因已整合到烟草基因组中。Northern 杂交与Western 免疫印迹分析,检测到人乳铁蛋白基因在转化烟草中表达。体外实验证明,人乳铁蛋白基因在烟草中的表达产物对植物致病菌烟草火叶病菌、水稻白叶枯病菌有一定抑制作用  相似文献   

在转瓶和2L搅拌反应器中,利用重组杆状病毒AcNPV感染sf9昆虫细胞表达尿激酶原。在转瓶中,细胞接毒密度12×106/mL、MOI=30时,尿激酶原活性达到1065IU/mL。研究了尿激酶原表达过程中葡萄糖、乳酸的代谢变化。实验结果表明细胞状态对尿激酶原的表达水平有显著影响。  相似文献   

重组[B18Ile]人胰岛素的鉴定和特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
突变体「B18Ile」猪胰岛素前体经分离纯化,转肽,得到重组「B18Ile」人胰素「B18Ile」人胰岛素能结晶,其与受体的结合能力为猪胰岛素的82%,保留了与猪胰岛素基本相同的体内活力,从本文结果和分析表明B18Val可能不是胰岛素表现生物功能所必需的。  相似文献   

应用SIXS-PAGE技术对榨菜(Brassica juncea Coss.vat.tumida Tsen et Lee)胞质雄性不育系(CMS)和保持系(MF)不同发育时期(苗期、抽薹期、盛花期)的线粒体和叶绿体多肽进行了比较研究.结果表明:线粒体方面,各发育时期不育系比保持系多1条约37kD多肽带,另1条约35kD多肽仅出现于CMS盛花期的线粒体中,叶绿体方面,各发育时期保持系55kD多肽的表达量明显高于不育系叶绿体,其与Rubis CO大亚基分子量吻合。此外,还对植物胞质雄性不育系的分子机理进行了讨论。  相似文献   

The endosperm calli were induced on MS basic medium supplemented with lppm 2,4-D, 0.5ppm KT and 5% sucrose. The medium which contained lppm BAP, 0.1ppm NAA and 2% sucrose was used for cell suspension culture. In suspension cell culture, amitosis of cleavage division of nucleus have been observed after 5 days of culture. First the nuclear membrane and nucleolus disappeared. The crevice appeared in the center of the nucleus, and the nucleus divided into two daughter nuclei of similar size and each with a nucleolus. The daughter nucleus resembled an eye in shape. Following the emergence of cell wall, the two new unequal cells were produced. Such amitotic division proceeded repeatedly until the callus developed and eventually plantlet regenerated.  相似文献   

该研究以茎瘤芥栽培品种‘永安小叶’为实验材料,在全基因组水平对茎瘤芥基因组中异戊烯基转移酶(IPT)家族基因成员进行鉴定;通过荧光定量PCR检测各基因在不同组织、盐胁迫和根肿菌胁迫条件下的表达模式。结果显示:(1)在茎瘤芥基因组中共鉴定到27个IPT家族基因,分布在14条染色体上,它们在系统进化树中可聚类为7个分支。(2)大部分IPT家族基因主要在茎瘤芥的根和茎中表达,在叶片、花和种荚中表达量相对较低。BjuB006281在茎中的表达水平最高,BjuA027211、BjuB010173、BjuB010174和BjuA001839在根中的表达水平较高。(3)大部分的IPT基因表达受盐胁迫抑制,BjuB006281、BjuA036403、BjuB010173、BjuB026254在盐胁迫12~48 h显著下调表达;BjuB022918和BjuB007352则在盐胁迫24~48 h显著下调表达。(4)大部分茎瘤芥IPT基因在12 h受到根肿菌侵染的显著诱导,其中BjuB006281、BjuA014415、BjuB022918在侵染后12 h的表达水平为0 h对照的15倍以上。该研究鉴定出多个响应盐胁迫和根肿菌胁迫的IPT基因,为进一步研究他们的基因功能奠定了基础。  相似文献   

以‘莱芜大姜’为试材,研究了生姜离体叶片愈伤组织的诱导以及细胞悬浮系建立与植株再生。结果表明,以生姜试管苗叶片为外植体,接种到MS+1.0 mg/L 2,4-D+0.5 mg/L 6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖的培养基上,可有效诱导出生长迅速、质地疏松的愈伤组织。将获得的愈伤组织接种到MS+0.15 mg/L 2,4-D+6.0 mg/L 6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖的液体培养基上,25℃黑暗条件下震荡培养25-30 d,可建立分散性好、生长迅速的悬浮细胞系,细胞悬浮系培养的适宜参数为:初始接种量为1.0-1.5 g,继代培养的适宜间隔期为15 d,继代培养液体培养基更新比例为3/4。将悬浮细胞接种到固体培养基MS+0.2 mg/L NAA+10.0 mg/L 6-BA+30 g/L蔗糖上可获得再生植株。  相似文献   

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