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Recent studies have demonstrated that physiological doses of progesterone may facilitate the androgen-dependent display of male sexual behavior in laboratory rats and three species of lizard. We used mice with a targeted disruption of the progesterone receptor to investigate whether such interactions exist in male mice and whether they may be modified by sexual experience. We found that naive intact male progesterone receptor knockout (PRKO) mice exhibit reduced mount frequencies compared to wild-type (WT) mice. Also unlike WT mice, sexually experienced PRKO males show profound losses in many measures of sexual behavior following castration. In a second experiment, we tested whether male mice heterozygous for a null mutation at the progesterone receptor locus were responsive to testosterone and progesterone treatment. We found that heterozygous males showed a reduced response to testosterone. The data are consistent with experiments indicating that the progesterone receptor is able to facilitate male-typical sex behaviors in other species and suggest novel mechanisms underlying the interaction of androgens and experience.  相似文献   

1. We examined whether oxytocin (OT) neurons in the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) were activated by estrus female odor and sexual contact in sexually naïve and experienced Long-Evans rats. 2. Male rats were not presented to anesthetized estrus females (control) or presented to the females without (exposure to the female odor without sexual contact) or with direct contact (exposure to the female odor with sexual contact). 3. Exposure to the female odor with sexual contact significantly increased OT neurons with Fos-ir in both males. Exposure to the female odor without contact increased OT neurons with Fos-immunoreactive cells (Fos-ir) in sexually experienced males but not in naïve males, suggesting that the female odor without sexual contact activated the oxytocinergic neuronal system in the PVN in the experienced males. 4. Therefore, exposure to the estrus female odor itself may exert different effects on sexually naïve and experienced males.  相似文献   

We investigated the function of copulation calls—vocalizations by females during mating—in captive groups of long-tailed macaques. We tested predictions of the contest-competition, sperm competition, synchronized orgasms, mate again, alpha-male notification and graded-signal hypotheses. We observed 371 copulations of 36 females wherein the presence or absence of a copulation call was clear. Females call equally often with different males and shortly after ejaculation. Copulation calls occurred equally with copulations with and without ejaculation. Calls did not incite disruptions of the mating. Following calls females mated again, more often than expected, with their mating partner. Both pregnant and fertile females uttered copulation calls. Two females conceived and mated mainly with the alpha male then. We conclude that copulation calls do not incite male contest competition for sexual access to females and that it is unlikely that calls synchronize male and female orgasms. Several hypotheses remain plausible, but not all predictions are borne out unequivocably. This alerts us to the possibility that the calls could have multiple beneficial effects; natural selection might strike a compromise among functions. Investigation of the mate again, sperm competition and alpha-male notification hypotheses, and of hypotheses not tested in our study concerning female breeding overlap and female-female agonism, is required.  相似文献   

Male signaling influences both female choice and male-male competition. Although male signaling characteristics and female preferences have been shown to coevolve in many species, few studies have examined whether male signal characteristics and male receiver responses related to male-male competition also coevolve. The present study tested the hypothesis that male and female signal receiver preferences may coevolve in parallel for frogs in the genus Babina by comparing the acoustic structure of male advertisement calls of four closely related and geographically isolated Babina species. Then we assessed the behavioral responses of both male and female B. daunchina(Emei music frog) to male call playbacks from each of the four species. The results support the hypothesis that male and female signal receiver preferences have coevolved in this species. Specifically, both male and female B. daunchina respond strongly to the heterospecific calls of B. hainanensis, suggesting that preexisting biases exist in both females and males. Both male and female individuals showed a slight response to the calls of B. adenopleura while no response was evoked by the calls of B. lini. The manifestation of similar response profiles in male and female B. daunchina to the calls of the four species support the idea that male and female signal receiver preferences evolved in parallel and that the origin of these receiver biases reflects adaptations dependent on the same neural and cognitive systems in both sexes.  相似文献   

《Current biology : CB》2019,29(19):3200-3215.e5
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One of the earliest recognized forms of sexual conflict was infanticide by males, which imposes serious costs on female reproductive success. Here I review two bodies of evidence addressing coevolved strategies of males and females. The original sexual selection hypothesis arguing that infanticide improves male mating success by accelerating the return of females to fertilizable condition has been generally supported in some taxa—notably, some primates, carnivores, rodents, and cetaceans—but not in other taxa. One result of recent research has been to implicate other selective benefits of infanticide by males in various taxa from insects to birds to mammals, such as acquisition of breeding status or improvement of the female breeding condition. In some cases, however, the adaptive significance of male infanticide remains obscure. The second body of data I review is arguably the most important result of recent research: clarifying the possible female counterstrategies to infanticide. These potential counterstrategies span diverse biological systems, ranging from sexual behavior (e.g., polyandrous mating), to physiology (e.g., the Bruce effect), to individual behavior (e.g., maternal aggression), to social strategies (e.g., association with coalitionary defenders of either sex). Although much remains to be studied, these current data provide compelling evidence of sexually antagonistic coevolution surrounding the phenomenon of infanticide.At its most elemental level, infanticide is the killing of a newborn individual by a conspecific. With the growing appreciation of its biological significance, however, infanticide came to be defined more broadly as any “behavior that makes a direct and significant contribution to the immediate death of an embryo or newly hatched or born member of the performer’s own species” (Mock 1984, p. 4) or “any form of lethal curtailment of parental investment in offspring brought about by conspecifics” (Hrdy and Hausfater 1984, p. xv). These definitions highlight the heterogeneous and variable nature of the phenomenon, which can be perpetrated by either sex, by parents or other kin, by individuals unrelated to the victim, in a wide variety of social and mating systems, under a range of seasonal or aseasonal breeding regimes, and across diverse taxa straddling vertebrates and invertebrates.One adaptive form of infanticide—the killing of infants by unrelated males—is arguably the archetype of sexual conflict. In 450 BCE, Herodotus not only documented the behavior among Egyptian cats, but explained it as a male “trick” to obtain sexual access to females otherwise preoccupied with maternal duties (Delibes et al. 2012). Among the myriad ideas inaugurating sociobiology in the 1970s, the hypothesis that infanticide is a male strategy that improves reproductive success at the expense of female fitness (Hrdy 1974) constituted one of the first demonstrations of the “battle of the sexes” theory developed by Williams (1966) and Trivers (1972). Partly because of the controversy surrounding the appearance of this hypothesis (Rees 2009), however, subsequent research focused more on male strategy than on the other party in this sexual dialectic, the female. Thus, field and laboratory research has helped to establish its many forms and conditional occurrence, describe its distribution across taxa, and clarify its adaptive significance, but it is only relatively recently that female counterstrategies have become the subjects of rigorous study, even though their potential importance was grasped early on (Hrdy 1979).In this article, I review selected aspects of this body of data and analysis. My focus is on nonparental male infanticide targeting dependent young—in mammals, nursing individuals—as opposed to older, weaned offspring, the killing of which is variably rendered “juvenilicide,” “pedicide,” or “filicide” (e.g., Agoramoorthy and Mohnot 1988; Palombit 2014, in press).  相似文献   

Humeral morphology has been shown to reflect, in part, habitual manipulative behaviors in humans. Among Central European agricultural populations, long-term social change, increasing task specialization, and technological innovation all had the potential to impact patterns of habitual activity and upper limb asymmetry. However, systematic temporal change in the skeletal morphology of agricultural populations in this region has not been well-characterized. This study investigates diachronic patterns in humeral biomechanical properties and lengths among 174 adult Central European agriculturalists through the first ∼5400 years of farming in the region. Greater asymmetry in biomechanical properties was expected to accompany the introduction of metallurgy, particularly in males, while upper limb loading patterns were expected to be more similar between the Bronze and Iron Ages. Results revealed a divergence in the lateralization of upper limb biomechanical properties by sex between the Early/Middle Neolithic and Early/Middle Bronze Age. Neolithic females had significantly more variable properties than males in both humeri, while Bronze Age female properties became homogeneous and very symmetrical relative to the right-biased lateralization of contemporaneous males. The Bronze Age to Iron Age transition was associated with morphological change among females, with a significant increase in right-biased asymmetry and a concomitant reduction in sexual dimorphism. Relative to biomechanical properties, humeral length variation and asymmetry were low though some significant sexual dimorphism and temporal change was found. It was among females that the lateralization of humeral biomechanical properties, and variation within them, changed most profoundly through time. This suggests that the introduction of the ard and plow, metallurgical innovation, task specialization, and socioeconomic change through ∼5400 years of agriculture impacted upper limb loading in Central European women to a greater extent than men.  相似文献   

Sexual selection and sexual signaling have been prominent topics in recent behavioral studies, but limited data have led to controversy regarding these topics. For example, the Hawaiian Drosophila are often cited as examples in which female choice has resulted in the evolution of elaborate male courtship signals, but relatively few data exist to test these claims adequately. We studied D. grimshawi, a lek-forming Hawaiian Drosophila, to determine whether there was evidence for female choice without male competition and to elucidate the possible cues females use to discriminate. Male mating success was found to be nonrandom and males that courted females intensely and deposited many pheromone-containing streaks on the substrate were the most successful. Hence, multiple cues seem to be involved in male mating success in this species. Some males performed only one display, however, and may represent an alternate male mating tactic. The protein content of the adult male diet significantly influenced the level of pheromone streak deposition, and thus, foraging environment may affect the outcome of sexual selection.  相似文献   

The water spider Argyroneta aquatica is the only spider spending its whole life under water, and one of the few spider species in which males are larger than females. Previous studies indicated that males can cannibalize females, which is uncommon among spiders. Here we aimed to further test for a potential influence of sexual selection on male body size. We examined the importance of female choice by testing whether females prefer the larger of two simultaneously presented males as mating partners. Further, we examined the influence of male–male competition by comparing the fighting behaviour between large and small males when alone or when together with a female, and we determined the outcome of fights. We found that females approach and choose large males as mating partners, despite the risk of male cannibalism. Additionally, males intensively compete for females, and large males clearly win against smaller ones. Hence sexual selection seems to be important for the evolution of the peculiar sexual size dimorphism of water spiders, as large size is beneficial for males in both the intra‐ and intersexual context. Previous studies have suggested an important role of natural selection in the sex‐specific body size of water spiders, but natural and sexual selection mechanisms apparently work in the same direction, favouring large male size.  相似文献   

Sexual ornamentation often consists of multiple components. Different sexual signals may indicate different aspects of mate quality or reflect quality in different time scales. On the other hand, same signals can have a dual function and are used both in male–male competition and courtship. Many fish species are capable of rapidly altering their colouration (ephemeral colour changes), but this capability is usually ignored in sexual selection studies. Here, we used experimentally manipulated social environments to study the ephemeral colour changes in multicomponent sexual signals of male minnows (Phoxinus phoxinus) during male–male competition and female choice. We found that the dominant males courted the females more actively and had redder and/or darker skin colouration than the subordinate males. Furthermore, darkness difference between subordinate and dominant males increased in the presence of female, which suggests that the male–male competition may increase the honesty of signalling and thus facilitate female choice. In support of this hypothesis, females had a strong behavioural preference towards the more colourful males, which may indicate female choice. As colourful males often had a higher social status than paler individuals, it is possible that females base their preference on male status, not only the colouration per se. In any case, our results suggest that sexual ornamentation of male minnows may signal status, courting activity and superior quality of the males and that these signals may have a dual function in both male–male competition and female choice. Females preferred different ornamental traits (dark and red colour patterns) relatively equally, indicating that mate choice is based on multiple cues.  相似文献   

Kdm3b is a JmjC domain-containing histone H3 (H3) demethylase and its physiological functions are largely unknown. In this study, we found that Kdm3b protein is highly expressed in multiple cell types in the mouse testes, including Leydig cells, Sertoli cells, spermatogonia and spermatocytes at different differentiation stages. We also observed Kdm3b protein in the epithelial cells of the caput epididymis, prostate and seminal vesicle. Breeding tests revealed that the number of pups produced by the breeding pairs with Kdm3b knockout (Kdm3bKO) males and wild type (WT) females was reduced 68% because of the decreased number of litters when compared with the breeding pairs with WT males and females. Further analysis demonstrated that Kdm3bKO male mice produced 44% fewer number of mature sperm in their cauda epididymides, displaying significantly reduced sperm motility. No significant differences in the circulating concentration of testosterone and the expression levels of androgen receptor and its representative target genes in the testis were observed. However, the circulating levels of 17β-estradiol, a modulator of sperm maturation and male sexual behaviors, was markedly reduced in Kdm3bKO male mice. Strikingly, abrogation of Kdm3b in male mice significantly increased the latencies to mount, intromit and ejaculate and decreased the number of mounts and intromissions, largely due to their loss of interest in female odors. These findings indicate that Kdm3b is required for normal spermatogenesis and sexual behaviors in male mice.  相似文献   

It is important to understand how women''s sexual practices may be influenced by male circumcision (MC) as an HIV prevention effort. Women''s beliefs about MC and sexual behaviour will likely influence the scale-up and uptake of medical MC. We conducted qualitative interviews with 30 sexually active women in Kisumu, Kenya. Women discussed MC related to perceived health benefits, condom use, sexual behaviour, knowledge of susceptibility to HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs), circumcision preference, and influence on circumcision uptake. Respondents had a good understanding of the partial protection of MC for acquisition of HIV for men. Women perceived circumcised men as cleaner, carrying fewer diseases, and taking more time to reach ejaculation. Male''s circumcision status is a salient factor for women''s sexual decision making, including partner choice, and condom use. It will be important that educational information affirms that MC provides only partial protection against female to male transmission of HIV and some STIs; that other HIV and STI prevention methods such as condoms need to be used in conjunction with MC; that MC does not preclude a man from having HIV; and that couples should develop plans for not having sex while the man is healing.  相似文献   

Ever since World War II, there has been a noticeable change in the sexual behavior and responses in men and women. Women, in general, are becoming sexually more assertive and demanding and men more indifferent and lethargic. In patients of middle age, sexual boredom is particularly pronounced in men, whereas the post-menopausal female becomes more interested in sexual pleasure.In the youth of the “cool” generation, both boys and girls are quite open about sex, but their sexual activities precede emotional involvement. The similarities in dress and behavior of both sexes indicate a wish for a twin rather than a search for a lover. In the age group between 25 and 45, women demand equal orgasms since they have become economically independent and are relatively free of the fear of pregnancy. This seems to have mobilized a deep-seated unconscious fear and hatred of women in the male, making him sexually apathetic. In both sexes there is a growing alienation between romantic love and sex.  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism in the human face has been linked to attractiveness, and computer‐graphic techniques have been useful in this field by allowing experimental manipulation of dimorphism. However, a limitation of much research is its reliance on static pictorial stimuli, whereas real faces are dynamic, as is much courtship behaviour throughout nature. Furthermore, little is known about possible interactions between static and dynamic facial cues and attractiveness. We adapted well‐established face‐morphing technology to manipulate sexual dimorphism in male and female dynamic facial displays depicting prosocial and antisocial behaviour. Masculinised and feminised versions of these videos were presented as a two‐alternative forced choice task to measure preferences. Feminised female videos were preferred in both movement contexts, as expected. More surprisingly, no directional preference for masculinity or femininity was evident for the male videos in either context. Further analysis showed that the movement of the faces (prosocial vs. antisocial) had no effect on attractiveness ratings. Results were the same with static stimuli and did not conflict with findings from the wider literature using static faces. These findings suggest that the new technique we describe is a valid way to manipulate facial shape in videos and can now be widely applied to future studies of facial morphing.  相似文献   

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