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The additive genetic variance-covariance matrix (G) is a concept central to discussions about evolutionary change over time in a suite of traits. However, at the moment we do not know how fast G itself changes as a consequence of selection or how sensitive it is to environmental influences. We investigated possible evolutionary divergence and environmental influences on G using data from a factorial common-garden experiment where common frog (Rana temporaria) tadpoles from two divergent populations were exposed to three different environmental treatments. G-matrices were estimated using an animal model approach applied to data from a NCII breeding design. Matrix comparisons using both Flury and multivariate analysis of variance methods revealed significant differences in G matrices both between populations and between treatments within populations, the former being generally larger than the latter. Comparison of levels of population differentiation in trait means using Q(ST) indices with that observed in microsatellite markers (F(ST)) revealed that the former values generally exceeded the neutral expectation set by F(ST). Hence, the results suggest that intraspecific divergence in G matrix structure has occurred mainly due to natural selection.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the benefit of mapping paired cysteine mutation patterns as a guide to identifying the positions of protein disulfide bonds. This information can facilitate the computer modeling of protein tertiary structure. First, a simple, paired natural-cysteine-mutation map is presented that identifies the positions of putative disulfide bonds in protein families. The method is based on the observation that if, during the process of evolution, a disulfide-bonded cysteine residue is not conserved, then it is likely that its counterpart will also be mutated. For each target protein, protein databases were searched for the primary amino acid sequences of all known members of distinct protein families. Primary sequence alignment was carried out using PileUp algorithms in the GCG package. To search for correlated mutations, we listed only the positions where cysteine residues were highly conserved and emphasized the mutated residues. In proteins of known three-dimensional structure, a striking pattern of paired cysteine mutations correlated with the positions of known disulfide bridges. For proteins of unknown architecture, the mutation maps showed several positions where disulfide bridging might occur.  相似文献   

Recent genome-wide association studies have identified a number of susceptibility loci for Alzheimer disease (AD). To understand the functional consequences and potential interactions of the associated loci, we explored large-scale data sets interrogating the human genome for evidence of positive natural selection. Our findings provide significant evidence for signatures of recent positive selection acting on several haplotypes carrying AD susceptibility alleles; interestingly, the genes found in these selected haplotypes can be assembled, independently, into a molecular complex via a protein-protein interaction (PPI) network approach. These results suggest a possible coevolution of genes encoding physically-interacting proteins that underlie AD susceptibility and are coexpressed in different tissues. In particular, PICALM, BIN1, CD2AP, and EPHA1 are interconnected through multiple interacting proteins and appear to have coordinated evidence of selection in the same human population, suggesting that they may be involved in the execution of a shared molecular function. This observation may be AD-specific, as the 12 loci associated with Parkinson disease do not demonstrate excess evidence of natural selection. The context for selection is probably unrelated to AD itself; it is likely that these genes interact in another context, such as in immune cells, where we observe cis-regulatory effects at several of the selected AD loci.  相似文献   

We describe a method for calculating the tertiary structure of proteins given their amino acid sequence. The algorithm involves locally minimizing an energylike expression as a function of the Cartesian co-ordinates of the Cβ of all residues. Although the approximation to the true polypeptide geometry and conformational energies is extremely approximate, quite respectable results have been obtained for the small proteins rubredoxin and trypsin inhibitor, where the root mean square errors are as low as 4.0 Å and 4.7 Å, respectively.  相似文献   

Markovian models of protein evolution that relax the assumption of independent change among codons are considered. With this comparatively realistic framework, an evolutionary rate at a site can depend both on the state of the site and on the states of surrounding sites. By allowing a relatively general dependence structure among sites, models of evolution can reflect attributes of tertiary structure. To quantify the impact of protein structure on protein evolution, we analyze protein-coding DNA sequence pairs with an evolutionary model that incorporates effects of solvent accessibility and pairwise interactions among amino acid residues. By explicitly considering the relationship between nonsynonymous substitution rates and protein structure, this approach can lead to refined detection and characterization of positive selection. Analyses of simulated sequence pairs indicate that parameters in this evolutionary model can be well estimated. Analyses of lysozyme c and annexin V sequence pairs yield the biologically reasonable result that amino acid replacement rates are higher when the replacements lead to energetically favorable proteins than when they destabilize the proteins. Although the focus here is evolutionary dependence among codons that is associated with protein structure, the statistical approach is quite general and could be applied to diverse cases of evolutionary dependence where surrogates for sequence fitness can be measured or modeled.  相似文献   

A general approach to the problem of molecular conformation is advanced. We describe a formalism that permits experimental and theoretical information to be incorporated into a set of upper and lower bounds on intramolecular distances. Structures (conformations) meeting these bounds can be readily generated and compared with each other. To illustrate the use of the method, we have employed a simple “firehose” model for protein folding to predict the long-range hydrophobic interactions in a small protein: pancreatic trypsin inhibitor. Models of this type lead to the proper hairpin turns and a reasonable set of long-range contacts for this protein. Application of the distance geometry method then yields backbone conformations with errors of 4–8 Å compared to the native structure. We discuss both the merits and shortcomings of the firehose model and the relation between distance geometry and energy minimization techniques.  相似文献   

Polymorphism of genes in the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is believed to be maintained by balancing selection. However, direct evidence of selection has proven difficult to demonstrate. In 1994, Satta and colleagues estimated the selection intensity of the human MHC (human leukocyte antigen (HLA)) loci; however, at that time the number of HLA sequences was limited. By comparing five different methods, this study demonstrated the best way to calculate the selection coefficient, through a computer simulation study. Since the study, many HLA nucleotide sequences have been made available. Our new analysis takes advantage of these newly available sequences and compares new estimates with those of the previous study. Generally, our new results are consistent with those of the 1994 study. Our results show that, even after 20 years of exhaustive sequencing of human HLA, the number of dominant HLA alleles, on which our original estimate of selection intensity depended, appears to be conserved. Indeed, according to the frequency distribution for each HLA allele, most sequences in the database were minor or private alleles; therefore, we conclude that the selection intensities of HLA loci are at most 4.4 % even though the HLA is the prominent example on which the natural selection has been operating.  相似文献   



In this study we present a single population test (Ewens-Waterson) applied in a genomic context to investigate the presence of recent positive selection in the Irish population. The Irish population is an interesting focus for the investigation of recent selection since several lines of evidence suggest that it may have a relatively undisturbed genetic heritage.  相似文献   

Hydropathy plots or window averages over local stretches of the sequence of residue hydrophobicity have revealed patterns related to various protein tertiary structural features. This has enabled identification of regions of the sequence that are at the surface or within the interior of globular soluble proteins, regions located within the lipid bilayer of transmembrane proteins, portions of the sequence that characterize repeating motifs, as well as motifs that usefully characterize different protein structural families. This, therefore, provides one example of the generally expressed maxim that "sequence determines structure". On the other hand, a number of previous investigations have shown the rapidly varying values of residue hydrophobicity along the sequence to be distributed approximately randomly. So one might question just how much of the sequence actually determines structure. It is, therefore, of interest to extract that part of this rapidly varying distribution of residue hydrophobicity that is responsible for the longer wavelength variations that correlate with protein tertiary structural features and to determine their prevalence within the entire distribution. This is accomplished by a finite Fourier analysis of the sequence of residue hydrophobicity and of a new measure of residue distance from the protein interior. Calculations are performed on a number of globins, immunoglobulins, cuprodoxins, and papain-like structures. The spectral power of the Fourier amplitudes of the frequencies extracted, whose inverse transforms underlie the windowed values of residue hydrophobicity is shown to be a small fraction of the total power of the hydrophobicity distribution and thereby consistent with a distribution that might appear to be predominantly random. The wide range of sequence identity between proteins having the same fold, all exhibiting similar small fractions of power amplitude that correlate with the longer wavelength inside-to-outside excursions of the amino acid residues, supports the general contention that close sequence identity is an expression of a close evolutionary relationship rather than an expression of structural similarity. Practical implications of the present analysis for protein structure prediction and engineering are also described.  相似文献   

To investigate the evolutionary impact of protein structure, the experimentally determined tertiary structure and the protein-coding DNA sequence were collected for each of 1,195 genes. These genes were studied via a model of sequence change that explicitly incorporates effects on evolutionary rates due to protein tertiary structure. In the model, these effects act via the solvent accessibility environments and pairwise amino acid interactions that are induced by tertiary structure. To compare the hypotheses that structure does and does not have a strong influence on evolution, Bayes factors were estimated for each of the 1,195 sequences. Most of the Bayes factors strongly support the hypothesis that protein structure affects protein evolution. Furthermore, both solvent accessibility and pairwise interactions among amino acids are inferred to have important roles in protein evolution. Our results also indicate that the strength of the relationship between tertiary structure and evolution has a weak but real correlation to the annotation information in the Gene Ontology database. Although their influences on rates of evolution vary among protein families, we find that the mean impacts of solvent accessibility and pairwise interactions are about the same.  相似文献   

Evaluation of Surface Complementarity, Hydrogen bonding, and Electrostatic interaction in molecular Recognition (ESCHER) is a new docking procedure consisting of three modules that work in series. The first module evaluates the geometric complementarity and produces a set of rough solutions for the docking problem. The second module identifies molecular collisions within those solutions, and the third evaluates their electrostatic complementarity. We describe the algorithm and its application to the docking of cocrystallized protein domains and unbound components of protein-protein complexes. Furthermore, ESCHER has been applied to the reassociation of secondary and supersecondary structure elements. The possibility of applying a docking method to the problem of protein structure prediction is discussed. Proteins 28:556–567, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An in vitro selection system was devised to select RNAs based on their tertiary structural stability, independent of RNA activity. Selection studies were conducted on the P4-P6 domain from the Tetrahymena thermophila group I intron, an autonomous self-folding unit that contains several important tertiary folding motifs including the tetraloop receptor and the A-rich bulge. Partially randomized P4-P6 molecules were selected based on their ability to fold into compact structures using native gel electrophoresis in the presence of decreasing concentrations of MgCl2. After 10 rounds of the selection process, a number of sequence alterations were identified that stabilized the P4-P6 RNA. One of these, a single base deletion of C209 within the P4 helix, significantly stabilized the P4-P6 molecule and would not have been identified by an activity-based selection because of its essential role for ribozyme function. Additionally, the sequence analysis provided evidence that stabilization of secondary structure may contribute to overall tertiary stability for RNAs. This system for probing RNA structure irrespective of RNA activity allows analysis of RNA structure/function relationships by identifying nucleotides or motifs important for folding and then comparing them with RNA sequences required for function.  相似文献   

Selection on quantitative trait loci (QTL) may vary among natural environments due to differences in the genetic architecture of traits, environment‐specific allelic effects or changes in the direction and magnitude of selection on specific traits. To dissect the environmental differences in selection on life history QTL across climatic regions, we grew a panel of interconnected recombinant inbred lines (RILs) of Arabidopsis thaliana in four field sites across its native European range. For each environment, we mapped QTL for growth, reproductive timing and development. Several QTL were pleiotropic across environments, three colocalizing with known functional polymorphisms in flowering time genes (CRY2, FRI and MAF2‐5), but major QTL differed across field sites, showing conditional neutrality. We used structural equation models to trace selection paths from QTL to lifetime fitness in each environment. Only three QTL directly affected fruit number, measuring fitness. Most QTL had an indirect effect on fitness through their effect on bolting time or leaf length. Influence of life history traits on fitness differed dramatically across sites, resulting in different patterns of selection on reproductive timing and underlying QTL. In two oceanic field sites with high prereproductive mortality, QTL alleles contributing to early reproduction resulted in greater fruit production, conferring selective advantage, whereas alleles contributing to later reproduction resulted in larger size and higher fitness in a continental site. This demonstrates how environmental variation leads to change in both QTL effect sizes and direction of selection on traits, justifying the persistence of allelic polymorphism at life history QTL across the species range.  相似文献   

Rearrangement of tertiary structure in response to mechanical force (termed tertiary structure elasticity) in the tandem Ig chain is the first mode of elastic response for muscle protein titin. Tertiary structure elasticity occurs at low stretching forces (few tens of pN), and was described at atomic resolution in a recent molecular dynamics study, in which an originally crescent-shaped six-Ig chain was stretched into a linear chain. However, the force-extension profile that resulted from this explicit solvent simulation was dominated by the hydrodynamic drag force, and effects of tertiary structure elasticity only manifested for stretching forces above 20 pN. Here we report a slow pulling 100-ns simulation (along with other auxiliary simulations), in which hydrodynamic drag force is seen to reduce to near 0 pN, such that tertiary structure elasticity could be characterized over a 0–200 pN range. Statistical mechanical analysis showed that the stretching velocity was sufficiently low such that the protein remained significantly relaxed during the major part of its extension.  相似文献   

Biological effects caused by the post-translational methylation of certain side chains in proteins has been thought to be due solely to changes in charge, steric relations or hydrophobicity at the site of the methyl group. However, there is increasing evidence that the presence of CH3 can also induce a "global" effect on the protein molecule. Some of the evidence is described in this paper.  相似文献   

MOTIVATION: While protein secondary structure is well understood, representing the repetitive nature of tertiary packing in proteins remains difficult. We have developed a construct called the relative packing group (RPG) that applies the clique concept from graph theory as a natural basis for defining the packing motifs in proteins. An RPG is defined as a clique of residues, where every member contacts all others as determined by the Delaunay tessellation. Geometrically similar RPGs define a regular element of tertiary structure or tertiary motif (TerMo). This intuitive construct provides a simple approach to characterize general repetitive elements of tertiary structure. RESULTS: A dataset of over 4 million tetrahedral RPGs was clustered using different criteria to characterize the various aspects of regular tertiary structure in TerMos. Grouping this data within the SCOP classification levels of Family, Superfamily, Fold, Class and PDB showed that similar packing is shared across different folds. Classification of RPGs based on residue sequence locality reveals topological preferences according to protein sizes and secondary structure. We find that larger proteins favor RPGs with three local residues packed against a non-local residue. Classifying by secondary structure, helices prefer mostly local residues, sheets favor at least two local residues, while turns and coil populate with more local residues. To depict these TerMos, we have developed 2 complementary and intuitive representations: (i) Dirichlet process mixture density estimation of the torsion angle distributions and (ii) kernel density estimation of the Cartesian coordinate distribution. The TerMo library and representations software are available upon request.  相似文献   

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